path: root/python/helpers/pydev
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authorTor Norbye <>2014-09-04 13:24:04 -0700
committerTor Norbye <>2014-09-04 13:24:04 -0700
commitc3d3a90f6b4ead083d63e28e6b9fcea93d675678 (patch)
treefc0dcd722b6d445468dbe7dad13b4c11781b1cbe /python/helpers/pydev
parent1aa2e09bdbd413eacb677e9fa4b50630530d0656 (diff)
Snapshot idea/138.1980 from git://
Change-Id: Ib567c9c152d770212a7a3db20fbf591c210920bd
Diffstat (limited to 'python/helpers/pydev')
-rw-r--r--python/helpers/pydev/tests/ (renamed from python/helpers/pydev/tests/
-rw-r--r--python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/_ctypes.dllbin0 -> 287417 bytes
176 files changed, 17170 insertions, 6497 deletions
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+[![Build Status](](
+This repository contains the sources for the Debugger used in PyDev & PyCharm.
+It should be compatible with Python 2.4 onwards (as well as Jython 2.2.1, IronPython and PyPy -- and any
+other variant which properly supports the Python structure for debuggers -- i.e.: sys.settrace/threading.settrace). \ No newline at end of file
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-"""HTTP server base class.
-Note: the class in this module doesn't implement any HTTP request; see
-SimpleHTTPServer for simple implementations of GET, HEAD and POST
-(including CGI scripts). It does, however, optionally implement HTTP/1.1
-persistent connections, as of version 0.3.
-- BaseHTTPRequestHandler: HTTP request handler base class
-- test: test function
-XXX To do:
-- log requests even later (to capture byte count)
-- log user-agent header and other interesting goodies
-- send error log to separate file
-# See also:
-# HTTP Working Group T. Berners-Lee
-# INTERNET-DRAFT R. T. Fielding
-# <draft-ietf-http-v10-spec-00.txt> H. Frystyk Nielsen
-# Expires September 8, 1995 March 8, 1995
-# URL:
-# and
-# Network Working Group R. Fielding
-# Request for Comments: 2616 et al
-# Obsoletes: 2068 June 1999
-# Category: Standards Track
-# URL:
-# Log files
-# ---------
-# Here's a quote from the NCSA httpd docs about log file format.
-# | The logfile format is as follows. Each line consists of:
-# |
-# | host rfc931 authuser [DD/Mon/YYYY:hh:mm:ss] "request" ddd bbbb
-# |
-# | host: Either the DNS name or the IP number of the remote client
-# | rfc931: Any information returned by identd for this person,
-# | - otherwise.
-# | authuser: If user sent a userid for authentication, the user name,
-# | - otherwise.
-# | DD: Day
-# | Mon: Month (calendar name)
-# | YYYY: Year
-# | hh: hour (24-hour format, the machine's timezone)
-# | mm: minutes
-# | ss: seconds
-# | request: The first line of the HTTP request as sent by the client.
-# | ddd: the status code returned by the server, - if not available.
-# | bbbb: the total number of bytes sent,
-# | *not including the HTTP/1.0 header*, - if not available
-# |
-# | You can determine the name of the file accessed through request.
-# (Actually, the latter is only true if you know the server configuration
-# at the time the request was made!)
-__version__ = "0.3"
-__all__ = ["HTTPServer", "BaseHTTPRequestHandler"]
-import sys
-import _pydev_time as time
-import _pydev_socket as socket # For gethostbyaddr()
-from warnings import filterwarnings, catch_warnings
-with catch_warnings():
- if sys.py3kwarning:
- filterwarnings("ignore", ".*mimetools has been removed",
- DeprecationWarning)
- import mimetools
-import _pydev_SocketServer as SocketServer
-# Default error message template
-<title>Error response</title>
-<h1>Error response</h1>
-<p>Error code %(code)d.
-<p>Message: %(message)s.
-<p>Error code explanation: %(code)s = %(explain)s.
-def _quote_html(html):
- return html.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
-class HTTPServer(SocketServer.TCPServer):
- allow_reuse_address = 1 # Seems to make sense in testing environment
- def server_bind(self):
- """Override server_bind to store the server name."""
- SocketServer.TCPServer.server_bind(self)
- host, port = self.socket.getsockname()[:2]
- self.server_name = socket.getfqdn(host)
- self.server_port = port
-class BaseHTTPRequestHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler):
- """HTTP request handler base class.
- The following explanation of HTTP serves to guide you through the
- code as well as to expose any misunderstandings I may have about
- HTTP (so you don't need to read the code to figure out I'm wrong
- :-).
- HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is an extensible protocol on
- top of a reliable stream transport (e.g. TCP/IP). The protocol
- recognizes three parts to a request:
- 1. One line identifying the request type and path
- 2. An optional set of RFC-822-style headers
- 3. An optional data part
- The headers and data are separated by a blank line.
- The first line of the request has the form
- <command> <path> <version>
- where <command> is a (case-sensitive) keyword such as GET or POST,
- <path> is a string containing path information for the request,
- and <version> should be the string "HTTP/1.0" or "HTTP/1.1".
- <path> is encoded using the URL encoding scheme (using %xx to signify
- the ASCII character with hex code xx).
- The specification specifies that lines are separated by CRLF but
- for compatibility with the widest range of clients recommends
- servers also handle LF. Similarly, whitespace in the request line
- is treated sensibly (allowing multiple spaces between components
- and allowing trailing whitespace).
- Similarly, for output, lines ought to be separated by CRLF pairs
- but most clients grok LF characters just fine.
- If the first line of the request has the form
- <command> <path>
- (i.e. <version> is left out) then this is assumed to be an HTTP
- 0.9 request; this form has no optional headers and data part and
- the reply consists of just the data.
- The reply form of the HTTP 1.x protocol again has three parts:
- 1. One line giving the response code
- 2. An optional set of RFC-822-style headers
- 3. The data
- Again, the headers and data are separated by a blank line.
- The response code line has the form
- <version> <responsecode> <responsestring>
- where <version> is the protocol version ("HTTP/1.0" or "HTTP/1.1"),
- <responsecode> is a 3-digit response code indicating success or
- failure of the request, and <responsestring> is an optional
- human-readable string explaining what the response code means.
- This server parses the request and the headers, and then calls a
- function specific to the request type (<command>). Specifically,
- a request SPAM will be handled by a method do_SPAM(). If no
- such method exists the server sends an error response to the
- client. If it exists, it is called with no arguments:
- do_SPAM()
- Note that the request name is case sensitive (i.e. SPAM and spam
- are different requests).
- The various request details are stored in instance variables:
- - client_address is the client IP address in the form (host,
- port);
- - command, path and version are the broken-down request line;
- - headers is an instance of mimetools.Message (or a derived
- class) containing the header information;
- - rfile is a file object open for reading positioned at the
- start of the optional input data part;
- - wfile is a file object open for writing.
- The first thing to be written must be the response line. Then
- follow 0 or more header lines, then a blank line, and then the
- actual data (if any). The meaning of the header lines depends on
- the command executed by the server; in most cases, when data is
- returned, there should be at least one header line of the form
- Content-type: <type>/<subtype>
- where <type> and <subtype> should be registered MIME types,
- e.g. "text/html" or "text/plain".
- """
- # The Python system version, truncated to its first component.
- sys_version = "Python/" + sys.version.split()[0]
- # The server software version. You may want to override this.
- # The format is multiple whitespace-separated strings,
- # where each string is of the form name[/version].
- server_version = "BaseHTTP/" + __version__
- # The default request version. This only affects responses up until
- # the point where the request line is parsed, so it mainly decides what
- # the client gets back when sending a malformed request line.
- # Most web servers default to HTTP 0.9, i.e. don't send a status line.
- default_request_version = "HTTP/0.9"
- def parse_request(self):
- """Parse a request (internal).
- The request should be stored in self.raw_requestline; the results
- are in self.command, self.path, self.request_version and
- self.headers.
- Return True for success, False for failure; on failure, an
- error is sent back.
- """
- self.command = None # set in case of error on the first line
- self.request_version = version = self.default_request_version
- self.close_connection = 1
- requestline = self.raw_requestline
- requestline = requestline.rstrip('\r\n')
- self.requestline = requestline
- words = requestline.split()
- if len(words) == 3:
- command, path, version = words
- if version[:5] != 'HTTP/':
- self.send_error(400, "Bad request version (%r)" % version)
- return False
- try:
- base_version_number = version.split('/', 1)[1]
- version_number = base_version_number.split(".")
- # RFC 2145 section 3.1 says there can be only one "." and
- # - major and minor numbers MUST be treated as
- # separate integers;
- # - HTTP/2.4 is a lower version than HTTP/2.13, which in
- # turn is lower than HTTP/12.3;
- # - Leading zeros MUST be ignored by recipients.
- if len(version_number) != 2:
- raise ValueError
- version_number = int(version_number[0]), int(version_number[1])
- except (ValueError, IndexError):
- self.send_error(400, "Bad request version (%r)" % version)
- return False
- if version_number >= (1, 1) and self.protocol_version >= "HTTP/1.1":
- self.close_connection = 0
- if version_number >= (2, 0):
- self.send_error(505,
- "Invalid HTTP Version (%s)" % base_version_number)
- return False
- elif len(words) == 2:
- command, path = words
- self.close_connection = 1
- if command != 'GET':
- self.send_error(400,
- "Bad HTTP/0.9 request type (%r)" % command)
- return False
- elif not words:
- return False
- else:
- self.send_error(400, "Bad request syntax (%r)" % requestline)
- return False
- self.command, self.path, self.request_version = command, path, version
- # Examine the headers and look for a Connection directive
- self.headers = self.MessageClass(self.rfile, 0)
- conntype = self.headers.get('Connection', "")
- if conntype.lower() == 'close':
- self.close_connection = 1
- elif (conntype.lower() == 'keep-alive' and
- self.protocol_version >= "HTTP/1.1"):
- self.close_connection = 0
- return True
- def handle_one_request(self):
- """Handle a single HTTP request.
- You normally don't need to override this method; see the class
- __doc__ string for information on how to handle specific HTTP
- commands such as GET and POST.
- """
- try:
- self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline(65537)
- if len(self.raw_requestline) > 65536:
- self.requestline = ''
- self.request_version = ''
- self.command = ''
- self.send_error(414)
- return
- if not self.raw_requestline:
- self.close_connection = 1
- return
- if not self.parse_request():
- # An error code has been sent, just exit
- return
- mname = 'do_' + self.command
- if not hasattr(self, mname):
- self.send_error(501, "Unsupported method (%r)" % self.command)
- return
- method = getattr(self, mname)
- method()
- self.wfile.flush() #actually send the response if not already done.
- except socket.timeout:
- #a read or a write timed out. Discard this connection
- self.log_error("Request timed out: %r", sys.exc_info()[1])
- self.close_connection = 1
- return
- def handle(self):
- """Handle multiple requests if necessary."""
- self.close_connection = 1
- self.handle_one_request()
- while not self.close_connection:
- self.handle_one_request()
- def send_error(self, code, message=None):
- """Send and log an error reply.
- Arguments are the error code, and a detailed message.
- The detailed message defaults to the short entry matching the
- response code.
- This sends an error response (so it must be called before any
- output has been generated), logs the error, and finally sends
- a piece of HTML explaining the error to the user.
- """
- try:
- short, long = self.responses[code]
- except KeyError:
- short, long = '???', '???'
- if message is None:
- message = short
- explain = long
- self.log_error("code %d, message %s", code, message)
- # using _quote_html to prevent Cross Site Scripting attacks (see bug #1100201)
- content = (self.error_message_format %
- {'code': code, 'message': _quote_html(message), 'explain': explain})
- self.send_response(code, message)
- self.send_header("Content-Type", self.error_content_type)
- self.send_header('Connection', 'close')
- self.end_headers()
- if self.command != 'HEAD' and code >= 200 and code not in (204, 304):
- self.wfile.write(content)
- error_message_format = DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE
- error_content_type = DEFAULT_ERROR_CONTENT_TYPE
- def send_response(self, code, message=None):
- """Send the response header and log the response code.
- Also send two standard headers with the server software
- version and the current date.
- """
- self.log_request(code)
- if message is None:
- if code in self.responses:
- message = self.responses[code][0]
- else:
- message = ''
- if self.request_version != 'HTTP/0.9':
- self.wfile.write("%s %d %s\r\n" %
- (self.protocol_version, code, message))
- # print (self.protocol_version, code, message)
- self.send_header('Server', self.version_string())
- self.send_header('Date', self.date_time_string())
- def send_header(self, keyword, value):
- """Send a MIME header."""
- if self.request_version != 'HTTP/0.9':
- self.wfile.write("%s: %s\r\n" % (keyword, value))
- if keyword.lower() == 'connection':
- if value.lower() == 'close':
- self.close_connection = 1
- elif value.lower() == 'keep-alive':
- self.close_connection = 0
- def end_headers(self):
- """Send the blank line ending the MIME headers."""
- if self.request_version != 'HTTP/0.9':
- self.wfile.write("\r\n")
- def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'):
- """Log an accepted request.
- This is called by send_response().
- """
- self.log_message('"%s" %s %s',
- self.requestline, str(code), str(size))
- def log_error(self, format, *args):
- """Log an error.
- This is called when a request cannot be fulfilled. By
- default it passes the message on to log_message().
- Arguments are the same as for log_message().
- XXX This should go to the separate error log.
- """
- self.log_message(format, *args)
- def log_message(self, format, *args):
- """Log an arbitrary message.
- This is used by all other logging functions. Override
- it if you have specific logging wishes.
- The first argument, FORMAT, is a format string for the
- message to be logged. If the format string contains
- any % escapes requiring parameters, they should be
- specified as subsequent arguments (it's just like
- printf!).
- The client host and current date/time are prefixed to
- every message.
- """
- sys.stderr.write("%s - - [%s] %s\n" %
- (self.address_string(),
- self.log_date_time_string(),
- format%args))
- def version_string(self):
- """Return the server software version string."""
- return self.server_version + ' ' + self.sys_version
- def date_time_string(self, timestamp=None):
- """Return the current date and time formatted for a message header."""
- if timestamp is None:
- timestamp = time.time()
- year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = time.gmtime(timestamp)
- s = "%s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (
- self.weekdayname[wd],
- day, self.monthname[month], year,
- hh, mm, ss)
- return s
- def log_date_time_string(self):
- """Return the current time formatted for logging."""
- now = time.time()
- year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, x, y, z = time.localtime(now)
- s = "%02d/%3s/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (
- day, self.monthname[month], year, hh, mm, ss)
- return s
- weekdayname = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
- monthname = [None,
- 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
- 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
- def address_string(self):
- """Return the client address formatted for logging.
- This version looks up the full hostname using gethostbyaddr(),
- and tries to find a name that contains at least one dot.
- """
- host, port = self.client_address[:2]
- return socket.getfqdn(host)
- # Essentially static class variables
- # The version of the HTTP protocol we support.
- # Set this to HTTP/1.1 to enable automatic keepalive
- protocol_version = "HTTP/1.0"
- # The Message-like class used to parse headers
- MessageClass = mimetools.Message
- # Table mapping response codes to messages; entries have the
- # form {code: (shortmessage, longmessage)}.
- # See RFC 2616.
- responses = {
- 100: ('Continue', 'Request received, please continue'),
- 101: ('Switching Protocols',
- 'Switching to new protocol; obey Upgrade header'),
- 200: ('OK', 'Request fulfilled, document follows'),
- 201: ('Created', 'Document created, URL follows'),
- 202: ('Accepted',
- 'Request accepted, processing continues off-line'),
- 203: ('Non-Authoritative Information', 'Request fulfilled from cache'),
- 204: ('No Content', 'Request fulfilled, nothing follows'),
- 205: ('Reset Content', 'Clear input form for further input.'),
- 206: ('Partial Content', 'Partial content follows.'),
- 300: ('Multiple Choices',
- 'Object has several resources -- see URI list'),
- 301: ('Moved Permanently', 'Object moved permanently -- see URI list'),
- 302: ('Found', 'Object moved temporarily -- see URI list'),
- 303: ('See Other', 'Object moved -- see Method and URL list'),
- 304: ('Not Modified',
- 'Document has not changed since given time'),
- 305: ('Use Proxy',
- 'You must use proxy specified in Location to access this '
- 'resource.'),
- 307: ('Temporary Redirect',
- 'Object moved temporarily -- see URI list'),
- 400: ('Bad Request',
- 'Bad request syntax or unsupported method'),
- 401: ('Unauthorized',
- 'No permission -- see authorization schemes'),
- 402: ('Payment Required',
- 'No payment -- see charging schemes'),
- 403: ('Forbidden',
- 'Request forbidden -- authorization will not help'),
- 404: ('Not Found', 'Nothing matches the given URI'),
- 405: ('Method Not Allowed',
- 'Specified method is invalid for this resource.'),
- 406: ('Not Acceptable', 'URI not available in preferred format.'),
- 407: ('Proxy Authentication Required', 'You must authenticate with '
- 'this proxy before proceeding.'),
- 408: ('Request Timeout', 'Request timed out; try again later.'),
- 409: ('Conflict', 'Request conflict.'),
- 410: ('Gone',
- 'URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed.'),
- 411: ('Length Required', 'Client must specify Content-Length.'),
- 412: ('Precondition Failed', 'Precondition in headers is false.'),
- 413: ('Request Entity Too Large', 'Entity is too large.'),
- 414: ('Request-URI Too Long', 'URI is too long.'),
- 415: ('Unsupported Media Type', 'Entity body in unsupported format.'),
- 416: ('Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
- 'Cannot satisfy request range.'),
- 417: ('Expectation Failed',
- 'Expect condition could not be satisfied.'),
- 500: ('Internal Server Error', 'Server got itself in trouble'),
- 501: ('Not Implemented',
- 'Server does not support this operation'),
- 502: ('Bad Gateway', 'Invalid responses from another server/proxy.'),
- 503: ('Service Unavailable',
- 'The server cannot process the request due to a high load'),
- 504: ('Gateway Timeout',
- 'The gateway server did not receive a timely response'),
- 505: ('HTTP Version Not Supported', 'Cannot fulfill request.'),
- }
-def test(HandlerClass = BaseHTTPRequestHandler,
- ServerClass = HTTPServer, protocol="HTTP/1.0"):
- """Test the HTTP request handler class.
- This runs an HTTP server on port 8000 (or the first command line
- argument).
- """
- if sys.argv[1:]:
- port = int(sys.argv[1])
- else:
- port = 8000
- server_address = ('', port)
- HandlerClass.protocol_version = protocol
- httpd = ServerClass(server_address, HandlerClass)
- sa = httpd.socket.getsockname()
- print ("Serving HTTP on", sa[0], "port", sa[1], "...")
- httpd.serve_forever()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
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-"""A multi-producer, multi-consumer queue."""
-from _pydev_time import time as _time
- import _pydev_threading as _threading
-except ImportError:
- import dummy_threading as _threading
-from collections import deque
-import heapq
-__all__ = ['Empty', 'Full', 'Queue', 'PriorityQueue', 'LifoQueue']
-class Empty(Exception):
- "Exception raised by Queue.get(block=0)/get_nowait()."
- pass
-class Full(Exception):
- "Exception raised by Queue.put(block=0)/put_nowait()."
- pass
-class Queue:
- """Create a queue object with a given maximum size.
- If maxsize is <= 0, the queue size is infinite.
- """
- def __init__(self, maxsize=0):
- self.maxsize = maxsize
- self._init(maxsize)
- # mutex must be held whenever the queue is mutating. All methods
- # that acquire mutex must release it before returning. mutex
- # is shared between the three conditions, so acquiring and
- # releasing the conditions also acquires and releases mutex.
- self.mutex = _threading.Lock()
- # Notify not_empty whenever an item is added to the queue; a
- # thread waiting to get is notified then.
- self.not_empty = _threading.Condition(self.mutex)
- # Notify not_full whenever an item is removed from the queue;
- # a thread waiting to put is notified then.
- self.not_full = _threading.Condition(self.mutex)
- # Notify all_tasks_done whenever the number of unfinished tasks
- # drops to zero; thread waiting to join() is notified to resume
- self.all_tasks_done = _threading.Condition(self.mutex)
- self.unfinished_tasks = 0
- def task_done(self):
- """Indicate that a formerly enqueued task is complete.
- Used by Queue consumer threads. For each get() used to fetch a task,
- a subsequent call to task_done() tells the queue that the processing
- on the task is complete.
- If a join() is currently blocking, it will resume when all items
- have been processed (meaning that a task_done() call was received
- for every item that had been put() into the queue).
- Raises a ValueError if called more times than there were items
- placed in the queue.
- """
- self.all_tasks_done.acquire()
- try:
- unfinished = self.unfinished_tasks - 1
- if unfinished <= 0:
- if unfinished < 0:
- raise ValueError('task_done() called too many times')
- self.all_tasks_done.notify_all()
- self.unfinished_tasks = unfinished
- finally:
- self.all_tasks_done.release()
- def join(self):
- """Blocks until all items in the Queue have been gotten and processed.
- The count of unfinished tasks goes up whenever an item is added to the
- queue. The count goes down whenever a consumer thread calls task_done()
- to indicate the item was retrieved and all work on it is complete.
- When the count of unfinished tasks drops to zero, join() unblocks.
- """
- self.all_tasks_done.acquire()
- try:
- while self.unfinished_tasks:
- self.all_tasks_done.wait()
- finally:
- self.all_tasks_done.release()
- def qsize(self):
- """Return the approximate size of the queue (not reliable!)."""
- self.mutex.acquire()
- n = self._qsize()
- self.mutex.release()
- return n
- def empty(self):
- """Return True if the queue is empty, False otherwise (not reliable!)."""
- self.mutex.acquire()
- n = not self._qsize()
- self.mutex.release()
- return n
- def full(self):
- """Return True if the queue is full, False otherwise (not reliable!)."""
- self.mutex.acquire()
- n = 0 < self.maxsize == self._qsize()
- self.mutex.release()
- return n
- def put(self, item, block=True, timeout=None):
- """Put an item into the queue.
- If optional args 'block' is true and 'timeout' is None (the default),
- block if necessary until a free slot is available. If 'timeout' is
- a positive number, it blocks at most 'timeout' seconds and raises
- the Full exception if no free slot was available within that time.
- Otherwise ('block' is false), put an item on the queue if a free slot
- is immediately available, else raise the Full exception ('timeout'
- is ignored in that case).
- """
- self.not_full.acquire()
- try:
- if self.maxsize > 0:
- if not block:
- if self._qsize() == self.maxsize:
- raise Full
- elif timeout is None:
- while self._qsize() == self.maxsize:
- self.not_full.wait()
- elif timeout < 0:
- raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a positive number")
- else:
- endtime = _time() + timeout
- while self._qsize() == self.maxsize:
- remaining = endtime - _time()
- if remaining <= 0.0:
- raise Full
- self.not_full.wait(remaining)
- self._put(item)
- self.unfinished_tasks += 1
- self.not_empty.notify()
- finally:
- self.not_full.release()
- def put_nowait(self, item):
- """Put an item into the queue without blocking.
- Only enqueue the item if a free slot is immediately available.
- Otherwise raise the Full exception.
- """
- return self.put(item, False)
- def get(self, block=True, timeout=None):
- """Remove and return an item from the queue.
- If optional args 'block' is true and 'timeout' is None (the default),
- block if necessary until an item is available. If 'timeout' is
- a positive number, it blocks at most 'timeout' seconds and raises
- the Empty exception if no item was available within that time.
- Otherwise ('block' is false), return an item if one is immediately
- available, else raise the Empty exception ('timeout' is ignored
- in that case).
- """
- self.not_empty.acquire()
- try:
- if not block:
- if not self._qsize():
- raise Empty
- elif timeout is None:
- while not self._qsize():
- self.not_empty.wait()
- elif timeout < 0:
- raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a positive number")
- else:
- endtime = _time() + timeout
- while not self._qsize():
- remaining = endtime - _time()
- if remaining <= 0.0:
- raise Empty
- self.not_empty.wait(remaining)
- item = self._get()
- self.not_full.notify()
- return item
- finally:
- self.not_empty.release()
- def get_nowait(self):
- """Remove and return an item from the queue without blocking.
- Only get an item if one is immediately available. Otherwise
- raise the Empty exception.
- """
- return self.get(False)
- # Override these methods to implement other queue organizations
- # (e.g. stack or priority queue).
- # These will only be called with appropriate locks held
- # Initialize the queue representation
- def _init(self, maxsize):
- self.queue = deque()
- def _qsize(self, len=len):
- return len(self.queue)
- # Put a new item in the queue
- def _put(self, item):
- self.queue.append(item)
- # Get an item from the queue
- def _get(self):
- return self.queue.popleft()
-class PriorityQueue(Queue):
- '''Variant of Queue that retrieves open entries in priority order (lowest first).
- Entries are typically tuples of the form: (priority number, data).
- '''
- def _init(self, maxsize):
- self.queue = []
- def _qsize(self, len=len):
- return len(self.queue)
- def _put(self, item, heappush=heapq.heappush):
- heappush(self.queue, item)
- def _get(self, heappop=heapq.heappop):
- return heappop(self.queue)
-class LifoQueue(Queue):
- '''Variant of Queue that retrieves most recently added entries first.'''
- def _init(self, maxsize):
- self.queue = []
- def _qsize(self, len=len):
- return len(self.queue)
- def _put(self, item):
- self.queue.append(item)
- def _get(self):
- return self.queue.pop()
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-#Just a copy of the version in python 2.5 to be used if it's not available in jython 2.1
-"""Simple XML-RPC Server.
-This module can be used to create simple XML-RPC servers
-by creating a server and either installing functions, a
-class instance, or by extending the SimpleXMLRPCServer
-It can also be used to handle XML-RPC requests in a CGI
-environment using CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.
-A list of possible usage patterns follows:
-1. Install functions:
-server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
-server.register_function(lambda x,y: x+y, 'add')
-2. Install an instance:
-class MyFuncs:
- def __init__(self):
- # make all of the string functions available through
- # string.func_name
- import string
- self.string = string
- def _listMethods(self):
- # implement this method so that system.listMethods
- # knows to advertise the strings methods
- return list_public_methods(self) + \
- ['string.' + method for method in list_public_methods(self.string)]
- def pow(self, x, y): return pow(x, y)
- def add(self, x, y) : return x + y
-server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
-3. Install an instance with custom dispatch method:
-class Math:
- def _listMethods(self):
- # this method must be present for system.listMethods
- # to work
- return ['add', 'pow']
- def _methodHelp(self, method):
- # this method must be present for system.methodHelp
- # to work
- if method == 'add':
- return "add(2,3) => 5"
- elif method == 'pow':
- return "pow(x, y[, z]) => number"
- else:
- # By convention, return empty
- # string if no help is available
- return ""
- def _dispatch(self, method, params):
- if method == 'pow':
- return pow(*params)
- elif method == 'add':
- return params[0] + params[1]
- else:
- raise 'bad method'
-server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
-4. Subclass SimpleXMLRPCServer:
-class MathServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer):
- def _dispatch(self, method, params):
- try:
- # We are forcing the 'export_' prefix on methods that are
- # callable through XML-RPC to prevent potential security
- # problems
- func = getattr(self, 'export_' + method)
- except AttributeError:
- raise Exception('method "%s" is not supported' % method)
- else:
- return func(*params)
- def export_add(self, x, y):
- return x + y
-server = MathServer(("localhost", 8000))
-5. CGI script:
-server = CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler()
-# Written by Brian Quinlan (
-# Based on code written by Fredrik Lundh.
- True
- False
- import __builtin__
- setattr(__builtin__, 'True', 1) #Python 3.0 does not accept __builtin__.True = 1 in its syntax
- setattr(__builtin__, 'False', 0)
-import _pydev_xmlrpclib as xmlrpclib
-from _pydev_xmlrpclib import Fault
-import _pydev_SocketServer as SocketServer
-import _pydev_BaseHTTPServer as BaseHTTPServer
-import sys
-import os
- import fcntl
-except ImportError:
- fcntl = None
-def resolve_dotted_attribute(obj, attr, allow_dotted_names=True):
- """resolve_dotted_attribute(a, 'b.c.d') => a.b.c.d
- Resolves a dotted attribute name to an object. Raises
- an AttributeError if any attribute in the chain starts with a '_'.
- If the optional allow_dotted_names argument is false, dots are not
- supported and this function operates similar to getattr(obj, attr).
- """
- if allow_dotted_names:
- attrs = attr.split('.')
- else:
- attrs = [attr]
- for i in attrs:
- if i.startswith('_'):
- raise AttributeError(
- 'attempt to access private attribute "%s"' % i
- )
- else:
- obj = getattr(obj, i)
- return obj
-def list_public_methods(obj):
- """Returns a list of attribute strings, found in the specified
- object, which represent callable attributes"""
- return [member for member in dir(obj)
- if not member.startswith('_') and
- callable(getattr(obj, member))]
-def remove_duplicates(lst):
- """remove_duplicates([2,2,2,1,3,3]) => [3,1,2]
- Returns a copy of a list without duplicates. Every list
- item must be hashable and the order of the items in the
- resulting list is not defined.
- """
- u = {}
- for x in lst:
- u[x] = 1
- return u.keys()
-class SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher:
- """Mix-in class that dispatches XML-RPC requests.
- This class is used to register XML-RPC method handlers
- and then to dispatch them. There should never be any
- reason to instantiate this class directly.
- """
- def __init__(self, allow_none, encoding):
- self.funcs = {}
- self.instance = None
- self.allow_none = allow_none
- self.encoding = encoding
- def register_instance(self, instance, allow_dotted_names=False):
- """Registers an instance to respond to XML-RPC requests.
- Only one instance can be installed at a time.
- If the registered instance has a _dispatch method then that
- method will be called with the name of the XML-RPC method and
- its parameters as a tuple
- e.g. instance._dispatch('add',(2,3))
- If the registered instance does not have a _dispatch method
- then the instance will be searched to find a matching method
- and, if found, will be called. Methods beginning with an '_'
- are considered private and will not be called by
- SimpleXMLRPCServer.
- If a registered function matches a XML-RPC request, then it
- will be called instead of the registered instance.
- If the optional allow_dotted_names argument is true and the
- instance does not have a _dispatch method, method names
- containing dots are supported and resolved, as long as none of
- the name segments start with an '_'.
- Enabling the allow_dotted_names options allows intruders
- to access your module's global variables and may allow
- intruders to execute arbitrary code on your machine. Only
- use this option on a secure, closed network.
- """
- self.instance = instance
- self.allow_dotted_names = allow_dotted_names
- def register_function(self, function, name=None):
- """Registers a function to respond to XML-RPC requests.
- The optional name argument can be used to set a Unicode name
- for the function.
- """
- if name is None:
- name = function.__name__
- self.funcs[name] = function
- def register_introspection_functions(self):
- """Registers the XML-RPC introspection methods in the system
- namespace.
- see
- """
- self.funcs.update({'system.listMethods' : self.system_listMethods,
- 'system.methodSignature' : self.system_methodSignature,
- 'system.methodHelp' : self.system_methodHelp})
- def register_multicall_functions(self):
- """Registers the XML-RPC multicall method in the system
- namespace.
- see$1208"""
- self.funcs.update({'system.multicall' : self.system_multicall})
- def _marshaled_dispatch(self, data, dispatch_method=None):
- """Dispatches an XML-RPC method from marshalled (XML) data.
- XML-RPC methods are dispatched from the marshalled (XML) data
- using the _dispatch method and the result is returned as
- marshalled data. For backwards compatibility, a dispatch
- function can be provided as an argument (see comment in
- SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.do_POST) but overriding the
- existing method through subclassing is the prefered means
- of changing method dispatch behavior.
- """
- try:
- params, method = xmlrpclib.loads(data)
- # generate response
- if dispatch_method is not None:
- response = dispatch_method(method, params)
- else:
- response = self._dispatch(method, params)
- # wrap response in a singleton tuple
- response = (response,)
- response = xmlrpclib.dumps(response, methodresponse=1,
- allow_none=self.allow_none, encoding=self.encoding)
- except Fault, fault:
- response = xmlrpclib.dumps(fault, allow_none=self.allow_none,
- encoding=self.encoding)
- except:
- # report exception back to server
- response = xmlrpclib.dumps(
- xmlrpclib.Fault(1, "%s:%s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)), #@UndefinedVariable exc_value only available when we actually have an exception
- encoding=self.encoding, allow_none=self.allow_none,
- )
- return response
- def system_listMethods(self):
- """system.listMethods() => ['add', 'subtract', 'multiple']
- Returns a list of the methods supported by the server."""
- methods = self.funcs.keys()
- if self.instance is not None:
- # Instance can implement _listMethod to return a list of
- # methods
- if hasattr(self.instance, '_listMethods'):
- methods = remove_duplicates(
- methods + self.instance._listMethods()
- )
- # if the instance has a _dispatch method then we
- # don't have enough information to provide a list
- # of methods
- elif not hasattr(self.instance, '_dispatch'):
- methods = remove_duplicates(
- methods + list_public_methods(self.instance)
- )
- methods.sort()
- return methods
- def system_methodSignature(self, method_name):
- """system.methodSignature('add') => [double, int, int]
- Returns a list describing the signature of the method. In the
- above example, the add method takes two integers as arguments
- and returns a double result.
- This server does NOT support system.methodSignature."""
- # See
- return 'signatures not supported'
- def system_methodHelp(self, method_name):
- """system.methodHelp('add') => "Adds two integers together"
- Returns a string containing documentation for the specified method."""
- method = None
- if self.funcs.has_key(method_name):
- method = self.funcs[method_name]
- elif self.instance is not None:
- # Instance can implement _methodHelp to return help for a method
- if hasattr(self.instance, '_methodHelp'):
- return self.instance._methodHelp(method_name)
- # if the instance has a _dispatch method then we
- # don't have enough information to provide help
- elif not hasattr(self.instance, '_dispatch'):
- try:
- method = resolve_dotted_attribute(
- self.instance,
- method_name,
- self.allow_dotted_names
- )
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- # Note that we aren't checking that the method actually
- # be a callable object of some kind
- if method is None:
- return ""
- else:
- try:
- import pydoc
- except ImportError:
- return "" #not there for jython
- else:
- return pydoc.getdoc(method)
- def system_multicall(self, call_list):
- """system.multicall([{'methodName': 'add', 'params': [2, 2]}, ...]) => \
-[[4], ...]
- Allows the caller to package multiple XML-RPC calls into a single
- request.
- See$1208
- """
- results = []
- for call in call_list:
- method_name = call['methodName']
- params = call['params']
- try:
- # XXX A marshalling error in any response will fail the entire
- # multicall. If someone cares they should fix this.
- results.append([self._dispatch(method_name, params)])
- except Fault, fault:
- results.append(
- {'faultCode' : fault.faultCode,
- 'faultString' : fault.faultString}
- )
- except:
- results.append(
- {'faultCode' : 1,
- 'faultString' : "%s:%s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)} #@UndefinedVariable exc_value only available when we actually have an exception
- )
- return results
- def _dispatch(self, method, params):
- """Dispatches the XML-RPC method.
- XML-RPC calls are forwarded to a registered function that
- matches the called XML-RPC method name. If no such function
- exists then the call is forwarded to the registered instance,
- if available.
- If the registered instance has a _dispatch method then that
- method will be called with the name of the XML-RPC method and
- its parameters as a tuple
- e.g. instance._dispatch('add',(2,3))
- If the registered instance does not have a _dispatch method
- then the instance will be searched to find a matching method
- and, if found, will be called.
- Methods beginning with an '_' are considered private and will
- not be called.
- """
- func = None
- try:
- # check to see if a matching function has been registered
- func = self.funcs[method]
- except KeyError:
- if self.instance is not None:
- # check for a _dispatch method
- if hasattr(self.instance, '_dispatch'):
- return self.instance._dispatch(method, params)
- else:
- # call instance method directly
- try:
- func = resolve_dotted_attribute(
- self.instance,
- method,
- self.allow_dotted_names
- )
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- if func is not None:
- return func(*params)
- else:
- raise Exception('method "%s" is not supported' % method)
-class SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- """Simple XML-RPC request handler class.
- Handles all HTTP POST requests and attempts to decode them as
- XML-RPC requests.
- """
- # Class attribute listing the accessible path components;
- # paths not on this list will result in a 404 error.
- rpc_paths = ('/', '/RPC2')
- def is_rpc_path_valid(self):
- if self.rpc_paths:
- return self.path in self.rpc_paths
- else:
- # If .rpc_paths is empty, just assume all paths are legal
- return True
- def do_POST(self):
- """Handles the HTTP POST request.
- Attempts to interpret all HTTP POST requests as XML-RPC calls,
- which are forwarded to the server's _dispatch method for handling.
- """
- # Check that the path is legal
- if not self.is_rpc_path_valid():
- self.report_404()
- return
- try:
- # Get arguments by reading body of request.
- # We read this in chunks to avoid straining
- #; around the 10 or 15Mb mark, some platforms
- # begin to have problems (bug #792570).
- max_chunk_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024
- size_remaining = int(self.headers["content-length"])
- L = []
- while size_remaining:
- chunk_size = min(size_remaining, max_chunk_size)
- L.append(
- size_remaining -= len(L[-1])
- data = ''.join(L)
- # In previous versions of SimpleXMLRPCServer, _dispatch
- # could be overridden in this class, instead of in
- # SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher. To maintain backwards compatibility,
- # check to see if a subclass implements _dispatch and dispatch
- # using that method if present.
- response = self.server._marshaled_dispatch(
- data, getattr(self, '_dispatch', None)
- )
- except: # This should only happen if the module is buggy
- # internal error, report as HTTP server error
- self.send_response(500)
- self.end_headers()
- else:
- # got a valid XML RPC response
- self.send_response(200)
- self.send_header("Content-type", "text/xml")
- self.send_header("Content-length", str(len(response)))
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(response)
- # shut down the connection
- self.wfile.flush()
- self.connection.shutdown(1)
- def report_404 (self):
- # Report a 404 error
- self.send_response(404)
- response = 'No such page'
- self.send_header("Content-type", "text/plain")
- self.send_header("Content-length", str(len(response)))
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(response)
- # shut down the connection
- self.wfile.flush()
- self.connection.shutdown(1)
- def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'):
- """Selectively log an accepted request."""
- if self.server.logRequests:
- BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_request(self, code, size)
-class SimpleXMLRPCServer(SocketServer.TCPServer,
- SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher):
- """Simple XML-RPC server.
- Simple XML-RPC server that allows functions and a single instance
- to be installed to handle requests. The default implementation
- attempts to dispatch XML-RPC calls to the functions or instance
- installed in the server. Override the _dispatch method inhereted
- from SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher to change this behavior.
- """
- allow_reuse_address = True
- def __init__(self, addr, requestHandler=SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler,
- logRequests=True, allow_none=False, encoding=None):
- self.logRequests = logRequests
- SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.__init__(self, allow_none, encoding)
- SocketServer.TCPServer.__init__(self, addr, requestHandler)
- # [Bug #1222790] If possible, set close-on-exec flag; if a
- # method spawns a subprocess, the subprocess shouldn't have
- # the listening socket open.
- if fcntl is not None and hasattr(fcntl, 'FD_CLOEXEC'):
- flags = fcntl.fcntl(self.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFD)
- flags |= fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC
- fcntl.fcntl(self.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFD, flags)
-class CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher):
- """Simple handler for XML-RPC data passed through CGI."""
- def __init__(self, allow_none=False, encoding=None):
- SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.__init__(self, allow_none, encoding)
- def handle_xmlrpc(self, request_text):
- """Handle a single XML-RPC request"""
- response = self._marshaled_dispatch(request_text)
- sys.stdout.write('Content-Type: text/xml\n')
- sys.stdout.write('Content-Length: %d\n' % len(response))
- sys.stdout.write('\n')
- sys.stdout.write(response)
- def handle_get(self):
- """Handle a single HTTP GET request.
- Default implementation indicates an error because
- XML-RPC uses the POST method.
- """
- code = 400
- message, explain = \
- BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses[code]
- response = BaseHTTPServer.DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE % { #@UndefinedVariable
- 'code' : code,
- 'message' : message,
- 'explain' : explain
- }
- sys.stdout.write('Status: %d %s\n' % (code, message))
- sys.stdout.write('Content-Type: text/html\n')
- sys.stdout.write('Content-Length: %d\n' % len(response))
- sys.stdout.write('\n')
- sys.stdout.write(response)
- def handle_request(self, request_text=None):
- """Handle a single XML-RPC request passed through a CGI post method.
- If no XML data is given then it is read from stdin. The resulting
- XML-RPC response is printed to stdout along with the correct HTTP
- headers.
- """
- if request_text is None and \
- os.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', None) == 'GET':
- self.handle_get()
- else:
- # POST data is normally available through stdin
- if request_text is None:
- request_text =
- self.handle_xmlrpc(request_text)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.stdout.write('Running XML-RPC server on port 8000\n')
- server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
- server.register_function(pow)
- server.register_function(lambda x, y: x + y, 'add')
- server.serve_forever()
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-"""Generic socket server classes.
-This module tries to capture the various aspects of defining a server:
-For socket-based servers:
-- address family:
- - AF_INET{,6}: IP (Internet Protocol) sockets (default)
- - AF_UNIX: Unix domain sockets
- - others, e.g. AF_DECNET are conceivable (see <socket.h>
-- socket type:
- - SOCK_STREAM (reliable stream, e.g. TCP)
- - SOCK_DGRAM (datagrams, e.g. UDP)
-For request-based servers (including socket-based):
-- client address verification before further looking at the request
- (This is actually a hook for any processing that needs to look
- at the request before anything else, e.g. logging)
-- how to handle multiple requests:
- - synchronous (one request is handled at a time)
- - forking (each request is handled by a new process)
- - threading (each request is handled by a new thread)
-The classes in this module favor the server type that is simplest to
-write: a synchronous TCP/IP server. This is bad class design, but
-save some typing. (There's also the issue that a deep class hierarchy
-slows down method lookups.)
-There are five classes in an inheritance diagram, four of which represent
-synchronous servers of four types:
- +------------+
- | BaseServer |
- +------------+
- |
- v
- +-----------+ +------------------+
- | TCPServer |------->| UnixStreamServer |
- +-----------+ +------------------+
- |
- v
- +-----------+ +--------------------+
- | UDPServer |------->| UnixDatagramServer |
- +-----------+ +--------------------+
-Note that UnixDatagramServer derives from UDPServer, not from
-UnixStreamServer -- the only difference between an IP and a Unix
-stream server is the address family, which is simply repeated in both
-unix server classes.
-Forking and threading versions of each type of server can be created
-using the ForkingMixIn and ThreadingMixIn mix-in classes. For
-instance, a threading UDP server class is created as follows:
- class ThreadingUDPServer(ThreadingMixIn, UDPServer): pass
-The Mix-in class must come first, since it overrides a method defined
-in UDPServer! Setting the various member variables also changes
-the behavior of the underlying server mechanism.
-To implement a service, you must derive a class from
-BaseRequestHandler and redefine its handle() method. You can then run
-various versions of the service by combining one of the server classes
-with your request handler class.
-The request handler class must be different for datagram or stream
-services. This can be hidden by using the request handler
-subclasses StreamRequestHandler or DatagramRequestHandler.
-Of course, you still have to use your head!
-For instance, it makes no sense to use a forking server if the service
-contains state in memory that can be modified by requests (since the
-modifications in the child process would never reach the initial state
-kept in the parent process and passed to each child). In this case,
-you can use a threading server, but you will probably have to use
-locks to avoid two requests that come in nearly simultaneous to apply
-conflicting changes to the server state.
-On the other hand, if you are building e.g. an HTTP server, where all
-data is stored externally (e.g. in the file system), a synchronous
-class will essentially render the service "deaf" while one request is
-being handled -- which may be for a very long time if a client is slow
-to read all the data it has requested. Here a threading or forking
-server is appropriate.
-In some cases, it may be appropriate to process part of a request
-synchronously, but to finish processing in a forked child depending on
-the request data. This can be implemented by using a synchronous
-server and doing an explicit fork in the request handler class
-handle() method.
-Another approach to handling multiple simultaneous requests in an
-environment that supports neither threads nor fork (or where these are
-too expensive or inappropriate for the service) is to maintain an
-explicit table of partially finished requests and to use select() to
-decide which request to work on next (or whether to handle a new
-incoming request). This is particularly important for stream services
-where each client can potentially be connected for a long time (if
-threads or subprocesses cannot be used).
-Future work:
-- Standard classes for Sun RPC (which uses either UDP or TCP)
-- Standard mix-in classes to implement various authentication
- and encryption schemes
-- Standard framework for select-based multiplexing
-XXX Open problems:
-- What to do with out-of-band data?
-- split generic "request" functionality out into BaseServer class.
- Copyright (C) 2000 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>
- example: read entries from a SQL database (requires overriding
- get_request() to return a table entry from the database).
- entry is processed by a RequestHandlerClass.
-# Author of the BaseServer patch: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
-# XXX Warning!
-# There is a test suite for this module, but it cannot be run by the
-# standard regression test.
-# To run it manually, run Lib/test/
-__version__ = "0.4"
-import _pydev_socket as socket
-import _pydev_select as select
-import sys
-import os
- import _pydev_threading as threading
-except ImportError:
- import dummy_threading as threading
-__all__ = ["TCPServer","UDPServer","ForkingUDPServer","ForkingTCPServer",
- "ThreadingUDPServer","ThreadingTCPServer","BaseRequestHandler",
- "StreamRequestHandler","DatagramRequestHandler",
- "ThreadingMixIn", "ForkingMixIn"]
-if hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"):
- __all__.extend(["UnixStreamServer","UnixDatagramServer",
- "ThreadingUnixStreamServer",
- "ThreadingUnixDatagramServer"])
-class BaseServer:
- """Base class for server classes.
- Methods for the caller:
- - __init__(server_address, RequestHandlerClass)
- - serve_forever(poll_interval=0.5)
- - shutdown()
- - handle_request() # if you do not use serve_forever()
- - fileno() -> int # for select()
- Methods that may be overridden:
- - server_bind()
- - server_activate()
- - get_request() -> request, client_address
- - handle_timeout()
- - verify_request(request, client_address)
- - server_close()
- - process_request(request, client_address)
- - shutdown_request(request)
- - close_request(request)
- - handle_error()
- Methods for derived classes:
- - finish_request(request, client_address)
- Class variables that may be overridden by derived classes or
- instances:
- - timeout
- - address_family
- - socket_type
- - allow_reuse_address
- Instance variables:
- - RequestHandlerClass
- - socket
- """
- timeout = None
- def __init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass):
- """Constructor. May be extended, do not override."""
- self.server_address = server_address
- self.RequestHandlerClass = RequestHandlerClass
- self.__is_shut_down = threading.Event()
- self.__shutdown_request = False
- def server_activate(self):
- """Called by constructor to activate the server.
- May be overridden.
- """
- pass
- def serve_forever(self, poll_interval=0.5):
- """Handle one request at a time until shutdown.
- Polls for shutdown every poll_interval seconds. Ignores
- self.timeout. If you need to do periodic tasks, do them in
- another thread.
- """
- self.__is_shut_down.clear()
- try:
- while not self.__shutdown_request:
- # XXX: Consider using another file descriptor or
- # connecting to the socket to wake this up instead of
- # polling. Polling reduces our responsiveness to a
- # shutdown request and wastes cpu at all other times.
- r, w, e =[self], [], [], poll_interval)
- if self in r:
- self._handle_request_noblock()
- finally:
- self.__shutdown_request = False
- self.__is_shut_down.set()
- def shutdown(self):
- """Stops the serve_forever loop.
- Blocks until the loop has finished. This must be called while
- serve_forever() is running in another thread, or it will
- deadlock.
- """
- self.__shutdown_request = True
- self.__is_shut_down.wait()
- # The distinction between handling, getting, processing and
- # finishing a request is fairly arbitrary. Remember:
- #
- # - handle_request() is the top-level call. It calls
- # select, get_request(), verify_request() and process_request()
- # - get_request() is different for stream or datagram sockets
- # - process_request() is the place that may fork a new process
- # or create a new thread to finish the request
- # - finish_request() instantiates the request handler class;
- # this constructor will handle the request all by itself
- def handle_request(self):
- """Handle one request, possibly blocking.
- Respects self.timeout.
- """
- # Support people who used socket.settimeout() to escape
- # handle_request before self.timeout was available.
- timeout = self.socket.gettimeout()
- if timeout is None:
- timeout = self.timeout
- elif self.timeout is not None:
- timeout = min(timeout, self.timeout)
- fd_sets =[self], [], [], timeout)
- if not fd_sets[0]:
- self.handle_timeout()
- return
- self._handle_request_noblock()
- def _handle_request_noblock(self):
- """Handle one request, without blocking.
- I assume that has returned that the socket is
- readable before this function was called, so there should be
- no risk of blocking in get_request().
- """
- try:
- request, client_address = self.get_request()
- except socket.error:
- return
- if self.verify_request(request, client_address):
- try:
- self.process_request(request, client_address)
- except:
- self.handle_error(request, client_address)
- self.shutdown_request(request)
- def handle_timeout(self):
- """Called if no new request arrives within self.timeout.
- Overridden by ForkingMixIn.
- """
- pass
- def verify_request(self, request, client_address):
- """Verify the request. May be overridden.
- Return True if we should proceed with this request.
- """
- return True
- def process_request(self, request, client_address):
- """Call finish_request.
- Overridden by ForkingMixIn and ThreadingMixIn.
- """
- self.finish_request(request, client_address)
- self.shutdown_request(request)
- def server_close(self):
- """Called to clean-up the server.
- May be overridden.
- """
- pass
- def finish_request(self, request, client_address):
- """Finish one request by instantiating RequestHandlerClass."""
- self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
- def shutdown_request(self, request):
- """Called to shutdown and close an individual request."""
- self.close_request(request)
- def close_request(self, request):
- """Called to clean up an individual request."""
- pass
- def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
- """Handle an error gracefully. May be overridden.
- The default is to print a traceback and continue.
- """
- print '-'*40
- print 'Exception happened during processing of request from',
- print client_address
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc() # XXX But this goes to stderr!
- print '-'*40
-class TCPServer(BaseServer):
- """Base class for various socket-based server classes.
- Defaults to synchronous IP stream (i.e., TCP).
- Methods for the caller:
- - __init__(server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate=True)
- - serve_forever(poll_interval=0.5)
- - shutdown()
- - handle_request() # if you don't use serve_forever()
- - fileno() -> int # for select()
- Methods that may be overridden:
- - server_bind()
- - server_activate()
- - get_request() -> request, client_address
- - handle_timeout()
- - verify_request(request, client_address)
- - process_request(request, client_address)
- - shutdown_request(request)
- - close_request(request)
- - handle_error()
- Methods for derived classes:
- - finish_request(request, client_address)
- Class variables that may be overridden by derived classes or
- instances:
- - timeout
- - address_family
- - socket_type
- - request_queue_size (only for stream sockets)
- - allow_reuse_address
- Instance variables:
- - server_address
- - RequestHandlerClass
- - socket
- """
- address_family = socket.AF_INET
- socket_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM
- request_queue_size = 5
- allow_reuse_address = False
- def __init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate=True):
- """Constructor. May be extended, do not override."""
- BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass)
- self.socket = socket.socket(self.address_family,
- self.socket_type)
- if bind_and_activate:
- self.server_bind()
- self.server_activate()
- def server_bind(self):
- """Called by constructor to bind the socket.
- May be overridden.
- """
- if self.allow_reuse_address:
- self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
- self.socket.bind(self.server_address)
- self.server_address = self.socket.getsockname()
- def server_activate(self):
- """Called by constructor to activate the server.
- May be overridden.
- """
- self.socket.listen(self.request_queue_size)
- def server_close(self):
- """Called to clean-up the server.
- May be overridden.
- """
- self.socket.close()
- def fileno(self):
- """Return socket file number.
- Interface required by select().
- """
- return self.socket.fileno()
- def get_request(self):
- """Get the request and client address from the socket.
- May be overridden.
- """
- return self.socket.accept()
- def shutdown_request(self, request):
- """Called to shutdown and close an individual request."""
- try:
- #explicitly shutdown. socket.close() merely releases
- #the socket and waits for GC to perform the actual close.
- request.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
- except socket.error:
- pass #some platforms may raise ENOTCONN here
- self.close_request(request)
- def close_request(self, request):
- """Called to clean up an individual request."""
- request.close()
-class UDPServer(TCPServer):
- """UDP server class."""
- allow_reuse_address = False
- socket_type = socket.SOCK_DGRAM
- max_packet_size = 8192
- def get_request(self):
- data, client_addr = self.socket.recvfrom(self.max_packet_size)
- return (data, self.socket), client_addr
- def server_activate(self):
- # No need to call listen() for UDP.
- pass
- def shutdown_request(self, request):
- # No need to shutdown anything.
- self.close_request(request)
- def close_request(self, request):
- # No need to close anything.
- pass
-class ForkingMixIn:
- """Mix-in class to handle each request in a new process."""
- timeout = 300
- active_children = None
- max_children = 40
- def collect_children(self):
- """Internal routine to wait for children that have exited."""
- if self.active_children is None: return
- while len(self.active_children) >= self.max_children:
- # XXX: This will wait for any child process, not just ones
- # spawned by this library. This could confuse other
- # libraries that expect to be able to wait for their own
- # children.
- try:
- pid, status = os.waitpid(0, 0)
- except os.error:
- pid = None
- if pid not in self.active_children: continue
- self.active_children.remove(pid)
- # XXX: This loop runs more system calls than it ought
- # to. There should be a way to put the active_children into a
- # process group and then use os.waitpid(-pgid) to wait for any
- # of that set, but I couldn't find a way to allocate pgids
- # that couldn't collide.
- for child in self.active_children:
- try:
- pid, status = os.waitpid(child, os.WNOHANG)
- except os.error:
- pid = None
- if not pid: continue
- try:
- self.active_children.remove(pid)
- except ValueError, e:
- raise ValueError('%s. x=%d and list=%r' % (e.message, pid,
- self.active_children))
- def handle_timeout(self):
- """Wait for zombies after self.timeout seconds of inactivity.
- May be extended, do not override.
- """
- self.collect_children()
- def process_request(self, request, client_address):
- """Fork a new subprocess to process the request."""
- self.collect_children()
- pid = os.fork()
- if pid:
- # Parent process
- if self.active_children is None:
- self.active_children = []
- self.active_children.append(pid)
- self.close_request(request) #close handle in parent process
- return
- else:
- # Child process.
- # This must never return, hence os._exit()!
- try:
- self.finish_request(request, client_address)
- self.shutdown_request(request)
- os._exit(0)
- except:
- try:
- self.handle_error(request, client_address)
- self.shutdown_request(request)
- finally:
- os._exit(1)
-class ThreadingMixIn:
- """Mix-in class to handle each request in a new thread."""
- # Decides how threads will act upon termination of the
- # main process
- daemon_threads = False
- def process_request_thread(self, request, client_address):
- """Same as in BaseServer but as a thread.
- In addition, exception handling is done here.
- """
- try:
- self.finish_request(request, client_address)
- self.shutdown_request(request)
- except:
- self.handle_error(request, client_address)
- self.shutdown_request(request)
- def process_request(self, request, client_address):
- """Start a new thread to process the request."""
- t = threading.Thread(target = self.process_request_thread,
- args = (request, client_address))
- t.daemon = self.daemon_threads
- t.start()
-class ForkingUDPServer(ForkingMixIn, UDPServer): pass
-class ForkingTCPServer(ForkingMixIn, TCPServer): pass
-class ThreadingUDPServer(ThreadingMixIn, UDPServer): pass
-class ThreadingTCPServer(ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer): pass
-if hasattr(socket, 'AF_UNIX'):
- class UnixStreamServer(TCPServer):
- address_family = socket.AF_UNIX
- class UnixDatagramServer(UDPServer):
- address_family = socket.AF_UNIX
- class ThreadingUnixStreamServer(ThreadingMixIn, UnixStreamServer): pass
- class ThreadingUnixDatagramServer(ThreadingMixIn, UnixDatagramServer): pass
-class BaseRequestHandler:
- """Base class for request handler classes.
- This class is instantiated for each request to be handled. The
- constructor sets the instance variables request, client_address
- and server, and then calls the handle() method. To implement a
- specific service, all you need to do is to derive a class which
- defines a handle() method.
- The handle() method can find the request as self.request, the
- client address as self.client_address, and the server (in case it
- needs access to per-server information) as self.server. Since a
- separate instance is created for each request, the handle() method
- can define arbitrary other instance variariables.
- """
- def __init__(self, request, client_address, server):
- self.request = request
- self.client_address = client_address
- self.server = server
- self.setup()
- try:
- self.handle()
- finally:
- self.finish()
- def setup(self):
- pass
- def handle(self):
- pass
- def finish(self):
- pass
-# The following two classes make it possible to use the same service
-# class for stream or datagram servers.
-# Each class sets up these instance variables:
-# - rfile: a file object from which receives the request is read
-# - wfile: a file object to which the reply is written
-# When the handle() method returns, wfile is flushed properly
-class StreamRequestHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
- """Define self.rfile and self.wfile for stream sockets."""
- # Default buffer sizes for rfile, wfile.
- # We default rfile to buffered because otherwise it could be
- # really slow for large data (a getc() call per byte); we make
- # wfile unbuffered because (a) often after a write() we want to
- # read and we need to flush the line; (b) big writes to unbuffered
- # files are typically optimized by stdio even when big reads
- # aren't.
- rbufsize = -1
- wbufsize = 0
- # A timeout to apply to the request socket, if not None.
- timeout = None
- # Disable nagle algorithm for this socket, if True.
- # Use only when wbufsize != 0, to avoid small packets.
- disable_nagle_algorithm = False
- def setup(self):
- self.connection = self.request
- if self.timeout is not None:
- self.connection.settimeout(self.timeout)
- if self.disable_nagle_algorithm:
- self.connection.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP,
- socket.TCP_NODELAY, True)
- self.rfile = self.connection.makefile('rb', self.rbufsize)
- self.wfile = self.connection.makefile('wb', self.wbufsize)
- def finish(self):
- if not self.wfile.closed:
- self.wfile.flush()
- self.wfile.close()
- self.rfile.close()
-class DatagramRequestHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
- # XXX Regrettably, I cannot get this working on Linux;
- # s.recvfrom() doesn't return a meaningful client address.
- """Define self.rfile and self.wfile for datagram sockets."""
- def setup(self):
- try:
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- except ImportError:
- from StringIO import StringIO
- self.packet, self.socket = self.request
- self.rfile = StringIO(self.packet)
- self.wfile = StringIO()
- def finish(self):
- self.socket.sendto(self.wfile.getvalue(), self.client_address)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
index d351b505a3e0..52e83b0de290 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"""A multi-producer, multi-consumer queue."""
from _pydev_imps._pydev_time import time as _time
+from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread
import _pydev_threading as _threading
except ImportError:
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ class Queue:
# that acquire mutex must release it before returning. mutex
# is shared between the three conditions, so acquiring and
# releasing the conditions also acquires and releases mutex.
- self.mutex = _threading.Lock()
+ self.mutex = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock()
# Notify not_empty whenever an item is added to the queue; a
# thread waiting to get is notified then.
self.not_empty = _threading.Condition(self.mutex)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
index 57147644e769..5fd33d876c1b 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
@@ -27,13 +27,7 @@ Here are some of the useful functions provided by this module:
__author__ = 'Ka-Ping Yee <>'
__date__ = '1 Jan 2001'
-import sys
-import os
-import types
-import string
-import re
-import imp
-import tokenize
+import sys, os, types, string, re, imp, tokenize
# ----------------------------------------------------------- type-checking
def ismodule(object):
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
index b8dad03cc984..c031f3d8177f 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
@@ -1 +1,9 @@
-from select import * \ No newline at end of file
+from select import *
+ from gevent import monkey
+ saved = monkey.saved['select']
+ for key, val in saved.items():
+ globals()[key] = val
+ pass \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
index 9e96e800876c..3d74e3b54ab4 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
@@ -1 +1,9 @@
-from socket import * \ No newline at end of file
+from socket import *
+ from gevent import monkey
+ saved = monkey.saved['socket']
+ for key, val in saved.items():
+ globals()[key] = val
+ pass \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
index 4d2fd5d8cf91..7b46c8ed3f05 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
@@ -2,3 +2,11 @@ try:
from thread import *
from _thread import * #Py3k
+ from gevent import monkey
+ saved = monkey.saved['thread']
+ for key, val in saved.items():
+ globals()[key] = val
+ pass
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
index 72705db20bdc..f53b94c0d0ad 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/
@@ -1 +1,9 @@
from time import *
+ from gevent import monkey
+ saved = monkey.saved['time']
+ for key, val in saved.items():
+ globals()[key] = val
+ pass
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd33d876c1b..000000000000
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
-"""Get useful information from live Python objects.
-This module encapsulates the interface provided by the internal special
-attributes (func_*, co_*, im_*, tb_*, etc.) in a friendlier fashion.
-It also provides some help for examining source code and class layout.
-Here are some of the useful functions provided by this module:
- ismodule(), isclass(), ismethod(), isfunction(), istraceback(),
- isframe(), iscode(), isbuiltin(), isroutine() - check object types
- getmembers() - get members of an object that satisfy a given condition
- getfile(), getsourcefile(), getsource() - find an object's source code
- getdoc(), getcomments() - get documentation on an object
- getmodule() - determine the module that an object came from
- getclasstree() - arrange classes so as to represent their hierarchy
- getargspec(), getargvalues() - get info about function arguments
- formatargspec(), formatargvalues() - format an argument spec
- getouterframes(), getinnerframes() - get info about frames
- currentframe() - get the current stack frame
- stack(), trace() - get info about frames on the stack or in a traceback
-# This module is in the public domain. No warranties.
-__author__ = 'Ka-Ping Yee <>'
-__date__ = '1 Jan 2001'
-import sys, os, types, string, re, imp, tokenize
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- type-checking
-def ismodule(object):
- """Return true if the object is a module.
- Module objects provide these attributes:
- __doc__ documentation string
- __file__ filename (missing for built-in modules)"""
- return isinstance(object, types.ModuleType)
-def isclass(object):
- """Return true if the object is a class.
- Class objects provide these attributes:
- __doc__ documentation string
- __module__ name of module in which this class was defined"""
- return isinstance(object, types.ClassType) or hasattr(object, '__bases__')
-def ismethod(object):
- """Return true if the object is an instance method.
- Instance method objects provide these attributes:
- __doc__ documentation string
- __name__ name with which this method was defined
- im_class class object in which this method belongs
- im_func function object containing implementation of method
- im_self instance to which this method is bound, or None"""
- return isinstance(object, types.MethodType)
-def ismethoddescriptor(object):
- """Return true if the object is a method descriptor.
- But not if ismethod() or isclass() or isfunction() are true.
- This is new in Python 2.2, and, for example, is true of int.__add__.
- An object passing this test has a __get__ attribute but not a __set__
- attribute, but beyond that the set of attributes varies. __name__ is
- usually sensible, and __doc__ often is.
- Methods implemented via descriptors that also pass one of the other
- tests return false from the ismethoddescriptor() test, simply because
- the other tests promise more -- you can, e.g., count on having the
- im_func attribute (etc) when an object passes ismethod()."""
- return (hasattr(object, "__get__")
- and not hasattr(object, "__set__") # else it's a data descriptor
- and not ismethod(object) # mutual exclusion
- and not isfunction(object)
- and not isclass(object))
-def isfunction(object):
- """Return true if the object is a user-defined function.
- Function objects provide these attributes:
- __doc__ documentation string
- __name__ name with which this function was defined
- func_code code object containing compiled function bytecode
- func_defaults tuple of any default values for arguments
- func_doc (same as __doc__)
- func_globals global namespace in which this function was defined
- func_name (same as __name__)"""
- return isinstance(object, types.FunctionType)
-def istraceback(object):
- """Return true if the object is a traceback.
- Traceback objects provide these attributes:
- tb_frame frame object at this level
- tb_lasti index of last attempted instruction in bytecode
- tb_lineno current line number in Python source code
- tb_next next inner traceback object (called by this level)"""
- return isinstance(object, types.TracebackType)
-def isframe(object):
- """Return true if the object is a frame object.
- Frame objects provide these attributes:
- f_back next outer frame object (this frame's caller)
- f_builtins built-in namespace seen by this frame
- f_code code object being executed in this frame
- f_exc_traceback traceback if raised in this frame, or None
- f_exc_type exception type if raised in this frame, or None
- f_exc_value exception value if raised in this frame, or None
- f_globals global namespace seen by this frame
- f_lasti index of last attempted instruction in bytecode
- f_lineno current line number in Python source code
- f_locals local namespace seen by this frame
- f_restricted 0 or 1 if frame is in restricted execution mode
- f_trace tracing function for this frame, or None"""
- return isinstance(object, types.FrameType)
-def iscode(object):
- """Return true if the object is a code object.
- Code objects provide these attributes:
- co_argcount number of arguments (not including * or ** args)
- co_code string of raw compiled bytecode
- co_consts tuple of constants used in the bytecode
- co_filename name of file in which this code object was created
- co_firstlineno number of first line in Python source code
- co_flags bitmap: 1=optimized | 2=newlocals | 4=*arg | 8=**arg
- co_lnotab encoded mapping of line numbers to bytecode indices
- co_name name with which this code object was defined
- co_names tuple of names of local variables
- co_nlocals number of local variables
- co_stacksize virtual machine stack space required
- co_varnames tuple of names of arguments and local variables"""
- return isinstance(object, types.CodeType)
-def isbuiltin(object):
- """Return true if the object is a built-in function or method.
- Built-in functions and methods provide these attributes:
- __doc__ documentation string
- __name__ original name of this function or method
- __self__ instance to which a method is bound, or None"""
- return isinstance(object, types.BuiltinFunctionType)
-def isroutine(object):
- """Return true if the object is any kind of function or method."""
- return (isbuiltin(object)
- or isfunction(object)
- or ismethod(object)
- or ismethoddescriptor(object))
-def getmembers(object, predicate=None):
- """Return all members of an object as (name, value) pairs sorted by name.
- Optionally, only return members that satisfy a given predicate."""
- results = []
- for key in dir(object):
- value = getattr(object, key)
- if not predicate or predicate(value):
- results.append((key, value))
- results.sort()
- return results
-def classify_class_attrs(cls):
- """Return list of attribute-descriptor tuples.
- For each name in dir(cls), the return list contains a 4-tuple
- with these elements:
- 0. The name (a string).
- 1. The kind of attribute this is, one of these strings:
- 'class method' created via classmethod()
- 'static method' created via staticmethod()
- 'property' created via property()
- 'method' any other flavor of method
- 'data' not a method
- 2. The class which defined this attribute (a class).
- 3. The object as obtained directly from the defining class's
- __dict__, not via getattr. This is especially important for
- data attributes: is just a data object, but
- C.__dict__['data'] may be a data descriptor with additional
- info, like a __doc__ string.
- """
- mro = getmro(cls)
- names = dir(cls)
- result = []
- for name in names:
- # Get the object associated with the name.
- # Getting an obj from the __dict__ sometimes reveals more than
- # using getattr. Static and class methods are dramatic examples.
- if name in cls.__dict__:
- obj = cls.__dict__[name]
- else:
- obj = getattr(cls, name)
- # Figure out where it was defined.
- homecls = getattr(obj, "__objclass__", None)
- if homecls is None:
- # search the dicts.
- for base in mro:
- if name in base.__dict__:
- homecls = base
- break
- # Get the object again, in order to get it from the defining
- # __dict__ instead of via getattr (if possible).
- if homecls is not None and name in homecls.__dict__:
- obj = homecls.__dict__[name]
- # Also get the object via getattr.
- obj_via_getattr = getattr(cls, name)
- # Classify the object.
- if isinstance(obj, staticmethod):
- kind = "static method"
- elif isinstance(obj, classmethod):
- kind = "class method"
- elif isinstance(obj, property):
- kind = "property"
- elif (ismethod(obj_via_getattr) or
- ismethoddescriptor(obj_via_getattr)):
- kind = "method"
- else:
- kind = "data"
- result.append((name, kind, homecls, obj))
- return result
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- class helpers
-def _searchbases(cls, accum):
- # Simulate the "classic class" search order.
- if cls in accum:
- return
- accum.append(cls)
- for base in cls.__bases__:
- _searchbases(base, accum)
-def getmro(cls):
- "Return tuple of base classes (including cls) in method resolution order."
- if hasattr(cls, "__mro__"):
- return cls.__mro__
- else:
- result = []
- _searchbases(cls, result)
- return tuple(result)
-# -------------------------------------------------- source code extraction
-def indentsize(line):
- """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
- expline = string.expandtabs(line)
- return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
-def getdoc(object):
- """Get the documentation string for an object.
- All tabs are expanded to spaces. To clean up docstrings that are
- indented to line up with blocks of code, any whitespace than can be
- uniformly removed from the second line onwards is removed."""
- try:
- doc = object.__doc__
- except AttributeError:
- return None
- if not isinstance(doc, (str, unicode)):
- return None
- try:
- lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
- except UnicodeError:
- return None
- else:
- margin = None
- for line in lines[1:]:
- content = len(string.lstrip(line))
- if not content: continue
- indent = len(line) - content
- if margin is None: margin = indent
- else: margin = min(margin, indent)
- if margin is not None:
- for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
- return string.join(lines, '\n')
-def getfile(object):
- """Work out which source or compiled file an object was defined in."""
- if ismodule(object):
- if hasattr(object, '__file__'):
- return object.__file__
- raise TypeError, 'arg is a built-in module'
- if isclass(object):
- object = sys.modules.get(object.__module__)
- if hasattr(object, '__file__'):
- return object.__file__
- raise TypeError, 'arg is a built-in class'
- if ismethod(object):
- object = object.im_func
- if isfunction(object):
- object = object.func_code
- if istraceback(object):
- object = object.tb_frame
- if isframe(object):
- object = object.f_code
- if iscode(object):
- return object.co_filename
- raise TypeError, 'arg is not a module, class, method, ' \
- 'function, traceback, frame, or code object'
-def getmoduleinfo(path):
- """Get the module name, suffix, mode, and module type for a given file."""
- filename = os.path.basename(path)
- suffixes = map(lambda (suffix, mode, mtype):
- (-len(suffix), suffix, mode, mtype), imp.get_suffixes())
- suffixes.sort() # try longest suffixes first, in case they overlap
- for neglen, suffix, mode, mtype in suffixes:
- if filename[neglen:] == suffix:
- return filename[:neglen], suffix, mode, mtype
-def getmodulename(path):
- """Return the module name for a given file, or None."""
- info = getmoduleinfo(path)
- if info: return info[0]
-def getsourcefile(object):
- """Return the Python source file an object was defined in, if it exists."""
- filename = getfile(object)
- if string.lower(filename[-4:]) in ['.pyc', '.pyo']:
- filename = filename[:-4] + '.py'
- for suffix, mode, kind in imp.get_suffixes():
- if 'b' in mode and string.lower(filename[-len(suffix):]) == suffix:
- # Looks like a binary file. We want to only return a text file.
- return None
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- return filename
-def getabsfile(object):
- """Return an absolute path to the source or compiled file for an object.
- The idea is for each object to have a unique origin, so this routine
- normalizes the result as much as possible."""
- return os.path.normcase(
- os.path.abspath(getsourcefile(object) or getfile(object)))
-modulesbyfile = {}
-def getmodule(object):
- """Return the module an object was defined in, or None if not found."""
- if ismodule(object):
- return object
- if isclass(object):
- return sys.modules.get(object.__module__)
- try:
- file = getabsfile(object)
- except TypeError:
- return None
- if modulesbyfile.has_key(file):
- return sys.modules[modulesbyfile[file]]
- for module in sys.modules.values():
- if hasattr(module, '__file__'):
- modulesbyfile[getabsfile(module)] = module.__name__
- if modulesbyfile.has_key(file):
- return sys.modules[modulesbyfile[file]]
- main = sys.modules['__main__']
- if hasattr(main, object.__name__):
- mainobject = getattr(main, object.__name__)
- if mainobject is object:
- return main
- builtin = sys.modules['__builtin__']
- if hasattr(builtin, object.__name__):
- builtinobject = getattr(builtin, object.__name__)
- if builtinobject is object:
- return builtin
-def findsource(object):
- """Return the entire source file and starting line number for an object.
- The argument may be a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame,
- or code object. The source code is returned as a list of all the lines
- in the file and the line number indexes a line in that list. An IOError
- is raised if the source code cannot be retrieved."""
- try:
- file = open(getsourcefile(object))
- except (TypeError, IOError):
- raise IOError, 'could not get source code'
- lines = file.readlines()
- file.close()
- if ismodule(object):
- return lines, 0
- if isclass(object):
- name = object.__name__
- pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*' + name + r'\b')
- for i in range(len(lines)):
- if pat.match(lines[i]): return lines, i
- else: raise IOError, 'could not find class definition'
- if ismethod(object):
- object = object.im_func
- if isfunction(object):
- object = object.func_code
- if istraceback(object):
- object = object.tb_frame
- if isframe(object):
- object = object.f_code
- if iscode(object):
- if not hasattr(object, 'co_firstlineno'):
- raise IOError, 'could not find function definition'
- lnum = object.co_firstlineno - 1
- pat = re.compile(r'^(\s*def\s)|(.*\slambda(:|\s))')
- while lnum > 0:
- if pat.match(lines[lnum]): break
- lnum = lnum - 1
- return lines, lnum
- raise IOError, 'could not find code object'
-def getcomments(object):
- """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code."""
- try: lines, lnum = findsource(object)
- except IOError: return None
- if ismodule(object):
- # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
- start = 0
- if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
- while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ['', '#']:
- start = start + 1
- if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
- comments = []
- end = start
- while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
- comments.append(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
- end = end + 1
- return string.join(comments, '')
- # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
- elif lnum > 0:
- indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
- end = lnum - 1
- if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
- indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
- comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
- if end > 0:
- end = end - 1
- comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
- while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
- comments[:0] = [comment]
- end = end - 1
- if end < 0: break
- comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
- while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
- comments[:1] = []
- while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
- comments[-1:] = []
- return string.join(comments, '')
-class ListReader:
- """Provide a readline() method to return lines from a list of strings."""
- def __init__(self, lines):
- self.lines = lines
- self.index = 0
- def readline(self):
- i = self.index
- if i < len(self.lines):
- self.index = i + 1
- return self.lines[i]
- else: return ''
-class EndOfBlock(Exception): pass
-class BlockFinder:
- """Provide a tokeneater() method to detect the end of a code block."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.indent = 0
- self.started = 0
- self.last = 0
- def tokeneater(self, type, token, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), line):
- if not self.started:
- if type == tokenize.NAME: self.started = 1
- elif type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
- self.last = srow
- elif type == tokenize.INDENT:
- self.indent = self.indent + 1
- elif type == tokenize.DEDENT:
- self.indent = self.indent - 1
- if self.indent == 0: raise EndOfBlock, self.last
- elif type == tokenize.NAME and scol == 0:
- raise EndOfBlock, self.last
-def getblock(lines):
- """Extract the block of code at the top of the given list of lines."""
- try:
- tokenize.tokenize(ListReader(lines).readline, BlockFinder().tokeneater)
- except EndOfBlock, eob:
- return lines[:eob.args[0]]
- # Fooling the indent/dedent logic implies a one-line definition
- return lines[:1]
-def getsourcelines(object):
- """Return a list of source lines and starting line number for an object.
- The argument may be a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame,
- or code object. The source code is returned as a list of the lines
- corresponding to the object and the line number indicates where in the
- original source file the first line of code was found. An IOError is
- raised if the source code cannot be retrieved."""
- lines, lnum = findsource(object)
- if ismodule(object): return lines, 0
- else: return getblock(lines[lnum:]), lnum + 1
-def getsource(object):
- """Return the text of the source code for an object.
- The argument may be a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame,
- or code object. The source code is returned as a single string. An
- IOError is raised if the source code cannot be retrieved."""
- lines, lnum = getsourcelines(object)
- return string.join(lines, '')
-# --------------------------------------------------- class tree extraction
-def walktree(classes, children, parent):
- """Recursive helper function for getclasstree()."""
- results = []
- classes.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.__name__, b.__name__))
- for c in classes:
- results.append((c, c.__bases__))
- if children.has_key(c):
- results.append(walktree(children[c], children, c))
- return results
-def getclasstree(classes, unique=0):
- """Arrange the given list of classes into a hierarchy of nested lists.
- Where a nested list appears, it contains classes derived from the class
- whose entry immediately precedes the list. Each entry is a 2-tuple
- containing a class and a tuple of its base classes. If the 'unique'
- argument is true, exactly one entry appears in the returned structure
- for each class in the given list. Otherwise, classes using multiple
- inheritance and their descendants will appear multiple times."""
- children = {}
- roots = []
- for c in classes:
- if c.__bases__:
- for parent in c.__bases__:
- if not children.has_key(parent):
- children[parent] = []
- children[parent].append(c)
- if unique and parent in classes: break
- elif c not in roots:
- roots.append(c)
- for parent in children.keys():
- if parent not in classes:
- roots.append(parent)
- return walktree(roots, children, None)
-# ------------------------------------------------ argument list extraction
-# These constants are from Python's compile.h.
-def getargs(co):
- """Get information about the arguments accepted by a code object.
- Three things are returned: (args, varargs, varkw), where 'args' is
- a list of argument names (possibly containing nested lists), and
- 'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None."""
- if not iscode(co): raise TypeError, 'arg is not a code object'
- nargs = co.co_argcount
- names = co.co_varnames
- args = list(names[:nargs])
- step = 0
- # The following acrobatics are for anonymous (tuple) arguments.
- if not sys.platform.startswith('java'):#Jython doesn't have co_code
- code = co.co_code
- import dis
- for i in range(nargs):
- if args[i][:1] in ['', '.']:
- stack, remain, count = [], [], []
- while step < len(code):
- op = ord(code[step])
- step = step + 1
- if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
- opname = dis.opname[op]
- value = ord(code[step]) + ord(code[step + 1]) * 256
- step = step + 2
- if opname in ['UNPACK_TUPLE', 'UNPACK_SEQUENCE']:
- remain.append(value)
- count.append(value)
- elif opname == 'STORE_FAST':
- stack.append(names[value])
- remain[-1] = remain[-1] - 1
- while remain[-1] == 0:
- remain.pop()
- size = count.pop()
- stack[-size:] = [stack[-size:]]
- if not remain: break
- remain[-1] = remain[-1] - 1
- if not remain: break
- args[i] = stack[0]
- varargs = None
- if co.co_flags & CO_VARARGS:
- varargs = co.co_varnames[nargs]
- nargs = nargs + 1
- varkw = None
- if co.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS:
- varkw = co.co_varnames[nargs]
- return args, varargs, varkw
-def getargspec(func):
- """Get the names and default values of a function's arguments.
- A tuple of four things is returned: (args, varargs, varkw, defaults).
- 'args' is a list of the argument names (it may contain nested lists).
- 'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None.
- 'defaults' is an n-tuple of the default values of the last n arguments."""
- if ismethod(func):
- func = func.im_func
- if not isfunction(func): raise TypeError, 'arg is not a Python function'
- args, varargs, varkw = getargs(func.func_code)
- return args, varargs, varkw, func.func_defaults
-def getargvalues(frame):
- """Get information about arguments passed into a particular frame.
- A tuple of four things is returned: (args, varargs, varkw, locals).
- 'args' is a list of the argument names (it may contain nested lists).
- 'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None.
- 'locals' is the locals dictionary of the given frame."""
- args, varargs, varkw = getargs(frame.f_code)
- return args, varargs, varkw, frame.f_locals
-def joinseq(seq):
- if len(seq) == 1:
- return '(' + seq[0] + ',)'
- else:
- return '(' + string.join(seq, ', ') + ')'
-def strseq(object, convert, join=joinseq):
- """Recursively walk a sequence, stringifying each element."""
- if type(object) in [types.ListType, types.TupleType]:
- return join(map(lambda o, c=convert, j=join: strseq(o, c, j), object))
- else:
- return convert(object)
-def formatargspec(args, varargs=None, varkw=None, defaults=None,
- formatarg=str,
- formatvarargs=lambda name: '*' + name,
- formatvarkw=lambda name: '**' + name,
- formatvalue=lambda value: '=' + repr(value),
- join=joinseq):
- """Format an argument spec from the 4 values returned by getargspec.
- The first four arguments are (args, varargs, varkw, defaults). The
- other four arguments are the corresponding optional formatting functions
- that are called to turn names and values into strings. The ninth
- argument is an optional function to format the sequence of arguments."""
- specs = []
- if defaults:
- firstdefault = len(args) - len(defaults)
- for i in range(len(args)):
- spec = strseq(args[i], formatarg, join)
- if defaults and i >= firstdefault:
- spec = spec + formatvalue(defaults[i - firstdefault])
- specs.append(spec)
- if varargs:
- specs.append(formatvarargs(varargs))
- if varkw:
- specs.append(formatvarkw(varkw))
- return '(' + string.join(specs, ', ') + ')'
-def formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals,
- formatarg=str,
- formatvarargs=lambda name: '*' + name,
- formatvarkw=lambda name: '**' + name,
- formatvalue=lambda value: '=' + repr(value),
- join=joinseq):
- """Format an argument spec from the 4 values returned by getargvalues.
- The first four arguments are (args, varargs, varkw, locals). The
- next four arguments are the corresponding optional formatting functions
- that are called to turn names and values into strings. The ninth
- argument is an optional function to format the sequence of arguments."""
- def convert(name, locals=locals,
- formatarg=formatarg, formatvalue=formatvalue):
- return formatarg(name) + formatvalue(locals[name])
- specs = []
- for i in range(len(args)):
- specs.append(strseq(args[i], convert, join))
- if varargs:
- specs.append(formatvarargs(varargs) + formatvalue(locals[varargs]))
- if varkw:
- specs.append(formatvarkw(varkw) + formatvalue(locals[varkw]))
- return '(' + string.join(specs, ', ') + ')'
-# -------------------------------------------------- stack frame extraction
-def getframeinfo(frame, context=1):
- """Get information about a frame or traceback object.
- A tuple of five things is returned: the filename, the line number of
- the current line, the function name, a list of lines of context from
- the source code, and the index of the current line within that list.
- The optional second argument specifies the number of lines of context
- to return, which are centered around the current line."""
- raise NotImplementedError
-# if istraceback(frame):
-# frame = frame.tb_frame
-# if not isframe(frame):
-# raise TypeError, 'arg is not a frame or traceback object'
-# filename = getsourcefile(frame)
-# lineno = getlineno(frame)
-# if context > 0:
-# start = lineno - 1 - context//2
-# try:
-# lines, lnum = findsource(frame)
-# except IOError:
-# lines = index = None
-# else:
-# start = max(start, 1)
-# start = min(start, len(lines) - context)
-# lines = lines[start:start+context]
-# index = lineno - 1 - start
-# else:
-# lines = index = None
-# return (filename, lineno, frame.f_code.co_name, lines, index)
-def getlineno(frame):
- """Get the line number from a frame object, allowing for optimization."""
- # Written by Marc-Andr Lemburg; revised by Jim Hugunin and Fredrik Lundh.
- lineno = frame.f_lineno
- code = frame.f_code
- if hasattr(code, 'co_lnotab'):
- table = code.co_lnotab
- lineno = code.co_firstlineno
- addr = 0
- for i in range(0, len(table), 2):
- addr = addr + ord(table[i])
- if addr > frame.f_lasti: break
- lineno = lineno + ord(table[i + 1])
- return lineno
-def getouterframes(frame, context=1):
- """Get a list of records for a frame and all higher (calling) frames.
- Each record contains a frame object, filename, line number, function
- name, a list of lines of context, and index within the context."""
- framelist = []
- while frame:
- framelist.append((frame,) + getframeinfo(frame, context))
- frame = frame.f_back
- return framelist
-def getinnerframes(tb, context=1):
- """Get a list of records for a traceback's frame and all lower frames.
- Each record contains a frame object, filename, line number, function
- name, a list of lines of context, and index within the context."""
- framelist = []
- while tb:
- framelist.append((tb.tb_frame,) + getframeinfo(tb, context))
- tb = tb.tb_next
- return framelist
-def currentframe():
- """Return the frame object for the caller's stack frame."""
- try:
- raise 'catch me'
- except:
- return sys.exc_traceback.tb_frame.f_back #@UndefinedVariable
-if hasattr(sys, '_getframe'): currentframe = sys._getframe
-def stack(context=1):
- """Return a list of records for the stack above the caller's frame."""
- return getouterframes(currentframe().f_back, context)
-def trace(context=1):
- """Return a list of records for the stack below the current exception."""
- return getinnerframes(sys.exc_traceback, context) #@UndefinedVariable
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 1691e3e1f1dc..db1d7f895106 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import StringIO
import traceback
+from java.lang import StringBuffer #@UnresolvedImport
+from java.lang import String #@UnresolvedImport
import java.lang #@UnresolvedImport
import sys
from _pydev_tipper_common import DoFind
@@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ except NameError: # version < 2.3 -- didn't have the True/False builtins
from org.python.core import PyReflectedFunction #@UnresolvedImport
from org.python import core #@UnresolvedImport
+from org.python.core import PyClass #@UnresolvedImport
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
deleted file mode 100644
index b8dad03cc984..000000000000
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from select import * \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e96e800876c..000000000000
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from socket import * \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index d7bfadf04308..62b300b86cd0 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,978 +1,14 @@
-"""Thread module emulating a subset of Java's threading model."""
-import sys as _sys
-from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread as thread
-import warnings
-from _pydev_imps._pydev_time import time as _time, sleep as _sleep
-from traceback import format_exc as _format_exc
-# Note regarding PEP 8 compliant aliases
-# This threading model was originally inspired by Java, and inherited
-# the convention of camelCase function and method names from that
-# language. While those names are not in any imminent danger of being
-# deprecated, starting with Python 2.6, the module now provides a
-# PEP 8 compliant alias for any such method name.
-# Using the new PEP 8 compliant names also facilitates substitution
-# with the multiprocessing module, which doesn't provide the old
-# Java inspired names.
-# Rename some stuff so "from threading import *" is safe
-__all__ = ['activeCount', 'active_count', 'Condition', 'currentThread',
- 'current_thread', 'enumerate', 'Event',
- 'Lock', 'RLock', 'Semaphore', 'BoundedSemaphore', 'Thread',
- 'Timer', 'setprofile', 'settrace', 'local', 'stack_size']
-_start_new_thread = thread.start_new_thread
-_allocate_lock = thread.allocate_lock
-_get_ident = thread.get_ident
-ThreadError = thread.error
-del thread
-# sys.exc_clear is used to work around the fact that except blocks
-# don't fully clear the exception until 3.0.
-warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning,
- module='threading', message='sys.exc_clear')
-# Debug support (adapted from
-# All the major classes here derive from _Verbose. We force that to
-# be a new-style class so that all the major classes here are new-style.
-# This helps debugging (type(instance) is more revealing for instances
-# of new-style classes).
-_VERBOSE = False
-if __debug__:
- class _Verbose(object):
- def __init__(self, verbose=None):
- if verbose is None:
- verbose = _VERBOSE
- self.__verbose = verbose
- def _note(self, format, *args):
- if self.__verbose:
- format = format % args
- # Issue #4188: calling current_thread() can incur an infinite
- # recursion if it has to create a DummyThread on the fly.
- ident = _get_ident()
- try:
- name = _active[ident].name
- except KeyError:
- name = "<OS thread %d>" % ident
- format = "%s: %s\n" % (name, format)
- _sys.stderr.write(format)
- # Disable this when using "python -O"
- class _Verbose(object):
- def __init__(self, verbose=None):
- pass
- def _note(self, *args):
- pass
-# Support for profile and trace hooks
-_profile_hook = None
-_trace_hook = None
-def setprofile(func):
- global _profile_hook
- _profile_hook = func
-def settrace(func):
- global _trace_hook
- _trace_hook = func
-# Synchronization classes
-Lock = _allocate_lock
-def RLock(*args, **kwargs):
- return _RLock(*args, **kwargs)
-class _RLock(_Verbose):
- def __init__(self, verbose=None):
- _Verbose.__init__(self, verbose)
- self.__block = _allocate_lock()
- self.__owner = None
- self.__count = 0
- def __repr__(self):
- owner = self.__owner
- try:
- owner = _active[owner].name
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return "<%s owner=%r count=%d>" % (
- self.__class__.__name__, owner, self.__count)
- def acquire(self, blocking=1):
- me = _get_ident()
- if self.__owner == me:
- self.__count = self.__count + 1
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.acquire(%s): recursive success", self, blocking)
- return 1
- rc = self.__block.acquire(blocking)
- if rc:
- self.__owner = me
- self.__count = 1
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.acquire(%s): initial success", self, blocking)
- else:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.acquire(%s): failure", self, blocking)
- return rc
- __enter__ = acquire
- def release(self):
- if self.__owner != _get_ident():
- raise RuntimeError("cannot release un-acquired lock")
- self.__count = count = self.__count - 1
- if not count:
- self.__owner = None
- self.__block.release()
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.release(): final release", self)
- else:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.release(): non-final release", self)
- def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
- self.release()
- # Internal methods used by condition variables
- def _acquire_restore(self, count_owner):
- count, owner = count_owner
- self.__block.acquire()
- self.__count = count
- self.__owner = owner
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s._acquire_restore()", self)
- def _release_save(self):
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s._release_save()", self)
- count = self.__count
- self.__count = 0
- owner = self.__owner
- self.__owner = None
- self.__block.release()
- return (count, owner)
- def _is_owned(self):
- return self.__owner == _get_ident()
-def Condition(*args, **kwargs):
- return _Condition(*args, **kwargs)
-class _Condition(_Verbose):
- def __init__(self, lock=None, verbose=None):
- _Verbose.__init__(self, verbose)
- if lock is None:
- lock = RLock()
- self.__lock = lock
- # Export the lock's acquire() and release() methods
- self.acquire = lock.acquire
- self.release = lock.release
- # If the lock defines _release_save() and/or _acquire_restore(),
- # these override the default implementations (which just call
- # release() and acquire() on the lock). Ditto for _is_owned().
- try:
- self._release_save = lock._release_save
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- try:
- self._acquire_restore = lock._acquire_restore
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- try:
- self._is_owned = lock._is_owned
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- self.__waiters = []
- def __enter__(self):
- return self.__lock.__enter__()
- def __exit__(self, *args):
- return self.__lock.__exit__(*args)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<Condition(%s, %d)>" % (self.__lock, len(self.__waiters))
- def _release_save(self):
- self.__lock.release() # No state to save
- def _acquire_restore(self, x):
- self.__lock.acquire() # Ignore saved state
- def _is_owned(self):
- # Return True if lock is owned by current_thread.
- # This method is called only if __lock doesn't have _is_owned().
- if self.__lock.acquire(0):
- self.__lock.release()
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def wait(self, timeout=None):
- if not self._is_owned():
- raise RuntimeError("cannot wait on un-acquired lock")
- waiter = _allocate_lock()
- waiter.acquire()
- self.__waiters.append(waiter)
- saved_state = self._release_save()
- try: # restore state no matter what (e.g., KeyboardInterrupt)
- if timeout is None:
- waiter.acquire()
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.wait(): got it", self)
- else:
- # Balancing act: We can't afford a pure busy loop, so we
- # have to sleep; but if we sleep the whole timeout time,
- # we'll be unresponsive. The scheme here sleeps very
- # little at first, longer as time goes on, but never longer
- # than 20 times per second (or the timeout time remaining).
- endtime = _time() + timeout
- delay = 0.0005 # 500 us -> initial delay of 1 ms
- while True:
- gotit = waiter.acquire(0)
- if gotit:
- break
- remaining = endtime - _time()
- if remaining <= 0:
- break
- delay = min(delay * 2, remaining, .05)
- _sleep(delay)
- if not gotit:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.wait(%s): timed out", self, timeout)
- try:
- self.__waiters.remove(waiter)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.wait(%s): got it", self, timeout)
- finally:
- self._acquire_restore(saved_state)
- def notify(self, n=1):
- if not self._is_owned():
- raise RuntimeError("cannot notify on un-acquired lock")
- __waiters = self.__waiters
- waiters = __waiters[:n]
- if not waiters:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.notify(): no waiters", self)
- return
- self._note("%s.notify(): notifying %d waiter%s", self, n,
- n!=1 and "s" or "")
- for waiter in waiters:
- waiter.release()
- try:
- __waiters.remove(waiter)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- def notifyAll(self):
- self.notify(len(self.__waiters))
- notify_all = notifyAll
-def Semaphore(*args, **kwargs):
- return _Semaphore(*args, **kwargs)
-class _Semaphore(_Verbose):
- # After Tim Peters' semaphore class, but not quite the same (no maximum)
- def __init__(self, value=1, verbose=None):
- if value < 0:
- raise ValueError("semaphore initial value must be >= 0")
- _Verbose.__init__(self, verbose)
- self.__cond = Condition(Lock())
- self.__value = value
- def acquire(self, blocking=1):
- rc = False
- self.__cond.acquire()
- while self.__value == 0:
- if not blocking:
- break
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.acquire(%s): blocked waiting, value=%s",
- self, blocking, self.__value)
- self.__cond.wait()
- else:
- self.__value = self.__value - 1
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.acquire: success, value=%s",
- self, self.__value)
- rc = True
- self.__cond.release()
- return rc
- __enter__ = acquire
- def release(self):
- self.__cond.acquire()
- self.__value = self.__value + 1
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.release: success, value=%s",
- self, self.__value)
- self.__cond.notify()
- self.__cond.release()
- def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
- self.release()
-def BoundedSemaphore(*args, **kwargs):
- return _BoundedSemaphore(*args, **kwargs)
-class _BoundedSemaphore(_Semaphore):
- """Semaphore that checks that # releases is <= # acquires"""
- def __init__(self, value=1, verbose=None):
- _Semaphore.__init__(self, value, verbose)
- self._initial_value = value
- def release(self):
- if self._Semaphore__value >= self._initial_value:
- raise ValueError, "Semaphore released too many times"
- return _Semaphore.release(self)
-def Event(*args, **kwargs):
- return _Event(*args, **kwargs)
-class _Event(_Verbose):
- # After Tim Peters' event class (without is_posted())
- def __init__(self, verbose=None):
- _Verbose.__init__(self, verbose)
- self.__cond = Condition(Lock())
- self.__flag = False
- def _reset_internal_locks(self):
- # private! called by Thread._reset_internal_locks by _after_fork()
- self.__cond.__init__()
- def isSet(self):
- return self.__flag
- is_set = isSet
- def set(self):
- self.__cond.acquire()
- try:
- self.__flag = True
- self.__cond.notify_all()
- finally:
- self.__cond.release()
- def clear(self):
- self.__cond.acquire()
- try:
- self.__flag = False
- finally:
- self.__cond.release()
- def wait(self, timeout=None):
- self.__cond.acquire()
- try:
- if not self.__flag:
- self.__cond.wait(timeout)
- return self.__flag
- finally:
- self.__cond.release()
-# Helper to generate new thread names
-_counter = 0
-def _newname(template="Thread-%d"):
- global _counter
- _counter = _counter + 1
- return template % _counter
-# Active thread administration
-_active_limbo_lock = _allocate_lock()
-_active = {} # maps thread id to Thread object
-_limbo = {}
-# Main class for threads
-class Thread(_Verbose):
- __initialized = False
- # Need to store a reference to sys.exc_info for printing
- # out exceptions when a thread tries to use a global var. during interp.
- # shutdown and thus raises an exception about trying to perform some
- # operation on/with a NoneType
- __exc_info = _sys.exc_info
- # Keep sys.exc_clear too to clear the exception just before
- # allowing .join() to return.
- __exc_clear = _sys.exc_clear
- def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None,
- args=(), kwargs=None, verbose=None):
- assert group is None, "group argument must be None for now"
- _Verbose.__init__(self, verbose)
- if kwargs is None:
- kwargs = {}
- self.__target = target
- self.__name = str(name or _newname())
- self.__args = args
- self.__kwargs = kwargs
- self.__daemonic = self._set_daemon()
- self.__ident = None
- self.__started = Event()
- self.__stopped = False
- self.__block = Condition(Lock())
- self.__initialized = True
- # sys.stderr is not stored in the class like
- # sys.exc_info since it can be changed between instances
- self.__stderr = _sys.stderr
- def _reset_internal_locks(self):
- # private! Called by _after_fork() to reset our internal locks as
- # they may be in an invalid state leading to a deadlock or crash.
- if hasattr(self, '_Thread__block'): # DummyThread deletes self.__block
- self.__block.__init__()
- self.__started._reset_internal_locks()
- @property
- def _block(self):
- # used by a unittest
- return self.__block
- def _set_daemon(self):
- # Overridden in _MainThread and _DummyThread
- return current_thread().daemon
- def __repr__(self):
- assert self.__initialized, "Thread.__init__() was not called"
- status = "initial"
- if self.__started.is_set():
- status = "started"
- if self.__stopped:
- status = "stopped"
- if self.__daemonic:
- status += " daemon"
- if self.__ident is not None:
- status += " %s" % self.__ident
- return "<%s(%s, %s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__name, status)
- def start(self):
- if not self.__initialized:
- raise RuntimeError("thread.__init__() not called")
- if self.__started.is_set():
- raise RuntimeError("threads can only be started once")
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.start(): starting thread", self)
- with _active_limbo_lock:
- _limbo[self] = self
- try:
- _start_new_thread(self.__bootstrap, ())
- except Exception:
- with _active_limbo_lock:
- del _limbo[self]
- raise
- self.__started.wait()
- def run(self):
- try:
- if self.__target:
- self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
- finally:
- # Avoid a refcycle if the thread is running a function with
- # an argument that has a member that points to the thread.
- del self.__target, self.__args, self.__kwargs
- def __bootstrap(self):
- # Wrapper around the real bootstrap code that ignores
- # exceptions during interpreter cleanup. Those typically
- # happen when a daemon thread wakes up at an unfortunate
- # moment, finds the world around it destroyed, and raises some
- # random exception *** while trying to report the exception in
- # __bootstrap_inner() below ***. Those random exceptions
- # don't help anybody, and they confuse users, so we suppress
- # them. We suppress them only when it appears that the world
- # indeed has already been destroyed, so that exceptions in
- # __bootstrap_inner() during normal business hours are properly
- # reported. Also, we only suppress them for daemonic threads;
- # if a non-daemonic encounters this, something else is wrong.
- try:
- self.__bootstrap_inner()
- except:
- if self.__daemonic and _sys is None:
- return
- raise
- def _set_ident(self):
- self.__ident = _get_ident()
- def __bootstrap_inner(self):
- try:
- self._set_ident()
- self.__started.set()
- with _active_limbo_lock:
- _active[self.__ident] = self
- del _limbo[self]
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.__bootstrap(): thread started", self)
- if _trace_hook:
- self._note("%s.__bootstrap(): registering trace hook", self)
- _sys.settrace(_trace_hook)
- if _profile_hook:
- self._note("%s.__bootstrap(): registering profile hook", self)
- _sys.setprofile(_profile_hook)
- try:
- except SystemExit:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.__bootstrap(): raised SystemExit", self)
- except:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.__bootstrap(): unhandled exception", self)
- # If sys.stderr is no more (most likely from interpreter
- # shutdown) use self.__stderr. Otherwise still use sys (as in
- # _sys) in case sys.stderr was redefined since the creation of
- # self.
- if _sys:
- _sys.stderr.write("Exception in thread %s:\n%s\n" %
- (, _format_exc()))
- else:
- # Do the best job possible w/o a huge amt. of code to
- # approximate a traceback (code ideas from
- # Lib/
- exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = self.__exc_info()
- try:
- print>>self.__stderr, (
- "Exception in thread " + +
- " (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown):")
- print>>self.__stderr, (
- "Traceback (most recent call last):")
- while exc_tb:
- print>>self.__stderr, (
- ' File "%s", line %s, in %s' %
- (exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename,
- exc_tb.tb_lineno,
- exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name))
- exc_tb = exc_tb.tb_next
- print>>self.__stderr, ("%s: %s" % (exc_type, exc_value))
- # Make sure that exc_tb gets deleted since it is a memory
- # hog; deleting everything else is just for thoroughness
- finally:
- del exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb
- else:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.__bootstrap(): normal return", self)
- finally:
- # Prevent a race in
- # test_threading.test_no_refcycle_through_target when
- # the exception keeps the target alive past when we
- # assert that it's dead.
- self.__exc_clear()
- finally:
- with _active_limbo_lock:
- self.__stop()
- try:
- # We don't call self.__delete() because it also
- # grabs _active_limbo_lock.
- del _active[_get_ident()]
- except:
- pass
- def __stop(self):
- self.__block.acquire()
- self.__stopped = True
- self.__block.notify_all()
- self.__block.release()
- def __delete(self):
- "Remove current thread from the dict of currently running threads."
- # Notes about running with dummy_thread:
- #
- # Must take care to not raise an exception if dummy_thread is being
- # used (and thus this module is being used as an instance of
- # dummy_threading). dummy_thread.get_ident() always returns -1 since
- # there is only one thread if dummy_thread is being used. Thus
- # len(_active) is always <= 1 here, and any Thread instance created
- # overwrites the (if any) thread currently registered in _active.
- #
- # An instance of _MainThread is always created by 'threading'. This
- # gets overwritten the instant an instance of Thread is created; both
- # threads return -1 from dummy_thread.get_ident() and thus have the
- # same key in the dict. So when the _MainThread instance created by
- # 'threading' tries to clean itself up when atexit calls this method
- # it gets a KeyError if another Thread instance was created.
- #
- # This all means that KeyError from trying to delete something from
- # _active if dummy_threading is being used is a red herring. But
- # since it isn't if dummy_threading is *not* being used then don't
- # hide the exception.
- try:
- with _active_limbo_lock:
- del _active[_get_ident()]
- # There must not be any python code between the previous line
- # and after the lock is released. Otherwise a tracing function
- # could try to acquire the lock again in the same thread, (in
- # current_thread()), and would block.
- except KeyError:
- if 'dummy_threading' not in _sys.modules:
- raise
- def join(self, timeout=None):
- if not self.__initialized:
- raise RuntimeError("Thread.__init__() not called")
- if not self.__started.is_set():
- raise RuntimeError("cannot join thread before it is started")
- if self is current_thread():
- raise RuntimeError("cannot join current thread")
- if __debug__:
- if not self.__stopped:
- self._note("%s.join(): waiting until thread stops", self)
- self.__block.acquire()
- try:
- if timeout is None:
- while not self.__stopped:
- self.__block.wait()
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.join(): thread stopped", self)
- else:
- deadline = _time() + timeout
- while not self.__stopped:
- delay = deadline - _time()
- if delay <= 0:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.join(): timed out", self)
- break
- self.__block.wait(delay)
- else:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s.join(): thread stopped", self)
- finally:
- self.__block.release()
- @property
- def name(self):
- assert self.__initialized, "Thread.__init__() not called"
- return self.__name
- @name.setter
- def name(self, name):
- assert self.__initialized, "Thread.__init__() not called"
- self.__name = str(name)
- @property
- def ident(self):
- assert self.__initialized, "Thread.__init__() not called"
- return self.__ident
- def isAlive(self):
- assert self.__initialized, "Thread.__init__() not called"
- return self.__started.is_set() and not self.__stopped
- is_alive = isAlive
- @property
- def daemon(self):
- assert self.__initialized, "Thread.__init__() not called"
- return self.__daemonic
- @daemon.setter
- def daemon(self, daemonic):
- if not self.__initialized:
- raise RuntimeError("Thread.__init__() not called")
- if self.__started.is_set():
- raise RuntimeError("cannot set daemon status of active thread");
- self.__daemonic = daemonic
- def isDaemon(self):
- return self.daemon
- def setDaemon(self, daemonic):
- self.daemon = daemonic
- def getName(self):
- return
- def setName(self, name):
- = name
-# The timer class was contributed by Itamar Shtull-Trauring
-def Timer(*args, **kwargs):
- return _Timer(*args, **kwargs)
-class _Timer(Thread):
- """Call a function after a specified number of seconds:
- t = Timer(30.0, f, args=[], kwargs={})
- t.start()
- t.cancel() # stop the timer's action if it's still waiting
- """
- def __init__(self, interval, function, args=[], kwargs={}):
- Thread.__init__(self)
- self.interval = interval
- self.function = function
- self.args = args
- self.kwargs = kwargs
- self.finished = Event()
- def cancel(self):
- """Stop the timer if it hasn't finished yet"""
- self.finished.set()
- def run(self):
- self.finished.wait(self.interval)
- if not self.finished.is_set():
- self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
- self.finished.set()
-# Special thread class to represent the main thread
-# This is garbage collected through an exit handler
-class _MainThread(Thread):
- def __init__(self):
- Thread.__init__(self, name="MainThread")
- self._Thread__started.set()
- self._set_ident()
- with _active_limbo_lock:
- _active[_get_ident()] = self
- def _set_daemon(self):
- return False
- def _exitfunc(self):
- self._Thread__stop()
- t = _pickSomeNonDaemonThread()
- if t:
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s: waiting for other threads", self)
- while t:
- t.join()
- t = _pickSomeNonDaemonThread()
- if __debug__:
- self._note("%s: exiting", self)
- self._Thread__delete()
-def _pickSomeNonDaemonThread():
- for t in enumerate():
- if not t.daemon and t.is_alive():
- return t
- return None
-# Dummy thread class to represent threads not started here.
-# These aren't garbage collected when they die, nor can they be waited for.
-# If they invoke anything in that calls current_thread(), they
-# leave an entry in the _active dict forever after.
-# Their purpose is to return *something* from current_thread().
-# They are marked as daemon threads so we won't wait for them
-# when we exit (conform previous semantics).
-class _DummyThread(Thread):
- def __init__(self):
- Thread.__init__(self, name=_newname("Dummy-%d"))
- # Thread.__block consumes an OS-level locking primitive, which
- # can never be used by a _DummyThread. Since a _DummyThread
- # instance is immortal, that's bad, so release this resource.
- del self._Thread__block
- self._Thread__started.set()
- self._set_ident()
- with _active_limbo_lock:
- _active[_get_ident()] = self
- def _set_daemon(self):
- return True
- def join(self, timeout=None):
- assert False, "cannot join a dummy thread"
-# Global API functions
-def currentThread():
- try:
- return _active[_get_ident()]
- except KeyError:
- ##print "current_thread(): no current thread for", _get_ident()
- return _DummyThread()
-current_thread = currentThread
-def activeCount():
- with _active_limbo_lock:
- return len(_active) + len(_limbo)
-active_count = activeCount
-def _enumerate():
- # Same as enumerate(), but without the lock. Internal use only.
- return _active.values() + _limbo.values()
-def enumerate():
- with _active_limbo_lock:
- return _active.values() + _limbo.values()
-# Create the main thread object,
-# and make it available for the interpreter
-# (Py_Main) as threading._shutdown.
-_shutdown = _MainThread()._exitfunc
-# get thread-local implementation, either from the thread
-# module, or from the python fallback
+from threading import enumerate, currentThread, Condition, Event, Timer, Thread
- from _pydev_imps._pydev_thread import _local as local
-except ImportError:
- from _threading_local import local
+ from threading import settrace
+ pass
-def _after_fork():
- # This function is called by Python/ceval.c:PyEval_ReInitThreads which
- # is called from PyOS_AfterFork. Here we cleanup threading module state
- # that should not exist after a fork.
- # Reset _active_limbo_lock, in case we forked while the lock was held
- # by another (non-forked) thread.
- global _active_limbo_lock
- _active_limbo_lock = _allocate_lock()
- # fork() only copied the current thread; clear references to others.
- new_active = {}
- current = current_thread()
- with _active_limbo_lock:
- for thread in _active.itervalues():
- # Any lock/condition variable may be currently locked or in an
- # invalid state, so we reinitialize them.
- if hasattr(thread, '_reset_internal_locks'):
- thread._reset_internal_locks()
- if thread is current:
- # There is only one active thread. We reset the ident to
- # its new value since it can have changed.
- ident = _get_ident()
- thread._Thread__ident = ident
- new_active[ident] = thread
- else:
- # All the others are already stopped.
- thread._Thread__stop()
- _limbo.clear()
- _active.clear()
- _active.update(new_active)
- assert len(_active) == 1
-# Self-test code
-def _test():
- class BoundedQueue(_Verbose):
- def __init__(self, limit):
- _Verbose.__init__(self)
- self.mon = RLock()
- self.rc = Condition(self.mon)
- self.wc = Condition(self.mon)
- self.limit = limit
- self.queue = deque()
- def put(self, item):
- self.mon.acquire()
- while len(self.queue) >= self.limit:
- self._note("put(%s): queue full", item)
- self.wc.wait()
- self.queue.append(item)
- self._note("put(%s): appended, length now %d",
- item, len(self.queue))
- self.rc.notify()
- self.mon.release()
- def get(self):
- self.mon.acquire()
- while not self.queue:
- self._note("get(): queue empty")
- self.rc.wait()
- item = self.queue.popleft()
- self._note("get(): got %s, %d left", item, len(self.queue))
- self.wc.notify()
- self.mon.release()
- return item
- class ProducerThread(Thread):
- def __init__(self, queue, quota):
- Thread.__init__(self, name="Producer")
- self.queue = queue
- self.quota = quota
- def run(self):
- from random import random
- counter = 0
- while counter < self.quota:
- counter = counter + 1
- self.queue.put("%s.%d" % (, counter))
- _sleep(random() * 0.00001)
- class ConsumerThread(Thread):
- def __init__(self, queue, count):
- Thread.__init__(self, name="Consumer")
- self.queue = queue
- self.count = count
- def run(self):
- while self.count > 0:
- item = self.queue.get()
- print item
- self.count = self.count - 1
- NP = 3
- QL = 4
- NI = 5
- Q = BoundedQueue(QL)
- P = []
- for i in range(NP):
- t = ProducerThread(Q, NI)
- = ("Producer-%d" % (i+1))
- P.append(t)
- C = ConsumerThread(Q, NI*NP)
- for t in P:
- t.start()
- _sleep(0.000001)
- C.start()
- for t in P:
- t.join()
- C.join()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- _test()
+ from gevent import monkey
+ saved = monkey.saved['threading']
+ for key, val in saved.items():
+ globals()[key] = val
+ pass
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
deleted file mode 100644
index 72705db20bdc..000000000000
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from time import *
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f6e2b7f138c..000000000000
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1493 +0,0 @@
-#Just a copy of the version in python 2.5 to be used if it's not available in jython 2.1
-import sys
-# an XML-RPC client interface for Python.
-# the marshalling and response parser code can also be used to
-# implement XML-RPC servers.
-# Notes:
-# this version is designed to work with Python 2.1 or newer.
-# History:
-# 1999-01-14 fl Created
-# 1999-01-15 fl Changed dateTime to use localtime
-# 1999-01-16 fl Added Binary/base64 element, default to RPC2 service
-# 1999-01-19 fl Fixed array data element (from Skip Montanaro)
-# 1999-01-21 fl Fixed dateTime constructor, etc.
-# 1999-02-02 fl Added fault handling, handle empty sequences, etc.
-# 1999-02-10 fl Fixed problem with empty responses (from Skip Montanaro)
-# 1999-06-20 fl Speed improvements, pluggable parsers/transports (0.9.8)
-# 2000-11-28 fl Changed boolean to check the truth value of its argument
-# 2001-02-24 fl Added encoding/Unicode/SafeTransport patches
-# 2001-02-26 fl Added compare support to wrappers (0.9.9/1.0b1)
-# 2001-03-28 fl Make sure response tuple is a singleton
-# 2001-03-29 fl Don't require empty params element (from Nicholas Riley)
-# 2001-06-10 fl Folded in _xmlrpclib accelerator support (1.0b2)
-# 2001-08-20 fl Base xmlrpclib.Error on built-in Exception (from Paul Prescod)
-# 2001-09-03 fl Allow Transport subclass to override getparser
-# 2001-09-10 fl Lazy import of urllib, cgi, xmllib (20x import speedup)
-# 2001-10-01 fl Remove containers from memo cache when done with them
-# 2001-10-01 fl Use faster escape method (80% dumps speedup)
-# 2001-10-02 fl More dumps microtuning
-# 2001-10-04 fl Make sure import expat gets a parser (from Guido van Rossum)
-# 2001-10-10 sm Allow long ints to be passed as ints if they don't overflow
-# 2001-10-17 sm Test for int and long overflow (allows use on 64-bit systems)
-# 2001-11-12 fl Use repr() to marshal doubles (from Paul Felix)
-# 2002-03-17 fl Avoid buffered read when possible (from James Rucker)
-# 2002-04-07 fl Added pythondoc comments
-# 2002-04-16 fl Added __str__ methods to datetime/binary wrappers
-# 2002-05-15 fl Added error constants (from Andrew Kuchling)
-# 2002-06-27 fl Merged with Python CVS version
-# 2002-10-22 fl Added basic authentication (based on code from Phillip Eby)
-# 2003-01-22 sm Add support for the bool type
-# 2003-02-27 gvr Remove apply calls
-# 2003-04-24 sm Use cStringIO if available
-# 2003-04-25 ak Add support for nil
-# 2003-06-15 gn Add support for time.struct_time
-# 2003-07-12 gp Correct marshalling of Faults
-# 2003-10-31 mvl Add multicall support
-# 2004-08-20 mvl Bump minimum supported Python version to 2.1
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 by Secret Labs AB.
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 by Fredrik Lundh.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The XML-RPC client interface is
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 by Secret Labs AB
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 by Fredrik Lundh
-# By obtaining, using, and/or copying this software and/or its
-# associated documentation, you agree that you have read, understood,
-# and will comply with the following terms and conditions:
-# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
-# its associated documentation for any purpose and without fee is
-# hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in
-# all copies, and that both that copyright notice and this permission
-# notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of
-# Secret Labs AB or the author not be used in advertising or publicity
-# pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written
-# prior permission.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# things to look into some day:
-# TODO: sort out True/False/boolean issues for Python 2.3
-An XML-RPC client interface for Python.
-The marshalling and response parser code can also be used to
-implement XML-RPC servers.
-Exported exceptions:
- Error Base class for client errors
- ProtocolError Indicates an HTTP protocol error
- ResponseError Indicates a broken response package
- Fault Indicates an XML-RPC fault package
-Exported classes:
- ServerProxy Represents a logical connection to an XML-RPC server
- MultiCall Executor of boxcared xmlrpc requests
- Boolean boolean wrapper to generate a "boolean" XML-RPC value
- DateTime dateTime wrapper for an ISO 8601 string or time tuple or
- localtime integer value to generate a "dateTime.iso8601"
- XML-RPC value
- Binary binary data wrapper
- SlowParser Slow but safe standard parser (based on xmllib)
- Marshaller Generate an XML-RPC params chunk from a Python data structure
- Unmarshaller Unmarshal an XML-RPC response from incoming XML event message
- Transport Handles an HTTP transaction to an XML-RPC server
- SafeTransport Handles an HTTPS transaction to an XML-RPC server
-Exported constants:
- True
- False
-Exported functions:
- boolean Convert any Python value to an XML-RPC boolean
- getparser Create instance of the fastest available parser & attach
- to an unmarshalling object
- dumps Convert an argument tuple or a Fault instance to an XML-RPC
- request (or response, if the methodresponse option is used).
- loads Convert an XML-RPC packet to unmarshalled data plus a method
- name (None if not present).
-import re, string, time, operator
-from types import *
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Internal stuff
- unicode
-except NameError:
- unicode = None # unicode support not available
- import datetime
-except ImportError:
- datetime = None
- _bool_is_builtin = False.__class__.__name__ == "bool"
-except (NameError, AttributeError):
- _bool_is_builtin = 0
-def _decode(data, encoding, is8bit=re.compile("[\x80-\xff]").search):
- # decode non-ascii string (if possible)
- if unicode and encoding and is8bit(data):
- data = unicode(data, encoding)
- return data
-def escape(s, replace=string.replace):
- s = replace(s, "&", "&amp;")
- s = replace(s, "<", "&lt;")
- return replace(s, ">", "&gt;",)
-if unicode:
- def _stringify(string):
- # convert to 7-bit ascii if possible
- try:
- return string.encode("ascii")
- except UnicodeError:
- return string
- def _stringify(string):
- return string
-__version__ = "1.0.1"
-# xmlrpc integer limits
- long
-except NameError:
- long = int
-MAXINT = long(2) ** 31 - 1
-MININT = long(-2) ** 31
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Error constants (from Dan Libby's specification at
-# Ranges of errors
-PARSE_ERROR = -32700
-SERVER_ERROR = -32600
-SYSTEM_ERROR = -32400
-# Specific errors
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Exceptions
-# Base class for all kinds of client-side errors.
-class Error(Exception):
- """Base class for client errors."""
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self)
-# Indicates an HTTP-level protocol error. This is raised by the HTTP
-# transport layer, if the server returns an error code other than 200
-# (OK).
-# @param url The target URL.
-# @param errcode The HTTP error code.
-# @param errmsg The HTTP error message.
-# @param headers The HTTP header dictionary.
-class ProtocolError(Error):
- """Indicates an HTTP protocol error."""
- def __init__(self, url, errcode, errmsg, headers):
- Error.__init__(self)
- self.url = url
- self.errcode = errcode
- self.errmsg = errmsg
- self.headers = headers
- def __repr__(self):
- return (
- "<ProtocolError for %s: %s %s>" %
- (self.url, self.errcode, self.errmsg)
- )
-# Indicates a broken XML-RPC response package. This exception is
-# raised by the unmarshalling layer, if the XML-RPC response is
-# malformed.
-class ResponseError(Error):
- """Indicates a broken response package."""
- pass
-# Indicates an XML-RPC fault response package. This exception is
-# raised by the unmarshalling layer, if the XML-RPC response contains
-# a fault string. This exception can also used as a class, to
-# generate a fault XML-RPC message.
-# @param faultCode The XML-RPC fault code.
-# @param faultString The XML-RPC fault string.
-class Fault(Error):
- """Indicates an XML-RPC fault package."""
- def __init__(self, faultCode, faultString, **extra):
- Error.__init__(self)
- self.faultCode = faultCode
- self.faultString = faultString
- def __repr__(self):
- return (
- "<Fault %s: %s>" %
- (self.faultCode, repr(self.faultString))
- )
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Special values
-# Wrapper for XML-RPC boolean values. Use the xmlrpclib.True and
-# xmlrpclib.False constants, or the xmlrpclib.boolean() function, to
-# generate boolean XML-RPC values.
-# @param value A boolean value. Any true value is interpreted as True,
-# all other values are interpreted as False.
-if _bool_is_builtin:
- boolean = Boolean = bool #@UndefinedVariable
- # to avoid breaking code which references xmlrpclib.{True,False}
- True, False = True, False
- class Boolean:
- """Boolean-value wrapper.
- Use True or False to generate a "boolean" XML-RPC value.
- """
- def __init__(self, value=0):
- self.value = operator.truth(value)
- def encode(self, out):
- out.write("<value><boolean>%d</boolean></value>\n" % self.value)
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, Boolean):
- other = other.value
- return cmp(self.value, other)
- def __repr__(self):
- if self.value:
- return "<Boolean True at %x>" % id(self)
- else:
- return "<Boolean False at %x>" % id(self)
- def __int__(self):
- return self.value
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return self.value
- True, False = Boolean(1), Boolean(0)
- ##
- # Map true or false value to XML-RPC boolean values.
- #
- # @def boolean(value)
- # @param value A boolean value. Any true value is mapped to True,
- # all other values are mapped to False.
- # @return xmlrpclib.True or xmlrpclib.False.
- # @see Boolean
- # @see True
- # @see False
- def boolean(value, _truefalse=(False, True)):
- """Convert any Python value to XML-RPC 'boolean'."""
- return _truefalse[operator.truth(value)]
-# Wrapper for XML-RPC DateTime values. This converts a time value to
-# the format used by XML-RPC.
-# <p>
-# The value can be given as a string in the format
-# "yyyymmddThh:mm:ss", as a 9-item time tuple (as returned by
-# time.localtime()), or an integer value (as returned by time.time()).
-# The wrapper uses time.localtime() to convert an integer to a time
-# tuple.
-# @param value The time, given as an ISO 8601 string, a time
-# tuple, or a integer time value.
-class DateTime:
- """DateTime wrapper for an ISO 8601 string or time tuple or
- localtime integer value to generate 'dateTime.iso8601' XML-RPC
- value.
- """
- def __init__(self, value=0):
- if not isinstance(value, StringType):
- if datetime and isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
- self.value = value.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S")
- return
- if datetime and isinstance(value,
- self.value = value.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S")
- return
- if datetime and isinstance(value, datetime.time):
- today ="%Y%m%d")
- self.value = value.strftime(today + "T%H:%M:%S")
- return
- if not isinstance(value, (TupleType, time.struct_time)): #@UndefinedVariable
- if value == 0:
- value = time.time()
- value = time.localtime(value)
- value = time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", value)
- self.value = value
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, DateTime):
- other = other.value
- return cmp(self.value, other)
- ##
- # Get date/time value.
- #
- # @return Date/time value, as an ISO 8601 string.
- def __str__(self):
- return self.value
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<DateTime %s at %x>" % (repr(self.value), id(self))
- def decode(self, data):
- data = str(data)
- self.value = string.strip(data)
- def encode(self, out):
- out.write("<value><dateTime.iso8601>")
- out.write(self.value)
- out.write("</dateTime.iso8601></value>\n")
-def _datetime(data):
- # decode xml element contents into a DateTime structure.
- value = DateTime()
- value.decode(data)
- return value
-def _datetime_type(data):
- t = time.strptime(data, "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S") #@UndefinedVariable
- return datetime.datetime(*tuple(t)[:6])
-# Wrapper for binary data. This can be used to transport any kind
-# of binary data over XML-RPC, using BASE64 encoding.
-# @param data An 8-bit string containing arbitrary data.
-import base64
- import cStringIO as StringIO
-except ImportError:
- import StringIO
-class Binary:
- """Wrapper for binary data."""
- def __init__(self, data=None):
- = data
- ##
- # Get buffer contents.
- #
- # @return Buffer contents, as an 8-bit string.
- def __str__(self):
- return or ""
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, Binary):
- other =
- return cmp(, other)
- def decode(self, data):
- = base64.decodestring(data)
- def encode(self, out):
- out.write("<value><base64>\n")
- base64.encode(StringIO.StringIO(, out)
- out.write("</base64></value>\n")
-def _binary(data):
- # decode xml element contents into a Binary structure
- value = Binary()
- value.decode(data)
- return value
-WRAPPERS = (DateTime, Binary)
-if not _bool_is_builtin:
- WRAPPERS = WRAPPERS + (Boolean,)
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# XML parsers
- # optional xmlrpclib accelerator
- import _xmlrpclib #@UnresolvedImport
- FastParser = _xmlrpclib.Parser
- FastUnmarshaller = _xmlrpclib.Unmarshaller
-except (AttributeError, ImportError):
- FastParser = FastUnmarshaller = None
- import _xmlrpclib #@UnresolvedImport
- FastMarshaller = _xmlrpclib.Marshaller
-except (AttributeError, ImportError):
- FastMarshaller = None
-# the SGMLOP parser is about 15x faster than Python's builtin
-# XML parser. SGMLOP sources can be downloaded from:
- import sgmlop
- if not hasattr(sgmlop, "XMLParser"):
- raise ImportError()
-except ImportError:
- SgmlopParser = None # sgmlop accelerator not available
- class SgmlopParser:
- def __init__(self, target):
- # setup callbacks
- self.finish_starttag = target.start
- self.finish_endtag = target.end
- self.handle_data =
- self.handle_xml = target.xml
- # activate parser
- self.parser = sgmlop.XMLParser()
- self.parser.register(self)
- self.feed = self.parser.feed
- self.entity = {
- "amp": "&", "gt": ">", "lt": "<",
- "apos": "'", "quot": '"'
- }
- def close(self):
- try:
- self.parser.close()
- finally:
- self.parser = self.feed = None # nuke circular reference
- def handle_proc(self, tag, attr):
- m ="encoding\s*=\s*['\"]([^\"']+)[\"']", attr) #@UndefinedVariable
- if m:
- self.handle_xml(, 1)
- def handle_entityref(self, entity):
- # <string> entity
- try:
- self.handle_data(self.entity[entity])
- except KeyError:
- self.handle_data("&%s;" % entity)
- from xml.parsers import expat
- if not hasattr(expat, "ParserCreate"):
- raise ImportError()
-except ImportError:
- ExpatParser = None # expat not available
- class ExpatParser:
- # fast expat parser for Python 2.0 and later. this is about
- # 50% slower than sgmlop, on roundtrip testing
- def __init__(self, target):
- self._parser = parser = expat.ParserCreate(None, None)
- self._target = target
- parser.StartElementHandler = target.start
- parser.EndElementHandler = target.end
- parser.CharacterDataHandler =
- encoding = None
- if not parser.returns_unicode:
- encoding = "utf-8"
- target.xml(encoding, None)
- def feed(self, data):
- self._parser.Parse(data, 0)
- def close(self):
- self._parser.Parse("", 1) # end of data
- del self._target, self._parser # get rid of circular references
-class SlowParser:
- """Default XML parser (based on xmllib.XMLParser)."""
- # this is about 10 times slower than sgmlop, on roundtrip
- # testing.
- def __init__(self, target):
- import xmllib # lazy subclassing (!)
- if xmllib.XMLParser not in SlowParser.__bases__:
- SlowParser.__bases__ = (xmllib.XMLParser,)
- self.handle_xml = target.xml
- self.unknown_starttag = target.start
- self.handle_data =
- self.handle_cdata =
- self.unknown_endtag = target.end
- try:
- xmllib.XMLParser.__init__(self, accept_utf8=1)
- except TypeError:
- xmllib.XMLParser.__init__(self) # pre-2.0
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# XML-RPC marshalling and unmarshalling code
-# XML-RPC marshaller.
-# @param encoding Default encoding for 8-bit strings. The default
-# value is None (interpreted as UTF-8).
-# @see dumps
-class Marshaller:
- """Generate an XML-RPC params chunk from a Python data structure.
- Create a Marshaller instance for each set of parameters, and use
- the "dumps" method to convert your data (represented as a tuple)
- to an XML-RPC params chunk. To write a fault response, pass a
- Fault instance instead. You may prefer to use the "dumps" module
- function for this purpose.
- """
- # by the way, if you don't understand what's going on in here,
- # that's perfectly ok.
- def __init__(self, encoding=None, allow_none=0):
- self.memo = {}
- = None
- self.encoding = encoding
- self.allow_none = allow_none
- dispatch = {}
- def dumps(self, values):
- out = []
- write = out.append
- dump = self.__dump
- if isinstance(values, Fault):
- # fault instance
- write("<fault>\n")
- dump({'faultCode': values.faultCode,
- 'faultString': values.faultString},
- write)
- write("</fault>\n")
- else:
- # parameter block
- # FIXME: the xml-rpc specification allows us to leave out
- # the entire <params> block if there are no parameters.
- # however, changing this may break older code (including
- # old versions of, so this is better left as
- # is for now. See @XMLRPC3 for more information. /F
- write("<params>\n")
- for v in values:
- write("<param>\n")
- dump(v, write)
- write("</param>\n")
- write("</params>\n")
- result = string.join(out, "")
- return result
- def __dump(self, value, write):
- try:
- f = self.dispatch[type(value)]
- except KeyError:
- raise TypeError("cannot marshal %s objects" % type(value))
- else:
- f(self, value, write)
- def dump_nil (self, value, write):
- if not self.allow_none:
- raise TypeError("cannot marshal None unless allow_none is enabled")
- write("<value><nil/></value>")
- dispatch[NoneType] = dump_nil
- def dump_int(self, value, write):
- # in case ints are > 32 bits
- if value > MAXINT or value < MININT:
- raise OverflowError("int exceeds XML-RPC limits")
- write("<value><int>")
- write(str(value))
- write("</int></value>\n")
- dispatch[IntType] = dump_int
- if _bool_is_builtin:
- def dump_bool(self, value, write):
- write("<value><boolean>")
- write(value and "1" or "0")
- write("</boolean></value>\n")
- dispatch[bool] = dump_bool #@UndefinedVariable
- def dump_long(self, value, write):
- if value > MAXINT or value < MININT:
- raise OverflowError("long int exceeds XML-RPC limits")
- write("<value><int>")
- write(str(int(value)))
- write("</int></value>\n")
- dispatch[LongType] = dump_long
- def dump_double(self, value, write):
- write("<value><double>")
- write(repr(value))
- write("</double></value>\n")
- dispatch[FloatType] = dump_double
- def dump_string(self, value, write, escape=escape):
- write("<value><string>")
- write(escape(value))
- write("</string></value>\n")
- dispatch[StringType] = dump_string
- if unicode:
- def dump_unicode(self, value, write, escape=escape):
- value = value.encode(self.encoding)
- write("<value><string>")
- write(escape(value))
- write("</string></value>\n")
- dispatch[UnicodeType] = dump_unicode
- def dump_array(self, value, write):
- i = id(value)
- if self.memo.has_key(i):
- raise TypeError("cannot marshal recursive sequences")
- self.memo[i] = None
- dump = self.__dump
- write("<value><array><data>\n")
- for v in value:
- dump(v, write)
- write("</data></array></value>\n")
- del self.memo[i]
- dispatch[TupleType] = dump_array
- dispatch[ListType] = dump_array
- def dump_struct(self, value, write, escape=escape):
- i = id(value)
- if self.memo.has_key(i):
- raise TypeError("cannot marshal recursive dictionaries")
- self.memo[i] = None
- dump = self.__dump
- write("<value><struct>\n")
- for k, v in value.items():
- write("<member>\n")
- if type(k) is not StringType:
- if unicode and type(k) is UnicodeType:
- k = k.encode(self.encoding)
- else:
- raise TypeError("dictionary key must be string")
- write("<name>%s</name>\n" % escape(k))
- dump(v, write)
- write("</member>\n")
- write("</struct></value>\n")
- del self.memo[i]
- dispatch[DictType] = dump_struct
- if datetime:
- def dump_datetime(self, value, write):
- write("<value><dateTime.iso8601>")
- write(value.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S"))
- write("</dateTime.iso8601></value>\n")
- dispatch[datetime.datetime] = dump_datetime
- def dump_date(self, value, write):
- write("<value><dateTime.iso8601>")
- write(value.strftime("%Y%m%dT00:00:00"))
- write("</dateTime.iso8601></value>\n")
- dispatch[] = dump_date
- def dump_time(self, value, write):
- write("<value><dateTime.iso8601>")
- write("%Y%m%dT"))
- write(value.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
- write("</dateTime.iso8601></value>\n")
- dispatch[datetime.time] = dump_time
- def dump_instance(self, value, write):
- # check for special wrappers
- if value.__class__ in WRAPPERS:
- self.write = write
- value.encode(self)
- del self.write
- else:
- # store instance attributes as a struct (really?)
- self.dump_struct(value.__dict__, write)
- dispatch[InstanceType] = dump_instance
-# XML-RPC unmarshaller.
-# @see loads
-class Unmarshaller:
- """Unmarshal an XML-RPC response, based on incoming XML event
- messages (start, data, end). Call close() to get the resulting
- data structure.
- Note that this reader is fairly tolerant, and gladly accepts bogus
- XML-RPC data without complaining (but not bogus XML).
- """
- # and again, if you don't understand what's going on in here,
- # that's perfectly ok.
- def __init__(self, use_datetime=0):
- self._type = None
- self._stack = []
- self._marks = []
- self._data = []
- self._methodname = None
- self._encoding = "utf-8"
- self.append = self._stack.append
- self._use_datetime = use_datetime
- if use_datetime and not datetime:
- raise ValueError("the datetime module is not available")
- def close(self):
- # return response tuple and target method
- if self._type is None or self._marks:
- raise ResponseError()
- if self._type == "fault":
- raise Fault(**self._stack[0])
- return tuple(self._stack)
- def getmethodname(self):
- return self._methodname
- #
- # event handlers
- def xml(self, encoding, standalone):
- self._encoding = encoding
- # FIXME: assert standalone == 1 ???
- def start(self, tag, attrs):
- # prepare to handle this element
- if tag == "array" or tag == "struct":
- self._marks.append(len(self._stack))
- self._data = []
- self._value = (tag == "value")
- def data(self, text):
- self._data.append(text)
- def end(self, tag, join=string.join):
- # call the appropriate end tag handler
- try:
- f = self.dispatch[tag]
- except KeyError:
- pass # unknown tag ?
- else:
- return f(self, join(self._data, ""))
- #
- # accelerator support
- def end_dispatch(self, tag, data):
- # dispatch data
- try:
- f = self.dispatch[tag]
- except KeyError:
- pass # unknown tag ?
- else:
- return f(self, data)
- #
- # element decoders
- dispatch = {}
- def end_nil (self, data):
- self.append(None)
- self._value = 0
- dispatch["nil"] = end_nil
- def end_boolean(self, data):
- if data == "0":
- self.append(False)
- elif data == "1":
- self.append(True)
- else:
- raise TypeError("bad boolean value")
- self._value = 0
- dispatch["boolean"] = end_boolean
- def end_int(self, data):
- self.append(int(data))
- self._value = 0
- dispatch["i4"] = end_int
- dispatch["int"] = end_int
- def end_double(self, data):
- self.append(float(data))
- self._value = 0
- dispatch["double"] = end_double
- def end_string(self, data):
- if self._encoding:
- data = _decode(data, self._encoding)
- self.append(_stringify(data))
- self._value = 0
- dispatch["string"] = end_string
- dispatch["name"] = end_string # struct keys are always strings
- def end_array(self, data):
- mark = self._marks.pop()
- # map arrays to Python lists
- self._stack[mark:] = [self._stack[mark:]]
- self._value = 0
- dispatch["array"] = end_array
- def end_struct(self, data):
- mark = self._marks.pop()
- # map structs to Python dictionaries
- dict = {}
- items = self._stack[mark:]
- for i in range(0, len(items), 2):
- dict[_stringify(items[i])] = items[i + 1]
- self._stack[mark:] = [dict]
- self._value = 0
- dispatch["struct"] = end_struct
- def end_base64(self, data):
- value = Binary()
- value.decode(data)
- self.append(value)
- self._value = 0
- dispatch["base64"] = end_base64
- def end_dateTime(self, data):
- value = DateTime()
- value.decode(data)
- if self._use_datetime:
- value = _datetime_type(data)
- self.append(value)
- dispatch["dateTime.iso8601"] = end_dateTime
- def end_value(self, data):
- # if we stumble upon a value element with no internal
- # elements, treat it as a string element
- if self._value:
- self.end_string(data)
- dispatch["value"] = end_value
- def end_params(self, data):
- self._type = "params"
- dispatch["params"] = end_params
- def end_fault(self, data):
- self._type = "fault"
- dispatch["fault"] = end_fault
- def end_methodName(self, data):
- if self._encoding:
- data = _decode(data, self._encoding)
- self._methodname = data
- self._type = "methodName" # no params
- dispatch["methodName"] = end_methodName
-## Multicall support
-class _MultiCallMethod:
- # some lesser magic to store calls made to a MultiCall object
- # for batch execution
- def __init__(self, call_list, name):
- self.__call_list = call_list
- self.__name = name
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return _MultiCallMethod(self.__call_list, "%s.%s" % (self.__name, name))
- def __call__(self, *args):
- self.__call_list.append((self.__name, args))
-class MultiCallIterator:
- """Iterates over the results of a multicall. Exceptions are
- thrown in response to xmlrpc faults."""
- def __init__(self, results):
- self.results = results
- def __getitem__(self, i):
- item = self.results[i]
- if type(item) == type({}):
- raise Fault(item['faultCode'], item['faultString'])
- elif type(item) == type([]):
- return item[0]
- else:
- raise ValueError("unexpected type in multicall result")
-class MultiCall:
- """server -> a object used to boxcar method calls
- server should be a ServerProxy object.
- Methods can be added to the MultiCall using normal
- method call syntax e.g.:
- multicall = MultiCall(server_proxy)
- multicall.add(2,3)
- multicall.get_address("Guido")
- To execute the multicall, call the MultiCall object e.g.:
- add_result, address = multicall()
- """
- def __init__(self, server):
- self.__server = server
- self.__call_list = []
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<MultiCall at %x>" % id(self)
- __str__ = __repr__
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return _MultiCallMethod(self.__call_list, name)
- def __call__(self):
- marshalled_list = []
- for name, args in self.__call_list:
- marshalled_list.append({'methodName' : name, 'params' : args})
- return MultiCallIterator(self.__server.system.multicall(marshalled_list))
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# convenience functions
-# Create a parser object, and connect it to an unmarshalling instance.
-# This function picks the fastest available XML parser.
-# return A (parser, unmarshaller) tuple.
-def getparser(use_datetime=0):
- """getparser() -> parser, unmarshaller
- Create an instance of the fastest available parser, and attach it
- to an unmarshalling object. Return both objects.
- """
- if use_datetime and not datetime:
- raise ValueError("the datetime module is not available")
- if FastParser and FastUnmarshaller:
- if use_datetime:
- mkdatetime = _datetime_type
- else:
- mkdatetime = _datetime
- target = FastUnmarshaller(True, False, _binary, mkdatetime, Fault)
- parser = FastParser(target)
- else:
- target = Unmarshaller(use_datetime=use_datetime)
- if FastParser:
- parser = FastParser(target)
- elif SgmlopParser:
- parser = SgmlopParser(target)
- elif ExpatParser:
- parser = ExpatParser(target)
- else:
- parser = SlowParser(target)
- return parser, target
-# Convert a Python tuple or a Fault instance to an XML-RPC packet.
-# @def dumps(params, **options)
-# @param params A tuple or Fault instance.
-# @keyparam methodname If given, create a methodCall request for
-# this method name.
-# @keyparam methodresponse If given, create a methodResponse packet.
-# If used with a tuple, the tuple must be a singleton (that is,
-# it must contain exactly one element).
-# @keyparam encoding The packet encoding.
-# @return A string containing marshalled data.
-def dumps(params, methodname=None, methodresponse=None, encoding=None,
- allow_none=0):
- """data [,options] -> marshalled data
- Convert an argument tuple or a Fault instance to an XML-RPC
- request (or response, if the methodresponse option is used).
- In addition to the data object, the following options can be given
- as keyword arguments:
- methodname: the method name for a methodCall packet
- methodresponse: true to create a methodResponse packet.
- If this option is used with a tuple, the tuple must be
- a singleton (i.e. it can contain only one element).
- encoding: the packet encoding (default is UTF-8)
- All 8-bit strings in the data structure are assumed to use the
- packet encoding. Unicode strings are automatically converted,
- where necessary.
- """
- assert isinstance(params, TupleType) or isinstance(params, Fault), \
- "argument must be tuple or Fault instance"
- if isinstance(params, Fault):
- methodresponse = 1
- elif methodresponse and isinstance(params, TupleType):
- assert len(params) == 1, "response tuple must be a singleton"
- if not encoding:
- encoding = "utf-8"
- if FastMarshaller:
- m = FastMarshaller(encoding)
- else:
- m = Marshaller(encoding, allow_none)
- data = m.dumps(params)
- if encoding != "utf-8":
- xmlheader = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='%s'?>\n" % str(encoding)
- else:
- xmlheader = "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n" # utf-8 is default
- # standard XML-RPC wrappings
- if methodname:
- # a method call
- if not isinstance(methodname, StringType):
- methodname = methodname.encode(encoding)
- data = (
- xmlheader,
- "<methodCall>\n"
- "<methodName>", methodname, "</methodName>\n",
- data,
- "</methodCall>\n"
- )
- elif methodresponse:
- # a method response, or a fault structure
- data = (
- xmlheader,
- "<methodResponse>\n",
- data,
- "</methodResponse>\n"
- )
- else:
- return data # return as is
- return string.join(data, "")
-# Convert an XML-RPC packet to a Python object. If the XML-RPC packet
-# represents a fault condition, this function raises a Fault exception.
-# @param data An XML-RPC packet, given as an 8-bit string.
-# @return A tuple containing the unpacked data, and the method name
-# (None if not present).
-# @see Fault
-def loads(data, use_datetime=0):
- """data -> unmarshalled data, method name
- Convert an XML-RPC packet to unmarshalled data plus a method
- name (None if not present).
- If the XML-RPC packet represents a fault condition, this function
- raises a Fault exception.
- """
- p, u = getparser(use_datetime=use_datetime)
- p.feed(data)
- p.close()
- return u.close(), u.getmethodname()
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# request dispatcher
-class _Method:
- # some magic to bind an XML-RPC method to an RPC server.
- # supports "nested" methods (e.g. examples.getStateName)
- def __init__(self, send, name):
- self.__send = send
- self.__name = name
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return _Method(self.__send, "%s.%s" % (self.__name, name))
- def __call__(self, *args):
- return self.__send(self.__name, args)
-# Standard transport class for XML-RPC over HTTP.
-# <p>
-# You can create custom transports by subclassing this method, and
-# overriding selected methods.
-class Transport:
- """Handles an HTTP transaction to an XML-RPC server."""
- # client identifier (may be overridden)
- user_agent = " (by" % __version__
- def __init__(self, use_datetime=0):
- self._use_datetime = use_datetime
- ##
- # Send a complete request, and parse the response.
- #
- # @param host Target host.
- # @param handler Target PRC handler.
- # @param request_body XML-RPC request body.
- # @param verbose Debugging flag.
- # @return Parsed response.
- def request(self, host, handler, request_body, verbose=0):
- # issue XML-RPC request
- h = self.make_connection(host)
- if verbose:
- h.set_debuglevel(1)
- self.send_request(h, handler, request_body)
- self.send_host(h, host)
- self.send_user_agent(h)
- self.send_content(h, request_body)
- errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
- if errcode != 200:
- raise ProtocolError(
- host + handler,
- errcode, errmsg,
- headers
- )
- self.verbose = verbose
- try:
- sock = h._conn.sock
- except AttributeError:
- sock = None
- return self._parse_response(h.getfile(), sock)
- ##
- # Create parser.
- #
- # @return A 2-tuple containing a parser and a unmarshaller.
- def getparser(self):
- # get parser and unmarshaller
- return getparser(use_datetime=self._use_datetime)
- ##
- # Get authorization info from host parameter
- # Host may be a string, or a (host, x509-dict) tuple; if a string,
- # it is checked for a "user:pw@host" format, and a "Basic
- # Authentication" header is added if appropriate.
- #
- # @param host Host descriptor (URL or (URL, x509 info) tuple).
- # @return A 3-tuple containing (actual host, extra headers,
- # x509 info). The header and x509 fields may be None.
- def get_host_info(self, host):
- x509 = {}
- if isinstance(host, TupleType):
- host, x509 = host
- import urllib
- auth, host = urllib.splituser(host)
- if auth:
- import base64
- auth = base64.encodestring(urllib.unquote(auth))
- auth = string.join(string.split(auth), "") # get rid of whitespace
- extra_headers = [
- ("Authorization", "Basic " + auth)
- ]
- else:
- extra_headers = None
- return host, extra_headers, x509
- ##
- # Connect to server.
- #
- # @param host Target host.
- # @return A connection handle.
- def make_connection(self, host):
- # create a HTTP connection object from a host descriptor
- import httplib
- host, extra_headers, x509 = self.get_host_info(host)
- return httplib.HTTP(host)
- ##
- # Send request header.
- #
- # @param connection Connection handle.
- # @param handler Target RPC handler.
- # @param request_body XML-RPC body.
- def send_request(self, connection, handler, request_body):
- connection.putrequest("POST", handler)
- ##
- # Send host name.
- #
- # @param connection Connection handle.
- # @param host Host name.
- def send_host(self, connection, host):
- host, extra_headers, x509 = self.get_host_info(host)
- connection.putheader("Host", host)
- if extra_headers:
- if isinstance(extra_headers, DictType):
- extra_headers = extra_headers.items()
- for key, value in extra_headers:
- connection.putheader(key, value)
- ##
- # Send user-agent identifier.
- #
- # @param connection Connection handle.
- def send_user_agent(self, connection):
- connection.putheader("User-Agent", self.user_agent)
- ##
- # Send request body.
- #
- # @param connection Connection handle.
- # @param request_body XML-RPC request body.
- def send_content(self, connection, request_body):
- connection.putheader("Content-Type", "text/xml")
- connection.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(request_body)))
- connection.endheaders()
- if request_body:
- connection.send(request_body)
- ##
- # Parse response.
- #
- # @param file Stream.
- # @return Response tuple and target method.
- def parse_response(self, file):
- # compatibility interface
- return self._parse_response(file, None)
- ##
- # Parse response (alternate interface). This is similar to the
- # parse_response method, but also provides direct access to the
- # underlying socket object (where available).
- #
- # @param file Stream.
- # @param sock Socket handle (or None, if the socket object
- # could not be accessed).
- # @return Response tuple and target method.
- def _parse_response(self, file, sock):
- # read response from input file/socket, and parse it
- p, u = self.getparser()
- while 1:
- if sock:
- response = sock.recv(1024)
- else:
- response =
- if not response:
- break
- if self.verbose:
- sys.stdout.write("body: %s\n" % repr(response))
- p.feed(response)
- file.close()
- p.close()
- return u.close()
-# Standard transport class for XML-RPC over HTTPS.
-class SafeTransport(Transport):
- """Handles an HTTPS transaction to an XML-RPC server."""
- # FIXME: mostly untested
- def make_connection(self, host):
- # create a HTTPS connection object from a host descriptor
- # host may be a string, or a (host, x509-dict) tuple
- import httplib
- host, extra_headers, x509 = self.get_host_info(host)
- try:
- HTTPS = httplib.HTTPS
- except AttributeError:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "your version of httplib doesn't support HTTPS"
- )
- else:
- return HTTPS(host, None, **(x509 or {}))
-# Standard server proxy. This class establishes a virtual connection
-# to an XML-RPC server.
-# <p>
-# This class is available as ServerProxy and Server. New code should
-# use ServerProxy, to avoid confusion.
-# @def ServerProxy(uri, **options)
-# @param uri The connection point on the server.
-# @keyparam transport A transport factory, compatible with the
-# standard transport class.
-# @keyparam encoding The default encoding used for 8-bit strings
-# (default is UTF-8).
-# @keyparam verbose Use a true value to enable debugging output.
-# (printed to standard output).
-# @see Transport
-class ServerProxy:
- """uri [,options] -> a logical connection to an XML-RPC server
- uri is the connection point on the server, given as
- scheme://host/target.
- The standard implementation always supports the "http" scheme. If
- SSL socket support is available (Python 2.0), it also supports
- "https".
- If the target part and the slash preceding it are both omitted,
- "/RPC2" is assumed.
- The following options can be given as keyword arguments:
- transport: a transport factory
- encoding: the request encoding (default is UTF-8)
- All 8-bit strings passed to the server proxy are assumed to use
- the given encoding.
- """
- def __init__(self, uri, transport=None, encoding=None, verbose=0,
- allow_none=0, use_datetime=0):
- # establish a "logical" server connection
- # get the url
- import urllib
- type, uri = urllib.splittype(uri)
- if type not in ("http", "https"):
- raise IOError("unsupported XML-RPC protocol")
- self.__host, self.__handler = urllib.splithost(uri)
- if not self.__handler:
- self.__handler = "/RPC2"
- if transport is None:
- if type == "https":
- transport = SafeTransport(use_datetime=use_datetime)
- else:
- transport = Transport(use_datetime=use_datetime)
- self.__transport = transport
- self.__encoding = encoding
- self.__verbose = verbose
- self.__allow_none = allow_none
- def __request(self, methodname, params):
- # call a method on the remote server
- request = dumps(params, methodname, encoding=self.__encoding,
- allow_none=self.__allow_none)
- response = self.__transport.request(
- self.__host,
- self.__handler,
- request,
- verbose=self.__verbose
- )
- if len(response) == 1:
- response = response[0]
- return response
- def __repr__(self):
- return (
- "<ServerProxy for %s%s>" %
- (self.__host, self.__handler)
- )
- __str__ = __repr__
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- # magic method dispatcher
- return _Method(self.__request, name)
- # note: to call a remote object with an non-standard name, use
- # result getattr(server, "strange-python-name")(args)
-# compatibility
-Server = ServerProxy
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# test code
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # simple test program (from the XML-RPC specification)
- # server = ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000") # local server
- server = ServerProxy("")
- sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % server)
- try:
- sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (server.currentTime.getCurrentTime(),))
- except Error:
- import traceback;traceback.print_exc()
- multi = MultiCall(server)
- multi.currentTime.getCurrentTime()
- multi.currentTime.getCurrentTime()
- try:
- for response in multi():
- sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (response,))
- except Error:
- import traceback;traceback.print_exc()
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 417ff0190e84..2b17864db47e 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import inspect
from django_frame import DjangoTemplateFrame
from pydevd_comm import CMD_SET_BREAK
from pydevd_constants import DJANGO_SUSPEND, GetThreadId, DictContains
+from pydevd_file_utils import NormFileToServer
from pydevd_breakpoints import LineBreakpoint
import pydevd_vars
import traceback
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index c81d93523238..160acc8d1be1 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
def fixGetpass():
- import getpass
- import warnings
- fallback = getattr(getpass, 'fallback_getpass', None) # >= 2.6
- if not fallback:
- fallback = getpass.default_getpass # <= 2.5
- getpass.getpass = fallback
- if hasattr(getpass, 'GetPassWarning'):
- warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=getpass.GetPassWarning)
+ try:
+ import getpass
+ except ImportError:
+ return #If we can't import it, we can't fix it
+ import warnings
+ fallback = getattr(getpass, 'fallback_getpass', None) # >= 2.6
+ if not fallback:
+ fallback = getpass.default_getpass # <= 2.5
+ getpass.getpass = fallback
+ if hasattr(getpass, 'GetPassWarning'):
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=getpass.GetPassWarning)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/merge_pydev_pycharm.txt b/python/helpers/pydev/merge_pydev_pycharm.txt
index 1cbd356958ae..e5e10f7421a1 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/merge_pydev_pycharm.txt
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/merge_pydev_pycharm.txt
@@ -35,13 +35,25 @@ Done in the merge (started from the PyCharm version and bringing in things from
- When the code is interrupted, the buffer in the python side is cleared.
-- GEvent debugging: for remote debugging, one has to import pydevd before doing the gevent patching -- even if
- pydevd.settrace will only be done later.
+- GEvent debugging: improved PyDev not to use the threading module (uses the thread
+ primitives directly), so, gevent debugging can work even if pydevd is used for
+ remote debugging.
Also, the gevent debugging should probably be closer to the stackless debugging,
where we actually show the live stackless threads -- so, we should show the live
- gevent greenlets -- which the current version doesn't do.
+ gevent greenlets -- which the current version doesn't do (future work).
+- Supporting Jython 2.2 onwards (note: CPython only tested with 2.7/3.3)
+- When there are big sets/tuples/lists/dicts, the items won't be all shown so that the
+ debugger speed doesn't suffer (the user should use the console if he wants to see
+ those items in this case). The limit was set to show up to 300 items (pydevd_resolver.MAX_ITEMS_TO_HANDLE)
+- Monkey-patching qt (QThread/QRunnable) to enable the debugger to work.
+ Notes:
+ - It must be imported before the user actually runs its code (as the definitions of QThread/QRunnable
+ are monkey-patched), so, for the remote debugger to work, pydevd must be imported at the start of
+ the program, even if pydevd.settrace will only be used later on.
Things to be fixed in PyCharm:
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 0b11cb6ff4f7..154ad630aca3 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -17,23 +17,17 @@ except NameError:
setattr(__builtin__, 'True', 1) # Python 3.0 does not accept __builtin__.True = 1 in its syntax
setattr(__builtin__, 'False', 0)
-import pydevd_constants
+from pydevd_constants import IS_JYTHON
- from java.lang import Thread
- IS_JYTHON = True
+ import java.lang
SERVER_NAME = 'jycompletionserver'
import _pydev_jy_imports_tipper # as _pydev_imports_tipper #changed to be backward compatible with 1.5
_pydev_imports_tipper = _pydev_jy_imports_tipper
-except ImportError:
# it is python
- IS_JYTHON = False
SERVER_NAME = 'pycompletionserver'
- if pydevd_constants.USE_LIB_COPY:
- from _pydev_threading import Thread
- else:
- from threading import Thread
import _pydev_imports_tipper
@@ -185,14 +179,16 @@ class Processor:
return '%s(%s)%s' % (MSG_COMPLETIONS, ''.join(compMsg), MSG_END)
+class Exit(Exception):
+ pass
-class T(Thread):
+class CompletionServer:
def __init__(self, port):
- Thread.__init__(self)
self.ended = False
self.port = port
self.socket = None # socket to send messages.
+ self.exit_process_on_kill = True
self.processor = Processor()
@@ -266,7 +262,7 @@ class T(Thread):
while data.find(MSG_END) == -1:
received = self.socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
if len(received) == 0:
- sys.exit(0) # ok, connection ended
+ raise Exit() # ok, connection ended
data = data + received.decode('utf-8')
@@ -278,7 +274,7 @@ class T(Thread):
dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' kill message received', INFO1)
# break if we received kill message.
self.ended = True
- sys.exit(0)
+ raise Exit()
dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' starting keep alive thread', INFO2)
@@ -359,7 +355,7 @@ class T(Thread):
- except SystemExit:
+ except Exit:
self.send(self.getCompletionsMessage(None, [('Exit:', 'SystemExit', '')]))
@@ -378,11 +374,12 @@ class T(Thread):
self.ended = True
- sys.exit(0) # connection broken
+ raise Exit() # connection broken
- except SystemExit:
- raise
+ except Exit:
+ if self.exit_process_on_kill:
+ sys.exit(0)
# No need to log SystemExit error
s = StringIO.StringIO()
@@ -399,8 +396,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
port = int(sys.argv[1]) # this is from where we want to receive messages.
- t = T(port)
+ t = CompletionServer(port)
dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' will start', INFO1)
- t.start()
- time.sleep(5)
- t.join()
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index bd7b7de073d2..6e532183b0d1 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from pydev_imports import xmlrpclib, _queue, Exec
import sys
-from pydevd_constants import USE_LIB_COPY
from pydevd_constants import IS_JYTHON
from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread as thread
import pydevd_xml
@@ -418,10 +417,7 @@ class BaseInterpreterInterface:
# Try to import the packages needed to attach the debugger
import pydevd
- import _pydev_threading as threading
- else:
- import threading
+ import _pydev_threading as threading
# This happens on Jython embedded in host eclipse
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 69804a871eaf..c5132cffbfe3 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ except:
from pydevd_exec2 import Exec
- from urllib import quote
+ from urllib import quote, quote_plus, unquote_plus
- from urllib.parse import quote #@UnresolvedImport
+ from urllib.parse import quote, quote_plus, unquote_plus #@UnresolvedImport
import os
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/ b/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/
index e1e67e9930ed..477e48d3d22b 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ GLUT Inputhook support functions
# Imports
+import os
import sys
from _pydev_imps import _pydev_time as time
import signal
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/ b/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/
index 64dd2e559545..94a8ac7adaba 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Authors
# Imports
+import os
import sys
from _pydev_imps import _pydev_time as time
from timeit import default_timer as clock
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/ b/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/
index 27598fa742fe..b7e1cf0527a8 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/pydev_ipython/
@@ -19,11 +19,7 @@ Author: Christian Boos
import os
import signal
-from pydevd_constants import USE_LIB_COPY
- import _pydev_threading as threading
- import threading
+import threading
from pydev_ipython.qt_for_kernel import QtCore, QtGui
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 0c51dfe3ed44..68c26747c6e0 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ os.environ['TERM'] = 'emacs' #to use proper page_more() for paging
# Uncomment to force PyDev standard shell.
# raise ImportError()
-from pydev_ipython_console_011 import PyDevFrontEnd
+from pydev_ipython_console_011 import get_pydev_frontend
# InterpreterInterface
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class InterpreterInterface(BaseInterpreterInterface):
BaseInterpreterInterface.__init__(self, mainThread)
self.client_port = client_port = host
- self.interpreter = PyDevFrontEnd(host, client_port)
+ self.interpreter = get_pydev_frontend(host, client_port)
self._input_error_printed = False
self.notification_succeeded = False
self.notification_tries = 0
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 54458e7c4af5..717aaccbc26e 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import os
import codeop
from IPython.core.error import UsageError
-from IPython.core.inputsplitter import IPythonInputSplitter
from IPython.core.completer import IPCompleter
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell, InteractiveShellABC
from IPython.core.usage import default_banner_parts
@@ -53,7 +52,8 @@ def show_in_pager(self, strng):
def create_editor_hook(pydev_host, pydev_client_port):
- def call_editor(self, filename, line=0, wait=True):
+ def call_editor(filename, line=0, wait=True):
""" Open an editor in PyDev """
if line is None:
line = 0
@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ def create_editor_hook(pydev_host, pydev_client_port):
# we don't launch a process. This is more like what happens in the zmqshell
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
+ # import sys
+ # sys.__stderr__.write('Calling editor at: %s:%s\n' % (pydev_host, pydev_client_port))
# Tell PyDev to open the editor
server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://%s:%s' % (pydev_host, pydev_client_port))
server.IPythonEditor(filename, str(line))
@@ -291,22 +294,17 @@ class PyDevTerminalInteractiveShell(TerminalInteractiveShell):
InteractiveShellABC.register(PyDevTerminalInteractiveShell) # @UndefinedVariable
-# PyDevFrontEnd
+# _PyDevFrontEnd
-class PyDevFrontEnd:
+class _PyDevFrontEnd:
version = release.__version__
- def __init__(self, pydev_host, pydev_client_port, *args, **kwarg):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwarg):
# Create and initialize our IPython instance.
self.ipython = PyDevTerminalInteractiveShell.instance()
- # Back channel to PyDev to open editors (in the future other
- # info may go back this way. This is the same channel that is
- # used to get stdin, see StdIn in pydev_console_utils)
- self.ipython.set_hook('editor', create_editor_hook(pydev_host, pydev_client_port))
# Display the IPython banner, this has version info and
# help info
@@ -412,6 +410,9 @@ class PyDevFrontEnd:
def getNamespace(self):
return self.ipython.user_ns
+ def clearBuffer(self):
+ del self._curr_exec_lines[:]
def addExec(self, line):
if self._curr_exec_lines:
@@ -463,3 +464,28 @@ IPython.lib.inputhook.enable_gui = pydev_ipython.inputhook.enable_gui
# rely on using the inputhooks directly.
for name in pydev_ipython.inputhook.__all__:
setattr(IPython.lib.inputhook, name, getattr(pydev_ipython.inputhook, name))
+class _PyDevFrontEndContainer:
+ _instance = None
+ _last_host_port = None
+def get_pydev_frontend(pydev_host, pydev_client_port):
+ if _PyDevFrontEndContainer._instance is None:
+ _PyDevFrontEndContainer._instance = _PyDevFrontEnd()
+ if _PyDevFrontEndContainer._last_host_port != (pydev_host, pydev_client_port):
+ _PyDevFrontEndContainer._last_host_port = pydev_host, pydev_client_port
+ # Back channel to PyDev to open editors (in the future other
+ # info may go back this way. This is the same channel that is
+ # used to get stdin, see StdIn in pydev_console_utils)
+ _PyDevFrontEndContainer._instance.ipython.hooks['editor'] = create_editor_hook(pydev_host, pydev_client_port)
+ # Note: setting the callback directly because setting it with set_hook would actually create a chain instead
+ # of ovewriting at each new call).
+ # _PyDevFrontEndContainer._instance.ipython.set_hook('editor', create_editor_hook(pydev_host, pydev_client_port))
+ return _PyDevFrontEndContainer._instance
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 13c4d02bba9e..eacabb5602ba 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+import pydevd_constants
from _pydev_imps import _pydev_socket as socket
_cache = None
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 2b12ed27522c..d92378ed0ee1 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -392,40 +392,42 @@ def patch_new_process_functions_with_warning():
class _NewThreadStartupWithTrace:
- def __init__(self, original_func):
+ def __init__(self, original_func, args, kwargs):
self.original_func = original_func
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ def __call__(self):
from pydevd_comm import GetGlobalDebugger
global_debugger = GetGlobalDebugger()
if global_debugger is not None:
- return self.original_func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return self.original_func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
class _NewThreadStartupWithoutTrace:
- def __init__(self, original_func):
+ def __init__(self, original_func, args, kwargs):
self.original_func = original_func
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return self.original_func(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __call__(self):
+ return self.original_func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
_UseNewThreadStartup = _NewThreadStartupWithTrace
-def _get_threading_modules():
- threading_modules = []
- from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread
- threading_modules.append(_pydev_thread)
+def _get_threading_modules_to_patch():
+ threading_modules_to_patch = []
import thread as _thread
- threading_modules.append(_thread)
+ threading_modules_to_patch.append(_thread)
import _thread
- threading_modules.append(_thread)
- return threading_modules
+ threading_modules_to_patch.append(_thread)
+ return threading_modules_to_patch
-threading_modules = _get_threading_modules()
+threading_modules_to_patch = _get_threading_modules_to_patch()
@@ -439,12 +441,12 @@ def patch_thread_module(thread):
class ClassWithPydevStartNewThread:
- def pydev_start_new_thread(self, function, args, kwargs={}):
+ def pydev_start_new_thread(self, function, args=(), kwargs={}):
We need to replace the original thread.start_new_thread with this function so that threads started
through it and not through the threading module are properly traced.
- return _original_start_new_thread(_UseNewThreadStartup(function), args, kwargs)
+ return _original_start_new_thread(_UseNewThreadStartup(function, args, kwargs), ())
# This is a hack for the situation where the thread.start_new_thread is declared inside a class, such as the one below
# class F(object):
@@ -465,11 +467,11 @@ def patch_thread_module(thread):
def patch_thread_modules():
- for t in threading_modules:
+ for t in threading_modules_to_patch:
def undo_patch_thread_modules():
- for t in threading_modules:
+ for t in threading_modules_to_patch:
t.start_new_thread = t._original_start_new_thread
@@ -494,3 +496,9 @@ def enable_trace_thread_modules():
global _UseNewThreadStartup
_UseNewThreadStartup = _NewThreadStartupWithTrace
+def get_original_start_new_thread(threading_module):
+ try:
+ return threading_module._original_start_new_thread
+ except:
+ return threading_module.start_new_thread
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c62686173dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+from __future__ import nested_scopes
+def set_trace_in_qt():
+ import pydevd_tracing
+ from pydevd_comm import GetGlobalDebugger
+ debugger = GetGlobalDebugger()
+ if debugger is not None:
+ pydevd_tracing.SetTrace(debugger.trace_dispatch)
+_patched_qt = False
+def patch_qt():
+ '''
+ This method patches qt (PySide or PyQt4) so that we have hooks to set the tracing for QThread.
+ '''
+ # Avoid patching more than once
+ global _patched_qt
+ if _patched_qt:
+ return
+ _patched_qt = True
+ try:
+ from PySide import QtCore
+ except:
+ try:
+ from PyQt4 import QtCore
+ except:
+ return
+ _original_thread_init = QtCore.QThread.__init__
+ _original_runnable_init = QtCore.QRunnable.__init__
+ class FuncWrapper:
+ def __init__(self, original):
+ self._original = original
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ set_trace_in_qt()
+ return self._original(*args, **kwargs)
+ class StartedSignalWrapper: # Wrapper for the QThread.started signal
+ def __init__(self, thread, original_started):
+ self.thread = thread
+ self.original_started = original_started
+ def connect(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.original_started.connect(FuncWrapper(func), *args, **kwargs)
+ def disconnect(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.original_started.disconnect(*args, **kwargs)
+ def emit(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.original_started.emit(*args, **kwargs)
+ class ThreadWrapper(QtCore.QThread): # Wrapper for QThread
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ _original_thread_init(self)
+ self._original_run =
+ = self._new_run
+ self._original_started = self.started
+ self.started = StartedSignalWrapper(self, self.started)
+ def _new_run(self):
+ set_trace_in_qt()
+ return self._original_run()
+ class RunnableWrapper(QtCore.QRunnable): # Wrapper for QRunnable
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ _original_runnable_init(self)
+ self._original_run =
+ = self._new_run
+ def _new_run(self):
+ set_trace_in_qt()
+ return self._original_run()
+ QtCore.QThread = ThreadWrapper
+ QtCore.QRunnable = RunnableWrapper
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1b8e1d230175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+from pydevconsole import *
+import pydev_imports
+def run_file(file, globals=None, locals=None):
+ if os.path.isdir(file):
+ new_target = os.path.join(file, '')
+ if os.path.isfile(new_target):
+ file = new_target
+ if globals is None:
+ # patch provided by: Scott Schlesier - when script is run, it does not
+ # use globals from pydevd:
+ # This will prevent the pydevd script from contaminating the namespace for the script to be debugged
+ # pretend pydevd is not the main module, and
+ # convince the file to be debugged that it was loaded as main
+ sys.modules['pydevd'] = sys.modules['__main__']
+ sys.modules['pydevd'].__name__ = 'pydevd'
+ from imp import new_module
+ m = new_module('__main__')
+ sys.modules['__main__'] = m
+ if hasattr(sys.modules['pydevd'], '__loader__'):
+ setattr(m, '__loader__', getattr(sys.modules['pydevd'], '__loader__'))
+ m.__file__ = file
+ globals = m.__dict__
+ try:
+ globals['__builtins__'] = __builtins__
+ except NameError:
+ pass # Not there on Jython...
+ if locals is None:
+ locals = globals
+ print('Running %s'%file)
+ pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) # execute the script
+ return globals
+# main
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.stdin = BaseStdIn()
+ port, client_port = sys.argv[1:3]
+ del sys.argv[1]
+ del sys.argv[1]
+ file = sys.argv[1]
+ import pydev_localhost
+ if int(port) == 0 and int(client_port) == 0:
+ (h, p) = pydev_localhost.get_socket_name()
+ client_port = p
+ host = pydev_localhost.get_localhost()
+ #replace exit (see comments on method)
+ #note that this does not work in jython!!! (sys method can't be replaced).
+ sys.exit = DoExit
+ interpreter = InterpreterInterface(host, int(client_port), threading.currentThread())
+ server_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_server,
+ name='ServerThread',
+ args=(host, int(port), interpreter))
+ server_thread.setDaemon(True)
+ server_thread.start()
+ globals = run_file(file, None, None)
+ interpreter.getNamespace().update(globals)
+ process_exec_queue(interpreter) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index e14f36d79139..91f55283d5c5 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import unittest
+from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread
import Queue
@@ -282,13 +283,9 @@ class ClientThread(threading.Thread):
if False:
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=os.environ, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- stdout_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._reader_thread,args=(proc.stdout, sys.stdout))
- stdout_thread.setDaemon(True)
- stdout_thread.start()
+ _pydev_thread.start_new_thread(self._reader_thread,(proc.stdout, sys.stdout))
- stderr_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._reader_thread,args=(proc.stderr, sys.stderr))
- stderr_thread.setDaemon(True)
- stderr_thread.start()
+ _pydev_thread.start_new_thread(target=self._reader_thread,args=(proc.stderr, sys.stderr))
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=os.environ, shell=False)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index e40d60f12e24..6a4d94f532b4 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
-import pickle
-import zlib
-import base64
-import os
+import pickle, zlib, base64, os
import py
from py._code import code # @UnresolvedImport
import pydev_runfiles_xml_rpc
@@ -11,7 +8,6 @@ import sys
import time
# Load filters with tests we should skip
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index bcaa38a53ae2..062f778ac40e 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import threading
import traceback
import warnings
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 2f07a826aa7d..8d4375f5a5aa 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+from _pydev_imps._pydev_thread import start_new_thread
from code import InteractiveConsole
except ImportError:
@@ -9,12 +11,7 @@ from code import InteractiveInterpreter
import os
import sys
-from pydevd_constants import USE_LIB_COPY
- import _pydev_threading as threading
- import threading
+import _pydev_threading as threading
import traceback
import fix_getpass
@@ -61,13 +58,14 @@ class Command:
self.code_fragment = code_fragment
self.more = None
- @staticmethod
def symbol_for_fragment(code_fragment):
if code_fragment.is_single_line:
symbol = 'single'
symbol = 'exec' # Jython doesn't support this
return symbol
+ symbol_for_fragment = staticmethod(symbol_for_fragment)
def run(self):
text = self.code_fragment.text
@@ -228,7 +226,7 @@ except:
# _DoExit
-def _DoExit(*args):
+def DoExit(*args):
We have to override the exit because calling sys.exit will only actually exit the main thread,
and as we're in a Xml-rpc server, that won't work.
@@ -300,15 +298,11 @@ def start_server(host, port, interpreter):
def StartServer(host, port, client_port):
#replace exit (see comments on method)
#note that this does not work in jython!!! (sys method can't be replaced).
- sys.exit = _DoExit
+ sys.exit = DoExit
interpreter = InterpreterInterface(host, client_port, threading.currentThread())
- server_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_server,
- name='ServerThread',
- args=(host, port, interpreter))
- server_thread.setDaemon(True)
- server_thread.start()
+ start_new_thread(start_server,(host, port, interpreter))
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 1733c26b5e91..9d0da096c07d 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
#IMPORTANT: pydevd_constants must be the 1st thing defined because it'll keep a reference to the original sys._getframe
from __future__ import nested_scopes # Jython 2.1 support
+from pydevd_constants import * # @UnusedWildImport
+import pydev_monkey_qt
import traceback
from django_debug import DjangoLineBreakpoint
-from pydevd_signature import SignatureFactory
from pydevd_frame import add_exception_to_frame
import pydev_imports
from pydevd_breakpoints import * #@UnusedWildImport
@@ -59,7 +62,8 @@ from pydevd_comm import CMD_CHANGE_VARIABLE, \
StartServer, \
InternalSetNextStatementThread, \
ReloadCodeCommand, \
InternalGetBreakpointException, \
@@ -81,14 +85,12 @@ from pydevd_custom_frames import CustomFramesContainer, CustomFramesContainerIni
import pydevd_dont_trace
import pydevd_traceproperty
-from _pydev_imps import _pydev_time as time
+from _pydev_imps import _pydev_time as time, _pydev_thread
- import _pydev_threading as threading
- import threading
+import _pydev_threading as threading
import os
+import atexit
threadingEnumerate = threading.enumerate
@@ -112,9 +114,11 @@ DONT_TRACE = {
+ '_pydev_Queue':1,
+ '':1 ,
'':1 ,
@@ -219,7 +223,7 @@ class PyDBCommandThread(PyDBDaemonThread):
def killAllPydevThreads():
- threads = threadingEnumerate()
+ threads = DictKeys(PyDBDaemonThread.created_pydb_daemon_threads)
for t in threads:
if hasattr(t, 'doKillPydevThread'):
@@ -233,12 +237,23 @@ class PyDBCheckAliveThread(PyDBDaemonThread):
def __init__(self, pyDb):
self.pyDb = pyDb
- self.setDaemon(False)
def OnRun(self):
if self.dontTraceMe:
- self.pyDb.SetTrace(None) # no debugging on this thread
+ disable_tracing = True
+ if pydevd_vm_type.GetVmType() == pydevd_vm_type.PydevdVmType.JYTHON and sys.hexversion <= 0x020201f0:
+ # don't run untraced threads if we're in jython 2.2.1 or lower
+ # jython bug: if we start a thread and another thread changes the tracing facility
+ # it affects other threads (it's not set only for the thread but globally)
+ # Bug:
+ disable_tracing = False
+ if disable_tracing:
+ pydevd_tracing.SetTrace(None) # no debugging on this thread
while not self.killReceived:
if not self.pyDb.haveAliveThreads():
@@ -298,8 +313,8 @@ class PyDB:
self.django_exception_break = {}
self.readyToRun = False
- self._main_lock = threading.Lock()
- self._lock_running_thread_ids = threading.Lock()
+ self._main_lock = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock()
+ self._lock_running_thread_ids = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock()
self._py_db_command_thread_event = threading.Event()
CustomFramesContainer._py_db_command_thread_event = self._py_db_command_thread_event
self._finishDebuggingSession = False
@@ -332,7 +347,17 @@ class PyDB:
def haveAliveThreads(self):
for t in threadingEnumerate():
- if not isinstance(t, PyDBDaemonThread) and isThreadAlive(t) and not t.isDaemon():
+ if isinstance(t, PyDBDaemonThread):
+ pydev_log.error_once(
+ 'Error in debugger: Found PyDBDaemonThread through threading.enumerate().\n')
+ if getattr(t, 'is_pydev_daemon_thread', False):
+ #Important: Jython 2.5rc4 has a bug where a thread created with thread.start_new_thread won't be
+ #set as a daemon thread, so, we also have to check for the 'is_pydev_daemon_thread' flag.
+ #See:
+ continue
+ if isThreadAlive(t) and not t.isDaemon():
return True
return False
@@ -387,11 +412,9 @@ class PyDB:
if thread_id == "*":
threads = threadingEnumerate()
for t in threads:
- thread_name = t.getName()
- if not thread_name.startswith('pydevd.') or thread_name == 'pydevd.CommandThread':
- thread_id = GetThreadId(t)
- queue = self.getInternalQueue(thread_id)
- queue.put(int_cmd)
+ thread_id = GetThreadId(t)
+ queue = self.getInternalQueue(thread_id)
+ queue.put(int_cmd)
queue = self.getInternalQueue(thread_id)
@@ -442,7 +465,13 @@ class PyDB:
for t in all_threads:
thread_id = GetThreadId(t)
- if not isinstance(t, PyDBDaemonThread) and isThreadAlive(t):
+ if isinstance(t, PyDBDaemonThread):
+ pydev_log.error_once('Found PyDBDaemonThread in threading.enumerate.')
+ elif getattr(t, 'is_pydev_daemon_thread', False):
+ pass # I.e.: skip the DummyThreads created from pydev daemon threads
+ elif isThreadAlive(t):
program_threads_alive[thread_id] = t
if not DictContains(self._running_thread_ids, thread_id):
@@ -505,19 +534,18 @@ class PyDB:
threads = threadingEnumerate()
for t in threads:
- if not t.getName().startswith('pydevd.'):
- # TODO: optimize so that we only actually add that tracing if it's in
- # the new breakpoint context.
- additionalInfo = None
- try:
- additionalInfo = t.additionalInfo
- except AttributeError:
- pass # that's ok, no info currently set
- if additionalInfo is not None:
- for frame in additionalInfo.IterFrames():
- if frame is not ignore_frame:
- self.SetTraceForFrameAndParents(frame, overwrite_prev_trace=overwrite_prev_trace)
+ # TODO: optimize so that we only actually add that tracing if it's in
+ # the new breakpoint context.
+ additionalInfo = None
+ try:
+ additionalInfo = t.additionalInfo
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass # that's ok, no info currently set
+ if additionalInfo is not None:
+ for frame in additionalInfo.IterFrames():
+ if frame is not ignore_frame:
+ self.SetTraceForFrameAndParents(frame, overwrite_prev_trace=overwrite_prev_trace)
frame = None
t = None
@@ -592,7 +620,7 @@ class PyDB:
it may be worth refactoring it (actually, reordering the ifs so that the ones used mostly come before
probably will give better performance).
- #print ID_TO_MEANING[str(cmd_id)], repr(text)
+ #print(ID_TO_MEANING[str(cmd_id)], repr(text))
@@ -834,7 +862,7 @@ class PyDB:
id_to_pybreakpoint[breakpoint_id] = breakpoint
self.consolidate_breakpoints(file, id_to_pybreakpoint, breakpoints)
- self.setTracingForUntracedContexts()
+ self.setTracingForUntracedContexts(overwrite_prev_trace=True)
elif cmd_id == CMD_REMOVE_BREAK:
#command to remove some breakpoint
@@ -862,7 +890,7 @@ class PyDB:
raise NameError(breakpoint_type)
- id_to_pybreakpoint = file_to_id_to_breakpoint[file]
+ id_to_pybreakpoint = file_to_id_to_breakpoint.get(file, {})
existing = id_to_pybreakpoint[breakpoint_id]
sys.stderr.write('Removed breakpoint:%s - line:%s - func_name:%s (id: %s)\n' % (
@@ -1319,7 +1347,7 @@ class PyDB:
if self._finishDebuggingSession and not self._terminationEventSent:
#that was not working very well because jython gave some socket errors
- threads = threadingEnumerate()
+ threads = DictKeys(PyDBDaemonThread.created_pydb_daemon_threads)
for t in threads:
if hasattr(t, 'doKillPydevThread'):
@@ -1332,10 +1360,10 @@ class PyDB:
is_file_to_ignore = DictContains(DONT_TRACE, base) #we don't want to debug threading or anything related to pydevd
+ #print('trace_dispatch', base, frame.f_lineno, event, frame.f_code.co_name, is_file_to_ignore)
if is_file_to_ignore:
return None
- #print('trace_dispatch', base, frame.f_lineno, event, frame.f_code.co_name)
#this shouldn't give an exception, but it could happen... (python bug)
@@ -1378,9 +1406,14 @@ class PyDB:
except Exception:
# Log it
- if traceback is not None:
- # This can actually happen during the interpreter shutdown in Python 2.7
- traceback.print_exc()
+ try:
+ if traceback is not None:
+ # This can actually happen during the interpreter shutdown in Python 2.7
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ except:
+ # Error logging? We're really in the interpreter shutdown...
+ # (
+ pass
return None
@@ -1401,8 +1434,9 @@ class PyDB:
- def SetTraceForFrameAndParents(self, frame, also_add_to_passed_frame=True, overwrite_prev_trace=False):
- dispatch_func = self.trace_dispatch
+ def SetTraceForFrameAndParents(self, frame, also_add_to_passed_frame=True, overwrite_prev_trace=False, dispatch_func=None):
+ if dispatch_func is None:
+ dispatch_func = self.trace_dispatch
if also_add_to_passed_frame:
self.update_trace(frame, dispatch_func, overwrite_prev_trace)
@@ -1432,15 +1466,8 @@ class PyDB:
def prepareToRun(self):
''' Shared code to prepare debugging by installing traces and registering threads '''
- # for completeness, we'll register the pydevd.reader & pydevd.writer threads
- net = NetCommand(str(CMD_THREAD_CREATE), 0, '<xml><thread name="pydevd.reader" id="-1"/></xml>')
- self.writer.addCommand(net)
- net = NetCommand(str(CMD_THREAD_CREATE), 0, '<xml><thread name="pydevd.writer" id="-1"/></xml>')
- self.writer.addCommand(net)
- pydevd_tracing.SetTrace(self.trace_dispatch)
+ pydevd_tracing.SetTrace(self.trace_dispatch)
@@ -1519,6 +1546,8 @@ class PyDB:
pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) # execute the script
+ return globals
def exiting(self):
@@ -1526,6 +1555,22 @@ class PyDB:
cmd = self.cmdFactory.makeExitMessage()
+ def wait_for_commands(self, globals):
+ thread = threading.currentThread()
+ import pydevd_frame_utils
+ frame = pydevd_frame_utils.Frame(None, -1, pydevd_frame_utils.FCode("Console",
+ os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))), globals, globals)
+ thread_id = GetThreadId(thread)
+ import pydevd_vars
+ pydevd_vars.addAdditionalFrameById(thread_id, {id(frame): frame})
+ cmd = self.cmdFactory.makeShowConsoleMessage(thread_id, frame)
+ self.writer.addCommand(cmd)
+ while True:
+ self.processInternalCommands()
+ time.sleep(0.01)
def set_debug(setup):
@@ -1543,43 +1588,51 @@ def processCommandLine(argv):
setup['multiproc'] = False #Used by PyCharm (reuses connection: ssh tunneling)
setup['multiprocess'] = False # Used by PyDev (creates new connection to ide)
setup['save-signatures'] = False
+ setup['print-in-debugger-startup'] = False
+ setup['cmd-line'] = False
i = 0
del argv[0]
while (i < len(argv)):
- if (argv[i] == '--port'):
+ if argv[i] == '--port':
del argv[i]
setup['port'] = int(argv[i])
del argv[i]
- elif (argv[i] == '--vm_type'):
+ elif argv[i] == '--vm_type':
del argv[i]
setup['vm_type'] = argv[i]
del argv[i]
- elif (argv[i] == '--client'):
+ elif argv[i] == '--client':
del argv[i]
setup['client'] = argv[i]
del argv[i]
- elif (argv[i] == '--server'):
+ elif argv[i] == '--server':
del argv[i]
setup['server'] = True
- elif (argv[i] == '--file'):
+ elif argv[i] == '--file':
del argv[i]
setup['file'] = argv[i]
i = len(argv) # pop out, file is our last argument
- elif (argv[i] == '--DEBUG_RECORD_SOCKET_READS'):
+ elif argv[i] == '--DEBUG_RECORD_SOCKET_READS':
del argv[i]
- elif (argv[i] == '--DEBUG'):
+ elif argv[i] == '--DEBUG':
del argv[i]
- elif (argv[i] == '--multiproc'):
+ elif argv[i] == '--multiproc':
del argv[i]
setup['multiproc'] = True
- elif (argv[i] == '--multiprocess'):
+ elif argv[i] == '--multiprocess':
del argv[i]
setup['multiprocess'] = True
- elif (argv[i] == '--save-signatures'):
+ elif argv[i] == '--save-signatures':
del argv[i]
setup['save-signatures'] = True
+ elif argv[i] == '--print-in-debugger-startup':
+ del argv[i]
+ setup['print-in-debugger-startup'] = True
+ elif (argv[i] == '--cmd-line'):
+ del argv[i]
+ setup['cmd-line'] = True
raise ValueError("unexpected option " + argv[i])
return setup
@@ -1590,18 +1643,6 @@ def usage(doExit=0):
if doExit:
-def SetTraceForParents(frame, dispatch_func):
- frame = frame.f_back
- while frame:
- if frame.f_trace is None:
- frame.f_trace = dispatch_func
- frame = frame.f_back
- del frame
-def exit_hook():
- debugger = GetGlobalDebugger()
- debugger.exiting()
def initStdoutRedirect():
if not getattr(sys, 'stdoutBuf', None):
@@ -1666,7 +1707,7 @@ def settrace(
-_set_trace_lock = threading.Lock()
+_set_trace_lock = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock()
def _locked_settrace(
@@ -1705,11 +1746,6 @@ def _locked_settrace(
bufferStdOutToServer = stdoutToServer
bufferStdErrToServer = stderrToServer
- net = NetCommand(str(CMD_THREAD_CREATE), 0, '<xml><thread name="pydevd.reader" id="-1"/></xml>')
- debugger.writer.addCommand(net)
- net = NetCommand(str(CMD_THREAD_CREATE), 0, '<xml><thread name="pydevd.writer" id="-1"/></xml>')
- debugger.writer.addCommand(net)
if bufferStdOutToServer:
@@ -1748,7 +1784,9 @@ def _locked_settrace(
# As this is the first connection, also set tracing for any untraced threads
debugger.setTracingForUntracedContexts(ignore_frame=GetFrame(), overwrite_prev_trace=overwrite_prev_trace)
- sys.exitfunc = exit_hook
+ # Stop the tracing as the last thing before the actual shutdown for a clean exit.
+ atexit.register(stoptrace)
#Suspend as the last thing after all tracing is in place.
if suspend:
debugger.setSuspend(t, CMD_SET_BREAK)
@@ -1793,16 +1831,15 @@ def stoptrace():
from pydev_monkey import undo_patch_thread_modules
debugger = GetGlobalDebugger()
if debugger:
- debugger.trace_dispatch = None
- debugger.SetTraceForFrameAndParents(GetFrame(), False)
+ debugger.SetTraceForFrameAndParents(
+ GetFrame(), also_add_to_passed_frame=True, overwrite_prev_trace=True, dispatch_func=lambda *args:None)
connected = False
@@ -1830,6 +1867,11 @@ class DispatchReader(ReaderThread):
self.dispatcher = dispatcher
ReaderThread.__init__(self, self.dispatcher.client)
+ def OnRun(self):
+ dummy_thread = threading.currentThread()
+ dummy_thread.is_pydev_daemon_thread = False
+ return ReaderThread.OnRun(self)
def handleExcept(self):
@@ -1893,6 +1935,7 @@ class SetupHolder:
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
# parse the command line. --file is our last argument that is required
sys.original_argv = sys.argv[:]
@@ -1902,6 +1945,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if setup['print-in-debugger-startup']:
+ try:
+ pid = ' (pid: %s)' % os.getpid()
+ except:
+ pid = ''
+ sys.stderr.write("pydev debugger: starting%s\n" % pid)
@@ -2010,6 +2059,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
pass # It's ok not having stackless there...
+ debugger = PyDB()
+ if setup['cmd-line']:
+ debugger.cmd_line = True
if fix_app_engine_debug:
sys.stderr.write("pydev debugger: google app engine integration enabled\n")
curr_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
@@ -2022,10 +2077,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv.insert(3, '--automatic_restart=no')
sys.argv.insert(4, '--max_module_instances=1')
- debugger = PyDB()
# Run the dev_appserver['file'], None, None, set_trace=False)
# as to get here all our imports are already resolved, the psyco module can be
# changed and we'll still get the speedups in the debugger, as those functions
@@ -2041,12 +2094,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
import pydevd_psyco_stub
sys.modules['psyco'] = pydevd_psyco_stub
- debugger = PyDB()
if setup['save-signatures']:
if pydevd_vm_type.GetVmType() == pydevd_vm_type.PydevdVmType.JYTHON:
sys.stderr.write("Collecting run-time type information is not supported for Jython\n")
+ # Only import it if we're going to use it!
+ from pydevd_signature import SignatureFactory
debugger.signature_factory = SignatureFactory()
@@ -2058,4 +2111,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
connected = True # Mark that we're connected when started from inside ide.
-['file'], None, None)
+ globals =['file'], None, None)
+ if setup['cmd-line']:
+ debugger.wait_for_commands(globals)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index fa906adf385e..76fb49ed1986 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
import sys
from pydevd_constants import * #@UnusedWildImport
- import _pydev_threading as threading
- import threading
+from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread
from pydevd_frame import PyDBFrame
import weakref
@@ -62,7 +59,7 @@ class PyDBAdditionalThreadInfoWithoutCurrentFramesSupport(AbstractPyDBAdditional
#Or if the user compiled threadframe (from
#NOT RLock!! (could deadlock if it was)
- self.lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.lock = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock()
self._acquire_lock = self.lock.acquire
self._release_lock = self.lock.release
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 82a230db2f47..1171157257e9 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ _original_excepthook = None
_handle_exceptions = None
- import _pydev_threading as threading
- import threading
+import _pydev_threading as threading
threadingCurrentThread = threading.currentThread
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index c7f39a16c483..92a588cbaa93 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -61,12 +61,9 @@ from pydevd_constants import * #@UnusedWildImport
import sys
-from _pydev_imps import _pydev_time as time
- import _pydev_threading as threading
- import threading
+from _pydev_imps import _pydev_time as time, _pydev_thread
+from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread as thread
+import _pydev_threading as threading
from _pydev_imps._pydev_socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SHUT_RD, SHUT_WR
from pydev_imports import _queue
@@ -137,6 +134,7 @@ CMD_SEND_CURR_EXCEPTION_TRACE = 138
@@ -246,22 +244,42 @@ def SetGlobalDebugger(dbg):
# PyDBDaemonThread
-class PyDBDaemonThread(threading.Thread):
+class PyDBDaemonThread:
+ created_pydb_daemon_threads = {}
def __init__(self):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.setDaemon(True)
+ # Note: subclasses are always daemon threads.
self.killReceived = False
self.dontTraceMe = True
- def run(self):
- if sys.platform.startswith("java"):
- import org.python.core as PyCore #@UnresolvedImport
- ss = PyCore.PySystemState()
- # Note: Py.setSystemState() affects only the current thread.
- PyCore.Py.setSystemState(ss)
+ def setName(self, name):
+ = name
- self.OnRun()
+ def start(self):
+ import pydev_monkey
+ start_new_thread = pydev_monkey.get_original_start_new_thread(_pydev_thread)
+ start_new_thread(, ())
+ def run(self):
+ created_pydb_daemon = self.created_pydb_daemon_threads
+ created_pydb_daemon[self] = 1
+ dummy_thread = threading.currentThread()
+ dummy_thread.is_pydev_daemon_thread = True
+ try:
+ try:
+ import org.python.core as PyCore #@UnresolvedImport
+ ss = PyCore.PySystemState()
+ # Note: Py.setSystemState() affects only the current thread.
+ PyCore.Py.setSystemState(ss)
+ self.OnRun()
+ except:
+ if sys is not None and traceback is not None:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ finally:
+ del created_pydb_daemon[self]
def OnRun(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Should be reimplemented by: %s' % self.__class__)
@@ -272,7 +290,18 @@ class PyDBDaemonThread(threading.Thread):
def stopTrace(self):
if self.dontTraceMe:
- pydevd_tracing.SetTrace(None) # no debugging on this thread
+ disable_tracing = True
+ if pydevd_vm_type.GetVmType() == pydevd_vm_type.PydevdVmType.JYTHON and sys.hexversion <= 0x020201f0:
+ # don't run untraced threads if we're in jython 2.2.1 or lower
+ # jython bug: if we start a thread and another thread changes the tracing facility
+ # it affects other threads (it's not set only for the thread but globally)
+ # Bug:
+ disable_tracing = False
+ if disable_tracing:
+ pydevd_tracing.SetTrace(None) # no debugging on this thread
@@ -355,7 +384,6 @@ class WriterThread(PyDBDaemonThread):
""" writer thread writes out the commands in an infinite loop """
def __init__(self, sock):
- self.setDaemon(False) #writer isn't daemon to be able to deliver all messages after main thread terminated
self.sock = sock
self.cmdQueue = _queue.Queue()
@@ -373,11 +401,16 @@ class WriterThread(PyDBDaemonThread):
""" just loop and write responses """
+ get_has_timeout = sys.hexversion >= 0x02030000 # 2.3 onwards have it.
while True:
- cmd = self.cmdQueue.get(1, 0.1)
+ if get_has_timeout:
+ cmd = self.cmdQueue.get(1, 0.1)
+ else:
+ time.sleep(.01)
+ cmd = self.cmdQueue.get(0)
except _queue.Empty:
if self.killReceived:
@@ -734,6 +767,12 @@ class NetCommandFactory:
return net
+ def makeShowConsoleMessage(self, thread_id, frame):
+ try:
+ return NetCommand(CMD_SHOW_CONSOLE, 0, self.makeThreadSuspendStr(thread_id, frame, CMD_SHOW_CONSOLE, ''))
+ except:
+ return self.makeErrorMessage(0, GetExceptionTracebackStr())
def makeExitMessage(self):
net = NetCommand(CMD_EXIT, 0, '')
@@ -774,7 +813,7 @@ class ReloadCodeCommand(InternalThreadCommand):
self.thread_id = thread_id
self.module_name = module_name
self.executed = False
- self.lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.lock = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock()
def canBeExecutedBy(self, thread_id):
@@ -1155,8 +1194,8 @@ class InternalEvaluateConsoleExpression(InternalThreadCommand):
from pydevd_console import ConsoleMessage
console_message = ConsoleMessage()
- pydevd_console.CONSOLE_ERROR,
- "Select the valid frame in the debug view (thread: %s, frame: %s invalid)" % (self.thread_id, self.frame_id),
+ pydevd_console.CONSOLE_ERROR,
+ "Select the valid frame in the debug view (thread: %s, frame: %s invalid)" % (self.thread_id, self.frame_id),
cmd = dbg.cmdFactory.makeErrorMessage(self.sequence, console_message.toXML())
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 74e897461458..e878d3b48ead 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -72,13 +72,10 @@ except AttributeError:
SUPPORT_GEVENT = os.getenv('GEVENT_SUPPORT', 'False') == 'True'
USE_LIB_COPY = SUPPORT_GEVENT and not IS_PY3K and sys.version_info[1] >= 6
+import _pydev_threading as threading
- import _pydev_threading as threading
- import threading
-_nextThreadIdLock = threading.Lock()
+from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread
+_nextThreadIdLock = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock()
# Jython?
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index e259356b8336..8709e6a17dd6 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from pydevd_constants import * #@UnusedWildImport
from pydevd_file_utils import GetFilenameAndBase
+from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread
threadingCurrentThread = threading.currentThread
DEBUG = False
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ class CustomFramesContainer:
def CustomFramesContainerInit(): #Note: no staticmethod on jython 2.1 (so, use free-function)
- CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock = threading.Lock()
+ CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock()
# custom_frames can only be accessed if properly locked with custom_frames_lock!
# Key is a string identifying the frame (as well as the thread it belongs to).
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index c135c4bd5ad4..147aa66b946d 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@
machine for the paths that'll actually have breakpoints).
+from pydevd_constants import * #@UnusedWildImport
import os.path
import sys
import traceback
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 374d2818bf87..5d1e78458391 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ from pydevd_comm import CMD_ADD_DJANGO_EXCEPTION_BREAK, \
from pydevd_constants import * # @UnusedWildImport
from pydevd_file_utils import GetFilenameAndBase
-from pydevd_signature import sendSignatureCallTrace
+ from pydevd_signature import sendSignatureCallTrace
+except ImportError:
+ def sendSignatureCallTrace(*args, **kwargs):
+ pass
import pydevd_vars
import pydevd_dont_trace
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..23becca0570d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class Frame:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ f_back,
+ f_fileno,
+ f_code,
+ f_locals,
+ f_globals={},
+ f_trace=None):
+ self.f_back = f_back
+ self.f_lineno = f_fileno
+ self.f_code = f_code
+ self.f_locals = f_locals
+ self.f_globals = f_globals
+ self.f_trace = f_trace
+class FCode:
+ def __init__(self, name, filename):
+ self.co_name = name
+ self.co_filename = filename \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 3fe895c504a7..ad49bd881ba0 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -13,10 +13,13 @@ except:
setattr(__builtin__, 'False', 0)
import pydevd_constants
-from pydevd_constants import DictIterItems, xrange, izip
+from pydevd_constants import DictIterItems, xrange
+# Note: 300 is already a lot to see in the outline (after that the user should really use the shell to get things)
+# and this also means we'll pass less information to the client side (which makes debugging faster).
TOO_LARGE_MSG = 'Too large to show contents. Max items to show: ' + str(MAX_ITEMS_TO_HANDLE)
TOO_LARGE_ATTR = 'Unable to handle:'
@@ -272,19 +275,20 @@ class TupleResolver: #to enumerate tuples and lists
return var[int(attribute)]
def getDictionary(self, var):
- #return dict( [ (i, x) for i, x in enumerate(var) ] )
- # modified 'cause jython does not have enumerate support
l = len(var)
d = {}
- format = '%0' + str(int(len(str(l)))) + 'd'
+ format_str = '%0' + str(int(len(str(l)))) + 'd'
- for i, item in izip(xrange(l), var):
- d[ format % i ] = item
- else:
+ i = 0
+ for item in var:
+ d[format_str % i] = item
+ i += 1
+ break
d['__len__'] = len(var)
return d
@@ -381,13 +385,24 @@ class NdArrayResolver:
This resolves a numpy ndarray returning some metadata about the NDArray
+ def is_numeric(self, obj):
+ if not hasattr(obj, 'dtype'):
+ return False
+ return obj.dtype.kind in 'biufc'
def resolve(self, obj, attribute):
if attribute == '__internals__':
return defaultResolver.getDictionary(obj)
if attribute == 'min':
- return obj.min()
+ if self.is_numeric(obj):
+ return obj.min()
+ else:
+ return None
if attribute == 'max':
- return obj.max()
+ if self.is_numeric(obj):
+ return obj.max()
+ else:
+ return None
if attribute == 'shape':
return obj.shape
if attribute == 'dtype':
@@ -403,8 +418,12 @@ class NdArrayResolver:
ret['min'] = 'ndarray too big, calculating min would slow down debugging'
ret['max'] = 'ndarray too big, calculating max would slow down debugging'
- ret['min'] = obj.min()
- ret['max'] = obj.max()
+ if self.is_numeric(obj):
+ ret['min'] = obj.min()
+ ret['max'] = obj.max()
+ else:
+ ret['min'] = 'not a numeric object'
+ ret['max'] = 'not a numeric object'
ret['shape'] = obj.shape
ret['dtype'] = obj.dtype
ret['size'] = obj.size
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 03dc0eb9c98b..d7b37c84cb76 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
import inspect
-import trace
import os
-trace._warn = lambda *args: None # workaround for (PY-8706)
+ import trace
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+ trace._warn = lambda *args: None # workaround for (PY-8706)
import gc
from pydevd_comm import CMD_SIGNATURE_CALL_TRACE, NetCommand
import pydevd_vars
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 7bc1ba5c2c23..d362462013a9 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from pydevd_constants import * #@UnusedWildImport
+from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread
import cStringIO as StringIO #may not always be available @UnusedImport
@@ -8,10 +9,6 @@ except:
import io as StringIO
- import _pydev_threading as threading
- import threading
import sys #@Reimport
import traceback
@@ -21,7 +18,7 @@ class TracingFunctionHolder:
_original_tracing = None
_warn = True
- _lock = threading.Lock()
+ _lock = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock()
_traceback_limit = 1
_warnings_shown = {}
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 0cc45f73710f..3baea5b61b99 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
import pickle
from django_frame import DjangoTemplateFrame
+from pydevd_constants import * #@UnusedWildImport
from types import * #@UnusedWildImport
from pydevd_custom_frames import getCustomFrame
from pydevd_xml import *
+from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread
from StringIO import StringIO
@@ -14,13 +16,10 @@ except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
import sys #@Reimport
- import _pydev_threading as threading
- import threading
+import _pydev_threading as threading
import traceback
import pydevd_save_locals
-from pydev_imports import Exec, execfile
+from pydev_imports import Exec, quote, execfile
import types
@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ def dumpFrames(thread_id):
# AdditionalFramesContainer
class AdditionalFramesContainer:
- lock = threading.Lock()
+ lock = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock()
additional_frames = {} #dict of dicts
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/requirements.txt b/python/helpers/pydev/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..048a4c65c919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+numpy==1.8.2 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 67c88be4fe7c..c2db611055c4 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def main():
if test_framework == 0:
- pydev_runfiles.main(configuration)
+ return pydev_runfiles.main(configuration) #Note: still doesn't return a proper value.
#We'll convert the parameters to what nose or py.test expects.
@@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ def main():
import pydev_runfiles_nose
PYDEV_NOSE_PLUGIN_SINGLETON = pydev_runfiles_nose.StartPydevNosePluginSingleton(configuration)
+ # Return 'not' because it will return 'success' (so, exit == 0 if success)
+ return not, addplugins=[PYDEV_NOSE_PLUGIN_SINGLETON])
elif test_framework == PY_TEST_FRAMEWORK:
@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ def main():
- pytest.main(argv)
+ return pytest.main(argv)
raise AssertionError('Cannot handle test framework: %s at this point.' % (test_framework,))
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
index 7d1b7eed4e0b..5d09968cfe19 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
@@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
-import sys
-import os
-#Put pydevconsole in the path.
-sys.argv[0] = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
-sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
-print('Running tests with:', sys.executable)
import threading
import unittest
import pydevconsole
from pydev_imports import xmlrpclib, SimpleXMLRPCServer
+import sys
+from pydev_localhost import get_localhost
+from pydev_ipython_console_011 import get_pydev_frontend
@@ -36,17 +28,28 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def run(self):
class HandleRequestInput:
def RequestInput(self):
+ client_thread.requested_input = True
return 'RequestInput: OK'
+ def NotifyFinished(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ client_thread.notified_finished += 1
+ return 1
handle_request_input = HandleRequestInput()
import pydev_localhost
- print('Starting client with:', pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), self.client_port)
- client_server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), self.client_port), logRequests=False)
+ self.client_server = client_server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), self.client_port), logRequests=False)
+ client_server.register_function(handle_request_input.NotifyFinished)
+ def shutdown(self):
+ return
+ self.client_server.shutdown()
client_thread = ClientThread(client_port)
+ client_thread.requested_input = False
+ client_thread.notified_finished = 0
return client_thread
@@ -67,6 +70,9 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def testServer(self):
+ # Just making sure that the singleton is created in this thread.
+ get_pydev_frontend(get_localhost(), 0)
client_port, server_port = self.getFreeAddresses()
class ServerThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, client_port, server_port):
@@ -84,18 +90,27 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
client_thread = self.startClientThread(client_port) #@UnusedVariable
- import time
- time.sleep(.3) #let's give it some time to start the threads
- import pydev_localhost
- server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://%s:%s' % (pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), server_port))
- server.addExec("import sys; print('Running with: %s %s' % (sys.executable or sys.platform, sys.version))")
- server.addExec('class Foo:')
- server.addExec(' pass')
- server.addExec('')
- server.addExec('foo = Foo()')
- server.addExec('a = %s()' % raw_input_name)
- server.addExec('print (a)')
+ try:
+ import time
+ time.sleep(.3) #let's give it some time to start the threads
+ import pydev_localhost
+ server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://%s:%s' % (pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), server_port))
+ server.execLine("import sys; print('Running with: %s %s' % (sys.executable or sys.platform, sys.version))")
+ server.execLine('class Foo:')
+ server.execLine(' pass')
+ server.execLine('')
+ server.execLine('foo = Foo()')
+ server.execLine('a = %s()' % raw_input_name)
+ initial = time.time()
+ while not client_thread.requested_input:
+ if time.time() - initial > 2:
+ raise AssertionError('Did not get the return asked before the timeout.')
+ time.sleep(.1)
+ frame_xml = server.getFrame()
+ self.assert_('RequestInput' in frame_xml, 'Did not fid RequestInput in:\n%s' % (frame_xml,))
+ finally:
+ client_thread.shutdown()
# main
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
index 7fc85142b02e..8284b2779c40 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
@@ -1,21 +1,7 @@
-import os.path
import sys
import threading
import time
-IS_JYTHON = sys.platform.find('java') != -1
- this_file_name = __file__
-except NameError:
- # stupid jython. plain old __file__ isnt working for some reason
- import test_runfiles #@UnresolvedImport - importing the module itself
- this_file_name = test_runfiles.__file__
-desired_runfiles_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(this_file_name) + "/..")
-sys.path.insert(0, desired_runfiles_path)
import unittest
import pydevd_referrers
from pydev_imports import StringIO
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
index 8765400ae39d..12be8bcf5b1b 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
@@ -36,10 +36,15 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def testIt(self):
+ if not IS_JYTHON:
+ return
def testMessage(self):
+ if not IS_JYTHON:
+ return
t = jycompletionserver.T(0)
+ t.exit_process_on_kill = False
l = []
l.append(('Def', 'description' , 'args'))
@@ -65,6 +70,8 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def testCompletionSocketsAndMessages(self):
+ if not IS_JYTHON:
+ return
t, socket = self.createConnections()
self.socket = socket
@@ -121,6 +128,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
Creates the connections needed for testing.
t = jycompletionserver.T(p1)
+ t.exit_process_on_kill = False
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
index 4a755634bdc7..bf421b2347c2 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
@@ -4,17 +4,14 @@
import unittest
import os
import sys
-#make it as if we were executing from the directory above this one (so that we can use pycompletionserver
-#without the need for it being in the pythonpath)
-sys.argv[0] = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
-#twice the dirname to get the previous level from this file.
-sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
#this does not work (they must be in the system pythonpath)
#sys.path.insert(1, r"D:\bin\eclipse321\plugins\org.junit_3.8.1\junit.jar" ) #some late loading jar tests
#sys.path.insert(1, r"D:\bin\eclipse331_1\plugins\org.apache.ant_1.7.0.v200706080842\lib\ant.jar" ) #some late loading jar tests
if sys.platform.find('java') != -1:
from _pydev_jy_imports_tipper import ismethod
from _pydev_jy_imports_tipper import isclass
from _pydev_jy_imports_tipper import dirObj
@@ -25,6 +22,8 @@ if sys.platform.find('java') != -1:
from java.lang.System import arraycopy #@UnresolvedImport
from java.lang.System import out #@UnresolvedImport
import java.lang.String #@UnresolvedImport
+ import org.python.core.PyDictionary #@UnresolvedImport
__DBG = 0
def dbg(s):
@@ -234,22 +233,24 @@ class TestCompl(unittest.TestCase):
assert isMet[1][0].basicAsStr() == "function:met2 args=['arg1', 'arg2'], varargs=vararg, kwargs=kwarg, docs:docmet2"
assert not isclass(met2)
+if not IS_JYTHON:
+ # Disable tests if not running under Jython
+ class TestMod(unittest.TestCase):
+ pass
+ class TestCompl(TestMod):
+ pass
+ class TestSearch(TestMod):
+ pass
if __name__ == '__main__':
- if sys.platform.find('java') != -1:
- #Only run if jython
- suite = unittest.makeSuite(TestCompl)
- suite2 = unittest.makeSuite(TestMod)
- suite3 = unittest.makeSuite(TestSearch)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite2)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite3)
-# suite.addTest(Test('testCase12'))
-# suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-# unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite)
- else:
- sys.stdout.write('Not running jython tests for non-java platform: %s' % sys.platform)
+ #Only run if jython
+ suite = unittest.makeSuite(TestCompl)
+ suite2 = unittest.makeSuite(TestMod)
+ suite3 = unittest.makeSuite(TestSearch)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite2)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite3)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ce1dc32c34a..000000000000
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#TODO: This test no longer works (check if it should be fixed or removed altogether).
-#import unittest
-#import sys
-#import os
-##make it as if we were executing from the directory above this one
-#sys.argv[0] = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
-##twice the dirname to get the previous level from this file.
-#sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
-#from pydev_localhost import get_localhost
-#IS_JYTHON = sys.platform.find('java') != -1
-## TestCase
-#class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-# def setUp(self):
-# unittest.TestCase.setUp(self)
-# def tearDown(self):
-# unittest.TestCase.tearDown(self)
-# def testIPython(self):
-# try:
-# from pydev_ipython_console import PyDevFrontEnd
-# except:
-# if IS_JYTHON:
-# return
-# front_end = PyDevFrontEnd(get_localhost(), 0)
-# front_end.input_buffer = 'if True:'
-# self.assert_(not front_end._on_enter())
-# front_end.input_buffer = 'if True:\n' + \
-# front_end.continuation_prompt() + ' a = 10\n'
-# self.assert_(not front_end._on_enter())
-# front_end.input_buffer = 'if True:\n' + \
-# front_end.continuation_prompt() + ' a = 10\n\n'
-# self.assert_(front_end._on_enter())
-## front_end.input_buffer = ' print a'
-## self.assert_(not front_end._on_enter())
-## front_end.input_buffer = ''
-## self.assert_(front_end._on_enter())
-## front_end.input_buffer = 'a.'
-## front_end.complete_current_input()
-## front_end.input_buffer = 'if True:'
-## front_end._on_enter()
-# front_end.input_buffer = 'a = 30'
-# front_end._on_enter()
-# front_end.input_buffer = 'print a'
-# front_end._on_enter()
-# front_end.input_buffer = 'a?'
-# front_end._on_enter()
-# print front_end.complete('%')
-# print front_end.complete('%e')
-# print front_end.complete('cd c:/t')
-# print front_end.complete('cd c:/temp/')
-## front_end.input_buffer = 'print raw_input("press enter\\n")'
-## front_end._on_enter()
-## main
-#if __name__ == '__main__':
-# if sys.platform.find('java') == -1:
-# #IPython not available for Jython
-# unittest.main()
-# else:
-# print('not supported on Jython')
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
index 3cfa70fd0112..dc4684f35f3d 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
@@ -7,81 +7,87 @@ from pydev_imports import StringIO, SimpleXMLRPCServer
from pydev_localhost import get_localhost
from pydev_console_utils import StdIn
import socket
+from pydev_ipython_console_011 import get_pydev_frontend
+import time
-# make it as if we were executing from the directory above this one
-sys.argv[0] = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
-# twice the dirname to get the previous level from this file.
-sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
+ xrange
+ xrange = range
-# PyDevFrontEnd depends on singleton in IPython, so you
-# can't make multiple versions. So we reuse front_end for
-# all the tests
-orig_stdout = sys.stdout
-orig_stderr = sys.stderr
-stdout = sys.stdout = StringIO()
-stderr = sys.stderr = StringIO()
-from pydev_ipython_console_011 import PyDevFrontEnd
-s = socket.socket()
-s.bind(('', 0))
-client_port = s.getsockname()[1]
-front_end = PyDevFrontEnd(get_localhost(), client_port)
-def addExec(code, expected_more=False):
- more = front_end.addExec(code)
- eq_(expected_more, more)
class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
- front_end.input_splitter.reset()
- stdout.truncate(0)
- stderr.truncate(0)
+ # PyDevFrontEnd depends on singleton in IPython, so you
+ # can't make multiple versions. So we reuse self.front_end for
+ # all the tests
+ self.front_end = get_pydev_frontend(get_localhost(), 0)
+ from pydev_ipython.inputhook import set_return_control_callback
+ set_return_control_callback(lambda:True)
+ self.front_end.clearBuffer()
def tearDown(self):
+ def addExec(self, code, expected_more=False):
+ more = self.front_end.addExec(code)
+ eq_(expected_more, more)
+ def redirectStdout(self):
+ from IPython.utils import io
+ self.original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = io.stdout = StringIO()
+ def restoreStdout(self):
+ from IPython.utils import io
+ io.stdout = sys.stdout = self.original_stdout
class TestPyDevFrontEnd(TestBase):
def testAddExec_1(self):
- addExec('if True:', True)
+ self.addExec('if True:', True)
def testAddExec_2(self):
- addExec('if True:\n testAddExec_a = 10\n', True)
+ #Change: 'more' must now be controlled in the client side after the initial 'True' returned.
+ self.addExec('if True:\n testAddExec_a = 10\n', False)
+ assert 'testAddExec_a' in self.front_end.getNamespace()
def testAddExec_3(self):
- assert 'testAddExec_a' not in front_end.getNamespace()
- addExec('if True:\n testAddExec_a = 10\n\n')
- assert 'testAddExec_a' in front_end.getNamespace()
- eq_(front_end.getNamespace()['testAddExec_a'], 10)
+ assert 'testAddExec_x' not in self.front_end.getNamespace()
+ self.addExec('if True:\n testAddExec_x = 10\n\n')
+ assert 'testAddExec_x' in self.front_end.getNamespace()
+ eq_(self.front_end.getNamespace()['testAddExec_x'], 10)
def testGetNamespace(self):
- assert 'testGetNamespace_a' not in front_end.getNamespace()
- addExec('testGetNamespace_a = 10')
- assert 'testGetNamespace_a' in front_end.getNamespace()
- eq_(front_end.getNamespace()['testGetNamespace_a'], 10)
+ assert 'testGetNamespace_a' not in self.front_end.getNamespace()
+ self.addExec('testGetNamespace_a = 10')
+ assert 'testGetNamespace_a' in self.front_end.getNamespace()
+ eq_(self.front_end.getNamespace()['testGetNamespace_a'], 10)
def testComplete(self):
- unused_text, matches = front_end.complete('%')
+ unused_text, matches = self.front_end.complete('%')
assert len(matches) > 1, 'at least one magic should appear in completions'
def testCompleteDoesNotDoPythonMatches(self):
# Test that IPython's completions do not do the things that
# PyDev's completions will handle
- addExec('testComplete_a = 5')
- addExec('testComplete_b = 10')
- addExec('testComplete_c = 15')
- unused_text, matches = front_end.complete('testComplete_')
+ self.addExec('testComplete_a = 5')
+ self.addExec('testComplete_b = 10')
+ self.addExec('testComplete_c = 15')
+ unused_text, matches = self.front_end.complete('testComplete_')
assert len(matches) == 0
def testGetCompletions_1(self):
# Test the merged completions include the standard completions
- addExec('testComplete_a = 5')
- addExec('testComplete_b = 10')
- addExec('testComplete_c = 15')
- res = front_end.getCompletions('testComplete_', 'testComplete_')
+ self.addExec('testComplete_a = 5')
+ self.addExec('testComplete_b = 10')
+ self.addExec('testComplete_c = 15')
+ res = self.front_end.getCompletions('testComplete_', 'testComplete_')
matches = [f[0] for f in res]
assert len(matches) == 3
eq_(set(['testComplete_a', 'testComplete_b', 'testComplete_c']), set(matches))
@@ -90,60 +96,80 @@ class TestPyDevFrontEnd(TestBase):
# Test that we get IPython completions in results
# we do this by checking kw completion which PyDev does
# not do by default
- addExec('def ccc(ABC=123): pass')
- res = front_end.getCompletions('ccc(', '')
+ self.addExec('def ccc(ABC=123): pass')
+ res = self.front_end.getCompletions('ccc(', '')
matches = [f[0] for f in res]
assert 'ABC=' in matches
def testGetCompletions_3(self):
# Test that magics return IPYTHON magic as type
- res = front_end.getCompletions('%cd', '%cd')
+ res = self.front_end.getCompletions('%cd', '%cd')
assert len(res) == 1
eq_(res[0][3], '12') # '12' == IToken.TYPE_IPYTHON_MAGIC
assert len(res[0][1]) > 100, 'docstring for %cd should be a reasonably long string'
class TestRunningCode(TestBase):
def testPrint(self):
- addExec('print("output")')
- eq_(stdout.getvalue(), 'output\n')
+ self.redirectStdout()
+ try:
+ self.addExec('print("output")')
+ eq_(sys.stdout.getvalue(), 'output\n')
+ finally:
+ self.restoreStdout()
def testQuestionMark_1(self):
- addExec('?')
- assert len(stdout.getvalue()) > 1000, 'IPython help should be pretty big'
+ self.redirectStdout()
+ try:
+ self.addExec('?')
+ assert len(sys.stdout.getvalue()) > 1000, 'IPython help should be pretty big'
+ finally:
+ self.restoreStdout()
def testQuestionMark_2(self):
- addExec('int?')
- assert stdout.getvalue().find('Convert') != -1
+ self.redirectStdout()
+ try:
+ self.addExec('int?')
+ assert sys.stdout.getvalue().find('Convert') != -1
+ finally:
+ self.restoreStdout()
def testGui(self):
- from pydev_ipython.inputhook import get_inputhook, set_stdin_file
- set_stdin_file(sys.stdin)
- assert get_inputhook() is None
- addExec('%gui tk')
- # we can't test the GUI works here because we aren't connected to XML-RPC so
- # nowhere for hook to run
- assert get_inputhook() is not None
- addExec('%gui none')
- assert get_inputhook() is None
+ try:
+ import Tkinter
+ except:
+ return
+ else:
+ from pydev_ipython.inputhook import get_inputhook
+ assert get_inputhook() is None
+ self.addExec('%gui tk')
+ # we can't test the GUI works here because we aren't connected to XML-RPC so
+ # nowhere for hook to run
+ assert get_inputhook() is not None
+ self.addExec('%gui none')
+ assert get_inputhook() is None
def testHistory(self):
''' Make sure commands are added to IPython's history '''
- addExec('a=1')
- addExec('b=2')
- _ih = front_end.getNamespace()['_ih']
- eq_(_ih[-1], 'b=2')
- eq_(_ih[-2], 'a=1')
- addExec('history')
- hist = stdout.getvalue().split('\n')
- eq_(hist[-1], '')
- eq_(hist[-2], 'history')
- eq_(hist[-3], 'b=2')
- eq_(hist[-4], 'a=1')
+ self.redirectStdout()
+ try:
+ self.addExec('a=1')
+ self.addExec('b=2')
+ _ih = self.front_end.getNamespace()['_ih']
+ eq_(_ih[-1], 'b=2')
+ eq_(_ih[-2], 'a=1')
+ self.addExec('history')
+ hist = sys.stdout.getvalue().split('\n')
+ eq_(hist[-1], '')
+ eq_(hist[-2], 'history')
+ eq_(hist[-3], 'b=2')
+ eq_(hist[-4], 'a=1')
+ finally:
+ self.restoreStdout()
def testEdit(self):
- ''' Make sure we can issue an edit command '''
+ ''' Make sure we can issue an edit command'''
called_RequestInput = [False]
called_IPythonEditor = [False]
def startClientThread(client_port):
@@ -163,26 +189,47 @@ class TestRunningCode(TestBase):
handle_request_input = HandleRequestInput()
import pydev_localhost
- client_server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), self.client_port), logRequests=False)
+ self.client_server = client_server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(
+ (pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), self.client_port), logRequests=False)
+ def shutdown(self):
+ return
+ self.client_server.shutdown()
client_thread = ClientThread(client_port)
return client_thread
- startClientThread(client_port)
+ # PyDevFrontEnd depends on singleton in IPython, so you
+ # can't make multiple versions. So we reuse self.front_end for
+ # all the tests
+ s = socket.socket()
+ s.bind(('', 0))
+ self.client_port = client_port = s.getsockname()[1]
+ s.close()
+ self.front_end = get_pydev_frontend(get_localhost(), client_port)
+ client_thread = startClientThread(self.client_port)
orig_stdin = sys.stdin
- sys.stdin = StdIn(self, get_localhost(), client_port)
+ sys.stdin = StdIn(self, get_localhost(), self.client_port)
filename = ''
- addExec('%edit ' + filename)
- eq_(called_IPythonEditor[0], (os.path.abspath(filename), 0))
+ self.addExec('%edit ' + filename)
+ for i in xrange(10):
+ if called_IPythonEditor[0] == (os.path.abspath(filename), '0'):
+ break
+ time.sleep(.1)
+ eq_(called_IPythonEditor[0], (os.path.abspath(filename), '0'))
assert called_RequestInput[0], "Make sure the 'wait' parameter has been respected"
sys.stdin = orig_stdin
+ client_thread.shutdown()
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
index 9a9e3edaf124..18421980ae82 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
import threading
import unittest
import sys
-import os
-sys.argv[0] = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
-sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
import pydevconsole
from pydev_imports import xmlrpclib, SimpleXMLRPCServer, StringIO
@@ -19,104 +15,112 @@ except NameError:
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
+ def testConsoleHello(self):
self.original_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = StringIO()
- def tearDown(self):
- ret = sys.stdout #@UnusedVariable
- sys.stdout = self.original_stdout
- #print_ ret.getvalue() -- use to see test output
- def testConsoleHello(self):
- client_port, _server_port = self.getFreeAddresses()
- client_thread = self.startClientThread(client_port) #@UnusedVariable
- import time
- time.sleep(.3) #let's give it some time to start the threads
- import pydev_localhost
- interpreter = pydevconsole.InterpreterInterface(pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), client_port, server=None)
- (result,) = interpreter.hello("Hello pydevconsole")
- self.assertEqual(result, "Hello eclipse")
+ try:
+ client_port, _server_port = self.getFreeAddresses()
+ client_thread = self.startClientThread(client_port) #@UnusedVariable
+ import time
+ time.sleep(.3) #let's give it some time to start the threads
+ import pydev_localhost
+ interpreter = pydevconsole.InterpreterInterface(pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), client_port, threading.currentThread())
+ (result,) = interpreter.hello("Hello pydevconsole")
+ self.assertEqual(result, "Hello eclipse")
+ finally:
+ sys.stdout = self.original_stdout
def testConsoleRequests(self):
- client_port, _server_port = self.getFreeAddresses()
- client_thread = self.startClientThread(client_port) #@UnusedVariable
- import time
- time.sleep(.3) #let's give it some time to start the threads
- import pydev_localhost
- interpreter = pydevconsole.InterpreterInterface(pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), client_port, server=None)
- interpreter.addExec('class Foo:')
- interpreter.addExec(' CONSTANT=1')
- interpreter.addExec('')
- interpreter.addExec('foo=Foo()')
- interpreter.addExec('foo.__doc__=None')
- interpreter.addExec('val = %s()' % (raw_input_name,))
- interpreter.addExec('50')
- interpreter.addExec('print (val)')
- found = sys.stdout.getvalue().split()
+ self.original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = StringIO()
- self.assertEqual(['50', 'input_request'], found)
- except:
- self.assertEqual(['input_request'], found) #IPython
- comps = interpreter.getCompletions('foo.', 'foo.')
- self.assert_(
- ('CONSTANT', '', '', '3') in comps or ('CONSTANT', '', '', '4') in comps, \
- 'Found: %s' % comps
- )
- comps = interpreter.getCompletions('"".', '"".')
- self.assert_(
- ('__add__', 'x.__add__(y) <==> x+y', '', '3') in comps or
- ('__add__', '', '', '4') in comps or
- ('__add__', 'x.__add__(y) <==> x+y\r\nx.__add__(y) <==> x+y', '()', '2') in comps or
- ('__add__', 'x.\n__add__(y) <==> x+yx.\n__add__(y) <==> x+y', '()', '2'),
- 'Did not find __add__ in : %s' % (comps,)
- )
- completions = interpreter.getCompletions('', '')
- for c in completions:
- if c[0] == 'AssertionError':
- break
- else:
-'Could not find AssertionError')
- completions = interpreter.getCompletions('Assert', 'Assert')
- for c in completions:
- if c[0] == 'RuntimeError':
-'Did not expect to find RuntimeError there')
- self.assert_(('__doc__', None, '', '3') not in interpreter.getCompletions('foo.CO', 'foo.'))
- comps = interpreter.getCompletions('va', 'va')
- self.assert_(('val', '', '', '3') in comps or ('val', '', '', '4') in comps)
- interpreter.addExec('s = "mystring"')
- desc = interpreter.getDescription('val')
- self.assert_(desc.find('str(object) -> string') >= 0 or
- desc == "'input_request'" or
- desc.find('str(string[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str') >= 0 or
- desc.find('str(Char* value)') >= 0 or
- desc.find('str(value: Char*)') >= 0,
- 'Could not find what was needed in %s' % desc)
- desc = interpreter.getDescription('val.join')
- self.assert_(desc.find('S.join(sequence) -> string') >= 0 or
- desc.find('S.join(sequence) -> str') >= 0 or
- desc.find('S.join(iterable) -> string') >= 0 or
- desc == "<builtin method 'join'>" or
- desc == "<built-in method join of str object>" or
- desc.find('str join(str self, list sequence)') >= 0 or
- desc.find('S.join(iterable) -> str') >= 0 or
- desc.find('join(self: str, sequence: list) -> str') >= 0,
- "Could not recognize: %s" % (desc,))
+ client_port, _server_port = self.getFreeAddresses()
+ client_thread = self.startClientThread(client_port) #@UnusedVariable
+ import time
+ time.sleep(.3) #let's give it some time to start the threads
+ import pydev_localhost
+ from pydev_console_utils import CodeFragment
+ interpreter = pydevconsole.InterpreterInterface(pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), client_port, threading.currentThread())
+ sys.stdout = StringIO()
+ interpreter.addExec(CodeFragment('class Foo:'))
+ interpreter.addExec(CodeFragment(' CONSTANT=1'))
+ interpreter.addExec(CodeFragment(''))
+ interpreter.addExec(CodeFragment('foo=Foo()'))
+ interpreter.addExec(CodeFragment('foo.__doc__=None'))
+ interpreter.addExec(CodeFragment('val = %s()' % (raw_input_name,)))
+ interpreter.addExec(CodeFragment('50'))
+ interpreter.addExec(CodeFragment('print (val)'))
+ found = sys.stdout.getvalue().split()
+ try:
+ self.assertEqual(['50', 'input_request'], found)
+ except:
+ self.assertEqual(['input_request'], found) #IPython
+ comps = interpreter.getCompletions('foo.', 'foo.')
+ self.assert_(
+ ('CONSTANT', '', '', '3') in comps or ('CONSTANT', '', '', '4') in comps, \
+ 'Found: %s' % comps
+ )
+ comps = interpreter.getCompletions('"".', '"".')
+ self.assert_(
+ ('__add__', 'x.__add__(y) <==> x+y', '', '3') in comps or
+ ('__add__', '', '', '4') in comps or
+ ('__add__', 'x.__add__(y) <==> x+y\r\nx.__add__(y) <==> x+y', '()', '2') in comps or
+ ('__add__', 'x.\n__add__(y) <==> x+yx.\n__add__(y) <==> x+y', '()', '2'),
+ 'Did not find __add__ in : %s' % (comps,)
+ )
+ completions = interpreter.getCompletions('', '')
+ for c in completions:
+ if c[0] == 'AssertionError':
+ break
+ else:
+'Could not find AssertionError')
+ completions = interpreter.getCompletions('Assert', 'Assert')
+ for c in completions:
+ if c[0] == 'RuntimeError':
+'Did not expect to find RuntimeError there')
+ self.assert_(('__doc__', None, '', '3') not in interpreter.getCompletions('foo.CO', 'foo.'))
+ comps = interpreter.getCompletions('va', 'va')
+ self.assert_(('val', '', '', '3') in comps or ('val', '', '', '4') in comps)
+ interpreter.addExec(CodeFragment('s = "mystring"'))
+ desc = interpreter.getDescription('val')
+ self.assert_(desc.find('str(object) -> string') >= 0 or
+ desc == "'input_request'" or
+ desc.find('str(string[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str') >= 0 or
+ desc.find('str(Char* value)') >= 0 or
+ desc.find('str(object=\'\') -> string') >= 0 or
+ desc.find('str(value: Char*)') >= 0 or
+ desc.find('str(object=\'\') -> str') >= 0
+ ,
+ 'Could not find what was needed in %s' % desc)
+ desc = interpreter.getDescription('val.join')
+ self.assert_(desc.find('S.join(sequence) -> string') >= 0 or
+ desc.find('S.join(sequence) -> str') >= 0 or
+ desc.find('S.join(iterable) -> string') >= 0 or
+ desc == "<builtin method 'join'>" or
+ desc == "<built-in method join of str object>" or
+ desc.find('str join(str self, list sequence)') >= 0 or
+ desc.find('S.join(iterable) -> str') >= 0 or
+ desc.find('join(self: str, sequence: list) -> str') >= 0,
+ "Could not recognize: %s" % (desc,))
+ finally:
+ sys.stdout = self.original_stdout
def startClientThread(self, client_port):
@@ -124,19 +128,28 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def __init__(self, client_port):
self.client_port = client_port
def run(self):
class HandleRequestInput:
def RequestInput(self):
+ client_thread.requested_input = True
return 'input_request'
+ def NotifyFinished(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ client_thread.notified_finished += 1
+ return 1
handle_request_input = HandleRequestInput()
import pydev_localhost
client_server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), self.client_port), logRequests=False)
+ client_server.register_function(handle_request_input.NotifyFinished)
client_thread = ClientThread(client_port)
+ client_thread.requested_input = False
+ client_thread.notified_finished = 0
return client_thread
@@ -194,34 +207,50 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def testServer(self):
- client_port, server_port = self.getFreeAddresses()
- class ServerThread(threading.Thread):
- def __init__(self, client_port, server_port):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.client_port = client_port
- self.server_port = server_port
- def run(self):
- import pydev_localhost
- pydevconsole.StartServer(pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), self.server_port, self.client_port)
- server_thread = ServerThread(client_port, server_port)
- server_thread.setDaemon(True)
- server_thread.start()
- client_thread = self.startClientThread(client_port) #@UnusedVariable
- import time
- time.sleep(.3) #let's give it some time to start the threads
- import pydev_localhost
- server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://%s:%s' % (pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), server_port))
- server.addExec('class Foo:')
- server.addExec(' pass')
- server.addExec('')
- server.addExec('foo = Foo()')
- server.addExec('a = %s()' % (raw_input_name,))
- server.addExec('print (a)')
- self.assertEqual(['input_request'], sys.stdout.getvalue().split())
+ self.original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = StringIO()
+ try:
+ client_port, server_port = self.getFreeAddresses()
+ class ServerThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, client_port, server_port):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.client_port = client_port
+ self.server_port = server_port
+ def run(self):
+ import pydev_localhost
+ pydevconsole.StartServer(pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), self.server_port, self.client_port)
+ server_thread = ServerThread(client_port, server_port)
+ server_thread.setDaemon(True)
+ server_thread.start()
+ client_thread = self.startClientThread(client_port) #@UnusedVariable
+ import time
+ time.sleep(.3) #let's give it some time to start the threads
+ sys.stdout = StringIO()
+ import pydev_localhost
+ server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://%s:%s' % (pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), server_port))
+ server.execLine('class Foo:')
+ server.execLine(' pass')
+ server.execLine('')
+ server.execLine('foo = Foo()')
+ server.execLine('a = %s()' % (raw_input_name,))
+ server.execLine('print (a)')
+ initial = time.time()
+ while not client_thread.requested_input:
+ if time.time() - initial > 2:
+ raise AssertionError('Did not get the return asked before the timeout.')
+ time.sleep(.1)
+ while ['input_request'] != sys.stdout.getvalue().split():
+ if time.time() - initial > 2:
+ break
+ time.sleep(.1)
+ self.assertEqual(['input_request'], sys.stdout.getvalue().split())
+ finally:
+ sys.stdout = self.original_stdout
# main
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
index a74876b8c8b9..ea9daff14e39 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import sys
import os
+from _pydev_imps._pydev_thread import start_new_thread
#make it as if we were executing from the directory above this one (so that we can use pycompletionserver
#without the need for it being in the pythonpath)
@@ -13,6 +14,13 @@ sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
if sys.platform.find('java') == -1:
+ try:
+ import __builtin__ #@UnusedImport
+ BUILTIN_MOD = '__builtin__'
+ except ImportError:
+ BUILTIN_MOD = 'builtins'
import inspect
@@ -41,7 +49,7 @@ if sys.platform.find('java') == -1:
def testMessage(self):
- t = pycompletionserver.T(0)
+ t = pycompletionserver.CompletionServer(0)
l = []
l.append(('Def', 'description' , 'args'))
@@ -62,14 +70,14 @@ if sys.platform.find('java') == -1:
Creates the connections needed for testing.
- t = pycompletionserver.T(p1)
- t.start()
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server.bind((pycompletionserver.HOST, p1))
server.listen(1) #socket to receive messages.
+ t = pycompletionserver.CompletionServer(p1)
+ t.exit_process_on_kill = False
+ start_new_thread(, ())
s, addr = server.accept()
return t, s
@@ -106,6 +114,8 @@ if sys.platform.find('java') == -1:
#math is a builtin and because of that, it starts with None as a file
start = '@@COMPLETIONS(None,(__doc__,'
start_2 = '@@COMPLETIONS(None,(__name__,'
+ if '/,' in completions or '/,' in completions or '/,' in completions:
+ return
self.assert_(completions.startswith(start) or completions.startswith(start_2), '%s DOESNT START WITH %s' % (completions, (start, start_2)))
self.assert_('@@COMPLETIONS' in completions)
@@ -113,7 +123,7 @@ if sys.platform.find('java') == -1:
#now, test i
- msg = quote_plus('__builtin__.list')
+ msg = quote_plus('%s.list' % BUILTIN_MOD)
send(socket, "@@IMPORTS:%s\nEND@@" % msg)
found = self.readMsg()
self.assert_('sort' in found, 'Could not find sort in: %s' % (found,))
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
index f759ad60f678..255a5218698f 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests/
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
@author Fabio Zadrozny
-import os
import sys
-#make it as if we were executing from the directory above this one (so that we can use pycompletionserver
-#without the need for it being in the pythonpath)
-#twice the dirname to get the previous level from this file.
-sys.path.insert(1, os.path.split(os.path.split(__file__)[0])[0])
import __builtin__ #@UnusedImport
@@ -50,13 +45,14 @@ if sys.platform.find('java') == -1:
def testImports5(self):
- tip = _pydev_imports_tipper.GenerateTip('__builtin__.list')
+ tip = _pydev_imports_tipper.GenerateTip('%s.list' % BUILTIN_MOD)
s = self.assertIn('sort', tip)
'(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False)',
'(self, object cmp, object key, bool reverse)',
- '(self, cmp: object, key: object, reverse: bool)'
+ '(self, cmp: object, key: object, reverse: bool)',
+ '(key=None, reverse=False)',
def testImports2a(self):
@@ -64,14 +60,24 @@ if sys.platform.find('java') == -1:
self.assertIn('__doc__', tips)
def testImports2b(self):
- tips = _pydev_imports_tipper.GenerateTip('%s' % BUILTIN_MOD)
- t = self.assertIn('file' , tips)
- self.assert_('->' in t[1].strip() or 'file' in t[1])
+ try:
+ file
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ tips = _pydev_imports_tipper.GenerateTip('%s' % BUILTIN_MOD)
+ t = self.assertIn('file' , tips)
+ self.assert_('->' in t[1].strip() or 'file' in t[1])
def testImports2c(self):
- tips = _pydev_imports_tipper.GenerateTip('%s.file' % BUILTIN_MOD)
- t = self.assertIn('readlines' , tips)
- self.assert_('->' in t[1] or 'sizehint' in t[1])
+ try:
+ file # file is not available on py 3
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ tips = _pydev_imports_tipper.GenerateTip('%s.file' % BUILTIN_MOD)
+ t = self.assertIn('readlines' , tips)
+ self.assert_('->' in t[1] or 'sizehint' in t[1])
def testImports(self):
@@ -110,9 +116,9 @@ if sys.platform.find('java') == -1:
self.assertIn('RuntimeError' , tip)
self.assertIn('RuntimeWarning' , tip)
- t = self.assertIn('cmp' , tip)
- self.CheckArgs(t, '(x, y)', '(object x, object y)', '(x: object, y: object)') #args
+ # Remove cmp as it's not available on py 3
+ #t = self.assertIn('cmp' , tip)
+ #self.CheckArgs(t, '(x, y)', '(object x, object y)', '(x: object, y: object)') #args
t = self.assertIn('isinstance' , tip)
self.CheckArgs(t, '(object, class_or_type_or_tuple)', '(object o, type typeinfo)', '(o: object, typeinfo: type)') #args
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
index f05a4bc0beaf..34a16b454171 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
@@ -9,42 +9,44 @@ To run this:
4) run: gl.glClearColor(1,1,1,1)
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import OpenGL.GL as gl
-import OpenGL.GLUT as glut
-def close():
- glut.glutDestroyWindow(glut.glutGetWindow())
-def display():
- glut.glutSwapBuffers()
-def resize(width,height):
- gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height+4)
- gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_PROJECTION)
- gl.glLoadIdentity()
- gl.glOrtho(0, width, 0, height+4, -1, 1)
- gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_MODELVIEW)
-if glut.glutGetWindow() > 0:
- interactive = True
- glut.glutInit(sys.argv)
- glut.glutInitDisplayMode(glut.GLUT_DOUBLE |
- glut.GLUT_RGBA |
- glut.GLUT_DEPTH)
- interactive = False
-# This is necessary on osx to be able to close the window
-# (else the close button is disabled)
-if sys.platform == 'darwin' and not bool(glut.HAVE_FREEGLUT):
- glut.glutWMCloseFunc(close)
-if not interactive:
- glut.glutMainLoop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ import sys
+ import OpenGL.GL as gl
+ import OpenGL.GLUT as glut
+ def close():
+ glut.glutDestroyWindow(glut.glutGetWindow())
+ def display():
+ glut.glutSwapBuffers()
+ def resize(width,height):
+ gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height+4)
+ gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_PROJECTION)
+ gl.glLoadIdentity()
+ gl.glOrtho(0, width, 0, height+4, -1, 1)
+ gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_MODELVIEW)
+ if glut.glutGetWindow() > 0:
+ interactive = True
+ glut.glutInit(sys.argv)
+ glut.glutInitDisplayMode(glut.GLUT_DOUBLE |
+ glut.GLUT_RGBA |
+ glut.GLUT_DEPTH)
+ else:
+ interactive = False
+ glut.glutCreateWindow('gui-glut')
+ glut.glutDisplayFunc(display)
+ glut.glutReshapeFunc(resize)
+ # This is necessary on osx to be able to close the window
+ # (else the close button is disabled)
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin' and not bool(glut.HAVE_FREEGLUT):
+ glut.glutWMCloseFunc(close)
+ gl.glClearColor(0,0,0,1)
+ if not interactive:
+ glut.glutMainLoop()
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
index 978f8f9a25f3..6df5c782e96a 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
@@ -8,27 +8,28 @@ To run this:
interactive console
-import pygtk
-import gtk
-def hello_world(wigdet, data=None):
- print("Hello World")
-def delete_event(widget, event, data=None):
- return False
-def destroy(widget, data=None):
- gtk.main_quit()
-window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
-window.connect("delete_event", delete_event)
-window.connect("destroy", destroy)
-button = gtk.Button("Hello World")
-button.connect("clicked", hello_world, None)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import pygtk
+ pygtk.require('2.0')
+ import gtk
+ def hello_world(wigdet, data=None):
+ print("Hello World")
+ def delete_event(widget, event, data=None):
+ return False
+ def destroy(widget, data=None):
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+ window.connect("delete_event", delete_event)
+ window.connect("destroy", destroy)
+ button = gtk.Button("Hello World")
+ button.connect("clicked", hello_world, None)
+ window.add(button)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
index a787f7ee9e65..6351d5235ded 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
@@ -8,25 +8,26 @@ To run this:
interactive console
-from gi.repository import Gtk
-def hello_world(wigdet, data=None):
- print("Hello World")
-def delete_event(widget, event, data=None):
- return False
-def destroy(widget, data=None):
- Gtk.main_quit()
-window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)
-window.connect("delete_event", delete_event)
-window.connect("destroy", destroy)
-button = Gtk.Button("Hello World")
-button.connect("clicked", hello_world, None)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from gi.repository import Gtk
+ def hello_world(wigdet, data=None):
+ print("Hello World")
+ def delete_event(widget, event, data=None):
+ return False
+ def destroy(widget, data=None):
+ Gtk.main_quit()
+ window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)
+ window.connect("delete_event", delete_event)
+ window.connect("destroy", destroy)
+ button = Gtk.Button("Hello World")
+ button.connect("clicked", hello_world, None)
+ window.add(button)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
index b646093e0967..70f1a7f64724 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
@@ -8,20 +8,21 @@ To run this:
interactive console
-import pyglet
-window = pyglet.window.Window()
-label = pyglet.text.Label('Hello, world',
- font_name='Times New Roman',
- font_size=36,
- x=window.width//2, y=window.height//2,
- anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center')
-def on_close():
- window.close()
-def on_draw():
- window.clear()
- label.draw()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import pyglet
+ window = pyglet.window.Window()
+ label = pyglet.text.Label('Hello, world',
+ font_name='Times New Roman',
+ font_size=36,
+ x=window.width//2, y=window.height//2,
+ anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center')
+ @window.event
+ def on_close():
+ window.close()
+ @window.event
+ def on_draw():
+ window.clear()
+ label.draw()
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
index c27cbd6ff1e6..30fc48d3845a 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
@@ -10,26 +10,27 @@ To run this:
Ref: Modified from
-import sys
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-class SimpleWindow(QtGui.QWidget):
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
- self.setGeometry(300, 300, 200, 80)
- self.setWindowTitle('Hello World')
- quit = QtGui.QPushButton('Close', self)
- quit.setGeometry(10, 10, 60, 35)
- self.connect(quit, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'),
- self, QtCore.SLOT('close()'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance()
- if app is None:
- app = QtGui.QApplication([])
- sw = SimpleWindow()
+ import sys
+ from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+ class SimpleWindow(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.setGeometry(300, 300, 200, 80)
+ self.setWindowTitle('Hello World')
+ quit = QtGui.QPushButton('Close', self)
+ quit.setGeometry(10, 10, 60, 35)
+ self.connect(quit, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'),
+ self, QtCore.SLOT('close()'))
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance()
+ if app is None:
+ app = QtGui.QApplication([])
+ sw = SimpleWindow()
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
index 69ceb0b9f053..4cef45f91a4a 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
@@ -8,24 +8,26 @@ To run this:
interactive console
- from Tkinter import *
- # Python 3
- from tkinter import *
-class MyApp:
- def __init__(self, root):
- frame = Frame(root)
- frame.pack()
- self.button = Button(frame, text="Hello", command=self.hello_world)
- self.button.pack(side=LEFT)
- def hello_world(self):
- print("Hello World!")
-root = Tk()
-app = MyApp(root)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ from Tkinter import *
+ except:
+ # Python 3
+ from tkinter import *
+ class MyApp:
+ def __init__(self, root):
+ frame = Frame(root)
+ frame.pack()
+ self.button = Button(frame, text="Hello", command=self.hello_world)
+ self.button.pack(side=LEFT)
+ def hello_world(self):
+ print("Hello World!")
+ root = Tk()
+ app = MyApp(root)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
index 2101e7f214d4..b9c28bfc63ab 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_mainloop/
@@ -11,91 +11,93 @@ To run this:
Ref: Modified from wxPython source code wxPython/samples/simple/
-import wx
-class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
- """
- This is MyFrame. It just shows a few controls on a wxPanel,
- and has a simple menu.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, title):
- wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title,
- pos=(150, 150), size=(350, 200))
- # Create the menubar
- menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
- # and a menu
- menu = wx.Menu()
- # add an item to the menu, using \tKeyName automatically
- # creates an accelerator, the third param is some help text
- # that will show up in the statusbar
- menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Exit this simple sample")
- # bind the menu event to an event handler
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnTimeToClose, id=wx.ID_EXIT)
- # and put the menu on the menubar
- menuBar.Append(menu, "&File")
- self.SetMenuBar(menuBar)
- self.CreateStatusBar()
- # Now create the Panel to put the other controls on.
- panel = wx.Panel(self)
- # and a few controls
- text = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Hello World!")
- text.SetFont(wx.Font(14, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD))
- text.SetSize(text.GetBestSize())
- btn = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Close")
- funbtn = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Just for fun...")
- # bind the button events to handlers
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnTimeToClose, btn)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnFunButton, funbtn)
- # Use a sizer to layout the controls, stacked vertically and with
- # a 10 pixel border around each
- sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- sizer.Add(text, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
- sizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
- sizer.Add(funbtn, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
- panel.SetSizer(sizer)
- panel.Layout()
- def OnTimeToClose(self, evt):
- """Event handler for the button click."""
- print("See ya later!")
- self.Close()
- def OnFunButton(self, evt):
- """Event handler for the button click."""
- print("Having fun yet?")
-class MyApp(wx.App):
- def OnInit(self):
- frame = MyFrame(None, "Simple wxPython App")
- self.SetTopWindow(frame)
- print("Print statements go to this stdout window by default.")
- frame.Show(True)
- return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = wx.GetApp()
- if app is None:
- app = MyApp(redirect=False, clearSigInt=False)
- else:
- frame = MyFrame(None, "Simple wxPython App")
- app.SetTopWindow(frame)
- print("Print statements go to this stdout window by default.")
- frame.Show(True)
+ import wx
+ class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
+ """
+ This is MyFrame. It just shows a few controls on a wxPanel,
+ and has a simple menu.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, title):
+ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title,
+ pos=(150, 150), size=(350, 200))
+ # Create the menubar
+ menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
+ # and a menu
+ menu = wx.Menu()
+ # add an item to the menu, using \tKeyName automatically
+ # creates an accelerator, the third param is some help text
+ # that will show up in the statusbar
+ menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Exit this simple sample")
+ # bind the menu event to an event handler
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnTimeToClose, id=wx.ID_EXIT)
+ # and put the menu on the menubar
+ menuBar.Append(menu, "&File")
+ self.SetMenuBar(menuBar)
+ self.CreateStatusBar()
+ # Now create the Panel to put the other controls on.
+ panel = wx.Panel(self)
+ # and a few controls
+ text = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Hello World!")
+ text.SetFont(wx.Font(14, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD))
+ text.SetSize(text.GetBestSize())
+ btn = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Close")
+ funbtn = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Just for fun...")
+ # bind the button events to handlers
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnTimeToClose, btn)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnFunButton, funbtn)
+ # Use a sizer to layout the controls, stacked vertically and with
+ # a 10 pixel border around each
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ sizer.Add(text, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
+ sizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
+ sizer.Add(funbtn, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
+ panel.SetSizer(sizer)
+ panel.Layout()
+ def OnTimeToClose(self, evt):
+ """Event handler for the button click."""
+ print("See ya later!")
+ self.Close()
+ def OnFunButton(self, evt):
+ """Event handler for the button click."""
+ print("Having fun yet?")
+ class MyApp(wx.App):
+ def OnInit(self):
+ frame = MyFrame(None, "Simple wxPython App")
+ self.SetTopWindow(frame)
+ print("Print statements go to this stdout window by default.")
+ frame.Show(True)
+ return True
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app = wx.GetApp()
+ if app is None:
+ app = MyApp(redirect=False, clearSigInt=False)
+ else:
+ frame = MyFrame(None, "Simple wxPython App")
+ app.SetTopWindow(frame)
+ print("Print statements go to this stdout window by default.")
+ frame.Show(True)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
index 69717b2411ee..c221039fd774 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+import sys
def m2(a):
a = 10
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ def m2(a):
c = 30
def function2():
- print a
+ print(a)
return a
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
index aaf380c8a3f5..07ac951f05e0 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ class A:
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = A()
- print a._A__var
+ print(a._A__var)
# Evaluate 'a.__var' should give a._A__var_
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
index 263110b1e990..499d8d76e650 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ def Call():
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print 'TEST SUCEEDED!'
+ print('TEST SUCEEDED!')
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
index e6f32dd522bb..e22361d5a38d 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
def Method1():
- print 'm1'
+ print('m1')
def Method2():
- print 'm2 before'
+ print('m2 before')
- print 'm2 after'
+ print('m2 after')
def Method3():
- print 'm3 before'
+ print('m3 before')
- print 'm3 after'
+ print('m3 after')
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print 'TEST SUCEEDED!'
+ print('TEST SUCEEDED!')
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb8729f13577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import time
+import sys
+ from PySide import QtCore
+ from PyQt4 import QtCore
+# Subclassing QThread
+class AThread(QtCore.QThread):
+ def run(self):
+ count = 0
+ while count < 5:
+ time.sleep(.5)
+ print("Increasing", count);sys.stdout.flush()
+ count += 1
+app = QtCore.QCoreApplication([])
+thread = AThread()
+print('TEST SUCEEDED!') \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b2ce3159652c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import time
+import sys
+ from PySide import QtCore
+ from PyQt4 import QtCore
+# Subclassing QObject and using moveToThread
+class SomeObject(QtCore.QObject):
+ finished = QtCore.Signal()
+ def longRunning(self):
+ count = 0
+ while count < 5:
+ time.sleep(.5)
+ print "Increasing"
+ count += 1
+ self.finished.emit()
+app = QtCore.QCoreApplication([])
+objThread = QtCore.QThread()
+obj = SomeObject()
+print('TEST SUCEEDED!') \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..22b0c91d7f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import time
+import sys
+ from PySide import QtCore
+ from PyQt4 import QtCore
+# Using a QRunnable
+# Note that a QRunnable isn't a subclass of QObject and therefore does
+# not provide signals and slots.
+class Runnable(QtCore.QRunnable):
+ def run(self):
+ count = 0
+ app = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance()
+ while count < 5:
+ print "Increasing"
+ time.sleep(.5)
+ count += 1
+ app.quit()
+app = QtCore.QCoreApplication([])
+runnable = Runnable()
+print('TEST SUCEEDED!') \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
index 6ae260d6a658..71dc35243257 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
import sys
import os
+import pydev_monkey
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.split(os.path.split(__file__)[0])[0])
from pydevd_constants import Null
import unittest
+ import thread
+ import _thread as thread
+ xrange
+ xrange = range
# TestCase
@@ -40,10 +51,7 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testStartNewThread(self):
- import pydevd
- import thread
- original = thread.start_new_thread
- thread.start_new_thread = pydevd.pydev_start_new_thread
+ pydev_monkey.patch_thread_modules()
found = {}
def function(a, b, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -62,15 +70,11 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'args': (3, 4), 'kwargs': {'e': 2, 'd': 1}}, found)
- thread.start_new_thread = original
+ pydev_monkey.undo_patch_thread_modules()
def testStartNewThread2(self):
- import pydevd
- import thread
- original = thread.start_new_thread
- thread.start_new_thread = pydevd.pydev_start_new_thread
+ pydev_monkey.patch_thread_modules()
found = {}
@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'args': (3, 4), 'kwargs': {'e': 2, 'd': 1}}, found)
- thread.start_new_thread = original
+ pydev_monkey.undo_patch_thread_modules()
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
index 3a216cb64079..ea569ddce556 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -5,6 +5,17 @@
Note that it's a python script but it'll spawn a process to run as jython, ironpython and as python.
+from pydevd_constants import IS_PY3K
+ from thread import start_new_thread
+ from _thread import start_new_thread
@@ -14,9 +25,13 @@ JAVA_LOCATION = None
import unittest
import pydev_localhost
port = None
+ xrange
+ xrange = range
def UpdatePort():
global port
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
@@ -25,29 +40,26 @@ def UpdatePort():
import os
-def NormFile(filename):
+def _get_debugger_test_file(filename):
rPath = os.path.realpath # @UndefinedVariable
# jython does not support os.path.realpath
# realpath is a no-op on systems without islink support
rPath = os.path.abspath
- return os.path.normcase(rPath(filename))
-PYDEVD_FILE = NormFile('../')
-import sys
+ return os.path.normcase(rPath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)))
+import pydevd
+PYDEVD_FILE = pydevd.__file__
+import sys
import subprocess
import socket
import threading
import time
-from urllib import quote_plus, quote, unquote_plus
+from pydev_imports import quote_plus, quote, unquote_plus
@@ -59,13 +71,16 @@ class ReaderThread(threading.Thread):
self.sock = sock
- self.lastReceived = None
+ self.lastReceived = ''
def run(self):
+ last_printed = None
buf = ''
while True:
l = self.sock.recv(1024)
+ if IS_PY3K:
+ l = l.decode('utf-8')
buf += l
if '\n' in buf:
@@ -73,7 +88,9 @@ class ReaderThread(threading.Thread):
buf = ''
- print 'Test Reader Thread Received %s' % self.lastReceived.strip()
+ if last_printed != self.lastReceived.strip():
+ last_printed = self.lastReceived.strip()
+ print('Test Reader Thread Received %s' % last_printed)
pass # ok, finished it
@@ -90,6 +107,8 @@ class AbstractWriterThread(threading.Thread):
self.finishedOk = False
self._next_breakpoint_id = 0
+ self.log = []
def DoKill(self):
if hasattr(self, 'readerThread'):
@@ -98,10 +117,14 @@ class AbstractWriterThread(threading.Thread):
def Write(self, s):
last = self.readerThread.lastReceived
- print 'Test Writer Thread Written %s' % (s,)
- self.sock.send(s + '\n')
+ print('Test Writer Thread Written %s' % (s,))
+ msg = s + '\n'
+ if IS_PY3K:
+ msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
+ self.sock.send(msg)
i = 0
@@ -112,16 +135,16 @@ class AbstractWriterThread(threading.Thread):
def StartSocket(self):
- print 'StartSocket'
+ print('StartSocket')
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind(('', port))
- print 'Waiting in socket.accept()'
+ print('Waiting in socket.accept()')
newSock, addr = s.accept()
- print 'Test Writer Thread Socket:', newSock, addr
+ print('Test Writer Thread Socket:', newSock, addr)
readerThread = self.readerThread = ReaderThread(newSock)
@@ -130,6 +153,7 @@ class AbstractWriterThread(threading.Thread):
self._sequence = -1
# initial command is always the version
+ self.log.append('StartSocket')
def NextBreakpointId(self):
self._next_breakpoint_id += 1
@@ -160,22 +184,27 @@ class AbstractWriterThread(threading.Thread):
109 is return
111 is breakpoint
+ self.log.append('Start: WaitForBreakpointHit')
i = 0
# wait for hit breakpoint
- while not ('stop_reason="%s"' % reason) in self.readerThread.lastReceived:
+ last = self.readerThread.lastReceived
+ while not ('stop_reason="%s"' % reason) in last:
i += 1
+ last = self.readerThread.lastReceived
if i >= 10:
raise AssertionError('After %s seconds, a break with reason: %s was not hit. Found: %s' % \
- (i, reason, self.readerThread.lastReceived))
+ (i, reason, last))
# we have something like <xml><thread id="12152656" stop_reason="111"><frame id="12453120" ...
- splitted = self.readerThread.lastReceived.split('"')
+ splitted = last.split('"')
threadId = splitted[1]
frameId = splitted[7]
if get_line:
+ self.log.append('End(0): WaitForBreakpointHit')
return threadId, frameId, int(splitted[13])
+ self.log.append('End(1): WaitForBreakpointHit')
return threadId, frameId
def WaitForCustomOperation(self, expected):
@@ -264,6 +293,7 @@ class AbstractWriterThread(threading.Thread):
def WriteMakeInitialRun(self):
self.Write("101\t%s\t" % self.NextSeq())
+ self.log.append('WriteMakeInitialRun')
def WriteVersion(self):
self.Write("501\t%s\t1.0\tWINDOWS\tID" % self.NextSeq())
@@ -274,6 +304,7 @@ class AbstractWriterThread(threading.Thread):
breakpoint_id = self.NextBreakpointId()
self.Write("111\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\tNone\tNone" % (self.NextSeq(), breakpoint_id, 'python-line', self.TEST_FILE, line, func))
+ self.log.append('WriteAddBreakpoint: %s line: %s func: %s' % (breakpoint_id, line, func))
return breakpoint_id
def WriteRemoveBreakpoint(self, breakpoint_id):
@@ -284,6 +315,7 @@ class AbstractWriterThread(threading.Thread):
def WriteGetFrame(self, threadId, frameId):
self.Write("114\t%s\t%s\t%s\tFRAME" % (self.NextSeq(), threadId, frameId))
+ self.log.append('WriteGetFrame')
def WriteGetVariable(self, threadId, frameId, var_attrs):
self.Write("110\t%s\t%s\t%s\tFRAME\t%s" % (self.NextSeq(), threadId, frameId, var_attrs))
@@ -301,6 +333,7 @@ class AbstractWriterThread(threading.Thread):
self.Write("105\t%s\t%s" % (self.NextSeq(), threadId,))
def WriteRunThread(self, threadId):
+ self.log.append('WriteRunThread')
self.Write("106\t%s\t%s" % (self.NextSeq(), threadId,))
def WriteKillThread(self, threadId):
@@ -328,7 +361,7 @@ class AbstractWriterThread(threading.Thread):
class WriterThreadCase19(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -352,7 +385,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase19(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase18(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -372,7 +405,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase18(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase17(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -400,7 +433,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase17(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase16(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -430,8 +463,16 @@ class WriterThreadCase16(AbstractWriterThread):
self.WaitForVar('<var name="%27size%27')
self.WriteGetVariable(threadId, frameId, 'bigarray')
- self.WaitForVar(['<var name="min" type="int64" value="int64%253A 0" />', '<var name="size" type="int" value="int%3A 100000" />']) # TODO: When on a 32 bit python we get an int32 (which makes this test fail).
- self.WaitForVar(['<var name="max" type="int64" value="int64%253A 99999" />', '<var name="max" type="int32" value="int32%253A 99999" />'])
+ self.WaitForVar([
+ '<var name="min" type="int64" value="int64%253A 0" />',
+ '<var name="min" type="int64" value="int64%3A 0" />',
+ '<var name="size" type="int" value="int%3A 100000" />',
+ ])
+ self.WaitForVar([
+ '<var name="max" type="int64" value="int64%253A 99999" />',
+ '<var name="max" type="int32" value="int32%253A 99999" />',
+ '<var name="max" type="int64" value="int64%3A 99999"'
+ ])
self.WaitForVar('<var name="shape" type="tuple"')
self.WaitForVar('<var name="dtype" type="dtype"')
self.WaitForVar('<var name="size" type="int"')
@@ -441,8 +482,14 @@ class WriterThreadCase16(AbstractWriterThread):
# this one is different because it crosses the magic threshold where we don't calculate
# the min/max
self.WriteGetVariable(threadId, frameId, 'hugearray')
- self.WaitForVar('<var name="min" type="str" value="str%253A ndarray too big%252C calculating min would slow down debugging" />')
- self.WaitForVar('<var name="max" type="str" value="str%253A ndarray too big%252C calculating max would slow down debugging" />')
+ self.WaitForVar([
+ '<var name="min" type="str" value="str%253A ndarray too big%252C calculating min would slow down debugging" />',
+ '<var name="min" type="str" value="str%3A ndarray too big%252C calculating min would slow down debugging" />',
+ ])
+ self.WaitForVar([
+ '<var name="max" type="str" value="str%253A ndarray too big%252C calculating max would slow down debugging" />',
+ '<var name="max" type="str" value="str%3A ndarray too big%252C calculating max would slow down debugging" />',
+ ])
self.WaitForVar('<var name="shape" type="tuple"')
self.WaitForVar('<var name="dtype" type="dtype"')
self.WaitForVar('<var name="size" type="int"')
@@ -458,7 +505,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase16(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase15(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -472,7 +519,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase15(AbstractWriterThread):
assert 7 == self._sequence, 'Expected 7. Had: %s' % self._sequence
- self.WriteCustomOperation("%s\t%s\tEXPRESSION\tcarObj.color" % (threadId, frameId), "EXECFILE", NormFile(''), "f")
+ self.WriteCustomOperation("%s\t%s\tEXPRESSION\tcarObj.color" % (threadId, frameId), "EXECFILE", _get_debugger_test_file(''), "f")
assert 9 == self._sequence, 'Expected 9. Had: %s' % self._sequence
@@ -486,7 +533,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase15(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase14(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -499,21 +546,26 @@ class WriterThreadCase14(AbstractWriterThread):
# Access some variable
self.WriteDebugConsoleExpression("%s\t%s\tEVALUATE\tcarObj.color" % (threadId, frameId))
- self.WaitForMultipleVars(['<more>False</more>', '%27Black%27'])
+ self.WaitForVar(['<more>False</more>', '%27Black%27'])
assert 7 == self._sequence, 'Expected 9. Had: %s' % self._sequence
# Change some variable
self.WriteDebugConsoleExpression("%s\t%s\tEVALUATE\tcarObj.color='Red'" % (threadId, frameId))
self.WriteDebugConsoleExpression("%s\t%s\tEVALUATE\tcarObj.color" % (threadId, frameId))
- self.WaitForMultipleVars(['<more>False</more>', '%27Red%27'])
+ self.WaitForVar(['<more>False</more>', '%27Red%27'])
assert 11 == self._sequence, 'Expected 13. Had: %s' % self._sequence
# Iterate some loop
self.WriteDebugConsoleExpression("%s\t%s\tEVALUATE\tfor i in range(3):" % (threadId, frameId))
- self.WaitForVars('<xml><more>True</more></xml>')
- self.WriteDebugConsoleExpression("%s\t%s\tEVALUATE\t print i" % (threadId, frameId))
+ self.WaitForVar(['<xml><more>True</more></xml>', '<xml><more>1</more></xml>'])
+ self.WriteDebugConsoleExpression("%s\t%s\tEVALUATE\t print(i)" % (threadId, frameId))
self.WriteDebugConsoleExpression("%s\t%s\tEVALUATE\t" % (threadId, frameId))
- self.WaitForVars('<xml><more>False</more><output message="0"></output><output message="1"></output><output message="2"></output></xml>')
+ self.WaitForVar(
+ [
+ '<xml><more>False</more><output message="0"></output><output message="1"></output><output message="2"></output></xml>',
+ '<xml><more>0</more><output message="0"></output><output message="1"></output><output message="2"></output></xml>'
+ ]
+ )
assert 17 == self._sequence, 'Expected 19. Had: %s' % self._sequence
@@ -525,7 +577,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase14(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase13(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -575,7 +627,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase13(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase12(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -607,7 +659,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase12(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase11(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -648,7 +700,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase11(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase10(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -682,7 +734,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase10(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase9(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -715,7 +767,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase9(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase8(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -744,7 +796,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase8(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase7(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -782,7 +834,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase7(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase6(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -817,7 +869,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase6(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase5(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -855,7 +907,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase5(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase4(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -877,12 +929,12 @@ class WriterThreadCase4(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase3(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
- time.sleep(1)
+ time.sleep(.5)
breakpoint_id = self.WriteAddBreakpoint(4, '')
self.WriteAddBreakpoint(5, 'FuncNotAvailable') # Check that it doesn't get hit in the global when a function is available
@@ -909,7 +961,7 @@ class WriterThreadCase3(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase2(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
@@ -930,8 +982,79 @@ class WriterThreadCase2(AbstractWriterThread):
+ self.log.append('Checking sequence. Found: %s' % (self._sequence))
assert 15 == self._sequence, 'Expected 15. Had: %s' % self._sequence
+ self.log.append('Marking finished ok.')
+ self.finishedOk = True
+# WriterThreadCaseQThread1
+class WriterThreadCaseQThread1(AbstractWriterThread):
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
+ def run(self):
+ self.StartSocket()
+ breakpoint_id = self.WriteAddBreakpoint(16, 'run')
+ self.WriteMakeInitialRun()
+ threadId, frameId = self.WaitForBreakpointHit()
+ self.WriteRemoveBreakpoint(breakpoint_id)
+ self.WriteRunThread(threadId)
+ self.log.append('Checking sequence. Found: %s' % (self._sequence))
+ assert 9 == self._sequence, 'Expected 9. Had: %s' % self._sequence
+ self.log.append('Marking finished ok.')
+ self.finishedOk = True
+# WriterThreadCaseQThread2
+class WriterThreadCaseQThread2(AbstractWriterThread):
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
+ def run(self):
+ self.StartSocket()
+ breakpoint_id = self.WriteAddBreakpoint(18, 'longRunning')
+ self.WriteMakeInitialRun()
+ threadId, frameId = self.WaitForBreakpointHit()
+ self.WriteRemoveBreakpoint(breakpoint_id)
+ self.WriteRunThread(threadId)
+ self.log.append('Checking sequence. Found: %s' % (self._sequence))
+ assert 9 == self._sequence, 'Expected 9. Had: %s' % self._sequence
+ self.log.append('Marking finished ok.')
+ self.finishedOk = True
+# WriterThreadCaseQThread3
+class WriterThreadCaseQThread3(AbstractWriterThread):
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
+ def run(self):
+ self.StartSocket()
+ breakpoint_id = self.WriteAddBreakpoint(19, 'run')
+ self.WriteMakeInitialRun()
+ threadId, frameId = self.WaitForBreakpointHit()
+ self.WriteRemoveBreakpoint(breakpoint_id)
+ self.WriteRunThread(threadId)
+ self.log.append('Checking sequence. Found: %s' % (self._sequence))
+ assert 9 == self._sequence, 'Expected 9. Had: %s' % self._sequence
+ self.log.append('Marking finished ok.')
self.finishedOk = True
@@ -939,24 +1062,39 @@ class WriterThreadCase2(AbstractWriterThread):
class WriterThreadCase1(AbstractWriterThread):
- TEST_FILE = NormFile('')
+ TEST_FILE = _get_debugger_test_file('')
def run(self):
+ self.log.append('writing add breakpoint')
self.WriteAddBreakpoint(6, 'SetUp')
+ self.log.append('making initial run')
+ self.log.append('waiting for breakpoint hit')
threadId, frameId = self.WaitForBreakpointHit()
+ self.log.append('get frame')
self.WriteGetFrame(threadId, frameId)
+ self.log.append('step over')
+ self.log.append('get frame')
self.WriteGetFrame(threadId, frameId)
+ self.log.append('run thread')
- assert 13 == self._sequence, 'Expected 13. Had: %s' % self._sequence
+ self.log.append('asserting')
+ try:
+ assert 13 == self._sequence, 'Expected 13. Had: %s' % self._sequence
+ except:
+ self.log.append('assert failed!')
+ raise
+ self.log.append('asserted')
self.finishedOk = True
@@ -972,6 +1110,7 @@ class DebuggerBase(object):
writerThread = writerThreadClass()
+ time.sleep(1)
localhost = pydev_localhost.get_localhost()
args = self.getCommandLine()
@@ -987,60 +1126,74 @@ class DebuggerBase(object):
- print 'executing', ' '.join(args)
-# process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=os.path.dirname(PYDEVD_FILE))
- process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=os.path.dirname(PYDEVD_FILE))
- class ProcessReadThread(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- self.resultStr = None
- self.resultStr =
- process.stdout.close()
- def DoKill(self):
- process.stdout.close()
- processReadThread = ProcessReadThread()
- processReadThread.setDaemon(True)
- processReadThread.start()
+ print('executing', ' '.join(args))
+ process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=os.path.dirname(PYDEVD_FILE))
+ stdout = []
+ stderr = []
+ def read(stream, buffer):
+ for line in stream.readlines():
+ if IS_PY3K:
+ line = line.decode('utf-8')
+ print(line)
+ buffer.append(line)
+ start_new_thread(read, (process.stdout, stdout))
- print 'Both processes started'
+ print('Both processes started')
# polls can fail (because the process may finish and the thread still not -- so, we give it some more chances to
# finish successfully).
- pools_failed = 0
- while writerThread.isAlive():
+ check = 0
+ while True:
if process.poll() is not None:
- pools_failed += 1
- time.sleep(.2)
- if pools_failed == 10:
- if process.poll() is None:
- for i in range(10):
- if processReadThread.resultStr is None:
- time.sleep(.5)
- else:
- break
- writerThread.DoKill()
- else:
- if process.poll() < 0:
-"The other process exited with error code: " + str(process.poll()) + " result:" + processReadThread.resultStr)
+ if not writerThread.isAlive():
+ check += 1
+ if check == 20:
+ print('Warning: writer thread exited and process still did not.')
+ if check == 100:
+ self.fail_with_message(
+ "The other process should've exited but still didn't (timeout for process to exit).",
+ stdout, stderr, writerThread
+ )
+ time.sleep(.2)
+ poll = process.poll()
+ if poll < 0:
+ self.fail_with_message(
+ "The other process exited with error code: " + str(poll), stdout, stderr, writerThread)
- print processReadThread.resultStr
- if processReadThread.resultStr is None:
-"The other process may still be running -- and didn't give any output")
+ if stdout is None:
+ self.fail_with_message(
+ "The other process may still be running -- and didn't give any output.", stdout, stderr, writerThread)
- if 'TEST SUCEEDED' not in processReadThread.resultStr:
+ if 'TEST SUCEEDED' not in ''.join(stdout):
+ self.fail_with_message("TEST SUCEEDED not found in stdout.", stdout, stderr, writerThread)
+ for i in xrange(100):
+ if not writerThread.finishedOk:
+ time.sleep(.1)
if not writerThread.finishedOk:
-"The thread that was doing the tests didn't finish successfully. Output: %s" % processReadThread.resultStr)
+ self.fail_with_message(
+ "The thread that was doing the tests didn't finish successfully.", stdout, stderr, writerThread)
+ def fail_with_message(self, msg, stdout, stderr, writerThread):
+ "\nStdout: \n"+'\n'.join(stdout)+
+ "\nStderr:"+'\n'.join(stderr)+
+ "\nLog:\n"+'\n'.join(getattr(writerThread, 'log', [])))
def testCase1(self):
@@ -1098,6 +1251,30 @@ class DebuggerBase(object):
def testCase19(self):
+ def _has_qt(self):
+ try:
+ from PySide import QtCore
+ return True
+ except:
+ try:
+ from PyQt4 import QtCore
+ return True
+ except:
+ pass
+ return False
+ def testCaseQthread1(self):
+ if self._has_qt():
+ self.CheckCase(WriterThreadCaseQThread1)
+ def testCaseQthread2(self):
+ if self._has_qt():
+ self.CheckCase(WriterThreadCaseQThread2)
+ def testCaseQthread3(self):
+ if self._has_qt():
+ self.CheckCase(WriterThreadCaseQThread3)
class TestPython(unittest.TestCase, DebuggerBase):
@@ -1117,9 +1294,6 @@ class TestJython(unittest.TestCase, DebuggerBase):
def testCase13(self):
self.skipTest("Unsupported Decorators")
- def testCase16(self):
- self.skipTest("Unsupported numpy")
# This case requires decorators to work (which are not present on Jython 2.1), so, this test is just removed from the jython run.
def testCase17(self):
self.skipTest("Unsupported Decorators")
@@ -1127,6 +1301,9 @@ class TestJython(unittest.TestCase, DebuggerBase):
def testCase18(self):
self.skipTest("Unsupported assign to local")
+ def testCase16(self):
+ self.skipTest("Unsupported numpy")
class TestIronPython(unittest.TestCase, DebuggerBase):
def getCommandLine(self):
return [
@@ -1134,8 +1311,22 @@ class TestIronPython(unittest.TestCase, DebuggerBase):
+ def testCase3(self):
+ self.skipTest("Timing issues") # This test fails once in a while due to timing issues on IronPython, so, skipping it.
+ def testCase7(self):
+ # This test checks that we start without variables and at each step a new var is created, but on ironpython,
+ # the variables exist all at once (with None values), so, we can't test it properly.
+ self.skipTest("Different behavior on IronPython")
+ def testCase13(self):
+ self.skipTest("Unsupported Decorators") # Not sure why it doesn't work on IronPython, but it's not so common, so, leave it be.
def testCase16(self):
self.skipTest("Unsupported numpy")
+ def testCase18(self):
+ self.skipTest("Unsupported assign to local")
def GetLocationFromLine(line):
@@ -1157,49 +1348,90 @@ def SplitLine(line):
import platform
sysname = platform.system().lower()
test_dependent = os.path.join('../../../', 'org.python.pydev.core', 'tests', 'org', 'python', 'pydev', 'core', 'TestDependent.' + sysname + '.properties')
-f = open(test_dependent)
- for line in f.readlines():
- var, loc = SplitLine(line)
- if 'PYTHON_EXE' == var:
- PYTHON_EXE = loc
- if 'IRONPYTHON_EXE' == var:
- if 'JYTHON_JAR_LOCATION' == var:
- if 'JAVA_LOCATION' == var:
- f.close()
-assert PYTHON_EXE, 'PYTHON_EXE not found in %s' % (test_dependent,)
-assert IRONPYTHON_EXE, 'IRONPYTHON_EXE not found in %s' % (test_dependent,)
-assert JYTHON_JAR_LOCATION, 'JYTHON_JAR_LOCATION not found in %s' % (test_dependent,)
-assert JAVA_LOCATION, 'JAVA_LOCATION not found in %s' % (test_dependent,)
-assert os.path.exists(PYTHON_EXE), 'The location: %s is not valid' % (PYTHON_EXE,)
-assert os.path.exists(IRONPYTHON_EXE), 'The location: %s is not valid' % (IRONPYTHON_EXE,)
-assert os.path.exists(JYTHON_JAR_LOCATION), 'The location: %s is not valid' % (JYTHON_JAR_LOCATION,)
-assert os.path.exists(JAVA_LOCATION), 'The location: %s is not valid' % (JAVA_LOCATION,)
-if False:
- suite = unittest.TestSuite()
- #PYTHON_EXE = r'C:\bin\Anaconda\python.exe'
-# suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase10'))
-# suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase3'))
-# suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase16'))
-# suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase17'))
-# suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase18'))
-# suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase19'))
- suite = unittest.makeSuite(TestPython)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3).run(suite)
+if os.path.exists(test_dependent):
+ f = open(test_dependent)
+ try:
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ var, loc = SplitLine(line)
+ if 'PYTHON_EXE' == var:
+ PYTHON_EXE = loc
+ if 'IRONPYTHON_EXE' == var:
+ if 'JYTHON_JAR_LOCATION' == var:
+ if 'JAVA_LOCATION' == var:
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ pass
+ sys.stderr.write('Warning: not running IronPython tests.\n')
+ class TestIronPython(unittest.TestCase):
+ pass
+if JAVA_LOCATION is None:
+ sys.stderr.write('Warning: not running Jython tests.\n')
+ class TestJython(unittest.TestCase):
+ pass
-# unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3).run(suite)
-# suite = unittest.makeSuite(TestJython)
-# unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3).run(suite)
+# if PYTHON_EXE is None:
+PYTHON_EXE = sys.executable
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if False:
+ assert PYTHON_EXE, 'PYTHON_EXE not found in %s' % (test_dependent,)
+ assert IRONPYTHON_EXE, 'IRONPYTHON_EXE not found in %s' % (test_dependent,)
+ assert JYTHON_JAR_LOCATION, 'JYTHON_JAR_LOCATION not found in %s' % (test_dependent,)
+ assert JAVA_LOCATION, 'JAVA_LOCATION not found in %s' % (test_dependent,)
+ assert os.path.exists(PYTHON_EXE), 'The location: %s is not valid' % (PYTHON_EXE,)
+ assert os.path.exists(IRONPYTHON_EXE), 'The location: %s is not valid' % (IRONPYTHON_EXE,)
+ assert os.path.exists(JYTHON_JAR_LOCATION), 'The location: %s is not valid' % (JYTHON_JAR_LOCATION,)
+ assert os.path.exists(JAVA_LOCATION), 'The location: %s is not valid' % (JAVA_LOCATION,)
+ if True:
+ #try:
+ # os.remove(r'X:\pydev\plugins\org.python.pydev\pysrc\pydevd.pyc')
+ #except:
+ # pass
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+# suite.addTests(unittest.makeSuite(TestJython)) # Note: Jython should be 2.2.1
+# suite.addTests(unittest.makeSuite(TestIronPython))
+# suite.addTests(unittest.makeSuite(TestPython))
+# suite.addTest(TestIronPython('testCase18'))
+# suite.addTest(TestIronPython('testCase17'))
+# suite.addTest(TestIronPython('testCase3'))
+# suite.addTest(TestIronPython('testCase7'))
+ suite.addTest(TestPython('testCaseQthread1'))
+ suite.addTest(TestPython('testCaseQthread2'))
+ suite.addTest(TestPython('testCaseQthread3'))
+# suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase4'))
+# suite.addTest(TestJython('testCase1'))
+# suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase2'))
+# unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3).run(suite)
+ # suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase17'))
+ # suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase18'))
+ # suite.addTest(TestPython('testCase19'))
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3).run(suite)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
index 3eb7930b73ae..be1312a066d3 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -1,17 +1,32 @@
import unittest
import pydev_monkey
import sys
+from pydevd import SetupHolder
+from pydev_monkey import pydev_src_dir
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_monkey(self):
- check='''C:\\bin\\python.exe -u -c "
+ original = SetupHolder.setup
+ try:
+ SetupHolder.setup = {'client':'', 'port': '0'}
+ check='''C:\\bin\\python.exe -u -c "
- sys.original_argv = []
- self.assertEqual('"-u" "-c" "\nconnect(\\"\\")\n"', pydev_monkey.patch_arg_str_win(check))
+ sys.original_argv = []
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '"C:\\bin\\python.exe" "-u" "-c" "import sys; '
+ 'sys.path.append(r\'%s\'); '
+ 'import pydevd; pydevd.settrace(host=\'\', port=0, suspend=False, '
+ 'trace_only_current_thread=False, patch_multiprocessing=True); '
+ '\nconnect(\\"\\")\n"' % pydev_src_dir,
+ pydev_monkey.patch_arg_str_win(check)
+ )
+ finally:
+ SetupHolder.setup = original
def test_str_to_args_windows(self):
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
index fe65d4d438d1..a3beb567d305 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_python/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def use_save_locals(name, value):
-def test_method(fn):
+def check_method(fn):
A harness for testing methods that attempt to modify the values of locals on the stack.
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class TestSetLocals(unittest.TestCase):
def test_set_locals_using_save_locals(self):
- x = test_method(use_save_locals)
+ x = check_method(use_save_locals)
self.assertEqual(x, 2) # Expected to succeed
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class TestSetLocals(unittest.TestCase):
def check_co_vars(a):
frame = sys._getframe()
def function2():
- print a
+ print(a)
assert 'a' in frame.f_code.co_cellvars
frame = sys._getframe()
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/nested_dir/.cvsignore b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/nested_dir/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d1c899510a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/nested_dir/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/nested_dir/nested2/.cvsignore b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/nested_dir/nested2/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d1c899510a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/nested_dir/nested2/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/nested_dir/nested3/.cvsignore b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/nested_dir/nested3/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d1c899510a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/nested_dir/nested3/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/not_in_default_pythonpath.txt b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/not_in_default_pythonpath.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..29cdc5bc1078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/samples/not_in_default_pythonpath.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(no file) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/
index 0c04764e99fc..fb34c40c80a7 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/tests_runfiles/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ if 'pydev_runfiles' in sys.modules:
import pydev_runfiles
import unittest
import tempfile
+import re
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ class RunfilesTest(unittest.TestCase):
files_with_tests = [1 for t in self.all_tests if len(t._tests) > 0]
self.assertNotEquals(len(self.files), len(files_with_tests))
- def count_tests(self, tests):
+ def count_suite(self, tests=None):
total = 0
for t in tests:
total += t.countTestCases()
@@ -207,60 +208,60 @@ class RunfilesTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_finding_tests_from_modules_with_bad_filter_returns_0_tests(self):
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, ["NO_TESTS_ARE_SURE_TO_HAVE_THIS_NAME"])
- self.assertEquals(0, self.count_tests(self.all_tests))
+ self.assertEquals(0, self.count_suite(self.all_tests))
def test_finding_test_with_unique_name_returns_1_test(self):
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, include_tests=["test_i_am_a_unique_test_name"])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEquals(1, self.count_tests(filtered_tests))
+ self.assertEquals(1, self.count_suite(filtered_tests))
def test_finding_test_with_non_unique_name(self):
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, include_tests=["test_non_unique_name"])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEquals(1, self.count_tests(filtered_tests) > 2)
+ self.assertEquals(1, self.count_suite(filtered_tests) > 2)
def test_finding_tests_with_regex_filters(self):
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, include_tests=["test_non*"])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEquals(1, self.count_tests(filtered_tests) > 2)
+ self.assertEquals(1, self.count_suite(filtered_tests) > 2)
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, ["^$"])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEquals(0, self.count_tests(filtered_tests))
+ self.assertEquals(0, self.count_suite(filtered_tests))
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, None, exclude_tests=["*"])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEquals(0, self.count_tests(filtered_tests))
+ self.assertEquals(0, self.count_suite(filtered_tests))
def test_matching_tests(self):
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, None, ['StillYetAnotherSampleTest'])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEqual(1, self.count_tests(filtered_tests))
+ self.assertEqual(1, self.count_suite(filtered_tests))
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, None, ['SampleTest.test_xxxxxx1'])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEqual(1, self.count_tests(filtered_tests))
+ self.assertEqual(1, self.count_suite(filtered_tests))
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, None, ['SampleTest'])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEqual(8, self.count_tests(filtered_tests))
+ self.assertEqual(8, self.count_suite(filtered_tests))
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, None, ['AnotherSampleTest.todo_not_tested'])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEqual(1, self.count_tests(filtered_tests))
+ self.assertEqual(1, self.count_suite(filtered_tests))
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, None, ['StillYetAnotherSampleTest', 'SampleTest.test_xxxxxx1'])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEqual(2, self.count_tests(filtered_tests))
+ self.assertEqual(2, self.count_suite(filtered_tests))
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, None, exclude_tests=['*'])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEqual(self.count_tests(filtered_tests), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.count_suite(filtered_tests), 0)
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, None, exclude_tests=['*a*'])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEqual(self.count_tests(filtered_tests), 6)
+ self.assertEqual(self.count_suite(filtered_tests), 6)
@@ -269,7 +270,7 @@ class RunfilesTest(unittest.TestCase):
self._setup_scenario(self.file_dir, None, exclude_tests=['*a*', '*x*'])
filtered_tests = self.MyTestRunner.filter_tests(self.all_tests)
- self.assertEqual(self.count_tests(filtered_tests), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(self.count_suite(filtered_tests), 2)
@@ -362,17 +363,43 @@ class RunfilesTest(unittest.TestCase):
('notifyTest', 'ok', '', '', simple_test, 'SampleTest.test_xxxxxx2'),
('notifyTest', 'ok', '', '', simple_test2, 'YetAnotherSampleTest.test_abc'),
if not IS_JYTHON:
- expected.append(('notifyTest', 'error', '', 'ValueError: This is an INTENTIONAL value error in setUpClass.',
- simpleClass_test.replace('/', os.path.sep), 'samples.simpleClass_test.SetUpClassTest <setUpClass>'))
- expected.append(('notifyTest', 'error', '', 'ValueError: This is an INTENTIONAL value error in setUpModule.',
- simpleModule_test.replace('/', os.path.sep), 'samples.simpleModule_test <setUpModule>'))
+ if 'samples.simpleClass_test' in str(notifications):
+ expected.append(('notifyTest', 'error', '', 'ValueError: This is an INTENTIONAL value error in setUpClass.',
+ simpleClass_test.replace('/', os.path.sep), 'samples.simpleClass_test.SetUpClassTest <setUpClass>'))
+ expected.append(('notifyTest', 'error', '', 'ValueError: This is an INTENTIONAL value error in setUpModule.',
+ simpleModule_test.replace('/', os.path.sep), 'samples.simpleModule_test <setUpModule>'))
+ else:
+ expected.append(('notifyTest', 'error', '', 'ValueError: This is an INTENTIONAL value error in setUpClass.',
+ simpleClass_test.replace('/', os.path.sep), 'simpleClass_test.SetUpClassTest <setUpClass>'))
+ expected.append(('notifyTest', 'error', '', 'ValueError: This is an INTENTIONAL value error in setUpModule.',
+ simpleModule_test.replace('/', os.path.sep), 'simpleModule_test <setUpModule>'))
expected.append(('notifyTest', 'ok', '', '', simpleClass_test, 'SetUpClassTest.test_blank'))
expected.append(('notifyTest', 'ok', '', '', simpleModule_test, 'SetUpModuleTest.test_blank'))
+ new_notifications = []
+ for notification in expected:
+ try:
+ if len(notification) == 6:
+ # Some are binary on Py3.
+ new_notifications.append((
+ notification[0],
+ notification[1],
+ notification[2].encode('latin1'),
+ notification[3].encode('latin1'),
+ notification[4],
+ notification[5],
+ ))
+ else:
+ new_notifications.append(notification)
+ except:
+ raise
+ expected = new_notifications
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8b137891791f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..224b5c645949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/
@@ -0,0 +1,3687 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Hideo Hattori
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Hideo Hattori, Steven Myint
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Hideo Hattori, Steven Myint, Bill Wendling
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+"""Automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide.
+Fixes that only need be done once can be added by adding a function of the form
+"fix_<code>(source)" to this module. They should return the fixed source code.
+These fixes are picked up by apply_global_fixes().
+Fixes that depend on pep8 should be added as methods to FixPEP8. See the class
+documentation for more information.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import bisect
+import codecs
+import collections
+import copy
+import difflib
+import fnmatch
+import inspect
+import io
+import itertools
+import keyword
+import locale
+import os
+import re
+import signal
+import sys
+import token
+import tokenize
+import pep8
+ unicode
+except NameError:
+ unicode = str
+__version__ = '1.0.3'
+CR = '\r'
+LF = '\n'
+CRLF = '\r\n'
+PYTHON_SHEBANG_REGEX = re.compile(r'^#!.*\bpython[23]?\b\s*$')
+# For generating line shortening candidates.
+ frozenset([',']),
+ frozenset(['%']),
+ frozenset([',', '(', '[', '{']),
+ frozenset(['%', '(', '[', '{']),
+ frozenset([',', '(', '[', '{', '%', '+', '-', '*', '/', '//']),
+ frozenset(['%', '+', '-', '*', '/', '//']),
+# W602 is handled separately due to the need to avoid "with_traceback".
+CODE_TO_2TO3 = {
+ 'E721': ['idioms'],
+ 'W601': ['has_key'],
+ 'W603': ['ne'],
+ 'W604': ['repr'],
+ 'W690': ['apply',
+ 'except',
+ 'exitfunc',
+ 'import',
+ 'numliterals',
+ 'operator',
+ 'paren',
+ 'reduce',
+ 'renames',
+ 'standarderror',
+ 'sys_exc',
+ 'throw',
+ 'tuple_params',
+ 'xreadlines']}
+def check_lib2to3():
+ try:
+ import lib2to3
+ except ImportError:
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lib2to3'))
+ import lib2to3
+def open_with_encoding(filename, encoding=None, mode='r'):
+ """Return opened file with a specific encoding."""
+ if not encoding:
+ encoding = detect_encoding(filename)
+ return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding,
+ newline='') # Preserve line endings
+def detect_encoding(filename):
+ """Return file encoding."""
+ try:
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as input_file:
+ check_lib2to3()
+ from lib2to3.pgen2 import tokenize as lib2to3_tokenize
+ encoding = lib2to3_tokenize.detect_encoding(input_file.readline)[0]
+ # Check for correctness of encoding
+ with open_with_encoding(filename, encoding) as test_file:
+ return encoding
+ except (LookupError, SyntaxError, UnicodeDecodeError):
+ return 'latin-1'
+def readlines_from_file(filename):
+ """Return contents of file."""
+ with open_with_encoding(filename) as input_file:
+ return input_file.readlines()
+def extended_blank_lines(logical_line,
+ blank_lines,
+ indent_level,
+ previous_logical):
+ """Check for missing blank lines after class declaration."""
+ if previous_logical.startswith('class '):
+ if (
+ logical_line.startswith(('def ', 'class ', '@')) or
+ pep8.DOCSTRING_REGEX.match(logical_line)
+ ):
+ if indent_level and not blank_lines:
+ yield (0, 'E309 expected 1 blank line after class declaration')
+ elif previous_logical.startswith('def '):
+ if blank_lines and pep8.DOCSTRING_REGEX.match(logical_line):
+ yield (0, 'E303 too many blank lines ({0})'.format(blank_lines))
+ elif pep8.DOCSTRING_REGEX.match(previous_logical):
+ # Missing blank line between class docstring and method declaration.
+ if (
+ indent_level and
+ not blank_lines and
+ logical_line.startswith(('def ')) and
+ '(self' in logical_line
+ ):
+ yield (0, 'E301 expected 1 blank line, found 0')
+def continued_indentation(logical_line, tokens, indent_level, indent_char,
+ noqa):
+ """Override pep8's function to provide indentation information."""
+ first_row = tokens[0][2][0]
+ nrows = 1 + tokens[-1][2][0] - first_row
+ if noqa or nrows == 1:
+ return
+ # indent_next tells us whether the next block is indented. Assuming
+ # that it is indented by 4 spaces, then we should not allow 4-space
+ # indents on the final continuation line. In turn, some other
+ # indents are allowed to have an extra 4 spaces.
+ indent_next = logical_line.endswith(':')
+ row = depth = 0
+ valid_hangs = (
+ if indent_char != '\t' else (DEFAULT_INDENT_SIZE,
+ )
+ # Remember how many brackets were opened on each line.
+ parens = [0] * nrows
+ # Relative indents of physical lines.
+ rel_indent = [0] * nrows
+ # For each depth, collect a list of opening rows.
+ open_rows = [[0]]
+ # For each depth, memorize the hanging indentation.
+ hangs = [None]
+ # Visual indents.
+ indent_chances = {}
+ last_indent = tokens[0][2]
+ indent = [last_indent[1]]
+ last_token_multiline = None
+ line = None
+ last_line = ''
+ last_line_begins_with_multiline = False
+ for token_type, text, start, end, line in tokens:
+ newline = row < start[0] - first_row
+ if newline:
+ row = start[0] - first_row
+ newline = (not last_token_multiline and
+ token_type not in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE))
+ last_line_begins_with_multiline = last_token_multiline
+ if newline:
+ # This is the beginning of a continuation line.
+ last_indent = start
+ # Record the initial indent.
+ rel_indent[row] = pep8.expand_indent(line) - indent_level
+ # Identify closing bracket.
+ close_bracket = (token_type == tokenize.OP and text in ']})')
+ # Is the indent relative to an opening bracket line?
+ for open_row in reversed(open_rows[depth]):
+ hang = rel_indent[row] - rel_indent[open_row]
+ hanging_indent = hang in valid_hangs
+ if hanging_indent:
+ break
+ if hangs[depth]:
+ hanging_indent = (hang == hangs[depth])
+ visual_indent = (not close_bracket and hang > 0 and
+ indent_chances.get(start[1]))
+ if close_bracket and indent[depth]:
+ # Closing bracket for visual indent.
+ if start[1] != indent[depth]:
+ yield (start, 'E124 {0}'.format(indent[depth]))
+ elif close_bracket and not hang:
+ pass
+ elif indent[depth] and start[1] < indent[depth]:
+ # Visual indent is broken.
+ yield (start, 'E128 {0}'.format(indent[depth]))
+ elif (hanging_indent or
+ (indent_next and
+ rel_indent[row] == 2 * DEFAULT_INDENT_SIZE)):
+ # Hanging indent is verified.
+ if close_bracket:
+ yield (start, 'E123 {0}'.format(indent_level +
+ rel_indent[open_row]))
+ hangs[depth] = hang
+ elif visual_indent is True:
+ # Visual indent is verified.
+ indent[depth] = start[1]
+ elif visual_indent in (text, unicode):
+ # Ignore token lined up with matching one from a previous line.
+ pass
+ else:
+ one_indented = (indent_level + rel_indent[open_row] +
+ # Indent is broken.
+ if hang <= 0:
+ error = ('E122', one_indented)
+ elif indent[depth]:
+ error = ('E127', indent[depth])
+ elif hang > DEFAULT_INDENT_SIZE:
+ error = ('E126', one_indented)
+ else:
+ hangs[depth] = hang
+ error = ('E121', one_indented)
+ yield (start, '{0} {1}'.format(*error))
+ # Look for visual indenting.
+ if (parens[row] and token_type not in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.COMMENT)
+ and not indent[depth]):
+ indent[depth] = start[1]
+ indent_chances[start[1]] = True
+ # Deal with implicit string concatenation.
+ elif (token_type in (tokenize.STRING, tokenize.COMMENT) or
+ text in ('u', 'ur', 'b', 'br')):
+ indent_chances[start[1]] = unicode
+ # Special case for the "if" statement because len("if (") is equal to
+ # 4.
+ elif not indent_chances and not row and not depth and text == 'if':
+ indent_chances[end[1] + 1] = True
+ elif text == ':' and line[end[1]:].isspace():
+ open_rows[depth].append(row)
+ # Keep track of bracket depth.
+ if token_type == tokenize.OP:
+ if text in '([{':
+ depth += 1
+ indent.append(0)
+ hangs.append(None)
+ if len(open_rows) == depth:
+ open_rows.append([])
+ open_rows[depth].append(row)
+ parens[row] += 1
+ elif text in ')]}' and depth > 0:
+ # Parent indents should not be more than this one.
+ prev_indent = indent.pop() or last_indent[1]
+ hangs.pop()
+ for d in range(depth):
+ if indent[d] > prev_indent:
+ indent[d] = 0
+ for ind in list(indent_chances):
+ if ind >= prev_indent:
+ del indent_chances[ind]
+ del open_rows[depth + 1:]
+ depth -= 1
+ if depth:
+ indent_chances[indent[depth]] = True
+ for idx in range(row, -1, -1):
+ if parens[idx]:
+ parens[idx] -= 1
+ break
+ assert len(indent) == depth + 1
+ if (
+ start[1] not in indent_chances and
+ # This is for purposes of speeding up E121 (GitHub #90).
+ not last_line.rstrip().endswith(',')
+ ):
+ # Allow to line up tokens.
+ indent_chances[start[1]] = text
+ last_token_multiline = (start[0] != end[0])
+ if last_token_multiline:
+ rel_indent[end[0] - first_row] = rel_indent[row]
+ last_line = line
+ if (
+ indent_next and
+ not last_line_begins_with_multiline and
+ pep8.expand_indent(line) == indent_level + DEFAULT_INDENT_SIZE
+ ):
+ pos = (start[0], indent[0] + 4)
+ yield (pos, 'E125 {0}'.format(indent_level +
+del pep8._checks['logical_line'][pep8.continued_indentation]
+class FixPEP8(object):
+ """Fix invalid code.
+ Fixer methods are prefixed "fix_". The _fix_source() method looks for these
+ automatically.
+ The fixer method can take either one or two arguments (in addition to
+ self). The first argument is "result", which is the error information from
+ pep8. The second argument, "logical", is required only for logical-line
+ fixes.
+ The fixer method can return the list of modified lines or None. An empty
+ list would mean that no changes were made. None would mean that only the
+ line reported in the pep8 error was modified. Note that the modified line
+ numbers that are returned are indexed at 1. This typically would correspond
+ with the line number reported in the pep8 error information.
+ [fixed method list]
+ - e121,e122,e123,e124,e125,e126,e127,e128,e129
+ - e201,e202,e203
+ - e211
+ - e221,e222,e223,e224,e225
+ - e231
+ - e251
+ - e261,e262
+ - e271,e272,e273,e274
+ - e301,e302,e303
+ - e401
+ - e502
+ - e701,e702
+ - e711
+ - w291
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename,
+ options,
+ contents=None,
+ long_line_ignore_cache=None):
+ self.filename = filename
+ if contents is None:
+ self.source = readlines_from_file(filename)
+ else:
+ sio = io.StringIO(contents)
+ self.source = sio.readlines()
+ self.options = options
+ self.indent_word = _get_indentword(''.join(self.source))
+ self.long_line_ignore_cache = (
+ set() if long_line_ignore_cache is None
+ else long_line_ignore_cache)
+ # Many fixers are the same even though pep8 categorizes them
+ # differently.
+ self.fix_e115 = self.fix_e112
+ self.fix_e116 = self.fix_e113
+ self.fix_e121 = self._fix_reindent
+ self.fix_e122 = self._fix_reindent
+ self.fix_e123 = self._fix_reindent
+ self.fix_e124 = self._fix_reindent
+ self.fix_e126 = self._fix_reindent
+ self.fix_e127 = self._fix_reindent
+ self.fix_e128 = self._fix_reindent
+ self.fix_e129 = self._fix_reindent
+ self.fix_e202 = self.fix_e201
+ self.fix_e203 = self.fix_e201
+ self.fix_e211 = self.fix_e201
+ self.fix_e221 = self.fix_e271
+ self.fix_e222 = self.fix_e271
+ self.fix_e223 = self.fix_e271
+ self.fix_e226 = self.fix_e225
+ self.fix_e227 = self.fix_e225
+ self.fix_e228 = self.fix_e225
+ self.fix_e241 = self.fix_e271
+ self.fix_e242 = self.fix_e224
+ self.fix_e261 = self.fix_e262
+ self.fix_e272 = self.fix_e271
+ self.fix_e273 = self.fix_e271
+ self.fix_e274 = self.fix_e271
+ self.fix_e309 = self.fix_e301
+ self.fix_e501 = (
+ self.fix_long_line_logically if
+ options and (options.aggressive >= 2 or options.experimental) else
+ self.fix_long_line_physically)
+ self.fix_e703 = self.fix_e702
+ self._ws_comma_done = False
+ def _fix_source(self, results):
+ try:
+ (logical_start, logical_end) = _find_logical(self.source)
+ logical_support = True
+ except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError): # pragma: no cover
+ logical_support = False
+ completed_lines = set()
+ for result in sorted(results, key=_priority_key):
+ if result['line'] in completed_lines:
+ continue
+ fixed_methodname = 'fix_' + result['id'].lower()
+ if hasattr(self, fixed_methodname):
+ fix = getattr(self, fixed_methodname)
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ original_line = self.source[line_index]
+ is_logical_fix = len(inspect.getargspec(fix).args) > 2
+ if is_logical_fix:
+ logical = None
+ if logical_support:
+ logical = _get_logical(self.source,
+ result,
+ logical_start,
+ logical_end)
+ if logical and set(range(
+ logical[0][0] + 1,
+ logical[1][0] + 1)).intersection(
+ completed_lines):
+ continue
+ modified_lines = fix(result, logical)
+ else:
+ modified_lines = fix(result)
+ if modified_lines is None:
+ # Force logical fixes to report what they modified.
+ assert not is_logical_fix
+ if self.source[line_index] == original_line:
+ modified_lines = []
+ if modified_lines:
+ completed_lines.update(modified_lines)
+ elif modified_lines == []: # Empty list means no fix
+ if self.options.verbose >= 2:
+ print(
+ '---> Not fixing {f} on line {l}'.format(
+ f=result['id'], l=result['line']),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ else: # We assume one-line fix when None.
+ completed_lines.add(result['line'])
+ else:
+ if self.options.verbose >= 3:
+ print(
+ "---> '{0}' is not defined.".format(fixed_methodname),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ info = result['info'].strip()
+ print('---> {0}:{1}:{2}:{3}'.format(self.filename,
+ result['line'],
+ result['column'],
+ info),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ def fix(self):
+ """Return a version of the source code with PEP 8 violations fixed."""
+ pep8_options = {
+ 'ignore': self.options.ignore,
+ 'select':,
+ 'max_line_length': self.options.max_line_length,
+ }
+ results = _execute_pep8(pep8_options, self.source)
+ if self.options.verbose:
+ progress = {}
+ for r in results:
+ if r['id'] not in progress:
+ progress[r['id']] = set()
+ progress[r['id']].add(r['line'])
+ print('---> {n} issue(s) to fix {progress}'.format(
+ n=len(results), progress=progress), file=sys.stderr)
+ if self.options.line_range:
+ start, end = self.options.line_range
+ results = [r for r in results
+ if start <= r['line'] <= end]
+ self._fix_source(filter_results(source=''.join(self.source),
+ results=results,
+ aggressive=self.options.aggressive))
+ if self.options.line_range:
+ # If number of lines has changed then change line_range.
+ count = sum(sline.count('\n')
+ for sline in self.source[start - 1:end])
+ self.options.line_range[1] = start + count - 1
+ return ''.join(self.source)
+ def _fix_reindent(self, result):
+ """Fix a badly indented line.
+ This is done by adding or removing from its initial indent only.
+ """
+ num_indent_spaces = int(result['info'].split()[1])
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ self.source[line_index] = ' ' * num_indent_spaces + target.lstrip()
+ def fix_e112(self, result):
+ """Fix under-indented comments."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ if not target.lstrip().startswith('#'):
+ # Don't screw with invalid syntax.
+ return []
+ self.source[line_index] = self.indent_word + target
+ def fix_e113(self, result):
+ """Fix over-indented comments."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ indent = _get_indentation(target)
+ stripped = target.lstrip()
+ if not stripped.startswith('#'):
+ # Don't screw with invalid syntax.
+ return []
+ self.source[line_index] = indent[1:] + stripped
+ def fix_e125(self, result):
+ """Fix indentation undistinguish from the next logical line."""
+ num_indent_spaces = int(result['info'].split()[1])
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ spaces_to_add = num_indent_spaces - len(_get_indentation(target))
+ indent = len(_get_indentation(target))
+ modified_lines = []
+ while len(_get_indentation(self.source[line_index])) >= indent:
+ self.source[line_index] = (' ' * spaces_to_add +
+ self.source[line_index])
+ modified_lines.append(1 + line_index) # Line indexed at 1.
+ line_index -= 1
+ return modified_lines
+ def fix_e201(self, result):
+ """Remove extraneous whitespace."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ offset = result['column'] - 1
+ if is_probably_part_of_multiline(target):
+ return []
+ fixed = fix_whitespace(target,
+ offset=offset,
+ replacement='')
+ self.source[line_index] = fixed
+ def fix_e224(self, result):
+ """Remove extraneous whitespace around operator."""
+ target = self.source[result['line'] - 1]
+ offset = result['column'] - 1
+ fixed = target[:offset] + target[offset:].replace('\t', ' ')
+ self.source[result['line'] - 1] = fixed
+ def fix_e225(self, result):
+ """Fix missing whitespace around operator."""
+ target = self.source[result['line'] - 1]
+ offset = result['column'] - 1
+ fixed = target[:offset] + ' ' + target[offset:]
+ # Only proceed if non-whitespace characters match.
+ # And make sure we don't break the indentation.
+ if (
+ fixed.replace(' ', '') == target.replace(' ', '') and
+ _get_indentation(fixed) == _get_indentation(target)
+ ):
+ self.source[result['line'] - 1] = fixed
+ else:
+ return []
+ def fix_e231(self, result):
+ """Add missing whitespace."""
+ # Optimize for comma case. This will fix all commas in the full source
+ # code in one pass. Don't do this more than once. If it fails the first
+ # time, there is no point in trying again.
+ if ',' in result['info'] and not self._ws_comma_done:
+ self._ws_comma_done = True
+ original = ''.join(self.source)
+ new = refactor(original, ['ws_comma'])
+ if original.strip() != new.strip():
+ self.source = [new]
+ return range(1, 1 + len(original))
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ offset = result['column']
+ fixed = target[:offset] + ' ' + target[offset:]
+ self.source[line_index] = fixed
+ def fix_e251(self, result):
+ """Remove whitespace around parameter '=' sign."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ # This is necessary since pep8 sometimes reports columns that goes
+ # past the end of the physical line. This happens in cases like,
+ # foo(bar\n=None)
+ c = min(result['column'] - 1,
+ len(target) - 1)
+ if target[c].strip():
+ fixed = target
+ else:
+ fixed = target[:c].rstrip() + target[c:].lstrip()
+ # There could be an escaped newline
+ #
+ # def foo(a=\
+ # 1)
+ if fixed.endswith(('=\\\n', '=\\\r\n', '=\\\r')):
+ self.source[line_index] = fixed.rstrip('\n\r \t\\')
+ self.source[line_index + 1] = self.source[line_index + 1].lstrip()
+ return [line_index + 1, line_index + 2] # Line indexed at 1
+ self.source[result['line'] - 1] = fixed
+ def fix_e262(self, result):
+ """Fix spacing after comment hash."""
+ target = self.source[result['line'] - 1]
+ offset = result['column']
+ code = target[:offset].rstrip(' \t#')
+ comment = target[offset:].lstrip(' \t#')
+ fixed = code + (' # ' + comment if comment.strip() else '\n')
+ self.source[result['line'] - 1] = fixed
+ def fix_e271(self, result):
+ """Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ offset = result['column'] - 1
+ if is_probably_part_of_multiline(target):
+ return []
+ fixed = fix_whitespace(target,
+ offset=offset,
+ replacement=' ')
+ if fixed == target:
+ return []
+ else:
+ self.source[line_index] = fixed
+ def fix_e301(self, result):
+ """Add missing blank line."""
+ cr = '\n'
+ self.source[result['line'] - 1] = cr + self.source[result['line'] - 1]
+ def fix_e302(self, result):
+ """Add missing 2 blank lines."""
+ add_linenum = 2 - int(result['info'].split()[-1])
+ cr = '\n' * add_linenum
+ self.source[result['line'] - 1] = cr + self.source[result['line'] - 1]
+ def fix_e303(self, result):
+ """Remove extra blank lines."""
+ delete_linenum = int(result['info'].split('(')[1].split(')')[0]) - 2
+ delete_linenum = max(1, delete_linenum)
+ # We need to count because pep8 reports an offset line number if there
+ # are comments.
+ cnt = 0
+ line = result['line'] - 2
+ modified_lines = []
+ while cnt < delete_linenum and line >= 0:
+ if not self.source[line].strip():
+ self.source[line] = ''
+ modified_lines.append(1 + line) # Line indexed at 1
+ cnt += 1
+ line -= 1
+ return modified_lines
+ def fix_e304(self, result):
+ """Remove blank line following function decorator."""
+ line = result['line'] - 2
+ if not self.source[line].strip():
+ self.source[line] = ''
+ def fix_e401(self, result):
+ """Put imports on separate lines."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ offset = result['column'] - 1
+ if not target.lstrip().startswith('import'):
+ return []
+ indentation = re.split(pattern=r'\bimport\b',
+ string=target, maxsplit=1)[0]
+ fixed = (target[:offset].rstrip('\t ,') + '\n' +
+ indentation + 'import ' + target[offset:].lstrip('\t ,'))
+ self.source[line_index] = fixed
+ def fix_long_line_logically(self, result, logical):
+ """Try to make lines fit within --max-line-length characters."""
+ if (
+ not logical or
+ len(logical[2]) == 1 or
+ self.source[result['line'] - 1].lstrip().startswith('#')
+ ):
+ return self.fix_long_line_physically(result)
+ start_line_index = logical[0][0]
+ end_line_index = logical[1][0]
+ logical_lines = logical[2]
+ previous_line = get_item(self.source, start_line_index - 1, default='')
+ next_line = get_item(self.source, end_line_index + 1, default='')
+ single_line = join_logical_line(''.join(logical_lines))
+ try:
+ fixed = self.fix_long_line(
+ target=single_line,
+ previous_line=previous_line,
+ next_line=next_line,
+ original=''.join(logical_lines))
+ except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError):
+ return self.fix_long_line_physically(result)
+ if fixed:
+ for line_index in range(start_line_index, end_line_index + 1):
+ self.source[line_index] = ''
+ self.source[start_line_index] = fixed
+ return range(start_line_index + 1, end_line_index + 1)
+ else:
+ return []
+ def fix_long_line_physically(self, result):
+ """Try to make lines fit within --max-line-length characters."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ previous_line = get_item(self.source, line_index - 1, default='')
+ next_line = get_item(self.source, line_index + 1, default='')
+ try:
+ fixed = self.fix_long_line(
+ target=target,
+ previous_line=previous_line,
+ next_line=next_line,
+ original=target)
+ except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError):
+ return []
+ if fixed:
+ self.source[line_index] = fixed
+ return [line_index + 1]
+ else:
+ return []
+ def fix_long_line(self, target, previous_line,
+ next_line, original):
+ cache_entry = (target, previous_line, next_line)
+ if cache_entry in self.long_line_ignore_cache:
+ return []
+ if target.lstrip().startswith('#'):
+ # Wrap commented lines.
+ return shorten_comment(
+ line=target,
+ max_line_length=self.options.max_line_length,
+ last_comment=not next_line.lstrip().startswith('#'))
+ fixed = get_fixed_long_line(
+ target=target,
+ previous_line=previous_line,
+ original=original,
+ indent_word=self.indent_word,
+ max_line_length=self.options.max_line_length,
+ aggressive=self.options.aggressive,
+ experimental=self.options.experimental,
+ verbose=self.options.verbose)
+ if fixed and not code_almost_equal(original, fixed):
+ return fixed
+ else:
+ self.long_line_ignore_cache.add(cache_entry)
+ return None
+ def fix_e502(self, result):
+ """Remove extraneous escape of newline."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ self.source[line_index] = target.rstrip('\n\r \t\\') + '\n'
+ def fix_e701(self, result):
+ """Put colon-separated compound statement on separate lines."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ c = result['column']
+ fixed_source = (target[:c] + '\n' +
+ _get_indentation(target) + self.indent_word +
+ target[c:].lstrip('\n\r \t\\'))
+ self.source[result['line'] - 1] = fixed_source
+ return [result['line'], result['line'] + 1]
+ def fix_e702(self, result, logical):
+ """Put semicolon-separated compound statement on separate lines."""
+ if not logical:
+ return [] # pragma: no cover
+ logical_lines = logical[2]
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ if target.rstrip().endswith('\\'):
+ # Normalize '1; \\\n2' into '1; 2'.
+ self.source[line_index] = target.rstrip('\n \r\t\\')
+ self.source[line_index + 1] = self.source[line_index + 1].lstrip()
+ return [line_index + 1, line_index + 2]
+ if target.rstrip().endswith(';'):
+ self.source[line_index] = target.rstrip('\n \r\t;') + '\n'
+ return [line_index + 1]
+ offset = result['column'] - 1
+ first = target[:offset].rstrip(';').rstrip()
+ second = (_get_indentation(logical_lines[0]) +
+ target[offset:].lstrip(';').lstrip())
+ self.source[line_index] = first + '\n' + second
+ return [line_index + 1]
+ def fix_e711(self, result):
+ """Fix comparison with None."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ offset = result['column'] - 1
+ right_offset = offset + 2
+ if right_offset >= len(target):
+ return []
+ left = target[:offset].rstrip()
+ center = target[offset:right_offset]
+ right = target[right_offset:].lstrip()
+ if not right.startswith('None'):
+ return []
+ if center.strip() == '==':
+ new_center = 'is'
+ elif center.strip() == '!=':
+ new_center = 'is not'
+ else:
+ return []
+ self.source[line_index] = ' '.join([left, new_center, right])
+ def fix_e712(self, result):
+ """Fix comparison with boolean."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ offset = result['column'] - 1
+ # Handle very easy "not" special cases.
+ if re.match(r'^\s*if \w+ == False:$', target):
+ self.source[line_index] = re.sub(r'if (\w+) == False:',
+ r'if not \1:', target, count=1)
+ elif re.match(r'^\s*if \w+ != True:$', target):
+ self.source[line_index] = re.sub(r'if (\w+) != True:',
+ r'if not \1:', target, count=1)
+ else:
+ right_offset = offset + 2
+ if right_offset >= len(target):
+ return []
+ left = target[:offset].rstrip()
+ center = target[offset:right_offset]
+ right = target[right_offset:].lstrip()
+ # Handle simple cases only.
+ new_right = None
+ if center.strip() == '==':
+ if re.match(r'\bTrue\b', right):
+ new_right = re.sub(r'\bTrue\b *', '', right, count=1)
+ elif center.strip() == '!=':
+ if re.match(r'\bFalse\b', right):
+ new_right = re.sub(r'\bFalse\b *', '', right, count=1)
+ if new_right is None:
+ return []
+ if new_right[0].isalnum():
+ new_right = ' ' + new_right
+ self.source[line_index] = left + new_right
+ def fix_e713(self, result):
+ """Fix non-membership check."""
+ line_index = result['line'] - 1
+ target = self.source[line_index]
+ # Handle very easy case only.
+ if re.match(r'^\s*if not \w+ in \w+:$', target):
+ self.source[line_index] = re.sub(r'if not (\w+) in (\w+):',
+ r'if \1 not in \2:',
+ target,
+ count=1)
+ def fix_w291(self, result):
+ """Remove trailing whitespace."""
+ fixed_line = self.source[result['line'] - 1].rstrip()
+ self.source[result['line'] - 1] = fixed_line + '\n'
+def get_fixed_long_line(target, previous_line, original,
+ indent_word=' ', max_line_length=79,
+ aggressive=False, experimental=False, verbose=False):
+ """Break up long line and return result.
+ Do this by generating multiple reformatted candidates and then
+ ranking the candidates to heuristically select the best option.
+ """
+ indent = _get_indentation(target)
+ source = target[len(indent):]
+ assert source.lstrip() == source
+ # Check for partial multiline.
+ tokens = list(generate_tokens(source))
+ candidates = shorten_line(
+ tokens, source, indent,
+ indent_word,
+ max_line_length,
+ aggressive=aggressive,
+ experimental=experimental,
+ previous_line=previous_line)
+ # Also sort alphabetically as a tie breaker (for determinism).
+ candidates = sorted(
+ sorted(set(candidates).union([target, original])),
+ key=lambda x: line_shortening_rank(x,
+ indent_word,
+ max_line_length,
+ experimental))
+ if verbose >= 4:
+ print(('-' * 79 + '\n').join([''] + candidates + ['']),
+ file=codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stderr.buffer
+ if hasattr(sys.stderr,
+ 'buffer')
+ else sys.stderr))
+ if candidates:
+ return candidates[0]
+def join_logical_line(logical_line):
+ """Return single line based on logical line input."""
+ indentation = _get_indentation(logical_line)
+ return indentation + untokenize_without_newlines(
+ generate_tokens(logical_line.lstrip())) + '\n'
+def untokenize_without_newlines(tokens):
+ """Return source code based on tokens."""
+ text = ''
+ last_row = 0
+ last_column = -1
+ for t in tokens:
+ token_string = t[1]
+ (start_row, start_column) = t[2]
+ (end_row, end_column) = t[3]
+ if start_row > last_row:
+ last_column = 0
+ if (
+ (start_column > last_column or token_string == '\n') and
+ not text.endswith(' ')
+ ):
+ text += ' '
+ if token_string != '\n':
+ text += token_string
+ last_row = end_row
+ last_column = end_column
+ return text
+def _find_logical(source_lines):
+ # Make a variable which is the index of all the starts of lines.
+ logical_start = []
+ logical_end = []
+ last_newline = True
+ parens = 0
+ for t in generate_tokens(''.join(source_lines)):
+ if t[0] in [tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.DEDENT,
+ tokenize.INDENT, tokenize.NL,
+ tokenize.ENDMARKER]:
+ continue
+ if not parens and t[0] in [tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.SEMI]:
+ last_newline = True
+ logical_end.append((t[3][0] - 1, t[2][1]))
+ continue
+ if last_newline and not parens:
+ logical_start.append((t[2][0] - 1, t[2][1]))
+ last_newline = False
+ if t[0] == tokenize.OP:
+ if t[1] in '([{':
+ parens += 1
+ elif t[1] in '}])':
+ parens -= 1
+ return (logical_start, logical_end)
+def _get_logical(source_lines, result, logical_start, logical_end):
+ """Return the logical line corresponding to the result.
+ Assumes input is already E702-clean.
+ """
+ row = result['line'] - 1
+ col = result['column'] - 1
+ ls = None
+ le = None
+ for i in range(0, len(logical_start), 1):
+ assert logical_end
+ x = logical_end[i]
+ if x[0] > row or (x[0] == row and x[1] > col):
+ le = x
+ ls = logical_start[i]
+ break
+ if ls is None:
+ return None
+ original = source_lines[ls[0]:le[0] + 1]
+ return ls, le, original
+def get_item(items, index, default=None):
+ if 0 <= index < len(items):
+ return items[index]
+ else:
+ return default
+def reindent(source, indent_size):
+ """Reindent all lines."""
+ reindenter = Reindenter(source)
+ return
+def code_almost_equal(a, b):
+ """Return True if code is similar.
+ Ignore whitespace when comparing specific line.
+ """
+ split_a = split_and_strip_non_empty_lines(a)
+ split_b = split_and_strip_non_empty_lines(b)
+ if len(split_a) != len(split_b):
+ return False
+ for index in range(len(split_a)):
+ if ''.join(split_a[index].split()) != ''.join(split_b[index].split()):
+ return False
+ return True
+def split_and_strip_non_empty_lines(text):
+ """Return lines split by newline.
+ Ignore empty lines.
+ """
+ return [line.strip() for line in text.splitlines() if line.strip()]
+def fix_e265(source, aggressive=False): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ """Format block comments."""
+ if '#' not in source:
+ # Optimization.
+ return source
+ ignored_line_numbers = multiline_string_lines(
+ source,
+ include_docstrings=True) | set(commented_out_code_lines(source))
+ fixed_lines = []
+ sio = io.StringIO(source)
+ line_number = 0
+ for line in sio.readlines():
+ line_number += 1
+ if (
+ line.lstrip().startswith('#') and
+ line_number not in ignored_line_numbers
+ ):
+ indentation = _get_indentation(line)
+ line = line.lstrip()
+ # Normalize beginning if not a shebang.
+ if len(line) > 1:
+ if (
+ # Leave multiple spaces like '# ' alone.
+ (line.count('#') > 1 or line[1].isalnum())
+ # Leave stylistic outlined blocks alone.
+ and not line.rstrip().endswith('#')
+ ):
+ line = '# ' + line.lstrip('# \t')
+ fixed_lines.append(indentation + line)
+ else:
+ fixed_lines.append(line)
+ return ''.join(fixed_lines)
+def refactor(source, fixer_names, ignore=None):
+ """Return refactored code using lib2to3.
+ Skip if ignore string is produced in the refactored code.
+ """
+ check_lib2to3()
+ from lib2to3 import pgen2
+ try:
+ new_text = refactor_with_2to3(source,
+ fixer_names=fixer_names)
+ except (pgen2.parse.ParseError,
+ SyntaxError,
+ UnicodeDecodeError,
+ UnicodeEncodeError):
+ return source
+ if ignore:
+ if ignore in new_text and ignore not in source:
+ return source
+ return new_text
+def code_to_2to3(select, ignore):
+ fixes = set()
+ for code, fix in CODE_TO_2TO3.items():
+ if code_match(code, select=select, ignore=ignore):
+ fixes |= set(fix)
+ return fixes
+def fix_2to3(source, aggressive=True, select=None, ignore=None):
+ """Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3)."""
+ if not aggressive:
+ return source
+ select = select or []
+ ignore = ignore or []
+ return refactor(source,
+ code_to_2to3(select=select,
+ ignore=ignore))
+def fix_w602(source, aggressive=True):
+ """Fix deprecated form of raising exception."""
+ if not aggressive:
+ return source
+ return refactor(source, ['raise'],
+ ignore='with_traceback')
+def find_newline(source):
+ """Return type of newline used in source.
+ Input is a list of lines.
+ """
+ assert not isinstance(source, unicode)
+ counter = collections.defaultdict(int)
+ for line in source:
+ if line.endswith(CRLF):
+ counter[CRLF] += 1
+ elif line.endswith(CR):
+ counter[CR] += 1
+ elif line.endswith(LF):
+ counter[LF] += 1
+ return (sorted(counter, key=counter.get, reverse=True) or [LF])[0]
+def _get_indentword(source):
+ """Return indentation type."""
+ indent_word = ' ' # Default in case source has no indentation
+ try:
+ for t in generate_tokens(source):
+ if t[0] == token.INDENT:
+ indent_word = t[1]
+ break
+ except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError):
+ pass
+ return indent_word
+def _get_indentation(line):
+ """Return leading whitespace."""
+ if line.strip():
+ non_whitespace_index = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
+ return line[:non_whitespace_index]
+ else:
+ return ''
+def get_diff_text(old, new, filename):
+ """Return text of unified diff between old and new."""
+ newline = '\n'
+ diff = difflib.unified_diff(
+ old, new,
+ 'original/' + filename,
+ 'fixed/' + filename,
+ lineterm=newline)
+ text = ''
+ for line in diff:
+ text += line
+ # Work around missing newline (
+ if text and not line.endswith(newline):
+ text += newline + r'\ No newline at end of file' + newline
+ return text
+def _priority_key(pep8_result):
+ """Key for sorting PEP8 results.
+ Global fixes should be done first. This is important for things like
+ indentation.
+ """
+ priority = [
+ # Fix multiline colon-based before semicolon based.
+ 'e701',
+ # Break multiline statements early.
+ 'e702',
+ # Things that make lines longer.
+ 'e225', 'e231',
+ # Remove extraneous whitespace before breaking lines.
+ 'e201',
+ # Shorten whitespace in comment before resorting to wrapping.
+ 'e262'
+ ]
+ middle_index = 10000
+ lowest_priority = [
+ # We need to shorten lines last since the logical fixer can get in a
+ # loop, which causes us to exit early.
+ 'e501'
+ ]
+ key = pep8_result['id'].lower()
+ try:
+ return priority.index(key)
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ return middle_index + lowest_priority.index(key) + 1
+ except ValueError:
+ return middle_index
+def shorten_line(tokens, source, indentation, indent_word, max_line_length,
+ aggressive=False, experimental=False, previous_line=''):
+ """Separate line at OPERATOR.
+ Multiple candidates will be yielded.
+ """
+ for candidate in _shorten_line(tokens=tokens,
+ source=source,
+ indentation=indentation,
+ indent_word=indent_word,
+ aggressive=aggressive,
+ previous_line=previous_line):
+ yield candidate
+ if aggressive:
+ for key_token_strings in SHORTEN_OPERATOR_GROUPS:
+ shortened = _shorten_line_at_tokens(
+ tokens=tokens,
+ source=source,
+ indentation=indentation,
+ indent_word=indent_word,
+ key_token_strings=key_token_strings,
+ aggressive=aggressive)
+ if shortened is not None and shortened != source:
+ yield shortened
+ if experimental:
+ for shortened in _shorten_line_at_tokens_new(
+ tokens=tokens,
+ source=source,
+ indentation=indentation,
+ max_line_length=max_line_length):
+ yield shortened
+def _shorten_line(tokens, source, indentation, indent_word,
+ aggressive=False, previous_line=''):
+ """Separate line at OPERATOR.
+ The input is expected to be free of newlines except for inside multiline
+ strings and at the end.
+ Multiple candidates will be yielded.
+ """
+ for (token_type,
+ token_string,
+ start_offset,
+ end_offset) in token_offsets(tokens):
+ if (
+ token_type == tokenize.COMMENT and
+ not is_probably_part_of_multiline(previous_line) and
+ not is_probably_part_of_multiline(source) and
+ not source[start_offset + 1:].strip().lower().startswith(
+ ('noqa', 'pragma:', 'pylint:'))
+ ):
+ # Move inline comments to previous line.
+ first = source[:start_offset]
+ second = source[start_offset:]
+ yield (indentation + second.strip() + '\n' +
+ indentation + first.strip() + '\n')
+ elif token_type == token.OP and token_string != '=':
+ # Don't break on '=' after keyword as this violates PEP 8.
+ assert token_type != token.INDENT
+ first = source[:end_offset]
+ second_indent = indentation
+ if first.rstrip().endswith('('):
+ second_indent += indent_word
+ elif '(' in first:
+ second_indent += ' ' * (1 + first.find('('))
+ else:
+ second_indent += indent_word
+ second = (second_indent + source[end_offset:].lstrip())
+ if (
+ not second.strip() or
+ second.lstrip().startswith('#')
+ ):
+ continue
+ # Do not begin a line with a comma
+ if second.lstrip().startswith(','):
+ continue
+ # Do end a line with a dot
+ if first.rstrip().endswith('.'):
+ continue
+ if token_string in '+-*/':
+ fixed = first + ' \\' + '\n' + second
+ else:
+ fixed = first + '\n' + second
+ # Only fix if syntax is okay.
+ if check_syntax(normalize_multiline(fixed)
+ if aggressive else fixed):
+ yield indentation + fixed
+# A convenient way to handle tokens.
+Token = collections.namedtuple('Token', ['token_type', 'token_string',
+ 'spos', 'epos', 'line'])
+class ReformattedLines(object):
+ """The reflowed lines of atoms.
+ Each part of the line is represented as an "atom." They can be moved
+ around when need be to get the optimal formatting.
+ """
+ ###########################################################################
+ # Private Classes
+ class _Indent(object):
+ """Represent an indentation in the atom stream."""
+ def __init__(self, indent_amt):
+ self._indent_amt = indent_amt
+ def emit(self):
+ return ' ' * self._indent_amt
+ @property
+ def size(self):
+ return self._indent_amt
+ class _Space(object):
+ """Represent a space in the atom stream."""
+ def emit(self):
+ return ' '
+ @property
+ def size(self):
+ return 1
+ class _LineBreak(object):
+ """Represent a line break in the atom stream."""
+ def emit(self):
+ return '\n'
+ @property
+ def size(self):
+ return 0
+ def __init__(self, max_line_length):
+ self._max_line_length = max_line_length
+ self._lines = []
+ self._bracket_depth = 0
+ self._prev_item = None
+ self._prev_prev_item = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.emit()
+ ###########################################################################
+ # Public Methods
+ def add(self, obj, indent_amt, break_after_open_bracket):
+ if isinstance(obj, Atom):
+ self._add_item(obj, indent_amt)
+ return
+ self._add_container(obj, indent_amt, break_after_open_bracket)
+ def add_comment(self, item):
+ num_spaces = 2
+ if len(self._lines) > 1:
+ if isinstance(self._lines[-1], self._Space):
+ num_spaces -= 1
+ if len(self._lines) > 2:
+ if isinstance(self._lines[-2], self._Space):
+ num_spaces -= 1
+ while num_spaces > 0:
+ self._lines.append(self._Space())
+ num_spaces -= 1
+ self._lines.append(item)
+ def add_indent(self, indent_amt):
+ self._lines.append(self._Indent(indent_amt))
+ def add_line_break(self, indent):
+ self._lines.append(self._LineBreak())
+ self.add_indent(len(indent))
+ def add_line_break_at(self, index, indent_amt):
+ self._lines.insert(index, self._LineBreak())
+ self._lines.insert(index + 1, self._Indent(indent_amt))
+ def add_space_if_needed(self, curr_text, equal=False):
+ if (
+ not self._lines or isinstance(
+ self._lines[-1], (self._LineBreak, self._Indent, self._Space))
+ ):
+ return
+ prev_text = unicode(self._prev_item)
+ prev_prev_text = (
+ unicode(self._prev_prev_item) if self._prev_prev_item else '')
+ if (
+ # The previous item was a keyword or identifier and the current
+ # item isn't an operator that doesn't require a space.
+ ((self._prev_item.is_keyword or self._prev_item.is_string or
+ self._prev_item.is_name or self._prev_item.is_number) and
+ (curr_text[0] not in '([{.,:}])' or
+ (curr_text[0] == '=' and equal))) or
+ # Don't place spaces around a '.', unless it's in an 'import'
+ # statement.
+ ((prev_prev_text != 'from' and prev_text[-1] != '.' and
+ curr_text != 'import') and
+ # Don't place a space before a colon.
+ curr_text[0] != ':' and
+ # Don't split up ending brackets by spaces.
+ ((prev_text[-1] in '}])' and curr_text[0] not in '.,}])') or
+ # Put a space after a colon or comma.
+ prev_text[-1] in ':,' or
+ # Put space around '=' if asked to.
+ (equal and prev_text == '=') or
+ # Put spaces around non-unary arithmetic operators.
+ ((self._prev_prev_item and
+ (prev_text not in '+-' and
+ (self._prev_prev_item.is_name or
+ self._prev_prev_item.is_number or
+ self._prev_prev_item.is_string)) and
+ prev_text in ('+', '-', '%', '*', '/', '//', '**')))))
+ ):
+ self._lines.append(self._Space())
+ def previous_item(self):
+ """Return the previous non-whitespace item."""
+ return self._prev_item
+ def fits_on_current_line(self, item_extent):
+ return self.current_size() + item_extent <= self._max_line_length
+ def current_size(self):
+ """The size of the current line minus the indentation."""
+ size = 0
+ for item in reversed(self._lines):
+ size += item.size
+ if isinstance(item, self._LineBreak):
+ break
+ return size
+ def line_empty(self):
+ return (self._lines and
+ isinstance(self._lines[-1],
+ (self._LineBreak, self._Indent)))
+ def emit(self):
+ string = ''
+ for item in self._lines:
+ if isinstance(item, self._LineBreak):
+ string = string.rstrip()
+ string += item.emit()
+ return string.rstrip() + '\n'
+ ###########################################################################
+ # Private Methods
+ def _add_item(self, item, indent_amt):
+ """Add an item to the line.
+ Reflow the line to get the best formatting after the item is
+ inserted. The bracket depth indicates if the item is being
+ inserted inside of a container or not.
+ """
+ if self._prev_item and self._prev_item.is_string and item.is_string:
+ # Place consecutive string literals on separate lines.
+ self._lines.append(self._LineBreak())
+ self._lines.append(self._Indent(indent_amt))
+ item_text = unicode(item)
+ if self._lines and self._bracket_depth:
+ # Adding the item into a container.
+ self._prevent_default_initializer_splitting(item, indent_amt)
+ if item_text in '.,)]}':
+ self._split_after_delimiter(item, indent_amt)
+ elif self._lines and not self.line_empty():
+ # Adding the item outside of a container.
+ if self.fits_on_current_line(len(item_text)):
+ self._enforce_space(item)
+ else:
+ # Line break for the new item.
+ self._lines.append(self._LineBreak())
+ self._lines.append(self._Indent(indent_amt))
+ self._lines.append(item)
+ self._prev_item, self._prev_prev_item = item, self._prev_item
+ if item_text in '([{':
+ self._bracket_depth += 1
+ elif item_text in '}])':
+ self._bracket_depth -= 1
+ assert self._bracket_depth >= 0
+ def _add_container(self, container, indent_amt, break_after_open_bracket):
+ actual_indent = indent_amt + 1
+ if (
+ unicode(self._prev_item) != '=' and
+ not self.line_empty() and
+ not self.fits_on_current_line(
+ container.size + self._bracket_depth + 2)
+ ):
+ if unicode(container)[0] == '(' and self._prev_item.is_name:
+ # Don't split before the opening bracket of a call.
+ break_after_open_bracket = True
+ actual_indent = indent_amt + 4
+ elif (
+ break_after_open_bracket or
+ unicode(self._prev_item) not in '([{'
+ ):
+ # If the container doesn't fit on the current line and the
+ # current line isn't empty, place the container on the next
+ # line.
+ self._lines.append(self._LineBreak())
+ self._lines.append(self._Indent(indent_amt))
+ break_after_open_bracket = False
+ else:
+ actual_indent = self.current_size() + 1
+ break_after_open_bracket = False
+ if isinstance(container, (ListComprehension, IfExpression)):
+ actual_indent = indent_amt
+ # Increase the continued indentation only if recursing on a
+ # container.
+ container.reflow(self, ' ' * actual_indent,
+ break_after_open_bracket=break_after_open_bracket)
+ def _prevent_default_initializer_splitting(self, item, indent_amt):
+ """Prevent splitting between a default initializer.
+ When there is a default initializer, it's best to keep it all on
+ the same line. It's nicer and more readable, even if it goes
+ over the maximum allowable line length. This goes back along the
+ current line to determine if we have a default initializer, and,
+ if so, to remove extraneous whitespaces and add a line
+ break/indent before it if needed.
+ """
+ if unicode(item) == '=':
+ # This is the assignment in the initializer. Just remove spaces for
+ # now.
+ self._delete_whitespace()
+ return
+ if (not self._prev_item or not self._prev_prev_item or
+ unicode(self._prev_item) != '='):
+ return
+ self._delete_whitespace()
+ prev_prev_index = self._lines.index(self._prev_prev_item)
+ if (
+ isinstance(self._lines[prev_prev_index - 1], self._Indent) or
+ self.fits_on_current_line(item.size + 1)
+ ):
+ # The default initializer is already the only item on this line.
+ # Don't insert a newline here.
+ return
+ # Replace the space with a newline/indent combo.
+ if isinstance(self._lines[prev_prev_index - 1], self._Space):
+ del self._lines[prev_prev_index - 1]
+ self.add_line_break_at(self._lines.index(self._prev_prev_item),
+ indent_amt)
+ def _split_after_delimiter(self, item, indent_amt):
+ """Split the line only after a delimiter."""
+ self._delete_whitespace()
+ if self.fits_on_current_line(item.size):
+ return
+ last_space = None
+ for item in reversed(self._lines):
+ if (
+ last_space and
+ (not isinstance(item, Atom) or not item.is_colon)
+ ):
+ break
+ else:
+ last_space = None
+ if isinstance(item, self._Space):
+ last_space = item
+ if isinstance(item, (self._LineBreak, self._Indent)):
+ return
+ if not last_space:
+ return
+ self.add_line_break_at(self._lines.index(last_space), indent_amt)
+ def _enforce_space(self, item):
+ """Enforce a space in certain situations.
+ There are cases where we will want a space where normally we
+ wouldn't put one. This just enforces the addition of a space.
+ """
+ if isinstance(self._lines[-1],
+ (self._Space, self._LineBreak, self._Indent)):
+ return
+ if not self._prev_item:
+ return
+ item_text = unicode(item)
+ prev_text = unicode(self._prev_item)
+ # Prefer a space around a '.' in an import statement, and between the
+ # 'import' and '('.
+ if (
+ (item_text == '.' and prev_text == 'from') or
+ (item_text == 'import' and prev_text == '.') or
+ (item_text == '(' and prev_text == 'import')
+ ):
+ self._lines.append(self._Space())
+ def _delete_whitespace(self):
+ """Delete all whitespace from the end of the line."""
+ while isinstance(self._lines[-1], (self._Space, self._LineBreak,
+ self._Indent)):
+ del self._lines[-1]
+class Atom(object):
+ """The smallest unbreakable unit that can be reflowed."""
+ def __init__(self, atom):
+ self._atom = atom
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self._atom.token_string
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self.size
+ def reflow(
+ self, reflowed_lines, continued_indent, extent,
+ break_after_open_bracket=False,
+ is_list_comp_or_if_expr=False,
+ next_is_dot=False
+ ):
+ if self._atom.token_type == tokenize.COMMENT:
+ reflowed_lines.add_comment(self)
+ return
+ total_size = extent if extent else self.size
+ if self._atom.token_string not in ',:([{}])':
+ # Some atoms will need an extra 1-sized space token after them.
+ total_size += 1
+ prev_item = reflowed_lines.previous_item()
+ if (
+ not is_list_comp_or_if_expr and
+ not reflowed_lines.fits_on_current_line(total_size) and
+ not (next_is_dot and
+ reflowed_lines.fits_on_current_line(self.size + 1)) and
+ not reflowed_lines.line_empty() and
+ not self.is_colon and
+ not (prev_item and prev_item.is_name and
+ unicode(self) == '(')
+ ):
+ # Start a new line if there is already something on the line and
+ # adding this atom would make it go over the max line length.
+ reflowed_lines.add_line_break(continued_indent)
+ else:
+ reflowed_lines.add_space_if_needed(unicode(self))
+ reflowed_lines.add(self, len(continued_indent),
+ break_after_open_bracket)
+ def emit(self):
+ return self.__repr__()
+ @property
+ def is_keyword(self):
+ return keyword.iskeyword(self._atom.token_string)
+ @property
+ def is_string(self):
+ return self._atom.token_type == tokenize.STRING
+ @property
+ def is_name(self):
+ return self._atom.token_type == tokenize.NAME
+ @property
+ def is_number(self):
+ return self._atom.token_type == tokenize.NUMBER
+ @property
+ def is_comma(self):
+ return self._atom.token_string == ','
+ @property
+ def is_colon(self):
+ return self._atom.token_string == ':'
+ @property
+ def size(self):
+ return len(self._atom.token_string)
+class Container(object):
+ """Base class for all container types."""
+ def __init__(self, items):
+ self._items = items
+ def __repr__(self):
+ string = ''
+ last_was_keyword = False
+ for item in self._items:
+ if item.is_comma:
+ string += ', '
+ elif item.is_colon:
+ string += ': '
+ else:
+ item_string = unicode(item)
+ if (
+ string and
+ (last_was_keyword or
+ (not string.endswith(tuple('([{,.:}]) ')) and
+ not item_string.startswith(tuple('([{,.:}])'))))
+ ):
+ string += ' '
+ string += item_string
+ last_was_keyword = item.is_keyword
+ return string
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for element in self._items:
+ yield element
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ return self._items[idx]
+ def reflow(self, reflowed_lines, continued_indent,
+ break_after_open_bracket=False):
+ last_was_container = False
+ for (index, item) in enumerate(self._items):
+ next_item = get_item(self._items, index + 1)
+ if isinstance(item, Atom):
+ is_list_comp_or_if_expr = (
+ isinstance(self, (ListComprehension, IfExpression)))
+ item.reflow(reflowed_lines, continued_indent,
+ self._get_extent(index),
+ is_list_comp_or_if_expr=is_list_comp_or_if_expr,
+ next_is_dot=(next_item and
+ unicode(next_item) == '.'))
+ if last_was_container and item.is_comma:
+ reflowed_lines.add_line_break(continued_indent)
+ last_was_container = False
+ else: # isinstance(item, Container)
+ reflowed_lines.add(item, len(continued_indent),
+ break_after_open_bracket)
+ last_was_container = not isinstance(item, (ListComprehension,
+ IfExpression))
+ if (
+ break_after_open_bracket and index == 0 and
+ # Prefer to keep empty containers together instead of
+ # separating them.
+ unicode(item) == self.open_bracket and
+ (not next_item or unicode(next_item) != self.close_bracket) and
+ (len(self._items) != 3 or not isinstance(next_item, Atom))
+ ):
+ reflowed_lines.add_line_break(continued_indent)
+ break_after_open_bracket = False
+ else:
+ next_next_item = get_item(self._items, index + 2)
+ if (
+ unicode(item) not in ['.', '%', 'in'] and
+ next_item and not isinstance(next_item, Container) and
+ unicode(next_item) != ':' and
+ next_next_item and (not isinstance(next_next_item, Atom) or
+ unicode(next_item) == 'not') and
+ not reflowed_lines.line_empty() and
+ not reflowed_lines.fits_on_current_line(
+ self._get_extent(index + 1) + 2)
+ ):
+ reflowed_lines.add_line_break(continued_indent)
+ def _get_extent(self, index):
+ """The extent of the full element.
+ E.g., the length of a function call or keyword.
+ """
+ extent = 0
+ prev_item = get_item(self._items, index - 1)
+ seen_dot = prev_item and unicode(prev_item) == '.'
+ while index < len(self._items):
+ item = get_item(self._items, index)
+ index += 1
+ if isinstance(item, (ListComprehension, IfExpression)):
+ break
+ if isinstance(item, Container):
+ if prev_item and prev_item.is_name:
+ if seen_dot:
+ extent += 1
+ else:
+ extent += item.size
+ prev_item = item
+ continue
+ elif (unicode(item) not in ['.', '=', ':', 'not'] and
+ not item.is_name and not item.is_string):
+ break
+ if unicode(item) == '.':
+ seen_dot = True
+ extent += item.size
+ prev_item = item
+ return extent
+ @property
+ def is_string(self):
+ return False
+ @property
+ def size(self):
+ return len(self.__repr__())
+ @property
+ def is_keyword(self):
+ return False
+ @property
+ def is_name(self):
+ return False
+ @property
+ def is_comma(self):
+ return False
+ @property
+ def is_colon(self):
+ return False
+ @property
+ def open_bracket(self):
+ return None
+ @property
+ def close_bracket(self):
+ return None
+class Tuple(Container):
+ """A high-level representation of a tuple."""
+ @property
+ def open_bracket(self):
+ return '('
+ @property
+ def close_bracket(self):
+ return ')'
+class List(Container):
+ """A high-level representation of a list."""
+ @property
+ def open_bracket(self):
+ return '['
+ @property
+ def close_bracket(self):
+ return ']'
+class DictOrSet(Container):
+ """A high-level representation of a dictionary or set."""
+ @property
+ def open_bracket(self):
+ return '{'
+ @property
+ def close_bracket(self):
+ return '}'
+class ListComprehension(Container):
+ """A high-level representation of a list comprehension."""
+ @property
+ def size(self):
+ length = 0
+ for item in self._items:
+ if isinstance(item, IfExpression):
+ break
+ length += item.size
+ return length
+class IfExpression(Container):
+ """A high-level representation of an if-expression."""
+def _parse_container(tokens, index, for_or_if=None):
+ """Parse a high-level container, such as a list, tuple, etc."""
+ # Store the opening bracket.
+ items = [Atom(Token(*tokens[index]))]
+ index += 1
+ num_tokens = len(tokens)
+ while index < num_tokens:
+ tok = Token(*tokens[index])
+ if tok.token_string in ',)]}':
+ # First check if we're at the end of a list comprehension or
+ # if-expression. Don't add the ending token as part of the list
+ # comprehension or if-expression, because they aren't part of those
+ # constructs.
+ if for_or_if == 'for':
+ return (ListComprehension(items), index - 1)
+ elif for_or_if == 'if':
+ return (IfExpression(items), index - 1)
+ # We've reached the end of a container.
+ items.append(Atom(tok))
+ # If not, then we are at the end of a container.
+ if tok.token_string == ')':
+ # The end of a tuple.
+ return (Tuple(items), index)
+ elif tok.token_string == ']':
+ # The end of a list.
+ return (List(items), index)
+ elif tok.token_string == '}':
+ # The end of a dictionary or set.
+ return (DictOrSet(items), index)
+ elif tok.token_string in '([{':
+ # A sub-container is being defined.
+ (container, index) = _parse_container(tokens, index)
+ items.append(container)
+ elif tok.token_string == 'for':
+ (container, index) = _parse_container(tokens, index, 'for')
+ items.append(container)
+ elif tok.token_string == 'if':
+ (container, index) = _parse_container(tokens, index, 'if')
+ items.append(container)
+ else:
+ items.append(Atom(tok))
+ index += 1
+ return (None, None)
+def _parse_tokens(tokens):
+ """Parse the tokens.
+ This converts the tokens into a form where we can manipulate them
+ more easily.
+ """
+ index = 0
+ parsed_tokens = []
+ num_tokens = len(tokens)
+ while index < num_tokens:
+ tok = Token(*tokens[index])
+ assert tok.token_type != token.INDENT
+ if tok.token_type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
+ # There's only one newline and it's at the end.
+ break
+ if tok.token_string in '([{':
+ (container, index) = _parse_container(tokens, index)
+ if not container:
+ return None
+ parsed_tokens.append(container)
+ else:
+ parsed_tokens.append(Atom(tok))
+ index += 1
+ return parsed_tokens
+def _reflow_lines(parsed_tokens, indentation, max_line_length,
+ start_on_prefix_line):
+ """Reflow the lines so that it looks nice."""
+ if unicode(parsed_tokens[0]) == 'def':
+ # A function definition gets indented a bit more.
+ continued_indent = indentation + ' ' * 2 * DEFAULT_INDENT_SIZE
+ else:
+ continued_indent = indentation + ' ' * DEFAULT_INDENT_SIZE
+ break_after_open_bracket = not start_on_prefix_line
+ lines = ReformattedLines(max_line_length)
+ lines.add_indent(len(indentation.lstrip('\r\n')))
+ if not start_on_prefix_line:
+ # If splitting after the opening bracket will cause the first element
+ # to be aligned weirdly, don't try it.
+ first_token = get_item(parsed_tokens, 0)
+ second_token = get_item(parsed_tokens, 1)
+ if (
+ first_token and second_token and
+ unicode(second_token)[0] == '(' and
+ len(indentation) + len(first_token) + 1 == len(continued_indent)
+ ):
+ return None
+ for item in parsed_tokens:
+ lines.add_space_if_needed(unicode(item), equal=True)
+ save_continued_indent = continued_indent
+ if start_on_prefix_line and isinstance(item, Container):
+ start_on_prefix_line = False
+ continued_indent = ' ' * (lines.current_size() + 1)
+ item.reflow(lines, continued_indent, break_after_open_bracket)
+ continued_indent = save_continued_indent
+ return lines.emit()
+def _shorten_line_at_tokens_new(tokens, source, indentation,
+ max_line_length):
+ """Shorten the line taking its length into account.
+ The input is expected to be free of newlines except for inside
+ multiline strings and at the end.
+ """
+ # Yield the original source so to see if it's a better choice than the
+ # shortened candidate lines we generate here.
+ yield indentation + source
+ parsed_tokens = _parse_tokens(tokens)
+ if parsed_tokens:
+ # Perform two reflows. The first one starts on the same line as the
+ # prefix. The second starts on the line after the prefix.
+ fixed = _reflow_lines(parsed_tokens, indentation, max_line_length,
+ start_on_prefix_line=True)
+ if fixed and check_syntax(normalize_multiline(fixed.lstrip())):
+ yield fixed
+ fixed = _reflow_lines(parsed_tokens, indentation, max_line_length,
+ start_on_prefix_line=False)
+ if fixed and check_syntax(normalize_multiline(fixed.lstrip())):
+ yield fixed
+def _shorten_line_at_tokens(tokens, source, indentation, indent_word,
+ key_token_strings, aggressive):
+ """Separate line by breaking at tokens in key_token_strings.
+ The input is expected to be free of newlines except for inside
+ multiline strings and at the end.
+ """
+ offsets = []
+ for (index, _t) in enumerate(token_offsets(tokens)):
+ (token_type,
+ token_string,
+ start_offset,
+ end_offset) = _t
+ assert token_type != token.INDENT
+ if token_string in key_token_strings:
+ # Do not break in containers with zero or one items.
+ unwanted_next_token = {
+ '(': ')',
+ '[': ']',
+ '{': '}'}.get(token_string)
+ if unwanted_next_token:
+ if (
+ get_item(tokens,
+ index + 1,
+ default=[None, None])[1] == unwanted_next_token or
+ get_item(tokens,
+ index + 2,
+ default=[None, None])[1] == unwanted_next_token
+ ):
+ continue
+ if (
+ index > 2 and token_string == '(' and
+ tokens[index - 1][1] in ',(%['
+ ):
+ # Don't split after a tuple start, or before a tuple start if
+ # the tuple is in a list.
+ continue
+ if end_offset < len(source) - 1:
+ # Don't split right before newline.
+ offsets.append(end_offset)
+ else:
+ # Break at adjacent strings. These were probably meant to be on
+ # separate lines in the first place.
+ previous_token = get_item(tokens, index - 1)
+ if (
+ token_type == tokenize.STRING and
+ previous_token and previous_token[0] == tokenize.STRING
+ ):
+ offsets.append(start_offset)
+ current_indent = None
+ fixed = None
+ for line in split_at_offsets(source, offsets):
+ if fixed:
+ fixed += '\n' + current_indent + line
+ for symbol in '([{':
+ if line.endswith(symbol):
+ current_indent += indent_word
+ else:
+ # First line.
+ fixed = line
+ assert not current_indent
+ current_indent = indent_word
+ assert fixed is not None
+ if check_syntax(normalize_multiline(fixed)
+ if aggressive > 1 else fixed):
+ return indentation + fixed
+ else:
+ return None
+def token_offsets(tokens):
+ """Yield tokens and offsets."""
+ end_offset = 0
+ previous_end_row = 0
+ previous_end_column = 0
+ for t in tokens:
+ token_type = t[0]
+ token_string = t[1]
+ (start_row, start_column) = t[2]
+ (end_row, end_column) = t[3]
+ # Account for the whitespace between tokens.
+ end_offset += start_column
+ if previous_end_row == start_row:
+ end_offset -= previous_end_column
+ # Record the start offset of the token.
+ start_offset = end_offset
+ # Account for the length of the token itself.
+ end_offset += len(token_string)
+ yield (token_type,
+ token_string,
+ start_offset,
+ end_offset)
+ previous_end_row = end_row
+ previous_end_column = end_column
+def normalize_multiline(line):
+ """Normalize multiline-related code that will cause syntax error.
+ This is for purposes of checking syntax.
+ """
+ if line.startswith('def ') and line.rstrip().endswith(':'):
+ return line + ' pass'
+ elif line.startswith('return '):
+ return 'def _(): ' + line
+ elif line.startswith('@'):
+ return line + 'def _(): pass'
+ elif line.startswith('class '):
+ return line + ' pass'
+ elif line.startswith('if '):
+ return line + ' pass'
+ else:
+ return line
+def fix_whitespace(line, offset, replacement):
+ """Replace whitespace at offset and return fixed line."""
+ # Replace escaped newlines too
+ left = line[:offset].rstrip('\n\r \t\\')
+ right = line[offset:].lstrip('\n\r \t\\')
+ if right.startswith('#'):
+ return line
+ else:
+ return left + replacement + right
+def _execute_pep8(pep8_options, source):
+ """Execute pep8 via python method calls."""
+ class QuietReport(pep8.BaseReport):
+ """Version of checker that does not print."""
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ super(QuietReport, self).__init__(options)
+ self.__full_error_results = []
+ def error(self, line_number, offset, text, _):
+ """Collect errors."""
+ code = super(QuietReport, self).error(line_number, offset, text, _)
+ if code:
+ self.__full_error_results.append(
+ {'id': code,
+ 'line': line_number,
+ 'column': offset + 1,
+ 'info': text})
+ def full_error_results(self):
+ """Return error results in detail.
+ Results are in the form of a list of dictionaries. Each
+ dictionary contains 'id', 'line', 'column', and 'info'.
+ """
+ return self.__full_error_results
+ checker = pep8.Checker('', lines=source,
+ reporter=QuietReport, **pep8_options)
+ checker.check_all()
+ return
+def _remove_leading_and_normalize(line):
+ return line.lstrip().rstrip(CR + LF) + '\n'
+class Reindenter(object):
+ """Reindents badly-indented code to uniformly use four-space indentation.
+ Released to the public domain, by Tim Peters, 03 October 2000.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input_text):
+ sio = io.StringIO(input_text)
+ source_lines = sio.readlines()
+ self.string_content_line_numbers = multiline_string_lines(input_text)
+ # File lines, rstripped & tab-expanded. Dummy at start is so
+ # that we can use tokenize's 1-based line numbering easily.
+ # Note that a line is all-blank iff it is a newline.
+ self.lines = []
+ line_number = 0
+ for line in source_lines:
+ line_number += 1
+ # Do not modify if inside a multiline string.
+ if line_number in self.string_content_line_numbers:
+ self.lines.append(line)
+ else:
+ # Only expand leading tabs.
+ self.lines.append(_get_indentation(line).expandtabs() +
+ _remove_leading_and_normalize(line))
+ self.lines.insert(0, None)
+ self.index = 1 # index into self.lines of next line
+ self.input_text = input_text
+ def run(self, indent_size=DEFAULT_INDENT_SIZE):
+ """Fix indentation and return modified line numbers.
+ Line numbers are indexed at 1.
+ """
+ if indent_size < 1:
+ return self.input_text
+ try:
+ stats = _reindent_stats(tokenize.generate_tokens(self.getline))
+ except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError):
+ return self.input_text
+ # Remove trailing empty lines.
+ lines = self.lines
+ while lines and lines[-1] == '\n':
+ lines.pop()
+ # Sentinel.
+ stats.append((len(lines), 0))
+ # Map count of leading spaces to # we want.
+ have2want = {}
+ # Program after transformation.
+ after = []
+ # Copy over initial empty lines -- there's nothing to do until
+ # we see a line with *something* on it.
+ i = stats[0][0]
+ after.extend(lines[1:i])
+ for i in range(len(stats) - 1):
+ thisstmt, thislevel = stats[i]
+ nextstmt = stats[i + 1][0]
+ have = _leading_space_count(lines[thisstmt])
+ want = thislevel * indent_size
+ if want < 0:
+ # A comment line.
+ if have:
+ # An indented comment line. If we saw the same
+ # indentation before, reuse what it most recently
+ # mapped to.
+ want = have2want.get(have, -1)
+ if want < 0:
+ # Then it probably belongs to the next real stmt.
+ for j in range(i + 1, len(stats) - 1):
+ jline, jlevel = stats[j]
+ if jlevel >= 0:
+ if have == _leading_space_count(lines[jline]):
+ want = jlevel * indent_size
+ break
+ if want < 0: # Maybe it's a hanging
+ # comment like this one,
+ # in which case we should shift it like its base
+ # line got shifted.
+ for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1):
+ jline, jlevel = stats[j]
+ if jlevel >= 0:
+ want = (have + _leading_space_count(
+ after[jline - 1]) -
+ _leading_space_count(lines[jline]))
+ break
+ if want < 0:
+ # Still no luck -- leave it alone.
+ want = have
+ else:
+ want = 0
+ assert want >= 0
+ have2want[have] = want
+ diff = want - have
+ if diff == 0 or have == 0:
+ after.extend(lines[thisstmt:nextstmt])
+ else:
+ line_number = thisstmt - 1
+ for line in lines[thisstmt:nextstmt]:
+ line_number += 1
+ if line_number in self.string_content_line_numbers:
+ after.append(line)
+ elif diff > 0:
+ if line == '\n':
+ after.append(line)
+ else:
+ after.append(' ' * diff + line)
+ else:
+ remove = min(_leading_space_count(line), -diff)
+ after.append(line[remove:])
+ return ''.join(after)
+ def getline(self):
+ """Line-getter for tokenize."""
+ if self.index >= len(self.lines):
+ line = ''
+ else:
+ line = self.lines[self.index]
+ self.index += 1
+ return line
+def _reindent_stats(tokens):
+ """Return list of (lineno, indentlevel) pairs.
+ One for each stmt and comment line. indentlevel is -1 for comment lines, as
+ a signal that tokenize doesn't know what to do about them; indeed, they're
+ our headache!
+ """
+ find_stmt = 1 # Next token begins a fresh stmt?
+ level = 0 # Current indent level.
+ stats = []
+ for t in tokens:
+ token_type = t[0]
+ sline = t[2][0]
+ line = t[4]
+ if token_type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
+ # A program statement, or ENDMARKER, will eventually follow,
+ # after some (possibly empty) run of tokens of the form
+ find_stmt = 1
+ elif token_type == tokenize.INDENT:
+ find_stmt = 1
+ level += 1
+ elif token_type == tokenize.DEDENT:
+ find_stmt = 1
+ level -= 1
+ elif token_type == tokenize.COMMENT:
+ if find_stmt:
+ stats.append((sline, -1))
+ # But we're still looking for a new stmt, so leave
+ # find_stmt alone.
+ elif token_type == tokenize.NL:
+ pass
+ elif find_stmt:
+ # This is the first "real token" following a NEWLINE, so it
+ # must be the first token of the next program statement, or an
+ find_stmt = 0
+ if line: # Not endmarker.
+ stats.append((sline, level))
+ return stats
+def _leading_space_count(line):
+ """Return number of leading spaces in line."""
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(line) and line[i] == ' ':
+ i += 1
+ return i
+def refactor_with_2to3(source_text, fixer_names):
+ """Use lib2to3 to refactor the source.
+ Return the refactored source code.
+ """
+ check_lib2to3()
+ from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool
+ fixers = ['lib2to3.fixes.fix_' + name for name in fixer_names]
+ tool = RefactoringTool(fixer_names=fixers, explicit=fixers)
+ from lib2to3.pgen2 import tokenize as lib2to3_tokenize
+ try:
+ return unicode(tool.refactor_string(source_text, name=''))
+ except lib2to3_tokenize.TokenError:
+ return source_text
+def check_syntax(code):
+ """Return True if syntax is okay."""
+ try:
+ return compile(code, '<string>', 'exec')
+ except (SyntaxError, TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
+ return False
+def filter_results(source, results, aggressive):
+ """Filter out spurious reports from pep8.
+ If aggressive is True, we allow possibly unsafe fixes (E711, E712).
+ """
+ non_docstring_string_line_numbers = multiline_string_lines(
+ source, include_docstrings=False)
+ all_string_line_numbers = multiline_string_lines(
+ source, include_docstrings=True)
+ commented_out_code_line_numbers = commented_out_code_lines(source)
+ for r in results:
+ issue_id = r['id'].lower()
+ if r['line'] in non_docstring_string_line_numbers:
+ if issue_id.startswith(('e1', 'e501', 'w191')):
+ continue
+ if r['line'] in all_string_line_numbers:
+ if issue_id in ['e501']:
+ continue
+ # We must offset by 1 for lines that contain the trailing contents of
+ # multiline strings.
+ if not aggressive and (r['line'] + 1) in all_string_line_numbers:
+ # Do not modify multiline strings in non-aggressive mode. Remove
+ # trailing whitespace could break doctests.
+ if issue_id.startswith(('w29', 'w39')):
+ continue
+ if aggressive <= 0:
+ if issue_id.startswith(('e711', 'w6')):
+ continue
+ if aggressive <= 1:
+ if issue_id.startswith(('e712', 'e713')):
+ continue
+ if r['line'] in commented_out_code_line_numbers:
+ if issue_id.startswith(('e26', 'e501')):
+ continue
+ yield r
+def multiline_string_lines(source, include_docstrings=False):
+ """Return line numbers that are within multiline strings.
+ The line numbers are indexed at 1.
+ Docstrings are ignored.
+ """
+ line_numbers = set()
+ previous_token_type = ''
+ try:
+ for t in generate_tokens(source):
+ token_type = t[0]
+ start_row = t[2][0]
+ end_row = t[3][0]
+ if token_type == tokenize.STRING and start_row != end_row:
+ if (
+ include_docstrings or
+ previous_token_type != tokenize.INDENT
+ ):
+ # We increment by one since we want the contents of the
+ # string.
+ line_numbers |= set(range(1 + start_row, 1 + end_row))
+ previous_token_type = token_type
+ except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError):
+ pass
+ return line_numbers
+def commented_out_code_lines(source):
+ """Return line numbers of comments that are likely code.
+ Commented-out code is bad practice, but modifying it just adds even more
+ clutter.
+ """
+ line_numbers = []
+ try:
+ for t in generate_tokens(source):
+ token_type = t[0]
+ token_string = t[1]
+ start_row = t[2][0]
+ line = t[4]
+ # Ignore inline comments.
+ if not line.lstrip().startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ if token_type == tokenize.COMMENT:
+ stripped_line = token_string.lstrip('#').strip()
+ if (
+ ' ' in stripped_line and
+ '#' not in stripped_line and
+ check_syntax(stripped_line)
+ ):
+ line_numbers.append(start_row)
+ except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError):
+ pass
+ return line_numbers
+def shorten_comment(line, max_line_length, last_comment=False):
+ """Return trimmed or split long comment line.
+ If there are no comments immediately following it, do a text wrap.
+ Doing this wrapping on all comments in general would lead to jagged
+ comment text.
+ """
+ assert len(line) > max_line_length
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ # PEP 8 recommends 72 characters for comment text.
+ indentation = _get_indentation(line) + '# '
+ max_line_length = min(max_line_length,
+ len(indentation) + 72)
+ if (
+ len(line) - len(line.rstrip(line[-1])) >= MIN_CHARACTER_REPEAT and
+ not line[-1].isalnum()
+ ):
+ # Trim comments that end with things like ---------
+ return line[:max_line_length] + '\n'
+ elif last_comment and re.match(r'\s*#+\s*\w+', line):
+ import textwrap
+ split_lines = textwrap.wrap(line.lstrip(' \t#'),
+ initial_indent=indentation,
+ subsequent_indent=indentation,
+ width=max_line_length,
+ break_long_words=False,
+ break_on_hyphens=False)
+ return '\n'.join(split_lines) + '\n'
+ else:
+ return line + '\n'
+def normalize_line_endings(lines, newline):
+ """Return fixed line endings.
+ All lines will be modified to use the most common line ending.
+ """
+ return [line.rstrip('\n\r') + newline for line in lines]
+def mutual_startswith(a, b):
+ return b.startswith(a) or a.startswith(b)
+def code_match(code, select, ignore):
+ if ignore:
+ assert not isinstance(ignore, unicode)
+ for ignored_code in [c.strip() for c in ignore]:
+ if mutual_startswith(code.lower(), ignored_code.lower()):
+ return False
+ if select:
+ assert not isinstance(select, unicode)
+ for selected_code in [c.strip() for c in select]:
+ if mutual_startswith(code.lower(), selected_code.lower()):
+ return True
+ return False
+ return True
+def fix_code(source, options=None, encoding=None):
+ """Return fixed source code."""
+ if not options:
+ options = parse_args([''])
+ if not isinstance(source, unicode):
+ source = source.decode(encoding or locale.getpreferredencoding())
+ sio = io.StringIO(source)
+ return fix_lines(sio.readlines(), options=options)
+def fix_lines(source_lines, options, filename=''):
+ """Return fixed source code."""
+ # Transform everything to line feed. Then change them back to original
+ # before returning fixed source code.
+ original_newline = find_newline(source_lines)
+ tmp_source = ''.join(normalize_line_endings(source_lines, '\n'))
+ # Keep a history to break out of cycles.
+ previous_hashes = set()
+ if options.line_range:
+ fixed_source = apply_local_fixes(tmp_source, options)
+ else:
+ # Apply global fixes only once (for efficiency).
+ fixed_source = apply_global_fixes(tmp_source, options)
+ passes = 0
+ long_line_ignore_cache = set()
+ while hash(fixed_source) not in previous_hashes:
+ if options.pep8_passes >= 0 and passes > options.pep8_passes:
+ break
+ passes += 1
+ previous_hashes.add(hash(fixed_source))
+ tmp_source = copy.copy(fixed_source)
+ fix = FixPEP8(
+ filename,
+ options,
+ contents=tmp_source,
+ long_line_ignore_cache=long_line_ignore_cache)
+ fixed_source = fix.fix()
+ sio = io.StringIO(fixed_source)
+ return ''.join(normalize_line_endings(sio.readlines(), original_newline))
+def fix_file(filename, options=None, output=None):
+ if not options:
+ options = parse_args([filename])
+ original_source = readlines_from_file(filename)
+ fixed_source = original_source
+ if options.in_place or output:
+ encoding = detect_encoding(filename)
+ if output:
+ output = codecs.getwriter(encoding)(output.buffer
+ if hasattr(output, 'buffer')
+ else output)
+ output = LineEndingWrapper(output)
+ fixed_source = fix_lines(fixed_source, options, filename=filename)
+ if options.diff:
+ new = io.StringIO(fixed_source)
+ new = new.readlines()
+ diff = get_diff_text(original_source, new, filename)
+ if output:
+ output.write(diff)
+ output.flush()
+ else:
+ return diff
+ elif options.in_place:
+ fp = open_with_encoding(filename, encoding=encoding,
+ mode='w')
+ fp.write(fixed_source)
+ fp.close()
+ else:
+ if output:
+ output.write(fixed_source)
+ output.flush()
+ else:
+ return fixed_source
+def global_fixes():
+ """Yield multiple (code, function) tuples."""
+ for function in globals().values():
+ if inspect.isfunction(function):
+ arguments = inspect.getargspec(function)[0]
+ if arguments[:1] != ['source']:
+ continue
+ code = extract_code_from_function(function)
+ if code:
+ yield (code, function)
+def apply_global_fixes(source, options, where='global'):
+ """Run global fixes on source code.
+ These are fixes that only need be done once (unlike those in
+ FixPEP8, which are dependent on pep8).
+ """
+ if code_match('E101',, ignore=options.ignore):
+ source = reindent(source,
+ indent_size=options.indent_size)
+ for (code, function) in global_fixes():
+ if code_match(code,, ignore=options.ignore):
+ if options.verbose:
+ print('---> Applying {0} fix for {1}'.format(where,
+ code.upper()),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ source = function(source,
+ aggressive=options.aggressive)
+ source = fix_2to3(source,
+ aggressive=options.aggressive,
+ ignore=options.ignore)
+ return source
+def apply_local_fixes(source, options):
+ """Ananologus to apply_global_fixes, but runs only those which makes sense
+ for the given line_range.
+ Do as much as we can without breaking code.
+ """
+ def find_ge(a, x):
+ """Find leftmost item greater than or equal to x."""
+ i = bisect.bisect_left(a, x)
+ if i != len(a):
+ return i, a[i]
+ return len(a) - 1, a[-1]
+ def find_le(a, x):
+ """Find rightmost value less than or equal to x."""
+ i = bisect.bisect_right(a, x)
+ if i:
+ return i - 1, a[i - 1]
+ return 0, a[0]
+ def local_fix(source, start_log, end_log,
+ start_lines, end_lines, indents, last_line):
+ """apply_global_fixes to the source between start_log and end_log.
+ The subsource must be the correct syntax of a complete python program
+ (but all lines may share an indentation). The subsource's shared indent
+ is removed, fixes are applied and the indent prepended back. Taking
+ care to not reindent strings.
+ last_line is the strict cut off (options.line_range[1]), so that
+ lines after last_line are not modified.
+ """
+ if end_log < start_log:
+ return source
+ ind = indents[start_log]
+ indent = _get_indentation(source[start_lines[start_log]])
+ sl = slice(start_lines[start_log], end_lines[end_log] + 1)
+ subsource = source[sl]
+ # Remove indent from subsource.
+ if ind:
+ for line_no in start_lines[start_log:end_log + 1]:
+ pos = line_no - start_lines[start_log]
+ subsource[pos] = subsource[pos][ind:]
+ # Fix indentation of subsource.
+ fixed_subsource = apply_global_fixes(''.join(subsource),
+ options,
+ where='local')
+ fixed_subsource = fixed_subsource.splitlines(True)
+ # Add back indent for non multi-line strings lines.
+ msl = multiline_string_lines(''.join(fixed_subsource),
+ include_docstrings=False)
+ for i, line in enumerate(fixed_subsource):
+ if not i + 1 in msl:
+ fixed_subsource[i] = indent + line if line != '\n' else line
+ # We make a special case to look at the final line, if it's a multiline
+ # *and* the cut off is somewhere inside it, we take the fixed
+ # subset up until last_line, this assumes that the number of lines
+ # does not change in this multiline line.
+ changed_lines = len(fixed_subsource)
+ if (start_lines[end_log] != end_lines[end_log]
+ and end_lines[end_log] > last_line):
+ after_end = end_lines[end_log] - last_line
+ fixed_subsource = (fixed_subsource[:-after_end] +
+ source[sl][-after_end:])
+ changed_lines -= after_end
+ options.line_range[1] = (options.line_range[0] +
+ changed_lines - 1)
+ return (source[:start_lines[start_log]] +
+ fixed_subsource +
+ source[end_lines[end_log] + 1:])
+ def is_continued_stmt(line,
+ continued_stmts=frozenset(['else', 'elif',
+ 'finally', 'except'])):
+ return re.split('[ :]', line.strip(), 1)[0] in continued_stmts
+ assert options.line_range
+ start, end = options.line_range
+ start -= 1
+ end -= 1
+ last_line = end # We shouldn't modify lines after this cut-off.
+ try:
+ logical = _find_logical(source)
+ except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError):
+ return ''.join(source)
+ if not logical[0]:
+ # Just blank lines, this should imply that it will become '\n' ?
+ return apply_global_fixes(source, options)
+ start_lines, indents = zip(*logical[0])
+ end_lines, _ = zip(*logical[1])
+ source = source.splitlines(True)
+ start_log, start = find_ge(start_lines, start)
+ end_log, end = find_le(start_lines, end)
+ # Look behind one line, if it's indented less than current indent
+ # then we can move to this previous line knowing that its
+ # indentation level will not be changed.
+ if (start_log > 0
+ and indents[start_log - 1] < indents[start_log]
+ and not is_continued_stmt(source[start_log - 1])):
+ start_log -= 1
+ start = start_lines[start_log]
+ while start < end:
+ if is_continued_stmt(source[start]):
+ start_log += 1
+ start = start_lines[start_log]
+ continue
+ ind = indents[start_log]
+ for t in itertools.takewhile(lambda t: t[1][1] >= ind,
+ enumerate(logical[0][start_log:])):
+ n_log, n = start_log + t[0], t[1][0]
+ # start shares indent up to n.
+ if n <= end:
+ source = local_fix(source, start_log, n_log,
+ start_lines, end_lines,
+ indents, last_line)
+ start_log = n_log if n == end else n_log + 1
+ start = start_lines[start_log]
+ continue
+ else:
+ # Look at the line after end and see if allows us to reindent.
+ after_end_log, after_end = find_ge(start_lines, end + 1)
+ if indents[after_end_log] > indents[start_log]:
+ start_log, start = find_ge(start_lines, start + 1)
+ continue
+ if (indents[after_end_log] == indents[start_log]
+ and is_continued_stmt(source[after_end])):
+ # find n, the beginning of the last continued statement
+ # Apply fix to previous block if there is one.
+ only_block = True
+ for n, n_ind in logical[0][start_log:end_log + 1][::-1]:
+ if n_ind == ind and not is_continued_stmt(source[n]):
+ n_log = start_lines.index(n)
+ source = local_fix(source, start_log, n_log - 1,
+ start_lines, end_lines,
+ indents, last_line)
+ start_log = n_log + 1
+ start = start_lines[start_log]
+ only_block = False
+ break
+ if only_block:
+ end_log, end = find_le(start_lines, end - 1)
+ continue
+ source = local_fix(source, start_log, end_log,
+ start_lines, end_lines,
+ indents, last_line)
+ break
+ return ''.join(source)
+def extract_code_from_function(function):
+ """Return code handled by function."""
+ if not function.__name__.startswith('fix_'):
+ return None
+ code = re.sub('^fix_', '', function.__name__)
+ if not code:
+ return None
+ try:
+ int(code[1:])
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ return code
+def create_parser():
+ """Return command-line parser."""
+ # Do import locally to be friendly to those who use autopep8 as a library
+ # and are supporting Python 2.6.
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=docstring_summary(__doc__),
+ prog='autopep8')
+ parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
+ version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='verbose',
+ default=0,
+ help='print verbose messages; '
+ 'multiple -v result in more verbose messages')
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--diff', action='store_true', dest='diff',
+ help='print the diff for the fixed source')
+ parser.add_argument('-i', '--in-place', action='store_true',
+ help='make changes to files in place')
+ parser.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', action='store_true',
+ help='run recursively over directories; '
+ 'must be used with --in-place or --diff')
+ parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', type=int, metavar='n', default=1,
+ help='number of parallel jobs; '
+ 'match CPU count if value is less than 1')
+ parser.add_argument('-p', '--pep8-passes', metavar='n',
+ default=-1, type=int,
+ help='maximum number of additional pep8 passes '
+ '(default: infinite)')
+ parser.add_argument('-a', '--aggressive', action='count', default=0,
+ help='enable non-whitespace changes; '
+ 'multiple -a result in more aggressive changes')
+ parser.add_argument('--experimental', action='store_true',
+ help='enable experimental fixes')
+ parser.add_argument('--exclude', metavar='globs',
+ help='exclude file/directory names that match these '
+ 'comma-separated globs')
+ parser.add_argument('--list-fixes', action='store_true',
+ help='list codes for fixes; '
+ 'used by --ignore and --select')
+ parser.add_argument('--ignore', metavar='errors', default='',
+ help='do not fix these errors/warnings '
+ '(default: {0})'.format(DEFAULT_IGNORE))
+ parser.add_argument('--select', metavar='errors', default='',
+ help='fix only these errors/warnings (e.g. E4,W)')
+ parser.add_argument('--max-line-length', metavar='n', default=79, type=int,
+ help='set maximum allowed line length '
+ '(default: %(default)s)')
+ parser.add_argument('--range', metavar='line', dest='line_range',
+ default=None, type=int, nargs=2,
+ help='only fix errors found within this inclusive '
+ 'range of line numbers (e.g. 1 99); '
+ 'line numbers are indexed at 1')
+ parser.add_argument('--indent-size', default=DEFAULT_INDENT_SIZE,
+ type=int, metavar='n',
+ help='number of spaces per indent level '
+ '(default %(default)s)')
+ parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*',
+ help="files to format or '-' for standard in")
+ return parser
+def parse_args(arguments):
+ """Parse command-line options."""
+ parser = create_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args(arguments)
+ if not args.files and not args.list_fixes:
+ parser.error('incorrect number of arguments')
+ args.files = [decode_filename(name) for name in args.files]
+ if '-' in args.files:
+ if len(args.files) > 1:
+ parser.error('cannot mix stdin and regular files')
+ if args.diff:
+ parser.error('--diff cannot be used with standard input')
+ if args.in_place:
+ parser.error('--in-place cannot be used with standard input')
+ if args.recursive:
+ parser.error('--recursive cannot be used with standard input')
+ if len(args.files) > 1 and not (args.in_place or args.diff):
+ parser.error('autopep8 only takes one filename as argument '
+ 'unless the "--in-place" or "--diff" args are '
+ 'used')
+ if args.recursive and not (args.in_place or args.diff):
+ parser.error('--recursive must be used with --in-place or --diff')
+ if args.exclude and not args.recursive:
+ parser.error('--exclude is only relevant when used with --recursive')
+ if args.in_place and args.diff:
+ parser.error('--in-place and --diff are mutually exclusive')
+ if args.max_line_length <= 0:
+ parser.error('--max-line-length must be greater than 0')
+ if
+ =',')
+ if args.ignore:
+ args.ignore = args.ignore.split(',')
+ elif not
+ if args.aggressive:
+ # Enable everything by default if aggressive.
+ = ['E', 'W']
+ else:
+ args.ignore = DEFAULT_IGNORE.split(',')
+ if args.exclude:
+ args.exclude = args.exclude.split(',')
+ else:
+ args.exclude = []
+ if < 1:
+ # Do not import multiprocessing globally in case it is not supported
+ # on the platform.
+ import multiprocessing
+ = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+ if > 1 and not args.in_place:
+ parser.error('parallel jobs requires --in-place')
+ if args.line_range:
+ if args.line_range[0] <= 0:
+ parser.error('--range must be positive numbers')
+ if args.line_range[0] > args.line_range[1]:
+ parser.error('First value of --range should be less than or equal '
+ 'to the second')
+ return args
+def decode_filename(filename):
+ """Return Unicode filename."""
+ if isinstance(filename, unicode):
+ return filename
+ else:
+ return filename.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+def supported_fixes():
+ """Yield pep8 error codes that autopep8 fixes.
+ Each item we yield is a tuple of the code followed by its
+ description.
+ """
+ yield ('E101', docstring_summary(reindent.__doc__))
+ instance = FixPEP8(filename=None, options=None, contents='')
+ for attribute in dir(instance):
+ code = re.match('fix_([ew][0-9][0-9][0-9])', attribute)
+ if code:
+ yield (
+ re.sub(r'\s+', ' ',
+ docstring_summary(getattr(instance, attribute).__doc__))
+ )
+ for (code, function) in sorted(global_fixes()):
+ yield (code.upper() + (4 - len(code)) * ' ',
+ re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', docstring_summary(function.__doc__)))
+ for code in sorted(CODE_TO_2TO3):
+ yield (code.upper() + (4 - len(code)) * ' ',
+ re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', docstring_summary(fix_2to3.__doc__)))
+def docstring_summary(docstring):
+ """Return summary of docstring."""
+ return docstring.split('\n')[0]
+def line_shortening_rank(candidate, indent_word, max_line_length,
+ experimental=False):
+ """Return rank of candidate.
+ This is for sorting candidates.
+ """
+ if not candidate.strip():
+ return 0
+ rank = 0
+ lines = candidate.split('\n')
+ offset = 0
+ if (
+ not lines[0].lstrip().startswith('#') and
+ lines[0].rstrip()[-1] not in '([{'
+ ):
+ for (opening, closing) in ('()', '[]', '{}'):
+ # Don't penalize empty containers that aren't split up. Things like
+ # this "foo(\n )" aren't particularly good.
+ opening_loc = lines[0].find(opening)
+ closing_loc = lines[0].find(closing)
+ if opening_loc >= 0:
+ if closing_loc < 0 or closing_loc != opening_loc + 1:
+ offset = max(offset, 1 + opening_loc)
+ current_longest = max(offset + len(x.strip()) for x in lines)
+ rank += 4 * max(0, current_longest - max_line_length)
+ rank += len(lines)
+ # Too much variation in line length is ugly.
+ rank += 2 * standard_deviation(len(line) for line in lines)
+ bad_staring_symbol = {
+ '(': ')',
+ '[': ']',
+ '{': '}'}.get(lines[0][-1])
+ if len(lines) > 1:
+ if (
+ bad_staring_symbol and
+ lines[1].lstrip().startswith(bad_staring_symbol)
+ ):
+ rank += 20
+ for lineno, current_line in enumerate(lines):
+ current_line = current_line.strip()
+ if current_line.startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ for bad_start in ['.', '%', '+', '-', '/']:
+ if current_line.startswith(bad_start):
+ rank += 100
+ # Do not tolerate operators on their own line.
+ if current_line == bad_start:
+ rank += 1000
+ if current_line.endswith(('(', '[', '{', '.')):
+ # Avoid lonely opening. They result in longer lines.
+ if len(current_line) <= len(indent_word):
+ rank += 100
+ # Avoid the ugliness of ", (\n".
+ if (
+ current_line.endswith('(') and
+ current_line[:-1].rstrip().endswith(',')
+ ):
+ rank += 100
+ # Also avoid the ugliness of "foo.\nbar"
+ if current_line.endswith('.'):
+ rank += 100
+ if has_arithmetic_operator(current_line):
+ rank += 100
+ if current_line.endswith(('%', '(', '[', '{')):
+ rank -= 20
+ # Try to break list comprehensions at the "for".
+ if current_line.startswith('for '):
+ rank -= 50
+ if current_line.endswith('\\'):
+ # If a line ends in \-newline, it may be part of a
+ # multiline string. In that case, we would like to know
+ # how long that line is without the \-newline. If it's
+ # longer than the maximum, or has comments, then we assume
+ # that the \-newline is an okay candidate and only
+ # penalize it a bit.
+ total_len = len(current_line)
+ lineno += 1
+ while lineno < len(lines):
+ total_len += len(lines[lineno])
+ if lines[lineno].lstrip().startswith('#'):
+ total_len = max_line_length
+ break
+ if not lines[lineno].endswith('\\'):
+ break
+ lineno += 1
+ if total_len < max_line_length:
+ rank += 10
+ else:
+ rank += 100 if experimental else 1
+ # Prefer breaking at commas rather than colon.
+ if ',' in current_line and current_line.endswith(':'):
+ rank += 10
+ rank += 10 * count_unbalanced_brackets(current_line)
+ return max(0, rank)
+def standard_deviation(numbers):
+ """Return standard devation."""
+ numbers = list(numbers)
+ if not numbers:
+ return 0
+ mean = sum(numbers) / len(numbers)
+ return (sum((n - mean) ** 2 for n in numbers) /
+ len(numbers)) ** .5
+def has_arithmetic_operator(line):
+ """Return True if line contains any arithmetic operators."""
+ for operator in pep8.ARITHMETIC_OP:
+ if operator in line:
+ return True
+ return False
+def count_unbalanced_brackets(line):
+ """Return number of unmatched open/close brackets."""
+ count = 0
+ for opening, closing in ['()', '[]', '{}']:
+ count += abs(line.count(opening) - line.count(closing))
+ return count
+def split_at_offsets(line, offsets):
+ """Split line at offsets.
+ Return list of strings.
+ """
+ result = []
+ previous_offset = 0
+ current_offset = 0
+ for current_offset in sorted(offsets):
+ if current_offset < len(line) and previous_offset != current_offset:
+ result.append(line[previous_offset:current_offset].strip())
+ previous_offset = current_offset
+ result.append(line[current_offset:])
+ return result
+class LineEndingWrapper(object):
+ r"""Replace line endings to work with sys.stdout.
+ It seems that sys.stdout expects only '\n' as the line ending, no matter
+ the platform. Otherwise, we get repeated line endings.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, output):
+ self.__output = output
+ def write(self, s):
+ self.__output.write(s.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n'))
+ def flush(self):
+ self.__output.flush()
+def match_file(filename, exclude):
+ """Return True if file is okay for modifying/recursing."""
+ base_name = os.path.basename(filename)
+ if base_name.startswith('.'):
+ return False
+ for pattern in exclude:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(base_name, pattern):
+ return False
+ if not os.path.isdir(filename) and not is_python_file(filename):
+ return False
+ return True
+def find_files(filenames, recursive, exclude):
+ """Yield filenames."""
+ while filenames:
+ name = filenames.pop(0)
+ if recursive and os.path.isdir(name):
+ for root, directories, children in os.walk(name):
+ filenames += [os.path.join(root, f) for f in children
+ if match_file(os.path.join(root, f),
+ exclude)]
+ directories[:] = [d for d in directories
+ if match_file(os.path.join(root, d),
+ exclude)]
+ else:
+ yield name
+def _fix_file(parameters):
+ """Helper function for optionally running fix_file() in parallel."""
+ if parameters[1].verbose:
+ print('[file:{0}]'.format(parameters[0]), file=sys.stderr)
+ try:
+ fix_file(*parameters)
+ except IOError as error:
+ print(unicode(error), file=sys.stderr)
+def fix_multiple_files(filenames, options, output=None):
+ """Fix list of files.
+ Optionally fix files recursively.
+ """
+ filenames = find_files(filenames, options.recursive, options.exclude)
+ if > 1:
+ import multiprocessing
+ pool = multiprocessing.Pool(
+ [(name, options) for name in filenames])
+ else:
+ for name in filenames:
+ _fix_file((name, options, output))
+def is_python_file(filename):
+ """Return True if filename is Python file."""
+ if filename.endswith('.py'):
+ return True
+ try:
+ with open_with_encoding(filename) as f:
+ first_line = f.readlines(1)[0]
+ except (IOError, IndexError):
+ return False
+ if not PYTHON_SHEBANG_REGEX.match(first_line):
+ return False
+ return True
+def is_probably_part_of_multiline(line):
+ """Return True if line is likely part of a multiline string.
+ When multiline strings are involved, pep8 reports the error as being
+ at the start of the multiline string, which doesn't work for us.
+ """
+ return (
+ '"""' in line or
+ "'''" in line or
+ line.rstrip().endswith('\\')
+ )
+def main():
+ """Tool main."""
+ try:
+ # Exit on broken pipe.
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover
+ # SIGPIPE is not available on Windows.
+ pass
+ try:
+ args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+ if args.list_fixes:
+ for code, description in sorted(supported_fixes()):
+ print('{code} - {description}'.format(
+ code=code, description=description))
+ return 0
+ if args.files == ['-']:
+ assert not args.in_place
+ # LineEndingWrapper is unnecessary here due to the symmetry between
+ # standard in and standard out.
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ fix_code(
+ args,
+ encoding=sys.stdin.encoding))
+ else:
+ if args.in_place or args.diff:
+ args.files = list(set(args.files))
+ else:
+ assert len(args.files) == 1
+ assert not args.recursive
+ fix_multiple_files(args.files, args, sys.stdout)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ return 1 # pragma: no cover
+class CachedTokenizer(object):
+ """A one-element cache around tokenize.generate_tokens().
+ Original code written by Ned Batchelder, in
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.last_text = None
+ self.last_tokens = None
+ def generate_tokens(self, text):
+ """A stand-in for tokenize.generate_tokens()."""
+ if text != self.last_text:
+ string_io = io.StringIO(text)
+ self.last_tokens = list(
+ tokenize.generate_tokens(string_io.readline)
+ )
+ self.last_text = text
+ return self.last_tokens
+_cached_tokenizer = CachedTokenizer()
+generate_tokens = _cached_tokenizer.generate_tokens
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/.gitignore b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1c45ce5be3e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/Grammar.txt b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/Grammar.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1e1f24cfbc76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/Grammar.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Grammar for 2to3. This grammar supports Python 2.x and 3.x.
+# Note: Changing the grammar specified in this file will most likely
+# require corresponding changes in the parser module
+# (../Modules/parsermodule.c). If you can't make the changes to
+# that module yourself, please co-ordinate the required changes
+# with someone who can; ask around on python-dev for help. Fred
+# Drake <> will probably be listening there.
+# NOTE WELL: You should also follow all the steps listed in PEP 306,
+# "How to Change Python's Grammar"
+# Commands for Kees Blom's railroad program
+#diagram:token NAME
+#diagram:token NUMBER
+#diagram:token STRING
+#diagram:token NEWLINE
+#diagram:token ENDMARKER
+#diagram:token INDENT
+#diagram:output\input python.bla
+#diagram:token DEDENT
+#diagram:output\textwidth 20.04cm\oddsidemargin 0.0cm\evensidemargin 0.0cm
+# Start symbols for the grammar:
+# file_input is a module or sequence of commands read from an input file;
+# single_input is a single interactive statement;
+# eval_input is the input for the eval() and input() functions.
+# NB: compound_stmt in single_input is followed by extra NEWLINE!
+file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
+single_input: NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE
+eval_input: testlist NEWLINE* ENDMARKER
+decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
+decorators: decorator+
+decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef)
+funcdef: 'def' NAME parameters ['->' test] ':' suite
+parameters: '(' [typedargslist] ')'
+typedargslist: ((tfpdef ['=' test] ',')*
+ ('*' [tname] (',' tname ['=' test])* [',' '**' tname] | '**' tname)
+ | tfpdef ['=' test] (',' tfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
+tname: NAME [':' test]
+tfpdef: tname | '(' tfplist ')'
+tfplist: tfpdef (',' tfpdef)* [',']
+varargslist: ((vfpdef ['=' test] ',')*
+ ('*' [vname] (',' vname ['=' test])* [',' '**' vname] | '**' vname)
+ | vfpdef ['=' test] (',' vfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
+vname: NAME
+vfpdef: vname | '(' vfplist ')'
+vfplist: vfpdef (',' vfpdef)* [',']
+stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
+simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE
+small_stmt: (expr_stmt | print_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt |
+ import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt)
+expr_stmt: testlist_star_expr (augassign (yield_expr|testlist) |
+ ('=' (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr))*)
+testlist_star_expr: (test|star_expr) (',' (test|star_expr))* [',']
+augassign: ('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' |
+ '<<=' | '>>=' | '**=' | '//=')
+# For normal assignments, additional restrictions enforced by the interpreter
+print_stmt: 'print' ( [ test (',' test)* [','] ] |
+ '>>' test [ (',' test)+ [','] ] )
+del_stmt: 'del' exprlist
+pass_stmt: 'pass'
+flow_stmt: break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt | yield_stmt
+break_stmt: 'break'
+continue_stmt: 'continue'
+return_stmt: 'return' [testlist]
+yield_stmt: yield_expr
+raise_stmt: 'raise' [test ['from' test | ',' test [',' test]]]
+import_stmt: import_name | import_from
+import_name: 'import' dotted_as_names
+import_from: ('from' ('.'* dotted_name | '.'+)
+ 'import' ('*' | '(' import_as_names ')' | import_as_names))
+import_as_name: NAME ['as' NAME]
+dotted_as_name: dotted_name ['as' NAME]
+import_as_names: import_as_name (',' import_as_name)* [',']
+dotted_as_names: dotted_as_name (',' dotted_as_name)*
+dotted_name: NAME ('.' NAME)*
+global_stmt: ('global' | 'nonlocal') NAME (',' NAME)*
+exec_stmt: 'exec' expr ['in' test [',' test]]
+assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test]
+compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef | decorated
+if_stmt: 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
+while_stmt: 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
+for_stmt: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
+try_stmt: ('try' ':' suite
+ ((except_clause ':' suite)+
+ ['else' ':' suite]
+ ['finally' ':' suite] |
+ 'finally' ':' suite))
+with_stmt: 'with' with_item (',' with_item)* ':' suite
+with_item: test ['as' expr]
+with_var: 'as' expr
+# NB compile.c makes sure that the default except clause is last
+except_clause: 'except' [test [(',' | 'as') test]]
+suite: simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT
+# Backward compatibility cruft to support:
+# [ x for x in lambda: True, lambda: False if x() ]
+# even while also allowing:
+# lambda x: 5 if x else 2
+# (But not a mix of the two)
+testlist_safe: old_test [(',' old_test)+ [',']]
+old_test: or_test | old_lambdef
+old_lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' old_test
+test: or_test ['if' or_test 'else' test] | lambdef
+or_test: and_test ('or' and_test)*
+and_test: not_test ('and' not_test)*
+not_test: 'not' not_test | comparison
+comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
+comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
+star_expr: '*' expr
+expr: xor_expr ('|' xor_expr)*
+xor_expr: and_expr ('^' and_expr)*
+and_expr: shift_expr ('&' shift_expr)*
+shift_expr: arith_expr (('<<'|'>>') arith_expr)*
+arith_expr: term (('+'|'-') term)*
+term: factor (('*'|'/'|'%'|'//') factor)*
+factor: ('+'|'-'|'~') factor | power
+power: atom trailer* ['**' factor]
+atom: ('(' [yield_expr|testlist_gexp] ')' |
+ '[' [listmaker] ']' |
+ '{' [dictsetmaker] '}' |
+ '`' testlist1 '`' |
+ NAME | NUMBER | STRING+ | '.' '.' '.')
+listmaker: (test|star_expr) ( comp_for | (',' (test|star_expr))* [','] )
+testlist_gexp: (test|star_expr) ( comp_for | (',' (test|star_expr))* [','] )
+lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' test
+trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
+subscriptlist: subscript (',' subscript)* [',']
+subscript: test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
+sliceop: ':' [test]
+exprlist: (expr|star_expr) (',' (expr|star_expr))* [',']
+testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
+dictsetmaker: ( (test ':' test (comp_for | (',' test ':' test)* [','])) |
+ (test (comp_for | (',' test)* [','])) )
+classdef: 'class' NAME ['(' [arglist] ')'] ':' suite
+arglist: (argument ',')* (argument [',']
+ |'*' test (',' argument)* [',' '**' test]
+ |'**' test)
+argument: test [comp_for] | test '=' test # Really [keyword '='] test
+comp_iter: comp_for | comp_if
+comp_for: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist_safe [comp_iter]
+comp_if: 'if' old_test [comp_iter]
+testlist1: test (',' test)*
+# not used in grammar, but may appear in "node" passed from Parser to Compiler
+encoding_decl: NAME
+yield_expr: 'yield' [testlist]
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..36bf8148273b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+# A grammar to describe tree matching patterns.
+# Not shown here:
+# - 'TOKEN' stands for any token (leaf node)
+# - 'any' stands for any node (leaf or interior)
+# With 'any' we can still specify the sub-structure.
+# The start symbol is 'Matcher'.
+Matcher: Alternatives ENDMARKER
+Alternatives: Alternative ('|' Alternative)*
+Alternative: (Unit | NegatedUnit)+
+Unit: [NAME '='] ( STRING [Repeater]
+ | NAME [Details] [Repeater]
+ | '(' Alternatives ')' [Repeater]
+ | '[' Alternatives ']'
+ )
+NegatedUnit: 'not' (STRING | NAME [Details] | '(' Alternatives ')')
+Repeater: '*' | '+' | '{' NUMBER [',' NUMBER] '}'
+Details: '<' Alternatives '>'
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+import sys
+from .main import main
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+"""A bottom-up tree matching algorithm implementation meant to speed
+up 2to3's matching process. After the tree patterns are reduced to
+their rarest linear path, a linear Aho-Corasick automaton is
+created. The linear automaton traverses the linear paths from the
+leaves to the root of the AST and returns a set of nodes for further
+matching. This reduces significantly the number of candidate nodes."""
+__author__ = "George Boutsioukis <>"
+import logging
+import itertools
+from collections import defaultdict
+from . import pytree
+from .btm_utils import reduce_tree
+class BMNode(object):
+ """Class for a node of the Aho-Corasick automaton used in matching"""
+ count = itertools.count()
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.transition_table = {}
+ self.fixers = []
+ = next(BMNode.count)
+ self.content = ''
+class BottomMatcher(object):
+ """The main matcher class. After instantiating the patterns should
+ be added using the add_fixer method"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.match = set()
+ self.root = BMNode()
+ self.nodes = [self.root]
+ self.fixers = []
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger("RefactoringTool")
+ def add_fixer(self, fixer):
+ """Reduces a fixer's pattern tree to a linear path and adds it
+ to the matcher(a common Aho-Corasick automaton). The fixer is
+ appended on the matching states and called when they are
+ reached"""
+ self.fixers.append(fixer)
+ tree = reduce_tree(fixer.pattern_tree)
+ linear = tree.get_linear_subpattern()
+ match_nodes = self.add(linear, start=self.root)
+ for match_node in match_nodes:
+ match_node.fixers.append(fixer)
+ def add(self, pattern, start):
+ "Recursively adds a linear pattern to the AC automaton"
+ #print("adding pattern", pattern, "to", start)
+ if not pattern:
+ #print("empty pattern")
+ return [start]
+ if isinstance(pattern[0], tuple):
+ #alternatives
+ #print("alternatives")
+ match_nodes = []
+ for alternative in pattern[0]:
+ #add all alternatives, and add the rest of the pattern
+ #to each end node
+ end_nodes = self.add(alternative, start=start)
+ for end in end_nodes:
+ match_nodes.extend(self.add(pattern[1:], end))
+ return match_nodes
+ else:
+ #single token
+ #not last
+ if pattern[0] not in start.transition_table:
+ #transition did not exist, create new
+ next_node = BMNode()
+ start.transition_table[pattern[0]] = next_node
+ else:
+ #transition exists already, follow
+ next_node = start.transition_table[pattern[0]]
+ if pattern[1:]:
+ end_nodes = self.add(pattern[1:], start=next_node)
+ else:
+ end_nodes = [next_node]
+ return end_nodes
+ def run(self, leaves):
+ """The main interface with the bottom matcher. The tree is
+ traversed from the bottom using the constructed
+ automaton. Nodes are only checked once as the tree is
+ retraversed. When the automaton fails, we give it one more
+ shot(in case the above tree matches as a whole with the
+ rejected leaf), then we break for the next leaf. There is the
+ special case of multiple arguments(see code comments) where we
+ recheck the nodes
+ Args:
+ The leaves of the AST tree to be matched
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary of node matches with fixers as the keys
+ """
+ current_ac_node = self.root
+ results = defaultdict(list)
+ for leaf in leaves:
+ current_ast_node = leaf
+ while current_ast_node:
+ current_ast_node.was_checked = True
+ for child in current_ast_node.children:
+ # multiple statements, recheck
+ if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == u";":
+ current_ast_node.was_checked = False
+ break
+ if current_ast_node.type == 1:
+ #name
+ node_token = current_ast_node.value
+ else:
+ node_token = current_ast_node.type
+ if node_token in current_ac_node.transition_table:
+ #token matches
+ current_ac_node = current_ac_node.transition_table[node_token]
+ for fixer in current_ac_node.fixers:
+ if not fixer in results:
+ results[fixer] = []
+ results[fixer].append(current_ast_node)
+ else:
+ #matching failed, reset automaton
+ current_ac_node = self.root
+ if (current_ast_node.parent is not None
+ and current_ast_node.parent.was_checked):
+ #the rest of the tree upwards has been checked, next leaf
+ break
+ #recheck the rejected node once from the root
+ if node_token in current_ac_node.transition_table:
+ #token matches
+ current_ac_node = current_ac_node.transition_table[node_token]
+ for fixer in current_ac_node.fixers:
+ if not fixer in results.keys():
+ results[fixer] = []
+ results[fixer].append(current_ast_node)
+ current_ast_node = current_ast_node.parent
+ return results
+ def print_ac(self):
+ "Prints a graphviz diagram of the BM automaton(for debugging)"
+ print("digraph g{")
+ def print_node(node):
+ for subnode_key in node.transition_table.keys():
+ subnode = node.transition_table[subnode_key]
+ print("%d -> %d [label=%s] //%s" %
+ (,, type_repr(subnode_key), str(subnode.fixers)))
+ if subnode_key == 1:
+ print(subnode.content)
+ print_node(subnode)
+ print_node(self.root)
+ print("}")
+# taken from for debugging; only used by print_ac
+_type_reprs = {}
+def type_repr(type_num):
+ global _type_reprs
+ if not _type_reprs:
+ from .pygram import python_symbols
+ # printing tokens is possible but not as useful
+ # from .pgen2 import token // token.__dict__.items():
+ for name, val in python_symbols.__dict__.items():
+ if type(val) == int: _type_reprs[val] = name
+ return _type_reprs.setdefault(type_num, type_num)
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index 000000000000..2276dc9e966d
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+"Utility functions used by the btm_matcher module"
+from . import pytree
+from .pgen2 import grammar, token
+from .pygram import pattern_symbols, python_symbols
+syms = pattern_symbols
+pysyms = python_symbols
+tokens = grammar.opmap
+token_labels = token
+TYPE_ANY = -1
+class MinNode(object):
+ """This class serves as an intermediate representation of the
+ pattern tree during the conversion to sets of leaf-to-root
+ subpatterns"""
+ def __init__(self, type=None, name=None):
+ self.type = type
+ = name
+ self.children = []
+ self.leaf = False
+ self.parent = None
+ self.alternatives = []
+ = []
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self.type) + ' ' + str(
+ def leaf_to_root(self):
+ """Internal method. Returns a characteristic path of the
+ pattern tree. This method must be run for all leaves until the
+ linear subpatterns are merged into a single"""
+ node = self
+ subp = []
+ while node:
+ if node.type == TYPE_ALTERNATIVES:
+ node.alternatives.append(subp)
+ if len(node.alternatives) == len(node.children):
+ #last alternative
+ subp = [tuple(node.alternatives)]
+ node.alternatives = []
+ node = node.parent
+ continue
+ else:
+ node = node.parent
+ subp = None
+ break
+ if node.type == TYPE_GROUP:
+ #probably should check the number of leaves
+ if len( == len(node.children):
+ subp = get_characteristic_subpattern(
+ = []
+ node = node.parent
+ continue
+ else:
+ node = node.parent
+ subp = None
+ break
+ if node.type == token_labels.NAME and
+ #in case of type=name, use the name instead
+ subp.append(
+ else:
+ subp.append(node.type)
+ node = node.parent
+ return subp
+ def get_linear_subpattern(self):
+ """Drives the leaf_to_root method. The reason that
+ leaf_to_root must be run multiple times is because we need to
+ reject 'group' matches; for example the alternative form
+ (a | b c) creates a group [b c] that needs to be matched. Since
+ matching multiple linear patterns overcomes the automaton's
+ capabilities, leaf_to_root merges each group into a single
+ choice based on 'characteristic'ity,
+ i.e. (a|b c) -> (a|b) if b more characteristic than c
+ Returns: The most 'characteristic'(as defined by
+ get_characteristic_subpattern) path for the compiled pattern
+ tree.
+ """
+ for l in self.leaves():
+ subp = l.leaf_to_root()
+ if subp:
+ return subp
+ def leaves(self):
+ "Generator that returns the leaves of the tree"
+ for child in self.children:
+ for x in child.leaves():
+ yield x
+ if not self.children:
+ yield self
+def reduce_tree(node, parent=None):
+ """
+ Internal function. Reduces a compiled pattern tree to an
+ intermediate representation suitable for feeding the
+ automaton. This also trims off any optional pattern elements(like
+ [a], a*).
+ """
+ new_node = None
+ #switch on the node type
+ if node.type == syms.Matcher:
+ #skip
+ node = node.children[0]
+ if node.type == syms.Alternatives :
+ #2 cases
+ if len(node.children) <= 2:
+ #just a single 'Alternative', skip this node
+ new_node = reduce_tree(node.children[0], parent)
+ else:
+ #real alternatives
+ new_node = MinNode(type=TYPE_ALTERNATIVES)
+ #skip odd children('|' tokens)
+ for child in node.children:
+ if node.children.index(child)%2:
+ continue
+ reduced = reduce_tree(child, new_node)
+ if reduced is not None:
+ new_node.children.append(reduced)
+ elif node.type == syms.Alternative:
+ if len(node.children) > 1:
+ new_node = MinNode(type=TYPE_GROUP)
+ for child in node.children:
+ reduced = reduce_tree(child, new_node)
+ if reduced:
+ new_node.children.append(reduced)
+ if not new_node.children:
+ # delete the group if all of the children were reduced to None
+ new_node = None
+ else:
+ new_node = reduce_tree(node.children[0], parent)
+ elif node.type == syms.Unit:
+ if (isinstance(node.children[0], pytree.Leaf) and
+ node.children[0].value == '('):
+ #skip parentheses
+ return reduce_tree(node.children[1], parent)
+ if ((isinstance(node.children[0], pytree.Leaf) and
+ node.children[0].value == '[')
+ or
+ (len(node.children)>1 and
+ hasattr(node.children[1], "value") and
+ node.children[1].value == '[')):
+ #skip whole unit if its optional
+ return None
+ leaf = True
+ details_node = None
+ alternatives_node = None
+ has_repeater = False
+ repeater_node = None
+ has_variable_name = False
+ for child in node.children:
+ if child.type == syms.Details:
+ leaf = False
+ details_node = child
+ elif child.type == syms.Repeater:
+ has_repeater = True
+ repeater_node = child
+ elif child.type == syms.Alternatives:
+ alternatives_node = child
+ if hasattr(child, 'value') and child.value == '=': # variable name
+ has_variable_name = True
+ #skip variable name
+ if has_variable_name:
+ #skip variable name, '='
+ name_leaf = node.children[2]
+ if hasattr(name_leaf, 'value') and name_leaf.value == '(':
+ # skip parenthesis
+ name_leaf = node.children[3]
+ else:
+ name_leaf = node.children[0]
+ #set node type
+ if name_leaf.type == token_labels.NAME:
+ #(python) non-name or wildcard
+ if name_leaf.value == 'any':
+ new_node = MinNode(type=TYPE_ANY)
+ else:
+ if hasattr(token_labels, name_leaf.value):
+ new_node = MinNode(type=getattr(token_labels, name_leaf.value))
+ else:
+ new_node = MinNode(type=getattr(pysyms, name_leaf.value))
+ elif name_leaf.type == token_labels.STRING:
+ #(python) name or character; remove the apostrophes from
+ #the string value
+ name = name_leaf.value.strip("'")
+ if name in tokens:
+ new_node = MinNode(type=tokens[name])
+ else:
+ new_node = MinNode(type=token_labels.NAME, name=name)
+ elif name_leaf.type == syms.Alternatives:
+ new_node = reduce_tree(alternatives_node, parent)
+ #handle repeaters
+ if has_repeater:
+ if repeater_node.children[0].value == '*':
+ #reduce to None
+ new_node = None
+ elif repeater_node.children[0].value == '+':
+ #reduce to a single occurence i.e. do nothing
+ pass
+ else:
+ #TODO: handle {min, max} repeaters
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ pass
+ #add children
+ if details_node and new_node is not None:
+ for child in details_node.children[1:-1]:
+ #skip '<', '>' markers
+ reduced = reduce_tree(child, new_node)
+ if reduced is not None:
+ new_node.children.append(reduced)
+ if new_node:
+ new_node.parent = parent
+ return new_node
+def get_characteristic_subpattern(subpatterns):
+ """Picks the most characteristic from a list of linear patterns
+ Current order used is:
+ names > common_names > common_chars
+ """
+ if not isinstance(subpatterns, list):
+ return subpatterns
+ if len(subpatterns)==1:
+ return subpatterns[0]
+ # first pick out the ones containing variable names
+ subpatterns_with_names = []
+ subpatterns_with_common_names = []
+ common_names = ['in', 'for', 'if' , 'not', 'None']
+ subpatterns_with_common_chars = []
+ common_chars = "[]().,:"
+ for subpattern in subpatterns:
+ if any(rec_test(subpattern, lambda x: type(x) is str)):
+ if any(rec_test(subpattern,
+ lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and x in common_chars)):
+ subpatterns_with_common_chars.append(subpattern)
+ elif any(rec_test(subpattern,
+ lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and x in common_names)):
+ subpatterns_with_common_names.append(subpattern)
+ else:
+ subpatterns_with_names.append(subpattern)
+ if subpatterns_with_names:
+ subpatterns = subpatterns_with_names
+ elif subpatterns_with_common_names:
+ subpatterns = subpatterns_with_common_names
+ elif subpatterns_with_common_chars:
+ subpatterns = subpatterns_with_common_chars
+ # of the remaining subpatterns pick out the longest one
+ return max(subpatterns, key=len)
+def rec_test(sequence, test_func):
+ """Tests test_func on all items of sequence and items of included
+ sub-iterables"""
+ for x in sequence:
+ if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
+ for y in rec_test(x, test_func):
+ yield y
+ else:
+ yield test_func(x)
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+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Base class for fixers (optional, but recommended)."""
+# Python imports
+import logging
+import itertools
+# Local imports
+from .patcomp import PatternCompiler
+from . import pygram
+from .fixer_util import does_tree_import
+class BaseFix(object):
+ """Optional base class for fixers.
+ The subclass name must be FixFooBar where FooBar is the result of
+ removing underscores and capitalizing the words of the fix name.
+ For example, the class name for a fixer named 'has_key' should be
+ FixHasKey.
+ """
+ PATTERN = None # Most subclasses should override with a string literal
+ pattern = None # Compiled pattern, set by compile_pattern()
+ pattern_tree = None # Tree representation of the pattern
+ options = None # Options object passed to initializer
+ filename = None # The filename (set by set_filename)
+ logger = None # A logger (set by set_filename)
+ numbers = itertools.count(1) # For new_name()
+ used_names = set() # A set of all used NAMEs
+ order = "post" # Does the fixer prefer pre- or post-order traversal
+ explicit = False # Is this ignored by -f all?
+ run_order = 5 # Fixers will be sorted by run order before execution
+ # Lower numbers will be run first.
+ _accept_type = None # [Advanced and not public] This tells RefactoringTool
+ # which node type to accept when there's not a pattern.
+ keep_line_order = False # For the bottom matcher: match with the
+ # original line order
+ BM_compatible = False # Compatibility with the bottom matching
+ # module; every fixer should set this
+ # manually
+ # Shortcut for access to Python grammar symbols
+ syms = pygram.python_symbols
+ def __init__(self, options, log):
+ """Initializer. Subclass may override.
+ Args:
+ options: an dict containing the options passed to RefactoringTool
+ that could be used to customize the fixer through the command line.
+ log: a list to append warnings and other messages to.
+ """
+ self.options = options
+ self.log = log
+ self.compile_pattern()
+ def compile_pattern(self):
+ """Compiles self.PATTERN into self.pattern.
+ Subclass may override if it doesn't want to use
+ self.{pattern,PATTERN} in .match().
+ """
+ if self.PATTERN is not None:
+ PC = PatternCompiler()
+ self.pattern, self.pattern_tree = PC.compile_pattern(self.PATTERN,
+ with_tree=True)
+ def set_filename(self, filename):
+ """Set the filename, and a logger derived from it.
+ The main refactoring tool should call this.
+ """
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(filename)
+ def match(self, node):
+ """Returns match for a given parse tree node.
+ Should return a true or false object (not necessarily a bool).
+ It may return a non-empty dict of matching sub-nodes as
+ returned by a matching pattern.
+ Subclass may override.
+ """
+ results = {"node": node}
+ return self.pattern.match(node, results) and results
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ """Returns the transformation for a given parse tree node.
+ Args:
+ node: the root of the parse tree that matched the fixer.
+ results: a dict mapping symbolic names to part of the match.
+ Returns:
+ None, or a node that is a modified copy of the
+ argument node. The node argument may also be modified in-place to
+ effect the same change.
+ Subclass *must* override.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def new_name(self, template=u"xxx_todo_changeme"):
+ """Return a string suitable for use as an identifier
+ The new name is guaranteed not to conflict with other identifiers.
+ """
+ name = template
+ while name in self.used_names:
+ name = template + unicode(
+ self.used_names.add(name)
+ return name
+ def log_message(self, message):
+ if self.first_log:
+ self.first_log = False
+ self.log.append("### In file %s ###" % self.filename)
+ self.log.append(message)
+ def cannot_convert(self, node, reason=None):
+ """Warn the user that a given chunk of code is not valid Python 3,
+ but that it cannot be converted automatically.
+ First argument is the top-level node for the code in question.
+ Optional second argument is why it can't be converted.
+ """
+ lineno = node.get_lineno()
+ for_output = node.clone()
+ for_output.prefix = u""
+ msg = "Line %d: could not convert: %s"
+ self.log_message(msg % (lineno, for_output))
+ if reason:
+ self.log_message(reason)
+ def warning(self, node, reason):
+ """Used for warning the user about possible uncertainty in the
+ translation.
+ First argument is the top-level node for the code in question.
+ Optional second argument is why it can't be converted.
+ """
+ lineno = node.get_lineno()
+ self.log_message("Line %d: %s" % (lineno, reason))
+ def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
+ """Some fixers need to maintain tree-wide state.
+ This method is called once, at the start of tree fix-up.
+ tree - the root node of the tree to be processed.
+ filename - the name of the file the tree came from.
+ """
+ self.used_names = tree.used_names
+ self.set_filename(filename)
+ self.numbers = itertools.count(1)
+ self.first_log = True
+ def finish_tree(self, tree, filename):
+ """Some fixers need to maintain tree-wide state.
+ This method is called once, at the conclusion of tree fix-up.
+ tree - the root node of the tree to be processed.
+ filename - the name of the file the tree came from.
+ """
+ pass
+class ConditionalFix(BaseFix):
+ """ Base class for fixers which not execute if an import is found. """
+ # This is the name of the import which, if found, will cause the test to be skipped
+ skip_on = None
+ def start_tree(self, *args):
+ super(ConditionalFix, self).start_tree(*args)
+ self._should_skip = None
+ def should_skip(self, node):
+ if self._should_skip is not None:
+ return self._should_skip
+ pkg = self.skip_on.split(".")
+ name = pkg[-1]
+ pkg = ".".join(pkg[:-1])
+ self._should_skip = does_tree_import(pkg, name, node)
+ return self._should_skip
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+"""Utility functions, node construction macros, etc."""
+# Author: Collin Winter
+from itertools import islice
+# Local imports
+from .pgen2 import token
+from .pytree import Leaf, Node
+from .pygram import python_symbols as syms
+from . import patcomp
+### Common node-construction "macros"
+def KeywordArg(keyword, value):
+ return Node(syms.argument,
+ [keyword, Leaf(token.EQUAL, u"="), value])
+def LParen():
+ return Leaf(token.LPAR, u"(")
+def RParen():
+ return Leaf(token.RPAR, u")")
+def Assign(target, source):
+ """Build an assignment statement"""
+ if not isinstance(target, list):
+ target = [target]
+ if not isinstance(source, list):
+ source.prefix = u" "
+ source = [source]
+ return Node(syms.atom,
+ target + [Leaf(token.EQUAL, u"=", prefix=u" ")] + source)
+def Name(name, prefix=None):
+ """Return a NAME leaf"""
+ return Leaf(token.NAME, name, prefix=prefix)
+def Attr(obj, attr):
+ """A node tuple for obj.attr"""
+ return [obj, Node(syms.trailer, [Dot(), attr])]
+def Comma():
+ """A comma leaf"""
+ return Leaf(token.COMMA, u",")
+def Dot():
+ """A period (.) leaf"""
+ return Leaf(token.DOT, u".")
+def ArgList(args, lparen=LParen(), rparen=RParen()):
+ """A parenthesised argument list, used by Call()"""
+ node = Node(syms.trailer, [lparen.clone(), rparen.clone()])
+ if args:
+ node.insert_child(1, Node(syms.arglist, args))
+ return node
+def Call(func_name, args=None, prefix=None):
+ """A function call"""
+ node = Node(syms.power, [func_name, ArgList(args)])
+ if prefix is not None:
+ node.prefix = prefix
+ return node
+def Newline():
+ """A newline literal"""
+ return Leaf(token.NEWLINE, u"\n")
+def BlankLine():
+ """A blank line"""
+ return Leaf(token.NEWLINE, u"")
+def Number(n, prefix=None):
+ return Leaf(token.NUMBER, n, prefix=prefix)
+def Subscript(index_node):
+ """A numeric or string subscript"""
+ return Node(syms.trailer, [Leaf(token.LBRACE, u"["),
+ index_node,
+ Leaf(token.RBRACE, u"]")])
+def String(string, prefix=None):
+ """A string leaf"""
+ return Leaf(token.STRING, string, prefix=prefix)
+def ListComp(xp, fp, it, test=None):
+ """A list comprehension of the form [xp for fp in it if test].
+ If test is None, the "if test" part is omitted.
+ """
+ xp.prefix = u""
+ fp.prefix = u" "
+ it.prefix = u" "
+ for_leaf = Leaf(token.NAME, u"for")
+ for_leaf.prefix = u" "
+ in_leaf = Leaf(token.NAME, u"in")
+ in_leaf.prefix = u" "
+ inner_args = [for_leaf, fp, in_leaf, it]
+ if test:
+ test.prefix = u" "
+ if_leaf = Leaf(token.NAME, u"if")
+ if_leaf.prefix = u" "
+ inner_args.append(Node(syms.comp_if, [if_leaf, test]))
+ inner = Node(syms.listmaker, [xp, Node(syms.comp_for, inner_args)])
+ return Node(syms.atom,
+ [Leaf(token.LBRACE, u"["),
+ inner,
+ Leaf(token.RBRACE, u"]")])
+def FromImport(package_name, name_leafs):
+ """ Return an import statement in the form:
+ from package import name_leafs"""
+ # XXX: May not handle dotted imports properly (eg, package_name='')
+ #assert package_name == '.' or '.' not in package_name, "FromImport has "\
+ # "not been tested with dotted package names -- use at your own "\
+ # "peril!"
+ for leaf in name_leafs:
+ # Pull the leaves out of their old tree
+ leaf.remove()
+ children = [Leaf(token.NAME, u"from"),
+ Leaf(token.NAME, package_name, prefix=u" "),
+ Leaf(token.NAME, u"import", prefix=u" "),
+ Node(syms.import_as_names, name_leafs)]
+ imp = Node(syms.import_from, children)
+ return imp
+### Determine whether a node represents a given literal
+def is_tuple(node):
+ """Does the node represent a tuple literal?"""
+ if isinstance(node, Node) and node.children == [LParen(), RParen()]:
+ return True
+ return (isinstance(node, Node)
+ and len(node.children) == 3
+ and isinstance(node.children[0], Leaf)
+ and isinstance(node.children[1], Node)
+ and isinstance(node.children[2], Leaf)
+ and node.children[0].value == u"("
+ and node.children[2].value == u")")
+def is_list(node):
+ """Does the node represent a list literal?"""
+ return (isinstance(node, Node)
+ and len(node.children) > 1
+ and isinstance(node.children[0], Leaf)
+ and isinstance(node.children[-1], Leaf)
+ and node.children[0].value == u"["
+ and node.children[-1].value == u"]")
+### Misc
+def parenthesize(node):
+ return Node(syms.atom, [LParen(), node, RParen()])
+consuming_calls = set(["sorted", "list", "set", "any", "all", "tuple", "sum",
+ "min", "max", "enumerate"])
+def attr_chain(obj, attr):
+ """Follow an attribute chain.
+ If you have a chain of objects where -> b,> c, etc,
+ use this to iterate over all objects in the chain. Iteration is
+ terminated by getattr(x, attr) is None.
+ Args:
+ obj: the starting object
+ attr: the name of the chaining attribute
+ Yields:
+ Each successive object in the chain.
+ """
+ next = getattr(obj, attr)
+ while next:
+ yield next
+ next = getattr(next, attr)
+p0 = """for_stmt< 'for' any 'in' node=any ':' any* >
+ | comp_for< 'for' any 'in' node=any any* >
+ """
+p1 = """
+ ( 'iter' | 'list' | 'tuple' | 'sorted' | 'set' | 'sum' |
+ 'any' | 'all' | 'enumerate' | (any* trailer< '.' 'join' >) )
+ trailer< '(' node=any ')' >
+ any*
+p2 = """
+ ( 'sorted' | 'enumerate' )
+ trailer< '(' arglist<node=any any*> ')' >
+ any*
+pats_built = False
+def in_special_context(node):
+ """ Returns true if node is in an environment where all that is required
+ of it is being iterable (ie, it doesn't matter if it returns a list
+ or an iterator).
+ See test_map_nochange in for some examples and tests.
+ """
+ global p0, p1, p2, pats_built
+ if not pats_built:
+ p0 = patcomp.compile_pattern(p0)
+ p1 = patcomp.compile_pattern(p1)
+ p2 = patcomp.compile_pattern(p2)
+ pats_built = True
+ patterns = [p0, p1, p2]
+ for pattern, parent in zip(patterns, attr_chain(node, "parent")):
+ results = {}
+ if pattern.match(parent, results) and results["node"] is node:
+ return True
+ return False
+def is_probably_builtin(node):
+ """
+ Check that something isn't an attribute or function name etc.
+ """
+ prev = node.prev_sibling
+ if prev is not None and prev.type == token.DOT:
+ # Attribute lookup.
+ return False
+ parent = node.parent
+ if parent.type in (syms.funcdef, syms.classdef):
+ return False
+ if parent.type == syms.expr_stmt and parent.children[0] is node:
+ # Assignment.
+ return False
+ if parent.type == syms.parameters or \
+ (parent.type == syms.typedargslist and (
+ (prev is not None and prev.type == token.COMMA) or
+ parent.children[0] is node
+ )):
+ # The name of an argument.
+ return False
+ return True
+def find_indentation(node):
+ """Find the indentation of *node*."""
+ while node is not None:
+ if node.type == syms.suite and len(node.children) > 2:
+ indent = node.children[1]
+ if indent.type == token.INDENT:
+ return indent.value
+ node = node.parent
+ return u""
+### The following functions are to find bindings in a suite
+def make_suite(node):
+ if node.type == syms.suite:
+ return node
+ node = node.clone()
+ parent, node.parent = node.parent, None
+ suite = Node(syms.suite, [node])
+ suite.parent = parent
+ return suite
+def find_root(node):
+ """Find the top level namespace."""
+ # Scamper up to the top level namespace
+ while node.type != syms.file_input:
+ node = node.parent
+ if not node:
+ raise ValueError("root found before file_input node was found.")
+ return node
+def does_tree_import(package, name, node):
+ """ Returns true if name is imported from package at the
+ top level of the tree which node belongs to.
+ To cover the case of an import like 'import foo', use
+ None for the package and 'foo' for the name. """
+ binding = find_binding(name, find_root(node), package)
+ return bool(binding)
+def is_import(node):
+ """Returns true if the node is an import statement."""
+ return node.type in (syms.import_name, syms.import_from)
+def touch_import(package, name, node):
+ """ Works like `does_tree_import` but adds an import statement
+ if it was not imported. """
+ def is_import_stmt(node):
+ return (node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children and
+ is_import(node.children[0]))
+ root = find_root(node)
+ if does_tree_import(package, name, root):
+ return
+ # figure out where to insert the new import. First try to find
+ # the first import and then skip to the last one.
+ insert_pos = offset = 0
+ for idx, node in enumerate(root.children):
+ if not is_import_stmt(node):
+ continue
+ for offset, node2 in enumerate(root.children[idx:]):
+ if not is_import_stmt(node2):
+ break
+ insert_pos = idx + offset
+ break
+ # if there are no imports where we can insert, find the docstring.
+ # if that also fails, we stick to the beginning of the file
+ if insert_pos == 0:
+ for idx, node in enumerate(root.children):
+ if (node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children and
+ node.children[0].type == token.STRING):
+ insert_pos = idx + 1
+ break
+ if package is None:
+ import_ = Node(syms.import_name, [
+ Leaf(token.NAME, u"import"),
+ Leaf(token.NAME, name, prefix=u" ")
+ ])
+ else:
+ import_ = FromImport(package, [Leaf(token.NAME, name, prefix=u" ")])
+ children = [import_, Newline()]
+ root.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))
+_def_syms = set([syms.classdef, syms.funcdef])
+def find_binding(name, node, package=None):
+ """ Returns the node which binds variable name, otherwise None.
+ If optional argument package is supplied, only imports will
+ be returned.
+ See test cases for examples."""
+ for child in node.children:
+ ret = None
+ if child.type == syms.for_stmt:
+ if _find(name, child.children[1]):
+ return child
+ n = find_binding(name, make_suite(child.children[-1]), package)
+ if n: ret = n
+ elif child.type in (syms.if_stmt, syms.while_stmt):
+ n = find_binding(name, make_suite(child.children[-1]), package)
+ if n: ret = n
+ elif child.type == syms.try_stmt:
+ n = find_binding(name, make_suite(child.children[2]), package)
+ if n:
+ ret = n
+ else:
+ for i, kid in enumerate(child.children[3:]):
+ if kid.type == token.COLON and kid.value == ":":
+ # i+3 is the colon, i+4 is the suite
+ n = find_binding(name, make_suite(child.children[i+4]), package)
+ if n: ret = n
+ elif child.type in _def_syms and child.children[1].value == name:
+ ret = child
+ elif _is_import_binding(child, name, package):
+ ret = child
+ elif child.type == syms.simple_stmt:
+ ret = find_binding(name, child, package)
+ elif child.type == syms.expr_stmt:
+ if _find(name, child.children[0]):
+ ret = child
+ if ret:
+ if not package:
+ return ret
+ if is_import(ret):
+ return ret
+ return None
+_block_syms = set([syms.funcdef, syms.classdef, syms.trailer])
+def _find(name, node):
+ nodes = [node]
+ while nodes:
+ node = nodes.pop()
+ if node.type > 256 and node.type not in _block_syms:
+ nodes.extend(node.children)
+ elif node.type == token.NAME and node.value == name:
+ return node
+ return None
+def _is_import_binding(node, name, package=None):
+ """ Will reuturn node if node will import name, or node
+ will import * from package. None is returned otherwise.
+ See test cases for examples. """
+ if node.type == syms.import_name and not package:
+ imp = node.children[1]
+ if imp.type == syms.dotted_as_names:
+ for child in imp.children:
+ if child.type == syms.dotted_as_name:
+ if child.children[2].value == name:
+ return node
+ elif child.type == token.NAME and child.value == name:
+ return node
+ elif imp.type == syms.dotted_as_name:
+ last = imp.children[-1]
+ if last.type == token.NAME and last.value == name:
+ return node
+ elif imp.type == token.NAME and imp.value == name:
+ return node
+ elif node.type == syms.import_from:
+ # unicode(...) is used to make life easier here, because
+ # from a.b import parses to ['import', ['a', '.', 'b'], ...]
+ if package and unicode(node.children[1]).strip() != package:
+ return None
+ n = node.children[3]
+ if package and _find(u"as", n):
+ # See test_from_import_as for explanation
+ return None
+ elif n.type == syms.import_as_names and _find(name, n):
+ return node
+ elif n.type == syms.import_as_name:
+ child = n.children[2]
+ if child.type == token.NAME and child.value == name:
+ return node
+ elif n.type == token.NAME and n.value == name:
+ return node
+ elif package and n.type == token.STAR:
+ return node
+ return None
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+# Dummy file to make this directory a package.
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+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for apply().
+This converts apply(func, v, k) into (func)(*v, **k)."""
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Call, Comma, parenthesize
+class FixApply(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< 'apply'
+ trailer<
+ '('
+ arglist<
+ (not argument<NAME '=' any>) func=any ','
+ (not argument<NAME '=' any>) args=any [','
+ (not argument<NAME '=' any>) kwds=any] [',']
+ >
+ ')'
+ >
+ >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ syms = self.syms
+ assert results
+ func = results["func"]
+ args = results["args"]
+ kwds = results.get("kwds")
+ prefix = node.prefix
+ func = func.clone()
+ if (func.type not in (token.NAME, syms.atom) and
+ (func.type != syms.power or
+ func.children[-2].type == token.DOUBLESTAR)):
+ # Need to parenthesize
+ func = parenthesize(func)
+ func.prefix = ""
+ args = args.clone()
+ args.prefix = ""
+ if kwds is not None:
+ kwds = kwds.clone()
+ kwds.prefix = ""
+ l_newargs = [pytree.Leaf(token.STAR, u"*"), args]
+ if kwds is not None:
+ l_newargs.extend([Comma(),
+ pytree.Leaf(token.DOUBLESTAR, u"**"),
+ kwds])
+ l_newargs[-2].prefix = u" " # that's the ** token
+ # XXX Sometimes we could be cleverer, e.g. apply(f, (x, y) + t)
+ # can be translated into f(x, y, *t) instead of f(*(x, y) + t)
+ #new = pytree.Node(syms.power, (func, ArgList(l_newargs)))
+ return Call(func, l_newargs, prefix=prefix)
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+"""Fixer for basestring -> str."""
+# Author: Christian Heimes
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name
+class FixBasestring(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = "'basestring'"
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ return Name(u"str", prefix=node.prefix)
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer that changes buffer(...) into memoryview(...)."""
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name
+class FixBuffer(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ explicit = True # The user must ask for this fixer
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< name='buffer' trailer< '(' [any] ')' > any* >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ name = results["name"]
+ name.replace(Name(u"memoryview", prefix=name.prefix))
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for callable().
+This converts callable(obj) into isinstance(obj, collections.Callable), adding a
+collections import if needed."""
+# Local imports
+from lib2to3 import fixer_base
+from lib2to3.fixer_util import Call, Name, String, Attr, touch_import
+class FixCallable(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ order = "pre"
+ # Ignore callable(*args) or use of keywords.
+ # Either could be a hint that the builtin callable() is not being used.
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< 'callable'
+ trailer< lpar='('
+ ( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) func=any
+ | func=arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) any ','> )
+ rpar=')' >
+ after=any*
+ >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ func = results['func']
+ touch_import(None, u'collections', node=node)
+ args = [func.clone(), String(u', ')]
+ args.extend(Attr(Name(u'collections'), Name(u'Callable')))
+ return Call(Name(u'isinstance'), args, prefix=node.prefix)
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@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for dict methods.
+d.keys() -> list(d.keys())
+d.items() -> list(d.items())
+d.values() -> list(d.values())
+d.iterkeys() -> iter(d.keys())
+d.iteritems() -> iter(d.items())
+d.itervalues() -> iter(d.values())
+d.viewkeys() -> d.keys()
+d.viewitems() -> d.items()
+d.viewvalues() -> d.values()
+Except in certain very specific contexts: the iter() can be dropped
+when the context is list(), sorted(), iter() or; the list()
+can be dropped when the context is list() or sorted() (but not iter()
+or!). Special contexts that apply to both: list(), sorted(), tuple()
+set(), any(), all(), sum().
+Note: iter(d.keys()) could be written as iter(d) but since the
+original d.iterkeys() was also redundant we don't fix this. And there
+are (rare) contexts where it makes a difference (e.g. when passing it
+as an argument to a function that introspects the argument).
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from .. import patcomp
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, LParen, RParen, ArgList, Dot
+from .. import fixer_util
+iter_exempt = fixer_util.consuming_calls | set(["iter"])
+class FixDict(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< head=any+
+ trailer< '.' method=('keys'|'items'|'values'|
+ 'iterkeys'|'iteritems'|'itervalues'|
+ 'viewkeys'|'viewitems'|'viewvalues') >
+ parens=trailer< '(' ')' >
+ tail=any*
+ >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ head = results["head"]
+ method = results["method"][0] # Extract node for method name
+ tail = results["tail"]
+ syms = self.syms
+ method_name = method.value
+ isiter = method_name.startswith(u"iter")
+ isview = method_name.startswith(u"view")
+ if isiter or isview:
+ method_name = method_name[4:]
+ assert method_name in (u"keys", u"items", u"values"), repr(method)
+ head = [n.clone() for n in head]
+ tail = [n.clone() for n in tail]
+ special = not tail and self.in_special_context(node, isiter)
+ args = head + [pytree.Node(syms.trailer,
+ [Dot(),
+ Name(method_name,
+ prefix=method.prefix)]),
+ results["parens"].clone()]
+ new = pytree.Node(syms.power, args)
+ if not (special or isview):
+ new.prefix = u""
+ new = Call(Name(u"iter" if isiter else u"list"), [new])
+ if tail:
+ new = pytree.Node(syms.power, [new] + tail)
+ new.prefix = node.prefix
+ return new
+ P1 = "power< func=NAME trailer< '(' node=any ')' > any* >"
+ p1 = patcomp.compile_pattern(P1)
+ P2 = """for_stmt< 'for' any 'in' node=any ':' any* >
+ | comp_for< 'for' any 'in' node=any any* >
+ """
+ p2 = patcomp.compile_pattern(P2)
+ def in_special_context(self, node, isiter):
+ if node.parent is None:
+ return False
+ results = {}
+ if (node.parent.parent is not None and
+ self.p1.match(node.parent.parent, results) and
+ results["node"] is node):
+ if isiter:
+ # iter(d.iterkeys()) -> iter(d.keys()), etc.
+ return results["func"].value in iter_exempt
+ else:
+ # list(d.keys()) -> list(d.keys()), etc.
+ return results["func"].value in fixer_util.consuming_calls
+ if not isiter:
+ return False
+ # for ... in d.iterkeys() -> for ... in d.keys(), etc.
+ return self.p2.match(node.parent, results) and results["node"] is node
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+"""Fixer for except statements with named exceptions.
+The following cases will be converted:
+- "except E, T:" where T is a name:
+ except E as T:
+- "except E, T:" where T is not a name, tuple or list:
+ except E as t:
+ T = t
+ This is done because the target of an "except" clause must be a
+ name.
+- "except E, T:" where T is a tuple or list literal:
+ except E as t:
+ T = t.args
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Assign, Attr, Name, is_tuple, is_list, syms
+def find_excepts(nodes):
+ for i, n in enumerate(nodes):
+ if n.type == syms.except_clause:
+ if n.children[0].value == u'except':
+ yield (n, nodes[i+2])
+class FixExcept(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ try_stmt< 'try' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)
+ cleanup=(except_clause ':' (simple_stmt | suite))+
+ tail=(['except' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)]
+ ['else' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)]
+ ['finally' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)]) >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ syms = self.syms
+ tail = [n.clone() for n in results["tail"]]
+ try_cleanup = [ch.clone() for ch in results["cleanup"]]
+ for except_clause, e_suite in find_excepts(try_cleanup):
+ if len(except_clause.children) == 4:
+ (E, comma, N) = except_clause.children[1:4]
+ comma.replace(Name(u"as", prefix=u" "))
+ if N.type != token.NAME:
+ # Generate a new N for the except clause
+ new_N = Name(self.new_name(), prefix=u" ")
+ target = N.clone()
+ target.prefix = u""
+ N.replace(new_N)
+ new_N = new_N.clone()
+ # Insert "old_N = new_N" as the first statement in
+ # the except body. This loop skips leading whitespace
+ # and indents
+ #TODO(cwinter) suite-cleanup
+ suite_stmts = e_suite.children
+ for i, stmt in enumerate(suite_stmts):
+ if isinstance(stmt, pytree.Node):
+ break
+ # The assignment is different if old_N is a tuple or list
+ # In that case, the assignment is old_N = new_N.args
+ if is_tuple(N) or is_list(N):
+ assign = Assign(target, Attr(new_N, Name(u'args')))
+ else:
+ assign = Assign(target, new_N)
+ #TODO(cwinter) stopgap until children becomes a smart list
+ for child in reversed(suite_stmts[:i]):
+ e_suite.insert_child(0, child)
+ e_suite.insert_child(i, assign)
+ elif N.prefix == u"":
+ # No space after a comma is legal; no space after "as",
+ # not so much.
+ N.prefix = u" "
+ #TODO(cwinter) fix this when children becomes a smart list
+ children = [c.clone() for c in node.children[:3]] + try_cleanup + tail
+ return pytree.Node(node.type, children)
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index 000000000000..50e185445453
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for exec.
+This converts usages of the exec statement into calls to a built-in
+exec() function.
+exec code in ns1, ns2 -> exec(code, ns1, ns2)
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Comma, Name, Call
+class FixExec(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ exec_stmt< 'exec' a=any 'in' b=any [',' c=any] >
+ |
+ exec_stmt< 'exec' (not atom<'(' [any] ')'>) a=any >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ assert results
+ syms = self.syms
+ a = results["a"]
+ b = results.get("b")
+ c = results.get("c")
+ args = [a.clone()]
+ args[0].prefix = ""
+ if b is not None:
+ args.extend([Comma(), b.clone()])
+ if c is not None:
+ args.extend([Comma(), c.clone()])
+ return Call(Name(u"exec"), args, prefix=node.prefix)
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index 000000000000..2f29d3b281a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for execfile.
+This converts usages of the execfile function into calls to the built-in
+exec() function.
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import (Comma, Name, Call, LParen, RParen, Dot, Node,
+ ArgList, String, syms)
+class FixExecfile(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< 'execfile' trailer< '(' arglist< filename=any [',' globals=any [',' locals=any ] ] > ')' > >
+ |
+ power< 'execfile' trailer< '(' filename=any ')' > >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ assert results
+ filename = results["filename"]
+ globals = results.get("globals")
+ locals = results.get("locals")
+ # Copy over the prefix from the right parentheses end of the execfile
+ # call.
+ execfile_paren = node.children[-1].children[-1].clone()
+ # Construct open().read().
+ open_args = ArgList([filename.clone()], rparen=execfile_paren)
+ open_call = Node(syms.power, [Name(u"open"), open_args])
+ read = [Node(syms.trailer, [Dot(), Name(u'read')]),
+ Node(syms.trailer, [LParen(), RParen()])]
+ open_expr = [open_call] + read
+ # Wrap the open call in a compile call. This is so the filename will be
+ # preserved in the execed code.
+ filename_arg = filename.clone()
+ filename_arg.prefix = u" "
+ exec_str = String(u"'exec'", u" ")
+ compile_args = open_expr + [Comma(), filename_arg, Comma(), exec_str]
+ compile_call = Call(Name(u"compile"), compile_args, u"")
+ # Finally, replace the execfile call with an exec call.
+ args = [compile_call]
+ if globals is not None:
+ args.extend([Comma(), globals.clone()])
+ if locals is not None:
+ args.extend([Comma(), locals.clone()])
+ return Call(Name(u"exec"), args, prefix=node.prefix)
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+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Convert use of sys.exitfunc to use the atexit module.
+# Author: Benjamin Peterson
+from lib2to3 import pytree, fixer_base
+from lib2to3.fixer_util import Name, Attr, Call, Comma, Newline, syms
+class FixExitfunc(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ keep_line_order = True
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ (
+ sys_import=import_name<'import'
+ ('sys'
+ |
+ dotted_as_names< (any ',')* 'sys' (',' any)* >
+ )
+ >
+ |
+ expr_stmt<
+ power< 'sys' trailer< '.' 'exitfunc' > >
+ '=' func=any >
+ )
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ super(FixExitfunc, self).__init__(*args)
+ def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
+ super(FixExitfunc, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
+ self.sys_import = None
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ # First, find a the sys import. We'll just hope it's global scope.
+ if "sys_import" in results:
+ if self.sys_import is None:
+ self.sys_import = results["sys_import"]
+ return
+ func = results["func"].clone()
+ func.prefix = u""
+ register = pytree.Node(syms.power,
+ Attr(Name(u"atexit"), Name(u"register"))
+ )
+ call = Call(register, [func], node.prefix)
+ node.replace(call)
+ if self.sys_import is None:
+ # That's interesting.
+ self.warning(node, "Can't find sys import; Please add an atexit "
+ "import at the top of your file.")
+ return
+ # Now add an atexit import after the sys import.
+ names = self.sys_import.children[1]
+ if names.type == syms.dotted_as_names:
+ names.append_child(Comma())
+ names.append_child(Name(u"atexit", u" "))
+ else:
+ containing_stmt = self.sys_import.parent
+ position = containing_stmt.children.index(self.sys_import)
+ stmt_container = containing_stmt.parent
+ new_import = pytree.Node(syms.import_name,
+ [Name(u"import"), Name(u"atexit", u" ")]
+ )
+ new = pytree.Node(syms.simple_stmt, [new_import])
+ containing_stmt.insert_child(position + 1, Newline())
+ containing_stmt.insert_child(position + 2, new)
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@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer that changes filter(F, X) into list(filter(F, X)).
+We avoid the transformation if the filter() call is directly contained
+in iter(<>), list(<>), tuple(<>), sorted(<>), ...join(<>), or
+for V in <>:.
+NOTE: This is still not correct if the original code was depending on
+filter(F, X) to return a string if X is a string and a tuple if X is a
+tuple. That would require type inference, which we don't do. Let
+Python 2.6 figure it out.
+# Local imports
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, ListComp, in_special_context
+class FixFilter(fixer_base.ConditionalFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ filter_lambda=power<
+ 'filter'
+ trailer<
+ '('
+ arglist<
+ lambdef< 'lambda'
+ (fp=NAME | vfpdef< '(' fp=NAME ')'> ) ':' xp=any
+ >
+ ','
+ it=any
+ >
+ ')'
+ >
+ >
+ |
+ power<
+ 'filter'
+ trailer< '(' arglist< none='None' ',' seq=any > ')' >
+ >
+ |
+ power<
+ 'filter'
+ args=trailer< '(' [any] ')' >
+ >
+ """
+ skip_on = "future_builtins.filter"
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ if self.should_skip(node):
+ return
+ if "filter_lambda" in results:
+ new = ListComp(results.get("fp").clone(),
+ results.get("fp").clone(),
+ results.get("it").clone(),
+ results.get("xp").clone())
+ elif "none" in results:
+ new = ListComp(Name(u"_f"),
+ Name(u"_f"),
+ results["seq"].clone(),
+ Name(u"_f"))
+ else:
+ if in_special_context(node):
+ return None
+ new = node.clone()
+ new.prefix = u""
+ new = Call(Name(u"list"), [new])
+ new.prefix = node.prefix
+ return new
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+"""Fix function attribute names (f.func_x -> f.__x__)."""
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name
+class FixFuncattrs(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< any+ trailer< '.' attr=('func_closure' | 'func_doc' | 'func_globals'
+ | 'func_name' | 'func_defaults' | 'func_code'
+ | 'func_dict') > any* >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ attr = results["attr"][0]
+ attr.replace(Name((u"__%s__" % attr.value[5:]),
+ prefix=attr.prefix))
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index 000000000000..fbcb86af0791
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+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+"""Remove __future__ imports
+from __future__ import foo is replaced with an empty line.
+# Author: Christian Heimes
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import BlankLine
+class FixFuture(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """import_from< 'from' module_name="__future__" 'import' any >"""
+ # This should be run last -- some things check for the import
+ run_order = 10
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ new = BlankLine()
+ new.prefix = node.prefix
+ return new
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Fixer that changes os.getcwdu() to os.getcwd().
+# Author: Victor Stinner
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name
+class FixGetcwdu(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< 'os' trailer< dot='.' name='getcwdu' > any* >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ name = results["name"]
+ name.replace(Name(u"getcwd", prefix=name.prefix))
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@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for has_key().
+Calls to .has_key() methods are expressed in terms of the 'in'
+ d.has_key(k) -> k in d
+1) While the primary target of this fixer is dict.has_key(), the
+ fixer will change any has_key() method call, regardless of its
+ class.
+2) Cases like this will not be converted:
+ m = d.has_key
+ if m(k):
+ ...
+ Only *calls* to has_key() are converted. While it is possible to
+ convert the above to something like
+ m = d.__contains__
+ if m(k):
+ ...
+ this is currently not done.
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, parenthesize
+class FixHasKey(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ anchor=power<
+ before=any+
+ trailer< '.' 'has_key' >
+ trailer<
+ '('
+ ( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) arg=any
+ | arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) arg=any ','>
+ )
+ ')'
+ >
+ after=any*
+ >
+ |
+ negation=not_test<
+ 'not'
+ anchor=power<
+ before=any+
+ trailer< '.' 'has_key' >
+ trailer<
+ '('
+ ( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) arg=any
+ | arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) arg=any ','>
+ )
+ ')'
+ >
+ >
+ >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ assert results
+ syms = self.syms
+ if (node.parent.type == syms.not_test and
+ self.pattern.match(node.parent)):
+ # Don't transform a node matching the first alternative of the
+ # pattern when its parent matches the second alternative
+ return None
+ negation = results.get("negation")
+ anchor = results["anchor"]
+ prefix = node.prefix
+ before = [n.clone() for n in results["before"]]
+ arg = results["arg"].clone()
+ after = results.get("after")
+ if after:
+ after = [n.clone() for n in after]
+ if arg.type in (syms.comparison, syms.not_test, syms.and_test,
+ syms.or_test, syms.test, syms.lambdef, syms.argument):
+ arg = parenthesize(arg)
+ if len(before) == 1:
+ before = before[0]
+ else:
+ before = pytree.Node(syms.power, before)
+ before.prefix = u" "
+ n_op = Name(u"in", prefix=u" ")
+ if negation:
+ n_not = Name(u"not", prefix=u" ")
+ n_op = pytree.Node(syms.comp_op, (n_not, n_op))
+ new = pytree.Node(syms.comparison, (arg, n_op, before))
+ if after:
+ new = parenthesize(new)
+ new = pytree.Node(syms.power, (new,) + tuple(after))
+ if node.parent.type in (syms.comparison, syms.expr, syms.xor_expr,
+ syms.and_expr, syms.shift_expr,
+ syms.arith_expr, syms.term,
+ syms.factor, syms.power):
+ new = parenthesize(new)
+ new.prefix = prefix
+ return new
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+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+"""Adjust some old Python 2 idioms to their modern counterparts.
+* Change some type comparisons to isinstance() calls:
+ type(x) == T -> isinstance(x, T)
+ type(x) is T -> isinstance(x, T)
+ type(x) != T -> not isinstance(x, T)
+ type(x) is not T -> not isinstance(x, T)
+* Change "while 1:" into "while True:".
+* Change both
+ v = list(EXPR)
+ v.sort()
+ foo(v)
+and the more general
+ v = EXPR
+ v.sort()
+ foo(v)
+ v = sorted(EXPR)
+ foo(v)
+# Author: Jacques Frechet, Collin Winter
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Call, Comma, Name, Node, BlankLine, syms
+CMP = "(n='!=' | '==' | 'is' | n=comp_op< 'is' 'not' >)"
+TYPE = "power< 'type' trailer< '(' x=any ')' > >"
+class FixIdioms(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ explicit = True # The user must ask for this fixer
+ PATTERN = r"""
+ isinstance=comparison< %s %s T=any >
+ |
+ isinstance=comparison< T=any %s %s >
+ |
+ while_stmt< 'while' while='1' ':' any+ >
+ |
+ sorted=any<
+ any*
+ simple_stmt<
+ expr_stmt< id1=any '='
+ power< list='list' trailer< '(' (not arglist<any+>) any ')' > >
+ >
+ '\n'
+ >
+ sort=
+ simple_stmt<
+ power< id2=any
+ trailer< '.' 'sort' > trailer< '(' ')' >
+ >
+ '\n'
+ >
+ next=any*
+ >
+ |
+ sorted=any<
+ any*
+ simple_stmt< expr_stmt< id1=any '=' expr=any > '\n' >
+ sort=
+ simple_stmt<
+ power< id2=any
+ trailer< '.' 'sort' > trailer< '(' ')' >
+ >
+ '\n'
+ >
+ next=any*
+ >
+ """ % (TYPE, CMP, CMP, TYPE)
+ def match(self, node):
+ r = super(FixIdioms, self).match(node)
+ # If we've matched one of the sort/sorted subpatterns above, we
+ # want to reject matches where the initial assignment and the
+ # subsequent .sort() call involve different identifiers.
+ if r and "sorted" in r:
+ if r["id1"] == r["id2"]:
+ return r
+ return None
+ return r
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ if "isinstance" in results:
+ return self.transform_isinstance(node, results)
+ elif "while" in results:
+ return self.transform_while(node, results)
+ elif "sorted" in results:
+ return self.transform_sort(node, results)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Invalid match")
+ def transform_isinstance(self, node, results):
+ x = results["x"].clone() # The thing inside of type()
+ T = results["T"].clone() # The type being compared against
+ x.prefix = u""
+ T.prefix = u" "
+ test = Call(Name(u"isinstance"), [x, Comma(), T])
+ if "n" in results:
+ test.prefix = u" "
+ test = Node(syms.not_test, [Name(u"not"), test])
+ test.prefix = node.prefix
+ return test
+ def transform_while(self, node, results):
+ one = results["while"]
+ one.replace(Name(u"True", prefix=one.prefix))
+ def transform_sort(self, node, results):
+ sort_stmt = results["sort"]
+ next_stmt = results["next"]
+ list_call = results.get("list")
+ simple_expr = results.get("expr")
+ if list_call:
+ list_call.replace(Name(u"sorted", prefix=list_call.prefix))
+ elif simple_expr:
+ new = simple_expr.clone()
+ new.prefix = u""
+ simple_expr.replace(Call(Name(u"sorted"), [new],
+ prefix=simple_expr.prefix))
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("should not have reached here")
+ sort_stmt.remove()
+ btwn = sort_stmt.prefix
+ # Keep any prefix lines between the sort_stmt and the list_call and
+ # shove them right after the sorted() call.
+ if u"\n" in btwn:
+ if next_stmt:
+ # The new prefix should be everything from the sort_stmt's
+ # prefix up to the last newline, then the old prefix after a new
+ # line.
+ prefix_lines = (btwn.rpartition(u"\n")[0], next_stmt[0].prefix)
+ next_stmt[0].prefix = u"\n".join(prefix_lines)
+ else:
+ assert list_call.parent
+ assert list_call.next_sibling is None
+ # Put a blank line after list_call and set its prefix.
+ end_line = BlankLine()
+ list_call.parent.append_child(end_line)
+ assert list_call.next_sibling is end_line
+ # The new prefix should be everything up to the first new line
+ # of sort_stmt's prefix.
+ end_line.prefix = btwn.rpartition(u"\n")[0]
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@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+"""Fixer for import statements.
+If spam is being imported from the local directory, this import:
+ from spam import eggs
+ from .spam import eggs
+And this import:
+ import spam
+ from . import spam
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from os.path import dirname, join, exists, sep
+from ..fixer_util import FromImport, syms, token
+def traverse_imports(names):
+ """
+ Walks over all the names imported in a dotted_as_names node.
+ """
+ pending = [names]
+ while pending:
+ node = pending.pop()
+ if node.type == token.NAME:
+ yield node.value
+ elif node.type == syms.dotted_name:
+ yield "".join([ch.value for ch in node.children])
+ elif node.type == syms.dotted_as_name:
+ pending.append(node.children[0])
+ elif node.type == syms.dotted_as_names:
+ pending.extend(node.children[::-2])
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("unkown node type")
+class FixImport(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ import_from< 'from' imp=any 'import' ['('] any [')'] >
+ |
+ import_name< 'import' imp=any >
+ """
+ def start_tree(self, tree, name):
+ super(FixImport, self).start_tree(tree, name)
+ self.skip = "absolute_import" in tree.future_features
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ if self.skip:
+ return
+ imp = results['imp']
+ if node.type == syms.import_from:
+ # Some imps are top-level (eg: 'import ham')
+ # some are first level (eg: 'import ham.eggs')
+ # some are third level (eg: 'import ham.eggs as spam')
+ # Hence, the loop
+ while not hasattr(imp, 'value'):
+ imp = imp.children[0]
+ if self.probably_a_local_import(imp.value):
+ imp.value = u"." + imp.value
+ imp.changed()
+ else:
+ have_local = False
+ have_absolute = False
+ for mod_name in traverse_imports(imp):
+ if self.probably_a_local_import(mod_name):
+ have_local = True
+ else:
+ have_absolute = True
+ if have_absolute:
+ if have_local:
+ # We won't handle both sibling and absolute imports in the
+ # same statement at the moment.
+ self.warning(node, "absolute and local imports together")
+ return
+ new = FromImport(u".", [imp])
+ new.prefix = node.prefix
+ return new
+ def probably_a_local_import(self, imp_name):
+ if imp_name.startswith(u"."):
+ # Relative imports are certainly not local imports.
+ return False
+ imp_name = imp_name.split(u".", 1)[0]
+ base_path = dirname(self.filename)
+ base_path = join(base_path, imp_name)
+ # If there is no next to the file its not in a package
+ # so can't be a relative import.
+ if not exists(join(dirname(base_path), "")):
+ return False
+ for ext in [".py", sep, ".pyc", ".so", ".sl", ".pyd"]:
+ if exists(base_path + ext):
+ return True
+ return False
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@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+"""Fix incompatible imports and module references."""
+# Authors: Collin Winter, Nick Edds
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, attr_chain
+MAPPING = {'StringIO': 'io',
+ 'cStringIO': 'io',
+ 'cPickle': 'pickle',
+ '__builtin__' : 'builtins',
+ 'copy_reg': 'copyreg',
+ 'Queue': 'queue',
+ 'SocketServer': 'socketserver',
+ 'ConfigParser': 'configparser',
+ 'repr': 'reprlib',
+ 'FileDialog': 'tkinter.filedialog',
+ 'tkFileDialog': 'tkinter.filedialog',
+ 'SimpleDialog': 'tkinter.simpledialog',
+ 'tkSimpleDialog': 'tkinter.simpledialog',
+ 'tkColorChooser': 'tkinter.colorchooser',
+ 'tkCommonDialog': 'tkinter.commondialog',
+ 'Dialog': 'tkinter.dialog',
+ 'Tkdnd': 'tkinter.dnd',
+ 'tkFont': 'tkinter.font',
+ 'tkMessageBox': 'tkinter.messagebox',
+ 'ScrolledText': 'tkinter.scrolledtext',
+ 'Tkconstants': 'tkinter.constants',
+ 'Tix': 'tkinter.tix',
+ 'ttk': 'tkinter.ttk',
+ 'Tkinter': 'tkinter',
+ 'markupbase': '_markupbase',
+ '_winreg': 'winreg',
+ 'thread': '_thread',
+ 'dummy_thread': '_dummy_thread',
+ # anydbm and whichdb are handled by fix_imports2
+ 'dbhash': 'dbm.bsd',
+ 'dumbdbm': 'dbm.dumb',
+ 'dbm': 'dbm.ndbm',
+ 'gdbm': 'dbm.gnu',
+ 'xmlrpclib': 'xmlrpc.client',
+ 'DocXMLRPCServer': 'xmlrpc.server',
+ 'SimpleXMLRPCServer': 'xmlrpc.server',
+ 'httplib': 'http.client',
+ 'htmlentitydefs' : 'html.entities',
+ 'HTMLParser' : 'html.parser',
+ 'Cookie': 'http.cookies',
+ 'cookielib': 'http.cookiejar',
+ 'BaseHTTPServer': 'http.server',
+ 'SimpleHTTPServer': 'http.server',
+ 'CGIHTTPServer': 'http.server',
+ #'test.test_support': '',
+ 'commands': 'subprocess',
+ 'UserString' : 'collections',
+ 'UserList' : 'collections',
+ 'urlparse' : 'urllib.parse',
+ 'robotparser' : 'urllib.robotparser',
+def alternates(members):
+ return "(" + "|".join(map(repr, members)) + ")"
+def build_pattern(mapping=MAPPING):
+ mod_list = ' | '.join(["module_name='%s'" % key for key in mapping])
+ bare_names = alternates(mapping.keys())
+ yield """name_import=import_name< 'import' ((%s) |
+ multiple_imports=dotted_as_names< any* (%s) any* >) >
+ """ % (mod_list, mod_list)
+ yield """import_from< 'from' (%s) 'import' ['(']
+ ( any | import_as_name< any 'as' any > |
+ import_as_names< any* >) [')'] >
+ """ % mod_list
+ yield """import_name< 'import' (dotted_as_name< (%s) 'as' any > |
+ multiple_imports=dotted_as_names<
+ any* dotted_as_name< (%s) 'as' any > any* >) >
+ """ % (mod_list, mod_list)
+ # Find usages of module members in code e.g.
+ yield "power< bare_with_attr=(%s) trailer<'.' any > any* >" % bare_names
+class FixImports(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ keep_line_order = True
+ # This is overridden in fix_imports2.
+ mapping = MAPPING
+ # We want to run this fixer late, so fix_import doesn't try to make stdlib
+ # renames into relative imports.
+ run_order = 6
+ def build_pattern(self):
+ return "|".join(build_pattern(self.mapping))
+ def compile_pattern(self):
+ # We override this, so MAPPING can be pragmatically altered and the
+ # changes will be reflected in PATTERN.
+ self.PATTERN = self.build_pattern()
+ super(FixImports, self).compile_pattern()
+ # Don't match the node if it's within another match.
+ def match(self, node):
+ match = super(FixImports, self).match
+ results = match(node)
+ if results:
+ # Module usage could be in the trailer of an attribute lookup, so we
+ # might have nested matches when "bare_with_attr" is present.
+ if "bare_with_attr" not in results and \
+ any(match(obj) for obj in attr_chain(node, "parent")):
+ return False
+ return results
+ return False
+ def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
+ super(FixImports, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
+ self.replace = {}
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ import_mod = results.get("module_name")
+ if import_mod:
+ mod_name = import_mod.value
+ new_name = unicode(self.mapping[mod_name])
+ import_mod.replace(Name(new_name, prefix=import_mod.prefix))
+ if "name_import" in results:
+ # If it's not a "from x import x, y" or "import x as y" import,
+ # marked its usage to be replaced.
+ self.replace[mod_name] = new_name
+ if "multiple_imports" in results:
+ # This is a nasty hack to fix multiple imports on a line (e.g.,
+ # "import StringIO, urlparse"). The problem is that I can't
+ # figure out an easy way to make a pattern recognize the keys of
+ # MAPPING randomly sprinkled in an import statement.
+ results = self.match(node)
+ if results:
+ self.transform(node, results)
+ else:
+ # Replace usage of the module.
+ bare_name = results["bare_with_attr"][0]
+ new_name = self.replace.get(bare_name.value)
+ if new_name:
+ bare_name.replace(Name(new_name, prefix=bare_name.prefix))
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+"""Fix incompatible imports and module references that must be fixed after
+from . import fix_imports
+ 'whichdb': 'dbm',
+ 'anydbm': 'dbm',
+ }
+class FixImports2(fix_imports.FixImports):
+ run_order = 7
+ mapping = MAPPING
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+"""Fixer that changes input(...) into eval(input(...))."""
+# Author: Andre Roberge
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Call, Name
+from .. import patcomp
+context = patcomp.compile_pattern("power< 'eval' trailer< '(' any ')' > >")
+class FixInput(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< 'input' args=trailer< '(' [any] ')' > >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ # If we're already wrapped in a eval() call, we're done.
+ if context.match(node.parent.parent):
+ return
+ new = node.clone()
+ new.prefix = u""
+ return Call(Name(u"eval"), [new], prefix=node.prefix)
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Georg Brandl.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for intern().
+intern(s) -> sys.intern(s)"""
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, Attr, touch_import
+class FixIntern(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ order = "pre"
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< 'intern'
+ trailer< lpar='('
+ ( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) obj=any
+ | obj=arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) any ','> )
+ rpar=')' >
+ after=any*
+ >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ syms = self.syms
+ obj = results["obj"].clone()
+ if obj.type == syms.arglist:
+ newarglist = obj.clone()
+ else:
+ newarglist = pytree.Node(syms.arglist, [obj.clone()])
+ after = results["after"]
+ if after:
+ after = [n.clone() for n in after]
+ new = pytree.Node(syms.power,
+ Attr(Name(u"sys"), Name(u"intern")) +
+ [pytree.Node(syms.trailer,
+ [results["lpar"].clone(),
+ newarglist,
+ results["rpar"].clone()])] + after)
+ new.prefix = node.prefix
+ touch_import(None, u'sys', node)
+ return new
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Armin Ronacher.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer that cleans up a tuple argument to isinstance after the tokens
+in it were fixed. This is mainly used to remove double occurrences of
+tokens as a leftover of the long -> int / unicode -> str conversion.
+eg. isinstance(x, (int, long)) -> isinstance(x, (int, int))
+ -> isinstance(x, int)
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import token
+class FixIsinstance(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power<
+ 'isinstance'
+ trailer< '(' arglist< any ',' atom< '('
+ args=testlist_gexp< any+ >
+ ')' > > ')' >
+ >
+ """
+ run_order = 6
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ names_inserted = set()
+ testlist = results["args"]
+ args = testlist.children
+ new_args = []
+ iterator = enumerate(args)
+ for idx, arg in iterator:
+ if arg.type == token.NAME and arg.value in names_inserted:
+ if idx < len(args) - 1 and args[idx + 1].type == token.COMMA:
+ continue
+ else:
+ new_args.append(arg)
+ if arg.type == token.NAME:
+ names_inserted.add(arg.value)
+ if new_args and new_args[-1].type == token.COMMA:
+ del new_args[-1]
+ if len(new_args) == 1:
+ atom = testlist.parent
+ new_args[0].prefix = atom.prefix
+ atom.replace(new_args[0])
+ else:
+ args[:] = new_args
+ node.changed()
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+""" Fixer for itertools.(imap|ifilter|izip) --> (map|filter|zip) and
+ itertools.ifilterfalse --> itertools.filterfalse (bugs 2360-2363)
+ imports from itertools are fixed in
+ If itertools is imported as something else (ie: import itertools as it;
+ it.izip(spam, eggs)) method calls will not get fixed.
+ """
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name
+class FixItertools(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ it_funcs = "('imap'|'ifilter'|'izip'|'izip_longest'|'ifilterfalse')"
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< it='itertools'
+ trailer<
+ dot='.' func=%(it_funcs)s > trailer< '(' [any] ')' > >
+ |
+ power< func=%(it_funcs)s trailer< '(' [any] ')' > >
+ """ %(locals())
+ # Needs to be run after fix_(map|zip|filter)
+ run_order = 6
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ prefix = None
+ func = results['func'][0]
+ if ('it' in results and
+ func.value not in (u'ifilterfalse', u'izip_longest')):
+ dot, it = (results['dot'], results['it'])
+ # Remove the 'itertools'
+ prefix = it.prefix
+ it.remove()
+ # Replace the node which contains ('.', 'function') with the
+ # function (to be consistent with the second part of the pattern)
+ dot.remove()
+ func.parent.replace(func)
+ prefix = prefix or func.prefix
+ func.replace(Name(func.value[1:], prefix=prefix))
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+""" Fixer for imports of itertools.(imap|ifilter|izip|ifilterfalse) """
+# Local imports
+from lib2to3 import fixer_base
+from lib2to3.fixer_util import BlankLine, syms, token
+class FixItertoolsImports(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ import_from< 'from' 'itertools' 'import' imports=any >
+ """ %(locals())
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ imports = results['imports']
+ if imports.type == syms.import_as_name or not imports.children:
+ children = [imports]
+ else:
+ children = imports.children
+ for child in children[::2]:
+ if child.type == token.NAME:
+ member = child.value
+ name_node = child
+ elif child.type == token.STAR:
+ # Just leave the import as is.
+ return
+ else:
+ assert child.type == syms.import_as_name
+ name_node = child.children[0]
+ member_name = name_node.value
+ if member_name in (u'imap', u'izip', u'ifilter'):
+ child.value = None
+ child.remove()
+ elif member_name in (u'ifilterfalse', u'izip_longest'):
+ node.changed()
+ name_node.value = (u'filterfalse' if member_name[1] == u'f'
+ else u'zip_longest')
+ # Make sure the import statement is still sane
+ children = imports.children[:] or [imports]
+ remove_comma = True
+ for child in children:
+ if remove_comma and child.type == token.COMMA:
+ child.remove()
+ else:
+ remove_comma ^= True
+ while children and children[-1].type == token.COMMA:
+ children.pop().remove()
+ # If there are no imports left, just get rid of the entire statement
+ if (not (imports.children or getattr(imports, 'value', None)) or
+ imports.parent is None):
+ p = node.prefix
+ node = BlankLine()
+ node.prefix = p
+ return node
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer that turns 'long' into 'int' everywhere.
+# Local imports
+from lib2to3 import fixer_base
+from lib2to3.fixer_util import is_probably_builtin
+class FixLong(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = "'long'"
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ if is_probably_builtin(node):
+ node.value = u"int"
+ node.changed()
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer that changes map(F, ...) into list(map(F, ...)) unless there
+exists a 'from future_builtins import map' statement in the top-level
+As a special case, map(None, X) is changed into list(X). (This is
+necessary because the semantics are changed in this case -- the new
+map(None, X) is equivalent to [(x,) for x in X].)
+We avoid the transformation (except for the special case mentioned
+above) if the map() call is directly contained in iter(<>), list(<>),
+tuple(<>), sorted(<>), ...join(<>), or for V in <>:.
+NOTE: This is still not correct if the original code was depending on
+map(F, X, Y, ...) to go on until the longest argument is exhausted,
+substituting None for missing values -- like zip(), it now stops as
+soon as the shortest argument is exhausted.
+# Local imports
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, ListComp, in_special_context
+from ..pygram import python_symbols as syms
+class FixMap(fixer_base.ConditionalFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ map_none=power<
+ 'map'
+ trailer< '(' arglist< 'None' ',' arg=any [','] > ')' >
+ >
+ |
+ map_lambda=power<
+ 'map'
+ trailer<
+ '('
+ arglist<
+ lambdef< 'lambda'
+ (fp=NAME | vfpdef< '(' fp=NAME ')'> ) ':' xp=any
+ >
+ ','
+ it=any
+ >
+ ')'
+ >
+ >
+ |
+ power<
+ 'map' trailer< '(' [arglist=any] ')' >
+ >
+ """
+ skip_on = ''
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ if self.should_skip(node):
+ return
+ if node.parent.type == syms.simple_stmt:
+ self.warning(node, "You should use a for loop here")
+ new = node.clone()
+ new.prefix = u""
+ new = Call(Name(u"list"), [new])
+ elif "map_lambda" in results:
+ new = ListComp(results["xp"].clone(),
+ results["fp"].clone(),
+ results["it"].clone())
+ else:
+ if "map_none" in results:
+ new = results["arg"].clone()
+ else:
+ if "arglist" in results:
+ args = results["arglist"]
+ if args.type == syms.arglist and \
+ args.children[0].type == token.NAME and \
+ args.children[0].value == "None":
+ self.warning(node, "cannot convert map(None, ...) "
+ "with multiple arguments because map() "
+ "now truncates to the shortest sequence")
+ return
+ if in_special_context(node):
+ return None
+ new = node.clone()
+ new.prefix = u""
+ new = Call(Name(u"list"), [new])
+ new.prefix = node.prefix
+ return new
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@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+"""Fixer for __metaclass__ = X -> (metaclass=X) methods.
+ The various forms of classef (inherits nothing, inherits once, inherints
+ many) don't parse the same in the CST so we look at ALL classes for
+ a __metaclass__ and if we find one normalize the inherits to all be
+ an arglist.
+ For one-liner classes ('class X: pass') there is no indent/dedent so
+ we normalize those into having a suite.
+ Moving the __metaclass__ into the classdef can also cause the class
+ body to be empty so there is some special casing for that as well.
+ This fixer also tries very hard to keep original indenting and spacing
+ in all those corner cases.
+# Author: Jack Diederich
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..pygram import token
+from ..fixer_util import Name, syms, Node, Leaf
+def has_metaclass(parent):
+ """ we have to check the cls_node without changing it.
+ There are two possiblities:
+ 1) clsdef => suite => simple_stmt => expr_stmt => Leaf('__meta')
+ 2) clsdef => simple_stmt => expr_stmt => Leaf('__meta')
+ """
+ for node in parent.children:
+ if node.type == syms.suite:
+ return has_metaclass(node)
+ elif node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children:
+ expr_node = node.children[0]
+ if expr_node.type == syms.expr_stmt and expr_node.children:
+ left_side = expr_node.children[0]
+ if isinstance(left_side, Leaf) and \
+ left_side.value == '__metaclass__':
+ return True
+ return False
+def fixup_parse_tree(cls_node):
+ """ one-line classes don't get a suite in the parse tree so we add
+ one to normalize the tree
+ """
+ for node in cls_node.children:
+ if node.type == syms.suite:
+ # already in the preferred format, do nothing
+ return
+ # !%@#! oneliners have no suite node, we have to fake one up
+ for i, node in enumerate(cls_node.children):
+ if node.type == token.COLON:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("No class suite and no ':'!")
+ # move everything into a suite node
+ suite = Node(syms.suite, [])
+ while cls_node.children[i+1:]:
+ move_node = cls_node.children[i+1]
+ suite.append_child(move_node.clone())
+ move_node.remove()
+ cls_node.append_child(suite)
+ node = suite
+def fixup_simple_stmt(parent, i, stmt_node):
+ """ if there is a semi-colon all the parts count as part of the same
+ simple_stmt. We just want the __metaclass__ part so we move
+ everything after the semi-colon into its own simple_stmt node
+ """
+ for semi_ind, node in enumerate(stmt_node.children):
+ if node.type == token.SEMI: # *sigh*
+ break
+ else:
+ return
+ node.remove() # kill the semicolon
+ new_expr = Node(syms.expr_stmt, [])
+ new_stmt = Node(syms.simple_stmt, [new_expr])
+ while stmt_node.children[semi_ind:]:
+ move_node = stmt_node.children[semi_ind]
+ new_expr.append_child(move_node.clone())
+ move_node.remove()
+ parent.insert_child(i, new_stmt)
+ new_leaf1 = new_stmt.children[0].children[0]
+ old_leaf1 = stmt_node.children[0].children[0]
+ new_leaf1.prefix = old_leaf1.prefix
+def remove_trailing_newline(node):
+ if node.children and node.children[-1].type == token.NEWLINE:
+ node.children[-1].remove()
+def find_metas(cls_node):
+ # find the suite node (Mmm, sweet nodes)
+ for node in cls_node.children:
+ if node.type == syms.suite:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("No class suite!")
+ # look for simple_stmt[ expr_stmt[ Leaf('__metaclass__') ] ]
+ for i, simple_node in list(enumerate(node.children)):
+ if simple_node.type == syms.simple_stmt and simple_node.children:
+ expr_node = simple_node.children[0]
+ if expr_node.type == syms.expr_stmt and expr_node.children:
+ # Check if the expr_node is a simple assignment.
+ left_node = expr_node.children[0]
+ if isinstance(left_node, Leaf) and \
+ left_node.value == u'__metaclass__':
+ # We found a assignment to __metaclass__.
+ fixup_simple_stmt(node, i, simple_node)
+ remove_trailing_newline(simple_node)
+ yield (node, i, simple_node)
+def fixup_indent(suite):
+ """ If an INDENT is followed by a thing with a prefix then nuke the prefix
+ Otherwise we get in trouble when removing __metaclass__ at suite start
+ """
+ kids = suite.children[::-1]
+ # find the first indent
+ while kids:
+ node = kids.pop()
+ if node.type == token.INDENT:
+ break
+ # find the first Leaf
+ while kids:
+ node = kids.pop()
+ if isinstance(node, Leaf) and node.type != token.DEDENT:
+ if node.prefix:
+ node.prefix = u''
+ return
+ else:
+ kids.extend(node.children[::-1])
+class FixMetaclass(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ classdef<any*>
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ if not has_metaclass(node):
+ return
+ fixup_parse_tree(node)
+ # find metaclasses, keep the last one
+ last_metaclass = None
+ for suite, i, stmt in find_metas(node):
+ last_metaclass = stmt
+ stmt.remove()
+ text_type = node.children[0].type # always Leaf(nnn, 'class')
+ # figure out what kind of classdef we have
+ if len(node.children) == 7:
+ # Node(classdef, ['class', 'name', '(', arglist, ')', ':', suite])
+ # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
+ if node.children[3].type == syms.arglist:
+ arglist = node.children[3]
+ # Node(classdef, ['class', 'name', '(', 'Parent', ')', ':', suite])
+ else:
+ parent = node.children[3].clone()
+ arglist = Node(syms.arglist, [parent])
+ node.set_child(3, arglist)
+ elif len(node.children) == 6:
+ # Node(classdef, ['class', 'name', '(', ')', ':', suite])
+ # 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ arglist = Node(syms.arglist, [])
+ node.insert_child(3, arglist)
+ elif len(node.children) == 4:
+ # Node(classdef, ['class', 'name', ':', suite])
+ # 0 1 2 3
+ arglist = Node(syms.arglist, [])
+ node.insert_child(2, Leaf(token.RPAR, u')'))
+ node.insert_child(2, arglist)
+ node.insert_child(2, Leaf(token.LPAR, u'('))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unexpected class definition")
+ # now stick the metaclass in the arglist
+ meta_txt = last_metaclass.children[0].children[0]
+ meta_txt.value = 'metaclass'
+ orig_meta_prefix = meta_txt.prefix
+ if arglist.children:
+ arglist.append_child(Leaf(token.COMMA, u','))
+ meta_txt.prefix = u' '
+ else:
+ meta_txt.prefix = u''
+ # compact the expression "metaclass = Meta" -> "metaclass=Meta"
+ expr_stmt = last_metaclass.children[0]
+ assert expr_stmt.type == syms.expr_stmt
+ expr_stmt.children[1].prefix = u''
+ expr_stmt.children[2].prefix = u''
+ arglist.append_child(last_metaclass)
+ fixup_indent(suite)
+ # check for empty suite
+ if not suite.children:
+ # one-liner that was just __metaclass_
+ suite.remove()
+ pass_leaf = Leaf(text_type, u'pass')
+ pass_leaf.prefix = orig_meta_prefix
+ node.append_child(pass_leaf)
+ node.append_child(Leaf(token.NEWLINE, u'\n'))
+ elif len(suite.children) > 1 and \
+ (suite.children[-2].type == token.INDENT and
+ suite.children[-1].type == token.DEDENT):
+ # there was only one line in the class body and it was __metaclass__
+ pass_leaf = Leaf(text_type, u'pass')
+ suite.insert_child(-1, pass_leaf)
+ suite.insert_child(-1, Leaf(token.NEWLINE, u'\n'))
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index 000000000000..f3c1ecfec153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+"""Fix bound method attributes (method.im_? -> method.__?__).
+# Author: Christian Heimes
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name
+MAP = {
+ "im_func" : "__func__",
+ "im_self" : "__self__",
+ "im_class" : "__self__.__class__"
+ }
+class FixMethodattrs(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< any+ trailer< '.' attr=('im_func' | 'im_self' | 'im_class') > any* >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ attr = results["attr"][0]
+ new = unicode(MAP[attr.value])
+ attr.replace(Name(new, prefix=attr.prefix))
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index 000000000000..7025980b48e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer that turns <> into !=."""
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+class FixNe(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ # This is so simple that we don't need the pattern compiler.
+ _accept_type = token.NOTEQUAL
+ def match(self, node):
+ # Override
+ return node.value == u"<>"
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ new = pytree.Leaf(token.NOTEQUAL, u"!=", prefix=node.prefix)
+ return new
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index 000000000000..f021a9bd70a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+"""Fixer for -> next(it), per PEP 3114."""
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Things that currently aren't covered:
+# - listcomp "next" names aren't warned
+# - "with" statement targets aren't checked
+# Local imports
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from ..pygram import python_symbols as syms
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, find_binding
+bind_warning = "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed by global binding"
+class FixNext(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< base=any+ trailer< '.' attr='next' > trailer< '(' ')' > >
+ |
+ power< head=any+ trailer< '.' attr='next' > not trailer< '(' ')' > >
+ |
+ classdef< 'class' any+ ':'
+ suite< any*
+ funcdef< 'def'
+ name='next'
+ parameters< '(' NAME ')' > any+ >
+ any* > >
+ |
+ global=global_stmt< 'global' any* 'next' any* >
+ """
+ order = "pre" # Pre-order tree traversal
+ def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
+ super(FixNext, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
+ n = find_binding(u'next', tree)
+ if n:
+ self.warning(n, bind_warning)
+ self.shadowed_next = True
+ else:
+ self.shadowed_next = False
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ assert results
+ base = results.get("base")
+ attr = results.get("attr")
+ name = results.get("name")
+ if base:
+ if self.shadowed_next:
+ attr.replace(Name(u"__next__", prefix=attr.prefix))
+ else:
+ base = [n.clone() for n in base]
+ base[0].prefix = u""
+ node.replace(Call(Name(u"next", prefix=node.prefix), base))
+ elif name:
+ n = Name(u"__next__", prefix=name.prefix)
+ name.replace(n)
+ elif attr:
+ # We don't do this transformation if we're assigning to "".
+ # Unfortunately, it doesn't seem possible to do this in PATTERN,
+ # so it's being done here.
+ if is_assign_target(node):
+ head = results["head"]
+ if "".join([str(n) for n in head]).strip() == u'__builtin__':
+ self.warning(node, bind_warning)
+ return
+ attr.replace(Name(u"__next__"))
+ elif "global" in results:
+ self.warning(node, bind_warning)
+ self.shadowed_next = True
+### The following functions help test if node is part of an assignment
+### target.
+def is_assign_target(node):
+ assign = find_assign(node)
+ if assign is None:
+ return False
+ for child in assign.children:
+ if child.type == token.EQUAL:
+ return False
+ elif is_subtree(child, node):
+ return True
+ return False
+def find_assign(node):
+ if node.type == syms.expr_stmt:
+ return node
+ if node.type == syms.simple_stmt or node.parent is None:
+ return None
+ return find_assign(node.parent)
+def is_subtree(root, node):
+ if root == node:
+ return True
+ return any(is_subtree(c, node) for c in root.children)
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+"""Fixer for __nonzero__ -> __bool__ methods."""
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, syms
+class FixNonzero(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ classdef< 'class' any+ ':'
+ suite< any*
+ funcdef< 'def' name='__nonzero__'
+ parameters< '(' NAME ')' > any+ >
+ any* > >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ name = results["name"]
+ new = Name(u"__bool__", prefix=name.prefix)
+ name.replace(new)
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+"""Fixer that turns 1L into 1, 0755 into 0o755.
+# Copyright 2007 Georg Brandl.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+# Local imports
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Number
+class FixNumliterals(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ # This is so simple that we don't need the pattern compiler.
+ _accept_type = token.NUMBER
+ def match(self, node):
+ # Override
+ return (node.value.startswith(u"0") or node.value[-1] in u"Ll")
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ val = node.value
+ if val[-1] in u'Ll':
+ val = val[:-1]
+ elif val.startswith(u'0') and val.isdigit() and len(set(val)) > 1:
+ val = u"0o" + val[1:]
+ return Number(val, prefix=node.prefix)
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+"""Fixer for operator functions.
+operator.isCallable(obj) -> hasattr(obj, '__call__')
+operator.sequenceIncludes(obj) -> operator.contains(obj)
+operator.isSequenceType(obj) -> isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence)
+operator.isMappingType(obj) -> isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping)
+operator.isNumberType(obj) -> isinstance(obj, numbers.Number)
+operator.repeat(obj, n) -> operator.mul(obj, n)
+operator.irepeat(obj, n) -> operator.imul(obj, n)
+# Local imports
+from lib2to3 import fixer_base
+from lib2to3.fixer_util import Call, Name, String, touch_import
+def invocation(s):
+ def dec(f):
+ f.invocation = s
+ return f
+ return dec
+class FixOperator(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ order = "pre"
+ methods = """
+ method=('isCallable'|'sequenceIncludes'
+ |'isSequenceType'|'isMappingType'|'isNumberType'
+ |'repeat'|'irepeat')
+ """
+ obj = "'(' obj=any ')'"
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< module='operator'
+ trailer< '.' %(methods)s > trailer< %(obj)s > >
+ |
+ power< %(methods)s trailer< %(obj)s > >
+ """ % dict(methods=methods, obj=obj)
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ method = self._check_method(node, results)
+ if method is not None:
+ return method(node, results)
+ @invocation("operator.contains(%s)")
+ def _sequenceIncludes(self, node, results):
+ return self._handle_rename(node, results, u"contains")
+ @invocation("hasattr(%s, '__call__')")
+ def _isCallable(self, node, results):
+ obj = results["obj"]
+ args = [obj.clone(), String(u", "), String(u"'__call__'")]
+ return Call(Name(u"hasattr"), args, prefix=node.prefix)
+ @invocation("operator.mul(%s)")
+ def _repeat(self, node, results):
+ return self._handle_rename(node, results, u"mul")
+ @invocation("operator.imul(%s)")
+ def _irepeat(self, node, results):
+ return self._handle_rename(node, results, u"imul")
+ @invocation("isinstance(%s, collections.Sequence)")
+ def _isSequenceType(self, node, results):
+ return self._handle_type2abc(node, results, u"collections", u"Sequence")
+ @invocation("isinstance(%s, collections.Mapping)")
+ def _isMappingType(self, node, results):
+ return self._handle_type2abc(node, results, u"collections", u"Mapping")
+ @invocation("isinstance(%s, numbers.Number)")
+ def _isNumberType(self, node, results):
+ return self._handle_type2abc(node, results, u"numbers", u"Number")
+ def _handle_rename(self, node, results, name):
+ method = results["method"][0]
+ method.value = name
+ method.changed()
+ def _handle_type2abc(self, node, results, module, abc):
+ touch_import(None, module, node)
+ obj = results["obj"]
+ args = [obj.clone(), String(u", " + u".".join([module, abc]))]
+ return Call(Name(u"isinstance"), args, prefix=node.prefix)
+ def _check_method(self, node, results):
+ method = getattr(self, "_" + results["method"][0].value.encode("ascii"))
+ if callable(method):
+ if "module" in results:
+ return method
+ else:
+ sub = (unicode(results["obj"]),)
+ invocation_str = unicode(method.invocation) % sub
+ self.warning(node, u"You should use '%s' here." % invocation_str)
+ return None
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+"""Fixer that addes parentheses where they are required
+This converts ``[x for x in 1, 2]`` to ``[x for x in (1, 2)]``."""
+# By Taek Joo Kim and Benjamin Peterson
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import LParen, RParen
+# XXX This doesn't support nested for loops like [x for x in 1, 2 for x in 1, 2]
+class FixParen(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ atom< ('[' | '(')
+ (listmaker< any
+ comp_for<
+ 'for' NAME 'in'
+ target=testlist_safe< any (',' any)+ [',']
+ >
+ [any]
+ >
+ >
+ |
+ testlist_gexp< any
+ comp_for<
+ 'for' NAME 'in'
+ target=testlist_safe< any (',' any)+ [',']
+ >
+ [any]
+ >
+ >)
+ (']' | ')') >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ target = results["target"]
+ lparen = LParen()
+ lparen.prefix = target.prefix
+ target.prefix = u"" # Make it hug the parentheses
+ target.insert_child(0, lparen)
+ target.append_child(RParen())
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index 000000000000..98786b3ecdc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for print.
+ 'print' into 'print()'
+ 'print ...' into 'print(...)'
+ 'print ... ,' into 'print(..., end=" ")'
+ 'print >>x, ...' into 'print(..., file=x)'
+No changes are applied if print_function is imported from __future__
+# Local imports
+from .. import patcomp
+from .. import pytree
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, Comma, String, is_tuple
+parend_expr = patcomp.compile_pattern(
+ """atom< '(' [atom|STRING|NAME] ')' >"""
+ )
+class FixPrint(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ simple_stmt< any* bare='print' any* > | print_stmt
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ assert results
+ bare_print = results.get("bare")
+ if bare_print:
+ # Special-case print all by itself
+ bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
+ prefix=bare_print.prefix))
+ return
+ assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
+ args = node.children[1:]
+ if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
+ # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
+ # already-parenthesised expression.
+ return
+ sep = end = file = None
+ if args and args[-1] == Comma():
+ args = args[:-1]
+ end = " "
+ if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
+ assert len(args) >= 2
+ file = args[1].clone()
+ args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
+ # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
+ l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
+ if l_args:
+ l_args[0].prefix = u""
+ if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
+ if sep is not None:
+ self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
+ if end is not None:
+ self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
+ if file is not None:
+ self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
+ n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
+ n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix
+ return n_stmt
+ def add_kwarg(self, l_nodes, s_kwd, n_expr):
+ # XXX All this prefix-setting may lose comments (though rarely)
+ n_expr.prefix = u""
+ n_argument = pytree.Node(self.syms.argument,
+ (Name(s_kwd),
+ pytree.Leaf(token.EQUAL, u"="),
+ n_expr))
+ if l_nodes:
+ l_nodes.append(Comma())
+ n_argument.prefix = u" "
+ l_nodes.append(n_argument)
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index 000000000000..b958ba0129de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+"""Fixer for 'raise E, V, T'
+raise -> raise
+raise E -> raise E
+raise E, V -> raise E(V)
+raise E, V, T -> raise E(V).with_traceback(T)
+raise E, None, T -> raise E.with_traceback(T)
+raise (((E, E'), E''), E'''), V -> raise E(V)
+raise "foo", V, T -> warns about string exceptions
+1) "raise E, V" will be incorrectly translated if V is an exception
+ instance. The correct Python 3 idiom is
+ raise E from V
+ but since we can't detect instance-hood by syntax alone and since
+ any client code would have to be changed as well, we don't automate
+ this.
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, Attr, ArgList, is_tuple
+class FixRaise(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ raise_stmt< 'raise' exc=any [',' val=any [',' tb=any]] >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ syms = self.syms
+ exc = results["exc"].clone()
+ if exc.type == token.STRING:
+ msg = "Python 3 does not support string exceptions"
+ self.cannot_convert(node, msg)
+ return
+ # Python 2 supports
+ # raise ((((E1, E2), E3), E4), E5), V
+ # as a synonym for
+ # raise E1, V
+ # Since Python 3 will not support this, we recurse down any tuple
+ # literals, always taking the first element.
+ if is_tuple(exc):
+ while is_tuple(exc):
+ # exc.children[1:-1] is the unparenthesized tuple
+ # exc.children[1].children[0] is the first element of the tuple
+ exc = exc.children[1].children[0].clone()
+ exc.prefix = u" "
+ if "val" not in results:
+ # One-argument raise
+ new = pytree.Node(syms.raise_stmt, [Name(u"raise"), exc])
+ new.prefix = node.prefix
+ return new
+ val = results["val"].clone()
+ if is_tuple(val):
+ args = [c.clone() for c in val.children[1:-1]]
+ else:
+ val.prefix = u""
+ args = [val]
+ if "tb" in results:
+ tb = results["tb"].clone()
+ tb.prefix = u""
+ e = exc
+ # If there's a traceback and None is passed as the value, then don't
+ # add a call, since the user probably just wants to add a
+ # traceback. See issue #9661.
+ if val.type != token.NAME or val.value != u"None":
+ e = Call(exc, args)
+ with_tb = Attr(e, Name(u'with_traceback')) + [ArgList([tb])]
+ new = pytree.Node(syms.simple_stmt, [Name(u"raise")] + with_tb)
+ new.prefix = node.prefix
+ return new
+ else:
+ return pytree.Node(syms.raise_stmt,
+ [Name(u"raise"), Call(exc, args)],
+ prefix=node.prefix)
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+"""Fixer that changes raw_input(...) into input(...)."""
+# Author: Andre Roberge
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name
+class FixRawInput(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< name='raw_input' trailer< '(' [any] ')' > any* >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ name = results["name"]
+ name.replace(Name(u"input", prefix=name.prefix))
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Armin Ronacher.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for reduce().
+Makes sure reduce() is imported from the functools module if reduce is
+used in that module.
+from lib2to3 import fixer_base
+from lib2to3.fixer_util import touch_import
+class FixReduce(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ order = "pre"
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< 'reduce'
+ trailer< '('
+ arglist< (
+ (not(argument<any '=' any>) any ','
+ not(argument<any '=' any>) any) |
+ (not(argument<any '=' any>) any ','
+ not(argument<any '=' any>) any ','
+ not(argument<any '=' any>) any)
+ ) >
+ ')' >
+ >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ touch_import(u'functools', u'reduce', node)
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+"""Fix incompatible renames
+ * sys.maxint -> sys.maxsize
+# Author: Christian Heimes
+# based on Collin Winter's fix_import
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, attr_chain
+MAPPING = {"sys": {"maxint" : "maxsize"},
+ }
+LOOKUP = {}
+def alternates(members):
+ return "(" + "|".join(map(repr, members)) + ")"
+def build_pattern():
+ #bare = set()
+ for module, replace in MAPPING.items():
+ for old_attr, new_attr in replace.items():
+ LOOKUP[(module, old_attr)] = new_attr
+ #bare.add(module)
+ #bare.add(old_attr)
+ #yield """
+ # import_name< 'import' (module=%r
+ # | dotted_as_names< any* module=%r any* >) >
+ # """ % (module, module)
+ yield """
+ import_from< 'from' module_name=%r 'import'
+ ( attr_name=%r | import_as_name< attr_name=%r 'as' any >) >
+ """ % (module, old_attr, old_attr)
+ yield """
+ power< module_name=%r trailer< '.' attr_name=%r > any* >
+ """ % (module, old_attr)
+ #yield """bare_name=%s""" % alternates(bare)
+class FixRenames(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = "|".join(build_pattern())
+ order = "pre" # Pre-order tree traversal
+ # Don't match the node if it's within another match
+ def match(self, node):
+ match = super(FixRenames, self).match
+ results = match(node)
+ if results:
+ if any(match(obj) for obj in attr_chain(node, "parent")):
+ return False
+ return results
+ return False
+ #def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
+ # super(FixRenames, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
+ # self.replace = {}
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ mod_name = results.get("module_name")
+ attr_name = results.get("attr_name")
+ #bare_name = results.get("bare_name")
+ #import_mod = results.get("module")
+ if mod_name and attr_name:
+ new_attr = unicode(LOOKUP[(mod_name.value, attr_name.value)])
+ attr_name.replace(Name(new_attr, prefix=attr_name.prefix))
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+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer that transforms `xyzzy` into repr(xyzzy)."""
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Call, Name, parenthesize
+class FixRepr(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ atom < '`' expr=any '`' >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ expr = results["expr"].clone()
+ if expr.type == self.syms.testlist1:
+ expr = parenthesize(expr)
+ return Call(Name(u"repr"), [expr], prefix=node.prefix)
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+Optional fixer to transform set() calls to set literals.
+# Author: Benjamin Peterson
+from lib2to3 import fixer_base, pytree
+from lib2to3.fixer_util import token, syms
+class FixSetLiteral(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ explicit = True
+ PATTERN = """power< 'set' trailer< '('
+ (atom=atom< '[' (items=listmaker< any ((',' any)* [',']) >
+ |
+ single=any) ']' >
+ |
+ atom< '(' items=testlist_gexp< any ((',' any)* [',']) > ')' >
+ )
+ ')' > >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ single = results.get("single")
+ if single:
+ # Make a fake listmaker
+ fake = pytree.Node(syms.listmaker, [single.clone()])
+ single.replace(fake)
+ items = fake
+ else:
+ items = results["items"]
+ # Build the contents of the literal
+ literal = [pytree.Leaf(token.LBRACE, u"{")]
+ literal.extend(n.clone() for n in items.children)
+ literal.append(pytree.Leaf(token.RBRACE, u"}"))
+ # Set the prefix of the right brace to that of the ')' or ']'
+ literal[-1].prefix = items.next_sibling.prefix
+ maker = pytree.Node(syms.dictsetmaker, literal)
+ maker.prefix = node.prefix
+ # If the original was a one tuple, we need to remove the extra comma.
+ if len(maker.children) == 4:
+ n = maker.children[2]
+ n.remove()
+ maker.children[-1].prefix = n.prefix
+ # Finally, replace the set call with our shiny new literal.
+ return maker
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for StandardError -> Exception."""
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name
+class FixStandarderror(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ 'StandardError'
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ return Name(u"Exception", prefix=node.prefix)
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+"""Fixer for sys.exc_{type, value, traceback}
+sys.exc_type -> sys.exc_info()[0]
+sys.exc_value -> sys.exc_info()[1]
+sys.exc_traceback -> sys.exc_info()[2]
+# By Jeff Balogh and Benjamin Peterson
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Attr, Call, Name, Number, Subscript, Node, syms
+class FixSysExc(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ # This order matches the ordering of sys.exc_info().
+ exc_info = [u"exc_type", u"exc_value", u"exc_traceback"]
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< 'sys' trailer< dot='.' attribute=(%s) > >
+ """ % '|'.join("'%s'" % e for e in exc_info)
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ sys_attr = results["attribute"][0]
+ index = Number(self.exc_info.index(sys_attr.value))
+ call = Call(Name(u"exc_info"), prefix=sys_attr.prefix)
+ attr = Attr(Name(u"sys"), call)
+ attr[1].children[0].prefix = results["dot"].prefix
+ attr.append(Subscript(index))
+ return Node(syms.power, attr, prefix=node.prefix)
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+"""Fixer for generator.throw(E, V, T).
+g.throw(E) -> g.throw(E)
+g.throw(E, V) -> g.throw(E(V))
+g.throw(E, V, T) -> g.throw(E(V).with_traceback(T))
+g.throw("foo"[, V[, T]]) will warn about string exceptions."""
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, ArgList, Attr, is_tuple
+class FixThrow(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< any trailer< '.' 'throw' >
+ trailer< '(' args=arglist< exc=any ',' val=any [',' tb=any] > ')' >
+ >
+ |
+ power< any trailer< '.' 'throw' > trailer< '(' exc=any ')' > >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ syms = self.syms
+ exc = results["exc"].clone()
+ if exc.type is token.STRING:
+ self.cannot_convert(node, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
+ return
+ # Leave "g.throw(E)" alone
+ val = results.get(u"val")
+ if val is None:
+ return
+ val = val.clone()
+ if is_tuple(val):
+ args = [c.clone() for c in val.children[1:-1]]
+ else:
+ val.prefix = u""
+ args = [val]
+ throw_args = results["args"]
+ if "tb" in results:
+ tb = results["tb"].clone()
+ tb.prefix = u""
+ e = Call(exc, args)
+ with_tb = Attr(e, Name(u'with_traceback')) + [ArgList([tb])]
+ throw_args.replace(pytree.Node(syms.power, with_tb))
+ else:
+ throw_args.replace(Call(exc, args))
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+"""Fixer for function definitions with tuple parameters.
+def func(((a, b), c), d):
+ ...
+ ->
+def func(x, d):
+ ((a, b), c) = x
+ ...
+It will also support lambdas:
+ lambda (x, y): x + y -> lambda t: t[0] + t[1]
+ # The parens are a syntax error in Python 3
+ lambda (x): x + y -> lambda x: x + y
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Assign, Name, Newline, Number, Subscript, syms
+def is_docstring(stmt):
+ return isinstance(stmt, pytree.Node) and \
+ stmt.children[0].type == token.STRING
+class FixTupleParams(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ run_order = 4 #use a lower order since lambda is part of other
+ #patterns
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ funcdef< 'def' any parameters< '(' args=any ')' >
+ ['->' any] ':' suite=any+ >
+ |
+ lambda=
+ lambdef< 'lambda' args=vfpdef< '(' inner=any ')' >
+ ':' body=any
+ >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ if "lambda" in results:
+ return self.transform_lambda(node, results)
+ new_lines = []
+ suite = results["suite"]
+ args = results["args"]
+ # This crap is so "def foo(...): x = 5; y = 7" is handled correctly.
+ # TODO(cwinter): suite-cleanup
+ if suite[0].children[1].type == token.INDENT:
+ start = 2
+ indent = suite[0].children[1].value
+ end = Newline()
+ else:
+ start = 0
+ indent = u"; "
+ end = pytree.Leaf(token.INDENT, u"")
+ # We need access to self for new_name(), and making this a method
+ # doesn't feel right. Closing over self and new_lines makes the
+ # code below cleaner.
+ def handle_tuple(tuple_arg, add_prefix=False):
+ n = Name(self.new_name())
+ arg = tuple_arg.clone()
+ arg.prefix = u""
+ stmt = Assign(arg, n.clone())
+ if add_prefix:
+ n.prefix = u" "
+ tuple_arg.replace(n)
+ new_lines.append(pytree.Node(syms.simple_stmt,
+ [stmt, end.clone()]))
+ if args.type == syms.tfpdef:
+ handle_tuple(args)
+ elif args.type == syms.typedargslist:
+ for i, arg in enumerate(args.children):
+ if arg.type == syms.tfpdef:
+ # Without add_prefix, the emitted code is correct,
+ # just ugly.
+ handle_tuple(arg, add_prefix=(i > 0))
+ if not new_lines:
+ return
+ # This isn't strictly necessary, but it plays nicely with other fixers.
+ # TODO(cwinter) get rid of this when children becomes a smart list
+ for line in new_lines:
+ line.parent = suite[0]
+ # TODO(cwinter) suite-cleanup
+ after = start
+ if start == 0:
+ new_lines[0].prefix = u" "
+ elif is_docstring(suite[0].children[start]):
+ new_lines[0].prefix = indent
+ after = start + 1
+ for line in new_lines:
+ line.parent = suite[0]
+ suite[0].children[after:after] = new_lines
+ for i in range(after+1, after+len(new_lines)+1):
+ suite[0].children[i].prefix = indent
+ suite[0].changed()
+ def transform_lambda(self, node, results):
+ args = results["args"]
+ body = results["body"]
+ inner = simplify_args(results["inner"])
+ # Replace lambda ((((x)))): x with lambda x: x
+ if inner.type == token.NAME:
+ inner = inner.clone()
+ inner.prefix = u" "
+ args.replace(inner)
+ return
+ params = find_params(args)
+ to_index = map_to_index(params)
+ tup_name = self.new_name(tuple_name(params))
+ new_param = Name(tup_name, prefix=u" ")
+ args.replace(new_param.clone())
+ for n in body.post_order():
+ if n.type == token.NAME and n.value in to_index:
+ subscripts = [c.clone() for c in to_index[n.value]]
+ new = pytree.Node(syms.power,
+ [new_param.clone()] + subscripts)
+ new.prefix = n.prefix
+ n.replace(new)
+### Helper functions for transform_lambda()
+def simplify_args(node):
+ if node.type in (syms.vfplist, token.NAME):
+ return node
+ elif node.type == syms.vfpdef:
+ # These look like vfpdef< '(' x ')' > where x is NAME
+ # or another vfpdef instance (leading to recursion).
+ while node.type == syms.vfpdef:
+ node = node.children[1]
+ return node
+ raise RuntimeError("Received unexpected node %s" % node)
+def find_params(node):
+ if node.type == syms.vfpdef:
+ return find_params(node.children[1])
+ elif node.type == token.NAME:
+ return node.value
+ return [find_params(c) for c in node.children if c.type != token.COMMA]
+def map_to_index(param_list, prefix=[], d=None):
+ if d is None:
+ d = {}
+ for i, obj in enumerate(param_list):
+ trailer = [Subscript(Number(unicode(i)))]
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ map_to_index(obj, trailer, d=d)
+ else:
+ d[obj] = prefix + trailer
+ return d
+def tuple_name(param_list):
+ l = []
+ for obj in param_list:
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ l.append(tuple_name(obj))
+ else:
+ l.append(obj)
+ return u"_".join(l)
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+# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer for removing uses of the types module.
+These work for only the known names in the types module. The forms above
+can include types. or not. ie, It is assumed the module is imported either as:
+ import types
+ from types import ... # either * or specific types
+The import statements are not modified.
+There should be another fixer that handles at least the following constants:
+ type([]) -> list
+ type(()) -> tuple
+ type('') -> str
+# Local imports
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name
+ 'BooleanType' : 'bool',
+ 'BufferType' : 'memoryview',
+ 'ClassType' : 'type',
+ 'ComplexType' : 'complex',
+ 'DictType': 'dict',
+ 'DictionaryType' : 'dict',
+ 'EllipsisType' : 'type(Ellipsis)',
+ #'FileType' : 'io.IOBase',
+ 'FloatType': 'float',
+ 'IntType': 'int',
+ 'ListType': 'list',
+ 'LongType': 'int',
+ 'ObjectType' : 'object',
+ 'NoneType': 'type(None)',
+ 'NotImplementedType' : 'type(NotImplemented)',
+ 'SliceType' : 'slice',
+ 'StringType': 'bytes', # XXX ?
+ 'StringTypes' : 'str', # XXX ?
+ 'TupleType': 'tuple',
+ 'TypeType' : 'type',
+ 'UnicodeType': 'str',
+ 'XRangeType' : 'range',
+ }
+_pats = ["power< 'types' trailer< '.' name='%s' > >" % t for t in _TYPE_MAPPING]
+class FixTypes(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = '|'.join(_pats)
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ new_value = unicode(_TYPE_MAPPING.get(results["name"].value))
+ if new_value:
+ return Name(new_value, prefix=node.prefix)
+ return None
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+r"""Fixer for unicode.
+* Changes unicode to str and unichr to chr.
+* If "...\u..." is not unicode literal change it into "...\\u...".
+* Change u"..." into "...".
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+_mapping = {u"unichr" : u"chr", u"unicode" : u"str"}
+class FixUnicode(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = "STRING | 'unicode' | 'unichr'"
+ def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
+ super(FixUnicode, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
+ self.unicode_literals = 'unicode_literals' in tree.future_features
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ if node.type == token.NAME:
+ new = node.clone()
+ new.value = _mapping[node.value]
+ return new
+ elif node.type == token.STRING:
+ val = node.value
+ if not self.unicode_literals and val[0] in u'\'"' and u'\\' in val:
+ val = ur'\\'.join([
+ v.replace(u'\\u', ur'\\u').replace(u'\\U', ur'\\U')
+ for v in val.split(ur'\\')
+ ])
+ if val[0] in u'uU':
+ val = val[1:]
+ if val == node.value:
+ return node
+ new = node.clone()
+ new.value = val
+ return new
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+"""Fix changes imports of urllib which are now incompatible.
+ This is rather similar to fix_imports, but because of the more
+ complex nature of the fixing for urllib, it has its own fixer.
+# Author: Nick Edds
+# Local imports
+from lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports import alternates, FixImports
+from lib2to3 import fixer_base
+from lib2to3.fixer_util import (Name, Comma, FromImport, Newline,
+ find_indentation, Node, syms)
+MAPPING = {"urllib": [
+ ("urllib.request",
+ ["URLopener", "FancyURLopener", "urlretrieve",
+ "_urlopener", "urlopen", "urlcleanup",
+ "pathname2url", "url2pathname"]),
+ ("urllib.parse",
+ ["quote", "quote_plus", "unquote", "unquote_plus",
+ "urlencode", "splitattr", "splithost", "splitnport",
+ "splitpasswd", "splitport", "splitquery", "splittag",
+ "splittype", "splituser", "splitvalue", ]),
+ ("urllib.error",
+ ["ContentTooShortError"])],
+ "urllib2" : [
+ ("urllib.request",
+ ["urlopen", "install_opener", "build_opener",
+ "Request", "OpenerDirector", "BaseHandler",
+ "HTTPDefaultErrorHandler", "HTTPRedirectHandler",
+ "HTTPCookieProcessor", "ProxyHandler",
+ "HTTPPasswordMgr",
+ "HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm",
+ "AbstractBasicAuthHandler",
+ "HTTPBasicAuthHandler", "ProxyBasicAuthHandler",
+ "AbstractDigestAuthHandler",
+ "HTTPDigestAuthHandler", "ProxyDigestAuthHandler",
+ "HTTPHandler", "HTTPSHandler", "FileHandler",
+ "FTPHandler", "CacheFTPHandler",
+ "UnknownHandler"]),
+ ("urllib.error",
+ ["URLError", "HTTPError"]),
+ ]
+# Duplicate the url parsing functions for urllib2.
+def build_pattern():
+ bare = set()
+ for old_module, changes in MAPPING.items():
+ for change in changes:
+ new_module, members = change
+ members = alternates(members)
+ yield """import_name< 'import' (module=%r
+ | dotted_as_names< any* module=%r any* >) >
+ """ % (old_module, old_module)
+ yield """import_from< 'from' mod_member=%r 'import'
+ ( member=%s | import_as_name< member=%s 'as' any > |
+ import_as_names< members=any* >) >
+ """ % (old_module, members, members)
+ yield """import_from< 'from' module_star=%r 'import' star='*' >
+ """ % old_module
+ yield """import_name< 'import'
+ dotted_as_name< module_as=%r 'as' any > >
+ """ % old_module
+ # bare_with_attr has a special significance for FixImports.match().
+ yield """power< bare_with_attr=%r trailer< '.' member=%s > any* >
+ """ % (old_module, members)
+class FixUrllib(FixImports):
+ def build_pattern(self):
+ return "|".join(build_pattern())
+ def transform_import(self, node, results):
+ """Transform for the basic import case. Replaces the old
+ import name with a comma separated list of its
+ replacements.
+ """
+ import_mod = results.get("module")
+ pref = import_mod.prefix
+ names = []
+ # create a Node list of the replacement modules
+ for name in MAPPING[import_mod.value][:-1]:
+ names.extend([Name(name[0], prefix=pref), Comma()])
+ names.append(Name(MAPPING[import_mod.value][-1][0], prefix=pref))
+ import_mod.replace(names)
+ def transform_member(self, node, results):
+ """Transform for imports of specific module elements. Replaces
+ the module to be imported from with the appropriate new
+ module.
+ """
+ mod_member = results.get("mod_member")
+ pref = mod_member.prefix
+ member = results.get("member")
+ # Simple case with only a single member being imported
+ if member:
+ # this may be a list of length one, or just a node
+ if isinstance(member, list):
+ member = member[0]
+ new_name = None
+ for change in MAPPING[mod_member.value]:
+ if member.value in change[1]:
+ new_name = change[0]
+ break
+ if new_name:
+ mod_member.replace(Name(new_name, prefix=pref))
+ else:
+ self.cannot_convert(node, "This is an invalid module element")
+ # Multiple members being imported
+ else:
+ # a dictionary for replacements, order matters
+ modules = []
+ mod_dict = {}
+ members = results["members"]
+ for member in members:
+ # we only care about the actual members
+ if member.type == syms.import_as_name:
+ as_name = member.children[2].value
+ member_name = member.children[0].value
+ else:
+ member_name = member.value
+ as_name = None
+ if member_name != u",":
+ for change in MAPPING[mod_member.value]:
+ if member_name in change[1]:
+ if change[0] not in mod_dict:
+ modules.append(change[0])
+ mod_dict.setdefault(change[0], []).append(member)
+ new_nodes = []
+ indentation = find_indentation(node)
+ first = True
+ def handle_name(name, prefix):
+ if name.type == syms.import_as_name:
+ kids = [Name(name.children[0].value, prefix=prefix),
+ name.children[1].clone(),
+ name.children[2].clone()]
+ return [Node(syms.import_as_name, kids)]
+ return [Name(name.value, prefix=prefix)]
+ for module in modules:
+ elts = mod_dict[module]
+ names = []
+ for elt in elts[:-1]:
+ names.extend(handle_name(elt, pref))
+ names.append(Comma())
+ names.extend(handle_name(elts[-1], pref))
+ new = FromImport(module, names)
+ if not first or node.parent.prefix.endswith(indentation):
+ new.prefix = indentation
+ new_nodes.append(new)
+ first = False
+ if new_nodes:
+ nodes = []
+ for new_node in new_nodes[:-1]:
+ nodes.extend([new_node, Newline()])
+ nodes.append(new_nodes[-1])
+ node.replace(nodes)
+ else:
+ self.cannot_convert(node, "All module elements are invalid")
+ def transform_dot(self, node, results):
+ """Transform for calls to module members in code."""
+ module_dot = results.get("bare_with_attr")
+ member = results.get("member")
+ new_name = None
+ if isinstance(member, list):
+ member = member[0]
+ for change in MAPPING[module_dot.value]:
+ if member.value in change[1]:
+ new_name = change[0]
+ break
+ if new_name:
+ module_dot.replace(Name(new_name,
+ prefix=module_dot.prefix))
+ else:
+ self.cannot_convert(node, "This is an invalid module element")
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ if results.get("module"):
+ self.transform_import(node, results)
+ elif results.get("mod_member"):
+ self.transform_member(node, results)
+ elif results.get("bare_with_attr"):
+ self.transform_dot(node, results)
+ # Renaming and star imports are not supported for these modules.
+ elif results.get("module_star"):
+ self.cannot_convert(node, "Cannot handle star imports.")
+ elif results.get("module_as"):
+ self.cannot_convert(node, "This module is now multiple modules")
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..37ff6244a937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+"""Fixer that changes 'a ,b' into 'a, b'.
+This also changes '{a :b}' into '{a: b}', but does not touch other
+uses of colons. It does not touch other uses of whitespace.
+from .. import pytree
+from ..pgen2 import token
+from .. import fixer_base
+class FixWsComma(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ explicit = True # The user must ask for this fixers
+ PATTERN = """
+ any<(not(',') any)+ ',' ((not(',') any)+ ',')* [not(',') any]>
+ """
+ COMMA = pytree.Leaf(token.COMMA, u",")
+ COLON = pytree.Leaf(token.COLON, u":")
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ new = node.clone()
+ comma = False
+ for child in new.children:
+ if child in self.SEPS:
+ prefix = child.prefix
+ if prefix.isspace() and u"\n" not in prefix:
+ child.prefix = u""
+ comma = True
+ else:
+ if comma:
+ prefix = child.prefix
+ if not prefix:
+ child.prefix = u" "
+ comma = False
+ return new
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f1436724b454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Fixer that changes xrange(...) into range(...)."""
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, consuming_calls
+from .. import patcomp
+class FixXrange(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power<
+ (name='range'|name='xrange') trailer< '(' args=any ')' >
+ rest=any* >
+ """
+ def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
+ super(FixXrange, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
+ self.transformed_xranges = set()
+ def finish_tree(self, tree, filename):
+ self.transformed_xranges = None
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ name = results["name"]
+ if name.value == u"xrange":
+ return self.transform_xrange(node, results)
+ elif name.value == u"range":
+ return self.transform_range(node, results)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(repr(name))
+ def transform_xrange(self, node, results):
+ name = results["name"]
+ name.replace(Name(u"range", prefix=name.prefix))
+ # This prevents the new range call from being wrapped in a list later.
+ self.transformed_xranges.add(id(node))
+ def transform_range(self, node, results):
+ if (id(node) not in self.transformed_xranges and
+ not self.in_special_context(node)):
+ range_call = Call(Name(u"range"), [results["args"].clone()])
+ # Encase the range call in list().
+ list_call = Call(Name(u"list"), [range_call],
+ prefix=node.prefix)
+ # Put things that were after the range() call after the list call.
+ for n in results["rest"]:
+ list_call.append_child(n)
+ return list_call
+ P1 = "power< func=NAME trailer< '(' node=any ')' > any* >"
+ p1 = patcomp.compile_pattern(P1)
+ P2 = """for_stmt< 'for' any 'in' node=any ':' any* >
+ | comp_for< 'for' any 'in' node=any any* >
+ | comparison< any 'in' node=any any*>
+ """
+ p2 = patcomp.compile_pattern(P2)
+ def in_special_context(self, node):
+ if node.parent is None:
+ return False
+ results = {}
+ if (node.parent.parent is not None and
+ self.p1.match(node.parent.parent, results) and
+ results["node"] is node):
+ # list(d.keys()) -> list(d.keys()), etc.
+ return results["func"].value in consuming_calls
+ # for ... in d.iterkeys() -> for ... in d.keys(), etc.
+ return self.p2.match(node.parent, results) and results["node"] is node
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index 000000000000..f50b9a27558f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+"""Fix "for x in f.xreadlines()" -> "for x in f".
+This fixer will also convert g(f.xreadlines) into g(f.__iter__)."""
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name
+class FixXreadlines(fixer_base.BaseFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< call=any+ trailer< '.' 'xreadlines' > trailer< '(' ')' > >
+ |
+ power< any+ trailer< '.' no_call='xreadlines' > >
+ """
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ no_call = results.get("no_call")
+ if no_call:
+ no_call.replace(Name(u"__iter__", prefix=no_call.prefix))
+ else:
+ node.replace([x.clone() for x in results["call"]])
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
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index 000000000000..c5d7b66d6739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/fixes/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Fixer that changes zip(seq0, seq1, ...) into list(zip(seq0, seq1, ...)
+unless there exists a 'from future_builtins import zip' statement in the
+top-level namespace.
+We avoid the transformation if the zip() call is directly contained in
+iter(<>), list(<>), tuple(<>), sorted(<>), ...join(<>), or for V in <>:.
+# Local imports
+from .. import fixer_base
+from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, in_special_context
+class FixZip(fixer_base.ConditionalFix):
+ BM_compatible = True
+ PATTERN = """
+ power< 'zip' args=trailer< '(' [any] ')' >
+ >
+ """
+ skip_on = ""
+ def transform(self, node, results):
+ if self.should_skip(node):
+ return
+ if in_special_context(node):
+ return None
+ new = node.clone()
+ new.prefix = u""
+ new = Call(Name(u"list"), [new])
+ new.prefix = node.prefix
+ return new
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ad0625e52730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+Main program for 2to3.
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import sys
+import os
+import difflib
+import logging
+import shutil
+import optparse
+from . import refactor
+def diff_texts(a, b, filename):
+ """Return a unified diff of two strings."""
+ a = a.splitlines()
+ b = b.splitlines()
+ return difflib.unified_diff(a, b, filename, filename,
+ "(original)", "(refactored)",
+ lineterm="")
+class StdoutRefactoringTool(refactor.MultiprocessRefactoringTool):
+ """
+ A refactoring tool that can avoid overwriting its input files.
+ Prints output to stdout.
+ Output files can optionally be written to a different directory and or
+ have an extra file suffix appended to their name for use in situations
+ where you do not want to replace the input files.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fixers, options, explicit, nobackups, show_diffs,
+ input_base_dir='', output_dir='', append_suffix=''):
+ """
+ Args:
+ fixers: A list of fixers to import.
+ options: A dict with RefactoringTool configuration.
+ explicit: A list of fixers to run even if they are explicit.
+ nobackups: If true no backup '.bak' files will be created for those
+ files that are being refactored.
+ show_diffs: Should diffs of the refactoring be printed to stdout?
+ input_base_dir: The base directory for all input files. This class
+ will strip this path prefix off of filenames before substituting
+ it with output_dir. Only meaningful if output_dir is supplied.
+ All files processed by refactor() must start with this path.
+ output_dir: If supplied, all converted files will be written into
+ this directory tree instead of input_base_dir.
+ append_suffix: If supplied, all files output by this tool will have
+ this appended to their filename. Useful for changing .py to
+ .py3 for example by passing append_suffix='3'.
+ """
+ self.nobackups = nobackups
+ self.show_diffs = show_diffs
+ if input_base_dir and not input_base_dir.endswith(os.sep):
+ input_base_dir += os.sep
+ self._input_base_dir = input_base_dir
+ self._output_dir = output_dir
+ self._append_suffix = append_suffix
+ super(StdoutRefactoringTool, self).__init__(fixers, options, explicit)
+ def log_error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.errors.append((msg, args, kwargs))
+ self.logger.error(msg, *args, **kwargs)
+ def write_file(self, new_text, filename, old_text, encoding):
+ orig_filename = filename
+ if self._output_dir:
+ if filename.startswith(self._input_base_dir):
+ filename = os.path.join(self._output_dir,
+ filename[len(self._input_base_dir):])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('filename %s does not start with the '
+ 'input_base_dir %s' % (
+ filename, self._input_base_dir))
+ if self._append_suffix:
+ filename += self._append_suffix
+ if orig_filename != filename:
+ output_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
+ os.makedirs(output_dir)
+ self.log_message('Writing converted %s to %s.', orig_filename,
+ filename)
+ if not self.nobackups:
+ # Make backup
+ backup = filename + ".bak"
+ if os.path.lexists(backup):
+ try:
+ os.remove(backup)
+ except os.error, err:
+ self.log_message("Can't remove backup %s", backup)
+ try:
+ os.rename(filename, backup)
+ except os.error, err:
+ self.log_message("Can't rename %s to %s", filename, backup)
+ # Actually write the new file
+ write = super(StdoutRefactoringTool, self).write_file
+ write(new_text, filename, old_text, encoding)
+ if not self.nobackups:
+ shutil.copymode(backup, filename)
+ if orig_filename != filename:
+ # Preserve the file mode in the new output directory.
+ shutil.copymode(orig_filename, filename)
+ def print_output(self, old, new, filename, equal):
+ if equal:
+ self.log_message("No changes to %s", filename)
+ else:
+ self.log_message("Refactored %s", filename)
+ if self.show_diffs:
+ diff_lines = diff_texts(old, new, filename)
+ try:
+ if self.output_lock is not None:
+ with self.output_lock:
+ for line in diff_lines:
+ print line
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ else:
+ for line in diff_lines:
+ print line
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ warn("couldn't encode %s's diff for your terminal" %
+ (filename,))
+ return
+def warn(msg):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: %s" % (msg,)
+def main(fixer_pkg, args=None):
+ """Main program.
+ Args:
+ fixer_pkg: the name of a package where the fixers are located.
+ args: optional; a list of command line arguments. If omitted,
+ sys.argv[1:] is used.
+ Returns a suggested exit status (0, 1, 2).
+ """
+ # Set up option parser
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="2to3 [options] file|dir ...")
+ parser.add_option("-d", "--doctests_only", action="store_true",
+ help="Fix up doctests only")
+ parser.add_option("-f", "--fix", action="append", default=[],
+ help="Each FIX specifies a transformation; default: all")
+ parser.add_option("-j", "--processes", action="store", default=1,
+ type="int", help="Run 2to3 concurrently")
+ parser.add_option("-x", "--nofix", action="append", default=[],
+ help="Prevent a transformation from being run")
+ parser.add_option("-l", "--list-fixes", action="store_true",
+ help="List available transformations")
+ parser.add_option("-p", "--print-function", action="store_true",
+ help="Modify the grammar so that print() is a function")
+ parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
+ help="More verbose logging")
+ parser.add_option("--no-diffs", action="store_true",
+ help="Don't show diffs of the refactoring")
+ parser.add_option("-w", "--write", action="store_true",
+ help="Write back modified files")
+ parser.add_option("-n", "--nobackups", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Don't write backups for modified files")
+ parser.add_option("-o", "--output-dir", action="store", type="str",
+ default="", help="Put output files in this directory "
+ "instead of overwriting the input files. Requires -n.")
+ parser.add_option("-W", "--write-unchanged-files", action="store_true",
+ help="Also write files even if no changes were required"
+ " (useful with --output-dir); implies -w.")
+ parser.add_option("--add-suffix", action="store", type="str", default="",
+ help="Append this string to all output filenames."
+ " Requires -n if non-empty. "
+ "ex: --add-suffix='3' will generate .py3 files.")
+ # Parse command line arguments
+ refactor_stdin = False
+ flags = {}
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
+ if options.write_unchanged_files:
+ flags["write_unchanged_files"] = True
+ if not options.write:
+ warn("--write-unchanged-files/-W implies -w.")
+ options.write = True
+ # If we allowed these, the original files would be renamed to backup names
+ # but not replaced.
+ if options.output_dir and not options.nobackups:
+ parser.error("Can't use --output-dir/-o without -n.")
+ if options.add_suffix and not options.nobackups:
+ parser.error("Can't use --add-suffix without -n.")
+ if not options.write and options.no_diffs:
+ warn("not writing files and not printing diffs; that's not very useful")
+ if not options.write and options.nobackups:
+ parser.error("Can't use -n without -w")
+ if options.list_fixes:
+ print "Available transformations for the -f/--fix option:"
+ for fixname in refactor.get_all_fix_names(fixer_pkg):
+ print fixname
+ if not args:
+ return 0
+ if not args:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "At least one file or directory argument required."
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Use --help to show usage."
+ return 2
+ if "-" in args:
+ refactor_stdin = True
+ if options.write:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Can't write to stdin."
+ return 2
+ if options.print_function:
+ flags["print_function"] = True
+ # Set up logging handler
+ level = logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO
+ logging.basicConfig(format='%(name)s: %(message)s', level=level)
+ logger = logging.getLogger('lib2to3.main')
+ # Initialize the refactoring tool
+ avail_fixes = set(refactor.get_fixers_from_package(fixer_pkg))
+ unwanted_fixes = set(fixer_pkg + ".fix_" + fix for fix in options.nofix)
+ explicit = set()
+ if options.fix:
+ all_present = False
+ for fix in options.fix:
+ if fix == "all":
+ all_present = True
+ else:
+ explicit.add(fixer_pkg + ".fix_" + fix)
+ requested = avail_fixes.union(explicit) if all_present else explicit
+ else:
+ requested = avail_fixes.union(explicit)
+ fixer_names = requested.difference(unwanted_fixes)
+ input_base_dir = os.path.commonprefix(args)
+ if (input_base_dir and not input_base_dir.endswith(os.sep)
+ and not os.path.isdir(input_base_dir)):
+ # One or more similar names were passed, their directory is the base.
+ # os.path.commonprefix() is ignorant of path elements, this corrects
+ # for that weird API.
+ input_base_dir = os.path.dirname(input_base_dir)
+ if options.output_dir:
+ input_base_dir = input_base_dir.rstrip(os.sep)
+'Output in %r will mirror the input directory %r layout.',
+ options.output_dir, input_base_dir)
+ rt = StdoutRefactoringTool(
+ sorted(fixer_names), flags, sorted(explicit),
+ options.nobackups, not options.no_diffs,
+ input_base_dir=input_base_dir,
+ output_dir=options.output_dir,
+ append_suffix=options.add_suffix)
+ # Refactor all files and directories passed as arguments
+ if not rt.errors:
+ if refactor_stdin:
+ rt.refactor_stdin()
+ else:
+ try:
+ rt.refactor(args, options.write, options.doctests_only,
+ options.processes)
+ except refactor.MultiprocessingUnsupported:
+ assert options.processes > 1
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Sorry, -j isn't " \
+ "supported on this platform."
+ return 1
+ rt.summarize()
+ # Return error status (0 if rt.errors is zero)
+ return int(bool(rt.errors))
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..093e5f9f8df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Pattern compiler.
+The grammer is taken from PatternGrammar.txt.
+The compiler compiles a pattern to a pytree.*Pattern instance.
+__author__ = "Guido van Rossum <>"
+# Python imports
+import os
+import StringIO
+# Fairly local imports
+from .pgen2 import driver, literals, token, tokenize, parse, grammar
+# Really local imports
+from . import pytree
+from . import pygram
+# The pattern grammar file
+_PATTERN_GRAMMAR_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ "PatternGrammar.txt")
+class PatternSyntaxError(Exception):
+ pass
+def tokenize_wrapper(input):
+ """Tokenizes a string suppressing significant whitespace."""
+ skip = set((token.NEWLINE, token.INDENT, token.DEDENT))
+ tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO.StringIO(input).readline)
+ for quintuple in tokens:
+ type, value, start, end, line_text = quintuple
+ if type not in skip:
+ yield quintuple
+class PatternCompiler(object):
+ def __init__(self, grammar_file=_PATTERN_GRAMMAR_FILE):
+ """Initializer.
+ Takes an optional alternative filename for the pattern grammar.
+ """
+ self.grammar = driver.load_grammar(grammar_file)
+ self.syms = pygram.Symbols(self.grammar)
+ self.pygrammar = pygram.python_grammar
+ self.pysyms = pygram.python_symbols
+ self.driver = driver.Driver(self.grammar, convert=pattern_convert)
+ def compile_pattern(self, input, debug=False, with_tree=False):
+ """Compiles a pattern string to a nested pytree.*Pattern object."""
+ tokens = tokenize_wrapper(input)
+ try:
+ root = self.driver.parse_tokens(tokens, debug=debug)
+ except parse.ParseError as e:
+ raise PatternSyntaxError(str(e))
+ if with_tree:
+ return self.compile_node(root), root
+ else:
+ return self.compile_node(root)
+ def compile_node(self, node):
+ """Compiles a node, recursively.
+ This is one big switch on the node type.
+ """
+ # XXX Optimize certain Wildcard-containing-Wildcard patterns
+ # that can be merged
+ if node.type == self.syms.Matcher:
+ node = node.children[0] # Avoid unneeded recursion
+ if node.type == self.syms.Alternatives:
+ # Skip the odd children since they are just '|' tokens
+ alts = [self.compile_node(ch) for ch in node.children[::2]]
+ if len(alts) == 1:
+ return alts[0]
+ p = pytree.WildcardPattern([[a] for a in alts], min=1, max=1)
+ return p.optimize()
+ if node.type == self.syms.Alternative:
+ units = [self.compile_node(ch) for ch in node.children]
+ if len(units) == 1:
+ return units[0]
+ p = pytree.WildcardPattern([units], min=1, max=1)
+ return p.optimize()
+ if node.type == self.syms.NegatedUnit:
+ pattern = self.compile_basic(node.children[1:])
+ p = pytree.NegatedPattern(pattern)
+ return p.optimize()
+ assert node.type == self.syms.Unit
+ name = None
+ nodes = node.children
+ if len(nodes) >= 3 and nodes[1].type == token.EQUAL:
+ name = nodes[0].value
+ nodes = nodes[2:]
+ repeat = None
+ if len(nodes) >= 2 and nodes[-1].type == self.syms.Repeater:
+ repeat = nodes[-1]
+ nodes = nodes[:-1]
+ # Now we've reduced it to: STRING | NAME [Details] | (...) | [...]
+ pattern = self.compile_basic(nodes, repeat)
+ if repeat is not None:
+ assert repeat.type == self.syms.Repeater
+ children = repeat.children
+ child = children[0]
+ if child.type == token.STAR:
+ min = 0
+ max = pytree.HUGE
+ elif child.type == token.PLUS:
+ min = 1
+ max = pytree.HUGE
+ elif child.type == token.LBRACE:
+ assert children[-1].type == token.RBRACE
+ assert len(children) in (3, 5)
+ min = max = self.get_int(children[1])
+ if len(children) == 5:
+ max = self.get_int(children[3])
+ else:
+ assert False
+ if min != 1 or max != 1:
+ pattern = pattern.optimize()
+ pattern = pytree.WildcardPattern([[pattern]], min=min, max=max)
+ if name is not None:
+ = name
+ return pattern.optimize()
+ def compile_basic(self, nodes, repeat=None):
+ # Compile STRING | NAME [Details] | (...) | [...]
+ assert len(nodes) >= 1
+ node = nodes[0]
+ if node.type == token.STRING:
+ value = unicode(literals.evalString(node.value))
+ return pytree.LeafPattern(_type_of_literal(value), value)
+ elif node.type == token.NAME:
+ value = node.value
+ if value.isupper():
+ if value not in TOKEN_MAP:
+ raise PatternSyntaxError("Invalid token: %r" % value)
+ if nodes[1:]:
+ raise PatternSyntaxError("Can't have details for token")
+ return pytree.LeafPattern(TOKEN_MAP[value])
+ else:
+ if value == "any":
+ type = None
+ elif not value.startswith("_"):
+ type = getattr(self.pysyms, value, None)
+ if type is None:
+ raise PatternSyntaxError("Invalid symbol: %r" % value)
+ if nodes[1:]: # Details present
+ content = [self.compile_node(nodes[1].children[1])]
+ else:
+ content = None
+ return pytree.NodePattern(type, content)
+ elif node.value == "(":
+ return self.compile_node(nodes[1])
+ elif node.value == "[":
+ assert repeat is None
+ subpattern = self.compile_node(nodes[1])
+ return pytree.WildcardPattern([[subpattern]], min=0, max=1)
+ assert False, node
+ def get_int(self, node):
+ assert node.type == token.NUMBER
+ return int(node.value)
+# Map named tokens to the type value for a LeafPattern
+TOKEN_MAP = {"NAME": token.NAME,
+ "STRING": token.STRING,
+ "NUMBER": token.NUMBER,
+ "TOKEN": None}
+def _type_of_literal(value):
+ if value[0].isalpha():
+ return token.NAME
+ elif value in grammar.opmap:
+ return grammar.opmap[value]
+ else:
+ return None
+def pattern_convert(grammar, raw_node_info):
+ """Converts raw node information to a Node or Leaf instance."""
+ type, value, context, children = raw_node_info
+ if children or type in grammar.number2symbol:
+ return pytree.Node(type, children, context=context)
+ else:
+ return pytree.Leaf(type, value, context=context)
+def compile_pattern(pattern):
+ return PatternCompiler().compile_pattern(pattern)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/pgen2/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/pgen2/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af390484528d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/pgen2/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""The pgen2 package."""
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/pgen2/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/pgen2/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..28fbb0b95f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/pgen2/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Convert graminit.[ch] spit out by pgen to Python code.
+Pgen is the Python parser generator. It is useful to quickly create a
+parser from a grammar file in Python's grammar notation. But I don't
+want my parsers to be written in C (yet), so I'm translating the
+parsing tables to Python data structures and writing a Python parse
+Note that the token numbers are constants determined by the standard
+Python tokenizer. The standard token module defines these numbers and
+their names (the names are not used much). The token numbers are
+hardcoded into the Python tokenizer and into pgen. A Python
+implementation of the Python tokenizer is also available, in the
+standard tokenize module.
+On the other hand, symbol numbers (representing the grammar's
+non-terminals) are assigned by pgen based on the actual grammar
+Note: this module is pretty much obsolete; the pgen module generates
+equivalent grammar tables directly from the Grammar.txt input file
+without having to invoke the Python pgen C program.
+# Python imports
+import re
+# Local imports
+from pgen2 import grammar, token
+class Converter(grammar.Grammar):
+ """Grammar subclass that reads classic pgen output files.
+ The run() method reads the tables as produced by the pgen parser
+ generator, typically contained in two C files, graminit.h and
+ graminit.c. The other methods are for internal use only.
+ See the base class for more documentation.
+ """
+ def run(self, graminit_h, graminit_c):
+ """Load the grammar tables from the text files written by pgen."""
+ self.parse_graminit_h(graminit_h)
+ self.parse_graminit_c(graminit_c)
+ self.finish_off()
+ def parse_graminit_h(self, filename):
+ """Parse the .h file written by pgen. (Internal)
+ This file is a sequence of #define statements defining the
+ nonterminals of the grammar as numbers. We build two tables
+ mapping the numbers to names and back.
+ """
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ except IOError, err:
+ print "Can't open %s: %s" % (filename, err)
+ return False
+ self.symbol2number = {}
+ self.number2symbol = {}
+ lineno = 0
+ for line in f:
+ lineno += 1
+ mo = re.match(r"^#define\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)$", line)
+ if not mo and line.strip():
+ print "%s(%s): can't parse %s" % (filename, lineno,
+ line.strip())
+ else:
+ symbol, number = mo.groups()
+ number = int(number)
+ assert symbol not in self.symbol2number
+ assert number not in self.number2symbol
+ self.symbol2number[symbol] = number
+ self.number2symbol[number] = symbol
+ return True
+ def parse_graminit_c(self, filename):
+ """Parse the .c file written by pgen. (Internal)
+ The file looks as follows. The first two lines are always this:
+ #include "pgenheaders.h"
+ #include "grammar.h"
+ After that come four blocks:
+ 1) one or more state definitions
+ 2) a table defining dfas
+ 3) a table defining labels
+ 4) a struct defining the grammar
+ A state definition has the following form:
+ - one or more arc arrays, each of the form:
+ static arc arcs_<n>_<m>[<k>] = {
+ {<i>, <j>},
+ ...
+ };
+ - followed by a state array, of the form:
+ static state states_<s>[<t>] = {
+ {<k>, arcs_<n>_<m>},
+ ...
+ };
+ """
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ except IOError, err:
+ print "Can't open %s: %s" % (filename, err)
+ return False
+ # The code below essentially uses f's iterator-ness!
+ lineno = 0
+ # Expect the two #include lines
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ assert line == '#include "pgenheaders.h"\n', (lineno, line)
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ assert line == '#include "grammar.h"\n', (lineno, line)
+ # Parse the state definitions
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ allarcs = {}
+ states = []
+ while line.startswith("static arc "):
+ while line.startswith("static arc "):
+ mo = re.match(r"static arc arcs_(\d+)_(\d+)\[(\d+)\] = {$",
+ line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ n, m, k = map(int, mo.groups())
+ arcs = []
+ for _ in range(k):
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ mo = re.match(r"\s+{(\d+), (\d+)},$", line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ i, j = map(int, mo.groups())
+ arcs.append((i, j))
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ assert line == "};\n", (lineno, line)
+ allarcs[(n, m)] = arcs
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ mo = re.match(r"static state states_(\d+)\[(\d+)\] = {$", line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ s, t = map(int, mo.groups())
+ assert s == len(states), (lineno, line)
+ state = []
+ for _ in range(t):
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ mo = re.match(r"\s+{(\d+), arcs_(\d+)_(\d+)},$", line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ k, n, m = map(int, mo.groups())
+ arcs = allarcs[n, m]
+ assert k == len(arcs), (lineno, line)
+ state.append(arcs)
+ states.append(state)
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ assert line == "};\n", (lineno, line)
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ self.states = states
+ # Parse the dfas
+ dfas = {}
+ mo = re.match(r"static dfa dfas\[(\d+)\] = {$", line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ ndfas = int(
+ for i in range(ndfas):
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ mo = re.match(r'\s+{(\d+), "(\w+)", (\d+), (\d+), states_(\d+),$',
+ line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ symbol =
+ number, x, y, z = map(int,, 3, 4, 5))
+ assert self.symbol2number[symbol] == number, (lineno, line)
+ assert self.number2symbol[number] == symbol, (lineno, line)
+ assert x == 0, (lineno, line)
+ state = states[z]
+ assert y == len(state), (lineno, line)
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ mo = re.match(r'\s+("(?:\\\d\d\d)*")},$', line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ first = {}
+ rawbitset = eval(
+ for i, c in enumerate(rawbitset):
+ byte = ord(c)
+ for j in range(8):
+ if byte & (1<<j):
+ first[i*8 + j] = 1
+ dfas[number] = (state, first)
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ assert line == "};\n", (lineno, line)
+ self.dfas = dfas
+ # Parse the labels
+ labels = []
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ mo = re.match(r"static label labels\[(\d+)\] = {$", line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ nlabels = int(
+ for i in range(nlabels):
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ mo = re.match(r'\s+{(\d+), (0|"\w+")},$', line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ x, y = mo.groups()
+ x = int(x)
+ if y == "0":
+ y = None
+ else:
+ y = eval(y)
+ labels.append((x, y))
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ assert line == "};\n", (lineno, line)
+ self.labels = labels
+ # Parse the grammar struct
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ assert line == "grammar _PyParser_Grammar = {\n", (lineno, line)
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ mo = re.match(r"\s+(\d+),$", line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ ndfas = int(
+ assert ndfas == len(self.dfas)
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ assert line == "\tdfas,\n", (lineno, line)
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ mo = re.match(r"\s+{(\d+), labels},$", line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ nlabels = int(
+ assert nlabels == len(self.labels), (lineno, line)
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ mo = re.match(r"\s+(\d+)$", line)
+ assert mo, (lineno, line)
+ start = int(
+ assert start in self.number2symbol, (lineno, line)
+ self.start = start
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ assert line == "};\n", (lineno, line)
+ try:
+ lineno, line = lineno+1,
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ else:
+ assert 0, (lineno, line)
+ def finish_off(self):
+ """Create additional useful structures. (Internal)."""
+ self.keywords = {} # map from keyword strings to arc labels
+ self.tokens = {} # map from numeric token values to arc labels
+ for ilabel, (type, value) in enumerate(self.labels):
+ if type == token.NAME and value is not None:
+ self.keywords[value] = ilabel
+ elif value is None:
+ self.tokens[type] = ilabel
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..39dafb92accd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/pgen2/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+# Modifications:
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Parser driver.
+This provides a high-level interface to parse a file into a syntax tree.
+__author__ = "Guido van Rossum <>"
+__all__ = ["Driver", "load_grammar"]
+# Python imports
+import codecs
+import os
+import logging
+import StringIO
+import sys
+# Pgen imports
+from . import grammar, parse, token, tokenize, pgen
+class Driver(object):
+ def __init__(self, grammar, convert=None, logger=None):
+ self.grammar = grammar
+ if logger is None:
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ self.logger = logger
+ self.convert = convert
+ def parse_tokens(self, tokens, debug=False):
+ """Parse a series of tokens and return the syntax tree."""
+ # XXX Move the prefix computation into a wrapper around tokenize.
+ p = parse.Parser(self.grammar, self.convert)
+ p.setup()
+ lineno = 1
+ column = 0
+ type = value = start = end = line_text = None
+ prefix = u""
+ for quintuple in tokens:
+ type, value, start, end, line_text = quintuple
+ if start != (lineno, column):
+ assert (lineno, column) <= start, ((lineno, column), start)
+ s_lineno, s_column = start
+ if lineno < s_lineno:
+ prefix += "\n" * (s_lineno - lineno)
+ lineno = s_lineno
+ column = 0
+ if column < s_column:
+ prefix += line_text[column:s_column]
+ column = s_column
+ if type in (tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL):
+ prefix += value
+ lineno, column = end
+ if value.endswith("\n"):
+ lineno += 1
+ column = 0
+ continue
+ if type == token.OP:
+ type = grammar.opmap[value]
+ if debug:
+ self.logger.debug("%s %r (prefix=%r)",
+ token.tok_name[type], value, prefix)
+ if p.addtoken(type, value, (prefix, start)):
+ if debug:
+ self.logger.debug("Stop.")
+ break
+ prefix = ""
+ lineno, column = end
+ if value.endswith("\n"):
+ lineno += 1
+ column = 0
+ else:
+ # We never broke out -- EOF is too soon (how can this happen???)
+ raise parse.ParseError("incomplete input",
+ type, value, (prefix, start))
+ return p.rootnode
+ def parse_stream_raw(self, stream, debug=False):
+ """Parse a stream and return the syntax tree."""
+ tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(stream.readline)
+ return self.parse_tokens(tokens, debug)
+ def parse_stream(self, stream, debug=False):
+ """Parse a stream and return the syntax tree."""
+ return self.parse_stream_raw(stream, debug)
+ def parse_file(self, filename, encoding=None, debug=False):
+ """Parse a file and return the syntax tree."""
+ stream =, "r", encoding)
+ try:
+ return self.parse_stream(stream, debug)
+ finally:
+ stream.close()
+ def parse_string(self, text, debug=False):
+ """Parse a string and return the syntax tree."""
+ tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO.StringIO(text).readline)
+ return self.parse_tokens(tokens, debug)
+def load_grammar(gt="Grammar.txt", gp=None,
+ save=True, force=False, logger=None):
+ """Load the grammar (maybe from a pickle)."""
+ if logger is None:
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ if gp is None:
+ head, tail = os.path.splitext(gt)
+ if tail == ".txt":
+ tail = ""
+ gp = head + tail + ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info)) + ".pickle"
+ if force or not _newer(gp, gt):
+"Generating grammar tables from %s", gt)
+ g = pgen.generate_grammar(gt)
+ if save:
+"Writing grammar tables to %s", gp)
+ try:
+ g.dump(gp)
+ except IOError, e:
+"Writing failed:"+str(e))
+ else:
+ g = grammar.Grammar()
+ g.load(gp)
+ return g
+def _newer(a, b):
+ """Inquire whether file a was written since file b."""
+ if not os.path.exists(a):
+ return False
+ if not os.path.exists(b):
+ return True
+ return os.path.getmtime(a) >= os.path.getmtime(b)
+def main(*args):
+ """Main program, when run as a script: produce grammar pickle files.
+ Calls load_grammar for each argument, a path to a grammar text file.
+ """
+ if not args:
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout,
+ format='%(message)s')
+ for gt in args:
+ load_grammar(gt, save=True, force=True)
+ return True
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(int(not main()))
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@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""This module defines the data structures used to represent a grammar.
+These are a bit arcane because they are derived from the data
+structures used by Python's 'pgen' parser generator.
+There's also a table here mapping operators to their names in the
+token module; the Python tokenize module reports all operators as the
+fallback token code OP, but the parser needs the actual token code.
+# Python imports
+import pickle
+# Local imports
+from . import token, tokenize
+class Grammar(object):
+ """Pgen parsing tables conversion class.
+ Once initialized, this class supplies the grammar tables for the
+ parsing engine implemented by The parsing engine
+ accesses the instance variables directly. The class here does not
+ provide initialization of the tables; several subclasses exist to
+ do this (see the conv and pgen modules).
+ The load() method reads the tables from a pickle file, which is
+ much faster than the other ways offered by subclasses. The pickle
+ file is written by calling dump() (after loading the grammar
+ tables using a subclass). The report() method prints a readable
+ representation of the tables to stdout, for debugging.
+ The instance variables are as follows:
+ symbol2number -- a dict mapping symbol names to numbers. Symbol
+ numbers are always 256 or higher, to distinguish
+ them from token numbers, which are between 0 and
+ 255 (inclusive).
+ number2symbol -- a dict mapping numbers to symbol names;
+ these two are each other's inverse.
+ states -- a list of DFAs, where each DFA is a list of
+ states, each state is a list of arcs, and each
+ arc is a (i, j) pair where i is a label and j is
+ a state number. The DFA number is the index into
+ this list. (This name is slightly confusing.)
+ Final states are represented by a special arc of
+ the form (0, j) where j is its own state number.
+ dfas -- a dict mapping symbol numbers to (DFA, first)
+ pairs, where DFA is an item from the states list
+ above, and first is a set of tokens that can
+ begin this grammar rule (represented by a dict
+ whose values are always 1).
+ labels -- a list of (x, y) pairs where x is either a token
+ number or a symbol number, and y is either None
+ or a string; the strings are keywords. The label
+ number is the index in this list; label numbers
+ are used to mark state transitions (arcs) in the
+ DFAs.
+ start -- the number of the grammar's start symbol.
+ keywords -- a dict mapping keyword strings to arc labels.
+ tokens -- a dict mapping token numbers to arc labels.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.symbol2number = {}
+ self.number2symbol = {}
+ self.states = []
+ self.dfas = {}
+ self.labels = [(0, "EMPTY")]
+ self.keywords = {}
+ self.tokens = {}
+ self.symbol2label = {}
+ self.start = 256
+ def dump(self, filename):
+ """Dump the grammar tables to a pickle file."""
+ f = open(filename, "wb")
+ pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f, 2)
+ f.close()
+ def load(self, filename):
+ """Load the grammar tables from a pickle file."""
+ f = open(filename, "rb")
+ d = pickle.load(f)
+ f.close()
+ self.__dict__.update(d)
+ def copy(self):
+ """
+ Copy the grammar.
+ """
+ new = self.__class__()
+ for dict_attr in ("symbol2number", "number2symbol", "dfas", "keywords",
+ "tokens", "symbol2label"):
+ setattr(new, dict_attr, getattr(self, dict_attr).copy())
+ new.labels = self.labels[:]
+ new.states = self.states[:]
+ new.start = self.start
+ return new
+ def report(self):
+ """Dump the grammar tables to standard output, for debugging."""
+ from pprint import pprint
+ print "s2n"
+ pprint(self.symbol2number)
+ print "n2s"
+ pprint(self.number2symbol)
+ print "states"
+ pprint(self.states)
+ print "dfas"
+ pprint(self.dfas)
+ print "labels"
+ pprint(self.labels)
+ print "start", self.start
+# Map from operator to number (since tokenize doesn't do this)
+opmap_raw = """
+. DOT
+@ AT
+opmap = {}
+for line in opmap_raw.splitlines():
+ if line:
+ op, name = line.split()
+ opmap[op] = getattr(token, name)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/pgen2/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/pgen2/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0b3948a54ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/pgen2/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Safely evaluate Python string literals without using eval()."""
+import re
+simple_escapes = {"a": "\a",
+ "b": "\b",
+ "f": "\f",
+ "n": "\n",
+ "r": "\r",
+ "t": "\t",
+ "v": "\v",
+ "'": "'",
+ '"': '"',
+ "\\": "\\"}
+def escape(m):
+ all, tail =, 1)
+ assert all.startswith("\\")
+ esc = simple_escapes.get(tail)
+ if esc is not None:
+ return esc
+ if tail.startswith("x"):
+ hexes = tail[1:]
+ if len(hexes) < 2:
+ raise ValueError("invalid hex string escape ('\\%s')" % tail)
+ try:
+ i = int(hexes, 16)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("invalid hex string escape ('\\%s')" % tail)
+ else:
+ try:
+ i = int(tail, 8)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("invalid octal string escape ('\\%s')" % tail)
+ return chr(i)
+def evalString(s):
+ assert s.startswith("'") or s.startswith('"'), repr(s[:1])
+ q = s[0]
+ if s[:3] == q*3:
+ q = q*3
+ assert s.endswith(q), repr(s[-len(q):])
+ assert len(s) >= 2*len(q)
+ s = s[len(q):-len(q)]
+ return re.sub(r"\\(\'|\"|\\|[abfnrtv]|x.{0,2}|[0-7]{1,3})", escape, s)
+def test():
+ for i in range(256):
+ c = chr(i)
+ s = repr(c)
+ e = evalString(s)
+ if e != c:
+ print i, c, s, e
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test()
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index 000000000000..6bebdbba7e52
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@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Parser engine for the grammar tables generated by pgen.
+The grammar table must be loaded first.
+See Parser/parser.c in the Python distribution for additional info on
+how this parsing engine works.
+# Local imports
+from . import token
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ """Exception to signal the parser is stuck."""
+ def __init__(self, msg, type, value, context):
+ Exception.__init__(self, "%s: type=%r, value=%r, context=%r" %
+ (msg, type, value, context))
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.type = type
+ self.value = value
+ self.context = context
+class Parser(object):
+ """Parser engine.
+ The proper usage sequence is:
+ p = Parser(grammar, [converter]) # create instance
+ p.setup([start]) # prepare for parsing
+ <for each input token>:
+ if p.addtoken(...): # parse a token; may raise ParseError
+ break
+ root = p.rootnode # root of abstract syntax tree
+ A Parser instance may be reused by calling setup() repeatedly.
+ A Parser instance contains state pertaining to the current token
+ sequence, and should not be used concurrently by different threads
+ to parse separate token sequences.
+ See for how to get input tokens by tokenizing a file or
+ string.
+ Parsing is complete when addtoken() returns True; the root of the
+ abstract syntax tree can then be retrieved from the rootnode
+ instance variable. When a syntax error occurs, addtoken() raises
+ the ParseError exception. There is no error recovery; the parser
+ cannot be used after a syntax error was reported (but it can be
+ reinitialized by calling setup()).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, grammar, convert=None):
+ """Constructor.
+ The grammar argument is a grammar.Grammar instance; see the
+ grammar module for more information.
+ The parser is not ready yet for parsing; you must call the
+ setup() method to get it started.
+ The optional convert argument is a function mapping concrete
+ syntax tree nodes to abstract syntax tree nodes. If not
+ given, no conversion is done and the syntax tree produced is
+ the concrete syntax tree. If given, it must be a function of
+ two arguments, the first being the grammar (a grammar.Grammar
+ instance), and the second being the concrete syntax tree node
+ to be converted. The syntax tree is converted from the bottom
+ up.
+ A concrete syntax tree node is a (type, value, context, nodes)
+ tuple, where type is the node type (a token or symbol number),
+ value is None for symbols and a string for tokens, context is
+ None or an opaque value used for error reporting (typically a
+ (lineno, offset) pair), and nodes is a list of children for
+ symbols, and None for tokens.
+ An abstract syntax tree node may be anything; this is entirely
+ up to the converter function.
+ """
+ self.grammar = grammar
+ self.convert = convert or (lambda grammar, node: node)
+ def setup(self, start=None):
+ """Prepare for parsing.
+ This *must* be called before starting to parse.
+ The optional argument is an alternative start symbol; it
+ defaults to the grammar's start symbol.
+ You can use a Parser instance to parse any number of programs;
+ each time you call setup() the parser is reset to an initial
+ state determined by the (implicit or explicit) start symbol.
+ """
+ if start is None:
+ start = self.grammar.start
+ # Each stack entry is a tuple: (dfa, state, node).
+ # A node is a tuple: (type, value, context, children),
+ # where children is a list of nodes or None, and context may be None.
+ newnode = (start, None, None, [])
+ stackentry = (self.grammar.dfas[start], 0, newnode)
+ self.stack = [stackentry]
+ self.rootnode = None
+ self.used_names = set() # Aliased to self.rootnode.used_names in pop()
+ def addtoken(self, type, value, context):
+ """Add a token; return True iff this is the end of the program."""
+ # Map from token to label
+ ilabel = self.classify(type, value, context)
+ # Loop until the token is shifted; may raise exceptions
+ while True:
+ dfa, state, node = self.stack[-1]
+ states, first = dfa
+ arcs = states[state]
+ # Look for a state with this label
+ for i, newstate in arcs:
+ t, v = self.grammar.labels[i]
+ if ilabel == i:
+ # Look it up in the list of labels
+ assert t < 256
+ # Shift a token; we're done with it
+ self.shift(type, value, newstate, context)
+ # Pop while we are in an accept-only state
+ state = newstate
+ while states[state] == [(0, state)]:
+ self.pop()
+ if not self.stack:
+ # Done parsing!
+ return True
+ dfa, state, node = self.stack[-1]
+ states, first = dfa
+ # Done with this token
+ return False
+ elif t >= 256:
+ # See if it's a symbol and if we're in its first set
+ itsdfa = self.grammar.dfas[t]
+ itsstates, itsfirst = itsdfa
+ if ilabel in itsfirst:
+ # Push a symbol
+ self.push(t, self.grammar.dfas[t], newstate, context)
+ break # To continue the outer while loop
+ else:
+ if (0, state) in arcs:
+ # An accepting state, pop it and try something else
+ self.pop()
+ if not self.stack:
+ # Done parsing, but another token is input
+ raise ParseError("too much input",
+ type, value, context)
+ else:
+ # No success finding a transition
+ raise ParseError("bad input", type, value, context)
+ def classify(self, type, value, context):
+ """Turn a token into a label. (Internal)"""
+ if type == token.NAME:
+ # Keep a listing of all used names
+ self.used_names.add(value)
+ # Check for reserved words
+ ilabel = self.grammar.keywords.get(value)
+ if ilabel is not None:
+ return ilabel
+ ilabel = self.grammar.tokens.get(type)
+ if ilabel is None:
+ raise ParseError("bad token", type, value, context)
+ return ilabel
+ def shift(self, type, value, newstate, context):
+ """Shift a token. (Internal)"""
+ dfa, state, node = self.stack[-1]
+ newnode = (type, value, context, None)
+ newnode = self.convert(self.grammar, newnode)
+ if newnode is not None:
+ node[-1].append(newnode)
+ self.stack[-1] = (dfa, newstate, node)
+ def push(self, type, newdfa, newstate, context):
+ """Push a nonterminal. (Internal)"""
+ dfa, state, node = self.stack[-1]
+ newnode = (type, None, context, [])
+ self.stack[-1] = (dfa, newstate, node)
+ self.stack.append((newdfa, 0, newnode))
+ def pop(self):
+ """Pop a nonterminal. (Internal)"""
+ popdfa, popstate, popnode = self.stack.pop()
+ newnode = self.convert(self.grammar, popnode)
+ if newnode is not None:
+ if self.stack:
+ dfa, state, node = self.stack[-1]
+ node[-1].append(newnode)
+ else:
+ self.rootnode = newnode
+ self.rootnode.used_names = self.used_names
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..63084a4cd5be
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@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+# Pgen imports
+from . import grammar, token, tokenize
+class PgenGrammar(grammar.Grammar):
+ pass
+class ParserGenerator(object):
+ def __init__(self, filename, stream=None):
+ close_stream = None
+ if stream is None:
+ stream = open(filename)
+ close_stream = stream.close
+ self.filename = filename
+ = stream
+ self.generator = tokenize.generate_tokens(stream.readline)
+ self.gettoken() # Initialize lookahead
+ self.dfas, self.startsymbol = self.parse()
+ if close_stream is not None:
+ close_stream()
+ self.first = {} # map from symbol name to set of tokens
+ self.addfirstsets()
+ def make_grammar(self):
+ c = PgenGrammar()
+ names = self.dfas.keys()
+ names.sort()
+ names.remove(self.startsymbol)
+ names.insert(0, self.startsymbol)
+ for name in names:
+ i = 256 + len(c.symbol2number)
+ c.symbol2number[name] = i
+ c.number2symbol[i] = name
+ for name in names:
+ dfa = self.dfas[name]
+ states = []
+ for state in dfa:
+ arcs = []
+ for label, next in state.arcs.iteritems():
+ arcs.append((self.make_label(c, label), dfa.index(next)))
+ if state.isfinal:
+ arcs.append((0, dfa.index(state)))
+ states.append(arcs)
+ c.states.append(states)
+ c.dfas[c.symbol2number[name]] = (states, self.make_first(c, name))
+ c.start = c.symbol2number[self.startsymbol]
+ return c
+ def make_first(self, c, name):
+ rawfirst = self.first[name]
+ first = {}
+ for label in rawfirst:
+ ilabel = self.make_label(c, label)
+ ##assert ilabel not in first # XXX failed on <> ... !=
+ first[ilabel] = 1
+ return first
+ def make_label(self, c, label):
+ # XXX Maybe this should be a method on a subclass of converter?
+ ilabel = len(c.labels)
+ if label[0].isalpha():
+ # Either a symbol name or a named token
+ if label in c.symbol2number:
+ # A symbol name (a non-terminal)
+ if label in c.symbol2label:
+ return c.symbol2label[label]
+ else:
+ c.labels.append((c.symbol2number[label], None))
+ c.symbol2label[label] = ilabel
+ return ilabel
+ else:
+ # A named token (NAME, NUMBER, STRING)
+ itoken = getattr(token, label, None)
+ assert isinstance(itoken, int), label
+ assert itoken in token.tok_name, label
+ if itoken in c.tokens:
+ return c.tokens[itoken]
+ else:
+ c.labels.append((itoken, None))
+ c.tokens[itoken] = ilabel
+ return ilabel
+ else:
+ # Either a keyword or an operator
+ assert label[0] in ('"', "'"), label
+ value = eval(label)
+ if value[0].isalpha():
+ # A keyword
+ if value in c.keywords:
+ return c.keywords[value]
+ else:
+ c.labels.append((token.NAME, value))
+ c.keywords[value] = ilabel
+ return ilabel
+ else:
+ # An operator (any non-numeric token)
+ itoken = grammar.opmap[value] # Fails if unknown token
+ if itoken in c.tokens:
+ return c.tokens[itoken]
+ else:
+ c.labels.append((itoken, None))
+ c.tokens[itoken] = ilabel
+ return ilabel
+ def addfirstsets(self):
+ names = self.dfas.keys()
+ names.sort()
+ for name in names:
+ if name not in self.first:
+ self.calcfirst(name)
+ #print name, self.first[name].keys()
+ def calcfirst(self, name):
+ dfa = self.dfas[name]
+ self.first[name] = None # dummy to detect left recursion
+ state = dfa[0]
+ totalset = {}
+ overlapcheck = {}
+ for label, next in state.arcs.iteritems():
+ if label in self.dfas:
+ if label in self.first:
+ fset = self.first[label]
+ if fset is None:
+ raise ValueError("recursion for rule %r" % name)
+ else:
+ self.calcfirst(label)
+ fset = self.first[label]
+ totalset.update(fset)
+ overlapcheck[label] = fset
+ else:
+ totalset[label] = 1
+ overlapcheck[label] = {label: 1}
+ inverse = {}
+ for label, itsfirst in overlapcheck.iteritems():
+ for symbol in itsfirst:
+ if symbol in inverse:
+ raise ValueError("rule %s is ambiguous; %s is in the"
+ " first sets of %s as well as %s" %
+ (name, symbol, label, inverse[symbol]))
+ inverse[symbol] = label
+ self.first[name] = totalset
+ def parse(self):
+ dfas = {}
+ startsymbol = None
+ while self.type != token.ENDMARKER:
+ while self.type == token.NEWLINE:
+ self.gettoken()
+ name = self.expect(token.NAME)
+ self.expect(token.OP, ":")
+ a, z = self.parse_rhs()
+ self.expect(token.NEWLINE)
+ #self.dump_nfa(name, a, z)
+ dfa = self.make_dfa(a, z)
+ #self.dump_dfa(name, dfa)
+ oldlen = len(dfa)
+ self.simplify_dfa(dfa)
+ newlen = len(dfa)
+ dfas[name] = dfa
+ #print name, oldlen, newlen
+ if startsymbol is None:
+ startsymbol = name
+ return dfas, startsymbol
+ def make_dfa(self, start, finish):
+ # To turn an NFA into a DFA, we define the states of the DFA
+ # to correspond to *sets* of states of the NFA. Then do some
+ # state reduction. Let's represent sets as dicts with 1 for
+ # values.
+ assert isinstance(start, NFAState)
+ assert isinstance(finish, NFAState)
+ def closure(state):
+ base = {}
+ addclosure(state, base)
+ return base
+ def addclosure(state, base):
+ assert isinstance(state, NFAState)
+ if state in base:
+ return
+ base[state] = 1
+ for label, next in state.arcs:
+ if label is None:
+ addclosure(next, base)
+ states = [DFAState(closure(start), finish)]
+ for state in states: # NB states grows while we're iterating
+ arcs = {}
+ for nfastate in state.nfaset:
+ for label, next in nfastate.arcs:
+ if label is not None:
+ addclosure(next, arcs.setdefault(label, {}))
+ for label, nfaset in arcs.iteritems():
+ for st in states:
+ if st.nfaset == nfaset:
+ break
+ else:
+ st = DFAState(nfaset, finish)
+ states.append(st)
+ state.addarc(st, label)
+ return states # List of DFAState instances; first one is start
+ def dump_nfa(self, name, start, finish):
+ print "Dump of NFA for", name
+ todo = [start]
+ for i, state in enumerate(todo):
+ print " State", i, state is finish and "(final)" or ""
+ for label, next in state.arcs:
+ if next in todo:
+ j = todo.index(next)
+ else:
+ j = len(todo)
+ todo.append(next)
+ if label is None:
+ print " -> %d" % j
+ else:
+ print " %s -> %d" % (label, j)
+ def dump_dfa(self, name, dfa):
+ print "Dump of DFA for", name
+ for i, state in enumerate(dfa):
+ print " State", i, state.isfinal and "(final)" or ""
+ for label, next in state.arcs.iteritems():
+ print " %s -> %d" % (label, dfa.index(next))
+ def simplify_dfa(self, dfa):
+ # This is not theoretically optimal, but works well enough.
+ # Algorithm: repeatedly look for two states that have the same
+ # set of arcs (same labels pointing to the same nodes) and
+ # unify them, until things stop changing.
+ # dfa is a list of DFAState instances
+ changes = True
+ while changes:
+ changes = False
+ for i, state_i in enumerate(dfa):
+ for j in range(i+1, len(dfa)):
+ state_j = dfa[j]
+ if state_i == state_j:
+ #print " unify", i, j
+ del dfa[j]
+ for state in dfa:
+ state.unifystate(state_j, state_i)
+ changes = True
+ break
+ def parse_rhs(self):
+ # RHS: ALT ('|' ALT)*
+ a, z = self.parse_alt()
+ if self.value != "|":
+ return a, z
+ else:
+ aa = NFAState()
+ zz = NFAState()
+ aa.addarc(a)
+ z.addarc(zz)
+ while self.value == "|":
+ self.gettoken()
+ a, z = self.parse_alt()
+ aa.addarc(a)
+ z.addarc(zz)
+ return aa, zz
+ def parse_alt(self):
+ # ALT: ITEM+
+ a, b = self.parse_item()
+ while (self.value in ("(", "[") or
+ self.type in (token.NAME, token.STRING)):
+ c, d = self.parse_item()
+ b.addarc(c)
+ b = d
+ return a, b
+ def parse_item(self):
+ # ITEM: '[' RHS ']' | ATOM ['+' | '*']
+ if self.value == "[":
+ self.gettoken()
+ a, z = self.parse_rhs()
+ self.expect(token.OP, "]")
+ a.addarc(z)
+ return a, z
+ else:
+ a, z = self.parse_atom()
+ value = self.value
+ if value not in ("+", "*"):
+ return a, z
+ self.gettoken()
+ z.addarc(a)
+ if value == "+":
+ return a, z
+ else:
+ return a, a
+ def parse_atom(self):
+ # ATOM: '(' RHS ')' | NAME | STRING
+ if self.value == "(":
+ self.gettoken()
+ a, z = self.parse_rhs()
+ self.expect(token.OP, ")")
+ return a, z
+ elif self.type in (token.NAME, token.STRING):
+ a = NFAState()
+ z = NFAState()
+ a.addarc(z, self.value)
+ self.gettoken()
+ return a, z
+ else:
+ self.raise_error("expected (...) or NAME or STRING, got %s/%s",
+ self.type, self.value)
+ def expect(self, type, value=None):
+ if self.type != type or (value is not None and self.value != value):
+ self.raise_error("expected %s/%s, got %s/%s",
+ type, value, self.type, self.value)
+ value = self.value
+ self.gettoken()
+ return value
+ def gettoken(self):
+ tup =
+ while tup[0] in (tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL):
+ tup =
+ self.type, self.value, self.begin, self.end, self.line = tup
+ #print token.tok_name[self.type], repr(self.value)
+ def raise_error(self, msg, *args):
+ if args:
+ try:
+ msg = msg % args
+ except:
+ msg = " ".join([msg] + map(str, args))
+ raise SyntaxError(msg, (self.filename, self.end[0],
+ self.end[1], self.line))
+class NFAState(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.arcs = [] # list of (label, NFAState) pairs
+ def addarc(self, next, label=None):
+ assert label is None or isinstance(label, str)
+ assert isinstance(next, NFAState)
+ self.arcs.append((label, next))
+class DFAState(object):
+ def __init__(self, nfaset, final):
+ assert isinstance(nfaset, dict)
+ assert isinstance(iter(nfaset).next(), NFAState)
+ assert isinstance(final, NFAState)
+ self.nfaset = nfaset
+ self.isfinal = final in nfaset
+ self.arcs = {} # map from label to DFAState
+ def addarc(self, next, label):
+ assert isinstance(label, str)
+ assert label not in self.arcs
+ assert isinstance(next, DFAState)
+ self.arcs[label] = next
+ def unifystate(self, old, new):
+ for label, next in self.arcs.iteritems():
+ if next is old:
+ self.arcs[label] = new
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ # Equality test -- ignore the nfaset instance variable
+ assert isinstance(other, DFAState)
+ if self.isfinal != other.isfinal:
+ return False
+ # Can't just return self.arcs == other.arcs, because that
+ # would invoke this method recursively, with cycles...
+ if len(self.arcs) != len(other.arcs):
+ return False
+ for label, next in self.arcs.iteritems():
+ if next is not other.arcs.get(label):
+ return False
+ return True
+ __hash__ = None # For Py3 compatibility.
+def generate_grammar(filename="Grammar.txt"):
+ p = ParserGenerator(filename)
+ return p.make_grammar()
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index 000000000000..61468b313e7d
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@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+"""Token constants (from "token.h")."""
+# Taken from Python (r53757) and modified to include some tokens
+# originally monkeypatched in by pgen2.tokenize
+#--start constants--
+NAME = 1
+LPAR = 7
+RPAR = 8
+LSQB = 9
+RSQB = 10
+COLON = 11
+COMMA = 12
+SEMI = 13
+PLUS = 14
+MINUS = 15
+STAR = 16
+SLASH = 17
+VBAR = 18
+AMPER = 19
+LESS = 20
+EQUAL = 22
+DOT = 23
+LBRACE = 26
+RBRACE = 27
+TILDE = 32
+AT = 50
+OP = 51
+NL = 53
+RARROW = 54
+N_TOKENS = 56
+NT_OFFSET = 256
+#--end constants--
+tok_name = {}
+for _name, _value in globals().items():
+ if type(_value) is type(0):
+ tok_name[_value] = _name
+ return x < NT_OFFSET
+ return x >= NT_OFFSET
+def ISEOF(x):
+ return x == ENDMARKER
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@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Python Software Foundation.
+# All rights reserved.
+"""Tokenization help for Python programs.
+generate_tokens(readline) is a generator that breaks a stream of
+text into Python tokens. It accepts a readline-like method which is called
+repeatedly to get the next line of input (or "" for EOF). It generates
+5-tuples with these members:
+ the token type (see
+ the token (a string)
+ the starting (row, column) indices of the token (a 2-tuple of ints)
+ the ending (row, column) indices of the token (a 2-tuple of ints)
+ the original line (string)
+It is designed to match the working of the Python tokenizer exactly, except
+that it produces COMMENT tokens for comments and gives type OP for all
+Older entry points
+ tokenize_loop(readline, tokeneater)
+ tokenize(readline, tokeneater=printtoken)
+are the same, except instead of generating tokens, tokeneater is a callback
+function to which the 5 fields described above are passed as 5 arguments,
+each time a new token is found."""
+__author__ = 'Ka-Ping Yee <>'
+__credits__ = \
+ 'GvR, ESR, Tim Peters, Thomas Wouters, Fred Drake, Skip Montanaro'
+import string, re
+from codecs import BOM_UTF8, lookup
+from lib2to3.pgen2.token import *
+from . import token
+__all__ = [x for x in dir(token) if x[0] != '_'] + ["tokenize",
+ "generate_tokens", "untokenize"]
+del token
+ bytes
+except NameError:
+ # Support bytes type in Python <= 2.5, so 2to3 turns itself into
+ # valid Python 3 code.
+ bytes = str
+def group(*choices): return '(' + '|'.join(choices) + ')'
+def any(*choices): return group(*choices) + '*'
+def maybe(*choices): return group(*choices) + '?'
+Whitespace = r'[ \f\t]*'
+Comment = r'#[^\r\n]*'
+Ignore = Whitespace + any(r'\\\r?\n' + Whitespace) + maybe(Comment)
+Name = r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*'
+Binnumber = r'0[bB][01]*'
+Hexnumber = r'0[xX][\da-fA-F]*[lL]?'
+Octnumber = r'0[oO]?[0-7]*[lL]?'
+Decnumber = r'[1-9]\d*[lL]?'
+Intnumber = group(Binnumber, Hexnumber, Octnumber, Decnumber)
+Exponent = r'[eE][-+]?\d+'
+Pointfloat = group(r'\d+\.\d*', r'\.\d+') + maybe(Exponent)
+Expfloat = r'\d+' + Exponent
+Floatnumber = group(Pointfloat, Expfloat)
+Imagnumber = group(r'\d+[jJ]', Floatnumber + r'[jJ]')
+Number = group(Imagnumber, Floatnumber, Intnumber)
+# Tail end of ' string.
+Single = r"[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'"
+# Tail end of " string.
+Double = r'[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"'
+# Tail end of ''' string.
+Single3 = r"[^'\\]*(?:(?:\\.|'(?!''))[^'\\]*)*'''"
+# Tail end of """ string.
+Double3 = r'[^"\\]*(?:(?:\\.|"(?!""))[^"\\]*)*"""'
+Triple = group("[ubUB]?[rR]?'''", '[ubUB]?[rR]?"""')
+# Single-line ' or " string.
+String = group(r"[uU]?[rR]?'[^\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\n'\\]*)*'",
+ r'[uU]?[rR]?"[^\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\n"\\]*)*"')
+# Because of leftmost-then-longest match semantics, be sure to put the
+# longest operators first (e.g., if = came before ==, == would get
+# recognized as two instances of =).
+Operator = group(r"\*\*=?", r">>=?", r"<<=?", r"<>", r"!=",
+ r"//=?", r"->",
+ r"[+\-*/%&|^=<>]=?",
+ r"~")
+Bracket = '[][(){}]'
+Special = group(r'\r?\n', r'[:;.,`@]')
+Funny = group(Operator, Bracket, Special)
+PlainToken = group(Number, Funny, String, Name)
+Token = Ignore + PlainToken
+# First (or only) line of ' or " string.
+ContStr = group(r"[uUbB]?[rR]?'[^\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\n'\\]*)*" +
+ group("'", r'\\\r?\n'),
+ r'[uUbB]?[rR]?"[^\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\n"\\]*)*' +
+ group('"', r'\\\r?\n'))
+PseudoExtras = group(r'\\\r?\n', Comment, Triple)
+PseudoToken = Whitespace + group(PseudoExtras, Number, Funny, ContStr, Name)
+tokenprog, pseudoprog, single3prog, double3prog = map(
+ re.compile, (Token, PseudoToken, Single3, Double3))
+endprogs = {"'": re.compile(Single), '"': re.compile(Double),
+ "'''": single3prog, '"""': double3prog,
+ "r'''": single3prog, 'r"""': double3prog,
+ "u'''": single3prog, 'u"""': double3prog,
+ "b'''": single3prog, 'b"""': double3prog,
+ "ur'''": single3prog, 'ur"""': double3prog,
+ "br'''": single3prog, 'br"""': double3prog,
+ "R'''": single3prog, 'R"""': double3prog,
+ "U'''": single3prog, 'U"""': double3prog,
+ "B'''": single3prog, 'B"""': double3prog,
+ "uR'''": single3prog, 'uR"""': double3prog,
+ "Ur'''": single3prog, 'Ur"""': double3prog,
+ "UR'''": single3prog, 'UR"""': double3prog,
+ "bR'''": single3prog, 'bR"""': double3prog,
+ "Br'''": single3prog, 'Br"""': double3prog,
+ "BR'''": single3prog, 'BR"""': double3prog,
+ 'r': None, 'R': None,
+ 'u': None, 'U': None,
+ 'b': None, 'B': None}
+triple_quoted = {}
+for t in ("'''", '"""',
+ "r'''", 'r"""', "R'''", 'R"""',
+ "u'''", 'u"""', "U'''", 'U"""',
+ "b'''", 'b"""', "B'''", 'B"""',
+ "ur'''", 'ur"""', "Ur'''", 'Ur"""',
+ "uR'''", 'uR"""', "UR'''", 'UR"""',
+ "br'''", 'br"""', "Br'''", 'Br"""',
+ "bR'''", 'bR"""', "BR'''", 'BR"""',):
+ triple_quoted[t] = t
+single_quoted = {}
+for t in ("'", '"',
+ "r'", 'r"', "R'", 'R"',
+ "u'", 'u"', "U'", 'U"',
+ "b'", 'b"', "B'", 'B"',
+ "ur'", 'ur"', "Ur'", 'Ur"',
+ "uR'", 'uR"', "UR'", 'UR"',
+ "br'", 'br"', "Br'", 'Br"',
+ "bR'", 'bR"', "BR'", 'BR"', ):
+ single_quoted[t] = t
+tabsize = 8
+class TokenError(Exception): pass
+class StopTokenizing(Exception): pass
+def printtoken(type, token, start, end, line): # for testing
+ (srow, scol) = start
+ (erow, ecol) = end
+ print "%d,%d-%d,%d:\t%s\t%s" % \
+ (srow, scol, erow, ecol, tok_name[type], repr(token))
+def tokenize(readline, tokeneater=printtoken):
+ """
+ The tokenize() function accepts two parameters: one representing the
+ input stream, and one providing an output mechanism for tokenize().
+ The first parameter, readline, must be a callable object which provides
+ the same interface as the readline() method of built-in file objects.
+ Each call to the function should return one line of input as a string.
+ The second parameter, tokeneater, must also be a callable object. It is
+ called once for each token, with five arguments, corresponding to the
+ tuples generated by generate_tokens().
+ """
+ try:
+ tokenize_loop(readline, tokeneater)
+ except StopTokenizing:
+ pass
+# backwards compatible interface
+def tokenize_loop(readline, tokeneater):
+ for token_info in generate_tokens(readline):
+ tokeneater(*token_info)
+class Untokenizer:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.tokens = []
+ self.prev_row = 1
+ self.prev_col = 0
+ def add_whitespace(self, start):
+ row, col = start
+ assert row <= self.prev_row
+ col_offset = col - self.prev_col
+ if col_offset:
+ self.tokens.append(" " * col_offset)
+ def untokenize(self, iterable):
+ for t in iterable:
+ if len(t) == 2:
+ self.compat(t, iterable)
+ break
+ tok_type, token, start, end, line = t
+ self.add_whitespace(start)
+ self.tokens.append(token)
+ self.prev_row, self.prev_col = end
+ if tok_type in (NEWLINE, NL):
+ self.prev_row += 1
+ self.prev_col = 0
+ return "".join(self.tokens)
+ def compat(self, token, iterable):
+ startline = False
+ indents = []
+ toks_append = self.tokens.append
+ toknum, tokval = token
+ if toknum in (NAME, NUMBER):
+ tokval += ' '
+ if toknum in (NEWLINE, NL):
+ startline = True
+ for tok in iterable:
+ toknum, tokval = tok[:2]
+ if toknum in (NAME, NUMBER):
+ tokval += ' '
+ if toknum == INDENT:
+ indents.append(tokval)
+ continue
+ elif toknum == DEDENT:
+ indents.pop()
+ continue
+ elif toknum in (NEWLINE, NL):
+ startline = True
+ elif startline and indents:
+ toks_append(indents[-1])
+ startline = False
+ toks_append(tokval)
+cookie_re = re.compile(r'^[ \t\f]*#.*coding[:=][ \t]*([-\w.]+)')
+def _get_normal_name(orig_enc):
+ """Imitates get_normal_name in tokenizer.c."""
+ # Only care about the first 12 characters.
+ enc = orig_enc[:12].lower().replace("_", "-")
+ if enc == "utf-8" or enc.startswith("utf-8-"):
+ return "utf-8"
+ if enc in ("latin-1", "iso-8859-1", "iso-latin-1") or \
+ enc.startswith(("latin-1-", "iso-8859-1-", "iso-latin-1-")):
+ return "iso-8859-1"
+ return orig_enc
+def detect_encoding(readline):
+ """
+ The detect_encoding() function is used to detect the encoding that should
+ be used to decode a Python source file. It requires one argment, readline,
+ in the same way as the tokenize() generator.
+ It will call readline a maximum of twice, and return the encoding used
+ (as a string) and a list of any lines (left as bytes) it has read
+ in.
+ It detects the encoding from the presence of a utf-8 bom or an encoding
+ cookie as specified in pep-0263. If both a bom and a cookie are present, but
+ disagree, a SyntaxError will be raised. If the encoding cookie is an invalid
+ charset, raise a SyntaxError. Note that if a utf-8 bom is found,
+ 'utf-8-sig' is returned.
+ If no encoding is specified, then the default of 'utf-8' will be returned.
+ """
+ bom_found = False
+ encoding = None
+ default = 'utf-8'
+ def read_or_stop():
+ try:
+ return readline()
+ except StopIteration:
+ return bytes()
+ def find_cookie(line):
+ try:
+ line_string = line.decode('ascii')
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ return None
+ match = cookie_re.match(line_string)
+ if not match:
+ return None
+ encoding = _get_normal_name(
+ try:
+ codec = lookup(encoding)
+ except LookupError:
+ # This behaviour mimics the Python interpreter
+ raise SyntaxError("unknown encoding: " + encoding)
+ if bom_found:
+ if != 'utf-8':
+ # This behaviour mimics the Python interpreter
+ raise SyntaxError('encoding problem: utf-8')
+ encoding += '-sig'
+ return encoding
+ first = read_or_stop()
+ if first.startswith(BOM_UTF8):
+ bom_found = True
+ first = first[3:]
+ default = 'utf-8-sig'
+ if not first:
+ return default, []
+ encoding = find_cookie(first)
+ if encoding:
+ return encoding, [first]
+ second = read_or_stop()
+ if not second:
+ return default, [first]
+ encoding = find_cookie(second)
+ if encoding:
+ return encoding, [first, second]
+ return default, [first, second]
+def untokenize(iterable):
+ """Transform tokens back into Python source code.
+ Each element returned by the iterable must be a token sequence
+ with at least two elements, a token number and token value. If
+ only two tokens are passed, the resulting output is poor.
+ Round-trip invariant for full input:
+ Untokenized source will match input source exactly
+ Round-trip invariant for limited intput:
+ # Output text will tokenize the back to the input
+ t1 = [tok[:2] for tok in generate_tokens(f.readline)]
+ newcode = untokenize(t1)
+ readline = iter(newcode.splitlines(1)).next
+ t2 = [tok[:2] for tokin generate_tokens(readline)]
+ assert t1 == t2
+ """
+ ut = Untokenizer()
+ return ut.untokenize(iterable)
+def generate_tokens(readline):
+ """
+ The generate_tokens() generator requires one argment, readline, which
+ must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
+ readline() method of built-in file objects. Each call to the function
+ should return one line of input as a string. Alternately, readline
+ can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
+ readline = open(myfile).next # Example of alternate readline
+ The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
+ token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
+ column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
+ ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
+ and the line on which the token was found. The line passed is the
+ logical line; continuation lines are included.
+ """
+ lnum = parenlev = continued = 0
+ namechars, numchars = string.ascii_letters + '_', '0123456789'
+ contstr, needcont = '', 0
+ contline = None
+ indents = [0]
+ while 1: # loop over lines in stream
+ try:
+ line = readline()
+ except StopIteration:
+ line = ''
+ lnum = lnum + 1
+ pos, max = 0, len(line)
+ if contstr: # continued string
+ if not line:
+ raise TokenError, ("EOF in multi-line string", strstart)
+ endmatch = endprog.match(line)
+ if endmatch:
+ pos = end = endmatch.end(0)
+ yield (STRING, contstr + line[:end],
+ strstart, (lnum, end), contline + line)
+ contstr, needcont = '', 0
+ contline = None
+ elif needcont and line[-2:] != '\\\n' and line[-3:] != '\\\r\n':
+ yield (ERRORTOKEN, contstr + line,
+ strstart, (lnum, len(line)), contline)
+ contstr = ''
+ contline = None
+ continue
+ else:
+ contstr = contstr + line
+ contline = contline + line
+ continue
+ elif parenlev == 0 and not continued: # new statement
+ if not line: break
+ column = 0
+ while pos < max: # measure leading whitespace
+ if line[pos] == ' ': column = column + 1
+ elif line[pos] == '\t': column = (column//tabsize + 1)*tabsize
+ elif line[pos] == '\f': column = 0
+ else: break
+ pos = pos + 1
+ if pos == max: break
+ if line[pos] in '#\r\n': # skip comments or blank lines
+ if line[pos] == '#':
+ comment_token = line[pos:].rstrip('\r\n')
+ nl_pos = pos + len(comment_token)
+ yield (COMMENT, comment_token,
+ (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos + len(comment_token)), line)
+ yield (NL, line[nl_pos:],
+ (lnum, nl_pos), (lnum, len(line)), line)
+ else:
+ yield ((NL, COMMENT)[line[pos] == '#'], line[pos:],
+ (lnum, pos), (lnum, len(line)), line)
+ continue
+ if column > indents[-1]: # count indents or dedents
+ indents.append(column)
+ yield (INDENT, line[:pos], (lnum, 0), (lnum, pos), line)
+ while column < indents[-1]:
+ if column not in indents:
+ raise IndentationError(
+ "unindent does not match any outer indentation level",
+ ("<tokenize>", lnum, pos, line))
+ indents = indents[:-1]
+ yield (DEDENT, '', (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos), line)
+ else: # continued statement
+ if not line:
+ raise TokenError, ("EOF in multi-line statement", (lnum, 0))
+ continued = 0
+ while pos < max:
+ pseudomatch = pseudoprog.match(line, pos)
+ if pseudomatch: # scan for tokens
+ start, end = pseudomatch.span(1)
+ spos, epos, pos = (lnum, start), (lnum, end), end
+ token, initial = line[start:end], line[start]
+ if initial in numchars or \
+ (initial == '.' and token != '.'): # ordinary number
+ yield (NUMBER, token, spos, epos, line)
+ elif initial in '\r\n':
+ newline = NEWLINE
+ if parenlev > 0:
+ newline = NL
+ yield (newline, token, spos, epos, line)
+ elif initial == '#':
+ assert not token.endswith("\n")
+ yield (COMMENT, token, spos, epos, line)
+ elif token in triple_quoted:
+ endprog = endprogs[token]
+ endmatch = endprog.match(line, pos)
+ if endmatch: # all on one line
+ pos = endmatch.end(0)
+ token = line[start:pos]
+ yield (STRING, token, spos, (lnum, pos), line)
+ else:
+ strstart = (lnum, start) # multiple lines
+ contstr = line[start:]
+ contline = line
+ break
+ elif initial in single_quoted or \
+ token[:2] in single_quoted or \
+ token[:3] in single_quoted:
+ if token[-1] == '\n': # continued string
+ strstart = (lnum, start)
+ endprog = (endprogs[initial] or endprogs[token[1]] or
+ endprogs[token[2]])
+ contstr, needcont = line[start:], 1
+ contline = line
+ break
+ else: # ordinary string
+ yield (STRING, token, spos, epos, line)
+ elif initial in namechars: # ordinary name
+ yield (NAME, token, spos, epos, line)
+ elif initial == '\\': # continued stmt
+ # This yield is new; needed for better idempotency:
+ yield (NL, token, spos, (lnum, pos), line)
+ continued = 1
+ else:
+ if initial in '([{': parenlev = parenlev + 1
+ elif initial in ')]}': parenlev = parenlev - 1
+ yield (OP, token, spos, epos, line)
+ else:
+ yield (ERRORTOKEN, line[pos],
+ (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos+1), line)
+ pos = pos + 1
+ for indent in indents[1:]: # pop remaining indent levels
+ yield (DEDENT, '', (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), '')
+ yield (ENDMARKER, '', (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), '')
+if __name__ == '__main__': # testing
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1: tokenize(open(sys.argv[1]).readline)
+ else: tokenize(sys.stdin.readline)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..621ff24c9547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Export the Python grammar and symbols."""
+# Python imports
+import os
+# Local imports
+from .pgen2 import token
+from .pgen2 import driver
+from . import pytree
+# The grammar file
+_GRAMMAR_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "Grammar.txt")
+_PATTERN_GRAMMAR_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ "PatternGrammar.txt")
+class Symbols(object):
+ def __init__(self, grammar):
+ """Initializer.
+ Creates an attribute for each grammar symbol (nonterminal),
+ whose value is the symbol's type (an int >= 256).
+ """
+ for name, symbol in grammar.symbol2number.iteritems():
+ setattr(self, name, symbol)
+python_grammar = driver.load_grammar(_GRAMMAR_FILE)
+python_symbols = Symbols(python_grammar)
+python_grammar_no_print_statement = python_grammar.copy()
+del python_grammar_no_print_statement.keywords["print"]
+pattern_grammar = driver.load_grammar(_PATTERN_GRAMMAR_FILE)
+pattern_symbols = Symbols(pattern_grammar)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..179caca51f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+Python parse tree definitions.
+This is a very concrete parse tree; we need to keep every token and
+even the comments and whitespace between tokens.
+There's also a pattern matching implementation here.
+__author__ = "Guido van Rossum <>"
+import sys
+import warnings
+from StringIO import StringIO
+HUGE = 0x7FFFFFFF # maximum repeat count, default max
+_type_reprs = {}
+def type_repr(type_num):
+ global _type_reprs
+ if not _type_reprs:
+ from .pygram import python_symbols
+ # printing tokens is possible but not as useful
+ # from .pgen2 import token // token.__dict__.items():
+ for name, val in python_symbols.__dict__.items():
+ if type(val) == int: _type_reprs[val] = name
+ return _type_reprs.setdefault(type_num, type_num)
+class Base(object):
+ """
+ Abstract base class for Node and Leaf.
+ This provides some default functionality and boilerplate using the
+ template pattern.
+ A node may be a subnode of at most one parent.
+ """
+ # Default values for instance variables
+ type = None # int: token number (< 256) or symbol number (>= 256)
+ parent = None # Parent node pointer, or None
+ children = () # Tuple of subnodes
+ was_changed = False
+ was_checked = False
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
+ """Constructor that prevents Base from being instantiated."""
+ assert cls is not Base, "Cannot instantiate Base"
+ return object.__new__(cls)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """
+ Compare two nodes for equality.
+ This calls the method _eq().
+ """
+ if self.__class__ is not other.__class__:
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self._eq(other)
+ __hash__ = None # For Py3 compatibility.
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ """
+ Compare two nodes for inequality.
+ This calls the method _eq().
+ """
+ if self.__class__ is not other.__class__:
+ return NotImplemented
+ return not self._eq(other)
+ def _eq(self, other):
+ """
+ Compare two nodes for equality.
+ This is called by __eq__ and __ne__. It is only called if the two nodes
+ have the same type. This must be implemented by the concrete subclass.
+ Nodes should be considered equal if they have the same structure,
+ ignoring the prefix string and other context information.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def clone(self):
+ """
+ Return a cloned (deep) copy of self.
+ This must be implemented by the concrete subclass.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def post_order(self):
+ """
+ Return a post-order iterator for the tree.
+ This must be implemented by the concrete subclass.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def pre_order(self):
+ """
+ Return a pre-order iterator for the tree.
+ This must be implemented by the concrete subclass.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def set_prefix(self, prefix):
+ """
+ Set the prefix for the node (see Leaf class).
+ DEPRECATED; use the prefix property directly.
+ """
+ warnings.warn("set_prefix() is deprecated; use the prefix property",
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ def get_prefix(self):
+ """
+ Return the prefix for the node (see Leaf class).
+ DEPRECATED; use the prefix property directly.
+ """
+ warnings.warn("get_prefix() is deprecated; use the prefix property",
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ return self.prefix
+ def replace(self, new):
+ """Replace this node with a new one in the parent."""
+ assert self.parent is not None, str(self)
+ assert new is not None
+ if not isinstance(new, list):
+ new = [new]
+ l_children = []
+ found = False
+ for ch in self.parent.children:
+ if ch is self:
+ assert not found, (self.parent.children, self, new)
+ if new is not None:
+ l_children.extend(new)
+ found = True
+ else:
+ l_children.append(ch)
+ assert found, (self.children, self, new)
+ self.parent.changed()
+ self.parent.children = l_children
+ for x in new:
+ x.parent = self.parent
+ self.parent = None
+ def get_lineno(self):
+ """Return the line number which generated the invocant node."""
+ node = self
+ while not isinstance(node, Leaf):
+ if not node.children:
+ return
+ node = node.children[0]
+ return node.lineno
+ def changed(self):
+ if self.parent:
+ self.parent.changed()
+ self.was_changed = True
+ def remove(self):
+ """
+ Remove the node from the tree. Returns the position of the node in its
+ parent's children before it was removed.
+ """
+ if self.parent:
+ for i, node in enumerate(self.parent.children):
+ if node is self:
+ self.parent.changed()
+ del self.parent.children[i]
+ self.parent = None
+ return i
+ @property
+ def next_sibling(self):
+ """
+ The node immediately following the invocant in their parent's children
+ list. If the invocant does not have a next sibling, it is None
+ """
+ if self.parent is None:
+ return None
+ # Can't use index(); we need to test by identity
+ for i, child in enumerate(self.parent.children):
+ if child is self:
+ try:
+ return self.parent.children[i+1]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+ @property
+ def prev_sibling(self):
+ """
+ The node immediately preceding the invocant in their parent's children
+ list. If the invocant does not have a previous sibling, it is None.
+ """
+ if self.parent is None:
+ return None
+ # Can't use index(); we need to test by identity
+ for i, child in enumerate(self.parent.children):
+ if child is self:
+ if i == 0:
+ return None
+ return self.parent.children[i-1]
+ def leaves(self):
+ for child in self.children:
+ for x in child.leaves():
+ yield x
+ def depth(self):
+ if self.parent is None:
+ return 0
+ return 1 + self.parent.depth()
+ def get_suffix(self):
+ """
+ Return the string immediately following the invocant node. This is
+ effectively equivalent to node.next_sibling.prefix
+ """
+ next_sib = self.next_sibling
+ if next_sib is None:
+ return u""
+ return next_sib.prefix
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return unicode(self).encode("ascii")
+class Node(Base):
+ """Concrete implementation for interior nodes."""
+ def __init__(self,type, children,
+ context=None,
+ prefix=None,
+ fixers_applied=None):
+ """
+ Initializer.
+ Takes a type constant (a symbol number >= 256), a sequence of
+ child nodes, and an optional context keyword argument.
+ As a side effect, the parent pointers of the children are updated.
+ """
+ assert type >= 256, type
+ self.type = type
+ self.children = list(children)
+ for ch in self.children:
+ assert ch.parent is None, repr(ch)
+ ch.parent = self
+ if prefix is not None:
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ if fixers_applied:
+ self.fixers_applied = fixers_applied[:]
+ else:
+ self.fixers_applied = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """Return a canonical string representation."""
+ return "%s(%s, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
+ type_repr(self.type),
+ self.children)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """
+ Return a pretty string representation.
+ This reproduces the input source exactly.
+ """
+ return u"".join(map(unicode, self.children))
+ if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
+ __str__ = __unicode__
+ def _eq(self, other):
+ """Compare two nodes for equality."""
+ return (self.type, self.children) == (other.type, other.children)
+ def clone(self):
+ """Return a cloned (deep) copy of self."""
+ return Node(self.type, [ch.clone() for ch in self.children],
+ fixers_applied=self.fixers_applied)
+ def post_order(self):
+ """Return a post-order iterator for the tree."""
+ for child in self.children:
+ for node in child.post_order():
+ yield node
+ yield self
+ def pre_order(self):
+ """Return a pre-order iterator for the tree."""
+ yield self
+ for child in self.children:
+ for node in child.pre_order():
+ yield node
+ def _prefix_getter(self):
+ """
+ The whitespace and comments preceding this node in the input.
+ """
+ if not self.children:
+ return ""
+ return self.children[0].prefix
+ def _prefix_setter(self, prefix):
+ if self.children:
+ self.children[0].prefix = prefix
+ prefix = property(_prefix_getter, _prefix_setter)
+ def set_child(self, i, child):
+ """
+ Equivalent to 'node.children[i] = child'. This method also sets the
+ child's parent attribute appropriately.
+ """
+ child.parent = self
+ self.children[i].parent = None
+ self.children[i] = child
+ self.changed()
+ def insert_child(self, i, child):
+ """
+ Equivalent to 'node.children.insert(i, child)'. This method also sets
+ the child's parent attribute appropriately.
+ """
+ child.parent = self
+ self.children.insert(i, child)
+ self.changed()
+ def append_child(self, child):
+ """
+ Equivalent to 'node.children.append(child)'. This method also sets the
+ child's parent attribute appropriately.
+ """
+ child.parent = self
+ self.children.append(child)
+ self.changed()
+class Leaf(Base):
+ """Concrete implementation for leaf nodes."""
+ # Default values for instance variables
+ _prefix = "" # Whitespace and comments preceding this token in the input
+ lineno = 0 # Line where this token starts in the input
+ column = 0 # Column where this token tarts in the input
+ def __init__(self, type, value,
+ context=None,
+ prefix=None,
+ fixers_applied=[]):
+ """
+ Initializer.
+ Takes a type constant (a token number < 256), a string value, and an
+ optional context keyword argument.
+ """
+ assert 0 <= type < 256, type
+ if context is not None:
+ self._prefix, (self.lineno, self.column) = context
+ self.type = type
+ self.value = value
+ if prefix is not None:
+ self._prefix = prefix
+ self.fixers_applied = fixers_applied[:]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """Return a canonical string representation."""
+ return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.type,
+ self.value)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """
+ Return a pretty string representation.
+ This reproduces the input source exactly.
+ """
+ return self.prefix + unicode(self.value)
+ if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
+ __str__ = __unicode__
+ def _eq(self, other):
+ """Compare two nodes for equality."""
+ return (self.type, self.value) == (other.type, other.value)
+ def clone(self):
+ """Return a cloned (deep) copy of self."""
+ return Leaf(self.type, self.value,
+ (self.prefix, (self.lineno, self.column)),
+ fixers_applied=self.fixers_applied)
+ def leaves(self):
+ yield self
+ def post_order(self):
+ """Return a post-order iterator for the tree."""
+ yield self
+ def pre_order(self):
+ """Return a pre-order iterator for the tree."""
+ yield self
+ def _prefix_getter(self):
+ """
+ The whitespace and comments preceding this token in the input.
+ """
+ return self._prefix
+ def _prefix_setter(self, prefix):
+ self.changed()
+ self._prefix = prefix
+ prefix = property(_prefix_getter, _prefix_setter)
+def convert(gr, raw_node):
+ """
+ Convert raw node information to a Node or Leaf instance.
+ This is passed to the parser driver which calls it whenever a reduction of a
+ grammar rule produces a new complete node, so that the tree is build
+ strictly bottom-up.
+ """
+ type, value, context, children = raw_node
+ if children or type in gr.number2symbol:
+ # If there's exactly one child, return that child instead of
+ # creating a new node.
+ if len(children) == 1:
+ return children[0]
+ return Node(type, children, context=context)
+ else:
+ return Leaf(type, value, context=context)
+class BasePattern(object):
+ """
+ A pattern is a tree matching pattern.
+ It looks for a specific node type (token or symbol), and
+ optionally for a specific content.
+ This is an abstract base class. There are three concrete
+ subclasses:
+ - LeafPattern matches a single leaf node;
+ - NodePattern matches a single node (usually non-leaf);
+ - WildcardPattern matches a sequence of nodes of variable length.
+ """
+ # Defaults for instance variables
+ type = None # Node type (token if < 256, symbol if >= 256)
+ content = None # Optional content matching pattern
+ name = None # Optional name used to store match in results dict
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
+ """Constructor that prevents BasePattern from being instantiated."""
+ assert cls is not BasePattern, "Cannot instantiate BasePattern"
+ return object.__new__(cls)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ args = [type_repr(self.type), self.content,]
+ while args and args[-1] is None:
+ del args[-1]
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(map(repr, args)))
+ def optimize(self):
+ """
+ A subclass can define this as a hook for optimizations.
+ Returns either self or another node with the same effect.
+ """
+ return self
+ def match(self, node, results=None):
+ """
+ Does this pattern exactly match a node?
+ Returns True if it matches, False if not.
+ If results is not None, it must be a dict which will be
+ updated with the nodes matching named subpatterns.
+ Default implementation for non-wildcard patterns.
+ """
+ if self.type is not None and node.type != self.type:
+ return False
+ if self.content is not None:
+ r = None
+ if results is not None:
+ r = {}
+ if not self._submatch(node, r):
+ return False
+ if r:
+ results.update(r)
+ if results is not None and
+ results[] = node
+ return True
+ def match_seq(self, nodes, results=None):
+ """
+ Does this pattern exactly match a sequence of nodes?
+ Default implementation for non-wildcard patterns.
+ """
+ if len(nodes) != 1:
+ return False
+ return self.match(nodes[0], results)
+ def generate_matches(self, nodes):
+ """
+ Generator yielding all matches for this pattern.
+ Default implementation for non-wildcard patterns.
+ """
+ r = {}
+ if nodes and self.match(nodes[0], r):
+ yield 1, r
+class LeafPattern(BasePattern):
+ def __init__(self, type=None, content=None, name=None):
+ """
+ Initializer. Takes optional type, content, and name.
+ The type, if given must be a token type (< 256). If not given,
+ this matches any *leaf* node; the content may still be required.
+ The content, if given, must be a string.
+ If a name is given, the matching node is stored in the results
+ dict under that key.
+ """
+ if type is not None:
+ assert 0 <= type < 256, type
+ if content is not None:
+ assert isinstance(content, basestring), repr(content)
+ self.type = type
+ self.content = content
+ = name
+ def match(self, node, results=None):
+ """Override match() to insist on a leaf node."""
+ if not isinstance(node, Leaf):
+ return False
+ return BasePattern.match(self, node, results)
+ def _submatch(self, node, results=None):
+ """
+ Match the pattern's content to the node's children.
+ This assumes the node type matches and self.content is not None.
+ Returns True if it matches, False if not.
+ If results is not None, it must be a dict which will be
+ updated with the nodes matching named subpatterns.
+ When returning False, the results dict may still be updated.
+ """
+ return self.content == node.value
+class NodePattern(BasePattern):
+ wildcards = False
+ def __init__(self, type=None, content=None, name=None):
+ """
+ Initializer. Takes optional type, content, and name.
+ The type, if given, must be a symbol type (>= 256). If the
+ type is None this matches *any* single node (leaf or not),
+ except if content is not None, in which it only matches
+ non-leaf nodes that also match the content pattern.
+ The content, if not None, must be a sequence of Patterns that
+ must match the node's children exactly. If the content is
+ given, the type must not be None.
+ If a name is given, the matching node is stored in the results
+ dict under that key.
+ """
+ if type is not None:
+ assert type >= 256, type
+ if content is not None:
+ assert not isinstance(content, basestring), repr(content)
+ content = list(content)
+ for i, item in enumerate(content):
+ assert isinstance(item, BasePattern), (i, item)
+ if isinstance(item, WildcardPattern):
+ self.wildcards = True
+ self.type = type
+ self.content = content
+ = name
+ def _submatch(self, node, results=None):
+ """
+ Match the pattern's content to the node's children.
+ This assumes the node type matches and self.content is not None.
+ Returns True if it matches, False if not.
+ If results is not None, it must be a dict which will be
+ updated with the nodes matching named subpatterns.
+ When returning False, the results dict may still be updated.
+ """
+ if self.wildcards:
+ for c, r in generate_matches(self.content, node.children):
+ if c == len(node.children):
+ if results is not None:
+ results.update(r)
+ return True
+ return False
+ if len(self.content) != len(node.children):
+ return False
+ for subpattern, child in zip(self.content, node.children):
+ if not subpattern.match(child, results):
+ return False
+ return True
+class WildcardPattern(BasePattern):
+ """
+ A wildcard pattern can match zero or more nodes.
+ This has all the flexibility needed to implement patterns like:
+ .* .+ .? .{m,n}
+ (a b c | d e | f)
+ (...)* (...)+ (...)? (...){m,n}
+ except it always uses non-greedy matching.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, content=None, min=0, max=HUGE, name=None):
+ """
+ Initializer.
+ Args:
+ content: optional sequence of subsequences of patterns;
+ if absent, matches one node;
+ if present, each subsequence is an alternative [*]
+ min: optional minimum number of times to match, default 0
+ max: optional maximum number of times to match, default HUGE
+ name: optional name assigned to this match
+ [*] Thus, if content is [[a, b, c], [d, e], [f, g, h]] this is
+ equivalent to (a b c | d e | f g h); if content is None,
+ this is equivalent to '.' in regular expression terms.
+ The min and max parameters work as follows:
+ min=0, max=maxint: .*
+ min=1, max=maxint: .+
+ min=0, max=1: .?
+ min=1, max=1: .
+ If content is not None, replace the dot with the parenthesized
+ list of alternatives, e.g. (a b c | d e | f g h)*
+ """
+ assert 0 <= min <= max <= HUGE, (min, max)
+ if content is not None:
+ content = tuple(map(tuple, content)) # Protect against alterations
+ # Check sanity of alternatives
+ assert len(content), repr(content) # Can't have zero alternatives
+ for alt in content:
+ assert len(alt), repr(alt) # Can have empty alternatives
+ self.content = content
+ self.min = min
+ self.max = max
+ = name
+ def optimize(self):
+ """Optimize certain stacked wildcard patterns."""
+ subpattern = None
+ if (self.content is not None and
+ len(self.content) == 1 and len(self.content[0]) == 1):
+ subpattern = self.content[0][0]
+ if self.min == 1 and self.max == 1:
+ if self.content is None:
+ return NodePattern(
+ if subpattern is not None and ==
+ return subpattern.optimize()
+ if (self.min <= 1 and isinstance(subpattern, WildcardPattern) and
+ subpattern.min <= 1 and ==
+ return WildcardPattern(subpattern.content,
+ self.min*subpattern.min,
+ self.max*subpattern.max,
+ return self
+ def match(self, node, results=None):
+ """Does this pattern exactly match a node?"""
+ return self.match_seq([node], results)
+ def match_seq(self, nodes, results=None):
+ """Does this pattern exactly match a sequence of nodes?"""
+ for c, r in self.generate_matches(nodes):
+ if c == len(nodes):
+ if results is not None:
+ results.update(r)
+ if
+ results[] = list(nodes)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def generate_matches(self, nodes):
+ """
+ Generator yielding matches for a sequence of nodes.
+ Args:
+ nodes: sequence of nodes
+ Yields:
+ (count, results) tuples where:
+ count: the match comprises nodes[:count];
+ results: dict containing named submatches.
+ """
+ if self.content is None:
+ # Shortcut for special case (see __init__.__doc__)
+ for count in xrange(self.min, 1 + min(len(nodes), self.max)):
+ r = {}
+ if
+ r[] = nodes[:count]
+ yield count, r
+ elif == "bare_name":
+ yield self._bare_name_matches(nodes)
+ else:
+ # The reason for this is that hitting the recursion limit usually
+ # results in some ugly messages about how RuntimeErrors are being
+ # ignored. We don't do this on non-CPython implementation because
+ # they don't have this problem.
+ if hasattr(sys, "getrefcount"):
+ save_stderr = sys.stderr
+ sys.stderr = StringIO()
+ try:
+ for count, r in self._recursive_matches(nodes, 0):
+ if
+ r[] = nodes[:count]
+ yield count, r
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # We fall back to the iterative pattern matching scheme if the recursive
+ # scheme hits the recursion limit.
+ for count, r in self._iterative_matches(nodes):
+ if
+ r[] = nodes[:count]
+ yield count, r
+ finally:
+ if hasattr(sys, "getrefcount"):
+ sys.stderr = save_stderr
+ def _iterative_matches(self, nodes):
+ """Helper to iteratively yield the matches."""
+ nodelen = len(nodes)
+ if 0 >= self.min:
+ yield 0, {}
+ results = []
+ # generate matches that use just one alt from self.content
+ for alt in self.content:
+ for c, r in generate_matches(alt, nodes):
+ yield c, r
+ results.append((c, r))
+ # for each match, iterate down the nodes
+ while results:
+ new_results = []
+ for c0, r0 in results:
+ # stop if the entire set of nodes has been matched
+ if c0 < nodelen and c0 <= self.max:
+ for alt in self.content:
+ for c1, r1 in generate_matches(alt, nodes[c0:]):
+ if c1 > 0:
+ r = {}
+ r.update(r0)
+ r.update(r1)
+ yield c0 + c1, r
+ new_results.append((c0 + c1, r))
+ results = new_results
+ def _bare_name_matches(self, nodes):
+ """Special optimized matcher for bare_name."""
+ count = 0
+ r = {}
+ done = False
+ max = len(nodes)
+ while not done and count < max:
+ done = True
+ for leaf in self.content:
+ if leaf[0].match(nodes[count], r):
+ count += 1
+ done = False
+ break
+ r[] = nodes[:count]
+ return count, r
+ def _recursive_matches(self, nodes, count):
+ """Helper to recursively yield the matches."""
+ assert self.content is not None
+ if count >= self.min:
+ yield 0, {}
+ if count < self.max:
+ for alt in self.content:
+ for c0, r0 in generate_matches(alt, nodes):
+ for c1, r1 in self._recursive_matches(nodes[c0:], count+1):
+ r = {}
+ r.update(r0)
+ r.update(r1)
+ yield c0 + c1, r
+class NegatedPattern(BasePattern):
+ def __init__(self, content=None):
+ """
+ Initializer.
+ The argument is either a pattern or None. If it is None, this
+ only matches an empty sequence (effectively '$' in regex
+ lingo). If it is not None, this matches whenever the argument
+ pattern doesn't have any matches.
+ """
+ if content is not None:
+ assert isinstance(content, BasePattern), repr(content)
+ self.content = content
+ def match(self, node):
+ # We never match a node in its entirety
+ return False
+ def match_seq(self, nodes):
+ # We only match an empty sequence of nodes in its entirety
+ return len(nodes) == 0
+ def generate_matches(self, nodes):
+ if self.content is None:
+ # Return a match if there is an empty sequence
+ if len(nodes) == 0:
+ yield 0, {}
+ else:
+ # Return a match if the argument pattern has no matches
+ for c, r in self.content.generate_matches(nodes):
+ return
+ yield 0, {}
+def generate_matches(patterns, nodes):
+ """
+ Generator yielding matches for a sequence of patterns and nodes.
+ Args:
+ patterns: a sequence of patterns
+ nodes: a sequence of nodes
+ Yields:
+ (count, results) tuples where:
+ count: the entire sequence of patterns matches nodes[:count];
+ results: dict containing named submatches.
+ """
+ if not patterns:
+ yield 0, {}
+ else:
+ p, rest = patterns[0], patterns[1:]
+ for c0, r0 in p.generate_matches(nodes):
+ if not rest:
+ yield c0, r0
+ else:
+ for c1, r1 in generate_matches(rest, nodes[c0:]):
+ r = {}
+ r.update(r0)
+ r.update(r1)
+ yield c0 + c1, r
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a4c168df9e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/lib2to3/lib2to3/
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Refactoring framework.
+Used as a main program, this can refactor any number of files and/or
+recursively descend down directories. Imported as a module, this
+provides infrastructure to write your own refactoring tool.
+from __future__ import with_statement
+__author__ = "Guido van Rossum <>"
+# Python imports
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+import operator
+import collections
+import StringIO
+from itertools import chain
+# Local imports
+from .pgen2 import driver, tokenize, token
+from .fixer_util import find_root
+from . import pytree, pygram
+from . import btm_utils as bu
+from . import btm_matcher as bm
+def get_all_fix_names(fixer_pkg, remove_prefix=True):
+ """Return a sorted list of all available fix names in the given package."""
+ pkg = __import__(fixer_pkg, [], [], ["*"])
+ fixer_dir = os.path.dirname(pkg.__file__)
+ fix_names = []
+ for name in sorted(os.listdir(fixer_dir)):
+ if name.startswith("fix_") and name.endswith(".py"):
+ if remove_prefix:
+ name = name[4:]
+ fix_names.append(name[:-3])
+ return fix_names
+class _EveryNode(Exception):
+ pass
+def _get_head_types(pat):
+ """ Accepts a pytree Pattern Node and returns a set
+ of the pattern types which will match first. """
+ if isinstance(pat, (pytree.NodePattern, pytree.LeafPattern)):
+ # NodePatters must either have no type and no content
+ # or a type and content -- so they don't get any farther
+ # Always return leafs
+ if pat.type is None:
+ raise _EveryNode
+ return set([pat.type])
+ if isinstance(pat, pytree.NegatedPattern):
+ if pat.content:
+ return _get_head_types(pat.content)
+ raise _EveryNode # Negated Patterns don't have a type
+ if isinstance(pat, pytree.WildcardPattern):
+ # Recurse on each node in content
+ r = set()
+ for p in pat.content:
+ for x in p:
+ r.update(_get_head_types(x))
+ return r
+ raise Exception("Oh no! I don't understand pattern %s" %(pat))
+def _get_headnode_dict(fixer_list):
+ """ Accepts a list of fixers and returns a dictionary
+ of head node type --> fixer list. """
+ head_nodes = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ every = []
+ for fixer in fixer_list:
+ if fixer.pattern:
+ try:
+ heads = _get_head_types(fixer.pattern)
+ except _EveryNode:
+ every.append(fixer)
+ else:
+ for node_type in heads:
+ head_nodes[node_type].append(fixer)
+ else:
+ if fixer._accept_type is not None:
+ head_nodes[fixer._accept_type].append(fixer)
+ else:
+ every.append(fixer)
+ for node_type in chain(pygram.python_grammar.symbol2number.itervalues(),
+ pygram.python_grammar.tokens):
+ head_nodes[node_type].extend(every)
+ return dict(head_nodes)
+def get_fixers_from_package(pkg_name):
+ """
+ Return the fully qualified names for fixers in the package pkg_name.
+ """
+ return [pkg_name + "." + fix_name
+ for fix_name in get_all_fix_names(pkg_name, False)]
+def _identity(obj):
+ return obj
+if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+ import codecs
+ _open_with_encoding =
+ # doesn't translate newlines sadly.
+ def _from_system_newlines(input):
+ return input.replace(u"\r\n", u"\n")
+ def _to_system_newlines(input):
+ if os.linesep != "\n":
+ return input.replace(u"\n", os.linesep)
+ else:
+ return input
+ _open_with_encoding = open
+ _from_system_newlines = _identity
+ _to_system_newlines = _identity
+def _detect_future_features(source):
+ have_docstring = False
+ gen = tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO.StringIO(source).readline)
+ def advance():
+ tok =
+ return tok[0], tok[1]
+ ignore = frozenset((token.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL, token.COMMENT))
+ features = set()
+ try:
+ while True:
+ tp, value = advance()
+ if tp in ignore:
+ continue
+ elif tp == token.STRING:
+ if have_docstring:
+ break
+ have_docstring = True
+ elif tp == token.NAME and value == u"from":
+ tp, value = advance()
+ if tp != token.NAME or value != u"__future__":
+ break
+ tp, value = advance()
+ if tp != token.NAME or value != u"import":
+ break
+ tp, value = advance()
+ if tp == token.OP and value == u"(":
+ tp, value = advance()
+ while tp == token.NAME:
+ features.add(value)
+ tp, value = advance()
+ if tp != token.OP or value != u",":
+ break
+ tp, value = advance()
+ else:
+ break
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ return frozenset(features)
+class FixerError(Exception):
+ """A fixer could not be loaded."""
+class RefactoringTool(object):
+ _default_options = {"print_function" : False,
+ "write_unchanged_files" : False}
+ CLASS_PREFIX = "Fix" # The prefix for fixer classes
+ FILE_PREFIX = "fix_" # The prefix for modules with a fixer within
+ def __init__(self, fixer_names, options=None, explicit=None):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ fixer_names: a list of fixers to import
+ options: an dict with configuration.
+ explicit: a list of fixers to run even if they are explicit.
+ """
+ self.fixers = fixer_names
+ self.explicit = explicit or []
+ self.options = self._default_options.copy()
+ if options is not None:
+ self.options.update(options)
+ if self.options["print_function"]:
+ self.grammar = pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement
+ else:
+ self.grammar = pygram.python_grammar
+ # When this is True, the refactor*() methods will call write_file() for
+ # files processed even if they were not changed during refactoring. If
+ # and only if the refactor method's write parameter was True.
+ self.write_unchanged_files = self.options.get("write_unchanged_files")
+ self.errors = []
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger("RefactoringTool")
+ self.fixer_log = []
+ self.wrote = False
+ self.driver = driver.Driver(self.grammar,
+ convert=pytree.convert,
+ logger=self.logger)
+ self.pre_order, self.post_order = self.get_fixers()
+ self.files = [] # List of files that were or should be modified
+ self.BM = bm.BottomMatcher()
+ self.bmi_pre_order = [] # Bottom Matcher incompatible fixers
+ self.bmi_post_order = []
+ for fixer in chain(self.post_order, self.pre_order):
+ if fixer.BM_compatible:
+ self.BM.add_fixer(fixer)
+ # remove fixers that will be handled by the bottom-up
+ # matcher
+ elif fixer in self.pre_order:
+ self.bmi_pre_order.append(fixer)
+ elif fixer in self.post_order:
+ self.bmi_post_order.append(fixer)
+ self.bmi_pre_order_heads = _get_headnode_dict(self.bmi_pre_order)
+ self.bmi_post_order_heads = _get_headnode_dict(self.bmi_post_order)
+ def get_fixers(self):
+ """Inspects the options to load the requested patterns and handlers.
+ Returns:
+ (pre_order, post_order), where pre_order is the list of fixers that
+ want a pre-order AST traversal, and post_order is the list that want
+ post-order traversal.
+ """
+ pre_order_fixers = []
+ post_order_fixers = []
+ for fix_mod_path in self.fixers:
+ mod = __import__(fix_mod_path, {}, {}, ["*"])
+ fix_name = fix_mod_path.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
+ if fix_name.startswith(self.FILE_PREFIX):
+ fix_name = fix_name[len(self.FILE_PREFIX):]
+ parts = fix_name.split("_")
+ class_name = self.CLASS_PREFIX + "".join([p.title() for p in parts])
+ try:
+ fix_class = getattr(mod, class_name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise FixerError("Can't find %s.%s" % (fix_name, class_name))
+ fixer = fix_class(self.options, self.fixer_log)
+ if fixer.explicit and self.explicit is not True and \
+ fix_mod_path not in self.explicit:
+ self.log_message("Skipping implicit fixer: %s", fix_name)
+ continue
+ self.log_debug("Adding transformation: %s", fix_name)
+ if fixer.order == "pre":
+ pre_order_fixers.append(fixer)
+ elif fixer.order == "post":
+ post_order_fixers.append(fixer)
+ else:
+ raise FixerError("Illegal fixer order: %r" % fixer.order)
+ key_func = operator.attrgetter("run_order")
+ pre_order_fixers.sort(key=key_func)
+ post_order_fixers.sort(key=key_func)
+ return (pre_order_fixers, post_order_fixers)
+ def log_error(self, msg, *args, **kwds):
+ """Called when an error occurs."""
+ raise
+ def log_message(self, msg, *args):
+ """Hook to log a message."""
+ if args:
+ msg = msg % args
+ def log_debug(self, msg, *args):
+ if args:
+ msg = msg % args
+ self.logger.debug(msg)
+ def print_output(self, old_text, new_text, filename, equal):
+ """Called with the old version, new version, and filename of a
+ refactored file."""
+ pass
+ def refactor(self, items, write=False, doctests_only=False):
+ """Refactor a list of files and directories."""
+ for dir_or_file in items:
+ if os.path.isdir(dir_or_file):
+ self.refactor_dir(dir_or_file, write, doctests_only)
+ else:
+ self.refactor_file(dir_or_file, write, doctests_only)
+ def refactor_dir(self, dir_name, write=False, doctests_only=False):
+ """Descends down a directory and refactor every Python file found.
+ Python files are assumed to have a .py extension.
+ Files and subdirectories starting with '.' are skipped.
+ """
+ py_ext = os.extsep + "py"
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_name):
+ self.log_debug("Descending into %s", dirpath)
+ dirnames.sort()
+ filenames.sort()
+ for name in filenames:
+ if (not name.startswith(".") and
+ os.path.splitext(name)[1] == py_ext):
+ fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
+ self.refactor_file(fullname, write, doctests_only)
+ # Modify dirnames in-place to remove subdirs with leading dots
+ dirnames[:] = [dn for dn in dirnames if not dn.startswith(".")]
+ def _read_python_source(self, filename):
+ """
+ Do our best to decode a Python source file correctly.
+ """
+ try:
+ f = open(filename, "rb")
+ except IOError as err:
+ self.log_error("Can't open %s: %s", filename, err)
+ return None, None
+ try:
+ encoding = tokenize.detect_encoding(f.readline)[0]
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ with _open_with_encoding(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as f:
+ return _from_system_newlines(, encoding
+ def refactor_file(self, filename, write=False, doctests_only=False):
+ """Refactors a file."""
+ input, encoding = self._read_python_source(filename)
+ if input is None:
+ # Reading the file failed.
+ return
+ input += u"\n" # Silence certain parse errors
+ if doctests_only:
+ self.log_debug("Refactoring doctests in %s", filename)
+ output = self.refactor_docstring(input, filename)
+ if self.write_unchanged_files or output != input:
+ self.processed_file(output, filename, input, write, encoding)
+ else:
+ self.log_debug("No doctest changes in %s", filename)
+ else:
+ tree = self.refactor_string(input, filename)
+ if self.write_unchanged_files or (tree and tree.was_changed):
+ # The [:-1] is to take off the \n we added earlier
+ self.processed_file(unicode(tree)[:-1], filename,
+ write=write, encoding=encoding)
+ else:
+ self.log_debug("No changes in %s", filename)
+ def refactor_string(self, data, name):
+ """Refactor a given input string.
+ Args:
+ data: a string holding the code to be refactored.
+ name: a human-readable name for use in error/log messages.
+ Returns:
+ An AST corresponding to the refactored input stream; None if
+ there were errors during the parse.
+ """
+ features = _detect_future_features(data)
+ if "print_function" in features:
+ self.driver.grammar = pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement
+ try:
+ tree = self.driver.parse_string(data)
+ except Exception as err:
+ self.log_error("Can't parse %s: %s: %s",
+ name, err.__class__.__name__, err)
+ return
+ finally:
+ self.driver.grammar = self.grammar
+ tree.future_features = features
+ self.log_debug("Refactoring %s", name)
+ self.refactor_tree(tree, name)
+ return tree
+ def refactor_stdin(self, doctests_only=False):
+ input =
+ if doctests_only:
+ self.log_debug("Refactoring doctests in stdin")
+ output = self.refactor_docstring(input, "<stdin>")
+ if self.write_unchanged_files or output != input:
+ self.processed_file(output, "<stdin>", input)
+ else:
+ self.log_debug("No doctest changes in stdin")
+ else:
+ tree = self.refactor_string(input, "<stdin>")
+ if self.write_unchanged_files or (tree and tree.was_changed):
+ self.processed_file(unicode(tree), "<stdin>", input)
+ else:
+ self.log_debug("No changes in stdin")
+ def refactor_tree(self, tree, name):
+ """Refactors a parse tree (modifying the tree in place).
+ For compatible patterns the bottom matcher module is
+ used. Otherwise the tree is traversed node-to-node for
+ matches.
+ Args:
+ tree: a pytree.Node instance representing the root of the tree
+ to be refactored.
+ name: a human-readable name for this tree.
+ Returns:
+ True if the tree was modified, False otherwise.
+ """
+ for fixer in chain(self.pre_order, self.post_order):
+ fixer.start_tree(tree, name)
+ #use traditional matching for the incompatible fixers
+ self.traverse_by(self.bmi_pre_order_heads, tree.pre_order())
+ self.traverse_by(self.bmi_post_order_heads, tree.post_order())
+ # obtain a set of candidate nodes
+ match_set =
+ while any(match_set.values()):
+ for fixer in self.BM.fixers:
+ if fixer in match_set and match_set[fixer]:
+ #sort by depth; apply fixers from bottom(of the AST) to top
+ match_set[fixer].sort(key=pytree.Base.depth, reverse=True)
+ if fixer.keep_line_order:
+ #some fixers(eg fix_imports) must be applied
+ #with the original file's line order
+ match_set[fixer].sort(key=pytree.Base.get_lineno)
+ for node in list(match_set[fixer]):
+ if node in match_set[fixer]:
+ match_set[fixer].remove(node)
+ try:
+ find_root(node)
+ except ValueError:
+ # this node has been cut off from a
+ # previous transformation ; skip
+ continue
+ if node.fixers_applied and fixer in node.fixers_applied:
+ # do not apply the same fixer again
+ continue
+ results = fixer.match(node)
+ if results:
+ new = fixer.transform(node, results)
+ if new is not None:
+ node.replace(new)
+ #new.fixers_applied.append(fixer)
+ for node in new.post_order():
+ # do not apply the fixer again to
+ # this or any subnode
+ if not node.fixers_applied:
+ node.fixers_applied = []
+ node.fixers_applied.append(fixer)
+ # update the original match set for
+ # the added code
+ new_matches =
+ for fxr in new_matches:
+ if not fxr in match_set:
+ match_set[fxr]=[]
+ match_set[fxr].extend(new_matches[fxr])
+ for fixer in chain(self.pre_order, self.post_order):
+ fixer.finish_tree(tree, name)
+ return tree.was_changed
+ def traverse_by(self, fixers, traversal):
+ """Traverse an AST, applying a set of fixers to each node.
+ This is a helper method for refactor_tree().
+ Args:
+ fixers: a list of fixer instances.
+ traversal: a generator that yields AST nodes.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ if not fixers:
+ return
+ for node in traversal:
+ for fixer in fixers[node.type]:
+ results = fixer.match(node)
+ if results:
+ new = fixer.transform(node, results)
+ if new is not None:
+ node.replace(new)
+ node = new
+ def processed_file(self, new_text, filename, old_text=None, write=False,
+ encoding=None):
+ """
+ Called when a file has been refactored and there may be changes.
+ """
+ self.files.append(filename)
+ if old_text is None:
+ old_text = self._read_python_source(filename)[0]
+ if old_text is None:
+ return
+ equal = old_text == new_text
+ self.print_output(old_text, new_text, filename, equal)
+ if equal:
+ self.log_debug("No changes to %s", filename)
+ if not self.write_unchanged_files:
+ return
+ if write:
+ self.write_file(new_text, filename, old_text, encoding)
+ else:
+ self.log_debug("Not writing changes to %s", filename)
+ def write_file(self, new_text, filename, old_text, encoding=None):
+ """Writes a string to a file.
+ It first shows a unified diff between the old text and the new text, and
+ then rewrites the file; the latter is only done if the write option is
+ set.
+ """
+ try:
+ f = _open_with_encoding(filename, "w", encoding=encoding)
+ except os.error as err:
+ self.log_error("Can't create %s: %s", filename, err)
+ return
+ try:
+ f.write(_to_system_newlines(new_text))
+ except os.error as err:
+ self.log_error("Can't write %s: %s", filename, err)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ self.log_debug("Wrote changes to %s", filename)
+ self.wrote = True
+ PS1 = ">>> "
+ PS2 = "... "
+ def refactor_docstring(self, input, filename):
+ """Refactors a docstring, looking for doctests.
+ This returns a modified version of the input string. It looks
+ for doctests, which start with a ">>>" prompt, and may be
+ continued with "..." prompts, as long as the "..." is indented
+ the same as the ">>>".
+ (Unfortunately we can't use the doctest module's parser,
+ since, like most parsers, it is not geared towards preserving
+ the original source.)
+ """
+ result = []
+ block = None
+ block_lineno = None
+ indent = None
+ lineno = 0
+ for line in input.splitlines(True):
+ lineno += 1
+ if line.lstrip().startswith(self.PS1):
+ if block is not None:
+ result.extend(self.refactor_doctest(block, block_lineno,
+ indent, filename))
+ block_lineno = lineno
+ block = [line]
+ i = line.find(self.PS1)
+ indent = line[:i]
+ elif (indent is not None and
+ (line.startswith(indent + self.PS2) or
+ line == indent + self.PS2.rstrip() + u"\n")):
+ block.append(line)
+ else:
+ if block is not None:
+ result.extend(self.refactor_doctest(block, block_lineno,
+ indent, filename))
+ block = None
+ indent = None
+ result.append(line)
+ if block is not None:
+ result.extend(self.refactor_doctest(block, block_lineno,
+ indent, filename))
+ return u"".join(result)
+ def refactor_doctest(self, block, lineno, indent, filename):
+ """Refactors one doctest.
+ A doctest is given as a block of lines, the first of which starts
+ with ">>>" (possibly indented), while the remaining lines start
+ with "..." (identically indented).
+ """
+ try:
+ tree = self.parse_block(block, lineno, indent)
+ except Exception as err:
+ if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
+ for line in block:
+ self.log_debug("Source: %s", line.rstrip(u"\n"))
+ self.log_error("Can't parse docstring in %s line %s: %s: %s",
+ filename, lineno, err.__class__.__name__, err)
+ return block
+ if self.refactor_tree(tree, filename):
+ new = unicode(tree).splitlines(True)
+ # Undo the adjustment of the line numbers in wrap_toks() below.
+ clipped, new = new[:lineno-1], new[lineno-1:]
+ assert clipped == [u"\n"] * (lineno-1), clipped
+ if not new[-1].endswith(u"\n"):
+ new[-1] += u"\n"
+ block = [indent + self.PS1 + new.pop(0)]
+ if new:
+ block += [indent + self.PS2 + line for line in new]
+ return block
+ def summarize(self):
+ if self.wrote:
+ were = "were"
+ else:
+ were = "need to be"
+ if not self.files:
+ self.log_message("No files %s modified.", were)
+ else:
+ self.log_message("Files that %s modified:", were)
+ for file in self.files:
+ self.log_message(file)
+ if self.fixer_log:
+ self.log_message("Warnings/messages while refactoring:")
+ for message in self.fixer_log:
+ self.log_message(message)
+ if self.errors:
+ if len(self.errors) == 1:
+ self.log_message("There was 1 error:")
+ else:
+ self.log_message("There were %d errors:", len(self.errors))
+ for msg, args, kwds in self.errors:
+ self.log_message(msg, *args, **kwds)
+ def parse_block(self, block, lineno, indent):
+ """Parses a block into a tree.
+ This is necessary to get correct line number / offset information
+ in the parser diagnostics and embedded into the parse tree.
+ """
+ tree = self.driver.parse_tokens(self.wrap_toks(block, lineno, indent))
+ tree.future_features = frozenset()
+ return tree
+ def wrap_toks(self, block, lineno, indent):
+ """Wraps a tokenize stream to systematically modify start/end."""
+ tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(self.gen_lines(block, indent).next)
+ for type, value, (line0, col0), (line1, col1), line_text in tokens:
+ line0 += lineno - 1
+ line1 += lineno - 1
+ # Don't bother updating the columns; this is too complicated
+ # since line_text would also have to be updated and it would
+ # still break for tokens spanning lines. Let the user guess
+ # that the column numbers for doctests are relative to the
+ # end of the prompt string (PS1 or PS2).
+ yield type, value, (line0, col0), (line1, col1), line_text
+ def gen_lines(self, block, indent):
+ """Generates lines as expected by tokenize from a list of lines.
+ This strips the first len(indent + self.PS1) characters off each line.
+ """
+ prefix1 = indent + self.PS1
+ prefix2 = indent + self.PS2
+ prefix = prefix1
+ for line in block:
+ if line.startswith(prefix):
+ yield line[len(prefix):]
+ elif line == prefix.rstrip() + u"\n":
+ yield u"\n"
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("line=%r, prefix=%r" % (line, prefix))
+ prefix = prefix2
+ while True:
+ yield ""
+class MultiprocessingUnsupported(Exception):
+ pass
+class MultiprocessRefactoringTool(RefactoringTool):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(MultiprocessRefactoringTool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.queue = None
+ self.output_lock = None
+ def refactor(self, items, write=False, doctests_only=False,
+ num_processes=1):
+ if num_processes == 1:
+ return super(MultiprocessRefactoringTool, self).refactor(
+ items, write, doctests_only)
+ try:
+ import multiprocessing
+ except ImportError:
+ raise MultiprocessingUnsupported
+ if self.queue is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError("already doing multiple processes")
+ self.queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
+ self.output_lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
+ processes = [multiprocessing.Process(target=self._child)
+ for i in xrange(num_processes)]
+ try:
+ for p in processes:
+ p.start()
+ super(MultiprocessRefactoringTool, self).refactor(items, write,
+ doctests_only)
+ finally:
+ self.queue.join()
+ for i in xrange(num_processes):
+ self.queue.put(None)
+ for p in processes:
+ if p.is_alive():
+ p.join()
+ self.queue = None
+ def _child(self):
+ task = self.queue.get()
+ while task is not None:
+ args, kwargs = task
+ try:
+ super(MultiprocessRefactoringTool, self).refactor_file(
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ self.queue.task_done()
+ task = self.queue.get()
+ def refactor_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.queue is not None:
+ self.queue.put((args, kwargs))
+ else:
+ return super(MultiprocessRefactoringTool, self).refactor_file(
+ *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d907066d1822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/pep8/
@@ -0,0 +1,1959 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# - Check Python source code formatting, according to PEP 8
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Johann C. Rocholl <>
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Florent Xicluna <>
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+# subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Check Python source code formatting, according to PEP 8.
+For usage and a list of options, try this:
+$ python -h
+This program and its regression test suite live here:
+Groups of errors and warnings:
+E errors
+W warnings
+100 indentation
+200 whitespace
+300 blank lines
+400 imports
+500 line length
+600 deprecation
+700 statements
+900 syntax error
+from __future__ import with_statement
+__version__ = '1.6.0a0'
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import time
+import inspect
+import keyword
+import tokenize
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from fnmatch import fnmatch
+ from configparser import RawConfigParser
+ from io import TextIOWrapper
+except ImportError:
+ from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
+DEFAULT_EXCLUDE = '.svn,CVS,.bzr,.hg,.git,__pycache__'
+DEFAULT_IGNORE = 'E123,E226,E24,E704'
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ DEFAULT_CONFIG = os.path.expanduser(r'~\.pep8')
+ DEFAULT_CONFIG = os.path.join(os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') or
+ os.path.expanduser('~/.config'), 'pep8')
+PROJECT_CONFIG = ('setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', '.pep8')
+TESTSUITE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testsuite')
+ 'default': '%(path)s:%(row)d:%(col)d: %(code)s %(text)s',
+ 'pylint': '%(path)s:%(row)d: [%(code)s] %(text)s',
+PyCF_ONLY_AST = 1024
+SINGLETONS = frozenset(['False', 'None', 'True'])
+KEYWORDS = frozenset(keyword.kwlist + ['print']) - SINGLETONS
+UNARY_OPERATORS = frozenset(['>>', '**', '*', '+', '-'])
+ARITHMETIC_OP = frozenset(['**', '*', '/', '//', '+', '-'])
+WS_OPTIONAL_OPERATORS = ARITHMETIC_OP.union(['^', '&', '|', '<<', '>>', '%'])
+WS_NEEDED_OPERATORS = frozenset([
+ '**=', '*=', '/=', '//=', '+=', '-=', '!=', '<>', '<', '>',
+ '%=', '^=', '&=', '|=', '==', '<=', '>=', '<<=', '>>=', '='])
+WHITESPACE = frozenset(' \t')
+NEWLINE = frozenset([tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE])
+SKIP_TOKENS = NEWLINE.union([tokenize.INDENT, tokenize.DEDENT])
+# ERRORTOKEN is triggered by backticks in Python 3
+BENCHMARK_KEYS = ['directories', 'files', 'logical lines', 'physical lines']
+INDENT_REGEX = re.compile(r'([ \t]*)')
+RAISE_COMMA_REGEX = re.compile(r'raise\s+\w+\s*,')
+RERAISE_COMMA_REGEX = re.compile(r'raise\s+\w+\s*,.*,\s*\w+\s*$')
+ERRORCODE_REGEX = re.compile(r'\b[A-Z]\d{3}\b')
+DOCSTRING_REGEX = re.compile(r'u?r?["\']')
+EXTRANEOUS_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[[({] | []}),;:]')
+WHITESPACE_AFTER_COMMA_REGEX = re.compile(r'[,;:]\s*(?: |\t)')
+COMPARE_SINGLETON_REGEX = re.compile(r'([=!]=)\s*(None|False|True)')
+COMPARE_NEGATIVE_REGEX = re.compile(r'\b(not)\s+[^[({ ]+\s+(in|is)\s')
+COMPARE_TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:[=!]=|is(?:\s+not)?)\s*type(?:s.\w+Type'
+ r'|\s*\(\s*([^)]*[^ )])\s*\))')
+KEYWORD_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\s*)\b(?:%s)\b(\s*)' % r'|'.join(KEYWORDS))
+OPERATOR_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:[^,\s])(\s*)(?:[-+*/|!<=>%&^]+)(\s*)')
+LAMBDA_REGEX = re.compile(r'\blambda\b')
+HUNK_REGEX = re.compile(r'^@@ -\d+(?:,\d+)? \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? @@.*$')
+# Work around Python < 2.6 behaviour, which does not generate NL after
+# a comment which is on a line by itself.
+COMMENT_WITH_NL = tokenize.generate_tokens(['#\n'].pop).send(None)[1] == '#\n'
+# Plugins (check functions) for physical lines
+def tabs_or_spaces(physical_line, indent_char):
+ r"""Never mix tabs and spaces.
+ The most popular way of indenting Python is with spaces only. The
+ second-most popular way is with tabs only. Code indented with a mixture
+ of tabs and spaces should be converted to using spaces exclusively. When
+ invoking the Python command line interpreter with the -t option, it issues
+ warnings about code that illegally mixes tabs and spaces. When using -tt
+ these warnings become errors. These options are highly recommended!
+ Okay: if a == 0:\n a = 1\n b = 1
+ E101: if a == 0:\n a = 1\n\tb = 1
+ """
+ indent = INDENT_REGEX.match(physical_line).group(1)
+ for offset, char in enumerate(indent):
+ if char != indent_char:
+ return offset, "E101 indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs"
+def tabs_obsolete(physical_line):
+ r"""For new projects, spaces-only are strongly recommended over tabs.
+ Okay: if True:\n return
+ W191: if True:\n\treturn
+ """
+ indent = INDENT_REGEX.match(physical_line).group(1)
+ if '\t' in indent:
+ return indent.index('\t'), "W191 indentation contains tabs"
+def trailing_whitespace(physical_line):
+ r"""Trailing whitespace is superfluous.
+ The warning returned varies on whether the line itself is blank, for easier
+ filtering for those who want to indent their blank lines.
+ Okay: spam(1)\n#
+ W291: spam(1) \n#
+ W293: class Foo(object):\n \n bang = 12
+ """
+ physical_line = physical_line.rstrip('\n') # chr(10), newline
+ physical_line = physical_line.rstrip('\r') # chr(13), carriage return
+ physical_line = physical_line.rstrip('\x0c') # chr(12), form feed, ^L
+ stripped = physical_line.rstrip(' \t\v')
+ if physical_line != stripped:
+ if stripped:
+ return len(stripped), "W291 trailing whitespace"
+ else:
+ return 0, "W293 blank line contains whitespace"
+def trailing_blank_lines(physical_line, lines, line_number, total_lines):
+ r"""Trailing blank lines are superfluous.
+ Okay: spam(1)
+ W391: spam(1)\n
+ However the last line should end with a new line (warning W292).
+ """
+ if line_number == total_lines:
+ stripped_last_line = physical_line.rstrip()
+ if not stripped_last_line:
+ return 0, "W391 blank line at end of file"
+ if stripped_last_line == physical_line:
+ return len(physical_line), "W292 no newline at end of file"
+def maximum_line_length(physical_line, max_line_length, multiline):
+ r"""Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.
+ There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
+ lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to have
+ several windows side-by-side. The default wrapping on such devices looks
+ ugly. Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.
+ For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or comments), limiting the
+ length to 72 characters is recommended.
+ Reports error E501.
+ """
+ line = physical_line.rstrip()
+ length = len(line)
+ if length > max_line_length and not noqa(line):
+ # Special case for long URLs in multi-line docstrings or comments,
+ # but still report the error when the 72 first chars are whitespaces.
+ chunks = line.split()
+ if ((len(chunks) == 1 and multiline) or
+ (len(chunks) == 2 and chunks[0] == '#')) and \
+ len(line) - len(chunks[-1]) < max_line_length - 7:
+ return
+ if hasattr(line, 'decode'): # Python 2
+ # The line could contain multi-byte characters
+ try:
+ length = len(line.decode('utf-8'))
+ except UnicodeError:
+ pass
+ if length > max_line_length:
+ return (max_line_length, "E501 line too long "
+ "(%d > %d characters)" % (length, max_line_length))
+# Plugins (check functions) for logical lines
+def blank_lines(logical_line, blank_lines, indent_level, line_number,
+ blank_before, previous_logical, previous_indent_level):
+ r"""Separate top-level function and class definitions with two blank lines.
+ Method definitions inside a class are separated by a single blank line.
+ Extra blank lines may be used (sparingly) to separate groups of related
+ functions. Blank lines may be omitted between a bunch of related
+ one-liners (e.g. a set of dummy implementations).
+ Use blank lines in functions, sparingly, to indicate logical sections.
+ Okay: def a():\n pass\n\n\ndef b():\n pass
+ Okay: def a():\n pass\n\n\n# Foo\n# Bar\n\ndef b():\n pass
+ E301: class Foo:\n b = 0\n def bar():\n pass
+ E302: def a():\n pass\n\ndef b(n):\n pass
+ E303: def a():\n pass\n\n\n\ndef b(n):\n pass
+ E303: def a():\n\n\n\n pass
+ E304: @decorator\n\ndef a():\n pass
+ """
+ if line_number < 3 and not previous_logical:
+ return # Don't expect blank lines before the first line
+ if previous_logical.startswith('@'):
+ if blank_lines:
+ yield 0, "E304 blank lines found after function decorator"
+ elif blank_lines > 2 or (indent_level and blank_lines == 2):
+ yield 0, "E303 too many blank lines (%d)" % blank_lines
+ elif logical_line.startswith(('def ', 'class ', '@')):
+ if indent_level:
+ if not (blank_before or previous_indent_level < indent_level or
+ DOCSTRING_REGEX.match(previous_logical)):
+ yield 0, "E301 expected 1 blank line, found 0"
+ elif blank_before != 2:
+ yield 0, "E302 expected 2 blank lines, found %d" % blank_before
+def extraneous_whitespace(logical_line):
+ r"""Avoid extraneous whitespace.
+ Avoid extraneous whitespace in these situations:
+ - Immediately inside parentheses, brackets or braces.
+ - Immediately before a comma, semicolon, or colon.
+ Okay: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2})
+ E201: spam( ham[1], {eggs: 2})
+ E201: spam(ham[ 1], {eggs: 2})
+ E201: spam(ham[1], { eggs: 2})
+ E202: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2} )
+ E202: spam(ham[1 ], {eggs: 2})
+ E202: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2 })
+ E203: if x == 4: print x, y; x, y = y , x
+ E203: if x == 4: print x, y ; x, y = y, x
+ E203: if x == 4 : print x, y; x, y = y, x
+ """
+ line = logical_line
+ for match in EXTRANEOUS_WHITESPACE_REGEX.finditer(line):
+ text =
+ char = text.strip()
+ found = match.start()
+ if text == char + ' ':
+ # assert char in '([{'
+ yield found + 1, "E201 whitespace after '%s'" % char
+ elif line[found - 1] != ',':
+ code = ('E202' if char in '}])' else 'E203') # if char in ',;:'
+ yield found, "%s whitespace before '%s'" % (code, char)
+def whitespace_around_keywords(logical_line):
+ r"""Avoid extraneous whitespace around keywords.
+ Okay: True and False
+ E271: True and False
+ E272: True and False
+ E273: True and\tFalse
+ E274: True\tand False
+ """
+ for match in KEYWORD_REGEX.finditer(logical_line):
+ before, after = match.groups()
+ if '\t' in before:
+ yield match.start(1), "E274 tab before keyword"
+ elif len(before) > 1:
+ yield match.start(1), "E272 multiple spaces before keyword"
+ if '\t' in after:
+ yield match.start(2), "E273 tab after keyword"
+ elif len(after) > 1:
+ yield match.start(2), "E271 multiple spaces after keyword"
+def missing_whitespace(logical_line):
+ r"""Each comma, semicolon or colon should be followed by whitespace.
+ Okay: [a, b]
+ Okay: (3,)
+ Okay: a[1:4]
+ Okay: a[:4]
+ Okay: a[1:]
+ Okay: a[1:4:2]
+ E231: ['a','b']
+ E231: foo(bar,baz)
+ E231: [{'a':'b'}]
+ """
+ line = logical_line
+ for index in range(len(line) - 1):
+ char = line[index]
+ if char in ',;:' and line[index + 1] not in WHITESPACE:
+ before = line[:index]
+ if char == ':' and before.count('[') > before.count(']') and \
+ before.rfind('{') < before.rfind('['):
+ continue # Slice syntax, no space required
+ if char == ',' and line[index + 1] == ')':
+ continue # Allow tuple with only one element: (3,)
+ yield index, "E231 missing whitespace after '%s'" % char
+def indentation(logical_line, previous_logical, indent_char,
+ indent_level, previous_indent_level):
+ r"""Use 4 spaces per indentation level.
+ For really old code that you don't want to mess up, you can continue to
+ use 8-space tabs.
+ Okay: a = 1
+ Okay: if a == 0:\n a = 1
+ E111: a = 1
+ E114: # a = 1
+ Okay: for item in items:\n pass
+ E112: for item in items:\npass
+ E115: for item in items:\n# Hi\n pass
+ Okay: a = 1\nb = 2
+ E113: a = 1\n b = 2
+ E116: a = 1\n # b = 2
+ """
+ c = 0 if logical_line else 3
+ tmpl = "E11%d %s" if logical_line else "E11%d %s (comment)"
+ if indent_level % 4:
+ yield 0, tmpl % (1 + c, "indentation is not a multiple of four")
+ indent_expect = previous_logical.endswith(':')
+ if indent_expect and indent_level <= previous_indent_level:
+ yield 0, tmpl % (2 + c, "expected an indented block")
+ elif not indent_expect and indent_level > previous_indent_level:
+ yield 0, tmpl % (3 + c, "unexpected indentation")
+def continued_indentation(logical_line, tokens, indent_level, hang_closing,
+ indent_char, noqa, verbose):
+ r"""Continuation lines indentation.
+ Continuation lines should align wrapped elements either vertically
+ using Python's implicit line joining inside parentheses, brackets
+ and braces, or using a hanging indent.
+ When using a hanging indent these considerations should be applied:
+ - there should be no arguments on the first line, and
+ - further indentation should be used to clearly distinguish itself as a
+ continuation line.
+ Okay: a = (\n)
+ E123: a = (\n )
+ Okay: a = (\n 42)
+ E121: a = (\n 42)
+ E122: a = (\n42)
+ E123: a = (\n 42\n )
+ E124: a = (24,\n 42\n)
+ E125: if (\n b):\n pass
+ E126: a = (\n 42)
+ E127: a = (24,\n 42)
+ E128: a = (24,\n 42)
+ E129: if (a or\n b):\n pass
+ E131: a = (\n 42\n 24)
+ """
+ first_row = tokens[0][2][0]
+ nrows = 1 + tokens[-1][2][0] - first_row
+ if noqa or nrows == 1:
+ return
+ # indent_next tells us whether the next block is indented; assuming
+ # that it is indented by 4 spaces, then we should not allow 4-space
+ # indents on the final continuation line; in turn, some other
+ # indents are allowed to have an extra 4 spaces.
+ indent_next = logical_line.endswith(':')
+ row = depth = 0
+ valid_hangs = (4,) if indent_char != '\t' else (4, 8)
+ # remember how many brackets were opened on each line
+ parens = [0] * nrows
+ # relative indents of physical lines
+ rel_indent = [0] * nrows
+ # for each depth, collect a list of opening rows
+ open_rows = [[0]]
+ # for each depth, memorize the hanging indentation
+ hangs = [None]
+ # visual indents
+ indent_chances = {}
+ last_indent = tokens[0][2]
+ visual_indent = None
+ # for each depth, memorize the visual indent column
+ indent = [last_indent[1]]
+ if verbose >= 3:
+ print(">>> " + tokens[0][4].rstrip())
+ for token_type, text, start, end, line in tokens:
+ newline = row < start[0] - first_row
+ if newline:
+ row = start[0] - first_row
+ newline = not last_token_multiline and token_type not in NEWLINE
+ if newline:
+ # this is the beginning of a continuation line.
+ last_indent = start
+ if verbose >= 3:
+ print("... " + line.rstrip())
+ # record the initial indent.
+ rel_indent[row] = expand_indent(line) - indent_level
+ # identify closing bracket
+ close_bracket = (token_type == tokenize.OP and text in ']})')
+ # is the indent relative to an opening bracket line?
+ for open_row in reversed(open_rows[depth]):
+ hang = rel_indent[row] - rel_indent[open_row]
+ hanging_indent = hang in valid_hangs
+ if hanging_indent:
+ break
+ if hangs[depth]:
+ hanging_indent = (hang == hangs[depth])
+ # is there any chance of visual indent?
+ visual_indent = (not close_bracket and hang > 0 and
+ indent_chances.get(start[1]))
+ if close_bracket and indent[depth]:
+ # closing bracket for visual indent
+ if start[1] != indent[depth]:
+ yield (start, "E124 closing bracket does not match "
+ "visual indentation")
+ elif close_bracket and not hang:
+ # closing bracket matches indentation of opening bracket's line
+ if hang_closing:
+ yield start, "E133 closing bracket is missing indentation"
+ elif indent[depth] and start[1] < indent[depth]:
+ if visual_indent is not True:
+ # visual indent is broken
+ yield (start, "E128 continuation line "
+ "under-indented for visual indent")
+ elif hanging_indent or (indent_next and rel_indent[row] == 8):
+ # hanging indent is verified
+ if close_bracket and not hang_closing:
+ yield (start, "E123 closing bracket does not match "
+ "indentation of opening bracket's line")
+ hangs[depth] = hang
+ elif visual_indent is True:
+ # visual indent is verified
+ indent[depth] = start[1]
+ elif visual_indent in (text, str):
+ # ignore token lined up with matching one from a previous line
+ pass
+ else:
+ # indent is broken
+ if hang <= 0:
+ error = "E122", "missing indentation or outdented"
+ elif indent[depth]:
+ error = "E127", "over-indented for visual indent"
+ elif not close_bracket and hangs[depth]:
+ error = "E131", "unaligned for hanging indent"
+ else:
+ hangs[depth] = hang
+ if hang > 4:
+ error = "E126", "over-indented for hanging indent"
+ else:
+ error = "E121", "under-indented for hanging indent"
+ yield start, "%s continuation line %s" % error
+ # look for visual indenting
+ if (parens[row] and token_type not in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.COMMENT)
+ and not indent[depth]):
+ indent[depth] = start[1]
+ indent_chances[start[1]] = True
+ if verbose >= 4:
+ print("bracket depth %s indent to %s" % (depth, start[1]))
+ # deal with implicit string concatenation
+ elif (token_type in (tokenize.STRING, tokenize.COMMENT) or
+ text in ('u', 'ur', 'b', 'br')):
+ indent_chances[start[1]] = str
+ # special case for the "if" statement because len("if (") == 4
+ elif not indent_chances and not row and not depth and text == 'if':
+ indent_chances[end[1] + 1] = True
+ elif text == ':' and line[end[1]:].isspace():
+ open_rows[depth].append(row)
+ # keep track of bracket depth
+ if token_type == tokenize.OP:
+ if text in '([{':
+ depth += 1
+ indent.append(0)
+ hangs.append(None)
+ if len(open_rows) == depth:
+ open_rows.append([])
+ open_rows[depth].append(row)
+ parens[row] += 1
+ if verbose >= 4:
+ print("bracket depth %s seen, col %s, visual min = %s" %
+ (depth, start[1], indent[depth]))
+ elif text in ')]}' and depth > 0:
+ # parent indents should not be more than this one
+ prev_indent = indent.pop() or last_indent[1]
+ hangs.pop()
+ for d in range(depth):
+ if indent[d] > prev_indent:
+ indent[d] = 0
+ for ind in list(indent_chances):
+ if ind >= prev_indent:
+ del indent_chances[ind]
+ del open_rows[depth + 1:]
+ depth -= 1
+ if depth:
+ indent_chances[indent[depth]] = True
+ for idx in range(row, -1, -1):
+ if parens[idx]:
+ parens[idx] -= 1
+ break
+ assert len(indent) == depth + 1
+ if start[1] not in indent_chances:
+ # allow to line up tokens
+ indent_chances[start[1]] = text
+ last_token_multiline = (start[0] != end[0])
+ if last_token_multiline:
+ rel_indent[end[0] - first_row] = rel_indent[row]
+ if indent_next and expand_indent(line) == indent_level + 4:
+ pos = (start[0], indent[0] + 4)
+ if visual_indent:
+ code = "E129 visually indented line"
+ else:
+ code = "E125 continuation line"
+ yield pos, "%s with same indent as next logical line" % code
+def whitespace_before_parameters(logical_line, tokens):
+ r"""Avoid extraneous whitespace.
+ Avoid extraneous whitespace in the following situations:
+ - before the open parenthesis that starts the argument list of a
+ function call.
+ - before the open parenthesis that starts an indexing or slicing.
+ Okay: spam(1)
+ E211: spam (1)
+ Okay: dict['key'] = list[index]
+ E211: dict ['key'] = list[index]
+ E211: dict['key'] = list [index]
+ """
+ prev_type, prev_text, __, prev_end, __ = tokens[0]
+ for index in range(1, len(tokens)):
+ token_type, text, start, end, __ = tokens[index]
+ if (token_type == tokenize.OP and
+ text in '([' and
+ start != prev_end and
+ (prev_type == tokenize.NAME or prev_text in '}])') and
+ # Syntax "class A (B):" is allowed, but avoid it
+ (index < 2 or tokens[index - 2][1] != 'class') and
+ # Allow "return ( for a in range(5))"
+ not keyword.iskeyword(prev_text)):
+ yield prev_end, "E211 whitespace before '%s'" % text
+ prev_type = token_type
+ prev_text = text
+ prev_end = end
+def whitespace_around_operator(logical_line):
+ r"""Avoid extraneous whitespace around an operator.
+ Okay: a = 12 + 3
+ E221: a = 4 + 5
+ E222: a = 4 + 5
+ E223: a = 4\t+ 5
+ E224: a = 4 +\t5
+ """
+ for match in OPERATOR_REGEX.finditer(logical_line):
+ before, after = match.groups()
+ if '\t' in before:
+ yield match.start(1), "E223 tab before operator"
+ elif len(before) > 1:
+ yield match.start(1), "E221 multiple spaces before operator"
+ if '\t' in after:
+ yield match.start(2), "E224 tab after operator"
+ elif len(after) > 1:
+ yield match.start(2), "E222 multiple spaces after operator"
+def missing_whitespace_around_operator(logical_line, tokens):
+ r"""Surround operators with a single space on either side.
+ - Always surround these binary operators with a single space on
+ either side: assignment (=), augmented assignment (+=, -= etc.),
+ comparisons (==, <, >, !=, <=, >=, in, not in, is, is not),
+ Booleans (and, or, not).
+ - If operators with different priorities are used, consider adding
+ whitespace around the operators with the lowest priorities.
+ Okay: i = i + 1
+ Okay: submitted += 1
+ Okay: x = x * 2 - 1
+ Okay: hypot2 = x * x + y * y
+ Okay: c = (a + b) * (a - b)
+ Okay: foo(bar, key='word', *args, **kwargs)
+ Okay: alpha[:-i]
+ E225: i=i+1
+ E225: submitted +=1
+ E225: x = x /2 - 1
+ E225: z = x **y
+ E226: c = (a+b) * (a-b)
+ E226: hypot2 = x*x + y*y
+ E227: c = a|b
+ E228: msg = fmt%(errno, errmsg)
+ """
+ parens = 0
+ need_space = False
+ prev_type = tokenize.OP
+ prev_text = prev_end = None
+ for token_type, text, start, end, line in tokens:
+ if token_type in SKIP_COMMENTS:
+ continue
+ if text in ('(', 'lambda'):
+ parens += 1
+ elif text == ')':
+ parens -= 1
+ if need_space:
+ if start != prev_end:
+ # Found a (probably) needed space
+ if need_space is not True and not need_space[1]:
+ yield (need_space[0],
+ "E225 missing whitespace around operator")
+ need_space = False
+ elif text == '>' and prev_text in ('<', '-'):
+ # Tolerate the "<>" operator, even if running Python 3
+ # Deal with Python 3's annotated return value "->"
+ pass
+ else:
+ if need_space is True or need_space[1]:
+ # A needed trailing space was not found
+ yield prev_end, "E225 missing whitespace around operator"
+ else:
+ code, optype = 'E226', 'arithmetic'
+ if prev_text == '%':
+ code, optype = 'E228', 'modulo'
+ elif prev_text not in ARITHMETIC_OP:
+ code, optype = 'E227', 'bitwise or shift'
+ yield (need_space[0], "%s missing whitespace "
+ "around %s operator" % (code, optype))
+ need_space = False
+ elif token_type == tokenize.OP and prev_end is not None:
+ if text == '=' and parens:
+ # Allow keyword args or defaults: foo(bar=None).
+ pass
+ elif text in WS_NEEDED_OPERATORS:
+ need_space = True
+ elif text in UNARY_OPERATORS:
+ # Check if the operator is being used as a binary operator
+ # Allow unary operators: -123, -x, +1.
+ # Allow argument unpacking: foo(*args, **kwargs).
+ if (prev_text in '}])' if prev_type == tokenize.OP
+ else prev_text not in KEYWORDS):
+ need_space = None
+ need_space = None
+ if need_space is None:
+ # Surrounding space is optional, but ensure that
+ # trailing space matches opening space
+ need_space = (prev_end, start != prev_end)
+ elif need_space and start == prev_end:
+ # A needed opening space was not found
+ yield prev_end, "E225 missing whitespace around operator"
+ need_space = False
+ prev_type = token_type
+ prev_text = text
+ prev_end = end
+def whitespace_around_comma(logical_line):
+ r"""Avoid extraneous whitespace after a comma or a colon.
+ Note: these checks are disabled by default
+ Okay: a = (1, 2)
+ E241: a = (1, 2)
+ E242: a = (1,\t2)
+ """
+ line = logical_line
+ for m in WHITESPACE_AFTER_COMMA_REGEX.finditer(line):
+ found = m.start() + 1
+ if '\t' in
+ yield found, "E242 tab after '%s'" %[0]
+ else:
+ yield found, "E241 multiple spaces after '%s'" %[0]
+def whitespace_around_named_parameter_equals(logical_line, tokens):
+ r"""Don't use spaces around the '=' sign in function arguments.
+ Don't use spaces around the '=' sign when used to indicate a
+ keyword argument or a default parameter value.
+ Okay: def complex(real, imag=0.0):
+ Okay: return magic(r=real, i=imag)
+ Okay: boolean(a == b)
+ Okay: boolean(a != b)
+ Okay: boolean(a <= b)
+ Okay: boolean(a >= b)
+ E251: def complex(real, imag = 0.0):
+ E251: return magic(r = real, i = imag)
+ """
+ parens = 0
+ no_space = False
+ prev_end = None
+ message = "E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals"
+ for token_type, text, start, end, line in tokens:
+ if token_type == tokenize.NL:
+ continue
+ if no_space:
+ no_space = False
+ if start != prev_end:
+ yield (prev_end, message)
+ elif token_type == tokenize.OP:
+ if text == '(':
+ parens += 1
+ elif text == ')':
+ parens -= 1
+ elif parens and text == '=':
+ no_space = True
+ if start != prev_end:
+ yield (prev_end, message)
+ prev_end = end
+def whitespace_before_comment(logical_line, tokens):
+ r"""Separate inline comments by at least two spaces.
+ An inline comment is a comment on the same line as a statement. Inline
+ comments should be separated by at least two spaces from the statement.
+ They should start with a # and a single space.
+ Each line of a block comment starts with a # and a single space
+ (unless it is indented text inside the comment).
+ Okay: x = x + 1 # Increment x
+ Okay: x = x + 1 # Increment x
+ Okay: # Block comment
+ E261: x = x + 1 # Increment x
+ E262: x = x + 1 #Increment x
+ E262: x = x + 1 # Increment x
+ E265: #Block comment
+ E266: ### Block comment
+ """
+ prev_end = (0, 0)
+ for token_type, text, start, end, line in tokens:
+ if token_type == tokenize.COMMENT:
+ inline_comment = line[:start[1]].strip()
+ if inline_comment:
+ if prev_end[0] == start[0] and start[1] < prev_end[1] + 2:
+ yield (prev_end,
+ "E261 at least two spaces before inline comment")
+ symbol, sp, comment = text.partition(' ')
+ bad_prefix = symbol not in '#:' and (symbol.lstrip('#')[:1] or '#')
+ if inline_comment:
+ if bad_prefix or comment[:1] in WHITESPACE:
+ yield start, "E262 inline comment should start with '# '"
+ elif bad_prefix and (bad_prefix != '!' or start[0] > 1):
+ if bad_prefix != '#':
+ yield start, "E265 block comment should start with '# '"
+ elif comment:
+ yield start, "E266 too many leading '#' for block comment"
+ elif token_type != tokenize.NL:
+ prev_end = end
+def imports_on_separate_lines(logical_line):
+ r"""Imports should usually be on separate lines.
+ Okay: import os\nimport sys
+ E401: import sys, os
+ Okay: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+ Okay: from myclas import MyClass
+ Okay: from import YourClass
+ Okay: import myclass
+ Okay: import
+ """
+ line = logical_line
+ if line.startswith('import '):
+ found = line.find(',')
+ if -1 < found and ';' not in line[:found]:
+ yield found, "E401 multiple imports on one line"
+def compound_statements(logical_line):
+ r"""Compound statements (on the same line) are generally discouraged.
+ While sometimes it's okay to put an if/for/while with a small body
+ on the same line, never do this for multi-clause statements.
+ Also avoid folding such long lines!
+ Always use a def statement instead of an assignment statement that
+ binds a lambda expression directly to a name.
+ Okay: if foo == 'blah':\n do_blah_thing()
+ Okay: do_one()
+ Okay: do_two()
+ Okay: do_three()
+ E701: if foo == 'blah': do_blah_thing()
+ E701: for x in lst: total += x
+ E701: while t < 10: t = delay()
+ E701: if foo == 'blah': do_blah_thing()
+ E701: else: do_non_blah_thing()
+ E701: try: something()
+ E701: finally: cleanup()
+ E701: if foo == 'blah': one(); two(); three()
+ E702: do_one(); do_two(); do_three()
+ E703: do_four(); # useless semicolon
+ E704: def f(x): return 2*x
+ E731: f = lambda x: 2*x
+ """
+ line = logical_line
+ last_char = len(line) - 1
+ found = line.find(':')
+ while -1 < found < last_char:
+ before = line[:found]
+ if ((before.count('{') <= before.count('}') and # {'a': 1} (dict)
+ before.count('[') <= before.count(']') and # [1:2] (slice)
+ before.count('(') <= before.count(')'))): # (annotation)
+ if
+ yield 0, "E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def"
+ break
+ if before.startswith('def '):
+ yield 0, "E704 multiple statements on one line (def)"
+ else:
+ yield found, "E701 multiple statements on one line (colon)"
+ found = line.find(':', found + 1)
+ found = line.find(';')
+ while -1 < found:
+ if found < last_char:
+ yield found, "E702 multiple statements on one line (semicolon)"
+ else:
+ yield found, "E703 statement ends with a semicolon"
+ found = line.find(';', found + 1)
+def explicit_line_join(logical_line, tokens):
+ r"""Avoid explicit line join between brackets.
+ The preferred way of wrapping long lines is by using Python's implied line
+ continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces. Long lines can be
+ broken over multiple lines by wrapping expressions in parentheses. These
+ should be used in preference to using a backslash for line continuation.
+ E502: aaa = [123, \\n 123]
+ E502: aaa = ("bbb " \\n "ccc")
+ Okay: aaa = [123,\n 123]
+ Okay: aaa = ("bbb "\n "ccc")
+ Okay: aaa = "bbb " \\n "ccc"
+ """
+ prev_start = prev_end = parens = 0
+ for token_type, text, start, end, line in tokens:
+ if start[0] != prev_start and parens and backslash:
+ yield backslash, "E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets"
+ if end[0] != prev_end:
+ if line.rstrip('\r\n').endswith('\\'):
+ backslash = (end[0], len(line.splitlines()[-1]) - 1)
+ else:
+ backslash = None
+ prev_start = prev_end = end[0]
+ else:
+ prev_start = start[0]
+ if token_type == tokenize.OP:
+ if text in '([{':
+ parens += 1
+ elif text in ')]}':
+ parens -= 1
+def comparison_to_singleton(logical_line, noqa):
+ r"""Comparison to singletons should use "is" or "is not".
+ Comparisons to singletons like None should always be done
+ with "is" or "is not", never the equality operators.
+ Okay: if arg is not None:
+ E711: if arg != None:
+ E712: if arg == True:
+ Also, beware of writing if x when you really mean if x is not None --
+ e.g. when testing whether a variable or argument that defaults to None was
+ set to some other value. The other value might have a type (such as a
+ container) that could be false in a boolean context!
+ """
+ match = not noqa and
+ if match:
+ same = ( == '==')
+ singleton =
+ msg = "'if cond is %s:'" % (('' if same else 'not ') + singleton)
+ if singleton in ('None',):
+ code = 'E711'
+ else:
+ code = 'E712'
+ nonzero = ((singleton == 'True' and same) or
+ (singleton == 'False' and not same))
+ msg += " or 'if %scond:'" % ('' if nonzero else 'not ')
+ yield match.start(1), ("%s comparison to %s should be %s" %
+ (code, singleton, msg))
+def comparison_negative(logical_line):
+ r"""Negative comparison should be done using "not in" and "is not".
+ Okay: if x not in y:\n pass
+ Okay: assert (X in Y or X is Z)
+ Okay: if not (X in Y):\n pass
+ Okay: zz = x is not y
+ E713: Z = not X in Y
+ E713: if not X.B in Y:\n pass
+ E714: if not X is Y:\n pass
+ E714: Z = not X.B is Y
+ """
+ match =
+ if match:
+ pos = match.start(1)
+ if == 'in':
+ yield pos, "E713 test for membership should be 'not in'"
+ else:
+ yield pos, "E714 test for object identity should be 'is not'"
+def comparison_type(logical_line):
+ r"""Object type comparisons should always use isinstance().
+ Do not compare types directly.
+ Okay: if isinstance(obj, int):
+ E721: if type(obj) is type(1):
+ When checking if an object is a string, keep in mind that it might be a
+ unicode string too! In Python 2.3, str and unicode have a common base
+ class, basestring, so you can do:
+ Okay: if isinstance(obj, basestring):
+ Okay: if type(a1) is type(b1):
+ """
+ match =
+ if match:
+ inst =
+ if inst and isidentifier(inst) and inst not in SINGLETONS:
+ return # Allow comparison for types which are not obvious
+ yield match.start(), "E721 do not compare types, use 'isinstance()'"
+def python_3000_has_key(logical_line, noqa):
+ r"""The {}.has_key() method is removed in Python 3: use the 'in' operator.
+ Okay: if "alph" in d:\n print d["alph"]
+ W601: assert d.has_key('alph')
+ """
+ pos = logical_line.find('.has_key(')
+ if pos > -1 and not noqa:
+ yield pos, "W601 .has_key() is deprecated, use 'in'"
+def python_3000_raise_comma(logical_line):
+ r"""When raising an exception, use "raise ValueError('message')".
+ The older form is removed in Python 3.
+ Okay: raise DummyError("Message")
+ W602: raise DummyError, "Message"
+ """
+ match = RAISE_COMMA_REGEX.match(logical_line)
+ if match and not RERAISE_COMMA_REGEX.match(logical_line):
+ yield match.end() - 1, "W602 deprecated form of raising exception"
+def python_3000_not_equal(logical_line):
+ r"""New code should always use != instead of <>.
+ The older syntax is removed in Python 3.
+ Okay: if a != 'no':
+ W603: if a <> 'no':
+ """
+ pos = logical_line.find('<>')
+ if pos > -1:
+ yield pos, "W603 '<>' is deprecated, use '!='"
+def python_3000_backticks(logical_line):
+ r"""Backticks are removed in Python 3: use repr() instead.
+ Okay: val = repr(1 + 2)
+ W604: val = `1 + 2`
+ """
+ pos = logical_line.find('`')
+ if pos > -1:
+ yield pos, "W604 backticks are deprecated, use 'repr()'"
+# Helper functions
+if '' == ''.encode():
+ # Python 2: implicit encoding.
+ def readlines(filename):
+ """Read the source code."""
+ with open(filename, 'rU') as f:
+ return f.readlines()
+ isidentifier = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*').match
+ stdin_get_value =
+ # Python 3
+ def readlines(filename):
+ """Read the source code."""
+ try:
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ (coding, lines) = tokenize.detect_encoding(f.readline)
+ f = TextIOWrapper(f, coding, line_buffering=True)
+ return [l.decode(coding) for l in lines] + f.readlines()
+ except (LookupError, SyntaxError, UnicodeError):
+ # Fall back if file encoding is improperly declared
+ with open(filename, encoding='latin-1') as f:
+ return f.readlines()
+ isidentifier = str.isidentifier
+ def stdin_get_value():
+ return TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, errors='ignore').read()
+noqa = re.compile(r'# no(?:qa|pep8)\b', re.I).search
+def expand_indent(line):
+ r"""Return the amount of indentation.
+ Tabs are expanded to the next multiple of 8.
+ >>> expand_indent(' ')
+ 4
+ >>> expand_indent('\t')
+ 8
+ >>> expand_indent(' \t')
+ 8
+ >>> expand_indent(' \t')
+ 16
+ """
+ if '\t' not in line:
+ return len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
+ result = 0
+ for char in line:
+ if char == '\t':
+ result = result // 8 * 8 + 8
+ elif char == ' ':
+ result += 1
+ else:
+ break
+ return result
+def mute_string(text):
+ """Replace contents with 'xxx' to prevent syntax matching.
+ >>> mute_string('"abc"')
+ '"xxx"'
+ >>> mute_string("'''abc'''")
+ "'''xxx'''"
+ >>> mute_string("r'abc'")
+ "r'xxx'"
+ """
+ # String modifiers (e.g. u or r)
+ start = text.index(text[-1]) + 1
+ end = len(text) - 1
+ # Triple quotes
+ if text[-3:] in ('"""', "'''"):
+ start += 2
+ end -= 2
+ return text[:start] + 'x' * (end - start) + text[end:]
+def parse_udiff(diff, patterns=None, parent='.'):
+ """Return a dictionary of matching lines."""
+ # For each file of the diff, the entry key is the filename,
+ # and the value is a set of row numbers to consider.
+ rv = {}
+ path = nrows = None
+ for line in diff.splitlines():
+ if nrows:
+ if line[:1] != '-':
+ nrows -= 1
+ continue
+ if line[:3] == '@@ ':
+ hunk_match = HUNK_REGEX.match(line)
+ (row, nrows) = [int(g or '1') for g in hunk_match.groups()]
+ rv[path].update(range(row, row + nrows))
+ elif line[:3] == '+++':
+ path = line[4:].split('\t', 1)[0]
+ if path[:2] == 'b/':
+ path = path[2:]
+ rv[path] = set()
+ return dict([(os.path.join(parent, path), rows)
+ for (path, rows) in rv.items()
+ if rows and filename_match(path, patterns)])
+def normalize_paths(value, parent=os.curdir):
+ """Parse a comma-separated list of paths.
+ Return a list of absolute paths.
+ """
+ if not value or isinstance(value, list):
+ return value
+ paths = []
+ for path in value.split(','):
+ if '/' in path:
+ path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parent, path))
+ paths.append(path.rstrip('/'))
+ return paths
+def filename_match(filename, patterns, default=True):
+ """Check if patterns contains a pattern that matches filename.
+ If patterns is unspecified, this always returns True.
+ """
+ if not patterns:
+ return default
+ return any(fnmatch(filename, pattern) for pattern in patterns)
+ def _is_eol_token(token):
+ return (token[0] in NEWLINE or
+ (token[0] == tokenize.COMMENT and token[1] == token[4]))
+ def _is_eol_token(token):
+ return token[0] in NEWLINE
+# Framework to run all checks
+_checks = {'physical_line': {}, 'logical_line': {}, 'tree': {}}
+def register_check(check, codes=None):
+ """Register a new check object."""
+ def _add_check(check, kind, codes, args):
+ if check in _checks[kind]:
+ _checks[kind][check][0].extend(codes or [])
+ else:
+ _checks[kind][check] = (codes or [''], args)
+ if inspect.isfunction(check):
+ args = inspect.getargspec(check)[0]
+ if args and args[0] in ('physical_line', 'logical_line'):
+ if codes is None:
+ codes = ERRORCODE_REGEX.findall(check.__doc__ or '')
+ _add_check(check, args[0], codes, args)
+ elif inspect.isclass(check):
+ if inspect.getargspec(check.__init__)[0][:2] == ['self', 'tree']:
+ _add_check(check, 'tree', codes, None)
+def init_checks_registry():
+ """Register all globally visible functions.
+ The first argument name is either 'physical_line' or 'logical_line'.
+ """
+ mod = inspect.getmodule(register_check)
+ for (name, function) in inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isfunction):
+ register_check(function)
+class Checker(object):
+ """Load a Python source file, tokenize it, check coding style."""
+ def __init__(self, filename=None, lines=None,
+ options=None, report=None, **kwargs):
+ if options is None:
+ options = StyleGuide(kwargs).options
+ else:
+ assert not kwargs
+ self._io_error = None
+ self._physical_checks = options.physical_checks
+ self._logical_checks = options.logical_checks
+ self._ast_checks = options.ast_checks
+ self.max_line_length = options.max_line_length
+ self.multiline = False # in a multiline string?
+ self.hang_closing = options.hang_closing
+ self.verbose = options.verbose
+ self.filename = filename
+ if filename is None:
+ self.filename = 'stdin'
+ self.lines = lines or []
+ elif filename == '-':
+ self.filename = 'stdin'
+ self.lines = stdin_get_value().splitlines(True)
+ elif lines is None:
+ try:
+ self.lines = readlines(filename)
+ except IOError:
+ (exc_type, exc) = sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ self._io_error = '%s: %s' % (exc_type.__name__, exc)
+ self.lines = []
+ else:
+ self.lines = lines
+ if self.lines:
+ ord0 = ord(self.lines[0][0])
+ if ord0 in (0xef, 0xfeff): # Strip the UTF-8 BOM
+ if ord0 == 0xfeff:
+ self.lines[0] = self.lines[0][1:]
+ elif self.lines[0][:3] == '\xef\xbb\xbf':
+ self.lines[0] = self.lines[0][3:]
+ = report or
+ self.report_error =
+ def report_invalid_syntax(self):
+ """Check if the syntax is valid."""
+ (exc_type, exc) = sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ if len(exc.args) > 1:
+ offset = exc.args[1]
+ if len(offset) > 2:
+ offset = offset[1:3]
+ else:
+ offset = (1, 0)
+ self.report_error(offset[0], offset[1] or 0,
+ 'E901 %s: %s' % (exc_type.__name__, exc.args[0]),
+ self.report_invalid_syntax)
+ def readline(self):
+ """Get the next line from the input buffer."""
+ if self.line_number >= self.total_lines:
+ return ''
+ line = self.lines[self.line_number]
+ self.line_number += 1
+ if self.indent_char is None and line[:1] in WHITESPACE:
+ self.indent_char = line[0]
+ return line
+ def run_check(self, check, argument_names):
+ """Run a check plugin."""
+ arguments = []
+ for name in argument_names:
+ arguments.append(getattr(self, name))
+ return check(*arguments)
+ def check_physical(self, line):
+ """Run all physical checks on a raw input line."""
+ self.physical_line = line
+ for name, check, argument_names in self._physical_checks:
+ result = self.run_check(check, argument_names)
+ if result is not None:
+ (offset, text) = result
+ self.report_error(self.line_number, offset, text, check)
+ if text[:4] == 'E101':
+ self.indent_char = line[0]
+ def build_tokens_line(self):
+ """Build a logical line from tokens."""
+ logical = []
+ comments = []
+ length = 0
+ prev_row = prev_col = mapping = None
+ for token_type, text, start, end, line in self.tokens:
+ if token_type in SKIP_TOKENS:
+ continue
+ if not mapping:
+ mapping = [(0, start)]
+ if token_type == tokenize.COMMENT:
+ comments.append(text)
+ continue
+ if token_type == tokenize.STRING:
+ text = mute_string(text)
+ if prev_row:
+ (start_row, start_col) = start
+ if prev_row != start_row: # different row
+ prev_text = self.lines[prev_row - 1][prev_col - 1]
+ if prev_text == ',' or (prev_text not in '{[('
+ and text not in '}])'):
+ text = ' ' + text
+ elif prev_col != start_col: # different column
+ text = line[prev_col:start_col] + text
+ logical.append(text)
+ length += len(text)
+ mapping.append((length, end))
+ (prev_row, prev_col) = end
+ self.logical_line = ''.join(logical)
+ self.noqa = comments and noqa(''.join(comments))
+ return mapping
+ def check_logical(self):
+ """Build a line from tokens and run all logical checks on it."""
+ mapping = self.build_tokens_line()
+ (start_row, start_col) = mapping[0][1]
+ start_line = self.lines[start_row - 1]
+ self.indent_level = expand_indent(start_line[:start_col])
+ if self.blank_before < self.blank_lines:
+ self.blank_before = self.blank_lines
+ if self.verbose >= 2:
+ print(self.logical_line[:80].rstrip())
+ for name, check, argument_names in self._logical_checks:
+ if self.verbose >= 4:
+ print(' ' + name)
+ for offset, text in self.run_check(check, argument_names) or ():
+ if not isinstance(offset, tuple):
+ for token_offset, pos in mapping:
+ if offset <= token_offset:
+ break
+ offset = (pos[0], pos[1] + offset - token_offset)
+ self.report_error(offset[0], offset[1], text, check)
+ if self.logical_line:
+ self.previous_indent_level = self.indent_level
+ self.previous_logical = self.logical_line
+ self.blank_lines = 0
+ self.tokens = []
+ def check_ast(self):
+ """Build the file's AST and run all AST checks."""
+ try:
+ tree = compile(''.join(self.lines), '', 'exec', PyCF_ONLY_AST)
+ except (SyntaxError, TypeError):
+ return self.report_invalid_syntax()
+ for name, cls, __ in self._ast_checks:
+ checker = cls(tree, self.filename)
+ for lineno, offset, text, check in
+ if not self.lines or not noqa(self.lines[lineno - 1]):
+ self.report_error(lineno, offset, text, check)
+ def generate_tokens(self):
+ """Tokenize the file, run physical line checks and yield tokens."""
+ if self._io_error:
+ self.report_error(1, 0, 'E902 %s' % self._io_error, readlines)
+ tokengen = tokenize.generate_tokens(self.readline)
+ try:
+ for token in tokengen:
+ if token[2][0] > self.total_lines:
+ return
+ self.maybe_check_physical(token)
+ yield token
+ except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError):
+ self.report_invalid_syntax()
+ def maybe_check_physical(self, token):
+ """If appropriate (based on token), check current physical line(s)."""
+ # Called after every token, but act only on end of line.
+ if _is_eol_token(token):
+ # Obviously, a newline token ends a single physical line.
+ self.check_physical(token[4])
+ elif token[0] == tokenize.STRING and '\n' in token[1]:
+ # Less obviously, a string that contains newlines is a
+ # multiline string, either triple-quoted or with internal
+ # newlines backslash-escaped. Check every physical line in the
+ # string *except* for the last one: its newline is outside of
+ # the multiline string, so we consider it a regular physical
+ # line, and will check it like any other physical line.
+ #
+ # Subtleties:
+ # - we don't *completely* ignore the last line; if it contains
+ # the magical "# noqa" comment, we disable all physical
+ # checks for the entire multiline string
+ # - have to wind self.line_number back because initially it
+ # points to the last line of the string, and we want
+ # check_physical() to give accurate feedback
+ if noqa(token[4]):
+ return
+ self.multiline = True
+ self.line_number = token[2][0]
+ for line in token[1].split('\n')[:-1]:
+ self.check_physical(line + '\n')
+ self.line_number += 1
+ self.multiline = False
+ def check_all(self, expected=None, line_offset=0):
+ """Run all checks on the input file."""
+, self.lines, expected, line_offset)
+ self.total_lines = len(self.lines)
+ if self._ast_checks:
+ self.check_ast()
+ self.line_number = 0
+ self.indent_char = None
+ self.indent_level = self.previous_indent_level = 0
+ self.previous_logical = ''
+ self.tokens = []
+ self.blank_lines = self.blank_before = 0
+ parens = 0
+ for token in self.generate_tokens():
+ self.tokens.append(token)
+ token_type, text = token[0:2]
+ if self.verbose >= 3:
+ if token[2][0] == token[3][0]:
+ pos = '[%s:%s]' % (token[2][1] or '', token[3][1])
+ else:
+ pos = 'l.%s' % token[3][0]
+ print('l.%s\t%s\t%s\t%r' %
+ (token[2][0], pos, tokenize.tok_name[token[0]], text))
+ if token_type == tokenize.OP:
+ if text in '([{':
+ parens += 1
+ elif text in '}])':
+ parens -= 1
+ elif not parens:
+ if token_type in NEWLINE:
+ if token_type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
+ self.check_logical()
+ self.blank_before = 0
+ elif len(self.tokens) == 1:
+ # The physical line contains only this token.
+ self.blank_lines += 1
+ del self.tokens[0]
+ else:
+ self.check_logical()
+ elif COMMENT_WITH_NL and token_type == tokenize.COMMENT:
+ if len(self.tokens) == 1:
+ # The comment also ends a physical line
+ token = list(token)
+ token[1] = text.rstrip('\r\n')
+ token[3] = (token[2][0], token[2][1] + len(token[1]))
+ self.tokens = [tuple(token)]
+ self.check_logical()
+ if self.tokens:
+ self.check_physical(self.lines[-1])
+ self.check_logical()
+ return
+class BaseReport(object):
+ """Collect the results of the checks."""
+ print_filename = False
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ self._benchmark_keys = options.benchmark_keys
+ self._ignore_code = options.ignore_code
+ # Results
+ self.elapsed = 0
+ self.total_errors = 0
+ self.counters = dict.fromkeys(self._benchmark_keys, 0)
+ self.messages = {}
+ def start(self):
+ """Start the timer."""
+ self._start_time = time.time()
+ def stop(self):
+ """Stop the timer."""
+ self.elapsed = time.time() - self._start_time
+ def init_file(self, filename, lines, expected, line_offset):
+ """Signal a new file."""
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.lines = lines
+ self.expected = expected or ()
+ self.line_offset = line_offset
+ self.file_errors = 0
+ self.counters['files'] += 1
+ self.counters['physical lines'] += len(lines)
+ def increment_logical_line(self):
+ """Signal a new logical line."""
+ self.counters['logical lines'] += 1
+ def error(self, line_number, offset, text, check):
+ """Report an error, according to options."""
+ code = text[:4]
+ if self._ignore_code(code):
+ return
+ if code in self.counters:
+ self.counters[code] += 1
+ else:
+ self.counters[code] = 1
+ self.messages[code] = text[5:]
+ # Don't care about expected errors or warnings
+ if code in self.expected:
+ return
+ if self.print_filename and not self.file_errors:
+ print(self.filename)
+ self.file_errors += 1
+ self.total_errors += 1
+ return code
+ def get_file_results(self):
+ """Return the count of errors and warnings for this file."""
+ return self.file_errors
+ def get_count(self, prefix=''):
+ """Return the total count of errors and warnings."""
+ return sum([self.counters[key]
+ for key in self.messages if key.startswith(prefix)])
+ def get_statistics(self, prefix=''):
+ """Get statistics for message codes that start with the prefix.
+ prefix='' matches all errors and warnings
+ prefix='E' matches all errors
+ prefix='W' matches all warnings
+ prefix='E4' matches all errors that have to do with imports
+ """
+ return ['%-7s %s %s' % (self.counters[key], key, self.messages[key])
+ for key in sorted(self.messages) if key.startswith(prefix)]
+ def print_statistics(self, prefix=''):
+ """Print overall statistics (number of errors and warnings)."""
+ for line in self.get_statistics(prefix):
+ print(line)
+ def print_benchmark(self):
+ """Print benchmark numbers."""
+ print('%-7.2f %s' % (self.elapsed, 'seconds elapsed'))
+ if self.elapsed:
+ for key in self._benchmark_keys:
+ print('%-7d %s per second (%d total)' %
+ (self.counters[key] / self.elapsed, key,
+ self.counters[key]))
+class FileReport(BaseReport):
+ """Collect the results of the checks and print only the filenames."""
+ print_filename = True
+class StandardReport(BaseReport):
+ """Collect and print the results of the checks."""
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ super(StandardReport, self).__init__(options)
+ self._fmt = REPORT_FORMAT.get(options.format.lower(),
+ options.format)
+ self._repeat = options.repeat
+ self._show_source = options.show_source
+ self._show_pep8 = options.show_pep8
+ def init_file(self, filename, lines, expected, line_offset):
+ """Signal a new file."""
+ self._deferred_print = []
+ return super(StandardReport, self).init_file(
+ filename, lines, expected, line_offset)
+ def error(self, line_number, offset, text, check):
+ """Report an error, according to options."""
+ code = super(StandardReport, self).error(line_number, offset,
+ text, check)
+ if code and (self.counters[code] == 1 or self._repeat):
+ self._deferred_print.append(
+ (line_number, offset, code, text[5:], check.__doc__))
+ return code
+ def get_file_results(self):
+ """Print the result and return the overall count for this file."""
+ self._deferred_print.sort()
+ for line_number, offset, code, text, doc in self._deferred_print:
+ print(self._fmt % {
+ 'path': self.filename,
+ 'row': self.line_offset + line_number, 'col': offset + 1,
+ 'code': code, 'text': text,
+ })
+ if self._show_source:
+ if line_number > len(self.lines):
+ line = ''
+ else:
+ line = self.lines[line_number - 1]
+ print(line.rstrip())
+ print(re.sub(r'\S', ' ', line[:offset]) + '^')
+ if self._show_pep8 and doc:
+ print(' ' + doc.strip())
+ return self.file_errors
+class DiffReport(StandardReport):
+ """Collect and print the results for the changed lines only."""
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ super(DiffReport, self).__init__(options)
+ self._selected = options.selected_lines
+ def error(self, line_number, offset, text, check):
+ if line_number not in self._selected[self.filename]:
+ return
+ return super(DiffReport, self).error(line_number, offset, text, check)
+class StyleGuide(object):
+ """Initialize a PEP-8 instance with few options."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # build options from the command line
+ self.checker_class = kwargs.pop('checker_class', Checker)
+ parse_argv = kwargs.pop('parse_argv', False)
+ config_file = kwargs.pop('config_file', None)
+ parser = kwargs.pop('parser', None)
+ # build options from dict
+ options_dict = dict(*args, **kwargs)
+ arglist = None if parse_argv else options_dict.get('paths', None)
+ options, self.paths = process_options(
+ arglist, parse_argv, config_file, parser)
+ if options_dict:
+ options.__dict__.update(options_dict)
+ if 'paths' in options_dict:
+ self.paths = options_dict['paths']
+ self.runner = self.input_file
+ self.options = options
+ if not options.reporter:
+ options.reporter = BaseReport if options.quiet else StandardReport
+ = tuple( or ())
+ if not ( or options.ignore or
+ options.testsuite or options.doctest) and DEFAULT_IGNORE:
+ # The default choice: ignore controversial checks
+ options.ignore = tuple(DEFAULT_IGNORE.split(','))
+ else:
+ # Ignore all checks which are not explicitly selected
+ options.ignore = ('',) if else tuple(options.ignore)
+ options.benchmark_keys = BENCHMARK_KEYS[:]
+ options.ignore_code = self.ignore_code
+ options.physical_checks = self.get_checks('physical_line')
+ options.logical_checks = self.get_checks('logical_line')
+ options.ast_checks = self.get_checks('tree')
+ self.init_report()
+ def init_report(self, reporter=None):
+ """Initialize the report instance."""
+ = (reporter or self.options.reporter)(self.options)
+ return
+ def check_files(self, paths=None):
+ """Run all checks on the paths."""
+ if paths is None:
+ paths = self.paths
+ report =
+ runner = self.runner
+ report.start()
+ try:
+ for path in paths:
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+ self.input_dir(path)
+ elif not self.excluded(path):
+ runner(path)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print('... stopped')
+ report.stop()
+ return report
+ def input_file(self, filename, lines=None, expected=None, line_offset=0):
+ """Run all checks on a Python source file."""
+ if self.options.verbose:
+ print('checking %s' % filename)
+ fchecker = self.checker_class(
+ filename, lines=lines, options=self.options)
+ return fchecker.check_all(expected=expected, line_offset=line_offset)
+ def input_dir(self, dirname):
+ """Check all files in this directory and all subdirectories."""
+ dirname = dirname.rstrip('/')
+ if self.excluded(dirname):
+ return 0
+ counters =
+ verbose = self.options.verbose
+ filepatterns = self.options.filename
+ runner = self.runner
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname):
+ if verbose:
+ print('directory ' + root)
+ counters['directories'] += 1
+ for subdir in sorted(dirs):
+ if self.excluded(subdir, root):
+ dirs.remove(subdir)
+ for filename in sorted(files):
+ # contain a pattern that matches?
+ if ((filename_match(filename, filepatterns) and
+ not self.excluded(filename, root))):
+ runner(os.path.join(root, filename))
+ def excluded(self, filename, parent=None):
+ """Check if the file should be excluded.
+ Check if 'options.exclude' contains a pattern that matches filename.
+ """
+ if not self.options.exclude:
+ return False
+ basename = os.path.basename(filename)
+ if filename_match(basename, self.options.exclude):
+ return True
+ if parent:
+ filename = os.path.join(parent, filename)
+ filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
+ return filename_match(filename, self.options.exclude)
+ def ignore_code(self, code):
+ """Check if the error code should be ignored.
+ If '' contains a prefix of the error code,
+ return False. Else, if 'options.ignore' contains a prefix of
+ the error code, return True.
+ """
+ if len(code) < 4 and any(s.startswith(code)
+ for s in
+ return False
+ return (code.startswith(self.options.ignore) and
+ not code.startswith(
+ def get_checks(self, argument_name):
+ """Get all the checks for this category.
+ Find all globally visible functions where the first argument name
+ starts with argument_name and which contain selected tests.
+ """
+ checks = []
+ for check, attrs in _checks[argument_name].items():
+ (codes, args) = attrs
+ if any(not (code and self.ignore_code(code)) for code in codes):
+ checks.append((check.__name__, check, args))
+ return sorted(checks)
+def get_parser(prog='pep8', version=__version__):
+ parser = OptionParser(prog=prog, version=version,
+ usage="%prog [options] input ...")
+ parser.config_options = [
+ 'exclude', 'filename', 'select', 'ignore', 'max-line-length',
+ 'hang-closing', 'count', 'format', 'quiet', 'show-pep8',
+ 'show-source', 'statistics', 'verbose']
+ parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count',
+ help="print status messages, or debug with -vv")
+ parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', default=0, action='count',
+ help="report only file names, or nothing with -qq")
+ parser.add_option('-r', '--repeat', default=True, action='store_true',
+ help="(obsolete) show all occurrences of the same error")
+ parser.add_option('--first', action='store_false', dest='repeat',
+ help="show first occurrence of each error")
+ parser.add_option('--exclude', metavar='patterns', default=DEFAULT_EXCLUDE,
+ help="exclude files or directories which match these "
+ "comma separated patterns (default: %default)")
+ parser.add_option('--filename', metavar='patterns', default='*.py',
+ help="when parsing directories, only check filenames "
+ "matching these comma separated patterns "
+ "(default: %default)")
+ parser.add_option('--select', metavar='errors', default='',
+ help="select errors and warnings (e.g. E,W6)")
+ parser.add_option('--ignore', metavar='errors', default='',
+ help="skip errors and warnings (e.g. E4,W)")
+ parser.add_option('--show-source', action='store_true',
+ help="show source code for each error")
+ parser.add_option('--show-pep8', action='store_true',
+ help="show text of PEP 8 for each error "
+ "(implies --first)")
+ parser.add_option('--statistics', action='store_true',
+ help="count errors and warnings")
+ parser.add_option('--count', action='store_true',
+ help="print total number of errors and warnings "
+ "to standard error and set exit code to 1 if "
+ "total is not null")
+ parser.add_option('--max-line-length', type='int', metavar='n',
+ default=MAX_LINE_LENGTH,
+ help="set maximum allowed line length "
+ "(default: %default)")
+ parser.add_option('--hang-closing', action='store_true',
+ help="hang closing bracket instead of matching "
+ "indentation of opening bracket's line")
+ parser.add_option('--format', metavar='format', default='default',
+ help="set the error format [default|pylint|<custom>]")
+ parser.add_option('--diff', action='store_true',
+ help="report only lines changed according to the "
+ "unified diff received on STDIN")
+ group = parser.add_option_group("Testing Options")
+ if os.path.exists(TESTSUITE_PATH):
+ group.add_option('--testsuite', metavar='dir',
+ help="run regression tests from dir")
+ group.add_option('--doctest', action='store_true',
+ help="run doctest on myself")
+ group.add_option('--benchmark', action='store_true',
+ help="measure processing speed")
+ return parser
+def read_config(options, args, arglist, parser):
+ """Read both user configuration and local configuration."""
+ config = RawConfigParser()
+ user_conf = options.config
+ if user_conf and os.path.isfile(user_conf):
+ if options.verbose:
+ print('user configuration: %s' % user_conf)
+ local_dir = os.curdir
+ parent = tail = args and os.path.abspath(os.path.commonprefix(args))
+ while tail:
+ if[os.path.join(parent, fn) for fn in PROJECT_CONFIG]):
+ local_dir = parent
+ if options.verbose:
+ print('local configuration: in %s' % parent)
+ break
+ (parent, tail) = os.path.split(parent)
+ pep8_section = parser.prog
+ if config.has_section(pep8_section):
+ option_list = dict([(o.dest, o.type or o.action)
+ for o in parser.option_list])
+ # First, read the default values
+ (new_options, __) = parser.parse_args([])
+ # Second, parse the configuration
+ for opt in config.options(pep8_section):
+ if opt.replace('_', '-') not in parser.config_options:
+ print(" unknown option '%s' ignored" % opt)
+ continue
+ if options.verbose > 1:
+ print(" %s = %s" % (opt, config.get(pep8_section, opt)))
+ normalized_opt = opt.replace('-', '_')
+ opt_type = option_list[normalized_opt]
+ if opt_type in ('int', 'count'):
+ value = config.getint(pep8_section, opt)
+ elif opt_type == 'string':
+ value = config.get(pep8_section, opt)
+ if normalized_opt == 'exclude':
+ value = normalize_paths(value, local_dir)
+ else:
+ assert opt_type in ('store_true', 'store_false')
+ value = config.getboolean(pep8_section, opt)
+ setattr(new_options, normalized_opt, value)
+ # Third, overwrite with the command-line options
+ (options, __) = parser.parse_args(arglist, values=new_options)
+ options.doctest = options.testsuite = False
+ return options
+def process_options(arglist=None, parse_argv=False, config_file=None,
+ parser=None):
+ """Process options passed either via arglist or via command line args."""
+ if not parser:
+ parser = get_parser()
+ if not parser.has_option('--config'):
+ if config_file is True:
+ config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG
+ group = parser.add_option_group("Configuration", description=(
+ "The project options are read from the [%s] section of the "
+ "tox.ini file or the setup.cfg file located in any parent folder "
+ "of the path(s) being processed. Allowed options are: %s." %
+ (parser.prog, ', '.join(parser.config_options))))
+ group.add_option('--config', metavar='path', default=config_file,
+ help="user config file location (default: %default)")
+ # Don't read the command line if the module is used as a library.
+ if not arglist and not parse_argv:
+ arglist = []
+ # If parse_argv is True and arglist is None, arguments are
+ # parsed from the command line (sys.argv)
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist)
+ options.reporter = None
+ if options.ensure_value('testsuite', False):
+ args.append(options.testsuite)
+ elif not options.ensure_value('doctest', False):
+ if parse_argv and not args:
+ if options.diff or any(os.path.exists(name)
+ for name in PROJECT_CONFIG):
+ args = ['.']
+ else:
+ parser.error('input not specified')
+ options = read_config(options, args, arglist, parser)
+ options.reporter = parse_argv and options.quiet == 1 and FileReport
+ options.filename = options.filename and options.filename.split(',')
+ options.exclude = normalize_paths(options.exclude)
+ = and',')
+ options.ignore = options.ignore and options.ignore.split(',')
+ if options.diff:
+ options.reporter = DiffReport
+ stdin = stdin_get_value()
+ options.selected_lines = parse_udiff(stdin, options.filename, args[0])
+ args = sorted(options.selected_lines)
+ return options, args
+def _main():
+ """Parse options and run checks on Python source."""
+ import signal
+ # Handle "Broken pipe" gracefully
+ try:
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, lambda signum, frame: sys.exit(1))
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass # not supported on Windows
+ pep8style = StyleGuide(parse_argv=True, config_file=True)
+ options = pep8style.options
+ if options.doctest or options.testsuite:
+ from import run_tests
+ report = run_tests(pep8style)
+ else:
+ report = pep8style.check_files()
+ if options.statistics:
+ report.print_statistics()
+ if options.benchmark:
+ report.print_benchmark()
+ if options.testsuite and not options.quiet:
+ report.print_results()
+ if report.total_errors:
+ if options.count:
+ sys.stderr.write(str(report.total_errors) + '\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ _main() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3b927b4db451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+"""create and manipulate C data types in Python"""
+import os as _os, sys as _sys
+from itertools import chain as _chain
+# special developer support to use ctypes from the CVS sandbox,
+# without installing it
+# XXX Remove this for the python core version
+_magicfile = _os.path.join(_os.path.dirname(__file__), ".CTYPES_DEVEL")
+if _os.path.isfile(_magicfile):
+ execfile(_magicfile)
+del _magicfile
+__version__ = ""
+from _ctypes import Union, Structure, Array
+from _ctypes import _Pointer
+from _ctypes import CFuncPtr as _CFuncPtr
+from _ctypes import __version__ as _ctypes_version
+from _ctypes import RTLD_LOCAL, RTLD_GLOBAL
+from _ctypes import ArgumentError
+from struct import calcsize as _calcsize
+if __version__ != _ctypes_version:
+ raise Exception, ("Version number mismatch", __version__, _ctypes_version)
+if in ("nt", "ce"):
+ from _ctypes import FormatError
+from _ctypes import FUNCFLAG_CDECL as _FUNCFLAG_CDECL, \
+STDMETHOD_(type, name)
+def create_string_buffer(init, size=None):
+ """create_string_buffer(aString) -> character array
+ create_string_buffer(anInteger) -> character array
+ create_string_buffer(aString, anInteger) -> character array
+ """
+ if isinstance(init, (str, unicode)):
+ if size is None:
+ size = len(init) + 1
+ buftype = c_char * size
+ buf = buftype()
+ buf.value = init
+ return buf
+ elif isinstance(init, (int, long)):
+ buftype = c_char * init
+ buf = buftype()
+ return buf
+ raise TypeError, init
+def c_buffer(init, size=None):
+## "deprecated, use create_string_buffer instead"
+## import warnings
+## warnings.warn("c_buffer is deprecated, use create_string_buffer instead",
+## DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ return create_string_buffer(init, size)
+_c_functype_cache = {}
+def CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes):
+ """CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes) -> function prototype.
+ restype: the result type
+ argtypes: a sequence specifying the argument types
+ The function prototype can be called in three ways to create a
+ callable object:
+ prototype(integer address) -> foreign function
+ prototype(callable) -> create and return a C callable function from callable
+ prototype(integer index, method name[, paramflags]) -> foreign function calling a COM method
+ prototype((ordinal number, dll object)[, paramflags]) -> foreign function exported by ordinal
+ prototype((function name, dll object)[, paramflags]) -> foreign function exported by name
+ """
+ try:
+ return _c_functype_cache[(restype, argtypes)]
+ except KeyError:
+ class CFunctionType(_CFuncPtr):
+ _argtypes_ = argtypes
+ _restype_ = restype
+ _flags_ = _FUNCFLAG_CDECL
+ _c_functype_cache[(restype, argtypes)] = CFunctionType
+ return CFunctionType
+if in ("nt", "ce"):
+ from _ctypes import LoadLibrary as _dlopen
+ if == "ce":
+ # 'ce' doesn't have the stdcall calling convention
+ _win_functype_cache = {}
+ def WINFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes):
+ # docstring set later (very similar to CFUNCTYPE.__doc__)
+ try:
+ return _win_functype_cache[(restype, argtypes)]
+ except KeyError:
+ class WinFunctionType(_CFuncPtr):
+ _argtypes_ = argtypes
+ _restype_ = restype
+ _win_functype_cache[(restype, argtypes)] = WinFunctionType
+ return WinFunctionType
+ if WINFUNCTYPE.__doc__:
+elif == "posix":
+ from _ctypes import dlopen as _dlopen #@UnresolvedImport
+from _ctypes import sizeof, byref, addressof, alignment
+from _ctypes import _SimpleCData
+class py_object(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "O"
+class c_short(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "h"
+class c_ushort(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "H"
+class c_long(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "l"
+class c_ulong(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "L"
+if _calcsize("i") == _calcsize("l"):
+ # if int and long have the same size, make c_int an alias for c_long
+ c_int = c_long
+ c_uint = c_ulong
+ class c_int(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "i"
+ class c_uint(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "I"
+class c_float(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "f"
+class c_double(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "d"
+if _calcsize("l") == _calcsize("q"):
+ # if long and long long have the same size, make c_longlong an alias for c_long
+ c_longlong = c_long
+ c_ulonglong = c_ulong
+ class c_longlong(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "q"
+ class c_ulonglong(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "Q"
+ ## def from_param(cls, val):
+ ## return ('d', float(val), val)
+ ## from_param = classmethod(from_param)
+class c_ubyte(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "B"
+c_ubyte.__ctype_le__ = c_ubyte.__ctype_be__ = c_ubyte
+# backward compatibility:
+##c_uchar = c_ubyte
+class c_byte(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "b"
+c_byte.__ctype_le__ = c_byte.__ctype_be__ = c_byte
+class c_char(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "c"
+c_char.__ctype_le__ = c_char.__ctype_be__ = c_char
+class c_char_p(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "z"
+class c_void_p(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "P"
+c_voidp = c_void_p # backwards compatibility (to a bug)
+# This cache maps types to pointers to them.
+_pointer_type_cache = {}
+def POINTER(cls):
+ try:
+ return _pointer_type_cache[cls]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if type(cls) is str:
+ klass = type(_Pointer)("LP_%s" % cls,
+ (_Pointer,),
+ {})
+ _pointer_type_cache[id(klass)] = klass
+ return klass
+ else:
+ name = "LP_%s" % cls.__name__
+ klass = type(_Pointer)(name,
+ (_Pointer,),
+ {'_type_': cls})
+ _pointer_type_cache[cls] = klass
+ return klass
+ from _ctypes import set_conversion_mode
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+ if in ("nt", "ce"):
+ set_conversion_mode("mbcs", "ignore")
+ else:
+ set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
+ class c_wchar_p(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "Z"
+ class c_wchar(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "u"
+ POINTER(c_wchar).from_param = c_wchar_p.from_param #_SimpleCData.c_wchar_p_from_param
+ def create_unicode_buffer(init, size=None):
+ """create_unicode_buffer(aString) -> character array
+ create_unicode_buffer(anInteger) -> character array
+ create_unicode_buffer(aString, anInteger) -> character array
+ """
+ if isinstance(init, (str, unicode)):
+ if size is None:
+ size = len(init) + 1
+ buftype = c_wchar * size
+ buf = buftype()
+ buf.value = init
+ return buf
+ elif isinstance(init, (int, long)):
+ buftype = c_wchar * init
+ buf = buftype()
+ return buf
+ raise TypeError, init
+POINTER(c_char).from_param = c_char_p.from_param #_SimpleCData.c_char_p_from_param
+# XXX Deprecated
+def SetPointerType(pointer, cls):
+ if _pointer_type_cache.get(cls, None) is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError, \
+ "This type already exists in the cache"
+ if not _pointer_type_cache.has_key(id(pointer)):
+ raise RuntimeError, \
+ "What's this???"
+ pointer.set_type(cls)
+ _pointer_type_cache[cls] = pointer
+ del _pointer_type_cache[id(pointer)]
+def pointer(inst):
+ return POINTER(type(inst))(inst)
+# XXX Deprecated
+def ARRAY(typ, len):
+ return typ * len
+class CDLL(object):
+ """An instance of this class represents a loaded dll/shared
+ library, exporting functions using the standard C calling
+ convention (named 'cdecl' on Windows).
+ The exported functions can be accessed as attributes, or by
+ indexing with the function name. Examples:
+ <obj>.qsort -> callable object
+ <obj>['qsort'] -> callable object
+ Calling the functions releases the Python GIL during the call and
+ reaquires it afterwards.
+ """
+ class _FuncPtr(_CFuncPtr):
+ _flags_ = _FUNCFLAG_CDECL
+ _restype_ = c_int # default, can be overridden in instances
+ def __init__(self, name, mode=RTLD_LOCAL, handle=None):
+ self._name = name
+ if handle is None:
+ self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
+ else:
+ self._handle = handle
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s '%s', handle %x at %x>" % \
+ (self.__class__.__name__, self._name,
+ (self._handle & (_sys.maxint * 2 + 1)),
+ id(self))
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
+ raise AttributeError, name
+ return self.__getitem__(name)
+ def __getitem__(self, name_or_ordinal):
+ func = self._FuncPtr((name_or_ordinal, self))
+ if not isinstance(name_or_ordinal, (int, long)):
+ func.__name__ = name_or_ordinal
+ setattr(self, name_or_ordinal, func)
+ return func
+class PyDLL(CDLL):
+ """This class represents the Python library itself. It allows to
+ access Python API functions. The GIL is not released, and
+ Python exceptions are handled correctly.
+ """
+ class _FuncPtr(_CFuncPtr):
+ _restype_ = c_int # default, can be overridden in instances
+if in ("nt", "ce"):
+ class WinDLL(CDLL):
+ """This class represents a dll exporting functions using the
+ Windows stdcall calling convention.
+ """
+ class _FuncPtr(_CFuncPtr):
+ _restype_ = c_int # default, can be overridden in instances
+ # XXX Hm, what about HRESULT as normal parameter?
+ # Mustn't it derive from c_long then?
+ from _ctypes import _check_HRESULT, _SimpleCData
+ class HRESULT(_SimpleCData):
+ _type_ = "l"
+ # _check_retval_ is called with the function's result when it
+ # is used as restype. It checks for the FAILED bit, and
+ # raises a WindowsError if it is set.
+ #
+ # The _check_retval_ method is implemented in C, so that the
+ # method definition itself is not included in the traceback
+ # when it raises an error - that is what we want (and Python
+ # doesn't have a way to raise an exception in the caller's
+ # frame).
+ _check_retval_ = _check_HRESULT
+ class OleDLL(CDLL):
+ """This class represents a dll exporting functions using the
+ Windows stdcall calling convention, and returning HRESULT.
+ HRESULT error values are automatically raised as WindowsError
+ exceptions.
+ """
+ class _FuncPtr(_CFuncPtr):
+ _restype_ = HRESULT
+class LibraryLoader(object):
+ def __init__(self, dlltype):
+ self._dlltype = dlltype
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name[0] == '_':
+ raise AttributeError(name)
+ dll = self._dlltype(name)
+ setattr(self, name, dll)
+ return dll
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ return getattr(self, name)
+ def LoadLibrary(self, name):
+ return self._dlltype(name)
+cdll = LibraryLoader(CDLL)
+pydll = LibraryLoader(PyDLL)
+if in ("nt", "ce"):
+ pythonapi = PyDLL("python dll", None, _sys.dllhandle)
+elif _sys.platform == "cygwin":
+ pythonapi = PyDLL("libpython%d.%d.dll" % _sys.version_info[:2])
+ pythonapi = PyDLL(None)
+if in ("nt", "ce"):
+ windll = LibraryLoader(WinDLL)
+ oledll = LibraryLoader(OleDLL)
+ if == "nt":
+ GetLastError = windll.kernel32.GetLastError
+ else:
+ GetLastError = windll.coredll.GetLastError
+ def WinError(code=None, descr=None):
+ if code is None:
+ code = GetLastError()
+ if descr is None:
+ descr = FormatError(code).strip()
+ return WindowsError(code, descr)
+_pointer_type_cache[None] = c_void_p
+if sizeof(c_uint) == sizeof(c_void_p):
+ c_size_t = c_uint
+elif sizeof(c_ulong) == sizeof(c_void_p):
+ c_size_t = c_ulong
+# functions
+from _ctypes import _memmove_addr, _memset_addr, _string_at_addr, _cast_addr
+## void *memmove(void *, const void *, size_t);
+memmove = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_size_t)(_memmove_addr)
+## void *memset(void *, int, size_t)
+memset = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int, c_size_t)(_memset_addr)
+def PYFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes):
+ class CFunctionType(_CFuncPtr):
+ _argtypes_ = argtypes
+ _restype_ = restype
+ return CFunctionType
+_cast = PYFUNCTYPE(py_object, c_void_p, py_object)(_cast_addr)
+def cast(obj, typ):
+ result = _cast(obj, typ)
+ result.__keepref = obj
+ return result
+_string_at = CFUNCTYPE(py_object, c_void_p, c_int)(_string_at_addr)
+def string_at(ptr, size=0):
+ """string_at(addr[, size]) -> string
+ Return the string at addr."""
+ return _string_at(ptr, size)
+ from _ctypes import _wstring_at_addr
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+ _wstring_at = CFUNCTYPE(py_object, c_void_p, c_int)(_wstring_at_addr)
+ def wstring_at(ptr, size=0):
+ """wstring_at(addr[, size]) -> string
+ Return the string at addr."""
+ return _wstring_at(ptr, size)
+if == "nt": # COM stuff
+ def DllGetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv):
+ # First ask than comtypes.server for the
+ # class object.
+ # trick py2exe by doing dynamic imports
+ result = -2147221231 # CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE
+ try:
+ ctcom = __import__("", globals(), locals(), ['*'])
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ result = ctcom.DllGetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv)
+ if result == -2147221231: # CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE
+ try:
+ ccom = __import__("comtypes.server", globals(), locals(), ['*'])
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ result = ccom.DllGetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv)
+ return result
+ def DllCanUnloadNow():
+ # First ask than comtypes.server if we can unload or not.
+ # trick py2exe by doing dynamic imports
+ result = 0 # S_OK
+ try:
+ ctcom = __import__("", globals(), locals(), ['*'])
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ result = ctcom.DllCanUnloadNow()
+ if result != 0: # != S_OK
+ return result
+ try:
+ ccom = __import__("comtypes.server", globals(), locals(), ['*'])
+ except ImportError:
+ return result
+ try:
+ return ccom.DllCanUnloadNow()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ return result
+from ctypes._endian import BigEndianStructure, LittleEndianStructure
+# Fill in specifically-sized types
+c_int8 = c_byte
+c_uint8 = c_ubyte
+for kind in [c_short, c_int, c_long, c_longlong]:
+ if sizeof(kind) == 2: c_int16 = kind
+ elif sizeof(kind) == 4: c_int32 = kind
+ elif sizeof(kind) == 8: c_int64 = kind
+for kind in [c_ushort, c_uint, c_ulong, c_ulonglong]:
+ if sizeof(kind) == 2: c_uint16 = kind
+ elif sizeof(kind) == 4: c_uint32 = kind
+ elif sizeof(kind) == 8: c_uint64 = kind
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/_ctypes.dll b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/_ctypes.dll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..238e869a5a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/_ctypes.dll
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7de037600717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import sys
+from ctypes import *
+_array_type = type(c_int * 3)
+def _other_endian(typ):
+ """Return the type with the 'other' byte order. Simple types like
+ c_int and so on already have __ctype_be__ and __ctype_le__
+ attributes which contain the types, for more complicated types
+ only arrays are supported.
+ """
+ try:
+ return getattr(typ, _OTHER_ENDIAN)
+ except AttributeError:
+ if type(typ) == _array_type:
+ return _other_endian(typ._type_) * typ._length_
+ raise TypeError("This type does not support other endian: %s" % typ)
+class _swapped_meta(type(Structure)):
+ def __setattr__(self, attrname, value):
+ if attrname == "_fields_":
+ fields = []
+ for desc in value:
+ name = desc[0]
+ typ = desc[1]
+ rest = desc[2:]
+ fields.append((name, _other_endian(typ)) + rest)
+ value = fields
+ super(_swapped_meta, self).__setattr__(attrname, value)
+# Note: The Structure metaclass checks for the *presence* (not the
+# value!) of a _swapped_bytes_ attribute to determine the bit order in
+# structures containing bit fields.
+if sys.byteorder == "little":
+ _OTHER_ENDIAN = "__ctype_be__"
+ LittleEndianStructure = Structure
+ class BigEndianStructure(Structure):
+ """Structure with big endian byte order"""
+ __metaclass__ = _swapped_meta
+ _swappedbytes_ = None
+elif sys.byteorder == "big":
+ _OTHER_ENDIAN = "__ctype_le__"
+ BigEndianStructure = Structure
+ class LittleEndianStructure(Structure):
+ """Structure with little endian byte order"""
+ __metaclass__ = _swapped_meta
+ _swappedbytes_ = None
+ raise RuntimeError("Invalid byteorder")
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/ctypes-README.txt b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/ctypes-README.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/ctypes-README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+(Note: this is a compiled distribution of ctypes, compiled for cygwin
+ to allow using the cygwin conversions directly from interpreterInfo. The tests
+ have been removed to reduce the added size. It is only used by PyDev on cygwin).
+ ctypes is a ffi (Foreign Function Interface) package for Python.
+ It allows to call functions exposed from dlls/shared libraries and
+ has extensive facilities to create, access and manipulate simpole
+ and complicated C data types transparently from Python - in other
+ words: wrap libraries in pure Python.
+ ctypes runs on Windows, MacOS X, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD. It may
+ also run on other systems, provided that libffi supports this
+ platform.
+ On Windows, ctypes contains (the beginning of) a COM framework
+ mainly targetted to use and implement custom COM interfaces.
+ ctypes now uses the same code base and libffi on all platforms.
+ For easier installation, the libffi sources are now included in
+ the source distribution - no need to find, build, and install a
+ compatible libffi version.
+ ctypes 0.9 requires Python 2.3 or higher, since it makes intensive
+ use of the new type system.
+ ctypes uses libffi, which is copyright Red Hat, Inc. Complete
+ license see below.
+ Windows
+ On Windows, it is the easiest to download the executable
+ installer for your Python version and execute this.
+ Installation from source
+ Separate source distributions are available for windows and
+ non-windows systems. Please use the .zip file for Windows (it
+ contains the framework), and use the .tar.gz file
+ for non-Windows systems (it contains the complete
+ cross-platform libffi sources).
+ To install ctypes from source, unpack the distribution, enter
+ the ctypes-0.9.x source directory, and enter
+ python build
+ This will build the Python extension modules. A C compiler is
+ required. On OS X, the segment attribute live_support must be
+ defined. If your compiler doesn't know about it, upgrade or
+ set the environment variable CCASFLAGS="-Dno_live_support".
+ To run the supplied tests, enter
+ python test
+ To install ctypes, enter
+ python install --help
+ to see the avaibable options, and finally
+ python install [options]
+ For Windows CE, a project file is provided in
+ wince\_ctypes.vcw. MS embedded Visual C 4.0 is required to
+ build the extension modules.
+Additional notes
+ Current version:
+ Homepage:
+ctypes license
+ Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Thomas Heller
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+ (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+ including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+ publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+ and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+libffi license
+ libffi - Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Red Hat, Inc.
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+ (the ``Software''), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+ including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+ publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+ and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/.cvsignore b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/.cvsignore
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index 000000000000..0d20b6487c61
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+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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+Enough Mach-O to make your head spin.
+See the relevant header files in /usr/include/mach-o
+And also Apple's documentation.
+__version__ = '1.0'
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..85073aac11ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+dyld emulation
+import os
+from framework import framework_info
+from dylib import dylib_info
+from itertools import *
+__all__ = [
+ 'dyld_find', 'framework_find',
+ 'framework_info', 'dylib_info',
+# These are the defaults as per man dyld(1)
+ os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Frameworks"),
+ "/Library/Frameworks",
+ "/Network/Library/Frameworks",
+ "/System/Library/Frameworks",
+ os.path.expanduser("~/lib"),
+ "/usr/local/lib",
+ "/lib",
+ "/usr/lib",
+def ensure_utf8(s):
+ """Not all of PyObjC and Python understand unicode paths very well yet"""
+ if isinstance(s, unicode):
+ return s.encode('utf8')
+ return s
+def dyld_env(env, var):
+ if env is None:
+ env = os.environ
+ rval = env.get(var)
+ if rval is None:
+ return []
+ return rval.split(':')
+def dyld_image_suffix(env=None):
+ if env is None:
+ env = os.environ
+ return env.get('DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX')
+def dyld_framework_path(env=None):
+ return dyld_env(env, 'DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH')
+def dyld_library_path(env=None):
+ return dyld_env(env, 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH')
+def dyld_fallback_framework_path(env=None):
+ return dyld_env(env, 'DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH')
+def dyld_fallback_library_path(env=None):
+ return dyld_env(env, 'DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH')
+def dyld_image_suffix_search(iterator, env=None):
+ """For a potential path iterator, add DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX semantics"""
+ suffix = dyld_image_suffix(env)
+ if suffix is None:
+ return iterator
+ def _inject(iterator=iterator, suffix=suffix):
+ for path in iterator:
+ if path.endswith('.dylib'):
+ yield path[:-len('.dylib')] + suffix + '.dylib'
+ else:
+ yield path + suffix
+ yield path
+ return _inject()
+def dyld_override_search(name, env=None):
+ # If DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH is set and this dylib_name is a
+ # framework name, use the first file that exists in the framework
+ # path if any. If there is none go on to search the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
+ # if any.
+ framework = framework_info(name)
+ if framework is not None:
+ for path in dyld_framework_path(env):
+ yield os.path.join(path, framework['name'])
+ # If DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is set then use the first file that exists
+ # in the path. If none use the original name.
+ for path in dyld_library_path(env):
+ yield os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(name))
+def dyld_executable_path_search(name, executable_path=None):
+ # If we haven't done any searching and found a library and the
+ # dylib_name starts with "@executable_path/" then construct the
+ # library name.
+ if name.startswith('@executable_path/') and executable_path is not None:
+ yield os.path.join(executable_path, name[len('@executable_path/'):])
+def dyld_default_search(name, env=None):
+ yield name
+ framework = framework_info(name)
+ if framework is not None:
+ fallback_framework_path = dyld_fallback_framework_path(env)
+ for path in fallback_framework_path:
+ yield os.path.join(path, framework['name'])
+ fallback_library_path = dyld_fallback_library_path(env)
+ for path in fallback_library_path:
+ yield os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(name))
+ if framework is not None and not fallback_framework_path:
+ yield os.path.join(path, framework['name'])
+ if not fallback_library_path:
+ yield os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(name))
+def dyld_find(name, executable_path=None, env=None):
+ """
+ Find a library or framework using dyld semantics
+ """
+ name = ensure_utf8(name)
+ executable_path = ensure_utf8(executable_path)
+ for path in dyld_image_suffix_search(chain(
+ dyld_override_search(name, env),
+ dyld_executable_path_search(name, executable_path),
+ dyld_default_search(name, env),
+ ), env):
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ return path
+ raise ValueError, "dylib %s could not be found" % (name,)
+def framework_find(fn, executable_path=None, env=None):
+ """
+ Find a framework using dyld semantics in a very loose manner.
+ Will take input such as:
+ Python
+ Python.framework
+ Python.framework/Versions/Current
+ """
+ try:
+ return dyld_find(fn, executable_path=executable_path, env=env)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ fmwk_index = fn.rfind('.framework')
+ if fmwk_index == -1:
+ fmwk_index = len(fn)
+ fn += '.framework'
+ fn = os.path.join(fn, os.path.basename(fn[:fmwk_index]))
+ try:
+ return dyld_find(fn, executable_path=executable_path, env=env)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise e
+def test_dyld_find():
+ env = {}
+ assert dyld_find('libSystem.dylib') == '/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib'
+ assert dyld_find('System.framework/System') == '/System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/System'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_dyld_find()
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aa107507bd4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Generic dylib path manipulation
+import re
+__all__ = ['dylib_info']
+DYLIB_RE = re.compile(r"""(?x)
+ (?P<shortname>\w+?)
+ (?:\.(?P<version>[^._]+))?
+ (?:_(?P<suffix>[^._]+))?
+ \.dylib$
+def dylib_info(filename):
+ """
+ A dylib name can take one of the following four forms:
+ Location/Name.SomeVersion_Suffix.dylib
+ Location/Name.SomeVersion.dylib
+ Location/Name_Suffix.dylib
+ Location/Name.dylib
+ returns None if not found or a mapping equivalent to:
+ dict(
+ location='Location',
+ name='Name.SomeVersion_Suffix.dylib',
+ shortname='Name',
+ version='SomeVersion',
+ suffix='Suffix',
+ )
+ Note that SomeVersion and Suffix are optional and may be None
+ if not present.
+ """
+ is_dylib = DYLIB_RE.match(filename)
+ if not is_dylib:
+ return None
+ return is_dylib.groupdict()
+def test_dylib_info():
+ def d(location=None, name=None, shortname=None, version=None, suffix=None):
+ return dict(
+ location=location,
+ name=name,
+ shortname=shortname,
+ version=version,
+ suffix=suffix
+ )
+ assert dylib_info('completely/invalid') is None
+ assert dylib_info('completely/invalide_debug') is None
+ assert dylib_info('P/Foo.dylib') == d('P', 'Foo.dylib', 'Foo')
+ assert dylib_info('P/Foo_debug.dylib') == d('P', 'Foo_debug.dylib', 'Foo', suffix='debug')
+ assert dylib_info('P/Foo.A.dylib') == d('P', 'Foo.A.dylib', 'Foo', 'A')
+ assert dylib_info('P/Foo_debug.A.dylib') == d('P', 'Foo_debug.A.dylib', 'Foo_debug', 'A')
+ assert dylib_info('P/Foo.A_debug.dylib') == d('P', 'Foo.A_debug.dylib', 'Foo', 'A', 'debug')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_dylib_info()
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ad6ed554ba0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/macholib/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Generic framework path manipulation
+import re
+__all__ = ['framework_info']
+STRICT_FRAMEWORK_RE = re.compile(r"""(?x)
+ (?P<shortname>\w+).framework/
+ (?:Versions/(?P<version>[^/]+)/)?
+ (?P=shortname)
+ (?:_(?P<suffix>[^_]+))?
+def framework_info(filename):
+ """
+ A framework name can take one of the following four forms:
+ Location/Name.framework/Versions/SomeVersion/Name_Suffix
+ Location/Name.framework/Versions/SomeVersion/Name
+ Location/Name.framework/Name_Suffix
+ Location/Name.framework/Name
+ returns None if not found, or a mapping equivalent to:
+ dict(
+ location='Location',
+ name='Name.framework/Versions/SomeVersion/Name_Suffix',
+ shortname='Name',
+ version='SomeVersion',
+ suffix='Suffix',
+ )
+ Note that SomeVersion and Suffix are optional and may be None
+ if not present
+ """
+ is_framework = STRICT_FRAMEWORK_RE.match(filename)
+ if not is_framework:
+ return None
+ return is_framework.groupdict()
+def test_framework_info():
+ def d(location=None, name=None, shortname=None, version=None, suffix=None):
+ return dict(
+ location=location,
+ name=name,
+ shortname=shortname,
+ version=version,
+ suffix=suffix
+ )
+ assert framework_info('completely/invalid') is None
+ assert framework_info('completely/invalid/_debug') is None
+ assert framework_info('P/F.framework') is None
+ assert framework_info('P/F.framework/_debug') is None
+ assert framework_info('P/F.framework/F') == d('P', 'F.framework/F', 'F')
+ assert framework_info('P/F.framework/F_debug') == d('P', 'F.framework/F_debug', 'F', suffix='debug')
+ assert framework_info('P/F.framework/Versions') is None
+ assert framework_info('P/F.framework/Versions/A') is None
+ assert framework_info('P/F.framework/Versions/A/F') == d('P', 'F.framework/Versions/A/F', 'F', 'A')
+ assert framework_info('P/F.framework/Versions/A/F_debug') == d('P', 'F.framework/Versions/A/F_debug', 'F', 'A', 'debug')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_framework_info()
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6db0cfbb5ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+import sys, os
+import ctypes
+# find_library(name) returns the pathname of a library, or None.
+if == "nt":
+ def find_library(name):
+ # See MSDN for the REAL search order.
+ for directory in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
+ fname = os.path.join(directory, name)
+ if os.path.exists(fname):
+ return fname
+ if fname.lower().endswith(".dll"):
+ continue
+ fname = fname + ".dll"
+ if os.path.exists(fname):
+ return fname
+ return None
+if == "ce":
+ # search path according to MSDN:
+ # - absolute path specified by filename
+ # - The .exe launch directory
+ # - the Windows directory
+ # - ROM dll files (where are they?)
+ # - OEM specified search path: HKLM\Loader\SystemPath
+ def find_library(name):
+ return name
+if == "posix" and sys.platform == "darwin":
+ from ctypes.macholib.dyld import dyld_find as _dyld_find
+ def find_library(name):
+ possible = ['lib%s.dylib' % name,
+ '%s.dylib' % name,
+ '%s.framework/%s' % (name, name)]
+ for name in possible:
+ try:
+ return _dyld_find(name)
+ except ValueError:
+ continue
+ return None
+elif == "posix":
+ # Andreas Degert's find functions, using gcc, /sbin/ldconfig, objdump
+ import re, tempfile
+ def _findLib_gcc(name):
+ expr = '[^\(\)\s]*lib%s\.[^\(\)\s]*' % name
+ cmd = 'if type gcc &>/dev/null; then CC=gcc; else CC=cc; fi;' \
+ '$CC -Wl,-t -o /dev/null 2>&1 -l' + name
+ try:
+ fdout, outfile = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ fd = os.popen(cmd)
+ trace =
+ err = fd.close()
+ finally:
+ try:
+ os.unlink(outfile)
+ except OSError, e:
+ import errno
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ res =, trace)
+ if not res:
+ return None
+ return
+ def _findLib_ld(name):
+ expr = '/[^\(\)\s]*lib%s\.[^\(\)\s]*' % name
+ res =, os.popen('/sbin/ldconfig -p 2>/dev/null').read())
+ if not res:
+ # Hm, this works only for libs needed by the python executable.
+ cmd = 'ldd %s 2>/dev/null' % sys.executable
+ res =, os.popen(cmd).read())
+ if not res:
+ return None
+ return
+ def _get_soname(f):
+ cmd = "objdump -p -j .dynamic 2>/dev/null " + f
+ res ='\sSONAME\s+([^\s]+)', os.popen(cmd).read())
+ if not res:
+ return None
+ return
+ def find_library(name):
+ lib = _findLib_ld(name) or _findLib_gcc(name)
+ if not lib:
+ return None
+ return _get_soname(lib)
+# test code
+def test():
+ from ctypes import cdll
+ if == "nt":
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (cdll.msvcrt,))
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (cdll.load("msvcrt"),))
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (find_library("msvcrt"),))
+ if == "posix":
+ # find and load_version
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (find_library("m"),))
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (find_library("c"),))
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (find_library("bz2"),))
+ # getattr
+## print_ cdll.m
+## print_ cdll.bz2
+ # load
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (cdll.LoadLibrary("libm.dylib"),))
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (cdll.LoadLibrary("libcrypto.dylib"),))
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (cdll.LoadLibrary("libSystem.dylib"),))
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (cdll.LoadLibrary("System.framework/System"),))
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (cdll.LoadLibrary(""),))
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (cdll.LoadLibrary(""),))
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (find_library("crypt"),))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test()
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+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/ctypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# XXX This module needs cleanup.
+from ctypes import *
+DWORD = c_ulong
+WORD = c_ushort
+BYTE = c_byte
+ULONG = c_ulong
+LONG = c_long
+LARGE_INTEGER = c_longlong
+ULARGE_INTEGER = c_ulonglong
+HANDLE = c_ulong # in the header files: void *
+WPARAM = c_uint
+LPARAM = c_long
+BOOL = c_long
+VARIANT_BOOL = c_short
+LPCWSTR = LPWSTR = c_wchar_p
+LPCSTR = LPSTR = c_char_p
+class RECT(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("left", c_long),
+ ("top", c_long),
+ ("right", c_long),
+ ("bottom", c_long)]
+class POINT(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("x", c_long),
+ ("y", c_long)]
+class SIZE(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("cx", c_long),
+ ("cy", c_long)]
+def RGB(red, green, blue):
+ return red + (green << 8) + (blue << 16)
+class FILETIME(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("dwLowDateTime", DWORD),
+ ("dwHighDateTime", DWORD)]
+class MSG(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("hWnd", HWND),
+ ("message", c_uint),
+ ("wParam", WPARAM),
+ ("lParam", LPARAM),
+ ("time", DWORD),
+ ("pt", POINT)]
+MAX_PATH = 260
+class WIN32_FIND_DATAA(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("dwFileAttributes", DWORD),
+ ("ftCreationTime", FILETIME),
+ ("ftLastAccessTime", FILETIME),
+ ("ftLastWriteTime", FILETIME),
+ ("nFileSizeHigh", DWORD),
+ ("nFileSizeLow", DWORD),
+ ("dwReserved0", DWORD),
+ ("dwReserved1", DWORD),
+ ("cFileName", c_char * MAX_PATH),
+ ("cAlternameFileName", c_char * 14)]
+class WIN32_FIND_DATAW(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("dwFileAttributes", DWORD),
+ ("ftCreationTime", FILETIME),
+ ("ftLastAccessTime", FILETIME),
+ ("ftLastWriteTime", FILETIME),
+ ("nFileSizeHigh", DWORD),
+ ("nFileSizeLow", DWORD),
+ ("dwReserved0", DWORD),
+ ("dwReserved1", DWORD),
+ ("cFileName", c_wchar * MAX_PATH),
+ ("cAlternameFileName", c_wchar * 14)]
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/not_in_default_pythonpath.txt b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/not_in_default_pythonpath.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..24084e9d174c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/third_party/wrapped_for_pydev/not_in_default_pythonpath.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+The wrapped_for_pydev folder is not in the default pythonpath... (no file) \ No newline at end of file