path: root/keystore2/legacykeystore
diff options
authorJanis Danisevskis <>2021-06-14 14:18:20 -0700
committerJanis Danisevskis <>2021-06-30 12:37:12 -0700
commit3eb829da4de8f335f44a19b9b8f5d58bf9b89588 (patch)
tree15d5e09e9b7e66b1dbe9c003db4334633bc15621 /keystore2/legacykeystore
parent30257fa90851e4f1ef3574dcd83cc763ba7ae535 (diff)
Keystore 2.0: Extend the functionality of the Vpn profile store.
It turns out there are more clients that use Keystore in a creative way. This patch renames the VpnProfileStore to LegacyKeystore and extends the functionality such that it allows access to all blobs with alias prefixes that were not known to Keystore. It also brings back the option to specify a uid argument. Specifically, for AID_SYSTEM to manipulate the WIFI namespace. Test: TBD Bug: 191373871 Merged-In: Iaf81e7ccaee3c09a465dcec0fd5899b781c31db5 Change-Id: Iaf81e7ccaee3c09a465dcec0fd5899b781c31db5
Diffstat (limited to 'keystore2/legacykeystore')
2 files changed, 625 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystore2/legacykeystore/Android.bp b/keystore2/legacykeystore/Android.bp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2890cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystore2/legacykeystore/Android.bp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// Copyright 2021, The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package {
+ // See: http://go/android-license-faq
+ // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import
+ // all of the 'license_kinds' from "system_security_license"
+ // to get the below license kinds:
+ // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
+ default_applicable_licenses: ["system_security_license"],
+rust_library {
+ name: "liblegacykeystore-rust",
+ crate_name: "legacykeystore",
+ srcs: [
+ "",
+ ],
+ rustlibs: [
+ "",
+ "libanyhow",
+ "libbinder_rs",
+ "libkeystore2",
+ "liblog_rust",
+ "librusqlite",
+ "libthiserror",
+ ],
+rust_test {
+ name: "legacykeystore_test",
+ crate_name: "legacykeystore",
+ srcs: [""],
+ test_suites: ["general-tests"],
+ auto_gen_config: true,
+ rustlibs: [
+ "",
+ "libanyhow",
+ "libbinder_rs",
+ "libkeystore2",
+ "libkeystore2_test_utils",
+ "liblog_rust",
+ "librusqlite",
+ "libthiserror",
+ ],
diff --git a/keystore2/legacykeystore/ b/keystore2/legacykeystore/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a4d7d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystore2/legacykeystore/
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+// Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+//! Implements the interface.
+use android_security_legacykeystore::aidl::android::security::legacykeystore::{
+ ILegacyKeystore::BnLegacyKeystore, ILegacyKeystore::ILegacyKeystore,
+ ILegacyKeystore::ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR, ILegacyKeystore::UID_SELF,
+use android_security_legacykeystore::binder::{
+ BinderFeatures, ExceptionCode, Result as BinderResult, Status as BinderStatus, Strong,
+ ThreadState,
+use anyhow::{Context, Result};
+use keystore2::{async_task::AsyncTask, legacy_blob::LegacyBlobLoader, utils::watchdog as wd};
+use rusqlite::{
+ params, Connection, OptionalExtension, Transaction, TransactionBehavior, NO_PARAMS,
+use std::{
+ collections::HashSet,
+ path::{Path, PathBuf},
+struct DB {
+ conn: Connection,
+impl DB {
+ fn new(db_file: &Path) -> Result<Self> {
+ let mut db = Self {
+ conn: Connection::open(db_file).context("Failed to initialize SQLite connection.")?,
+ };
+ db.init_tables().context("Trying to initialize legacy keystore db.")?;
+ Ok(db)
+ }
+ fn with_transaction<T, F>(&mut self, behavior: TransactionBehavior, f: F) -> Result<T>
+ where
+ F: Fn(&Transaction) -> Result<T>,
+ {
+ loop {
+ match self
+ .conn
+ .transaction_with_behavior(behavior)
+ .context("In with_transaction.")
+ .and_then(|tx| f(&tx).map(|result| (result, tx)))
+ .and_then(|(result, tx)| {
+ tx.commit().context("In with_transaction: Failed to commit transaction.")?;
+ Ok(result)
+ }) {
+ Ok(result) => break Ok(result),
+ Err(e) => {
+ if Self::is_locked_error(&e) {
+ std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_micros(500));
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ return Err(e).context("In with_transaction.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn is_locked_error(e: &anyhow::Error) -> bool {
+ matches!(
+ e.root_cause().downcast_ref::<rusqlite::ffi::Error>(),
+ Some(rusqlite::ffi::Error { code: rusqlite::ErrorCode::DatabaseBusy, .. })
+ | Some(rusqlite::ffi::Error { code: rusqlite::ErrorCode::DatabaseLocked, .. })
+ )
+ }
+ fn init_tables(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Immediate, |tx| {
+ tx.execute(
+ owner INTEGER,
+ alias BLOB,
+ profile BLOB,
+ UNIQUE(owner, alias));",
+ )
+ .context("Failed to initialize \"profiles\" table.")?;
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ }
+ fn list(&mut self, caller_uid: u32) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
+ self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Deferred, |tx| {
+ let mut stmt = tx
+ .prepare("SELECT alias FROM profiles WHERE owner = ? ORDER BY alias ASC;")
+ .context("In list: Failed to prepare statement.")?;
+ let aliases = stmt
+ .query_map(params![caller_uid], |row| row.get(0))?
+ .collect::<rusqlite::Result<Vec<String>>>()
+ .context("In list: query_map failed.");
+ aliases
+ })
+ }
+ fn put(&mut self, caller_uid: u32, alias: &str, entry: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Immediate, |tx| {
+ tx.execute(
+ "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO profiles (owner, alias, profile) values (?, ?, ?)",
+ params![caller_uid, alias, entry,],
+ )
+ .context("In put: Failed to insert or replace.")?;
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ }
+ fn get(&mut self, caller_uid: u32, alias: &str) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
+ self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Deferred, |tx| {
+ tx.query_row(
+ "SELECT profile FROM profiles WHERE owner = ? AND alias = ?;",
+ params![caller_uid, alias],
+ |row| row.get(0),
+ )
+ .optional()
+ .context("In get: failed loading entry.")
+ })
+ }
+ fn remove(&mut self, caller_uid: u32, alias: &str) -> Result<bool> {
+ let removed = self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Immediate, |tx| {
+ tx.execute(
+ "DELETE FROM profiles WHERE owner = ? AND alias = ?;",
+ params![caller_uid, alias],
+ )
+ .context("In remove: Failed to delete row.")
+ })?;
+ Ok(removed == 1)
+ }
+/// This is the main LegacyKeystore error type, it wraps binder exceptions and the
+/// LegacyKeystore errors.
+#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, PartialEq)]
+pub enum Error {
+ /// Wraps a LegacyKeystore error code.
+ #[error("Error::Error({0:?})")]
+ Error(i32),
+ /// Wraps a Binder exception code other than a service specific exception.
+ #[error("Binder exception code {0:?}, {1:?}")]
+ Binder(ExceptionCode, i32),
+impl Error {
+ /// Short hand for `Error::Error(ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR)`
+ pub fn sys() -> Self {
+ }
+ /// Short hand for `Error::Error(ERROR_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND)`
+ pub fn not_found() -> Self {
+ }
+ /// Short hand for `Error::Error(ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED)`
+ pub fn perm() -> Self {
+ }
+/// This function should be used by legacykeystore service calls to translate error conditions
+/// into service specific exceptions.
+/// All error conditions get logged by this function, except for ERROR_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND error.
+/// `Error::Error(x)` variants get mapped onto a service specific error code of `x`.
+/// All non `Error` error conditions get mapped onto `ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR`.
+/// `handle_ok` will be called if `result` is `Ok(value)` where `value` will be passed
+/// as argument to `handle_ok`. `handle_ok` must generate a `BinderResult<T>`, but it
+/// typically returns Ok(value).
+fn map_or_log_err<T, U, F>(result: Result<U>, handle_ok: F) -> BinderResult<T>
+ F: FnOnce(U) -> BinderResult<T>,
+ result.map_or_else(
+ |e| {
+ let root_cause = e.root_cause();
+ let (rc, log_error) = match root_cause.downcast_ref::<Error>() {
+ // Make the entry not found errors silent.
+ Some(Error::Error(ERROR_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND)) => (ERROR_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND, false),
+ Some(Error::Error(e)) => (*e, true),
+ Some(Error::Binder(_, _)) | None => (ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR, true),
+ };
+ if log_error {
+ log::error!("{:?}", e);
+ }
+ Err(BinderStatus::new_service_specific_error(rc, None))
+ },
+ handle_ok,
+ )
+/// Implements ILegacyKeystore AIDL interface.
+pub struct LegacyKeystore {
+ db_path: PathBuf,
+ async_task: AsyncTask,
+struct AsyncState {
+ recently_imported: HashSet<(u32, String)>,
+ legacy_loader: LegacyBlobLoader,
+ db_path: PathBuf,
+impl LegacyKeystore {
+ /// Note: The filename was chosen before the purpose of this module was extended.
+ /// It is kept for backward compatibility with early adopters.
+ const LEGACY_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME: &'static str = "vpnprofilestore.sqlite";
+ /// Creates a new LegacyKeystore instance.
+ pub fn new_native_binder(path: &Path) -> Strong<dyn ILegacyKeystore> {
+ let mut db_path = path.to_path_buf();
+ db_path.push(Self::LEGACY_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME);
+ let result = Self { db_path, async_task: Default::default() };
+ result.init_shelf(path);
+ BnLegacyKeystore::new_binder(result, BinderFeatures::default())
+ }
+ fn open_db(&self) -> Result<DB> {
+ DB::new(&self.db_path).context("In open_db: Failed to open db.")
+ }
+ fn get_effective_uid(uid: i32) -> Result<u32> {
+ const AID_SYSTEM: u32 = 1000;
+ const AID_WIFI: u32 = 1010;
+ let calling_uid = ThreadState::get_calling_uid();
+ let uid = uid as u32;
+ if uid == UID_SELF as u32 || uid == calling_uid {
+ Ok(calling_uid)
+ } else if calling_uid == AID_SYSTEM && uid == AID_WIFI {
+ // The only exception for legacy reasons is allowing SYSTEM to access
+ // the WIFI namespace.
+ // IMPORTANT: If you attempt to add more exceptions, it means you are adding
+ // more callers to this deprecated feature. DON'T!
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::perm()).with_context(|| {
+ format!("In get_effective_uid: caller: {}, requested uid: {}.", calling_uid, uid)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ fn get(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let mut db = self.open_db().context("In get.")?;
+ let uid = Self::get_effective_uid(uid).context("In get.")?;
+ if let Some(entry) = db.get(uid, alias).context("In get: Trying to load entry from DB.")? {
+ return Ok(entry);
+ }
+ if self.get_legacy(uid, alias).context("In get: Trying to migrate legacy blob.")? {
+ // If we were able to migrate a legacy blob try again.
+ if let Some(entry) =
+ db.get(uid, alias).context("In get: Trying to load entry from DB.")?
+ {
+ return Ok(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ Err(Error::not_found()).context("In get: No such entry.")
+ }
+ fn put(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32, entry: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ let uid = Self::get_effective_uid(uid).context("In put.")?;
+ // In order to make sure that we don't have stale legacy entries, make sure they are
+ // migrated before replacing them.
+ let _ = self.get_legacy(uid, alias);
+ let mut db = self.open_db().context("In put.")?;
+ db.put(uid, alias, entry).context("In put: Trying to insert entry into DB.")
+ }
+ fn remove(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32) -> Result<()> {
+ let uid = Self::get_effective_uid(uid).context("In remove.")?;
+ let mut db = self.open_db().context("In remove.")?;
+ // In order to make sure that we don't have stale legacy entries, make sure they are
+ // migrated before removing them.
+ let _ = self.get_legacy(uid, alias);
+ let removed =
+ db.remove(uid, alias).context("In remove: Trying to remove entry from DB.")?;
+ if removed {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::not_found()).context("In remove: No such entry.")
+ }
+ }
+ fn list(&self, prefix: &str, uid: i32) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
+ let mut db = self.open_db().context("In list.")?;
+ let uid = Self::get_effective_uid(uid).context("In list.")?;
+ let mut result = self.list_legacy(uid).context("In list.")?;
+ result.append(&mut db.list(uid).context("In list: Trying to get list of entries.")?);
+ result = result.into_iter().filter(|s| s.starts_with(prefix)).collect();
+ result.sort_unstable();
+ result.dedup();
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+ fn init_shelf(&self, path: &Path) {
+ let mut db_path = path.to_path_buf();
+ self.async_task.queue_hi(move |shelf| {
+ let legacy_loader = LegacyBlobLoader::new(&db_path);
+ db_path.push(Self::LEGACY_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME);
+ shelf.put(AsyncState { legacy_loader, db_path, recently_imported: Default::default() });
+ })
+ }
+ fn do_serialized<F, T: Send + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> Result<T>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(&mut AsyncState) -> Result<T> + Send + 'static,
+ {
+ let (sender, receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::channel::<Result<T>>();
+ self.async_task.queue_hi(move |shelf| {
+ let state = shelf.get_downcast_mut::<AsyncState>().expect("Failed to get shelf.");
+ sender.send(f(state)).expect("Failed to send result.");
+ });
+ receiver.recv().context("In do_serialized: Failed to receive result.")?
+ }
+ fn list_legacy(&self, uid: u32) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
+ self.do_serialized(move |state| {
+ state
+ .legacy_loader
+ .list_legacy_keystore_entries(uid)
+ .context("Trying to list legacy keystore entries.")
+ })
+ .context("In list_legacy.")
+ }
+ fn get_legacy(&self, uid: u32, alias: &str) -> Result<bool> {
+ let alias = alias.to_string();
+ self.do_serialized(move |state| {
+ if state.recently_imported.contains(&(uid, alias.clone())) {
+ return Ok(true);
+ }
+ let mut db = DB::new(&state.db_path).context("In open_db: Failed to open db.")?;
+ let migrated =
+ Self::migrate_one_legacy_entry(uid, &alias, &state.legacy_loader, &mut db)
+ .context("Trying to migrate legacy keystore entries.")?;
+ if migrated {
+ state.recently_imported.insert((uid, alias));
+ }
+ Ok(migrated)
+ })
+ .context("In get_legacy.")
+ }
+ fn migrate_one_legacy_entry(
+ uid: u32,
+ alias: &str,
+ legacy_loader: &LegacyBlobLoader,
+ db: &mut DB,
+ ) -> Result<bool> {
+ let blob = legacy_loader
+ .read_legacy_keystore_entry(uid, alias)
+ .context("In migrate_one_legacy_entry: Trying to read legacy keystore entry.")?;
+ if let Some(entry) = blob {
+ db.put(uid, alias, &entry)
+ .context("In migrate_one_legacy_entry: Trying to insert entry into DB.")?;
+ legacy_loader
+ .remove_legacy_keystore_entry(uid, alias)
+ .context("In migrate_one_legacy_entry: Trying to delete legacy keystore entry.")?;
+ Ok(true)
+ } else {
+ Ok(false)
+ }
+ }
+impl binder::Interface for LegacyKeystore {}
+impl ILegacyKeystore for LegacyKeystore {
+ fn get(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32) -> BinderResult<Vec<u8>> {
+ let _wp = wd::watch_millis("ILegacyKeystore::get", 500);
+ map_or_log_err(self.get(alias, uid), Ok)
+ }
+ fn put(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32, entry: &[u8]) -> BinderResult<()> {
+ let _wp = wd::watch_millis("ILegacyKeystore::put", 500);
+ map_or_log_err(self.put(alias, uid, entry), Ok)
+ }
+ fn remove(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32) -> BinderResult<()> {
+ let _wp = wd::watch_millis("ILegacyKeystore::remove", 500);
+ map_or_log_err(self.remove(alias, uid), Ok)
+ }
+ fn list(&self, prefix: &str, uid: i32) -> BinderResult<Vec<String>> {
+ let _wp = wd::watch_millis("ILegacyKeystore::list", 500);
+ map_or_log_err(self.list(prefix, uid), Ok)
+ }
+mod db_test {
+ use super::*;
+ use keystore2_test_utils::TempDir;
+ use std::sync::Arc;
+ use std::thread;
+ use std::time::Duration;
+ use std::time::Instant;
+ static TEST_ALIAS: &str = &"test_alias";
+ static TEST_BLOB1: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
+ static TEST_BLOB2: &[u8] = &[2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
+ static TEST_BLOB3: &[u8] = &[3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
+ static TEST_BLOB4: &[u8] = &[3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
+ #[test]
+ fn test_entry_db() {
+ let test_dir = TempDir::new("entrydb_test_").expect("Failed to create temp dir.");
+ let mut db = DB::new(&
+ .expect("Failed to open database.");
+ // Insert three entries for owner 2.
+ db.put(2, "test1", TEST_BLOB1).expect("Failed to insert test1.");
+ db.put(2, "test2", TEST_BLOB2).expect("Failed to insert test2.");
+ db.put(2, "test3", TEST_BLOB3).expect("Failed to insert test3.");
+ // Check list returns all inserted aliases.
+ assert_eq!(
+ vec!["test1".to_string(), "test2".to_string(), "test3".to_string(),],
+ db.list(2).expect("Failed to list entries.")
+ );
+ // There should be no entries for owner 1.
+ assert_eq!(Vec::<String>::new(), db.list(1).expect("Failed to list entries."));
+ // Check the content of the three entries.
+ assert_eq!(Some(TEST_BLOB1), db.get(2, "test1").expect("Failed to get entry.").as_deref());
+ assert_eq!(Some(TEST_BLOB2), db.get(2, "test2").expect("Failed to get entry.").as_deref());
+ assert_eq!(Some(TEST_BLOB3), db.get(2, "test3").expect("Failed to get entry.").as_deref());
+ // Remove test2 and check and check that it is no longer retrievable.
+ assert!(db.remove(2, "test2").expect("Failed to remove entry."));
+ assert!(db.get(2, "test2").expect("Failed to get entry.").is_none());
+ // test2 should now no longer be in the list.
+ assert_eq!(
+ vec!["test1".to_string(), "test3".to_string(),],
+ db.list(2).expect("Failed to list entries.")
+ );
+ // Put on existing alias replaces it.
+ // Verify test1 is TEST_BLOB1.
+ assert_eq!(Some(TEST_BLOB1), db.get(2, "test1").expect("Failed to get entry.").as_deref());
+ db.put(2, "test1", TEST_BLOB4).expect("Failed to replace test1.");
+ // Verify test1 is TEST_BLOB4.
+ assert_eq!(Some(TEST_BLOB4), db.get(2, "test1").expect("Failed to get entry.").as_deref());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn concurrent_legacy_keystore_entry_test() -> Result<()> {
+ let temp_dir = Arc::new(
+ TempDir::new("concurrent_legacy_keystore_entry_test_")
+ .expect("Failed to create temp dir."),
+ );
+ let db_path =;
+ let test_begin = Instant::now();
+ let mut db = DB::new(&db_path).expect("Failed to open database.");
+ const ENTRY_COUNT: u32 = 5000u32;
+ const ENTRY_DB_COUNT: u32 = 5000u32;
+ let mut actual_entry_count = ENTRY_COUNT;
+ // First insert ENTRY_COUNT entries.
+ for count in 0..ENTRY_COUNT {
+ if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(15) {
+ actual_entry_count = count;
+ break;
+ }
+ let alias = format!("test_alias_{}", count);
+ db.put(1, &alias, TEST_BLOB1).expect("Failed to add entry (1).");
+ }
+ // Insert more keys from a different thread and into a different namespace.
+ let db_path1 = db_path.clone();
+ let handle1 = thread::spawn(move || {
+ let mut db = DB::new(&db_path1).expect("Failed to open database.");
+ for count in 0..actual_entry_count {
+ if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(40) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let alias = format!("test_alias_{}", count);
+ db.put(2, &alias, TEST_BLOB2).expect("Failed to add entry (2).");
+ }
+ // Then delete them again.
+ for count in 0..actual_entry_count {
+ if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(40) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let alias = format!("test_alias_{}", count);
+ db.remove(2, &alias).expect("Remove Failed (2).");
+ }
+ });
+ // And start deleting the first set of entries.
+ let db_path2 = db_path.clone();
+ let handle2 = thread::spawn(move || {
+ let mut db = DB::new(&db_path2).expect("Failed to open database.");
+ for count in 0..actual_entry_count {
+ if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(40) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let alias = format!("test_alias_{}", count);
+ db.remove(1, &alias).expect("Remove Failed (1)).");
+ }
+ });
+ // While a lot of inserting and deleting is going on we have to open database connections
+ // successfully and then insert and delete a specific entry.
+ let db_path3 = db_path.clone();
+ let handle3 = thread::spawn(move || {
+ for _count in 0..ENTRY_DB_COUNT {
+ if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(40) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut db = DB::new(&db_path3).expect("Failed to open database.");
+ db.put(3, &TEST_ALIAS, TEST_BLOB3).expect("Failed to add entry (3).");
+ db.remove(3, &TEST_ALIAS).expect("Remove failed (3).");
+ }
+ });
+ // While thread 3 is inserting and deleting TEST_ALIAS, we try to get the alias.
+ // This may yield an entry or none, but it must not fail.
+ let handle4 = thread::spawn(move || {
+ for _count in 0..ENTRY_DB_COUNT {
+ if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(40) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut db = DB::new(&db_path).expect("Failed to open database.");
+ // This may return Some or None but it must not fail.
+ db.get(3, &TEST_ALIAS).expect("Failed to get entry (4).");
+ }
+ });
+ handle1.join().expect("Thread 1 panicked.");
+ handle2.join().expect("Thread 2 panicked.");
+ handle3.join().expect("Thread 3 panicked.");
+ handle4.join().expect("Thread 4 panicked.");
+ Ok(())
+ }