path: root/harnesses/host_controller/build/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'harnesses/host_controller/build/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 728 deletions
diff --git a/harnesses/host_controller/build/ b/harnesses/host_controller/build/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d932b6..0000000
--- a/harnesses/host_controller/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,728 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Module to fetch artifacts from Partner Android Build server."""
-import argparse
-import getpass
-import httplib2
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import requests
-import urlparse
-from posixpath import join as path_urljoin
-from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
-from oauth2client.file import Storage
-from import argparser
-from import run_flow
-from selenium import webdriver
-from import By
-from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
-from import expected_conditions as EC
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-from import Options
-from import WebDriverWait
-from import build_provider
-# constants for GET and POST endpoints
-GET = 'GET'
-# timeout seconds for requests
-class BuildProviderPAB(build_provider.BuildProvider):
- """Client that manages Partner Android Build downloading.
- Attributes:
- BAD_XSRF_CODE: int, error code for bad XSRF token error
- BASE_URL: string, path to PAB entry point
- BUILDARTIFACT_NAME_KEY: string, index in artifact containing name
- BUILD_BUILDID_KEY: string, index in build containing build_id
- BUILD_COMPLETED_STATUS: int, value of 'complete' build
- BUILD_STATUS_KEY: string, index in build object containing status.
- CHROME_DRIVER_LOCATION: string, path to chromedriver
- CHROME_LOCATION: string, path to Chrome browser
- CLIENT_STORAGE: string, path to store credentials.
- DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE: int, number of bytes to download at a time.
- DOWNLOAD_URL_KEY: string, index in downloadBuildArtifact containing url
- EMAIL: string, email constant for userinfo JSON
- EXPIRED_XSRF_CODE: int, error code for expired XSRF token error
- GETBUILD_ARTIFACTS_KEY, string, index in build obj containing artifacts
- GMS_DOWNLOAD_URL: string, base url for downloading artifacts.
- LISTBUILD_BUILD_KEY: string, index in listBuild containing builds
- PAB_URL: string, redirect url from Google sign-in to PAB
- PASSWORD: string, password constant for userinfo JSON
- SCOPE: string, URL for which to request access via oauth2.
- SVC_URL: string, path to buildsvc RPC
- XSRF_STORE: string, path to store xsrf token
- _credentials : oauth2client credentials object
- _userinfo_file: location of file containing email and password
- _xsrf : string, XSRF token from PAB website. expires after 7 days.
- """
- _credentials = None
- _userinfo_file = None
- _xsrf = None
- BAD_XSRF_CODE = -32000
- BASE_URL = ''
- CHROME_DRIVER_LOCATION = '/usr/local/bin/chromedriver'
- CHROME_LOCATION = '/usr/bin/google-chrome'
- CLIENT_SECRETS = os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(__file__), 'client_secrets.json')
- CLIENT_STORAGE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'credentials')
- EMAIL = 'email'
- PAB_URL = (''
- '')
- PASSWORD = 'password'
- # need both of these scopes to access PAB downloader
- scopes = ('',
- '')
- SCOPE = ' '.join(scopes)
- SVC_URL = urlparse.urljoin(BASE_URL, 'build/u/0/_gwt/_rpc/buildsvc')
- XSRF_STORE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'xsrf')
- def __init__(self):
- """Creates a temp dir."""
- super(BuildProviderPAB, self).__init__()
- def Authenticate(self, userinfo_file=None, noauth_local_webserver=False,
- scopes=SCOPE):
- """Authenticate using OAuth2.
- Args:
- userinfo_file: (optional) the path of a JSON file which has
- "email" and "password" string fields.
- noauth_local_webserver: boolean, True if do not (or can not) use
- a local web server.
- scopes: string or iterable of strings, the scopes to request.
- """
- # this should be a JSON file with "email" and "password" string fields
- self._userinfo_file = userinfo_file
-'Parsing flags, use --noauth_local_webserver'
- ' if running on remote machine')
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[argparser])
- flags, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
- flags.noauth_local_webserver = noauth_local_webserver
-'Preparing OAuth token')
- flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(self.CLIENT_SECRETS, scope=scopes)
- storage = Storage(self.CLIENT_STORAGE)
- if self._credentials is None:
- self._credentials = storage.get()
- if self._credentials is None or self._credentials.invalid:
-'Credentials not found, authenticating.')
- self._credentials = run_flow(flow, storage, flags)
- if self._credentials.access_token_expired:
-'Access token expired, refreshing.')
- self._credentials.refresh(http=httplib2.Http())
- if self.XSRF_STORE is not None and os.path.isfile(self.XSRF_STORE):
- with open(self.XSRF_STORE, 'r') as handle:
- self._xsrf =
- def GetXSRFToken(self, email=None, password=None):
- """Get XSRF token. Prompt if email/password not provided.
- Args:
- email: string, optional. Gmail account of user logging in
- password: string, optional. Password of user logging in
- Returns:
- boolean, whether the token was accessed and stored
- Raises:
- ValueError if login fails or userinfo file is malformed.
- """
- if self._userinfo_file is not None:
- with open(self._userinfo_file, 'r') as handle:
- userinfo = json.load(handle)
- if self.EMAIL not in userinfo or self.PASSWORD not in userinfo:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Malformed userinfo file: needs email and password')
- email = userinfo[self.EMAIL]
- password = userinfo[self.PASSWORD]
- chrome_options = Options()
- chrome_options.add_argument("--headless")
- driver = webdriver.Chrome(
- chrome_options=chrome_options)
- driver.set_window_size(1080, 800)
- wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
- driver.get(self.PAB_URL)
- query = driver.find_element_by_id("identifierId")
- if email is None:
- email = raw_input("Email: ")
- query.send_keys(email)
- driver.find_element_by_id("identifierNext").click()
- pw = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.NAME, "password")))
- pw.clear()
- if password is None:
- pw.send_keys(getpass.getpass("Password: "))
- else:
- pw.send_keys(password)
- driver.find_element_by_id("passwordNext").click()
- try:
- wait.until(EC.title_contains("Partner Android Build"))
- except TimeoutException as e:
- logging.exception(e)
- raise ValueError('Wrong password or non-standard login flow')
- self._xsrf = driver.execute_script("return clientConfig.XSRF_TOKEN;")
- with open(self.XSRF_STORE, 'w') as handle:
- handle.write(self._xsrf)
- return True
- def CallBuildsvc(self, method, params, account_id):
- """Call the buildsvc RPC with given parameters.
- Args:
- method: string, name of method to be called in buildsvc
- params: dict, parameters to RPC call
- account_id: int, ID associated with the PAB account.
- Returns:
- dict, result from RPC call
- Raises:
- ValueError if RPC call returns an error or an unknown response.
- """
- if self._xsrf is None:
- self.GetXSRFToken()
- params = json.dumps(params)
- data = {"method": method, "params": params, "xsrf": self._xsrf}
- data = json.dumps(data)
- headers = {}
- self._credentials.apply(headers)
- headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- headers['x-alkali-account'] = account_id
- try:
- response =, data=data, headers=headers,
- except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
- logging.exception(e)
- raise ValueError("Request timeout.")
- responseJSON = {}
- try:
- responseJSON = response.json()
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError("Backend error -- check your account ID")
- if 'result' in responseJSON:
- return responseJSON['result']
- if 'error' in responseJSON and 'code' in responseJSON['error']:
- if responseJSON['error']['code'] == self.BAD_XSRF_CODE:
- raise ValueError(
- "Bad XSRF token -- must be for the same account as your credentials")
- if responseJSON['error']['code'] == self.EXPIRED_XSRF_CODE:
- raise ValueError("Expired XSRF token -- please refresh")
- raise ValueError("Unknown response from server -- %s" %
- json.dumps(responseJSON))
- def GetBuildList(self,
- account_id,
- branch,
- target,
- page_token="",
- max_results=10,
- internal=True,
- method=GET,
- verify_signed=False):
- """Get the list of builds for a given account, branch and target
- Args:
- account_id: int, ID associated with the PAB account.
- branch: string, branch to pull resource from.
- target: string, "latest" or a specific version.
- page_token: string, token used for pagination
- max_results: maximum build results the build list contains, e.g. 25
- internal: bool, whether to query internal build
- method: 'GET' or 'POST', which endpoint to query
- verify_signed: bool, whether to verify signed build.
- Returns:
- list of dicts representing the builds, descending in time
- Raises:
- ValueError if build request returns an error or builds not found.
- """
- if method == POST:
- params = {
- "1": branch,
- "2": target,
- "3": page_token,
- "4": max_results,
- "7": int(internal)
- }
- result = self.CallBuildsvc("listBuild", params, account_id)
- # in listBuild response, index '1' contains builds
- if self.LISTBUILD_BUILD_KEY in result:
- return result[self.LISTBUILD_BUILD_KEY]
- if verify_signed:
- logging.error("verify_signed does not support POST method.")
- raise ValueError("Build list not found -- %s" % params)
- elif method == GET:
- headers = {}
- self._credentials.apply(headers)
- action = 'list-internal' if internal else 'list'
- # PAB URL format expects something (anything) to be given as buildid
- # and resource, even for action list
- dummy = 'DUMMY'
- url = path_urljoin(self.BASE_URL, 'build', 'builds', action,
- branch, target, dummy,
- dummy) + '?a=' + str(account_id)
- try:
- response = requests.get(url, headers=headers,
- responseJSON = response.json()
- builds = responseJSON['build']
- except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
- logging.exception(e)
- raise ValueError("Request timeout.")
- except ValueError as e:
- logging.exception(e)
- raise ValueError("Backend error -- check your account ID")
- if verify_signed:
- for build in builds:
- artifact_name = "signed%2Fsigned-{}-img-{}.zip".format(
- target.split("-")[0], build["build_id"])
- logging.debug("Checking whether the build is signed for "
- "build_target {} and build_id {}".format(
- target, build["build_id"]))
- signed_build_url = self.GetArtifactURL(
- account_id=account_id,
- build_id=build["build_id"],
- target=target,
- artifact_name=artifact_name,
- branch=branch,
- internal=False,
- method=method)
- try:
- self.GetResponseWithURL(signed_build_url)
- logging.debug("The build is signed.")
- build["signed"] = True
- except requests.HTTPError:
- logging.debug("The build is not signed.")
- build["signed"] = False
- except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
- logging.debug("Server is not responding.")
- logging.exception(e)
- build["signed"] = False
- return builds
- def GetLatestBuildId(self, account_id, branch, target, method=GET):
- """Get the most recent build_id for a given account, branch and target
- Args:
- account_id: int, ID associated with the PAB account.
- branch: string, branch to pull resource from.
- target: string, "latest" or a specific version.
- method: 'GET' or 'POST', which endpoint to query
- Returns:
- string, most recent build id
- Raises:
- ValueError if complete builds are not found.
- """
- # TODO: support pagination, maybe?
- build_list = self.GetBuildList(account_id=account_id,
- branch=branch,
- target=target,
- method=method)
- if len(build_list) == 0:
- raise ValueError(
- 'No builds found for account_id=%s, branch=%s, target=%s' %
- (account_id, branch, target))
- for build in build_list:
- if method == POST:
- # get build status: 7 = completed build
- if build.get(self.BUILD_STATUS_KEY,
- # return build id (index '1')
- return build[self.BUILD_BUILDID_KEY]
- elif method == GET:
- if build['build_attempt_status'] == "COMPLETE" and build[
- "successful"]:
- return build['build_id']
- raise ValueError(
- 'No complete builds found: %s failed or incomplete builds found' %
- len(build_list))
- def GetBuildArtifacts(
- self, account_id, build_id, branch, target, method=POST):
- """Get the list of build artifacts.
- For an account, build, target, branch.
- Args:
- account_id: int, ID associated with the PAB account.
- build_id: string, ID of the build
- branch: string, branch to pull resource from.
- target: string, "latest" or a specific version.
- method: 'GET' or 'POST', which endpoint to query
- Returns:
- list of build artifact objects
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError if method is 'GET', which is not supported yet.
- ValueError if build artifacts are not found.
- """
- if method == GET:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "GetBuildArtifacts not supported with GET")
- params = {"1": build_id, "2": target, "3": branch}
- result = self.CallBuildsvc("getBuild", params, account_id)
- # in getBuild response, index '2' contains the artifacts
- if self.GETBUILD_ARTIFACTS_KEY in result:
- return result[self.GETBUILD_ARTIFACTS_KEY]
- if len(result) == 0:
- raise ValueError("Build artifacts not found -- %s" % params)
- def GetArtifactURL(self,
- account_id,
- build_id,
- target,
- artifact_name,
- branch,
- internal,
- method=GET):
- """Get the URL for an artifact on the PAB server, using buildsvc.
- Args:
- account_id: int, ID associated with the PAB account.
- build_id: string/int, id of the build.
- target: string, "latest" or a specific version.
- artifact_name: string, simple file name (no parent dir or path).
- branch: string, branch to pull resource from.
- internal: int, whether the request is for an internal build artifact
- method: 'GET' or 'POST', which endpoint to query
- Returns:
- string, The URL for the resource specified by the parameters
- Raises:
- ValueError if given parameters are incorrect or resource not found.
- """
- if method == POST:
- params = {
- "1": str(build_id),
- "2": target,
- "3": artifact_name,
- "4": branch,
- "5": "", # release_candidate_name
- "6": internal
- }
- result = self.CallBuildsvc(method='downloadBuildArtifact',
- params=params,
- account_id=account_id)
- # in downloadBuildArtifact response, index '1' contains the url
- if self.DOWNLOAD_URL_KEY in result:
- return result[self.DOWNLOAD_URL_KEY]
- if len(result) == 0:
- raise ValueError("Resource not found -- %s" % params)
- elif method == GET:
- headers = {}
- self._credentials.apply(headers)
- action = 'get-internal' if internal else 'get'
- get_url = path_urljoin(self.BASE_URL, 'build', 'builds', action,
- branch, target, build_id,
- artifact_name) + '?a=' + str(account_id)
- try:
- response = requests.get(get_url, headers=headers,
- responseJSON = response.json()
- return responseJSON['url']
- except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
- logging.exception(e)
- raise ValueError("Request timeout.")
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError("Backend error -- check your account ID")
- def DownloadArtifact(self, download_url, filename):
- """Get artifact from Partner Android Build server.
- Args:
- download_url: location of resource that we want to download
- filename: where the artifact gets downloaded locally.
- Returns:
- boolean, whether the file was successfully downloaded
- """
- try:
- response = self.GetResponseWithURL(download_url)
- except (requests.HTTPError, requests.exceptions.Timeout) as error:
- logging.exception(error)
- return False
-'%s now downloading...', download_url)
- with open(filename, 'wb') as handle:
- for block in response.iter_content(self.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE):
- handle.write(block)
- return True
- def GetArtifact(self,
- account_id,
- branch,
- target,
- artifact_name,
- build_id='latest',
- method=GET,
- full_device_images=False):
- """Get an artifact for an account, branch, target and name and build id.
- If build_id not given, get latest.
- Args:
- account_id: int, ID associated with the PAB account.
- branch: string, branch to pull resource from.
- target: string, "latest" or a specific version.
- artifact_name: name of artifact, e.g.
- ({id} will automatically get replaced with build ID)
- build_id: string, build ID of an artifact to fetch (or 'latest').
- method: 'GET' or 'POST', which endpoint to query.
- Returns:
- a dict containing the device image info.
- a dict containing the test suite package info.
- a dict containing the artifact info.
- a dict containing the global config info.
- Raises:
- ValueError if artifacts are not found.
- """
- artifact_info = {}
- if build_id == 'latest':
- build_id = self.GetLatestBuildId(account_id=account_id,
- branch=branch,
- target=target,
- method=method)
-"latest build ID = %s", build_id)
- artifact_info["build_id"] = build_id
- if "build_id" in artifact_name:
- artifact_name = artifact_name.format(build_id=build_id)
- if method == POST:
- artifacts = self.GetBuildArtifacts(account_id=account_id,
- build_id=build_id,
- branch=branch,
- target=target,
- method=method)
- if len(artifacts) == 0:
- raise ValueError(
- "No artifacts found for build_id=%s, branch=%s, target=%s"
- % (build_id, branch, target))
- # in build artifact response, index '1' contains the name
- artifact_names = [
- artifact[self.BUILDARTIFACT_NAME_KEY] for artifact in artifacts
- ]
- if artifact_name not in artifact_names:
- raise ValueError("%s not found in artifact list" %
- artifact_name)
- url = self.GetArtifactURL(account_id=account_id,
- build_id=build_id,
- target=target,
- artifact_name=artifact_name,
- branch=branch,
- internal=False,
- method=method)
- if self.tmp_dirpath:
- artifact_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dirpath, artifact_name)
- else:
- artifact_path = artifact_name
- self.DownloadArtifact(url, artifact_path)
- self.SetFetchedFile(
- artifact_path, full_device_images=full_device_images)
- return (self.GetDeviceImage(), self.GetTestSuitePackage(),
- artifact_info, self.GetConfigPackage())
- def GetSignedBuildArtifact(self,
- account_id,
- branch,
- target,
- artifact_name,
- build_id='latest',
- method=GET,
- full_device_images=False):
- """Get an signed build artifact from the PAB bulid list.
- Args:
- account_id: int, ID associated with the PAB account.
- branch: string, branch to pull resource from.
- target: string, "latest" or a specific version.
- artifact_name: name of artifact, e.g.
- ({id} will automatically get replaced with build ID)
- build_id: string, build ID of an artifact to fetch (or 'latest').
- method: 'GET' or 'POST', which endpoint to query.
- Returns:
- a dict containing the device image info.
- a dict containing the test suite package info.
- a dict containing the artifact info.
- a dict containing the global config info.
- """
- artifact_info = {}
- build_ids = []
- artifact_path = ""
- if build_id == 'latest':
- try:
- build_list = self.GetBuildList(
- account_id=account_id,
- branch=branch,
- target=target,
- method=method)
- for build in build_list:
- build_ids.append(build["build_id"])
- except ValueError as e:
- logging.exception(e)
- else:
- build_ids.append(build_id)
- for build_id in build_ids:
- _artifact_name = artifact_name
- if "build_id" in _artifact_name:
- _artifact_name = _artifact_name.format(build_id=build_id)
- _artifact_name = "signed%2Fsigned-" + _artifact_name
- try:
- url = self.GetArtifactURL(
- account_id=account_id,
- build_id=build_id,
- target=target,
- artifact_name=_artifact_name,
- branch=branch,
- internal=False,
- method=method)
- except ValueError as e:
- logging.exception(e)
- continue
- if self.tmp_dirpath:
- artifact_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dirpath, _artifact_name)
- else:
- artifact_path = _artifact_name
- ret = self.DownloadArtifact(url, artifact_path)
- if ret:
- artifact_info["build_id"] = build_id
- break
- self.SetFetchedFile(
- artifact_path, full_device_images=full_device_images)
- return (self.GetDeviceImage(), self.GetTestSuitePackage(),
- artifact_info, self.GetConfigPackage())
- def GetResponseWithURL(self, url):
- """Gets the response content from the server connected with the url.
- Args:
- url: A string representing the server url.
- Returns:
- A Response object received from the server.
- Raises:
- requests.HTTPError if response.status_code is not 200.
- requests.exceptions.Timeout if the server does not respond.
- """
- headers = {}
- self._credentials.apply(headers)
- response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True,
- response.raise_for_status()
- return response
- def FetchLatestBuiltHCPackage(self, account_id, branch, target):
- """Fetchs the latest <artifact_name> file and return the path.
- Args:
- account_id: string, Partner Android Build account_id to use.
- branch: string, branch to grab the artifact from.
- targets: string, a comma-separate list of build target product(s).
- Returns:
- path to the fetched file. None if the fetching has failed.
- """
- try:
- listed_builds = self.GetBuildList(
- account_id=account_id,
- branch=branch,
- target=target,
- page_token="",
- max_results=1,
- method="GET")
- if listed_builds and len(listed_builds) > 0:
- for listed_build in listed_builds:
- if listed_build["successful"]:
- self.GetArtifact(
- account_id=account_id,
- branch=branch,
- target=target,
- artifact_name="",
- build_id=listed_build["build_id"],
- method="GET")
- return self.GetHostControllerPackage("vtslab")
- except ValueError as e:
- logging.exception(e)