/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ %{ #include "AST.h" #include "Annotation.h" #include "ArrayType.h" #include "CompoundType.h" #include "ConstantExpression.h" #include "Coordinator.h" #include "DocComment.h" #include "EnumType.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "Location.h" #include "Method.h" #include "Scope.h" #include "TypeDef.h" #include "VectorType.h" #include "hidl-gen_y-helpers.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace android; extern int yylex(yy::parser::semantic_type*, yy::parser::location_type*, void*, AST* const, Scope** const); void enterScope(AST* /* ast */, Scope** scope, Scope* container) { CHECK(container->parent() == (*scope)); *scope = container; } void leaveScope(AST* ast, Scope** scope) { CHECK((*scope) != &ast->getRootScope()); *scope = (*scope)->parent(); } ::android::Location convertYYLoc(const yy::parser::location_type& loc, const AST* ast) { return ::android::Location( ::android::Position(ast->getCoordinator().makeRelative(*(loc.begin.filename)), loc.begin.line, loc.begin.column), ::android::Position(ast->getCoordinator().makeRelative(*(loc.end.filename)), loc.end.line, loc.end.column)); } bool isValidInterfaceField(const std::string& identifier, std::string *errorMsg) { static const std::vector reserved({ // Injected names to C++ interfaces by auto-generated code "isRemote", "descriptor", "hidlStaticBlock", "onTransact", "castFrom", "Proxy", "Stub", "getService", // Injected names to Java interfaces by auto-generated code "asInterface", "castFrom", "getService", "toString", // Inherited methods from IBase is detected in addMethod. Not added here // because we need hidl-gen to compile IBase. // Inherited names by interfaces from IInterface / IBinder "onAsBinder", "asBinder", "queryLocalInterface", "getInterfaceDescriptor", "isBinderAlive", "pingBinder", "dump", "transact", "checkSubclass", "attachObject", "findObject", "detachObject", "localBinder", "remoteBinder", "mImpl", // Inherited names from HidlInstrumentor "InstrumentationEvent", "configureInstrumentation", "registerInstrumentationCallbacks", "isInstrumentationLib", "mInstrumentationCallbacks", "mEnableInstrumentation", "mInstrumentationLibPackage", "mInterfaceName", // Collide with names in BsFoo "mImpl", "addOnewayTask", "mOnewayQueue", // Inherited names from Java IHwInterface "asBinder", }); if (std::find(reserved.begin(), reserved.end(), identifier) != reserved.end()) { *errorMsg = identifier + " cannot be a name inside an interface"; return false; } return true; } bool isValidStructField(const std::string& identifier, std::string *errorMsg) { static const std::vector reserved({ // Injected names to structs and unions by auto-generated code "readEmbeddedFromParcel", "writeEmbeddedToParcel", "readVectorFromParcel", "writeVectorToParcel", "writeEmbeddedToBlob", }); if (std::find(reserved.begin(), reserved.end(), identifier) != reserved.end()) { *errorMsg = identifier + " cannot be a name inside an struct or union"; return false; } return true; } bool isValidCompoundTypeField(CompoundType::Style style, const std::string& identifier, std::string *errorMsg) { // Unions don't support fix-up types; as such, they can't // have name collisions with embedded read/write methods. if (style == CompoundType::STYLE_UNION) { return true; } return isValidStructField(identifier, errorMsg);; } bool isValidIdentifier(const std::string& identifier, std::string *errorMsg) { static const std::vector keywords({ "uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t", "int8_t", "int16_t", "int32_t", "int64_t", "bool", "float", "double", "interface", "struct", "union", "string", "vec", "enum", "ref", "handle", "package", "import", "typedef", "generates", "oneway", "extends", "fmq_sync", "fmq_unsync", "safe_union", }); static const std::vector cppKeywords({ "alignas", "alignof", "and", "and_eq", "asm", "atomic_cancel", "atomic_commit", "atomic_noexcept", "auto", "bitand", "bitor", "bool", "break", "case", "catch", "char", "char16_t", "char32_t", "class", "compl", "concept", "const", "constexpr", "const_cast", "continue", "decltype", "default", "delete", "do", "double", "dynamic_cast", "else", "enum", "explicit", "export", "extern", "false", "float", "for", "friend", "goto", "if", "inline", "int", "import", "long", "module", "mutable", "namespace", "new", "noexcept", "not", "not_eq", "nullptr", "operator", "or", "or_eq", "private", "protected", "public", "register", "reinterpret_cast", "requires", "return", "short", "signed", "sizeof", "static", "static_assert", "static_cast", "struct", "switch", "synchronized", "template", "this", "thread_local", "throw", "true", "try", "typedef", "typeid", "typename", "union", "unsigned", "using", "virtual", "void", "volatile", "wchar_t", "while", "xor", "xor_eq", }); static const std::vector javaKeywords({ "abstract", "continue", "for", "new", "switch", "assert", "default", "goto", "package", "synchronized", "boolean", "do", "if", "private", "this", "break", "double", "implements", "protected", "throw", "byte", "else", "import", "public", "throws", "case", "enum", "instanceof", "return", "transient", "catch", "extends", "int", "short", "try", "char", "final", "interface", "static", "void", "class", "finally", "long", "strictfp", "volatile", "const", "float", "native", "super", "while", }); static const std::vector cppCollide({ "size_t", "offsetof", }); // errors if (std::find(keywords.begin(), keywords.end(), identifier) != keywords.end()) { *errorMsg = identifier + " is a HIDL keyword " "and is therefore not a valid identifier"; return false; } if (std::find(cppKeywords.begin(), cppKeywords.end(), identifier) != cppKeywords.end()) { *errorMsg = identifier + " is a C++ keyword " "and is therefore not a valid identifier"; return false; } if (std::find(javaKeywords.begin(), javaKeywords.end(), identifier) != javaKeywords.end()) { *errorMsg = identifier + " is a Java keyword " "and is therefore not a valid identifier"; return false; } if (std::find(cppCollide.begin(), cppCollide.end(), identifier) != cppCollide.end()) { *errorMsg = identifier + " collides with reserved names in C++ code " "and is therefore not a valid identifier"; return false; } if (StringHelper::StartsWith(identifier, "_hidl_")) { *errorMsg = identifier + " starts with _hidl_ " "and is therefore not a valid identifier"; return false; } if (StringHelper::StartsWith(identifier, "hidl_")) { *errorMsg = identifier + " starts with hidl_ " "and is therefore not a valid identifier"; return false; } if (StringHelper::EndsWith(identifier, "_cb")) { *errorMsg = identifier + " ends with _cb " "and is therefore not a valid identifier"; return false; } return true; } // Return true if identifier is an acceptable name for an UDT. bool isValidTypeName(const std::string& identifier, std::string *errorMsg) { if (!isValidIdentifier(identifier, errorMsg)) { return false; } if (identifier == "toString") { *errorMsg = identifier + " is not a valid type name"; return false; } return true; } %} %initial-action { // Initialize the initial location. @$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = const_cast(&ast->getFilename()); } %parse-param { void* scanner } %parse-param { android::AST* const ast } %parse-param { android::Scope** const scope } %lex-param { void* scanner } %lex-param { android::AST* const ast } %lex-param { android::Scope** const scope } %glr-parser %skeleton "glr.cc" %expect-rr 0 %define parse.error verbose %locations %verbose %debug %token MULTILINE_COMMENT "multiline comment" %token DOC_COMMENT "doc comment" %token ENUM "keyword `enum`" %token EXTENDS "keyword `extends`" %token FQNAME "fully-qualified name" %token GENERATES "keyword `generates`" %token IDENTIFIER "identifier" %token IMPORT "keyword `import`" %token INTEGER "integer value" %token FLOAT "float value" %token INTERFACE "keyword `interface`" %token PACKAGE "keyword `package`" %token TYPE "type" %token STRUCT "keyword `struct`" %token STRING_LITERAL "string literal" %token TYPEDEF "keyword `typedef`" %token UNION "keyword `union`" %token SAFE_UNION "keyword `safe_union`" %token TEMPLATED "templated type" %token ONEWAY "keyword `oneway`" %token UNKNOWN "unknown character" /* Operator precedence and associativity, as per * http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operator_precedence */ /* Precedence level 15 ternary operator */ %right '?' ':' /* Precedence level 13 - 14, LTR, logical operators*/ %left LOGICAL_OR %left LOGICAL_AND /* Precedence level 10 - 12, LTR, bitwise operators*/ %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' /* Precedence level 9, LTR */ %left EQUALITY NEQ /* Precedence level 8, LTR */ %left '<' '>' LEQ GEQ /* Precedence level 7, LTR */ %left LSHIFT RSHIFT /* Precedence level 6, LTR */ %left '+' '-' /* Precedence level 5, LTR */ %left '*' '/' '%' /* Precedence level 3, RTL; but we have to use %left here */ %left UNARY_MINUS UNARY_PLUS '!' '~' %token '#' %type doc_comment doc_comments ignore_doc_comments %type error_stmt error %type package %type fqname %type fqtype %type valid_identifier valid_type_name %type type enum_storage_type type_or_inplace_compound_declaration %type array_type_base %type array_type %type opt_extends %type type_declaration commentable_type_declaration type_declaration_body %type interface_declaration typedef_declaration %type named_struct_or_union_declaration named_enum_declaration %type compound_declaration annotated_compound_declaration %type field_declaration commentable_field_declaration %type field_declarations struct_or_union_body %type const_expr %type enum_value commentable_enum_value %type enum_values enum_declaration_body %type typed_vars non_empty_typed_vars %type typed_var uncommented_typed_var %type method_declaration commentable_method_declaration %type struct_or_union_keyword %type annotation_string_values annotation_string_value %type annotation_param %type opt_annotation_params annotation_params %type annotation %type opt_annotations %start program %union { const char *str; android::Type* type; android::Reference* referenceToType; android::ArrayType *arrayType; android::TemplatedType *templatedType; android::FQName *fqName; android::CompoundType *compoundType; android::NamedReference* field; std::vector*>* fields; android::EnumValue *enumValue; android::ConstantExpression *constantExpression; std::vector *enumValues; android::NamedReference* typedVar; android::TypedVarVector *typedVars; android::Method *method; android::CompoundType::Style compoundStyle; std::vector *stringVec; android::AnnotationParam *annotationParam; android::AnnotationParamVector *annotationParams; android::Annotation *annotation; std::vector *annotations; android::DocComment* docComment; android::DocCommentable* docCommentable; } %% program : doc_comments package declarations ignore_doc_comments { ast->setHeader($1); } | package declarations ignore_doc_comments ; doc_comment : DOC_COMMENT { $$ = new DocComment($1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast), CommentType::DOC_MULTILINE); } | MULTILINE_COMMENT { $$ = new DocComment($1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast), CommentType::MULTILINE); } ; doc_comments : doc_comment { $$ = $1; } | doc_comments doc_comment { $1->merge($2); $$ = $1; } ; ignore_doc_comments : /*empty*/ { $$ = nullptr; } | doc_comments { ast->addUnhandledComment($1); $$ = $1; } ; valid_identifier : IDENTIFIER { std::string errorMsg; if (!isValidIdentifier($1, &errorMsg)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << errorMsg << " at " << @1 << "\n"; YYERROR; } $$ = $1; } ; valid_type_name : IDENTIFIER { std::string errorMsg; if (!isValidTypeName($1, &errorMsg)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << errorMsg << " at " << @1 << "\n"; YYERROR; } $$ = $1; } ; opt_annotations : /* empty */ { $$ = new std::vector; } | opt_annotations annotation { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($2); } ; annotation : '@' IDENTIFIER opt_annotation_params { $$ = new Annotation($2, $3); } ; opt_annotation_params : /* empty */ { $$ = new AnnotationParamVector; } | '(' annotation_params ')' { $$ = $2; } ; annotation_params : annotation_param { $$ = new AnnotationParamVector; $$->push_back($1); } | annotation_params ',' annotation_param { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } ; annotation_param : IDENTIFIER '=' annotation_string_value { $$ = new StringAnnotationParam($1, $3); } ; annotation_string_value : STRING_LITERAL { $$ = new std::vector; $$->push_back($1); } | '{' annotation_string_values '}' { $$ = $2; } ; annotation_string_values : STRING_LITERAL { $$ = new std::vector; $$->push_back($1); } | annotation_string_values ',' STRING_LITERAL { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } ; error_stmt : error ';' { $$ = $1; ast->addSyntaxError(); } ; require_semicolon : ';' | /* empty */ { std::cerr << "ERROR: missing ; at " << @$ << "\n"; ast->addSyntaxError(); } ; fqname : FQNAME { $$ = new FQName(); if(!FQName::parse($1, $$)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: FQName '" << $1 << "' is not valid at " << @1 << ".\n"; YYERROR; } } | valid_type_name { $$ = new FQName(); if(!FQName::parse($1, $$)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: FQName '" << $1 << "' is not valid at " << @1 << ".\n"; YYERROR; } } ; fqtype : fqname { $$ = new Reference($1->string(), *$1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast)); } | TYPE { $$ = new Reference($1->definedName(), $1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast)); } ; package : PACKAGE FQNAME require_semicolon { if (!ast->setPackage($2)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Malformed package identifier '" << $2 << "' at " << @2 << "\n"; YYERROR; } } | error { std::cerr << "ERROR: Package statement must be at the beginning of the file (" << @1 << ")\n"; $$ = $1; ast->addSyntaxError(); } ; import_stmt : IMPORT FQNAME require_semicolon { if (!ast->addImport($2, convertYYLoc(@2, ast))) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Unable to import '" << $2 << "' at " << @2 << "\n"; ast->addSyntaxError(); } } | IMPORT valid_type_name require_semicolon { if (!ast->addImport($2, convertYYLoc(@2, ast))) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Unable to import '" << $2 << "' at " << @2 << "\n"; ast->addSyntaxError(); } } | IMPORT error_stmt ; opt_extends : /* empty */ { $$ = nullptr; } | EXTENDS fqtype { $$ = $2; } ; interface_declarations : /* empty */ | interface_declarations commentable_type_declaration { CHECK((*scope)->isInterface()); std::string errorMsg; if ($2 != nullptr && $2->isNamedType() && !isValidInterfaceField(static_cast($2)->definedName().c_str(), &errorMsg)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << errorMsg << " at " << @2 << "\n"; YYERROR; } } | interface_declarations commentable_method_declaration { CHECK((*scope)->isInterface()); std::string errorMsg; if ($2 != nullptr && !isValidInterfaceField($2->name().c_str(), &errorMsg)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << errorMsg << " at " << @2 << "\n"; YYERROR; } if ($2 != nullptr) { Interface *iface = static_cast(*scope); if (!ast->addMethod($2, iface)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Unable to add method '" << $2->name() << "' at " << @2 << "\n"; YYERROR; } } // ignore if $2 is nullptr (from error recovery) } ; declarations : /* empty */ | error_stmt | declarations commentable_declaration ; commentable_declaration : doc_comments type_declaration { $2->setDocComment($1); } | type_declaration | ignore_doc_comments import_stmt { // Import statements must be first. The grammar allows them later so that: // - there is a nice error if imports are later // - doc_comments can be factored out here to avoid shift/reduce conflicts if (!ast->getRootScope().getDefinedTypes().empty()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: import at " << @2 << " follows type definitions, but imports must come first" << std::endl; YYERROR; } } ; /* * For orthogonality/simplicity in the future, import_stmt could be made to share inheritance * hierarchy with type_declaration, and then we could explicitly disallow import inside of * interfaces */ commentable_type_declaration : doc_comments type_declaration { $2->setDocComment($1); $$ = $2; } | type_declaration { $$ = $1; } ; type_declaration : opt_annotations type_declaration_body { if (!$2->isTypeDef()) { CHECK($2->isScope()); static_cast($2)->setAnnotations($1); } else if (!$1->empty()) { // Since typedefs are always resolved to their target it makes // little sense to annotate them and have their annotations // impose semantics other than their target type. std::cerr << "ERROR: typedefs cannot be annotated at " << @2 << "\n"; YYERROR; } $$ = $2; } ; type_declaration_body : named_struct_or_union_declaration require_semicolon | named_enum_declaration require_semicolon | typedef_declaration require_semicolon | interface_declaration require_semicolon ; interface_declaration : INTERFACE valid_type_name opt_extends { Reference* superType = $3; bool isIBase = ast->package().package() == gIBaseFqName.package(); if (isIBase) { if (superType != nullptr) { std::cerr << "ERROR: IBase must not extend any interface at " << @3 << "\n"; YYERROR; } superType = new Reference(); } else { if (!ast->addImplicitImport(gIBaseFqName)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Unable to automatically import '" << gIBaseFqName.string() << "' at " << @$ << "\n"; YYERROR; } if (superType == nullptr) { superType = new Reference(gIBaseFqName.string(), gIBaseFqName, convertYYLoc(@$, ast)); } } if ($2[0] != 'I') { std::cerr << "ERROR: All interface names must start with an 'I' " << "prefix at " << @2 << "\n"; YYERROR; } if (*scope != &ast->getRootScope()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: All interface must declared in " << "global scope at " << @2 << "\n"; YYERROR; } Interface* iface = new Interface( $2, ast->makeFullName($2, *scope), convertYYLoc(@2, ast), *scope, *superType, ast->getFileHash()); enterScope(ast, scope, iface); } interface_declaration_body { CHECK((*scope)->isInterface()); Interface *iface = static_cast(*scope); CHECK(ast->addAllReservedMethodsToInterface(iface)); leaveScope(ast, scope); ast->addScopedType(iface, *scope); $$ = iface; } ; interface_declaration_body : '{' interface_declarations ignore_doc_comments '}' ; typedef_declaration : TYPEDEF type valid_type_name { // The reason we wrap the given type in a TypeDef is simply to suppress // emitting any type definitions later on, since this is just an alias // to a type defined elsewhere. TypeDef* typeDef = new TypeDef( $3, ast->makeFullName($3, *scope), convertYYLoc(@2, ast), *scope, *$2); ast->addScopedType(typeDef, *scope); $$ = typeDef; } ; const_expr : INTEGER { $$ = LiteralConstantExpression::tryParse($1); if ($$ == nullptr) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not parse literal: " << $1 << " at " << @1 << ".\n"; YYERROR; } } | fqname { if(!$1->isValidValueName()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: '" << $1->string() << "' does not refer to an enum value at " << @1 << ".\n"; YYERROR; } $$ = new ReferenceConstantExpression( Reference($1->string(), *$1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast)), $1->string()); } | fqname '#' IDENTIFIER { $$ = new AttributeConstantExpression( Reference($1->string(), *$1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast)), $1->string(), $3); } | const_expr '?' const_expr ':' const_expr { $$ = new TernaryConstantExpression($1, $3, $5); } | const_expr LOGICAL_OR const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "||", $3); } | const_expr LOGICAL_AND const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "&&", $3); } | const_expr '|' const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "|" , $3); } | const_expr '^' const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "^" , $3); } | const_expr '&' const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "&" , $3); } | const_expr EQUALITY const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "==", $3); } | const_expr NEQ const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "!=", $3); } | const_expr '<' const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "<" , $3); } | const_expr '>' const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, ">" , $3); } | const_expr LEQ const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "<=", $3); } | const_expr GEQ const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, ">=", $3); } | const_expr LSHIFT const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "<<", $3); } | const_expr RSHIFT const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, ">>", $3); } | const_expr '+' const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "+" , $3); } | const_expr '-' const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "-" , $3); } | const_expr '*' const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "*" , $3); } | const_expr '/' const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "/" , $3); } | const_expr '%' const_expr { $$ = new BinaryConstantExpression($1, "%" , $3); } | '+' const_expr %prec UNARY_PLUS { $$ = new UnaryConstantExpression("+", $2); } | '-' const_expr %prec UNARY_MINUS { $$ = new UnaryConstantExpression("-", $2); } | '!' const_expr { $$ = new UnaryConstantExpression("!", $2); } | '~' const_expr { $$ = new UnaryConstantExpression("~", $2); } | '(' const_expr ')' { $2->surroundWithParens(); $$ = $2; } | '(' error ')' { ast->addSyntaxError(); // to avoid segfaults $$ = ConstantExpression::Zero(ScalarType::KIND_INT32).release(); } ; commentable_method_declaration : doc_comments method_declaration { if ($2 != nullptr) $2->setDocComment($1); $$ = $2; } | method_declaration { $$ = $1; } method_declaration : error_stmt { $$ = nullptr; } | opt_annotations valid_identifier '(' typed_vars ')' require_semicolon { $$ = new Method($2 /* name */, $4 /* args */, new std::vector*> /* results */, false /* oneway */, $1 /* annotations */, convertYYLoc(@$, ast)); } | opt_annotations ONEWAY valid_identifier '(' typed_vars ')' require_semicolon { $$ = new Method($3 /* name */, $5 /* args */, new std::vector*> /* results */, true /* oneway */, $1 /* annotations */, convertYYLoc(@$, ast)); } | opt_annotations valid_identifier '(' typed_vars ')' GENERATES '(' typed_vars ')' require_semicolon { if ($8->empty()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: generates clause used without result at " << @1 << "\n"; ast->addSyntaxError(); } $$ = new Method($2 /* name */, $4 /* args */, $8 /* results */, false /* oneway */, $1 /* annotations */, convertYYLoc(@$, ast)); } ; typed_vars : /* empty */ { $$ = new TypedVarVector(); } | non_empty_typed_vars { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_typed_vars : typed_var { $$ = new TypedVarVector(); if (!$$->add($1)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: duplicated argument or result name " << $1->name() << " at " << @1 << "\n"; ast->addSyntaxError(); } } | non_empty_typed_vars ',' typed_var { $$ = $1; if (!$$->add($3)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: duplicated argument or result name " << $3->name() << " at " << @3 << "\n"; ast->addSyntaxError(); } } ; typed_var : ignore_doc_comments uncommented_typed_var { $$ = $2; } ; uncommented_typed_var : type valid_identifier ignore_doc_comments { $$ = new NamedReference($2, *$1, convertYYLoc(@2, ast)); } | type { $$ = new NamedReference("", *$1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast)); const std::string typeName = $$->isResolved() ? $$->get()->typeName() : $$->getLookupFqName().string(); std::cerr << "ERROR: variable of type " << typeName << " is missing a variable name at " << @1 << "\n"; ast->addSyntaxError(); } ; struct_or_union_keyword : STRUCT { $$ = CompoundType::STYLE_STRUCT; } | UNION { $$ = CompoundType::STYLE_UNION; } | SAFE_UNION { $$ = CompoundType::STYLE_SAFE_UNION; } ; named_struct_or_union_declaration : struct_or_union_keyword valid_type_name { CompoundType *container = new CompoundType( $1, $2, ast->makeFullName($2, *scope), convertYYLoc(@2, ast), *scope); enterScope(ast, scope, container); } struct_or_union_body { CHECK((*scope)->isCompoundType()); CompoundType *container = static_cast(*scope); leaveScope(ast, scope); ast->addScopedType(container, *scope); $$ = container; } ; struct_or_union_body : '{' field_declarations ignore_doc_comments '}' { $$ = $2; } ; field_declarations : /* empty */ { $$ = nullptr; } | field_declarations commentable_field_declaration { $$ = nullptr; } ; commentable_field_declaration : doc_comments field_declaration { if ($2 != nullptr) $2->setDocComment($1); $$ = $2; } | field_declaration { $$ = $1; } field_declaration : error_stmt { $$ = nullptr; } | type_or_inplace_compound_declaration valid_identifier require_semicolon { CHECK((*scope)->isCompoundType()); std::string errorMsg; CompoundType* compoundType = static_cast(*scope); auto style = compoundType->style(); if (!isValidCompoundTypeField(style, $2, &errorMsg)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << errorMsg << " at " << @2 << "\n"; YYERROR; } NamedReference* field = new NamedReference($2, *$1, convertYYLoc(@2, ast)); compoundType->addField(field); $$ = field; } | annotated_compound_declaration ';' { CHECK((*scope)->isCompoundType()); std::string errorMsg; auto style = static_cast(*scope)->style(); if ($1 != nullptr && $1->isNamedType() && !isValidCompoundTypeField(style, static_cast( $1)->definedName().c_str(), &errorMsg)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << errorMsg << " at " << @2 << "\n"; YYERROR; } $$ = $1; } ; annotated_compound_declaration : opt_annotations compound_declaration { CHECK($2->isScope()); static_cast($2)->setAnnotations($1); $$ = $2; } ; compound_declaration : named_struct_or_union_declaration { $$ = $1; } | named_enum_declaration { $$ = $1; } ; enum_storage_type : ':' fqtype ignore_doc_comments { $$ = $2; } | /* empty */ { $$ = nullptr; } ; named_enum_declaration : ENUM valid_type_name enum_storage_type { auto storageType = $3; if (storageType == nullptr) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Must explicitly specify enum storage type for " << $2 << " at " << @2 << "\n"; ast->addSyntaxError(); ScalarType* scalar = new ScalarType(ScalarType::KIND_INT64, *scope); storageType = new Reference(scalar->definedName(), scalar, convertYYLoc(@2, ast)); } EnumType* enumType = new EnumType( $2, ast->makeFullName($2, *scope), convertYYLoc(@2, ast), *storageType, *scope); enterScope(ast, scope, enumType); } enum_declaration_body { CHECK((*scope)->isEnum()); EnumType* enumType = static_cast(*scope); leaveScope(ast, scope); ast->addScopedType(enumType, *scope); $$ = enumType; } ; enum_declaration_body : '{' enum_values '}' { $$ = $2; } | '{' enum_values ',' ignore_doc_comments '}' { $$ = $2; } ; commentable_enum_value : doc_comments enum_value ignore_doc_comments { $2->setDocComment($1); $$ = $2; } | enum_value { $$ = $1; } ; enum_value : valid_identifier { $$ = new EnumValue($1 /* name */, nullptr /* value */, convertYYLoc(@$, ast)); } | valid_identifier '=' const_expr { $$ = new EnumValue($1 /* name */, $3 /* value */, convertYYLoc(@$, ast)); } ; enum_values : /* empty */ { /* do nothing */ } | commentable_enum_value { CHECK((*scope)->isEnum()); static_cast(*scope)->addValue($1); } | enum_values ',' commentable_enum_value { CHECK((*scope)->isEnum()); static_cast(*scope)->addValue($3); } | error ',' commentable_enum_value { ast->addSyntaxError(); CHECK((*scope)->isEnum()); static_cast(*scope)->addValue($3); } | enum_values ',' error ',' commentable_enum_value { ast->addSyntaxError(); CHECK((*scope)->isEnum()); static_cast(*scope)->addValue($5); } ; array_type_base : fqtype { $$ = $1; } | TEMPLATED '<' type '>' { $1->setElementType(*$3); $$ = new Reference($1->definedName(), $1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast)); } | TEMPLATED '<' TEMPLATED '<' type RSHIFT { $3->setElementType(*$5); $1->setElementType(Reference($3->definedName(), $3, convertYYLoc(@3, ast))); $$ = new Reference($1->definedName(), $1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast)); } ; array_type : array_type_base ignore_doc_comments '[' const_expr ']' { $$ = new ArrayType(*$1, $4, *scope); } | array_type '[' const_expr ']' { $$ = $1; $$->appendDimension($3); } ; type : array_type_base ignore_doc_comments { $$ = $1; } | array_type ignore_doc_comments { $$ = new Reference($1->definedName(), $1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast)); } | INTERFACE ignore_doc_comments { // "interface" is a synonym of android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase $$ = new Reference("interface", gIBaseFqName, convertYYLoc(@1, ast)); } ; type_or_inplace_compound_declaration : type { $$ = $1; } | annotated_compound_declaration ignore_doc_comments { $$ = new Reference($1->definedName(), $1, convertYYLoc(@1, ast), true); } ; %% void yy::parser::error( const yy::parser::location_type &where, const std::string &errstr) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << errstr << " at " << where << "\n"; }