// Copyright 2012 The go-gl Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package gl // #include "gl.h" import "C" // Object type Object C.GLuint func (object Object) IsBuffer() bool { return C.glIsBuffer(C.GLuint(object)) != 0 } func (object Object) IsProgram() bool { return C.glIsProgram(C.GLuint(object)) != 0 } func (object Object) IsQuery() bool { return C.glIsQuery(C.GLuint(object)) != 0 } func (object Object) IsShader() bool { return C.glIsShader(C.GLuint(object)) != 0 } func (object Object) IsTexture() bool { return C.glIsTexture(C.GLuint(object)) != 0 } func (object Object) IsTransformFeedback() bool { return C.glIsTransformFeedback(C.GLuint(object)) != 0 } func (object Object) IsVertexArray() bool { return C.glIsVertexArray(C.GLuint(object)) != 0 }