path: root/src
diff options
authorYoung Gyu Park <>2018-11-07 16:48:41 +0900
committerYoung Gyu Park <>2018-11-08 10:00:10 +0900
commitd26285add17f6bb9399a5bba2b941c812278cb42 (patch)
tree3cafceb9a94f90a2e065a71cc402bd7664214eb7 /src
parentb24da5c2f0737c7dc64f32229e9e177df6e34054 (diff)
Deleting the unnecessary function
Test: go/vts-web-staging Bug: 117130291 Change-Id: Ic2d4645dd8157f84fc25616a482e6cf4c7680b02
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/android/vts/util/ b/src/main/java/com/android/vts/util/
index 3764c7a..782887b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/android/vts/util/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/android/vts/util/
@@ -166,372 +166,6 @@ public class DatastoreHelper {
- * Upload data from a test report message
- *
- * @param report The test report containing data to upload.
- */
- public static void insertTestReport(TestReportMessage report) {
- List<Entity> testEntityList = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Entity> branchEntityList = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Entity> buildTargetEntityList = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Entity> coverageEntityList = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Entity> profilingPointRunEntityList = new ArrayList<>();
- if (!report.hasStartTimestamp()
- || !report.hasEndTimestamp()
- || !report.hasTest()
- || !report.hasHostInfo()
- || !report.hasBuildInfo()) {
- // missing information
- return;
- }
- long startTimestamp = report.getStartTimestamp();
- long endTimestamp = report.getEndTimestamp();
- String testName = report.getTest().toStringUtf8();
- String testBuildId = report.getBuildInfo().getId().toStringUtf8();
- String hostName = report.getHostInfo().getHostname().toStringUtf8();
- TestEntity testEntity = new TestEntity(testName);
- Key testRunKey =
- KeyFactory.createKey(
- testEntity.getOldKey(), TestRunEntity.KIND, report.getStartTimestamp());
- long passCount = 0;
- long failCount = 0;
- long coveredLineCount = 0;
- long totalLineCount = 0;
- Set<Key> buildTargetKeys = new HashSet<>();
- Set<Key> branchKeys = new HashSet<>();
- List<TestCaseRunEntity> testCases = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Key> profilingPointKeys = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> links = new ArrayList<>();
- // Process test cases
- for (TestCaseReportMessage testCase : report.getTestCaseList()) {
- String testCaseName = testCase.getName().toStringUtf8();
- TestCaseResult result = testCase.getTestResult();
- // Track global pass/fail counts
- if (result == TestCaseResult.TEST_CASE_RESULT_PASS) {
- ++passCount;
- } else if (result != TestCaseResult.TEST_CASE_RESULT_SKIP) {
- ++failCount;
- }
- if (testCase.getSystraceCount() > 0
- && testCase.getSystraceList().get(0).getUrlCount() > 0) {
- String systraceLink = testCase.getSystraceList().get(0).getUrl(0).toStringUtf8();
- links.add(systraceLink);
- }
- // Process coverage data for test case
- for (CoverageReportMessage coverage : testCase.getCoverageList()) {
- CoverageEntity coverageEntity =
- CoverageEntity.fromCoverageReport(testRunKey, testCaseName, coverage);
- if (coverageEntity == null) {
- logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid coverage report in test run " + testRunKey);
- } else {
- coveredLineCount += coverageEntity.getCoveredCount();
- totalLineCount += coverageEntity.getTotalCount();
- coverageEntityList.add(coverageEntity.toEntity());
- }
- }
- // Process profiling data for test case
- for (ProfilingReportMessage profiling : testCase.getProfilingList()) {
- ProfilingPointRunEntity profilingPointRunEntity =
- ProfilingPointRunEntity.fromProfilingReport(testRunKey, profiling);
- if (profilingPointRunEntity == null) {
- logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid profiling report in test run " + testRunKey);
- } else {
- profilingPointRunEntityList.add(profilingPointRunEntity.toEntity());
- profilingPointKeys.add(profilingPointRunEntity.getKey());
- testEntity.setHasProfilingData(true);
- }
- }
- int lastIndex = testCases.size() - 1;
- if (lastIndex < 0 || testCases.get(lastIndex).isFull()) {
- testCases.add(new TestCaseRunEntity());
- ++lastIndex;
- }
- TestCaseRunEntity testCaseEntity = testCases.get(lastIndex);
- testCaseEntity.addTestCase(testCaseName, result.getNumber());
- }
- List<Entity> testCasePuts = new ArrayList<>();
- for (TestCaseRunEntity testCaseEntity : testCases) {
- testCasePuts.add(testCaseEntity.toEntity());
- }
- List<Key> testCaseKeys = datastore.put(testCasePuts);
- List<Long> testCaseIds = new ArrayList<>();
- for (Key key : testCaseKeys) {
- testCaseIds.add(key.getId());
- }
- // Process device information
- long testRunType = 0;
- for (AndroidDeviceInfoMessage device : report.getDeviceInfoList()) {
- DeviceInfoEntity deviceInfoEntity =
- DeviceInfoEntity.fromDeviceInfoMessage(testRunKey, device);
- if (deviceInfoEntity == null) {
- logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid device info in test run " + testRunKey);
- } else {
- // Run type on devices must be the same, else set to OTHER
- TestRunType runType = TestRunType.fromBuildId(deviceInfoEntity.getBuildId());
- if (runType == null) {
- testRunType = TestRunType.OTHER.getNumber();
- } else {
- testRunType = runType.getNumber();
- }
- testEntityList.add(deviceInfoEntity.toEntity());
- BuildTargetEntity target = new BuildTargetEntity(deviceInfoEntity.getBuildFlavor());
- if (buildTargetKeys.add(target.key)) {
- buildTargetEntityList.add(target.toEntity());
- }
- BranchEntity branch = new BranchEntity(deviceInfoEntity.getBranch());
- if (branchKeys.add(branch.key)) {
- branchEntityList.add(branch.toEntity());
- }
- }
- }
- // Overall run type should be determined by the device builds unless test build is OTHER
- if (testRunType == TestRunType.OTHER.getNumber()) {
- testRunType = TestRunType.fromBuildId(testBuildId).getNumber();
- } else if (TestRunType.fromBuildId(testBuildId) == TestRunType.OTHER) {
- testRunType = TestRunType.OTHER.getNumber();
- }
- // Process global coverage data
- for (CoverageReportMessage coverage : report.getCoverageList()) {
- CoverageEntity coverageEntity =
- CoverageEntity.fromCoverageReport(testRunKey, new String(), coverage);
- if (coverageEntity == null) {
- logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid coverage report in test run " + testRunKey);
- } else {
- coveredLineCount += coverageEntity.getCoveredCount();
- totalLineCount += coverageEntity.getTotalCount();
- coverageEntityList.add(coverageEntity.toEntity());
- }
- }
- // Process global API coverage data
- for (ApiCoverageReportMessage apiCoverage : report.getApiCoverageList()) {
- HalInterfaceMessage halInterfaceMessage = apiCoverage.getHalInterface();
- List<String> halApiList = apiCoverage.getHalApiList().stream().map(h -> h.toStringUtf8())
- .collect(
- Collectors.toList());
- List<String> coveredHalApiList = apiCoverage.getCoveredHalApiList().stream()
- .map(h -> h.toStringUtf8()).collect(
- Collectors.toList());
- ApiCoverageEntity apiCoverageEntity = new ApiCoverageEntity(
- testRunKey,
- halInterfaceMessage.getHalPackageName().toStringUtf8(),
- halInterfaceMessage.getHalVersionMajor(),
- halInterfaceMessage.getHalVersionMinor(),
- halInterfaceMessage.getHalInterfaceName().toStringUtf8(),
- halApiList,
- coveredHalApiList
- );
- com.googlecode.objectify.Key apiCoverageEntityKey =;
- if (apiCoverageEntityKey == null) {
- logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid API coverage report in test run " + testRunKey);
- }
- }
- // Process global profiling data
- for (ProfilingReportMessage profiling : report.getProfilingList()) {
- ProfilingPointRunEntity profilingPointRunEntity =
- ProfilingPointRunEntity.fromProfilingReport(testRunKey, profiling);
- if (profilingPointRunEntity == null) {
- logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid profiling report in test run " + testRunKey);
- } else {
- profilingPointRunEntityList.add(profilingPointRunEntity.toEntity());
- profilingPointKeys.add(profilingPointRunEntity.getKey());
- testEntity.setHasProfilingData(true);
- }
- }
- // Process log data
- for (LogMessage log : report.getLogList()) {
- if (log.hasUrl()) {
- links.add(log.getUrl().toStringUtf8());
- }
- }
- // Process url resource
- for (UrlResourceMessage resource : report.getLinkResourceList()) {
- if (resource.hasUrl()) {
- links.add(resource.getUrl().toStringUtf8());
- }
- }
- boolean hasCodeCoverage = totalLineCount > 0 && coveredLineCount >= 0;
- TestRunEntity testRunEntity =
- new TestRunEntity(
- testEntity.getOldKey(),
- testRunType,
- startTimestamp,
- endTimestamp,
- testBuildId,
- hostName,
- passCount,
- failCount,
- hasCodeCoverage,
- testCaseIds,
- links);
- testEntityList.add(testRunEntity.toEntity());
- CodeCoverageEntity codeCoverageEntity = new CodeCoverageEntity(
- testRunEntity.getKey(),
- coveredLineCount,
- totalLineCount);
- testEntityList.add(codeCoverageEntity.toEntity());
- Entity test = testEntity.toEntity();
- if (datastoreTransactionalRetry(test, testEntityList)) {
- List<List<Entity>> auxiliaryEntityList =
- Arrays.asList(
- profilingPointRunEntityList,
- coverageEntityList,
- branchEntityList,
- buildTargetEntityList);
- int indexCount = 0;
- for (List<Entity> entityList : auxiliaryEntityList) {
- switch (indexCount) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- if (entityList.size() > MAX_ENTITY_SIZE_PER_TRANSACTION) {
- List<List<Entity>> partitionedList =
- Lists.partition(entityList, MAX_ENTITY_SIZE_PER_TRANSACTION);
- partitionedList.forEach(
- subEntityList -> {
- datastoreTransactionalRetry(
- new Entity(NULL_ENTITY_KIND), subEntityList);
- });
- } else {
- datastoreTransactionalRetry(new Entity(NULL_ENTITY_KIND), entityList);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- datastoreTransactionalRetryWithXG(
- new Entity(NULL_ENTITY_KIND), entityList, true);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- indexCount++;
- }
- if (testRunEntity.getType() == TestRunType.POSTSUBMIT.getNumber()) {
- VtsAlertJobServlet.addTask(testRunKey);
- if (testRunEntity.getHasCodeCoverage()) {
- VtsCoverageAlertJobServlet.addTask(testRunKey);
- }
- if (profilingPointKeys.size() > 0) {
- VtsProfilingStatsJobServlet.addTasks(profilingPointKeys);
- }
- } else {
- logger.log(
- Level.WARNING,
- "The alert email was not sent as testRunEntity type is not POSTSUBMIT!" +
- " \n " + " testRunEntity type => " + testRunEntity.getType());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Upload data from a test plan report message
- *
- * @param report The test plan report containing data to upload.
- */
- public static void insertTestPlanReport(TestPlanReportMessage report) {
- List<Entity> testEntityList = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> testModules = report.getTestModuleNameList();
- List<Long> testTimes = report.getTestModuleStartTimestampList();
- if (testModules.size() != testTimes.size() || !report.hasTestPlanName()) {
- logger.log(Level.WARNING, "TestPlanReportMessage is missing information.");
- return;
- }
- String testPlanName = report.getTestPlanName();
- Entity testPlanEntity = new TestPlanEntity(testPlanName).toEntity();
- List<Key> testRunKeys = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < testModules.size(); i++) {
- String test = testModules.get(i);
- long time = testTimes.get(i);
- Key parentKey = KeyFactory.createKey(TestEntity.KIND, test);
- Key testRunKey = KeyFactory.createKey(parentKey, TestRunEntity.KIND, time);
- testRunKeys.add(testRunKey);
- }
- Map<Key, Entity> testRuns = datastore.get(testRunKeys);
- long passCount = 0;
- long failCount = 0;
- long startTimestamp = -1;
- long endTimestamp = -1;
- String testBuildId = null;
- long type = 0;
- Set<DeviceInfoEntity> deviceInfoEntitySet = new HashSet<>();
- for (Key testRunKey : testRuns.keySet()) {
- TestRunEntity testRun = TestRunEntity.fromEntity(testRuns.get(testRunKey));
- if (testRun == null) {
- continue; // not a valid test run
- }
- passCount += testRun.getPassCount();
- failCount += testRun.getFailCount();
- if (startTimestamp < 0 || testRunKey.getId() < startTimestamp) {
- startTimestamp = testRunKey.getId();
- }
- if (endTimestamp < 0 || testRun.getEndTimestamp() > endTimestamp) {
- endTimestamp = testRun.getEndTimestamp();
- }
- type = testRun.getType();
- testBuildId = testRun.getTestBuildId();
- Query deviceInfoQuery = new Query(DeviceInfoEntity.KIND).setAncestor(testRunKey);
- for (Entity deviceInfoEntity : datastore.prepare(deviceInfoQuery).asIterable()) {
- DeviceInfoEntity device = DeviceInfoEntity.fromEntity(deviceInfoEntity);
- if (device == null) {
- continue; // invalid entity
- }
- deviceInfoEntitySet.add(device);
- }
- }
- if (startTimestamp < 0 || testBuildId == null || type == 0) {
- logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Couldn't infer test run information from runs.");
- return;
- }
- TestPlanRunEntity testPlanRun =
- new TestPlanRunEntity(
- testPlanEntity.getKey(),
- testPlanName,
- type,
- startTimestamp,
- endTimestamp,
- testBuildId,
- passCount,
- failCount,
- 0L,
- 0L,
- testRunKeys);
- // Create the device infos.
- for (DeviceInfoEntity device : deviceInfoEntitySet) {
- testEntityList.add(device.copyWithParent(testPlanRun.key).toEntity());
- }
- testEntityList.add(testPlanRun.toEntity());
- // Add the task to calculate total number API list.
- testPlanRun.addCoverageApiTask();
- datastoreTransactionalRetry(testPlanEntity, testEntityList);
- }
- /**
* Datastore Transactional process for data insertion with MAX_WRITE_RETRIES times and withXG of
* false value