%{ #include "aidl_language.h" #include "aidl_language_y.h" #include "logging.h" #include #include #include #include int yylex(yy::parser::semantic_type *, yy::parser::location_type *, void *); AidlLocation loc(const yy::parser::location_type& l) { CHECK(l.begin.filename == l.end.filename); AidlLocation::Point begin { .line = l.begin.line, .column = l.begin.column, }; AidlLocation::Point end { .line = l.end.line, .column = l.end.column, }; return AidlLocation(*l.begin.filename, begin, end); } #define lex_scanner ps->Scanner() %} %initial-action { @$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = const_cast(&ps->FileName()); } %parse-param { Parser* ps } %lex-param { void *lex_scanner } %pure-parser %glr-parser %skeleton "glr.cc" %expect-rr 0 %error-verbose %union { AidlToken* token; char character; std::string *str; AidlAnnotation* annotation; std::vector* annotation_list; AidlTypeSpecifier* type; AidlArgument* arg; AidlArgument::Direction direction; AidlConstantValue* constant_value; std::vector>* constant_value_list; std::vector>* arg_list; AidlVariableDeclaration* variable; std::vector>* variable_list; AidlMethod* method; AidlMember* constant; std::vector>* interface_members; AidlQualifiedName* qname; AidlInterface* interface; AidlParcelable* parcelable; AidlDefinedType* declaration; std::vector>* type_args; } %token ANNOTATION "annotation" %token C_STR "string literal" %token IDENTIFIER "identifier" %token INTERFACE "interface" %token PARCELABLE "parcelable" %token ONEWAY "oneway" %token CHARVALUE "char literal" %token FLOATVALUE "float literal" %token HEXVALUE "hex literal" %token INTVALUE "int literal" %token '(' ')' ',' '=' '[' ']' '<' '>' '.' '{' '}' ';' %token CONST "const" %token UNKNOWN "unrecognized character" %token CPP_HEADER "cpp_header" %token IMPORT "import" %token IN "in" %token INOUT "inout" %token OUT "out" %token PACKAGE "package" %token TRUE_LITERAL "true" %token FALSE_LITERAL "false" %type decl %type variable_decls %type variable_decl %type interface_members %type unannotated_decl %type interface_decl %type parcelable_decl %type method_decl %type constant_decl %type annotation %typeannotation_list %type type %type unannotated_type %type arg_list %type arg %type direction %type type_args %type qualified_name %type constant_value %type constant_value_list %type constant_value_non_empty_list %type identifier error %% document : package imports decls {}; /* A couple of tokens that are keywords elsewhere are identifiers when * occurring in the identifier position. Therefore identifier is a * non-terminal, which is either an IDENTIFIER token, or one of the * aforementioned keyword tokens. */ identifier : IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; } | CPP_HEADER { $$ = new AidlToken("cpp_header", ""); } ; package : {} | PACKAGE qualified_name ';' { ps->SetPackage(unique_ptr($2)); }; imports : {} | import imports {}; import : IMPORT qualified_name ';' { ps->AddImport(new AidlImport(loc(@2), $2->GetDotName())); delete $2; }; qualified_name : identifier { $$ = new AidlQualifiedName(loc(@1), $1->GetText(), $1->GetComments()); delete $1; } | qualified_name '.' identifier { $$ = $1; $$->AddTerm($3->GetText()); delete $3; }; decls : decl { ps->AddDefinedType(unique_ptr($1)); } | decls decl { ps->AddDefinedType(unique_ptr($2)); }; decl : annotation_list unannotated_decl { $$ = $2; if ($1->size() > 0) { // copy comments from annotation to decl $2->SetComments($1->begin()->GetComments()); } $$->Annotate(std::move(*$1)); delete $1; } ; unannotated_decl : parcelable_decl { $$ = $1; } | interface_decl { $$ = $1; } ; parcelable_decl : PARCELABLE qualified_name ';' { $$ = new AidlParcelable(loc(@2), $2, ps->Package(), $1->GetComments()); } | PARCELABLE qualified_name CPP_HEADER C_STR ';' { $$ = new AidlParcelable(loc(@2), $2, ps->Package(), $1->GetComments(), $4->GetText()); } | PARCELABLE identifier '{' variable_decls '}' { AidlQualifiedName* name = new AidlQualifiedName(loc(@2), $2->GetText(), $2->GetComments()); $$ = new AidlStructuredParcelable(loc(@2), name, ps->Package(), $1->GetComments(), $4); } | PARCELABLE error ';' { ps->AddError(); $$ = NULL; }; variable_decls : /* empty */ { $$ = new std::vector>; } | variable_decls variable_decl { $$ = $1; if ($2 != nullptr) { $$->push_back(std::unique_ptr($2)); } }; variable_decl : type identifier ';' { $$ = new AidlVariableDeclaration(loc(@2), $1, $2->GetText()); } | type identifier '=' constant_value ';' { $$ = new AidlVariableDeclaration(loc(@2), $1, $2->GetText(), $4); } | error ';' { ps->AddError(); $$ = nullptr; } interface_decl : INTERFACE identifier '{' interface_members '}' { $$ = new AidlInterface(loc(@1), $2->GetText(), $1->GetComments(), false, $4, ps->Package()); delete $1; delete $2; } | ONEWAY INTERFACE identifier '{' interface_members '}' { $$ = new AidlInterface(loc(@2), $3->GetText(), $1->GetComments(), true, $5, ps->Package()); delete $1; delete $2; delete $3; } | INTERFACE error '{' interface_members '}' { ps->AddError(); $$ = nullptr; delete $1; delete $2; delete $4; }; interface_members : { $$ = new std::vector>(); } | interface_members method_decl { $1->push_back(std::unique_ptr($2)); } | interface_members constant_decl { $1->push_back(std::unique_ptr($2)); } | interface_members error ';' { ps->AddError(); $$ = $1; }; constant_value : TRUE_LITERAL { $$ = AidlConstantValue::Boolean(loc(@1), true); } | FALSE_LITERAL { $$ = AidlConstantValue::Boolean(loc(@1), false); } | CHARVALUE { $$ = AidlConstantValue::Character(loc(@1), $1); } | INTVALUE { $$ = AidlConstantValue::Integral(loc(@1), $1->GetText()); delete $1; } | FLOATVALUE { $$ = AidlConstantValue::Floating(loc(@1), $1->GetText()); delete $1; } | HEXVALUE { $$ = AidlConstantValue::Hex(loc(@1), $1->GetText()); delete $1; } | C_STR { $$ = AidlConstantValue::String(loc(@1), $1->GetText()); delete $1; } | '{' constant_value_list '}' { $$ = AidlConstantValue::Array(loc(@1), $2); delete $2; } ; constant_value_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new std::vector>; } | constant_value_non_empty_list { $$ = $1; } ; constant_value_non_empty_list : constant_value { $$ = new std::vector>; $$->push_back(std::unique_ptr($1)); } | constant_value_non_empty_list ',' constant_value { $$ = $1; $$->push_back(std::unique_ptr($3)); } ; constant_decl : CONST type identifier '=' constant_value ';' { $$ = new AidlConstantDeclaration(loc(@3), $2, $3->GetText(), $5); delete $3; } ; method_decl : type identifier '(' arg_list ')' ';' { $$ = new AidlMethod(loc(@2), false, $1, $2->GetText(), $4, $1->GetComments()); delete $2; } | ONEWAY type identifier '(' arg_list ')' ';' { $$ = new AidlMethod(loc(@3), true, $2, $3->GetText(), $5, $1->GetComments()); delete $1; delete $3; } | type identifier '(' arg_list ')' '=' INTVALUE ';' { $$ = new AidlMethod(loc(@2), false, $1, $2->GetText(), $4, $1->GetComments(), std::stoi($7->GetText())); delete $2; } | ONEWAY type identifier '(' arg_list ')' '=' INTVALUE ';' { $$ = new AidlMethod(loc(@3), true, $2, $3->GetText(), $5, $1->GetComments(), std::stoi($8->GetText())); delete $1; delete $3; }; arg_list : { $$ = new std::vector>(); } | arg { $$ = new std::vector>(); $$->push_back(std::unique_ptr($1)); } | arg_list ',' arg { $$ = $1; $$->push_back(std::unique_ptr($3)); }; arg : direction type identifier { $$ = new AidlArgument(loc(@3), $1, $2, $3->GetText()); delete $3; } | type identifier { $$ = new AidlArgument(loc(@2), $1, $2->GetText()); delete $2; } | error { ps->AddError(); }; unannotated_type : qualified_name { $$ = new AidlTypeSpecifier(loc(@1), $1->GetDotName(), false, nullptr, $1->GetComments()); ps->DeferResolution($$); delete $1; } | qualified_name '[' ']' { $$ = new AidlTypeSpecifier(loc(@1), $1->GetDotName(), true, nullptr, $1->GetComments()); ps->DeferResolution($$); delete $1; } | qualified_name '<' type_args '>' { $$ = new AidlTypeSpecifier(loc(@1), $1->GetDotName(), false, $3, $1->GetComments()); ps->DeferResolution($$); delete $1; }; type : annotation_list unannotated_type { $$ = $2; if ($1->size() > 0) { // copy comments from annotation to type $2->SetComments($1->begin()->GetComments()); } $2->Annotate(std::move(*$1)); delete $1; }; type_args : unannotated_type { $$ = new std::vector>(); $$->emplace_back($1); } | type_args ',' unannotated_type { $1->emplace_back($3); }; annotation_list : { $$ = new std::vector(); } | annotation_list annotation { if ($2 != nullptr) { $1->emplace_back(std::move(*$2)); delete $2; } }; annotation : ANNOTATION { $$ = AidlAnnotation::Parse(loc(@1), $1->GetText()); if ($$ == nullptr) { ps->AddError(); } $$->SetComments($1->GetComments()); }; direction : IN { $$ = AidlArgument::IN_DIR; } | OUT { $$ = AidlArgument::OUT_DIR; } | INOUT { $$ = AidlArgument::INOUT_DIR; }; %% #include #include void yy::parser::error(const yy::parser::location_type& l, const std::string& errstr) { AIDL_ERROR(loc(l)) << errstr; // parser will return error value }