path: root/gae/webapp/src/tasks/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gae/webapp/src/tasks/')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/gae/webapp/src/tasks/ b/gae/webapp/src/tasks/
index 4816363..2ebe687 100644
--- a/gae/webapp/src/tasks/
+++ b/gae/webapp/src/tasks/
@@ -15,129 +15,171 @@
# limitations under the License.
-import webapp2
+import logging
from webapp.src import vtslab_status as Status
from webapp.src.proto import model
+from webapp.src.scheduler import schedule_worker
+import webapp2
+from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
+from google.appengine.ext import ndb
-class CreateIndex(webapp2.RequestHandler):
- """Main class for /tasks/indexing.
- By fetch and put all entities, indexing all existing entities.
- """
- def get(self):
- """Fetch and put all entities and display complete message."""
- build_query = model.BuildModel.query()
- builds = build_query.fetch()
- for build in builds:
- build.put()
- schedule_query = model.ScheduleModel.query()
- schedules = schedule_query.fetch()
- for schedule in schedules:
- schedule.put()
- lab_query = model.LabModel.query()
- labs = lab_query.fetch()
- for lab in labs:
- lab.put()
- device_query = model.DeviceModel.query()
- devices = device_query.fetch()
- for device in devices:
- device.put()
- job_query = model.JobModel.query()
- jobs = job_query.fetch()
- for job in jobs:
- job.put()
- self.response.write("<pre>Indexing has been completed.</pre>")
-class CreateBuildModelIndex(webapp2.RequestHandler):
- """Main class for /tasks/indexing/build.
- By fetch and put all entities, indexing all existing BuildModel entities.
- """
- def get(self):
- """Fetch and put all BuildModel entities"""
- build_query = model.BuildModel.query()
- builds = build_query.fetch()
- for build in builds:
- build.put()
- self.response.write("<pre>BuildModel indexing has been completed.</pre>")
-class CreateDeviceModelIndex(webapp2.RequestHandler):
- """Main class for /tasks/indexing/device.
- By fetch and put all entities, indexing all existing DeviceModel entities.
- """
- def get(self):
- """Fetch and put all DeviceModel entities"""
- device_query = model.DeviceModel.query()
- devices = device_query.fetch()
- for device in devices:
- device.put()
- self.response.write(
- "<pre>DeviceModel indexing has been completed.</pre>")
-class CreateJobModelIndex(webapp2.RequestHandler):
- """Main class for /tasks/indexing/job.
- By fetch and put all entities, indexing all existing JobModel entities.
- """
- def get(self):
- """Fetch and put all JobModel entities"""
- job_query = model.JobModel.query()
- jobs = job_query.fetch()
- for job in jobs:
- job.put()
- self.response.write(
- "<pre>JobModel indexing has been completed.</pre>")
-class CreateLabModelIndex(webapp2.RequestHandler):
- """Main class for /tasks/indexing/lab.
- By fetch and put all entities, indexing all existing LabModel entities.
- """
- def get(self):
- """Fetch and put all LabModel entities"""
- lab_query = model.LabModel.query()
- labs = lab_query.fetch()
- for lab in labs:
- lab.put()
- self.response.write(
- "<pre>LabModel indexing has been completed.</pre>")
-class CreateScheduleModelIndex(webapp2.RequestHandler):
- """Main class for /tasks/indexing/schedule.
- By fetch and put all entities, indexing all existing ScheduleModel entities.
- """
+ "build": model.BuildModel,
+ "device": model.DeviceModel,
+ "lab": model.LabModel,
+ "job": model.JobModel,
+ "schedule": model.ScheduleModel
- def get(self):
- """Fetch and put all ScheduleModel entities"""
- schedule_query = model.ScheduleModel.query()
- schedules = schedule_query.fetch()
- for schedule in schedules:
- if schedule.build_storage_type is None:
- schedule.build_storage_type = Status.STORAGE_TYPE_DICT["PAB"]
- schedule.put()
+class CreateIndex(webapp2.RequestHandler):
+ """Cron class for /tasks/indexing/{model}."""
+ def get(self, arg):
+ """Creates a task to re-index, with given URL format."""
+ index_list = []
+ if arg:
+ if arg.startswith("/") and arg[1:].lower() in DICT_MODELS.keys():
+ index_list.append(arg[1:].lower())
+ else:
+ self.response.write("<pre>Access Denied. Please visit "
+ "/tasks/indexing/{model}</pre>")
+ return
+ else:
+ # accessed by /tasks/indexing
+ index_list.extend(DICT_MODELS.keys())
- "<pre>ScheduleModel indexing has been completed.</pre>")
+ "<pre>Re-indexing task{} for {} {} going to be created.</pre>".
+ format("s"
+ if len(index_list) > 1 else "", ", ".join(index_list), "are"
+ if len(index_list) > 1 else "is"))
+ for model_type in index_list:
+ task = taskqueue.add(
+ url="/worker/indexing",
+ target="worker",
+ queue_name="queue-indexing",
+ transactional=False,
+ params={
+ "model_type": model_type
+ })
+ self.response.write(
+ "<pre>Re-indexing task for {} is created. ETA: {}</pre>".
+ format(model_type, task.eta))
+class IndexingHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
+ """Task queue handler class to re-index ndb model."""
+ def post(self):
+ """Fetch entities and process model specific jobs."""
+ reload(model)
+ model_type = self.request.get("model_type")
+ num_updated = 0
+ next_cursor = None
+ more = True
+ while more:
+ query = DICT_MODELS[model_type].query()
+ entities, next_cursor, more = query.fetch_page(
+ PAGING_SIZE, start_cursor=next_cursor)
+ to_put = []
+ for entity in entities:
+ if model_type == "build":
+ pass
+ elif model_type == "device":
+ pass
+ elif model_type == "lab":
+ pass
+ elif model_type == "job":
+ # uses bits 0-1 to indicate version.
+ test_type = schedule_worker.GetTestVersionType(
+ entity.manifest_branch, entity.gsi_branch)
+ # uses bit 2
+ if entity.require_signed_device_build:
+ test_type |= (
+ entity.test_type = test_type
+ if not entity.parent_schedule:
+ # finds and links to a parent schedule.
+ parent_schedule_query = model.ScheduleModel.query(
+ model.ScheduleModel.priority == entity.priority,
+ model.ScheduleModel.test_name == entity.test_name,
+ model.ScheduleModel.period == entity.period,
+ model.ScheduleModel.build_storage_type == (
+ entity.build_storage_type),
+ model.ScheduleModel.manifest_branch == (
+ entity.manifest_branch),
+ model.ScheduleModel.build_target == (
+ entity.build_target),
+ model.ScheduleModel.device_pab_account_id == (
+ entity.pab_account_id),
+ model.ScheduleModel.shards == entity.shards,
+ model.ScheduleModel.retry_count == (
+ entity.retry_count),
+ model.ScheduleModel.gsi_storage_type == (
+ entity.gsi_storage_type),
+ model.ScheduleModel.gsi_branch == (
+ entity.gsi_branch),
+ model.ScheduleModel.gsi_build_target == (
+ entity.gsi_build_target),
+ model.ScheduleModel.gsi_pab_account_id == (
+ entity.gsi_pab_account_id),
+ model.ScheduleModel.gsi_vendor_version == (
+ entity.gsi_vendor_version),
+ model.ScheduleModel.test_storage_type == (
+ entity.test_storage_type),
+ model.ScheduleModel.test_branch == (
+ entity.test_branch),
+ model.ScheduleModel.test_build_target == (
+ entity.test_build_target),
+ model.ScheduleModel.test_pab_account_id == (
+ entity.test_pab_account_id))
+ parent_schedules = parent_schedule_query.fetch()
+ if not parent_schedules:
+ logging.error("Parent not found.")
+ else:
+ parent_schedule = parent_schedules[0]
+ parent_schedule.children_jobs.append(entity.key)
+ entity.parent_schedule = parent_schedule.key
+ to_put.append(parent_schedule)
+ elif model_type == "schedule":
+ if entity.error_count is None:
+ entity.error_count = 0
+ if entity.suspended is None:
+ entity.suspended = False
+ if entity.build_storage_type is None:
+ entity.build_storage_type = Status.STORAGE_TYPE_DICT[
+ "PAB"]
+ # remove None children jobs.
+ if entity.children_jobs:
+ entity.children_jobs = [
+ x for x in entity.children_jobs if x]
+ else:
+ entity.children_jobs = []
+ for attr in ["has_bootloader_img", "has_radio_img"]:
+ if getattr(entity, attr, None) is None:
+ setattr(entity, attr, True)
+ # set priority_value for old schedules.
+ if entity.priority_value is None:
+ entity.priority_value = Status.GetPriorityValue(
+ entity.priority)
+ else:
+ pass
+ to_put.append(entity)
+ if to_put:
+ ndb.put_multi(to_put)
+ num_updated += len(to_put)
+"{} indexing complete with {} updates!".format(
+ model_type, num_updated))