/* * Copyright (C) 2016, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "aidl.h" #include "aidl_language.h" #include "aidl_to_java.h" #include "aidl_typenames.h" #include "ast_java.h" #include "code_writer.h" #include "generate_java.h" #include "logging.h" #include "options.h" #include "parser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using android::base::Join; using android::base::StringPrintf; using std::string; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; namespace android { namespace aidl { namespace java { // ================================================= class VariableFactory { public: using Variable = ::android::aidl::java::Variable; explicit VariableFactory(const std::string& base) : base_(base), index_(0) {} std::shared_ptr Get(const AidlTypeSpecifier& type) { auto v = std::make_shared(JavaSignatureOf(type), StringPrintf("%s%d", base_.c_str(), index_)); vars_.push_back(v); index_++; return v; } std::shared_ptr Get(int index) { return vars_[index]; } private: std::vector> vars_; std::string base_; int index_; }; // ================================================= class StubClass : public Class { public: StubClass(const AidlInterface* interfaceType, const Options& options); ~StubClass() override = default; // non-copyable, non-movable StubClass(const StubClass&) = delete; StubClass(StubClass&&) = delete; StubClass& operator=(const StubClass&) = delete; StubClass& operator=(StubClass&&) = delete; std::shared_ptr transact_code; std::shared_ptr transact_data; std::shared_ptr transact_reply; std::shared_ptr transact_flags; std::shared_ptr transact_switch_meta; std::shared_ptr transact_switch_user; std::shared_ptr transact_statements; std::shared_ptr code_to_method_name_switch; // Where onTransact cases should be generated as separate methods. bool transact_outline; // Specific methods that should be outlined when transact_outline is true. std::unordered_set outline_methods; // Number of all methods. size_t all_method_count; // Finish generation. This will add a default case to the switch. void Finish(); std::shared_ptr GetTransactDescriptor(const AidlMethod* method); private: void MakeConstructors(const AidlInterface* interfaceType); void MakeAsInterface(const AidlInterface* interfaceType); std::shared_ptr transact_descriptor; const Options& options_; }; StubClass::StubClass(const AidlInterface* interfaceType, const Options& options) : Class(), options_(options) { transact_descriptor = nullptr; transact_outline = false; all_method_count = 0; // Will be set when outlining may be enabled. this->comment = "/** Local-side IPC implementation stub class. */"; this->modifiers = PUBLIC | ABSTRACT | STATIC; this->what = Class::CLASS; this->type = interfaceType->GetCanonicalName() + ".Stub"; this->extends = "android.os.Binder"; this->interfaces.push_back(interfaceType->GetCanonicalName()); MakeConstructors(interfaceType); MakeAsInterface(interfaceType); // asBinder auto asBinder = std::make_shared(); asBinder->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE; asBinder->returnType = "android.os.IBinder"; asBinder->name = "asBinder"; asBinder->statements = std::make_shared(); asBinder->statements->Add(std::make_shared(THIS_VALUE)); this->elements.push_back(asBinder); if (options_.GenTransactionNames() || options_.GenTraces()) { // getDefaultTransactionName auto getDefaultTransactionName = std::make_shared(); getDefaultTransactionName->comment = "/** @hide */"; getDefaultTransactionName->modifiers = PUBLIC | STATIC; getDefaultTransactionName->returnType = "java.lang.String"; getDefaultTransactionName->name = "getDefaultTransactionName"; auto code = std::make_shared("int", "transactionCode"); getDefaultTransactionName->parameters.push_back(code); getDefaultTransactionName->statements = std::make_shared(); this->code_to_method_name_switch = std::make_shared(code); getDefaultTransactionName->statements->Add(this->code_to_method_name_switch); this->elements.push_back(getDefaultTransactionName); // getTransactionName auto getTransactionName = std::make_shared(); getTransactionName->comment = "/** @hide */"; getTransactionName->modifiers = PUBLIC; getTransactionName->returnType = "java.lang.String"; getTransactionName->name = "getTransactionName"; auto code2 = std::make_shared("int", "transactionCode"); getTransactionName->parameters.push_back(code2); getTransactionName->statements = std::make_shared(); getTransactionName->statements->Add(std::make_shared( std::make_shared(THIS_VALUE, "getDefaultTransactionName", std::vector>{code2}))); this->elements.push_back(getTransactionName); } // onTransact this->transact_code = std::make_shared("int", "code"); this->transact_data = std::make_shared("android.os.Parcel", "data"); this->transact_reply = std::make_shared("android.os.Parcel", "reply"); this->transact_flags = std::make_shared("int", "flags"); auto onTransact = std::make_shared(); onTransact->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE; onTransact->returnType = "boolean"; onTransact->name = "onTransact"; onTransact->parameters.push_back(this->transact_code); onTransact->parameters.push_back(this->transact_data); onTransact->parameters.push_back(this->transact_reply); onTransact->parameters.push_back(this->transact_flags); onTransact->statements = std::make_shared(); transact_statements = onTransact->statements; onTransact->exceptions.push_back("android.os.RemoteException"); this->elements.push_back(onTransact); this->transact_switch_meta = std::make_shared(this->transact_code); this->transact_switch_user = std::make_shared(this->transact_code); } void StubClass::Finish() { auto default_case = std::make_shared(); auto superCall = std::make_shared( SUPER_VALUE, "onTransact", std::vector>{this->transact_code, this->transact_data, this->transact_reply, this->transact_flags}); default_case->statements->Add(std::make_shared(superCall)); auto case_count = transact_switch_user->cases.size(); transact_switch_user->cases.push_back(default_case); // Interface token validation is done for user-defined transactions. if (case_count > 0) { auto ifStatement = std::make_shared(); ifStatement->expression = std::make_shared( "code >= android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION && " "code <= android.os.IBinder.LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION"); ifStatement->statements = std::make_shared(); ifStatement->statements->Add(std::make_shared( this->transact_data, "enforceInterface", std::vector>{this->GetTransactDescriptor(nullptr)})); transact_statements->Add(ifStatement); } // Meta transactions are looked up prior to user-defined transactions. transact_statements->Add(this->transact_switch_meta); transact_statements->Add(this->transact_switch_user); // getTransactionName if (options_.GenTransactionNames() || options_.GenTraces()) { // Some transaction codes are common, e.g. INTERFACE_TRANSACTION or DUMP_TRANSACTION. // Common transaction codes will not be resolved to a string by getTransactionName. The method // will return NULL in this case. auto code_switch_default_case = std::make_shared(); code_switch_default_case->statements->Add(std::make_shared(NULL_VALUE)); this->code_to_method_name_switch->cases.push_back(code_switch_default_case); } // There will be at least one statement for the default, but if we emit a // return true after that default, it will be unreachable. if (case_count > 0) { transact_statements->Add(std::make_shared(TRUE_VALUE)); } } // The the expression for the interface's descriptor to be used when // generating code for the given method. Null is acceptable for method // and stands for synthetic cases. std::shared_ptr StubClass::GetTransactDescriptor(const AidlMethod* method) { if (transact_outline) { if (method != nullptr) { // When outlining, each outlined method needs its own literal. if (outline_methods.count(method) != 0) { return std::make_shared("DESCRIPTOR"); } } else { // Synthetic case. A small number is assumed. Use its own descriptor // if there are only synthetic cases. if (outline_methods.size() == all_method_count) { return std::make_shared("DESCRIPTOR"); } } } // When not outlining, store the descriptor literal into a local variable, in // an effort to save const-string instructions in each switch case. if (transact_descriptor == nullptr) { transact_descriptor = std::make_shared("java.lang.String", "descriptor"); transact_statements->Add(std::make_shared( transact_descriptor, std::make_shared("DESCRIPTOR"))); } return transact_descriptor; } void StubClass::MakeConstructors(const AidlInterface* interfaceType) { string ctors_code; CodeWriterPtr writer = CodeWriter::ForString(&ctors_code); CodeWriter& code = *writer; if (interfaceType->UsesPermissions()) { code << "private final android.os.PermissionEnforcer mEnforcer;\n"; code << "/** Construct the stub using the Enforcer provided. */\n"; code << "public Stub(android.os.PermissionEnforcer enforcer)\n"; } else { code << "/** Construct the stub at attach it to the interface. */\n"; code << "public Stub()\n"; } code << "{\n"; code.Indent(); if (interfaceType->IsVintfStability()) { code << "this.markVintfStability();\n"; } code << "this.attachInterface(this, DESCRIPTOR);\n"; if (interfaceType->UsesPermissions()) { code << "if (enforcer == null) {\n"; code.Indent(); code << "throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"enforcer cannot be null\");\n"; code.Dedent(); code << "}\n"; code << "mEnforcer = enforcer;\n"; } code.Dedent(); code << "}\n"; // Setup a default constructor for permissions interfaces. if (interfaceType->UsesPermissions()) { code << "@Deprecated\n"; code << "/** Default constructor. */\n"; code << "public Stub() {\n"; code.Indent(); code << "this(android.os.PermissionEnforcer.fromContext(\n"; code << " android.app.ActivityThread.currentActivityThread().getSystemContext()));\n"; code.Dedent(); code << "}\n"; } code.Close(); this->elements.push_back(std::make_shared(ctors_code)); } void StubClass::MakeAsInterface(const AidlInterface* interfaceType) { auto obj = std::make_shared("android.os.IBinder", "obj"); auto m = std::make_shared(); m->comment = "/**\n * Cast an IBinder object into an "; m->comment += interfaceType->GetCanonicalName(); m->comment += " interface,\n"; m->comment += " * generating a proxy if needed.\n */"; m->modifiers = PUBLIC | STATIC; m->returnType = interfaceType->GetCanonicalName(); m->name = "asInterface"; m->parameters.push_back(obj); m->statements = std::make_shared(); auto ifstatement = std::make_shared(); ifstatement->expression = std::make_shared(obj, "==", NULL_VALUE); ifstatement->statements = std::make_shared(); ifstatement->statements->Add(std::make_shared(NULL_VALUE)); m->statements->Add(ifstatement); // IInterface iin = obj.queryLocalInterface(DESCRIPTOR) auto queryLocalInterface = std::make_shared(obj, "queryLocalInterface"); queryLocalInterface->arguments.push_back(std::make_shared("DESCRIPTOR")); auto iin = std::make_shared("android.os.IInterface", "iin"); auto iinVd = std::make_shared(iin, queryLocalInterface); m->statements->Add(iinVd); // Ensure the instance type of the local object is as expected. // One scenario where this is needed is if another package (with a // different class loader) runs in the same process as the service. // if (iin != null && iin instanceof ) return () // iin; auto iinNotNull = std::make_shared(iin, "!=", NULL_VALUE); auto instOfCheck = std::make_shared( iin, " instanceof ", std::make_shared(interfaceType->GetCanonicalName())); auto instOfStatement = std::make_shared(); instOfStatement->expression = std::make_shared(iinNotNull, "&&", instOfCheck); instOfStatement->statements = std::make_shared(); instOfStatement->statements->Add(std::make_shared( std::make_shared(interfaceType->GetCanonicalName(), iin))); m->statements->Add(instOfStatement); auto ne = std::make_shared(interfaceType->GetCanonicalName() + ".Stub.Proxy"); ne->arguments.push_back(obj); m->statements->Add(std::make_shared(ne)); this->elements.push_back(m); } // ================================================= class ProxyClass : public Class { public: ProxyClass(const AidlInterface* interfaceType, const Options& options); ~ProxyClass() override; std::shared_ptr mRemote; }; ProxyClass::ProxyClass(const AidlInterface* interfaceType, const Options& options) : Class() { this->modifiers = PRIVATE | STATIC; this->what = Class::CLASS; this->type = interfaceType->GetCanonicalName() + ".Stub.Proxy"; this->interfaces.push_back(interfaceType->GetCanonicalName()); // IBinder mRemote mRemote = std::make_shared("android.os.IBinder", "mRemote"); this->elements.push_back(std::make_shared(PRIVATE, mRemote)); // Proxy() auto remote = std::make_shared("android.os.IBinder", "remote"); auto ctor = std::make_shared(); ctor->name = "Proxy"; ctor->statements = std::make_shared(); ctor->parameters.push_back(remote); ctor->statements->Add(std::make_shared(mRemote, remote)); this->elements.push_back(ctor); if (options.Version() > 0) { std::ostringstream code; code << "private int mCachedVersion = -1;\n"; this->elements.emplace_back(std::make_shared(code.str())); } if (!options.Hash().empty()) { std::ostringstream code; code << "private String mCachedHash = \"-1\";\n"; this->elements.emplace_back(std::make_shared(code.str())); } // IBinder asBinder() auto asBinder = std::make_shared(); asBinder->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE; asBinder->returnType = "android.os.IBinder"; asBinder->name = "asBinder"; asBinder->statements = std::make_shared(); asBinder->statements->Add(std::make_shared(mRemote)); this->elements.push_back(asBinder); } ProxyClass::~ProxyClass() {} // ================================================= static void GenerateWriteToParcel(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& typenames, const AidlTypeSpecifier& type, const std::string& parcel, const std::string& var, uint32_t min_sdk_version, bool is_return_value) { WriteToParcelFor(CodeGeneratorContext{ .writer = out, .typenames = typenames, .type = type, .parcel = parcel, .var = var, .min_sdk_version = min_sdk_version, .write_to_parcel_flag = is_return_value ? "android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE" : "0", }); } static void GenerateWriteToParcel(std::shared_ptr addTo, const AidlTypenames& typenames, const AidlTypeSpecifier& type, const std::string& parcel, const std::string& var, uint32_t min_sdk_version, bool is_return_value) { string code; GenerateWriteToParcel(*CodeWriter::ForString(&code), typenames, type, parcel, var, min_sdk_version, is_return_value); addTo->Add(std::make_shared(code)); } void GenerateConstantDeclarations(CodeWriter& out, const AidlDefinedType& type) { for (const auto& constant : type.GetConstantDeclarations()) { const AidlTypeSpecifier& type = constant->GetType(); out << GenerateComments(*constant); out << GenerateAnnotations(*constant); out << "public static final " << type.Signature() << " " << constant->GetName() << " = " << constant->ValueString(ConstantValueDecorator) << ";\n"; } } static std::shared_ptr GenerateInterfaceMethod(const AidlInterface& iface, const AidlMethod& method) { auto decl = std::make_shared(); decl->comment = GenerateComments(method); decl->modifiers = PUBLIC; decl->returnType = JavaSignatureOf(method.GetType()); decl->name = method.GetName(); decl->annotations = JavaAnnotationsFor(method); // If the interface has some permission annotation, add it to the method. if (auto iface_annotation = JavaPermissionAnnotation(iface); iface_annotation) { decl->annotations.push_back(*iface_annotation); } for (const std::unique_ptr& arg : method.GetArguments()) { auto var = std::make_shared(JavaSignatureOf(arg->GetType()), arg->GetName()); var->annotations = JavaAnnotationsFor(arg->GetType()); decl->parameters.push_back(var); } decl->exceptions.push_back("android.os.RemoteException"); return decl; } // Visitor for the permission declared in the @EnforcePermission annotation. class PermissionVisitor { public: PermissionVisitor(CodeWriter* code) : code_(code) {} void operator()(const perm::AllOf& quantifier) { std::vector permissions; permissions.reserve(quantifier.operands.size()); for (auto const& permission : quantifier.operands) { permissions.push_back(android::aidl::perm::JavaFullName(permission)); } *code_ << "mEnforcer.enforcePermissionAllOf(new String[]{" << Join(permissions, ", ") << "}, source);\n"; } void operator()(const perm::AnyOf& quantifier) { std::vector permissions; permissions.reserve(quantifier.operands.size()); for (auto const& permission : quantifier.operands) { permissions.push_back(android::aidl::perm::JavaFullName(permission)); } *code_ << "mEnforcer.enforcePermissionAnyOf(new String[]{" << Join(permissions, ", ") << "}, source);\n"; } void operator()(const std::string& permission) { auto permissionName = android::aidl::perm::JavaFullName(permission); *code_ << "mEnforcer.enforcePermission(" << permissionName << ", source);\n"; } private: CodeWriter* code_; }; static void GeneratePermissionMethod(const AidlInterface& iface, const AidlMethod& method, const std::shared_ptr& addTo) { string code; CodeWriterPtr writer = CodeWriter::ForString(&code); *writer << "/** Helper method to enforce permissions for " << method.GetName() << " */\n"; auto has_attribution_source = std::any_of(method.GetArguments().begin(), method.GetArguments().end(), [](const auto& arg) { return arg->GetType().GetName() == "android.content.AttributionSource"; }); *writer << "protected void " << method.GetName() << "_enforcePermission(" << (has_attribution_source ? "android.content.AttributionSource source" : "") << ") throws SecurityException {\n"; writer->Indent(); if (!has_attribution_source) { *writer << "android.content.AttributionSource source = " "new android.content.AttributionSource(getCallingUid(), null, null);\n"; } if (auto ifacePermExpr = iface.EnforceExpression(); ifacePermExpr) { std::visit(PermissionVisitor(writer.get()), *ifacePermExpr.get()); } else if (auto methodPermExpr = method.GetType().EnforceExpression(); methodPermExpr) { std::visit(PermissionVisitor(writer.get()), *methodPermExpr.get()); } writer->Dedent(); *writer << "}\n"; writer->Close(); addTo->elements.push_back(std::make_shared(code)); } static void GenerateStubCode(const AidlMethod& method, bool oneway, std::shared_ptr transact_data, std::shared_ptr transact_reply, const AidlTypenames& typenames, std::shared_ptr statement_block, const Options& options) { // try and finally auto& statements = statement_block; auto realCall = std::make_shared(THIS_VALUE, method.GetName()); // args VariableFactory stubArgs("_arg"); { // keep this across different args in order to create the classloader // at most once. bool is_classloader_created = false; for (const std::unique_ptr& arg : method.GetArguments()) { std::shared_ptr v = stubArgs.Get(arg->GetType()); statements->Add(std::make_shared(v)); string code; CodeWriterPtr writer = CodeWriter::ForString(&code); if (arg->GetDirection() & AidlArgument::IN_DIR) { // "in/inout" parameter should be created from parcel. CodeGeneratorContext context{.writer = *(writer.get()), .typenames = typenames, .type = arg->GetType(), .parcel = transact_data->name, .var = v->name, .min_sdk_version = options.GetMinSdkVersion(), .is_classloader_created = &is_classloader_created}; CreateFromParcelFor(context); } else { // "out" parameter should be instantiated before calling the real impl. string java_type = InstantiableJavaSignatureOf(arg->GetType()); if (arg->GetType().IsDynamicArray()) { // dynamic array should be created with a passed length. string var_length = v->name + "_length"; (*writer) << "int " << var_length << " = data.readInt();\n"; (*writer) << "if (" << var_length << " < 0) {\n"; (*writer) << " " << v->name << " = null;\n"; (*writer) << "} else {\n"; (*writer) << " " << v->name << " = new " << java_type << "[" << var_length << "];\n"; (*writer) << "}\n"; } else if (arg->GetType().IsFixedSizeArray()) { // fixed-size array can be created with a known size string dimensions; for (auto dim : arg->GetType().GetFixedSizeArrayDimensions()) { dimensions += "[" + std::to_string(dim) + "]"; } (*writer) << v->name << " = new " << java_type << dimensions << ";\n"; } else { // otherwise, create a new instance with a default constructor (*writer) << v->name << " = new " << java_type << "();\n"; } } writer->Close(); statements->Add(std::make_shared(code)); realCall->arguments.push_back(v); } } // EOF check if (!method.GetArguments().empty() && options.GetMinSdkVersion() > 32u) { statements->Add(std::make_shared(transact_data, "enforceNoDataAvail")); } // the real call if (method.GetType().GetName() == "void") { statements->Add(realCall); if (!oneway) { // report that there were no exceptions auto ex = std::make_shared(transact_reply, "writeNoException"); statements->Add(ex); } } else { auto _result = std::make_shared(JavaSignatureOf(method.GetType()), "_result"); statements->Add(std::make_shared(_result, realCall)); if (!oneway) { // report that there were no exceptions auto ex = std::make_shared(transact_reply, "writeNoException"); statements->Add(ex); } // marshall the return value GenerateWriteToParcel(statements, typenames, method.GetType(), transact_reply->name, _result->name, options.GetMinSdkVersion(), /*is_return_value=*/true); } // out parameters int i = 0; for (const std::unique_ptr& arg : method.GetArguments()) { std::shared_ptr v = stubArgs.Get(i++); if (arg->GetDirection() & AidlArgument::OUT_DIR) { GenerateWriteToParcel(statements, typenames, arg->GetType(), transact_reply->name, v->name, options.GetMinSdkVersion(), /*is_return_value=*/true); } } } static void GenerateStubCase(const AidlMethod& method, const std::string& transactCodeName, bool oneway, const std::shared_ptr& stubClass, const AidlTypenames& typenames, const Options& options) { auto c = std::make_shared(transactCodeName); GenerateStubCode(method, oneway, stubClass->transact_data, stubClass->transact_reply, typenames, c->statements, options); c->statements->Add(std::make_shared()); stubClass->transact_switch_user->cases.push_back(c); } static void GenerateStubCaseOutline(const AidlMethod& method, const std::string& transactCodeName, bool oneway, const std::shared_ptr& stubClass, const AidlTypenames& typenames, const Options& options) { std::string outline_name = "onTransact$" + method.GetName() + "$"; // Generate an "outlined" method with the actual code. { auto transact_data = std::make_shared("android.os.Parcel", "data"); auto transact_reply = std::make_shared("android.os.Parcel", "reply"); auto onTransact_case = std::make_shared(); onTransact_case->modifiers = PRIVATE; onTransact_case->returnType = "boolean"; onTransact_case->name = outline_name; onTransact_case->parameters.push_back(transact_data); onTransact_case->parameters.push_back(transact_reply); onTransact_case->statements = std::make_shared(); onTransact_case->exceptions.push_back("android.os.RemoteException"); stubClass->elements.push_back(onTransact_case); GenerateStubCode(method, oneway, transact_data, transact_reply, typenames, onTransact_case->statements, options); onTransact_case->statements->Add(std::make_shared(TRUE_VALUE)); } // Generate the case dispatch. { auto c = std::make_shared(transactCodeName); auto helper_call = std::make_shared(THIS_VALUE, outline_name, std::vector>{ stubClass->transact_data, stubClass->transact_reply}); c->statements->Add(std::make_shared(helper_call)); stubClass->transact_switch_user->cases.push_back(c); } } template static std::string ArgList(const AidlMethod& method, Formatter formatter) { vector args; for (const auto& arg : method.GetArguments()) { args.push_back(std::invoke(formatter, *arg)); } return Join(args, ", "); } static std::string FormatArgForDecl(const AidlArgument& arg) { return JavaSignatureOf(arg.GetType()) + " " + arg.GetName(); } static void GenerateProxyMethod(CodeWriter& out, const AidlInterface& iface, const AidlMethod& method, const std::string& transactCodeName, bool oneway, const AidlTypenames& typenames, const Options& options) { bool is_void = method.GetType().GetName() == "void"; out << GenerateComments(method); out << "@Override public " << JavaSignatureOf(method.GetType()) << " " << method.GetName() << "(" << ArgList(method, FormatArgForDecl) << ") throws android.os.RemoteException\n{\n"; out.Indent(); // the parcels if (options.GenRpc()) { out << "android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain(asBinder());\n"; } else { out << "android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain();\n"; } if (iface.IsSensitiveData()) { out << "_data.markSensitive();\n"; } if (!oneway) { out << "android.os.Parcel _reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();\n"; } // the return value if (!is_void) { out << JavaSignatureOf(method.GetType()) << " _result;\n"; } out << "try {\n"; out.Indent(); // the interface identifier token: the DESCRIPTOR constant, marshalled as a // string out << "_data.writeInterfaceToken(DESCRIPTOR);\n"; // the parameters for (const std::unique_ptr& arg : method.GetArguments()) { AidlArgument::Direction dir = arg->GetDirection(); if (dir == AidlArgument::OUT_DIR && arg->GetType().IsDynamicArray()) { // In Java we pass a pre-allocated array for an 'out' argument. For transaction, // we pass the size of the array so that the remote can allocate the array with the same size. out << "_data.writeInt(" << arg->GetName() << ".length);\n"; } else if (dir & AidlArgument::IN_DIR) { GenerateWriteToParcel(out, typenames, arg->GetType(), "_data", arg->GetName(), options.GetMinSdkVersion(), /*is_return_value=*/false); } } std::vector flags; if (oneway) flags.push_back("android.os.IBinder.FLAG_ONEWAY"); if (iface.IsSensitiveData()) flags.push_back("android.os.IBinder.FLAG_CLEAR_BUF"); // the transact call out << "boolean _status = mRemote.transact(Stub." << transactCodeName << ", _data, " << (oneway ? "null" : "_reply") << ", " << (flags.empty() ? "0" : Join(flags, " | ")) << ");\n"; // TODO(b/151102494): annotation is applied on the return type if (method.GetType().IsPropagateAllowBlocking() && !oneway) { if (options.GetMinSdkVersion() < JAVA_PROPAGATE_VERSION) { out << "if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= " + std::to_string(JAVA_PROPAGATE_VERSION) + ") { _reply.setPropagateAllowBlocking(); }\n"; } else { out << "_reply.setPropagateAllowBlocking();\n"; } } // If the transaction returns false, which means UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION, fall back to the local // method in the default impl, if set before. Otherwise, throw a RuntimeException if the interface // is versioned. We can't throw the exception for unversioned interface because that would be an // app breaking change. if (iface.IsJavaDefault() || options.Version() > 0) { out << "if (!_status) {\n"; out.Indent(); if (iface.IsJavaDefault()) { out << "if (getDefaultImpl() != null) {\n"; out.Indent(); if (is_void) { out << "getDefaultImpl()." << method.GetName() << "(" << ArgList(method, &AidlArgument::GetName) << ");\n"; out << "return;\n"; } else { out << "return getDefaultImpl()." << method.GetName() << "(" << ArgList(method, &AidlArgument::GetName) << ");\n"; } out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } // TODO(b/274144762): we shouldn't have different behavior for versioned interfaces // also this set to false for all exceptions, not just unimplemented methods. if (options.Version() > 0) { out << "throw new android.os.RemoteException(\"Method " << method.GetName() << " is unimplemented.\");\n"; } out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } if (!oneway) { // keep this across return value and arguments in order to create the // classloader at most once. bool is_classloader_created = false; // throw back exceptions. out << "_reply.readException();\n"; if (!is_void) { CreateFromParcelFor(CodeGeneratorContext{.writer = out, .typenames = typenames, .type = method.GetType(), .parcel = "_reply", .var = "_result", .min_sdk_version = options.GetMinSdkVersion(), .is_classloader_created = &is_classloader_created}); } // the out/inout parameters for (const std::unique_ptr& arg : method.GetArguments()) { if (arg->GetDirection() & AidlArgument::OUT_DIR) { ReadFromParcelFor(CodeGeneratorContext{.writer = out, .typenames = typenames, .type = arg->GetType(), .parcel = "_reply", .var = arg->GetName(), .min_sdk_version = options.GetMinSdkVersion(), .is_classloader_created = &is_classloader_created}); } } } out.Dedent(); out << "}\nfinally {\n"; out.Indent(); // returning and cleanup if (!oneway) { out << "_reply.recycle();\n"; } out << "_data.recycle();\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; // finally if (!is_void) { out << "return _result;\n"; } out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; // method body } static void GenerateMethods(const AidlInterface& iface, const AidlMethod& method, Class* interface, std::shared_ptr stubClass, std::shared_ptr proxyClass, int index, const AidlTypenames& typenames, const Options& options) { const bool oneway = method.IsOneway(); // == the TRANSACT_ constant ============================================= string transactCodeName = "TRANSACTION_"; transactCodeName += method.GetName(); auto transactCode = std::make_shared(STATIC | FINAL, std::make_shared("int", transactCodeName)); transactCode->value = StringPrintf("(android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + %d)", index); stubClass->elements.push_back(transactCode); // getTransactionName if (options.GenTransactionNames() || options.GenTraces()) { auto c = std::make_shared(transactCodeName); c->statements->Add(std::make_shared( std::make_shared(method.GetName()))); stubClass->code_to_method_name_switch->cases.push_back(c); } // == the declaration in the interface =================================== std::shared_ptr decl; if (method.IsUserDefined()) { decl = GenerateInterfaceMethod(iface, method); } else { if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) { std::ostringstream code; code << "public int " << kGetInterfaceVersion << "() " << "throws android.os.RemoteException;\n"; decl = std::make_shared(code.str()); } if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) { std::ostringstream code; code << "public String " << kGetInterfaceHash << "() " << "throws android.os.RemoteException;\n"; decl = std::make_shared(code.str()); } } interface->elements.push_back(decl); // == the stub method ==================================================== if (method.IsUserDefined()) { bool outline_stub = stubClass->transact_outline && stubClass->outline_methods.count(&method) != 0; if (outline_stub) { GenerateStubCaseOutline(method, transactCodeName, oneway, stubClass, typenames, options); } else { GenerateStubCase(method, transactCodeName, oneway, stubClass, typenames, options); } if (iface.EnforceExpression() || method.GetType().EnforceExpression()) { GeneratePermissionMethod(iface, method, stubClass); } } else { if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) { auto c = std::make_shared(transactCodeName); std::ostringstream code; code << "reply.writeNoException();\n" << "reply.writeInt(" << kGetInterfaceVersion << "());\n" << "return true;\n"; c->statements->Add(std::make_shared(code.str())); stubClass->transact_switch_meta->cases.push_back(c); } if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) { auto c = std::make_shared(transactCodeName); std::ostringstream code; code << "reply.writeNoException();\n" << "reply.writeString(" << kGetInterfaceHash << "());\n" << "return true;\n"; c->statements->Add(std::make_shared(code.str())); stubClass->transact_switch_meta->cases.push_back(c); } } // == the proxy method =================================================== string proxy_code; CodeWriterPtr writer = CodeWriter::ForString(&proxy_code); CodeWriter& code = *writer; if (method.IsUserDefined()) { GenerateProxyMethod(code, iface, method, transactCodeName, oneway, typenames, options); } else { if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) { code << "@Override\n" << "public int " << kGetInterfaceVersion << "()" << " throws " << "android.os.RemoteException {\n" << " if (mCachedVersion == -1) {\n"; if (options.GenRpc()) { code << " android.os.Parcel data = android.os.Parcel.obtain(asBinder());\n"; } else { code << " android.os.Parcel data = android.os.Parcel.obtain();\n"; } code << " android.os.Parcel reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();\n" << " try {\n" << " data.writeInterfaceToken(DESCRIPTOR);\n" << " boolean _status = mRemote.transact(Stub." << transactCodeName << ", " << "data, reply, 0);\n"; if (iface.IsJavaDefault()) { code << " if (!_status) {\n" << " if (getDefaultImpl() != null) {\n" << " return getDefaultImpl().getInterfaceVersion();\n" << " }\n" << " }\n"; } code << " reply.readException();\n" << " mCachedVersion = reply.readInt();\n" << " } finally {\n" << " reply.recycle();\n" << " data.recycle();\n" << " }\n" << " }\n" << " return mCachedVersion;\n" << "}\n"; } if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) { code << "@Override\n" << "public synchronized String " << kGetInterfaceHash << "()" << " throws " << "android.os.RemoteException {\n" << " if (\"-1\".equals(mCachedHash)) {\n"; if (options.GenRpc()) { code << " android.os.Parcel data = android.os.Parcel.obtain(asBinder());\n"; } else { code << " android.os.Parcel data = android.os.Parcel.obtain();\n"; } code << " android.os.Parcel reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();\n" << " try {\n" << " data.writeInterfaceToken(DESCRIPTOR);\n" << " boolean _status = mRemote.transact(Stub." << transactCodeName << ", " << "data, reply, 0);\n"; if (iface.IsJavaDefault()) { code << " if (!_status) {\n" << " if (getDefaultImpl() != null) {\n" << " return getDefaultImpl().getInterfaceHash();\n" << " }\n" << " }\n"; } code << " reply.readException();\n" << " mCachedHash = reply.readString();\n" << " } finally {\n" << " reply.recycle();\n" << " data.recycle();\n" << " }\n" << " }\n" << " return mCachedHash;\n" << "}\n"; } } code.Close(); if (!proxy_code.empty()) { proxyClass->elements.push_back(std::make_shared(proxy_code)); } } static void GenerateInterfaceDescriptors(const Options& options, const AidlInterface* iface, Class* interface, std::shared_ptr stub, std::shared_ptr proxy) { // the interface descriptor transaction handler auto c = std::make_shared("INTERFACE_TRANSACTION"); c->statements->Add(std::make_shared( stub->transact_reply, "writeString", std::vector>{stub->GetTransactDescriptor(nullptr)})); c->statements->Add(std::make_shared(TRUE_VALUE)); stub->transact_switch_meta->cases.push_back(c); // and the proxy-side method returning the descriptor directly auto getDesc = std::make_shared(); getDesc->modifiers = PUBLIC; getDesc->returnType = "java.lang.String"; getDesc->name = "getInterfaceDescriptor"; getDesc->statements = std::make_shared(); getDesc->statements->Add( std::make_shared(std::make_shared("DESCRIPTOR"))); proxy->elements.push_back(getDesc); // add the DESCRIPTOR field to the interface class Class* classToAddDescriptor = interface; static std::set greylist = { #include "hiddenapi-greylist" }; if (greylist.find(iface->GetCanonicalName()) != greylist.end()) { // For app compatibility, we keep DESCRIPTOR to the stub class for // the interfaces that are in the greylist. classToAddDescriptor = stub.get(); } auto descriptor = std::make_shared( STATIC | FINAL | PUBLIC, std::make_shared("java.lang.String", "DESCRIPTOR")); std::string name = iface->GetDescriptor(); // TODO(b/242862858): avoid differentiating behahavior. This is currently blocked // to fix because of a metalava lint which disallows running code to generate // static fields. if (options.IsStructured()) { // mangle the interface name at build time and demangle it at runtime, to avoid // being renamed by jarjar. See b/153843174 std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '.', '$'); descriptor->value = "\"" + name + "\".replace('$', '.')"; } else { descriptor->value = "\"" + name + "\""; } classToAddDescriptor->elements.push_back(descriptor); } // Check whether (some) methods in this interface should be "outlined," that // is, have specific onTransact methods for certain cases. Set up StubClass // metadata accordingly. // // Outlining will be enabled if the interface has more than outline_threshold // methods. In that case, the methods are sorted by number of arguments // (so that more "complex" methods come later), and the first non_outline_count // number of methods not outlined (are kept in the onTransact() method). // // Requirements: non_outline_count <= outline_threshold. static void ComputeOutlineMethods(const AidlInterface* iface, const std::shared_ptr stub, size_t outline_threshold, size_t non_outline_count) { AIDL_FATAL_IF(non_outline_count > outline_threshold, iface); // We'll outline (create sub methods) if there are more than min_methods // cases. stub->transact_outline = iface->GetMethods().size() > outline_threshold; if (stub->transact_outline) { stub->all_method_count = iface->GetMethods().size(); std::vector methods; methods.reserve(iface->GetMethods().size()); for (const auto& ptr : iface->GetMethods()) { methods.push_back(ptr.get()); } std::stable_sort( methods.begin(), methods.end(), [](const AidlMethod* m1, const AidlMethod* m2) { return m1->GetArguments().size() < m2->GetArguments().size(); }); stub->outline_methods.insert(methods.begin() + non_outline_count, methods.end()); } } static shared_ptr GenerateDefaultImplMethod(const AidlMethod& method) { auto default_method = std::make_shared(); default_method->comment = GenerateComments(method); default_method->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE; default_method->returnType = JavaSignatureOf(method.GetType()); default_method->name = method.GetName(); default_method->statements = std::make_shared(); for (const auto& arg : method.GetArguments()) { default_method->parameters.push_back( std::make_shared(JavaSignatureOf(arg->GetType()), arg->GetName())); } default_method->exceptions.push_back("android.os.RemoteException"); if (method.GetType().GetName() != "void") { const string& defaultValue = DefaultJavaValueOf(method.GetType()); default_method->statements->Add( std::make_shared(StringPrintf("return %s;\n", defaultValue.c_str()))); } return default_method; } static shared_ptr GenerateDefaultImplClass(const AidlInterface& iface, const Options& options) { auto default_class = std::make_shared(); default_class->comment = "/** Default implementation for " + iface.GetName() + ". */"; default_class->modifiers = PUBLIC | STATIC; default_class->what = Class::CLASS; default_class->type = iface.GetCanonicalName() + ".Default"; default_class->interfaces.emplace_back(iface.GetCanonicalName()); for (const auto& m : iface.GetMethods()) { if (m->IsUserDefined()) { default_class->elements.emplace_back(GenerateDefaultImplMethod(*m)); } else { // These are called only when the remote side does not implement these // methods, which is normally impossible, because these methods are // automatically declared in the interface class and not implementing // them on the remote side causes a compilation error. But if the remote // side somehow managed to not implement it, that's an error and we // report the case by returning an invalid value here. if (m->GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) { std::ostringstream code; code << "@Override\n" << "public int " << kGetInterfaceVersion << "() {\n" << " return 0;\n" << "}\n"; default_class->elements.emplace_back(std::make_shared(code.str())); } if (m->GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) { std::ostringstream code; code << "@Override\n" << "public String " << kGetInterfaceHash << "() {\n" << " return \"\";\n" << "}\n"; default_class->elements.emplace_back(std::make_shared(code.str())); } } } default_class->elements.emplace_back( std::make_shared("@Override\n" "public android.os.IBinder asBinder() {\n" " return null;\n" "}\n")); return default_class; } static shared_ptr GenerateDelegatorMethod(const AidlMethod& method) { auto delegator_method = std::make_shared(); delegator_method->comment = GenerateComments(method); delegator_method->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE; delegator_method->returnType = JavaSignatureOf(method.GetType()); delegator_method->name = method.GetName(); delegator_method->statements = std::make_shared(); std::vector argNames; for (const auto& arg : method.GetArguments()) { delegator_method->parameters.push_back( std::make_shared(JavaSignatureOf(arg->GetType()), arg->GetName())); argNames.push_back(arg->GetName()); } delegator_method->exceptions.push_back("android.os.RemoteException"); std::string return_str; if (method.GetType().GetName() != "void") { return_str = "return "; } delegator_method->statements->Add( std::make_shared(return_str + "mImpl." + method.GetName() + "(" + android::base::Join(argNames, ",") + ");\n")); return delegator_method; } static shared_ptr GenerateDelegatorClass(const AidlInterface& iface, const Options& options) { auto delegator_class = std::make_shared(); delegator_class->comment = "/** Delegator implementation for " + iface.GetName() + ". */"; delegator_class->modifiers = PUBLIC | STATIC; delegator_class->what = Class::CLASS; delegator_class->type = iface.GetCanonicalName() + ".Delegator"; delegator_class->extends = iface.GetCanonicalName() + ".Stub"; // constructor delegator_class->elements.emplace_back( std::make_shared("public Delegator(" + iface.GetCanonicalName() + " impl) {\n" " this.mImpl = impl;\n" "}\n")); // meta methods if (!options.Hash().empty()) { delegator_class->elements.emplace_back( std::make_shared("@Override\n" "public String " + kGetInterfaceHash + "() throws android.os.RemoteException {\n" " return mImpl." + kGetInterfaceHash + "();\n" "}\n")); } if (options.Version() > 0) { delegator_class->elements.emplace_back( std::make_shared("@Override\n" "public int " + kGetInterfaceVersion + "() throws android.os.RemoteException {\n" " int implVer = mImpl." + kGetInterfaceVersion + "();\n" " return VERSION < implVer ? VERSION : implVer;\n" "}\n")); } // user defined methods for (const auto& m : iface.GetMethods()) { if (m->IsUserDefined()) { delegator_class->elements.emplace_back(GenerateDelegatorMethod(*m)); } } delegator_class->elements.emplace_back( std::make_shared(iface.GetCanonicalName() + " mImpl;\n")); return delegator_class; } static shared_ptr GenerateMaxTransactionId(int max_transaction_id) { auto getMaxTransactionId = std::make_shared(); getMaxTransactionId->comment = "/** @hide */"; getMaxTransactionId->modifiers = PUBLIC; getMaxTransactionId->returnType = "int"; getMaxTransactionId->name = "getMaxTransactionId"; getMaxTransactionId->statements = std::make_shared(); getMaxTransactionId->statements->Add(std::make_shared( std::make_shared(std::to_string(max_transaction_id)))); return getMaxTransactionId; } std::unique_ptr GenerateInterfaceClass(const AidlInterface* iface, const AidlTypenames& typenames, const Options& options) { // the interface class auto interface = std::make_unique(); interface->comment = GenerateComments(*iface); interface->modifiers = PUBLIC; interface->what = Class::INTERFACE; interface->type = iface->GetCanonicalName(); interface->interfaces.push_back("android.os.IInterface"); interface->annotations = JavaAnnotationsFor(*iface); if (options.Version()) { std::ostringstream code; code << "/**\n" << " * The version of this interface that the caller is built against.\n" << " * This might be different from what {@link #getInterfaceVersion()\n" << " * getInterfaceVersion} returns as that is the version of the interface\n" << " * that the remote object is implementing.\n" << " */\n" << "public static final int VERSION = " << options.Version() << ";\n"; interface->elements.emplace_back(std::make_shared(code.str())); } if (!options.Hash().empty()) { std::ostringstream code; code << "public static final String HASH = \"" << options.Hash() << "\";\n"; interface->elements.emplace_back(std::make_shared(code.str())); } // the default impl class auto default_impl = GenerateDefaultImplClass(*iface, options); interface->elements.emplace_back(default_impl); // the delegator class if (iface->IsJavaDelegator()) { auto delegator = GenerateDelegatorClass(*iface, options); interface->elements.emplace_back(delegator); } // the stub inner class auto stub = std::make_shared(iface, options); interface->elements.push_back(stub); ComputeOutlineMethods(iface, stub, options.onTransact_outline_threshold_, options.onTransact_non_outline_count_); // the proxy inner class auto proxy = std::make_shared(iface, options); stub->elements.push_back(proxy); // stub and proxy support for getInterfaceDescriptor() GenerateInterfaceDescriptors(options, iface, interface.get(), stub, proxy); // all the declared constants of the interface string constants; GenerateConstantDeclarations(*CodeWriter::ForString(&constants), *iface); interface->elements.push_back(std::make_shared(constants)); // all the declared methods of the interface int max_transaction_id = 0; for (const auto& item : iface->GetMethods()) { GenerateMethods(*iface, *item, interface.get(), stub, proxy, item->GetId(), typenames, options); max_transaction_id = std::max(max_transaction_id, item->GetId()); } // getMaxTransactionId if (options.GenTransactionNames() || options.GenTraces()) { stub->elements.push_back(GenerateMaxTransactionId(max_transaction_id)); } // all the nested types string code; auto writer = CodeWriter::ForString(&code); for (const auto& nested : iface->GetNestedTypes()) { GenerateClass(*writer, *nested, typenames, options); } GenerateParcelHelpers(*writer, *iface, typenames, options); writer->Close(); interface->elements.push_back(std::make_shared(code)); if (iface->IsJavaDefault()) { // additional static methods for the default impl set/get to the // stub class. Can't add them to the interface as the generated java files // may be compiled with Java < 1.7 where static interface method isn't // supported. // TODO(b/111417145) make this conditional depending on the Java language // version requested const string i_name = iface->GetCanonicalName(); stub->elements.emplace_back(std::make_shared( StringPrintf("public static boolean setDefaultImpl(%s impl) {\n" " // Only one user of this interface can use this function\n" " // at a time. This is a heuristic to detect if two different\n" " // users in the same process use this function.\n" " if (Stub.Proxy.sDefaultImpl != null) {\n" " throw new IllegalStateException(\"setDefaultImpl() called twice\");\n" " }\n" " if (impl != null) {\n" " Stub.Proxy.sDefaultImpl = impl;\n" " return true;\n" " }\n" " return false;\n" "}\n", i_name.c_str()))); stub->elements.emplace_back( std::make_shared(StringPrintf("public static %s getDefaultImpl() {\n" " return Stub.Proxy.sDefaultImpl;\n" "}\n", i_name.c_str()))); // the static field is defined in the proxy class, not in the interface class // because all fields in an interface class are by default final. proxy->elements.emplace_back(std::make_shared( StringPrintf("public static %s sDefaultImpl;\n", i_name.c_str()))); } stub->Finish(); return interface; } } // namespace java } // namespace aidl } // namespace android