// Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Code for parsing software-backed keyblobs, as emitted by the C++ reference implementation of //! KeyMint. #![allow(dead_code)] use crate::error::Error; use crate::ks_err; use android_hardware_security_keymint::aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::{ Algorithm::Algorithm, BlockMode::BlockMode, Digest::Digest, EcCurve::EcCurve, ErrorCode::ErrorCode, HardwareAuthenticatorType::HardwareAuthenticatorType, KeyFormat::KeyFormat, KeyOrigin::KeyOrigin, KeyParameter::KeyParameter, KeyParameterValue::KeyParameterValue, KeyPurpose::KeyPurpose, PaddingMode::PaddingMode, Tag::Tag, TagType::TagType, }; use anyhow::Result; use keystore2_crypto::hmac_sha256; use std::mem::size_of; /// Root of trust value. const SOFTWARE_ROOT_OF_TRUST: &[u8] = b"SW"; /// Error macro. macro_rules! bloberr { { $($arg:tt)+ } => { anyhow::Error::new(Error::Km(ErrorCode::INVALID_KEY_BLOB)).context(ks_err!($($arg)+)) }; } /// Get the `KeyParameterValue` associated with a tag from a collection of `KeyParameter`s. fn get_tag_value(params: &[KeyParameter], tag: Tag) -> Option<&KeyParameterValue> { params.iter().find_map(|kp| if kp.tag == tag { Some(&kp.value) } else { None }) } /// Get the [`TagType`] for a [`Tag`]. fn tag_type(tag: &Tag) -> TagType { TagType((tag.0 as u32 & 0xf0000000) as i32) } /// Extract key material and combined key characteristics from a legacy authenticated keyblob. pub fn export_key( data: &[u8], params: &[KeyParameter], ) -> Result<(KeyFormat, Vec, Vec)> { let hidden = hidden_params(params, &[SOFTWARE_ROOT_OF_TRUST]); let KeyBlob { key_material, hw_enforced, sw_enforced } = KeyBlob::new_from_serialized(data, &hidden)?; let mut combined = hw_enforced; combined.extend_from_slice(&sw_enforced); let algo_val = get_tag_value(&combined, Tag::ALGORITHM).ok_or_else(|| bloberr!("No algorithm found!"))?; let format = match algo_val { KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(Algorithm::AES) | KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(Algorithm::TRIPLE_DES) | KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(Algorithm::HMAC) => KeyFormat::RAW, KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(Algorithm::RSA) | KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(Algorithm::EC) => KeyFormat::PKCS8, _ => return Err(bloberr!("Unexpected algorithm {:?}", algo_val)), }; Ok((format, key_material, combined)) } /// Plaintext key blob, with key characteristics. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] struct KeyBlob { /// Raw key material. key_material: Vec, /// Hardware-enforced key characteristics. hw_enforced: Vec, /// Software-enforced key characteristics. sw_enforced: Vec, } impl KeyBlob { /// Key blob version. const KEY_BLOB_VERSION: u8 = 0; /// Hard-coded HMAC key used for keyblob authentication. const LEGACY_HMAC_KEY: &[u8] = b"IntegrityAssuredBlob0\0"; /// Size (in bytes) of appended MAC. const MAC_LEN: usize = 8; /// Parse a serialized [`KeyBlob`]. fn new_from_serialized(mut data: &[u8], hidden: &[KeyParameter]) -> Result { // Keyblob needs to be at least long enough for: // - version byte, // - 4-byte len for key material // - 4-byte len for hw_enforced params // - 4-byte len for sw_enforced params // - MAC tag. if data.len() < (1 + 3 * size_of::() + Self::MAC_LEN) { return Err(bloberr!("blob not long enough (len = {})", data.len())); } // Check the HMAC in the last 8 bytes before doing anything else. let mac = &data[data.len() - Self::MAC_LEN..]; let computed_mac = Self::compute_hmac(&data[..data.len() - Self::MAC_LEN], hidden)?; if mac != computed_mac { return Err(bloberr!("invalid key blob")); } let version = consume_u8(&mut data)?; if version != Self::KEY_BLOB_VERSION { return Err(bloberr!("unexpected blob version {}", version)); } let key_material = consume_vec(&mut data)?; let hw_enforced = deserialize_params(&mut data)?; let sw_enforced = deserialize_params(&mut data)?; // Should just be the (already-checked) MAC left. let rest = &data[Self::MAC_LEN..]; if !rest.is_empty() { return Err(bloberr!("extra data (len {})", rest.len())); } Ok(KeyBlob { key_material, hw_enforced, sw_enforced }) } /// Compute the authentication HMAC for a KeyBlob. This is built as: /// HMAC-SHA256(HK, data || serialize(hidden)) /// with HK = b"IntegrityAssuredBlob0\0". fn compute_hmac(data: &[u8], hidden: &[KeyParameter]) -> Result> { let hidden_data = serialize_params(hidden)?; let mut combined = data.to_vec(); combined.extend_from_slice(&hidden_data); let mut tag = hmac_sha256(Self::LEGACY_HMAC_KEY, &combined)?; tag.truncate(Self::MAC_LEN); Ok(tag) } } /// Build the parameters that are used as the hidden input to HMAC calculations: /// - `ApplicationId(data)` if present /// - `ApplicationData(data)` if present /// - (repeated) `RootOfTrust(rot)` where `rot` is a hardcoded piece of root of trust information. fn hidden_params(params: &[KeyParameter], rots: &[&[u8]]) -> Vec { let mut results = Vec::new(); if let Some(app_id) = get_tag_value(params, Tag::APPLICATION_ID) { results.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::APPLICATION_ID, value: app_id.clone() }); } if let Some(app_data) = get_tag_value(params, Tag::APPLICATION_DATA) { results.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::APPLICATION_DATA, value: app_data.clone() }); } for rot in rots { results.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ROOT_OF_TRUST, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(rot.to_vec()), }); } results } /// Retrieve a `u8` from the start of the given slice, if possible. fn consume_u8(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result { match data.first() { Some(b) => { *data = &(*data)[1..]; Ok(*b) } None => Err(bloberr!("failed to find 1 byte")), } } /// Move past a bool value from the start of the given slice, if possible. /// Bool values should only be included if `true`, so fail if the value /// is anything other than 1. fn consume_bool(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result { let b = consume_u8(data)?; if b == 0x01 { Ok(true) } else { Err(bloberr!("bool value other than 1 encountered")) } } /// Retrieve a (host-ordered) `u32` from the start of the given slice, if possible. fn consume_u32(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result { const LEN: usize = size_of::(); if data.len() < LEN { return Err(bloberr!("failed to find {LEN} bytes")); } let chunk: [u8; LEN] = data[..LEN].try_into().unwrap(); // safe: just checked *data = &(*data)[LEN..]; Ok(u32::from_ne_bytes(chunk)) } /// Retrieve a (host-ordered) `i32` from the start of the given slice, if possible. fn consume_i32(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result { const LEN: usize = size_of::(); if data.len() < LEN { return Err(bloberr!("failed to find {LEN} bytes")); } let chunk: [u8; LEN] = data[..LEN].try_into().unwrap(); // safe: just checked *data = &(*data)[4..]; Ok(i32::from_ne_bytes(chunk)) } /// Retrieve a (host-ordered) `i64` from the start of the given slice, if possible. fn consume_i64(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result { const LEN: usize = size_of::(); if data.len() < LEN { return Err(bloberr!("failed to find {LEN} bytes")); } let chunk: [u8; LEN] = data[..LEN].try_into().unwrap(); // safe: just checked *data = &(*data)[LEN..]; Ok(i64::from_ne_bytes(chunk)) } /// Retrieve a vector of bytes from the start of the given slice, if possible, /// with the length of the data expected to appear as a host-ordered `u32` prefix. fn consume_vec(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result> { let len = consume_u32(data)? as usize; if len > data.len() { return Err(bloberr!("failed to find {} bytes", len)); } let result = data[..len].to_vec(); *data = &(*data)[len..]; Ok(result) } /// Retrieve the contents of a tag of `TagType::Bytes`. The `data` parameter holds /// the as-yet unparsed data, and a length and offset are read from this (and consumed). /// This length and offset refer to a location in the combined `blob_data`; however, /// the offset is expected to be the next unconsumed chunk of `blob_data`, as indicated /// by `next_blob_offset` (which itself is updated as a result of consuming the data). fn consume_blob( data: &mut &[u8], next_blob_offset: &mut usize, blob_data: &[u8], ) -> Result> { let data_len = consume_u32(data)? as usize; let data_offset = consume_u32(data)? as usize; // Expect the blob data to come from the next offset in the initial blob chunk. if data_offset != *next_blob_offset { return Err(bloberr!("got blob offset {} instead of {}", data_offset, next_blob_offset)); } if (data_offset + data_len) > blob_data.len() { return Err(bloberr!( "blob at offset [{}..{}+{}] goes beyond blob data size {}", data_offset, data_offset, data_len, blob_data.len(), )); } let slice = &blob_data[data_offset..data_offset + data_len]; *next_blob_offset += data_len; Ok(slice.to_vec()) } /// Deserialize a collection of [`KeyParam`]s in legacy serialized format. The provided slice is /// modified to contain the unconsumed part of the data. fn deserialize_params(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result> { let blob_data_size = consume_u32(data)? as usize; if blob_data_size > data.len() { return Err(bloberr!( "blob data size {} bigger than data (len={})", blob_data_size, data.len() )); } let blob_data = &data[..blob_data_size]; let mut next_blob_offset = 0; // Move past the blob data. *data = &data[blob_data_size..]; let param_count = consume_u32(data)? as usize; let param_size = consume_u32(data)? as usize; if param_size > data.len() { return Err(bloberr!( "size mismatch 4+{}+4+4+{} > {}", blob_data_size, param_size, data.len() )); } let mut results = Vec::new(); for _i in 0..param_count { let tag_num = consume_u32(data)? as i32; let tag = Tag(tag_num); let value = match tag_type(&tag) { TagType::INVALID => return Err(bloberr!("invalid tag {:?} encountered", tag)), TagType::ENUM | TagType::ENUM_REP => { let val = consume_i32(data)?; match tag { Tag::ALGORITHM => KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(Algorithm(val)), Tag::BLOCK_MODE => KeyParameterValue::BlockMode(BlockMode(val)), Tag::PADDING => KeyParameterValue::PaddingMode(PaddingMode(val)), Tag::DIGEST | Tag::RSA_OAEP_MGF_DIGEST => { KeyParameterValue::Digest(Digest(val)) } Tag::EC_CURVE => KeyParameterValue::EcCurve(EcCurve(val)), Tag::ORIGIN => KeyParameterValue::Origin(KeyOrigin(val)), Tag::PURPOSE => KeyParameterValue::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose(val)), Tag::USER_AUTH_TYPE => { KeyParameterValue::HardwareAuthenticatorType(HardwareAuthenticatorType(val)) } _ => KeyParameterValue::Integer(val), } } TagType::UINT | TagType::UINT_REP => KeyParameterValue::Integer(consume_i32(data)?), TagType::ULONG | TagType::ULONG_REP => { KeyParameterValue::LongInteger(consume_i64(data)?) } TagType::DATE => KeyParameterValue::DateTime(consume_i64(data)?), TagType::BOOL => KeyParameterValue::BoolValue(consume_bool(data)?), TagType::BIGNUM | TagType::BYTES => { KeyParameterValue::Blob(consume_blob(data, &mut next_blob_offset, blob_data)?) } _ => return Err(bloberr!("unexpected tag type for {:?}", tag)), }; results.push(KeyParameter { tag, value }); } Ok(results) } /// Serialize a collection of [`KeyParameter`]s into a format that is compatible with previous /// implementations: /// /// ```text /// [0..4] Size B of `TagType::Bytes` data, in host order. /// [4..4+B] (*) Concatenated contents of each `TagType::Bytes` tag. /// [4+B..4+B+4] Count N of the number of parameters, in host order. /// [8+B..8+B+4] Size Z of encoded parameters. /// [12+B..12+B+Z] Serialized parameters one after another. /// ``` /// /// Individual parameters are serialized in the last chunk as: /// /// ```text /// [0..4] Tag number, in host order. /// Followed by one of the following depending on the tag's `TagType`; all integers in host order: /// [4..5] Bool value (`TagType::Bool`) /// [4..8] i32 values (`TagType::Uint[Rep]`, `TagType::Enum[Rep]`) /// [4..12] i64 values, in host order (`TagType::UlongRep`, `TagType::Date`) /// [4..8] + [8..12] Size + offset of data in (*) above (`TagType::Bytes`, `TagType::Bignum`) /// ``` fn serialize_params(params: &[KeyParameter]) -> Result> { // First 4 bytes are the length of the combined [`TagType::Bytes`] data; come back to set that // in a moment. let mut result = vec![0; 4]; // Next append the contents of all of the [`TagType::Bytes`] data. let mut blob_size = 0u32; for param in params { let tag_type = tag_type(¶m.tag); if let KeyParameterValue::Blob(v) = ¶m.value { if tag_type != TagType::BIGNUM && tag_type != TagType::BYTES { return Err(bloberr!("unexpected tag type for tag {:?} with blob", param.tag)); } result.extend_from_slice(v); blob_size += v.len() as u32; } } // Go back and fill in the combined blob length in native order at the start. result[..4].clone_from_slice(&blob_size.to_ne_bytes()); result.extend_from_slice(&(params.len() as u32).to_ne_bytes()); let params_size_offset = result.len(); result.extend_from_slice(&[0u8; 4]); // placeholder for size of elements let first_param_offset = result.len(); let mut blob_offset = 0u32; for param in params { result.extend_from_slice(&(param.tag.0 as u32).to_ne_bytes()); match ¶m.value { KeyParameterValue::Invalid(_v) => { return Err(bloberr!("invalid tag found in {:?}", param)) } // Enum-holding variants. KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(v) => { result.extend_from_slice(&(v.0 as u32).to_ne_bytes()) } KeyParameterValue::BlockMode(v) => { result.extend_from_slice(&(v.0 as u32).to_ne_bytes()) } KeyParameterValue::PaddingMode(v) => { result.extend_from_slice(&(v.0 as u32).to_ne_bytes()) } KeyParameterValue::Digest(v) => result.extend_from_slice(&(v.0 as u32).to_ne_bytes()), KeyParameterValue::EcCurve(v) => result.extend_from_slice(&(v.0 as u32).to_ne_bytes()), KeyParameterValue::Origin(v) => result.extend_from_slice(&(v.0 as u32).to_ne_bytes()), KeyParameterValue::KeyPurpose(v) => { result.extend_from_slice(&(v.0 as u32).to_ne_bytes()) } KeyParameterValue::HardwareAuthenticatorType(v) => { result.extend_from_slice(&(v.0 as u32).to_ne_bytes()) } // Value-holding variants. KeyParameterValue::Integer(v) => result.extend_from_slice(&(*v as u32).to_ne_bytes()), KeyParameterValue::BoolValue(_v) => result.push(0x01u8), KeyParameterValue::LongInteger(v) | KeyParameterValue::DateTime(v) => { result.extend_from_slice(&(*v as u64).to_ne_bytes()) } KeyParameterValue::Blob(v) => { let blob_len = v.len() as u32; result.extend_from_slice(&blob_len.to_ne_bytes()); result.extend_from_slice(&blob_offset.to_ne_bytes()); blob_offset += blob_len; } _ => return Err(bloberr!("unknown value found in {:?}", param)), } } let serialized_size = (result.len() - first_param_offset) as u32; // Go back and fill in the total serialized size. result[params_size_offset..params_size_offset + 4] .clone_from_slice(&serialized_size.to_ne_bytes()); Ok(result) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use android_hardware_security_keymint::aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::{ Algorithm::Algorithm, BlockMode::BlockMode, Digest::Digest, EcCurve::EcCurve, KeyOrigin::KeyOrigin, KeyParameter::KeyParameter, KeyParameterValue::KeyParameterValue as KPV, KeyPurpose::KeyPurpose, PaddingMode::PaddingMode, Tag::Tag, }; macro_rules! expect_err { ($result:expr, $err_msg:expr) => { assert!( $result.is_err(), "Expected error containing '{}', got success {:?}", $err_msg, $result ); let err = $result.err(); assert!( format!("{:?}", err).contains($err_msg), "Unexpected error {:?}, doesn't contain '{}'", err, $err_msg ); }; } #[test] fn test_consume_u8() { let buffer = [1, 2]; let mut data = &buffer[..]; assert_eq!(1u8, consume_u8(&mut data).unwrap()); assert_eq!(2u8, consume_u8(&mut data).unwrap()); let result = consume_u8(&mut data); expect_err!(result, "failed to find 1 byte"); } #[test] fn test_consume_u32() { // All supported platforms are little-endian. let buffer = [ 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, // little-endian u32 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, // little-endian u32 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, ]; let mut data = &buffer[..]; assert_eq!(0x04030201u32, consume_u32(&mut data).unwrap()); assert_eq!(0x01020304u32, consume_u32(&mut data).unwrap()); let result = consume_u32(&mut data); expect_err!(result, "failed to find 4 bytes"); } #[test] fn test_consume_i64() { // All supported platforms are little-endian. let buffer = [ 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, // little-endian i64 0x08, 0x07, 0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, // little-endian i64 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, ]; let mut data = &buffer[..]; assert_eq!(0x0807060504030201i64, consume_i64(&mut data).unwrap()); assert_eq!(0x0102030405060708i64, consume_i64(&mut data).unwrap()); let result = consume_i64(&mut data); expect_err!(result, "failed to find 8 bytes"); } #[test] fn test_consume_vec() { let buffer = [ 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, // 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, // 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, // not enough data ]; let mut data = &buffer[..]; assert_eq!(vec![0xaa], consume_vec(&mut data).unwrap()); assert_eq!(Vec::::new(), consume_vec(&mut data).unwrap()); assert_eq!(vec![0xbb], consume_vec(&mut data).unwrap()); let result = consume_vec(&mut data); expect_err!(result, "failed to find 7 bytes"); let buffer = [ 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, // ]; let mut data = &buffer[..]; let result = consume_vec(&mut data); expect_err!(result, "failed to find 4 bytes"); } #[test] fn test_key_new_from_serialized() { let hidden = hidden_params(&[], &[SOFTWARE_ROOT_OF_TRUST]); // Test data originally generated by instrumenting Cuttlefish C++ KeyMint while running VTS // tests. let tests = [ ( concat!( "0010000000d43c2f04f948521b81bdbf001310f5920000000000000000000000", "00000000000c0000006400000002000010200000000300003080000000010000", "2000000000010000200100000004000020020000000600002001000000be0200", "1000000000c1020030b0ad0100c20200307b150300bd020060a8bb52407b0100", "00ce02003011643401cf020030000000003b06b13ae6ae6671", ), KeyBlob { key_material: hex::decode("d43c2f04f948521b81bdbf001310f592").unwrap(), hw_enforced: vec![], sw_enforced: vec![ KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ALGORITHM, value: KPV::Algorithm(Algorithm::AES) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::KEY_SIZE, value: KPV::Integer(128) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PURPOSE, value: KPV::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::ENCRYPT), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PURPOSE, value: KPV::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::DECRYPT), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::BLOCK_MODE, value: KPV::BlockMode(BlockMode::CBC), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PADDING, value: KPV::PaddingMode(PaddingMode::NONE), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ORIGIN, value: KPV::Origin(KeyOrigin::GENERATED) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::OS_VERSION, value: KPV::Integer(110000) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::OS_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(202107) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::CREATION_DATETIME, value: KPV::DateTime(1628871769000), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::VENDOR_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(20210705) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::BOOT_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(0) }, ], }, Some(KeyFormat::RAW), ), ( concat!( "00df0000003081dc020101044200b6ce876b947e263d61b8e3998d50dc0afb6b", "a14e46ab7ca532fbe2a379b155d0a5bb99265402857b1601fb20be6c244bf654", "e9e79413cd503eae3d9cf68ed24f47a00706052b81040023a181890381860004", "006b840f0db0b12f074ab916c7773cfa7d42967c9e5b4fae09cf999f7e116d14", "0743bdd028db0a3fcc670e721b9f00bc7fb70aa401c7d6de6582fc26962a29b7", "45e30142e90685646661550344113aaf28bdee6cb02d19df1faab4398556a909", "7d6f64b95209601a549389a311231c6cce78354f2cdbc3a904abf70686f5f0c3", "b877984d000000000000000000000000000000000c0000006400000002000010", "030000000a000010030000000100002002000000010000200300000005000020", "000000000300003009020000be02001000000000c1020030b0ad0100c2020030", "7b150300bd02006018d352407b010000ce02003011643401cf02003000000000", "2f69002e55e9b0a3" ), KeyBlob { key_material: hex::decode(concat!( "3081dc020101044200b6ce876b947e263d61b8e3998d50dc0afb6ba14e46ab7c", "a532fbe2a379b155d0a5bb99265402857b1601fb20be6c244bf654e9e79413cd", "503eae3d9cf68ed24f47a00706052b81040023a181890381860004006b840f0d", "b0b12f074ab916c7773cfa7d42967c9e5b4fae09cf999f7e116d140743bdd028", "db0a3fcc670e721b9f00bc7fb70aa401c7d6de6582fc26962a29b745e30142e9", "0685646661550344113aaf28bdee6cb02d19df1faab4398556a9097d6f64b952", "09601a549389a311231c6cce78354f2cdbc3a904abf70686f5f0c3b877984d", )) .unwrap(), hw_enforced: vec![], sw_enforced: vec![ KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ALGORITHM, value: KPV::Algorithm(Algorithm::EC) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::EC_CURVE, value: KPV::EcCurve(EcCurve::P_521) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PURPOSE, value: KPV::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::SIGN), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PURPOSE, value: KPV::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::VERIFY), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::DIGEST, value: KPV::Digest(Digest::NONE) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::KEY_SIZE, value: KPV::Integer(521) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ORIGIN, value: KPV::Origin(KeyOrigin::GENERATED) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::OS_VERSION, value: KPV::Integer(110000) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::OS_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(202107) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::CREATION_DATETIME, value: KPV::DateTime(1628871775000), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::VENDOR_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(20210705) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::BOOT_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(0) }, ], }, Some(KeyFormat::PKCS8), ), ( concat!( "0037000000541d4c440223650d5f51753c1abd80c725034485551e874d62327c", "65f6247a057f1218bd6c8cd7d319103ddb823fc11fb6c2c7268b5acc00000000", "0000000000000000000000000c00000064000000020000108000000003000030", "b801000001000020020000000100002003000000050000200400000008000030", "00010000be02001000000000c1020030b0ad0100c20200307b150300bd020060", "00d752407b010000ce02003011643401cf0200300000000036e6986ffc45fbb0", ), KeyBlob { key_material: hex::decode(concat!( "541d4c440223650d5f51753c1abd80c725034485551e874d62327c65f6247a05", "7f1218bd6c8cd7d319103ddb823fc11fb6c2c7268b5acc" )) .unwrap(), hw_enforced: vec![], sw_enforced: vec![ KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ALGORITHM, value: KPV::Algorithm(Algorithm::HMAC), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::KEY_SIZE, value: KPV::Integer(440) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PURPOSE, value: KPV::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::SIGN), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PURPOSE, value: KPV::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::VERIFY), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::DIGEST, value: KPV::Digest(Digest::SHA_2_256) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::MIN_MAC_LENGTH, value: KPV::Integer(256) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ORIGIN, value: KPV::Origin(KeyOrigin::GENERATED) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::OS_VERSION, value: KPV::Integer(110000) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::OS_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(202107) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::CREATION_DATETIME, value: KPV::DateTime(1628871776000), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::VENDOR_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(20210705) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::BOOT_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(0) }, ], }, Some(KeyFormat::RAW), ), ( concat!( "00a8040000308204a40201000282010100bc47b5c71116766669b91fa747df87", "a1963df83956569d4ac232aeba8a246c0ec73bf606374a6d07f30c2162f97082", "825c7c6e482a2841dfeaec1429d84e52c54a6b2f760dec952c9c44a3c3a80f31", "c1ced84878edd4858059071c4d20d9ab0aae978bd68c1eb448e174a9736c3973", "6838151642eda8215107375865a99a57f29467c74c40f37b0221b93ec3f4f22d", "5337c8bf9245d56936196a92b1dea315ecce8785f9fa9b7d159ca207612cc0de", "b0957d61dbba5d9bd38784f4fecbf233b04e686a340528665ecd03db8e8a09b2", "540c84e45c4a99fb338b76bba7722856b5113341c349708937228f167d238ed8", "efb9cc19547dd620f6a90d95f07e50bfe102030100010282010002f91b69d9af", "59fe87421af9ba60f15c77f9c1c90effd6634332876f8ee5a116b126f55d3703", "8bf9f588ae20c8d951d842e35c9ef35a7822d3ebf72c0b7c3e229b289ae2e178", "a848e06d558c2e03d26871ee98a35f370d461ff1c4acc39d684de680a25ec88e", "e610260e406c400bdeb2893b2d0330cb483e662fa5abd24c2b82143e85dfe30a", "e7a31f8262da2903d882b35a34a26b699ff2d812bad4b126a0065ec0e101d73a", "e6f8b29a9144eb83f54940a371fc7416c2c0370df6a41cb5391f17ba33239e1b", "4217c8db50db5c6bf77ccf621354ecc652a4f7196054c254566fd7b3bc0f3817", "d9380b190bd382aaffa37785759f285194c11a188bccde0e2e2902818100fb23", "3335770c9f3cbd4b6ede5f12d03c449b1997bce06a8249bc3de99972fd0d0a63", "3f7790d1011bf5eedee16fa45a9107a910656ecaee364ce9edb4369843be71f2", "7a74852d6c7215a6cc60d9803bcac544922f806d8e5844e0ddd914bd78009490", "4c2856d2b944fade3fb1d67d4a33fb7663a9ab660ab372c2e4868a0f45990281", "8100bfecf2bb4012e880fd065a0b088f2d757af2878d3f1305f21ce7a7158458", "18e01181ff06b2f406239fc50808ce3dbe7b68ec01174913c0f237feb3c8c7eb", "0078b77fb5b8f214b72f6d3835b1a7ebe8b132feb6cb34ab09ce22b98160fc84", "20fcbf48d1eee49f874e902f049b206a61a095f0405a4935e7c5e49757ab7b57", "298902818100ec0049383e16f3716de5fc5b2677148efe5dceb02483b43399bd", "3765559994a9f3900eed7a7e9e8f3b0eee0e660eca392e3cb736cae612f39e55", "dad696d3821def10d1f8bbca52f5e6d8e7893ffbdcb491aafdc17bebf86f84d2", "d8480ed07a7bf9209d20ef6e79429489d4cb7768281a2f7e32ec1830fd6f6332", "38f521ba764902818100b2c3ce5751580b4e51df3fb175387f5c24b79040a4d6", "603c6265f70018b441ff3aef7d8e4cd2f480ec0906f1c4c0481304e8861f9d46", "93fa48e3a9abc362859eeb343e1c5507ac94b5439ce7ac04154a2fb886a4819b", "2a57e18a2e131b412ac4a09b004766959cdf357745f003e272aab3de02e2d5bc", "2af4ed75760858ab181902818061d19c2a8dcacde104b97f7c4fae11216157c1", "c0a258d882984d12383a73dc56fe2ac93512bb321df9706ecdb2f70a44c949c4", "340a9fae64a0646cf51f37c58c08bebde91667b3b2fa7c895f7983d4786c5526", "1941b3654533b0598383ebbcffcdf28b6cf13d376e3a70b49b14d8d06e8563a2", "47f56a337e3b9845b4f2b61356000000000000000000000000000000000d0000", "007000000002000010010000000300003000080000c800005001000100000000", "0001000020020000000100002003000000050000200000000006000020010000", "00be02001000000000c1020030b0ad0100c20200307b150300bd020060a8bb52", "407b010000ce02003011643401cf02003000000000544862e9c961e857", ), KeyBlob { key_material: hex::decode(concat!( "308204a40201000282010100bc47b5c71116766669b91fa747df87a1963df839", "56569d4ac232aeba8a246c0ec73bf606374a6d07f30c2162f97082825c7c6e48", "2a2841dfeaec1429d84e52c54a6b2f760dec952c9c44a3c3a80f31c1ced84878", "edd4858059071c4d20d9ab0aae978bd68c1eb448e174a9736c39736838151642", "eda8215107375865a99a57f29467c74c40f37b0221b93ec3f4f22d5337c8bf92", "45d56936196a92b1dea315ecce8785f9fa9b7d159ca207612cc0deb0957d61db", "ba5d9bd38784f4fecbf233b04e686a340528665ecd03db8e8a09b2540c84e45c", "4a99fb338b76bba7722856b5113341c349708937228f167d238ed8efb9cc1954", "7dd620f6a90d95f07e50bfe102030100010282010002f91b69d9af59fe87421a", "f9ba60f15c77f9c1c90effd6634332876f8ee5a116b126f55d37038bf9f588ae", "20c8d951d842e35c9ef35a7822d3ebf72c0b7c3e229b289ae2e178a848e06d55", "8c2e03d26871ee98a35f370d461ff1c4acc39d684de680a25ec88ee610260e40", "6c400bdeb2893b2d0330cb483e662fa5abd24c2b82143e85dfe30ae7a31f8262", "da2903d882b35a34a26b699ff2d812bad4b126a0065ec0e101d73ae6f8b29a91", "44eb83f54940a371fc7416c2c0370df6a41cb5391f17ba33239e1b4217c8db50", "db5c6bf77ccf621354ecc652a4f7196054c254566fd7b3bc0f3817d9380b190b", "d382aaffa37785759f285194c11a188bccde0e2e2902818100fb233335770c9f", "3cbd4b6ede5f12d03c449b1997bce06a8249bc3de99972fd0d0a633f7790d101", "1bf5eedee16fa45a9107a910656ecaee364ce9edb4369843be71f27a74852d6c", "7215a6cc60d9803bcac544922f806d8e5844e0ddd914bd780094904c2856d2b9", "44fade3fb1d67d4a33fb7663a9ab660ab372c2e4868a0f459902818100bfecf2", "bb4012e880fd065a0b088f2d757af2878d3f1305f21ce7a715845818e01181ff", "06b2f406239fc50808ce3dbe7b68ec01174913c0f237feb3c8c7eb0078b77fb5", "b8f214b72f6d3835b1a7ebe8b132feb6cb34ab09ce22b98160fc8420fcbf48d1", "eee49f874e902f049b206a61a095f0405a4935e7c5e49757ab7b572989028181", "00ec0049383e16f3716de5fc5b2677148efe5dceb02483b43399bd3765559994", "a9f3900eed7a7e9e8f3b0eee0e660eca392e3cb736cae612f39e55dad696d382", "1def10d1f8bbca52f5e6d8e7893ffbdcb491aafdc17bebf86f84d2d8480ed07a", "7bf9209d20ef6e79429489d4cb7768281a2f7e32ec1830fd6f633238f521ba76", "4902818100b2c3ce5751580b4e51df3fb175387f5c24b79040a4d6603c6265f7", "0018b441ff3aef7d8e4cd2f480ec0906f1c4c0481304e8861f9d4693fa48e3a9", "abc362859eeb343e1c5507ac94b5439ce7ac04154a2fb886a4819b2a57e18a2e", "131b412ac4a09b004766959cdf357745f003e272aab3de02e2d5bc2af4ed7576", "0858ab181902818061d19c2a8dcacde104b97f7c4fae11216157c1c0a258d882", "984d12383a73dc56fe2ac93512bb321df9706ecdb2f70a44c949c4340a9fae64", "a0646cf51f37c58c08bebde91667b3b2fa7c895f7983d4786c55261941b36545", "33b0598383ebbcffcdf28b6cf13d376e3a70b49b14d8d06e8563a247f56a337e", "3b9845b4f2b61356", )) .unwrap(), hw_enforced: vec![], sw_enforced: vec![ KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ALGORITHM, value: KPV::Algorithm(Algorithm::RSA) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::KEY_SIZE, value: KPV::Integer(2048) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, value: KPV::LongInteger(65537), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PURPOSE, value: KPV::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::SIGN), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PURPOSE, value: KPV::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::VERIFY), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::DIGEST, value: KPV::Digest(Digest::NONE) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PADDING, value: KPV::PaddingMode(PaddingMode::NONE), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ORIGIN, value: KPV::Origin(KeyOrigin::GENERATED) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::OS_VERSION, value: KPV::Integer(110000) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::OS_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(202107) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::CREATION_DATETIME, value: KPV::DateTime(1628871769000), }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::VENDOR_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(20210705) }, KeyParameter { tag: Tag::BOOT_PATCHLEVEL, value: KPV::Integer(0) }, ], }, // No support for RSA keys in export_key(). None, ), ]; for (input, want, want_format) in tests { let input = hex::decode(input).unwrap(); let got = KeyBlob::new_from_serialized(&input, &hidden).expect("invalid keyblob!"); assert!(got == want); if let Some(want_format) = want_format { let (got_format, _key_material, params) = export_key(&input, &[]).expect("invalid keyblob!"); assert_eq!(got_format, want_format); // All the test cases are software-only keys. assert_eq!(params, got.sw_enforced); } } } }