/* * Copyright (C) 2016, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ %{ #include #include #include "aidl_language.h" #include "parser.h" #include "aidl_language_y.h" #ifndef YYSTYPE #define YYSTYPE yy::parser::semantic_type #endif #ifndef YYLTYPE #define YYLTYPE yy::parser::location_type #endif #define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc->columns(yyleng); %} %option noyywrap %option nounput %option noinput %option reentrant %option bison-bridge %option bison-locations %x LONG_COMMENT identifier [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* whitespace ([ \t\r]+) intvalue [0-9_]+[lL]?(u8)? hexvalue 0[x|X][0-9a-fA-F_]+[lL]?(u8)? floatvalue [0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?f? %% %{ /* This happens at every call to yylex (every time we receive one token) */ using android::aidl::Comments; using android::aidl::Comment; std::string extra_text; Comments comments; yylloc->step(); %} \/\* { extra_text += yytext; BEGIN(LONG_COMMENT); } \*+\/ { extra_text += yytext; yylloc->step(); BEGIN(INITIAL); comments.push_back({extra_text}); extra_text.clear(); } \*+ { extra_text += yytext; } \n+ { extra_text += yytext; yylloc->lines(yyleng); } [^*\n]+ { extra_text += yytext; } \"([^\"]|\\.)*\" { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext, comments); return yy::parser::token::C_STR; } \/\/.* { extra_text += yytext; extra_text += "\n"; comments.push_back({extra_text}); extra_text.clear(); } \n+ { yylloc->lines(yyleng); yylloc->step(); } {whitespace} {} <> { yyterminate(); } /* symbols */ "(" { return('('); } ")" { return(')'); } "<" { return('<'); } ">" { return('>'); } "{" { return('{'); } "}" { return('}'); } "[" { return('['); } "]" { return(']'); } ":" { return(':'); } ";" { return(';'); } "," { return(','); } "." { return('.'); } "=" { return('='); } "+" { return('+'); } "-" { return('-'); } "*" { return('*'); } "/" { return('/'); } "%" { return('%'); } "&" { return('&'); } "|" { return('|'); } "^" { return('^'); } "<<" { return(yy::parser::token::LSHIFT); } ">>" { return(yy::parser::token::RSHIFT); } "&&" { return(yy::parser::token::LOGICAL_AND); } "||" { return(yy::parser::token::LOGICAL_OR); } "!" { return('!'); } "~" { return('~'); } "<=" { return(yy::parser::token::LEQ); } ">=" { return(yy::parser::token::GEQ); } "==" { return(yy::parser::token::EQUALITY); } "!=" { return(yy::parser::token::NEQ); } /* annotations */ @{identifier} { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext + 1, comments); return yy::parser::token::ANNOTATION; } /* keywords */ parcelable { yylval->token = new AidlToken("parcelable", comments); return yy::parser::token::PARCELABLE; } import { yylval->token = new AidlToken("import", comments); return yy::parser::token::IMPORT; } package { yylval->token = new AidlToken("package", comments); return yy::parser::token::PACKAGE; } in { return yy::parser::token::IN; } out { return yy::parser::token::OUT; } inout { return yy::parser::token::INOUT; } cpp_header { yylval->token = new AidlToken("cpp_header", comments); return yy::parser::token::CPP_HEADER; } ndk_header { yylval->token = new AidlToken("ndk_header", comments); return yy::parser::token::NDK_HEADER; } rust_type { yylval->token = new AidlToken("rust_type", comments); return yy::parser::token::RUST_TYPE; } const { yylval->token = new AidlToken("const", comments); return yy::parser::token::CONST; } true { return yy::parser::token::TRUE_LITERAL; } false { return yy::parser::token::FALSE_LITERAL; } interface { yylval->token = new AidlToken("interface", comments); return yy::parser::token::INTERFACE; } oneway { yylval->token = new AidlToken("oneway", comments); return yy::parser::token::ONEWAY; } enum { yylval->token = new AidlToken("enum", comments); return yy::parser::token::ENUM; } union { yylval->token = new AidlToken("union", comments); return yy::parser::token::UNION; } /* scalars */ {identifier} { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext, comments); return yy::parser::token::IDENTIFIER; } '.' { yylval->token = new AidlToken(std::string(yytext, yyleng), comments); return yy::parser::token::CHARVALUE; } {intvalue} { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext, comments); return yy::parser::token::INTVALUE; } {floatvalue} { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext, comments); return yy::parser::token::FLOATVALUE; } {hexvalue} { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext, comments); return yy::parser::token::HEXVALUE; } /* lexical error! */ . { return yy::parser::token::UNKNOWN; } %% // comment and whitespace handling // ================================================