apply plugin: 'signing' def getVersion() { if (project.has("release")) { return project.ext.baseVersion } return project.ext.baseVersion + '-SNAPSHOT' } version = getVersion() task publishLocal(type: Upload) { configuration = configurations.archives repositories { mavenDeployer { repository(url: uri("$rootProject.ext.androidHostOut/repo")) } } } project.ext.sonatypeUsername = hasProperty('sonatypeUsername') ? sonatypeUsername : "" project.ext.sonatypePassword = hasProperty('sonatypePassword') ? sonatypePassword : "" uploadArchives { repositories { mavenDeployer { beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> if (!project.has("release")) { throw new StopExecutionException("uploadArchives must be called with the release.gradle init script") } if (project.ext.sonatypeUsername.length() == 0 || project.ext.sonatypePassword.length() == 0) { throw new StopExecutionException("uploadArchives cannot be called without sonatype username and password") } signing.signPom(deployment) } repository(url: "") { authentication(userName: project.ext.sonatypeUsername, password: project.ext.sonatypePassword) } pom.project { name project.ext.pomName description project.ext.pomDesc url '' inceptionYear '2007' licenses { license { name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0' url '' distribution 'repo' } } scm { url '' connection 'git://' } developers { developer { name 'The Android Open Source Project' } } } } } } // custom tasks for creating source/javadoc jars task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:classes) { classifier = 'sources' from sourceSets.main.allSource } // add source jar tasks as artifacts artifacts { archives jar archives sourcesJar } signing { required { project.has("release") && gradle.taskGraph.hasTask("uploadArchives") } sign configurations.archives }