path: root/build-system/gradle-core/src/main/java/com/android/build/gradle/internal/plugins/AbstractPrivacySandboxPlugin.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'build-system/gradle-core/src/main/java/com/android/build/gradle/internal/plugins/AbstractPrivacySandboxPlugin.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/build-system/gradle-core/src/main/java/com/android/build/gradle/internal/plugins/AbstractPrivacySandboxPlugin.kt b/build-system/gradle-core/src/main/java/com/android/build/gradle/internal/plugins/AbstractPrivacySandboxPlugin.kt
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--- a/build-system/gradle-core/src/main/java/com/android/build/gradle/internal/plugins/AbstractPrivacySandboxPlugin.kt
+++ /dev/null
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- * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import groovy.namespace.QName
-import groovy.util.Node
-import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
-import org.gradle.api.Plugin
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactCollection
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.LibraryBinaryIdentifier
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ModuleComponentIdentifier
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ProjectComponentIdentifier
-import org.gradle.api.attributes.Usage
-import org.gradle.api.component.SoftwareComponentFactory
-import org.gradle.api.file.RegularFile
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
-import org.gradle.api.publish.maven.MavenPom
-import org.gradle.api.publish.maven.MavenPublication
-import org.gradle.internal.component.external.model.ModuleComponentArtifactIdentifier
-abstract class AbstractPrivacySandboxPlugin(
- listenerRegistry: BuildEventsListenerRegistry,
-): AndroidPluginBaseServices(listenerRegistry), Plugin<Project> {
- val dslServices by lazy {
- withProject("dslServices") { project ->
- val sdkComponentsBuildService: Provider<SdkComponentsBuildService> =
- SdkComponentsBuildService.RegistrationAction(
- project,
- projectServices.projectOptions
- ).execute()
- DslServicesImpl(
- projectServices,
- sdkComponentsBuildService
- )
- }
- }
- abstract val variantScope: PrivacySandboxSdkVariantScope
- internal fun createTasks(
- project: Project,
- variantScope: PrivacySandboxSdkVariantScope,
- tasksCreationActions: List<TaskCreationAction<out DefaultTask>>,
- ) {
- configureTransforms(project)
- val taskProviders = TaskFactoryImpl(project.tasks).let { taskFactory ->
- { creationAction ->
- taskFactory.register(creationAction)
- }
- }
- // create anchor tasks
- project.tasks.register("assemble") { assembleTask ->
- artifactForPublication?.let { artifactTypeForPublication ->
- assembleTask.dependsOn(variantScope.artifacts.get(artifactTypeForPublication))
- } ?: taskProviders.forEach { assembleTask.dependsOn(it) }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the artifact type that will be used for maven publication or null if nothing is to
- * be published to maven.
- */
- internal abstract val artifactForPublication: Artifact.Single<RegularFile>?
- internal abstract val artifactTypeForPublication: AndroidArtifacts.ArtifactType
- override fun apply(project: Project) {
- super.basePluginApply(project)
- // so far by default, we consume and publish only 'debug' variant
- // 'include' is the configuration that users will use to indicate which dependencies should
- // be fused.
- val includeConfigurations = project.configurations.create("include").also {
- it.isCanBeConsumed = false
- val buildType: BuildTypeAttr = project.objects.named(, "debug")
- it.attributes.attribute(
- BuildTypeAttr.ATTRIBUTE,
- buildType,
- )
- }
- // This is the internal configuration that will be used to feed tasks that require access
- // to the resolved 'include' dependency. It is for JAVA_API usage which mean all transitive
- // dependencies that are implementation() scoped will not be included.
- val includeApiClasspath = project.configurations.create("includeApiClasspath").also {
- it.isCanBeConsumed = false
- it.attributes.attribute(
- project.objects.named(, Usage.JAVA_API)
- )
- val buildType: BuildTypeAttr = project.objects.named(, "debug")
- it.attributes.attribute(
- BuildTypeAttr.ATTRIBUTE,
- buildType,
- )
- it.extendsFrom(includeConfigurations)
- }
- variantScope.incomingConfigurations.addConfiguration(includeApiClasspath)
- // This is the configuration that will contain all the JAVA_API dependencies that are not
- // fused in the resulting aar library.
- val includedApiUnmerged = project.configurations.create("includeApiUnmerged").also {
- it.isCanBeConsumed = true
- it.isCanBeResolved = true
- it.incoming.beforeResolve(
- SegregatingConstraintHandler(
- includeApiClasspath,
- it,
- variantScope.mergeSpec,
- project,
- )
- )
- }
- // This is the internal configuration that will be used to feed tasks that require access
- // to the resolved 'include' dependency. It is for JAVA_RUNTIME usage which mean all transitive
- // dependencies that are implementation() scoped will be included.
- val includeRuntimeClasspath = project.configurations.create("includeRuntimeClasspath").also {
- it.isCanBeConsumed = false
- it.isCanBeResolved = true
- it.attributes.attribute(
- project.objects.named(, Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME)
- )
- val buildType: BuildTypeAttr = project.objects.named(, "debug")
- it.attributes.attribute(
- BuildTypeAttr.ATTRIBUTE,
- buildType,
- )
- it.extendsFrom(includeConfigurations)
- }
- variantScope.incomingConfigurations.addConfiguration(includeRuntimeClasspath)
- // This is the configuration that will contain all the JAVA_RUNTIME dependencies that are
- // not fused in the resulting aar library.
- val includeRuntimeUnmerged = project.configurations.create("includeRuntimeUnmerged").also {
- it.isCanBeConsumed = false
- it.isCanBeResolved = true
- it.incoming.beforeResolve(
- SegregatingConstraintHandler(
- includeConfigurations,
- it,
- variantScope.mergeSpec,
- project,
- )
- )
- }
- // we are only interested in the last provider in the chain of transformers for this bundle.
- // Obviously, this is theoretical at this point since there is no variant API to replace
- // artifacts, there is always only one.
- val bundleTaskProvider = artifactForPublication?.let {
- variantScope
- .artifacts
- .getArtifactContainer(it)
- .getTaskProviders()
- .last()
- }
- // this is the outgoing configuration for JAVA_API scoped declarations, it will contain
- // this module and all transitive non merged dependencies
- fun configureApiRuntimeElements(elements: Configuration) {
- elements.isCanBeResolved = false
- elements.isCanBeConsumed = true
- elements.isTransitive = true
- if (bundleTaskProvider != null) {
- elements.outgoing.variants { variants ->
- variants.create(artifactTypeForPublication.type) {variant ->
- variant.artifact(bundleTaskProvider) { artifact ->
- artifact.type = artifactTypeForPublication.type
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- val includeApiElements = project.configurations.create("apiElements") { apiElements ->
- configureApiRuntimeElements(apiElements)
- apiElements.attributes.attribute(
- project.objects.named(, Usage.JAVA_API)
- )
- }
- // this is the outgoing configuration for JAVA_RUNTIME scoped declarations, it will contain
- // this module and all transitive non merged dependencies
- val includeRuntimeElements = project.configurations.create("runtimeElements") { runtimeElements ->
- configureApiRuntimeElements(runtimeElements)
- runtimeElements.attributes.attribute(
- project.objects.named(, Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME)
- )
- }
- }
- override fun configureProject(project: Project) {
- val projectOptions = projectServices.projectOptions
- Aapt2ThreadPoolBuildService.RegistrationAction(project, projectOptions).execute()
- Aapt2DaemonBuildService.RegistrationAction(project, projectOptions).execute()
- }
- private fun configureTransforms(project: Project) {
- configuratorService.recordBlock(
- GradleBuildProfileSpan.ExecutionType.ARTIFACT_TRANSFORM,
- project.path,
- null
- ) {
- DependencyConfigurator(project, projectServices)
- .configureGeneralTransforms(namespacedAndroidResources = false)
- }
- }