/* * Copyright (C) 2016, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "generate_java.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "aidl_to_java.h" #include "code_writer.h" #include "type_java.h" using std::unique_ptr; using ::android::aidl::java::Variable; using std::string; namespace android { namespace aidl { namespace java { bool generate_java_interface(const string& filename, const AidlInterface* iface, JavaTypeNamespace* types, const IoDelegate& io_delegate, const Options& options) { Class* cl = generate_binder_interface_class(iface, types, options); Document* document = new Document("" /* no comment */, iface->GetPackage(), unique_ptr(cl)); CodeWriterPtr code_writer = io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(filename); document->Write(code_writer.get()); return true; } bool generate_java_parcel(const std::string& filename, const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcel, AidlTypenames& typenames, const IoDelegate& io_delegate) { Class* cl = generate_parcel_class(parcel, typenames); Document* document = new Document("" /* no comment */, parcel->GetPackage(), unique_ptr(cl)); CodeWriterPtr code_writer = io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(filename); document->Write(code_writer.get()); return true; } bool generate_java(const std::string& filename, const AidlDefinedType* defined_type, JavaTypeNamespace* types, const IoDelegate& io_delegate, const Options& options) { const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcelable = defined_type->AsStructuredParcelable(); if (parcelable != nullptr) { return generate_java_parcel(filename, parcelable, types->typenames_, io_delegate); } const AidlInterface* interface = defined_type->AsInterface(); if (interface != nullptr) { return generate_java_interface(filename, interface, types, io_delegate, options); } CHECK(false) << "Unrecognized type sent for cpp generation."; return false; } android::aidl::java::Class* generate_parcel_class(const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcel, AidlTypenames& typenames) { Class* parcel_class = new Class; parcel_class->comment = parcel->GetComments(); parcel_class->modifiers = PUBLIC; parcel_class->what = Class::CLASS; parcel_class->type = parcel->GetCanonicalName(); parcel_class->interfaces.push_back("android.os.Parcelable"); parcel_class->annotations = generate_java_annotations(*parcel); for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) { const Type* type = variable->GetType().GetLanguageType(); std::ostringstream out; out << variable->GetType().GetComments() << "\n"; for (const auto& a : generate_java_annotations(variable->GetType())) { out << a << "\n"; } out << "public " << type->JavaType() << (variable->GetType().IsArray() ? "[]" : "") << " " << variable->GetName(); if (variable->GetDefaultValue()) { out << " = " << variable->ValueString(AidlConstantValueDecorator); } out << ";\n"; parcel_class->elements.push_back(new LiteralClassElement(out.str())); } std::ostringstream out; out << "public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<" << parcel->GetName() << "> CREATOR = " << "new android.os.Parcelable.Creator<" << parcel->GetName() << ">() {\n"; out << " @Override\n"; out << " public " << parcel->GetName() << " createFromParcel(android.os.Parcel _aidl_source) {\n"; out << " " << parcel->GetName() << " _aidl_out = new " << parcel->GetName() << "();\n"; out << " _aidl_out.readFromParcel(_aidl_source);\n"; out << " return _aidl_out;\n"; out << " }\n"; out << " @Override\n"; out << " public " << parcel->GetName() << "[] newArray(int _aidl_size) {\n"; out << " return new " << parcel->GetName() << "[_aidl_size];\n"; out << " }\n"; out << "};\n"; parcel_class->elements.push_back(new LiteralClassElement(out.str())); Variable* flag_variable = new Variable("int", "_aidl_flag"); Variable* parcel_variable = new Variable("android.os.Parcel", "_aidl_parcel"); Method* write_method = new Method; write_method->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE | FINAL; write_method->returnType = "void"; write_method->name = "writeToParcel"; write_method->parameters.push_back(parcel_variable); write_method->parameters.push_back(flag_variable); write_method->statements = new StatementBlock(); out.str(""); out << "int _aidl_start_pos = _aidl_parcel.dataPosition();\n" << "_aidl_parcel.writeInt(0);\n"; write_method->statements->Add(new LiteralStatement(out.str())); for (const auto& field : parcel->GetFields()) { string code; CodeWriterPtr writer = CodeWriter::ForString(&code); CodeGeneratorContext context{ .writer = *(writer.get()), .typenames = typenames, .type = field->GetType(), .var = field->GetName(), .parcel = parcel_variable->name, .is_return_value = false, }; WriteToParcelFor(context); writer->Close(); write_method->statements->Add(new LiteralStatement(code)); } out.str(""); out << "int _aidl_end_pos = _aidl_parcel.dataPosition();\n" << "_aidl_parcel.setDataPosition(_aidl_start_pos);\n" << "_aidl_parcel.writeInt(_aidl_end_pos - _aidl_start_pos);\n" << "_aidl_parcel.setDataPosition(_aidl_end_pos);\n"; write_method->statements->Add(new LiteralStatement(out.str())); parcel_class->elements.push_back(write_method); Method* read_method = new Method; read_method->modifiers = PUBLIC | FINAL; read_method->returnType = "void"; read_method->name = "readFromParcel"; read_method->parameters.push_back(parcel_variable); read_method->statements = new StatementBlock(); out.str(""); out << "int _aidl_start_pos = _aidl_parcel.dataPosition();\n" << "int _aidl_parcelable_size = _aidl_parcel.readInt();\n" << "if (_aidl_parcelable_size < 0) return;\n" << "try {\n"; read_method->statements->Add(new LiteralStatement(out.str())); out.str(""); out << " if (_aidl_parcel.dataPosition() - _aidl_start_pos >= _aidl_parcelable_size) return;\n"; LiteralStatement* sizeCheck = nullptr; // keep this across different fields in order to create the classloader // at most once. bool is_classloader_created = false; for (const auto& field : parcel->GetFields()) { string code; CodeWriterPtr writer = CodeWriter::ForString(&code); CodeGeneratorContext context{ .writer = *(writer.get()), .typenames = typenames, .type = field->GetType(), .var = field->GetName(), .parcel = parcel_variable->name, .is_classloader_created = &is_classloader_created, }; context.writer.Indent(); CreateFromParcelFor(context); writer->Close(); read_method->statements->Add(new LiteralStatement(code)); if (!sizeCheck) sizeCheck = new LiteralStatement(out.str()); read_method->statements->Add(sizeCheck); } out.str(""); out << "} finally {\n" << " _aidl_parcel.setDataPosition(_aidl_start_pos + _aidl_parcelable_size);\n" << "}\n"; read_method->statements->Add(new LiteralStatement(out.str())); parcel_class->elements.push_back(read_method); Method* describe_contents_method = new Method; describe_contents_method->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE; describe_contents_method->returnType = "int"; describe_contents_method->name = "describeContents"; describe_contents_method->statements = new StatementBlock(); describe_contents_method->statements->Add(new LiteralStatement("return 0;\n")); parcel_class->elements.push_back(describe_contents_method); return parcel_class; } std::vector generate_java_annotations(const AidlAnnotatable& a) { std::vector result; if (a.IsUnsupportedAppUsage()) { result.emplace_back("@android.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage"); } if (a.IsSystemApi()) { result.emplace_back("@android.annotation.SystemApi"); } return result; } } // namespace java } // namespace android } // namespace aidl