path: root/build/scripts/utils.gant
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/scripts/utils.gant')
1 files changed, 699 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/scripts/utils.gant b/build/scripts/utils.gant
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f8b8f7fef301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/scripts/utils.gant
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+ * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import org.jetbrains.jps.Jps
+import org.jetbrains.jps.Module
+import org.jetbrains.jps.idea.IdeaProjectLoader
+includeTool << Jps
+binding.setVariable("p", {String key ->
+ return getProperty(key) as String
+binding.setVariable("guessJdk", {
+ String javaHome = p("java.home")
+ if (new File(javaHome).getName() == "jre") {
+ javaHome = new File(javaHome).getParent()
+ }
+ return javaHome
+binding.setVariable("includeFile", {String filePath ->
+ Script s = groovyShell.parse(new File(filePath))
+ s.setBinding(binding)
+ s
+binding.setVariable("isMac", {
+ return System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().startsWith("mac")
+binding.setVariable("isWin", {
+ return System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().startsWith("windows")
+binding.setVariable("isEap", {
+ return "true" == p("component.version.eap")
+binding.setVariable("mem32", "-Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=250m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=64m -XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing")
+binding.setVariable("mem64", "-Xms128m -Xmx800m -XX:MaxPermSize=350m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=64m -XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing")
+binding.setVariable("common_vmoptions", "-ea")
+binding.setVariable("vmOptions", { "$common_vmoptions ${isEap() ? '-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' : ''}".trim() })
+binding.setVariable("vmOptions32", { "$mem32 ${vmOptions()}".trim() })
+binding.setVariable("vmOptions64", { "$mem64 ${vmOptions()}".trim() })
+binding.setVariable("vmOptions32yjp", { String systemSelector ->
+ "${vmOptions32()} -agentlib:yjpagent=disablej2ee,disablealloc,onlylocal,sessionname=$systemSelector".trim()
+binding.setVariable("vmOptions64yjp", { String systemSelector ->
+ "${vmOptions64()} -agentlib:yjpagent64=disablej2ee,disablealloc,onlylocal,sessionname=$systemSelector".trim()
+binding.setVariable("isDefined", {String key ->
+ try {
+ this[key]
+ return true
+ }
+ catch (MissingPropertyException ignored) {
+ return false
+ }
+private String require(String key) {
+ try {
+ this[key]
+ }
+ catch (MissingPropertyException ignored) {
+ projectBuilder.error("Property $key is required")
+ }
+private String require(String key, String defaultValue) {
+ try {
+ this[key]
+ }
+ catch (MissingPropertyException ignored) {
+"$key is not defined. Defaulting to $defaultValue")
+ this[key] = defaultValue
+ }
+binding.setVariable("requireProperty", {String key, String defaultValue = null ->
+ if (defaultValue == null) {
+ require(key)
+ }
+ else {
+ require(key, defaultValue)
+ }
+binding.setVariable("guessHome", {
+ // Current file is supposed to be at build/scripts/release.gant path
+ new File(requireProperty("gant.file").substring("file:".length())).getParentFile().getParentFile().getParent()
+binding.setVariable("loadProject", {
+ requireProperty("jdkHome", guessJdk())
+ def mac = isMac()
+ jdk("IDEA jdk", jdkHome) {
+ if (!mac) {
+ classpath "$jdkHome/lib/tools.jar"
+ }
+ }
+ IdeaProjectLoader.loadFromPath(project, "${home}")
+boolean hasSourceRoots(Module module) {
+ return !module.sourceRoots.isEmpty()
+binding.setVariable("findModule", {String name ->
+ project.modules[name]
+binding.setVariable("allModules", {
+ return project.modules.values()
+binding.setVariable("printUnusedModules", {Set<String> usedModules ->
+ allModules().each {Module m ->
+ if (!usedModules.contains( && hasSourceRoots(m)) {
+ projectBuilder.warning("Module $ is not used in project layout")
+ }
+ }
+requireProperty("home", guessHome())
+String readSnapshotBuild() {
+ def file = new File("$home/community/build.txt")
+ if (!file.exists()) {
+ file = new File("$home/build.txt")
+ }
+ return file.readLines().get(0)
+binding.setVariable("snapshot", readSnapshotBuild())
+projectBuilder.buildInfoPrinter = new org.jetbrains.jps.teamcity.TeamcityBuildInfoPrinter()
+projectBuilder.compressJars = false
+binding.setVariable("notifyArtifactBuilt", { String artifactPath ->
+ if (!artifactPath.startsWith(home)) {
+ projectBuilder.error("Artifact path $artifactPath should start with $home")
+ }
+ def relativePath = artifactPath.substring(home.length())
+ if (relativePath.startsWith("/")) {
+ relativePath = relativePath.substring(1)
+ }
+ def file = new File(artifactPath)
+ if (file.isDirectory()) {
+ relativePath += "=>" +
+ }
+"##teamcity[publishArtifacts '$relativePath']")
+def suspendUntilDebuggerConnect = System.getProperty("debug.suspend") ?: "n"
+def debugPort = System.getProperty("debug.port") ?: 5555
+if (suspendUntilDebuggerConnect == 'y') {
+ println """\
+------------->----------- This process is suspended until remote debugger connects to the port $debugPort ----<----
+binding.setVariable("patchFiles", { List files, Map args, String marker = "__" ->
+ files.each { file ->
+ args.each { arg ->
+ ant.replace(file: file, token: "${marker}${arg.key}${marker}", value: arg.value)
+ }
+ }
+binding.setVariable("copyAndPatchFile", { String file, String target, Map args, String marker = "__" ->
+ ant.copy(file: file, tofile: target, overwrite: "true") {
+ filterset(begintoken: marker, endtoken: marker) {
+ args.each {
+ filter(token: it.key, value: it.value)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+binding.setVariable("copyAndPatchFiles", { Closure files, String target, Map args, String marker = "__" ->
+ ant.copy(todir: target, overwrite: "true") {
+ files()
+ filterset(begintoken: marker, endtoken: marker) {
+ args.each {
+ filter(token: it.key, value: it.value)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+binding.setVariable("wireBuildDate", { String buildNumber, String appInfoFile ->
+ ant.tstamp()
+ patchFiles([appInfoFile], ["BUILD_NUMBER": buildNumber, "BUILD_DATE": DSTAMP])
+binding.setVariable("commonJvmArgs", {
+ return [
+ "-ea",
+ "-Didea.home.path=$home",
+ "-Xbootclasspath/p:${projectBuilder.moduleOutput(findModule("boot"))}",
+ "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError",
+ "-Didea.system.path=${p("")}/system",
+ "-Didea.config.path=${p("")}/config",
+ "-Xdebug",
+ "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=$suspendUntilDebuggerConnect,address=$debugPort"]
+binding.setVariable("classPathLibs", [
+ "bootstrap.jar",
+ "extensions.jar",
+ "util.jar",
+ "jdom.jar",
+ "log4j.jar",
+ "trove4j.jar",
+ "jna.jar"
+binding.setVariable("platformApiModules", [
+ "core-api",
+ "indexing-api",
+ "projectModel-api",
+ "jps-model-api",
+ "platform-api",
+ "lvcs-api",
+ "lang-api",
+ "vcs-api",
+ "usageView",
+ "xdebugger-api",
+ "xml-openapi",
+binding.setVariable("platformImplementationModules", [
+ "core-impl",
+ "indexing-impl",
+ "jps-model-impl",
+ "jps-model-serialization",
+ "projectModel-impl",
+ "platform-impl",
+ "vcs-impl",
+ "lang-impl",
+ "testRunner",
+ "smRunner",
+ "xdebugger-impl",
+ "xml",
+ "relaxng",
+ "lvcs-impl",
+ "spellchecker",
+ "images",
+ "RegExpSupport",
+ "dvcs"
+binding.setVariable("layoutMacApp", { String path, String ch, Map args ->
+ ant.copy(todir: "$path/bin") {
+ fileset(dir: "$ch/bin/mac")
+ }
+ ant.copy(todir: path) {
+ fileset(dir: "$ch/build/conf/mac")
+ }
+ ant.tstamp() {
+ format(property: "todayYear", pattern: "yyyy")
+ }
+ String executable = args.executable != null ? args.executable : p("component.names.product").toLowerCase()
+ String helpId = args.help_id != null ? args.help_id : "IJ"
+ String icns = "idea.icns"
+ String helpIcns = "$path/Contents/Resources/${helpId}.help/Contents/Resources/Shared/product.icns"
+ if (args.icns != null) {
+ ant.delete(file: "$path/Contents/Resources/idea.icns")
+ ant.copy(file: args.icns, todir: "$path/Contents/Resources")
+ ant.copy(file: args.icns, tofile: helpIcns)
+ icns = new File((String)args.icns).getName();
+ } else {
+ ant.copy(file: "$path/Contents/Resources/idea.icns", tofile: helpIcns)
+ }
+ String fullName = args.fullName != null ? args.fullName : p("component.names.fullname")
+ String vmOptions = "${vmOptions()} -Xverify:none"
+ if (isEap() && !args.mac_no_yjp) {
+ vmOptions += " -agentlib:yjpagent=disablej2ee,disablealloc,sessionname=${args.system_selector}"
+ }
+ String minor = p("component.version.minor")
+ String version = isEap() && !minor.contains("RC") && !minor.contains("Beta") ? "EAP $args.buildNumber" : "${p("component.version.major")}.${minor}"
+ Map properties = readIdeaProperties(args)
+ def coreKeys = ["idea.platform.prefix", "idea.paths.selector"]
+ String coreProperties = submapToXml(properties, coreKeys);
+ StringBuilder effectiveProperties = new StringBuilder()
+ properties.each { k, v ->
+ if (!coreKeys.contains(k)) {
+ effectiveProperties.append("$k=$v\n");
+ }
+ }
+ new File("$path/bin/").text = effectiveProperties.toString()
+ new File("$path/bin/idea.vmoptions").text = "$mem64 -XX:+UseCompressedOops".split(" ").join("\n")
+ String classPath = classPathLibs.collect {"\$APP_PACKAGE/lib/${it}" }.join(":")
+ ant.replace(file: "$path/Contents/Info.plist") {
+ replacefilter(token: "@@build@@", value: args.buildNumber)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@doc_types@@", value: ifNull(args.doc_types, ""))
+ replacefilter(token: "@@executable@@", value: executable)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@icns@@", value: icns)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@bundle_name@@", value: fullName)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@bundle_identifier@@", value: args.bundleIdentifier)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@year@@", value: "$todayYear")
+ replacefilter(token: "@@version@@", value: version)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@vmoptions@@", value: vmOptions)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@idea_properties@@", value: coreProperties)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@class_path@@", value: classPath)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@help_id@@", value: helpId)
+ }
+ if (executable != "idea") {
+ ant.move(file: "$path/Contents/MacOS/idea", tofile: "$path/Contents/MacOS/$executable")
+ }
+ ant.replace(file: "$path/bin/") {
+ replacefilter(token: "@@product_full@@", value: fullName)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@script_name@@", value: executable)
+ }
+ if (args.inspect_script != null && args.inspect_script != "inspect") {
+ ant.move(file: "$path/bin/", tofile: "$path/bin/${args.inspect_script}.sh")
+ }
+binding.setVariable("winScripts", { String target, String home, String name, Map args ->
+ String fullName = args.fullName != null ? args.fullName : p("component.names.fullname")
+ String product_uc = args.product_uc != null ? args.product_uc : p("component.names.product").toUpperCase()
+ String vm_options = args.vm_options != null ? args.vm_options : "${p("component.names.product").toLowerCase()}.exe"
+ if (vm_options.endsWith(".exe")) {
+ vm_options = vm_options.replace(".exe", "%BITS%.exe")
+ }
+ else {
+ vm_options = vm_options + "%BITS%"
+ }
+ String classPath = "SET CLASS_PATH=%IDE_HOME%\\lib\\${classPathLibs[0]}\n"
+ classPath += classPathLibs[1..-1].collect {"SET CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;%IDE_HOME%\\lib\\${it}"}.join("\n")
+ if (args.tools_jar) classPath += "\nSET CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;%JDK%\\lib\\tools.jar"
+ ant.copy(todir: "$target/bin") {
+ fileset(dir: "$home/bin/scripts/win")
+ filterset(begintoken: "@@", endtoken: "@@") {
+ filter(token: "product_full", value: fullName)
+ filter(token: "product_uc", value: product_uc)
+ filter(token: "vm_options", value: vm_options)
+ filter(token: "isEap", value: isEap())
+ filter(token: "system_selector", value: args.system_selector)
+ filter(token: "ide_jvm_args", value: ifNull(args.ide_jvm_args, ""))
+ filter(token: "class_path", value: classPath)
+ filter(token: "script_name", value: name)
+ }
+ }
+ if (name != "idea.bat") {
+ ant.move(file: "$target/bin/idea.bat", tofile: "$target/bin/$name")
+ }
+ if (args.inspect_script != null && args.inspect_script != "inspect") {
+ ant.move(file: "$target/bin/inspect.bat", tofile: "$target/bin/${args.inspect_script}.bat")
+ }
+ ant.fixcrlf(srcdir: "$target/bin", includes: "*.bat", eol: "dos")
+private ifNull(v, defVal) { v != null ? v : defVal }
+binding.setVariable("unixScripts", { String target, String home, String name, Map args ->
+ String fullName = args.fullName != null ? args.fullName : p("component.names.fullname")
+ String product_uc = args.product_uc != null ? args.product_uc : p("component.names.product").toUpperCase()
+ String vm_options = args.vm_options != null ? args.vm_options : p("component.names.product").toLowerCase()
+ String classPath = "CLASSPATH=\"\$IDE_HOME/lib/${classPathLibs[0]}\"\n"
+ classPath += classPathLibs[1..-1].collect {"CLASSPATH=\"\$CLASSPATH:\$IDE_HOME/lib/${it}\""}.join("\n")
+ if (args.tools_jar) classPath += "\nCLASSPATH=\"\$CLASSPATH:\$JDK/lib/tools.jar\""
+ ant.copy(todir: "$target/bin") {
+ fileset(dir: "$home/bin/scripts/unix")
+ filterset(begintoken: "@@", endtoken: "@@") {
+ filter(token: "product_full", value: fullName)
+ filter(token: "product_uc", value: product_uc)
+ filter(token: "vm_options", value: vm_options)
+ filter(token: "isEap", value: isEap())
+ filter(token: "system_selector", value: args.system_selector)
+ filter(token: "ide_jvm_args", value: ifNull(args.ide_jvm_args, ""))
+ filter(token: "class_path", value: classPath)
+ filter(token: "script_name", value: name)
+ }
+ }
+ if (name != "") {
+ ant.move(file: "$target/bin/", tofile: "$target/bin/$name")
+ }
+ if (args.inspect_script != null && args.inspect_script != "inspect") {
+ ant.move(file: "$target/bin/", tofile: "$target/bin/${args.inspect_script}.sh")
+ }
+ ant.fixcrlf(srcdir: "$target/bin", includes: "*.sh", eol: "unix")
+binding.setVariable("winVMOptions", { String target, String system_selector, String name, String name64 = null ->
+ def options = isEap() && system_selector != null ? vmOptions32yjp(system_selector) : vmOptions32()
+ ant.echo(file: "$target/bin/${name}.vmoptions", message: options.replace(' ', '\n'))
+ if (name64 != null) {
+ options = isEap() && system_selector != null ? vmOptions64yjp(system_selector) : vmOptions64()
+ ant.echo(file: "$target/bin/${name64}.vmoptions", message: options.replace(' ', '\n'))
+ }
+ ant.fixcrlf(srcdir: "$target/bin", includes: "*.vmoptions", eol: "dos")
+binding.setVariable("unixVMOptions", { String target, String name ->
+ ant.echo(file: "$target/bin/${name}.vmoptions", message: vmOptions32().replace(' ', '\n'))
+ ant.echo(file: "$target/bin/${name}64.vmoptions", message: vmOptions64().replace(' ', '\n'))
+ ant.fixcrlf(srcdir: "$target/bin", includes: "*.vmoptions", eol: "unix")
+binding.setVariable("unixReadme", { String target, String home, Map args ->
+ String fullName = args.fullName != null ? args.fullName : p("component.names.fullname")
+ String settings_dir = args.system_selector.replaceFirst("\\d+", "")
+ copyAndPatchFile("$home/build/Install-Linux-tar.txt", "$target/Install-Linux-tar.txt",
+ ["product_full": fullName,
+ "product": p("component.names.product").toLowerCase(),
+ "system_selector": args.system_selector,
+ "settings_dir": settings_dir], "@@")
+ ant.fixcrlf(file: "$target/bin/Install-Linux-tar.txt", eol: "unix")
+binding.setVariable("forceDelete", { String dirPath ->
+ // if wasn't deleted - retry several times
+ attempt = 1
+ while (attempt < 21 && (new File(dirPath).exists())) {
+ if (attempt > 1) {
+ ant.echo "Deleting $dirPath ... (attempt=$attempt)"
+ // let's wait a bit and try again - may be help
+ // in some cases on our windows 7 agents
+ sleep(2000)
+ }
+ ant.delete(failonerror: false, dir: dirPath)
+ attempt++
+ }
+ if (new File(dirPath).exists()) {
+ ant.project.log ("Cannot delete directory: $dirPath" )
+ System.exit (1)
+ }
+binding.setVariable("patchPropertiesFile", { String target, Map args = [:] ->
+ String file = "$target/bin/"
+ if (args.appendices != null) {
+ ant.concat(destfile: file, append: true) {
+ args.appendices.each {
+ fileset(file: it)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String product_uc = args.product_uc != null ? args.product_uc : p("component.names.product").toUpperCase()
+ String settings_dir = args.system_selector.replaceFirst("\\d+", "")
+ ant.replace(file: file) {
+ replacefilter(token: "@@product_uc@@", value: product_uc)
+ replacefilter(token: "@@settings_dir@@", value: settings_dir)
+ }
+ String message = (isEap() ? """
+# Change to 'disabled' if you don't want to receive instant visual notifications
+# about fatal errors that happen to an IDE or plugins installed.
+ : """
+# Change to 'enabled' if you want to receive instant visual notifications
+# about fatal errors that happen to an IDE or plugins installed.
+ ant.echo(file: file, append: true, message: message)
+binding.setVariable("zipSources", { String home, String targetDir ->
+ String sources = "$targetDir/"
+ projectBuilder.stage("zip sources to $sources")
+ ant.mkdir(dir: targetDir)
+ ant.delete(file: sources)
+ sources) {
+ fileset(dir: home) {
+ ["java", "groovy", "ipr", "iml", "form", "xml", "properties"].each {
+ include(name: "**/*.$it")
+ }
+ exclude(name: "**/testData/**")
+ }
+ }
+ notifyArtifactBuilt(sources)
+ * E.g.
+ *
+ * Load all properties from file:
+ * readIdeaProperties("" : "$home/ruby/build/")
+ *
+ * Load all properties except "idea.cycle.buffer.size", change "idea.max.intellisense.filesize" to 3000
+ * and enable "" mode:
+ * readIdeaProperties("" : "$home/ruby/build/",
+ * "" : ["idea.max.intellisense.filesize" : 3000,
+ * "idea.cycle.buffer.size" : null,
+ * "" : true ])
+ * @param args
+ * @return text xml properties description in xml
+ */
+private Map readIdeaProperties(Map args) {
+ String ideaPropertiesPath = args == null ? null : args.get("")
+ if (ideaPropertiesPath == null) {
+ return [:]
+ }
+ // read file
+ Properties ideaProperties = new Properties();
+ FileInputStream ideaPropertiesFile = new FileInputStream(ideaPropertiesPath);
+ ideaProperties.load(ideaPropertiesFile);
+ ideaPropertiesFile.close();
+ def defaultProperties = ["CVS_PASSFILE": "~/.cvspass",
+ "": "false",
+ "idea.paths.selector": args.system_selector,
+ "java.endorsed.dirs": "",
+ "idea.smooth.progress": "false",
+ "apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar": "true",
+ "": "true",
+ "apple.awt.fullscreencapturealldisplays": "false"]
+ if (args.platform_prefix != null) {
+ defaultProperties.put("idea.platform.prefix", args.platform_prefix)
+ }
+ Map properties = defaultProperties
+ def customProperties = args.get("")
+ if (customProperties != null) {
+ properties += customProperties
+ }
+ properties.each {k, v ->
+ if (v == null) {
+ // if overridden with null - ignore property
+ ideaProperties.remove(k)
+ } else {
+ // if property is overridden in args map - use new value
+ ideaProperties.put(k, v)
+ }
+ }
+ return ideaProperties;
+private String submapToXml(Map properties, List keys) {
+// generate properties description for Info.plist
+ StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder()
+ keys.each { key ->
+ String value = properties[key]
+ if (value != null) {
+ String string =
+ """
+ <key>$key</key>
+ <string>$value</string>
+ buff.append(string)
+ }
+ }
+ return buff.toString()
+binding.setVariable("buildWinZip", { String zipPath, List paths ->
+ projectBuilder.stage("")
+ fixIdeaPropertiesEol(paths, "dos")
+ zipPath) {
+ paths.each {
+ fileset(dir: it)
+ }
+ }
+ notifyArtifactBuilt(zipPath)
+binding.setVariable("buildMacZip", { String zipRoot, String zipPath, List paths, String macPath, List extraBins = [] ->
+ projectBuilder.stage("")
+ allPaths = paths + [macPath]
+ zipPath) {
+ allPaths.each {
+ zipfileset(dir: it, prefix: zipRoot) {
+ exclude(name: "bin/*.sh")
+ exclude(name: "bin/fsnotifier")
+ exclude(name: "bin/relaunch")
+ exclude(name: "Contents/MacOS/*")
+ extraBins.each {
+ exclude(name: it)
+ }
+ exclude(name: "bin/")
+ }
+ }
+ allPaths.each {
+ zipfileset(dir: it, filemode: "755", prefix: zipRoot) {
+ include(name: "bin/*.sh")
+ include(name: "bin/fsnotifier")
+ include(name: "bin/relaunch")
+ include(name: "Contents/MacOS/*")
+ extraBins.each {
+ include(name: it)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zipfileset(file: "$macPath/bin/", prefix: "$zipRoot/bin")
+ }
+binding.setVariable("buildTarGz", { String tarRoot, String tarPath, List paths ->
+ projectBuilder.stage(".tar.gz")
+ fixIdeaPropertiesEol(paths, "unix")
+ ant.tar(tarfile: tarPath, longfile: "gnu") {
+ paths.each {
+ tarfileset(dir: it, prefix: tarRoot) {
+ exclude(name: "bin/*.sh")
+ exclude(name: "bin/fsnotifier*")
+ type(type: "file")
+ }
+ }
+ paths.each {
+ tarfileset(dir: it, filemode: "755", prefix: tarRoot) {
+ include(name: "bin/*.sh")
+ include(name: "bin/fsnotifier*")
+ type(type: "file")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String gzPath = "${tarPath}.gz"
+ ant.gzip(src: tarPath, zipfile: gzPath)
+ ant.delete(file: tarPath)
+ notifyArtifactBuilt(gzPath)
+private void fixIdeaPropertiesEol(List paths, String eol) {
+ paths.each {
+ String file = "$it/bin/"
+ if (new File(file).exists()) {
+ ant.fixcrlf(file: file, eol: eol)
+ }
+ }