/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.apkzlib.zip; import com.android.apkzlib.zip.utils.LittleEndianUtils; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Verify; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.common.primitives.Ints; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * The ZipField class represents a field in a record in a zip file. Zip files are made with records * that have fields. This class makes it easy to read, write and verify field values. *

* There are two main types of fields: 2-byte fields and 4-byte fields. We represent each one as * a subclass of {@code ZipField}, {@code F2} for the 2-byte field and {@code F4} for the 4-byte * field. Because Java's {@code int} data type is guaranteed to be 4-byte, all methods use Java's * native {@link int} as data type. *

* For each field we can either read, write or verify. Verification is used for fields whose value * we know. Some fields, e.g. signature fields, have fixed value. Other fields have * variable values, but in some situations we know which value they have. For example, the last * modification time of a file's local header will have to match the value of the file's * modification time as stored in the central directory. *

* Because records are compact, i.e. fields are stored sequentially with no empty spaces, * fields are generally created in the sequence they exist and the end offset of a field is used * as the offset of the next one. The end of a field can be obtained by invoking * {@link #endOffset()}. This allows creating fields in sequence without doing offset computation: *

 * ZipField.F2 firstField = new ZipField.F2(0, "First field");
 * ZipField.F4 secondField = new ZipField(firstField.endOffset(), "Second field");
*/ abstract class ZipField { /** * Field name. Used for providing (more) useful error messages. */ @Nonnull private final String name; /** * Offset of the file in the record. */ protected final int offset; /** * Size of the field. Only 2 or 4 allowed. */ private final int size; /** * If a fixed value exists for the field, then this attribute will contain that value. */ @Nullable private final Long expected; /** * All invariants that this field must verify. */ @Nonnull private Set invariants; /** * Creates a new field that does not contain a fixed value. * * @param offset the field's offset in the record * @param size the field size * @param name the field's name * @param invariants the invariants that must be verified by the field */ ZipField(int offset, int size, @Nonnull String name, ZipFieldInvariant... invariants) { Preconditions.checkArgument(offset >= 0, "offset >= 0"); Preconditions.checkArgument(size == 2 || size == 4, "size != 2 && size != 4"); this.name = name; this.offset = offset; this.size = size; expected = null; this.invariants = Sets.newHashSet(invariants); } /** * Creates a new field that contains a fixed value. * * @param offset the field's offset in the record * @param size the field size * @param expected the expected field value * @param name the field's name */ ZipField(int offset, int size, long expected, @Nonnull String name) { Preconditions.checkArgument(offset >= 0, "offset >= 0"); Preconditions.checkArgument(size == 2 || size == 4, "size != 2 && size != 4"); this.name = name; this.offset = offset; this.size = size; this.expected = expected; invariants = Sets.newHashSet(); } /** * Checks whether a value verifies the field's invariants. Nothing happens if the value verifies * the invariants. * * @param value the value * @throws IOException the invariants are not verified */ private void checkVerifiesInvariants(long value) throws IOException { for (ZipFieldInvariant invariant : invariants) { if (!invariant.isValid(value)) { throw new IOException("Value " + value + " of field " + name + " is invalid " + "(fails '" + invariant.getName() + "')."); } } } /** * Advances the position in the provided byte buffer by the size of this field. * * @param bytes the byte buffer; at the end of the method its position will be greater by * the size of this field * @throws IOException failed to advance the buffer */ void skip(@Nonnull ByteBuffer bytes) throws IOException { if (bytes.remaining() < size) { throw new IOException("Cannot skip field " + name + " because only " + bytes.remaining() + " remain in the buffer."); } bytes.position(bytes.position() + size); } /** * Reads a field value. * * @param bytes the byte buffer with the record data; after this method finishes, the buffer * will be positioned at the first byte after the field * @return the value of the field * @throws IOException failed to read the field */ long read(@Nonnull ByteBuffer bytes) throws IOException { if (bytes.remaining() < size) { throw new IOException("Cannot skip field " + name + " because only " + bytes.remaining() + " remain in the buffer."); } bytes.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); long r; if (size == 2) { r = LittleEndianUtils.readUnsigned2Le(bytes); } else { r = LittleEndianUtils.readUnsigned4Le(bytes); } checkVerifiesInvariants(r); return r; } /** * Verifies that the field at the current buffer position has the expected value. The field * must have been created with the constructor that defines the expected value. * * @param bytes the byte buffer with the record data; after this method finishes, the buffer * will be positioned at the first byte after the field * @throws IOException failed to read the field or the field does not have the expected value */ void verify(@Nonnull ByteBuffer bytes) throws IOException { verify(bytes, null); } /** * Verifies that the field at the current buffer position has the expected value. The field * must have been created with the constructor that defines the expected value. * * @param bytes the byte buffer with the record data; after this method finishes, the buffer * will be positioned at the first byte after the field * @param verifyLog if non-{@code null}, will log the verification error * @throws IOException failed to read the data or the field does not have the expected value; * only thrown if {@code verifyLog} is {@code null} */ void verify(@Nonnull ByteBuffer bytes, @Nullable VerifyLog verifyLog) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(expected != null, "expected == null"); verify(bytes, expected, verifyLog); } /** * Verifies that the field has an expected value. * * @param bytes the byte buffer with the record data; after this method finishes, the buffer * will be positioned at the first byte after the field * @param expected the value we expect the field to have; if this field has invariants, the * value must verify them * @throws IOException failed to read the data or the field does not have the expected value */ void verify(@Nonnull ByteBuffer bytes, long expected) throws IOException { verify(bytes, expected, null); } /** * Verifies that the field has an expected value. * * @param bytes the byte buffer with the record data; after this method finishes, the buffer * will be positioned at the first byte after the field * @param expected the value we expect the field to have; if this field has invariants, the * value must verify them * @param verifyLog if non-{@code null}, will log the verification error * @throws IOException failed to read the data or the field does not have the expected value; * only thrown if {@code verifyLog} is {@code null} */ void verify( @Nonnull ByteBuffer bytes, long expected, @Nullable VerifyLog verifyLog) throws IOException { checkVerifiesInvariants(expected); long r = read(bytes); if (r != expected) { String error = String.format( "Incorrect value for field '%s': value is %s but %s expected.", name, r, expected); if (verifyLog == null) { throw new IOException(error); } else { verifyLog.log(error); } } } /** * Writes the value of the field. * * @param output where to write the field; the field will be written at the current position * of the buffer * @param value the value to write * @throws IOException failed to write the value in the stream */ void write(@Nonnull ByteBuffer output, long value) throws IOException { checkVerifiesInvariants(value); Preconditions.checkArgument(value >= 0, "value (%s) < 0", value); if (size == 2) { Preconditions.checkArgument(value <= 0x0000ffff, "value (%s) > 0x0000ffff", value); LittleEndianUtils.writeUnsigned2Le(output, Ints.checkedCast(value)); } else { Verify.verify(size == 4); Preconditions.checkArgument(value <= 0x00000000ffffffffL, "value (%s) > 0x00000000ffffffffL", value); LittleEndianUtils.writeUnsigned4Le(output, value); } } /** * Writes the value of the field. The field must have an expected value set in the constructor. * * @param output where to write the field; the field will be written at the current position * of the buffer * @throws IOException failed to write the value in the stream */ void write(@Nonnull ByteBuffer output) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(expected != null, "expected == null"); write(output, expected); } /** * Obtains the offset at which the field starts. * * @return the start offset */ int offset() { return offset; } /** * Obtains the offset at which the field ends. This is the exact offset at which the next * field starts. * * @return the end offset */ int endOffset() { return offset + size; } /** * Concrete implementation of {@link ZipField} that represents a 2-byte field. */ static class F2 extends ZipField { /** * Creates a new field. * * @param offset the field's offset in the record * @param name the field's name * @param invariants the invariants that must be verified by the field */ F2(int offset, @Nonnull String name, ZipFieldInvariant... invariants) { super(offset, 2, name, invariants); } /** * Creates a new field that contains a fixed value. * * @param offset the field's offset in the record * @param expected the expected field value * @param name the field's name */ F2(int offset, long expected, @Nonnull String name) { super(offset, 2, expected, name); } } /** * Concrete implementation of {@link ZipField} that represents a 4-byte field. */ static class F4 extends ZipField { /** * Creates a new field. * * @param offset the field's offset in the record * @param name the field's name * @param invariants the invariants that must be verified by the field */ F4(int offset, @Nonnull String name, ZipFieldInvariant... invariants) { super(offset, 4, name, invariants); } /** * Creates a new field that contains a fixed value. * * @param offset the field's offset in the record * @param expected the expected field value * @param name the field's name */ F4(int offset, long expected, @Nonnull String name) { super(offset, 4, expected, name); } } }