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authorJP Abgrall <>2012-05-03 12:52:15 -0700
committerJP Abgrall <>2012-05-03 12:52:15 -0700
commit29e8de22ad806bdcaa971ffeeb360c9f908aa346 (patch)
parentb1d24094c2c5d48bbb3dfad4a0551ff0bf77ce6c (diff)
BandwidthController: Fix double counting
Only have qtaguid only count in the bw_INPUT/bw_OUTPUT chains and not in the costly_* subchains. We don't use --goto anymore. Change-Id: I2eded2e0fa12b46843d32e74406cfeda85f242d1
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/BandwidthController.cpp b/BandwidthController.cpp
index e2c2fbe6..31cdcab7 100644
--- a/BandwidthController.cpp
+++ b/BandwidthController.cpp
@@ -62,33 +62,32 @@ bool BandwidthController::useLogwrapCall = false;
* Some comments about the rules:
* * Ordering
* - when an interface is marked as costly it should be INSERTED into the INPUT/OUTPUT chains.
- * E.g. "-I INPUT -i rmnet0 --jump costly"
+ * E.g. "-I bw_INPUT -i rmnet0 --jump costly"
* - quota'd rules in the costly chain should be before penalty_box lookups.
+ * - the qtaguid counting is done at the end of the bw_INPUT/bw_OUTPUT user chains.
* * global quota vs per interface quota
* - global quota for all costly interfaces uses a single costly chain:
* . initial rules
* iptables -N costly_shared
- * iptables -I INPUT -i iface0 --jump costly_shared
- * iptables -I OUTPUT -o iface0 --jump costly_shared
+ * iptables -I bw_INPUT -i iface0 --jump costly_shared
+ * iptables -I bw_OUTPUT -o iface0 --jump costly_shared
* iptables -I costly_shared -m quota \! --quota 500000 \
* --jump REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-prohibited
* iptables -A costly_shared --jump penalty_box
- * iptables -A costly_shared -m owner --socket-exists
* . adding a new iface to this, E.g.:
- * iptables -I INPUT -i iface1 --jump costly_shared
- * iptables -I OUTPUT -o iface1 --jump costly_shared
+ * iptables -I bw_INPUT -i iface1 --jump costly_shared
+ * iptables -I bw_OUTPUT -o iface1 --jump costly_shared
* - quota per interface. This is achieve by having "costly" chains per quota.
* E.g. adding a new costly interface iface0 with its own quota:
* iptables -N costly_iface0
- * iptables -I INPUT -i iface0 --jump costly_iface0
- * iptables -I OUTPUT -o iface0 --jump costly_iface0
+ * iptables -I bw_INPUT -i iface0 --jump costly_iface0
+ * iptables -I bw_OUTPUT -o iface0 --jump costly_iface0
* iptables -A costly_iface0 -m quota \! --quota 500000 \
* --jump REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-prohibited
* iptables -A costly_iface0 --jump penalty_box
- * iptables -A costly_iface0 -m owner --socket-exists
* * penalty_box handling:
* - only one penalty_box for all interfaces
@@ -160,7 +159,6 @@ const char *BandwidthController::IPT_BASIC_ACCOUNTING_COMMANDS[] = {
"-A bw_OUTPUT -m owner --socket-exists", /* This is a tracking rule. */
"-A costly_shared --jump penalty_box",
- "-A costly_shared -m owner --socket-exists", /* This is a tracking rule. */
"-t raw -A bw_raw_PREROUTING ! -i lo+ -m owner --socket-exists", /* This is a tracking rule. */
"-t mangle -A bw_mangle_POSTROUTING ! -o lo+ -m owner --socket-exists", /* This is a tracking rule. */
@@ -462,8 +460,6 @@ int BandwidthController::prepCostlyIface(const char *ifn, QuotaType quotaType) {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "-A %s -j penalty_box", costCString);
res |= runIpxtablesCmd(cmd, IptRejectNoAdd);
- snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "-A %s -m owner --socket-exists", costCString);
- res |= runIpxtablesCmd(cmd, IptRejectNoAdd);
case QuotaShared:
costCString = "costly_shared";