// Copyright 2012 The go-gl Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package gl // #include "gl.h" import "C" // Vertex Arrays type VertexArray Object func GenVertexArray() VertexArray { var a C.GLuint C.glGenVertexArrays(1, &a) return VertexArray(a) } func GenVertexArrays(arrays []VertexArray) { if len(arrays) > 0 { C.glGenVertexArrays(C.GLsizei(len(arrays)), (*C.GLuint)(&arrays[0])) } } func (array VertexArray) Delete() { C.glDeleteVertexArrays(1, (*C.GLuint)(&array)) } func DeleteVertexArrays(arrays []VertexArray) { if len(arrays) > 0 { C.glDeleteVertexArrays(C.GLsizei(len(arrays)), (*C.GLuint)(&arrays[0])) } } func (array VertexArray) Bind() { C.glBindVertexArray(C.GLuint(array)) } func (array VertexArray) Unbind() { C.glBindVertexArray(C.GLuint(0)) }