#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import json import logging from vts.runners.host import asserts from vts.runners.host import base_test from vts.runners.host import const from vts.runners.host import test_runner from vts.utils.python.controllers import android_device from vts.utils.python.cpu import cpu_frequency_scaling class HwBinderLatencyTest(base_test.BaseTestClass): """A test case for the hwbinder latency benchmarking. Sample output of libhwbinder_latency { "cfg":{"pair":6,"iterations":166,"deadline_us":2500,"passthrough":1}, "fifo_0_data": [15052, ...], "fifo_1_data": [...], ... "ALL":{"SYNC":"GOOD","S":1992,"I":1992,"R":1, "other_ms":{ "avg":0.0048, "wst":0.32, "bst":0.0022, "miss":0, "meetR":1}, "fifo_ms": { "avg":0.0035, "wst":0.037, "bst":0.0021, "miss":0, "meetR":1}, "otherdis":{ "p50":0.19531, "p90":0.19531, "p95":0.19531, "p99": 0.19531}, "fifodis": { "p50":0.19531, "p90":0.19531, "p95":0.19531, "p99": 0.19531} }, "P0":{... }, ... "inheritance": "PASS" } """ # The order of the columns in the output table _MS_COLUMNS = ["avg", "wst", "bst", "miss", "meetR"] _DIS_COLUMNS = ["p50", "p90", "p95", "p99"] # The keys in the JSON object _CFG = "cfg" _PAIR = "pair" _ALL = "ALL" _OTHER_MS = "other_ms" _FIFO_MS = "fifo_ms" _OTHERDIS = "otherdis" _FIFODIS = "fifodis" _INHERITANCE = "inheritance" def setUpClass(self): required_params = ["hidl_hal_mode"] self.getUserParams(required_params) self.dut = self.registerController(android_device)[0] self.dut.shell.InvokeTerminal("one") self._cpu_freq = cpu_frequency_scaling.CpuFrequencyScalingController(self.dut) self._cpu_freq.DisableCpuScaling() def setUp(self): self._cpu_freq.SkipIfThermalThrottling(retry_delay_secs=30) def tearDown(self): self._cpu_freq.SkipIfThermalThrottling() def tearDownClass(self): self._cpu_freq.EnableCpuScaling() def testRunBenchmark32Bit(self): result = self._runBenchmark(32) self._addBenchmarkTableToResult(result, 32) self._uploadResult(result, 32) def testRunBenchmark64Bit(self): result = self._runBenchmark(64) self._addBenchmarkTableToResult(result, 64) self._uploadResult(result, 64) def _runBenchmark(self, bits): """Runs the native binary and parses its result. Args: bits: integer (32 or 64), the bitness of the binary to run. Returns: dict, the benchmarking result converted from native binary's JSON output. """ logging.info("Start %d-bit hwbinder latency test with HIDL mode=%s", bits, self.hidl_hal_mode) binary = "/data/local/tmp/%s/libhwbinder_latency%s" % (bits, bits) min_cpu, max_cpu = self._cpu_freq.GetMinAndMaxCpuNo() iterations = 1000 // (max_cpu - min_cpu) results = self.dut.shell.one.Execute([ "chmod 755 %s" % binary, "VTS_ROOT_PATH=/data/local/tmp " \ "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib%s:/data/local/tmp/%s/hw:" "/data/local/tmp/%s:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH " "%s -raw_data -pair %d -i %d -m %s" % (bits, bits, bits, binary, max_cpu - min_cpu, iterations, self.hidl_hal_mode.encode("utf-8"))]) # Parses the result. asserts.assertEqual(len(results[const.STDOUT]), 2) logging.info("stderr: %s", results[const.STDERR][1]) logging.info("stdout: %s", results[const.STDOUT][1]) asserts.assertFalse( any(results[const.EXIT_CODE]), "testRunBenchmark%sBit failed." % (bits)) json_result = json.loads(results[const.STDOUT][1]); asserts.assertTrue(json_result[self._INHERITANCE] == "PASS", "Scheduler does not support priority inheritance."); return json_result def _createRow(self, pair_name, ms_result, dis_result): """Creates a row from the JSON output. Args: pair_name: string, the pair name in the first column. ms_result: dict, the fifo_ms or other_ms object. dis_result: dict, the fifodis or otherdis object. Returns: the list containing pair_name and the values in the objects. """ row = [pair_name] row.extend([ms_result[x] for x in self._MS_COLUMNS]) row.extend([dis_result[x] for x in self._DIS_COLUMNS]) return row def _addBenchmarkTableToResult(self, result, bits): pair_cnt = result[self._CFG][self._PAIR] row_names = ["P" + str(i) for i in range(pair_cnt)] + [self._ALL] col_names = ["pair"] + self._MS_COLUMNS + self._DIS_COLUMNS fifo_table = [col_names] other_table = [col_names] for row_name in row_names: pair_result = result[row_name] fifo_table.append(self._createRow(row_name, pair_result[self._FIFO_MS], pair_result[self._FIFODIS])) other_table.append(self._createRow(row_name, pair_result[self._OTHER_MS], pair_result[self._OTHERDIS])) self.addTableToResult( "hwbinder_latency_%sbits_fifo" % bits,fifo_table) self.addTableToResult( "hwbinder_latency_%sbits_other" % bits, other_table) def _uploadResult(self, result, bits): """Uploads the output of benchmark program to web DB. Args: result: dict which is the benchmarking result. bits: integer (32 or 64). """ opts = ["hidl_hal_mode=%s" % self.hidl_hal_mode.encode("utf-8")]; min_cpu, max_cpu = self._cpu_freq.GetMinAndMaxCpuNo() for i in range(max_cpu - min_cpu): self.web.AddProfilingDataUnlabeledVector( "hwbinder_latency_%sbits" % bits, result["fifo_%d_data" % i], options=opts, x_axis_label="hwbinder latency", y_axis_label="Frequency") if __name__ == "__main__": test_runner.main()