path: root/platform/structuralsearch/testSource/com/intellij/structuralsearch/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/structuralsearch/testSource/com/intellij/structuralsearch/')
1 files changed, 2946 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/structuralsearch/testSource/com/intellij/structuralsearch/ b/platform/structuralsearch/testSource/com/intellij/structuralsearch/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..da479a70f93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/structuralsearch/testSource/com/intellij/structuralsearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,2946 @@
+package com.intellij.structuralsearch;
+import com.intellij.idea.Bombed;
+import com.intellij.openapi.application.PluginPathManager;
+import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.StdFileTypes;
+import com.intellij.psi.*;
+import com.intellij.structuralsearch.impl.matcher.MatcherImplUtil;
+import com.intellij.testFramework.PlatformTestUtil;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.List;
+ * @author Maxim.Mossienko
+ */
+public class StructuralSearchTest extends StructuralSearchTestCase {
+ private static final String s1 =
+ "debug(\"In action performed:\"+event);"+
+ "project = (Project)event.getDataContext().getData(DataConstants.PROJECT);" +
+ "CodeEditorManager.getInstance(project).commitAllToPsiFile();" +
+ "file = (PsiFile) event.getDataContext().getData(\"psi.File\"); " +
+ "((dialog==null)?" +
+ " (dialog = new SearchDialog()):" +
+ " dialog" +
+ ").show();";
+ private static final String s2 = "((dialog==null)? (dialog = new SearchDialog()): dialog).show();";
+ private static final String s3 = "dialog = new SearchDialog()";
+ private static final String s4 =
+ " do { " +
+ " pattern = pattern.getNextSibling(); " +
+ " } " +
+ " while (pattern!=null && filterLexicalNodes(pattern));";
+ private static final String s5 =
+ "{ System.out.println();" +
+ " while(false) { " +
+ " do { " +
+ " pattern = pattern.getNextSibling(); " +
+ " } " +
+ " while (pattern!=null && filterLexicalNodes(pattern)); " +
+ " } " +
+ " do { " +
+ " pattern = pattern.getNextSibling(); " +
+ " } while (pattern!=null && filterLexicalNodes(pattern));" +
+ " { { " +
+ " do { " +
+ " pattern = pattern.getNextSibling(); " +
+ " } while (pattern!=null && filterLexicalNodes(pattern));" +
+ " } }" +
+ "}";
+ private static final String s6 =
+ " do { " +
+ " pattern.getNextSibling(); " +
+ " } " +
+ " while (pattern!=null && filterLexicalNodes(pattern));";
+ private static final String s7 =
+ " if (true) throw new UnsupportedPatternException(statement.toString());" +
+ " if (true) { " +
+ " throw new UnsupportedPatternException(statement.toString());" +
+ " } ";
+ private static final String s8 =
+ " if (true) { " +
+ " throw new UnsupportedPatternException(statement.toString());" +
+ " } ";
+ private static final String s9 = " if (true) throw new UnsupportedPatternException(statement.toString());";
+ private static final String s10 = "listener.add(new Runnable() { public void run() {} });";
+ private static final String s11 = " new XXX()";
+ private static final String s12 =
+ "new Runnable() {" +
+ " public void run() {" +
+ " matchContext.getSink().matchingFinished();" +
+ " } " +
+ " }";
+ private static final String s13 = "new Runnable() {}";
+ private static final String s14_1 = "if (true) { aaa(var); }";
+ private static final String s14_2 = "if (true) { aaa(var); bbb(var2); }\n if(1==1) { system.out.println('o'); }";
+ private static final String s15 = "'T;";
+ private static final String s16 = "if('_T) { '_T2; }";
+ private static final String s17 =
+ "token.getText().equals(token2.getText());" +
+ "token.getText().equals(token2.getText2());" +
+ "token.a.equals(token2.b);" +
+ "token.a.equals(token2.a);";
+ private static final String s18_1 = "'_T1.'_T2.equals('_T3.'_T2);";
+ private static final String s18_2 = "'_T1.'_T2().equals('_T3.'_T2());";
+ private static final String s18_3 = "'_T1.'_T2";
+ private static final String s19 = "Aaa a = (Aaa)b; Aaa c = (Bbb)d;";
+ private static final String s20 = "'_T1 'T2 = ('_T1)'_T3;";
+ private static final String s20_2 = "'_T1 '_T2 = ('_T1)'_T3;";
+ private static final String s21_1 = "'_T1:Aa* 'T2 = ('_T1)'_T3;";
+ private static final String s21_2 = "'_T1:A* 'T2 = ( '_T1:A+ )'_T3;";
+ private static final String s21_3 = "'_T1:Aa* 'T2 = ( '_T1:Aa* )'_T3;";
+ private static final String s22 = "Aaa a = (Aaa)b; Bbb c = (Bbb)d;";
+ private static final String s23 = "a[i] = 1; b[a[i]] = f(); if (a[i]==1) return b[c[i]];";
+ private static final String s24_1 = "'T['_T2:.*i.* ] = '_T3;";
+ private static final String s24_2 = "'T['_T2:.*i.* ]";
+ private static final String s25 = "class MatcherImpl { void doMatch(int a) {} }\n" +
+ "class Matcher { abstract void doMatch(int a);}\n " +
+ "class Matcher2Impl { void doMatch(int a, int b) {} } ";
+ private static final String s26 = "class 'T:.*Impl { '_T2 '_T3('_T4 '_T5) {\n\n} } ";
+ private static final String s27 = "class A {} interface B {}";
+ private static final String s28 = "interface 'T {}";
+ private static final String s29 = "class A { void B(int C) {} } class D { void E(double e) {} }";
+ private static final String s30 = "class '_ { void '_('_:int '_); } ";
+ private static final String s31 = "class A extends B { } class D extends B { } class C extends C {}";
+ private static final String s32 = "class '_ extends B { } ";
+ private static final String s33 = "class A implements B,C { } class D implements B,D { } class C2 implements C,B {}";
+ private static final String s34 = "class '_ implements B,C { } ";
+ private static final String s35 = "class A { int b; double c; void d() {} int e() {} } " +
+ "class A2 { int b; void d() {} }";
+ private static final String s36 = "class '_ { double '_; int '_; int '_() {} void '_() {} } ";
+ private static final String s37 = "class A { void d() throws B,C,D {} } class A2 { void d() throws B,C {} }";
+ private static final String s38 = "class 'T { '_ '_() throws D,C {} } ";
+ private static final String s39 = "class A extends B { } class A2 { }";
+ private static final String s40 = "class 'T { } ";
+ private static final String s41 = "class A extends B { int a = 1; } class B { int[] c= new int[2]; } " +
+ "class D { double e; } class E { int d; } ";
+ private static final String s42_1 = "class '_ { '_T '_T2 = '_T3; } ";
+ private static final String s42_2 = "class '_ { '_T '_T2; } ";
+ private static final String s43 = "interface A extends B { int B = 1; } " +
+ "interface D { public final static double e = 1; } " +
+ "interface E { final static ind d = 2; } " +
+ "interface F { } ";
+ private static final String s44 = "interface '_ { '_T 'T2 = '_T3; } ";
+ private static final String s45 = "class A extends B { private static final int B = 1; } " +
+ "class C extends D { int B = 1; }" +
+ "class E { }";
+ private static final String s46 = "class '_ { final static private '_T 'T2 = '_T3; } ";
+ private static final String s46_2 = "class '_ { '_T 'T2 = '_T3; } ";
+ private static final String s47 = "class C { java.lang.String t; } class B { BufferedString t2;} class A { String p;} ";
+ private static final String s48 = "class '_ { String '_; }";
+ private static final String s49 = "class C { void a() throws java.lang.RuntimeException {} } class B { BufferedString t2;}";
+ private static final String s50 = "class '_ { '_ '_() throws RuntimeException; }";
+ private static final String s51 = "class C extends B { } class B extends A { } class E {}";
+ private static final String s52 = "class '_ extends '_ { }";
+ private static final String s53 = "class C { " +
+ " String a = System.getProperty(\"abcd\"); " +
+ " static { String s = System.getProperty(a); }" +
+ " static void b() { String s = System.getProperty(a); }" +
+ " }";
+ private static final String s54 = "System.getProperty('T)";
+ private static final String s55 = " a = b.class; ";
+ private static final String s56 = "'T.class";
+ private static final String s57 = "{ /** @author Maxim */ class C { " +
+ "} " +
+ "class D {" +
+ "/** @serializable */ private int value; " +
+ "/** @since 1.4 */ void a() {} "+
+ "}" +
+ "class F { " +
+ "/** @since 1.4 */ void a() {} "+
+ "/** @serializable */ private int value2; " +
+ "}" +
+ "class G { /** @param a*/ void a() {} } }";
+ private static final String s57_2 = "/** @author Maxim */ class C { " +
+ "} " +
+ "class D {" +
+ "/** @serializable */ private int value; " +
+ "/** @since 1.4 */ void a() {} "+
+ "}" +
+ "class F { " +
+ "/** @since 1.4 */ void a() {} "+
+ "/** @serializable */ private int value2; " +
+ "}" +
+ "class G { /** @param a*/ void a() {} }";
+ private static final String s58 = "/** @'T '_T2 */ class '_ { }";
+ private static final String s58_2 = "class '_ { /** @serializable '_ */ '_ '_; }";
+ private static final String s58_3 = "class '_ { /** @'T 1.4 */ '_ '_() {} }";
+ private static final String s58_4 = "/** @'T '_T2 */";
+ private static final String s58_5 = "/** @'T '_T2? */";
+ private static final String s59 = "interface A { void B(); }";
+ private static final String s60 = "interface '_ { void '_(); }";
+ private static final String s61 = "{ a=b; c=d; return; } { e=f; } {}";
+ private static final String s62_1 = "{ 'T*; }";
+ private static final String s62_2 = "{ 'T+; }";
+ private static final String s62_3 = "{ 'T?; }";
+ private static final String s62_4 = "{ '_*; }";
+ private static final String s62_5 = "{ '_+; }";
+ private static final String s62_6 = "{ '_?; }";
+ private static final String s63 = " class A { A() {} } class B { public void run() {} }";
+ private static final String s63_2 = " class A { A() {} " +
+ "class B { public void run() {} } " +
+ "class D { public void run() {} } " +
+ "} " +
+ "class C {}";
+ private static final String s64 = " class 'T { public void '_T2:run () {} }";
+ private static final String s64_2 = "class '_ { class 'T { public void '_T2:run () {} } }";
+ private static final String s65 = " if (A instanceof B) {} else if (B instanceof C) {}";
+ private static final String s66 = " '_T instanceof '_T2:B";
+ private static final String s67 = " buf.append((VirtualFile)a);";
+ private static final String s68 = " (VirtualFile)'T";
+ private static final String s69 = " System.getProperties(); System.out.println(); java.lang.System.out.println(); some.other.System.out.println();";
+ private static final String s70 = " System.out ";
+ private static final String s70_2 = " java.lang.System.out ";
+ private static final String s71 = " class A { " +
+ "class D { D() { c(); } }" +
+ "void a() { c(); new MouseListenener() { void b() { c(); } } }" +
+ " }";
+ private static final String s72 = " c(); ";
+ private static final String s73 = " class A { int A; static int B=5; public abstract void a(int c); void q() { ind d=7; } }";
+ private static final String s74 = " '_Type 'Var = '_Init?; ";
+ private static final String s75 = "{ /** @class aClass\n @author the author */ class A {}\n" +
+ " /** */ class B {}\n" +
+ " /** @class aClass */ class C {} }";
+ private static final String s76 = " /** @'_tag+ '_value+ */";
+ private static final String s76_2 = " /** @'_tag* '_value* */";
+ private static final String s76_3 = " /** @'_tag? '_value? */ class 't {}";
+ private static final String s77 = " new ActionListener() {} ";
+ private static final String s78 = " class 'T:.*aaa {} ";
+ private static final String s79 = " class A { static { int c; } void a() { int b; b=1; }} ";
+ private static final String s80 = " { '_T 'T3 = '_T2?; '_*; } ";
+ private static final String s81 = "class Pair<First,Second> {" +
+ " <C,F> void a(B<C> b, D<F> e) throws C {" +
+ " P<Q> r = (S<T>)null;"+
+ " Q q = null; "+
+ " if (r instanceof S<T>) {}"+
+ " } " +
+ "} class Q { void b() {} } ";
+ private static final String s81_2 = "class Double<T> {} class T {} class Single<First extends A & B> {}";
+ private static final String s82 = "class '_<'T+> {}";
+ private static final String s82_2 = "'_Expr instanceof '_Type<'_Parameter+>";
+ private static final String s82_3 = "( '_Type<'_Parameter+> ) '_Expr";
+ private static final String s82_4 = "'_Type<'_Parameter+> 'a = '_Init?;";
+ private static final String s82_5 = "class '_ { <'_+> '_Type 'Method('_* '_*); }";
+ private static final String s82_6 = "class '_<'_+ extends 'res+> {}";
+ private static final String s82_7 = "'Type";
+ private static final String s83 = "/**\n" +
+ " * @hibernate.class\n" +
+ " * table=\"CATS\"\n" +
+ " */\n" +
+ "public class Cat {\n" +
+ " private Long id; // identifier\n" +
+ " private Date birthdate;\n" +
+ " /**\n" +
+ " *\n" +
+ " * generator-class=\"native\"\n" +
+ " * column=\"CAT_ID\"\n" +
+ " */\n" +
+ " public Long getId() {\n" +
+ " return id;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private void setId(Long id) {\n" +
+ ";\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " /**\n" +
+ " *\n" +
+ " * column=\"BIRTH_DATE\"\n" +
+ " */\n" +
+ " public Date getBirthdate() {\n" +
+ " return birthdate;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " void setBirthdate(Date date) {\n" +
+ " birthdate = date;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " /**\n" +
+ " *\n" +
+ " * column=\"SEX\"\n" +
+ " * not-null=\"true\"\n" +
+ " * update=\"false\"\n" +
+ " */\n" +
+ " public char getSex() {\n" +
+ " return sex;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " void setSex(char sex) {\n" +
+ ";\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ private static final String s84 = " /**\n" +
+ " *\n" +
+ " * 'Property+\n" +
+ " */\n";
+ private static final String s84_2 = " /**\n" +
+ " *\n" +
+ " * update=\"\"\n" +
+ " */\n";
+ private static final String s85 = "{ int a; a=1; a=1; return a; }";
+ private static final String s86 = "'T; 'T;";
+ private static final String s87 = " getSomething(\"1\");; ";
+ private static final String s88 = " '_Instance.'Call('_*); ";
+ private static final String s88_2 = " 'Call('_*); ";
+ private static final String s88_3 = " '_Instance?.'Call('_*); ";
+ private static final String s89 = "{ a = 1; b = 2; c=3; }";
+ private static final String s90 = "{ '_T*; '_T2*; }";
+ private static final String s90_2 = " { '_T*; '_T2*; '_T3+; } ";
+ private static final String s90_3 = " { '_T+; '_T2+; '_T3+; '_T4+; } ";
+ private static final String s90_4 = " { '_T{1,3}; '_T2{2}; } ";
+ private static final String s90_5 = " { '_T{1}?; '_T2*?; '_T3+?; } ";
+ private static final String s90_6 = " { '_T{1}?; '_T2{1,2}?; '_T3+?; '_T4+?; } ";
+ private static final String s91 = "class a {\n" +
+ " void b() {\n" +
+ " int c;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " c = 1;\n" +
+ " b();\n" +
+ " a a1;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ private static final String s92 = "'T:a";
+ private static final String s92_2 = "'T:b";
+ private static final String s92_3 = "'T:c";
+ private static final String s93 = " class A {" +
+ "private int field;" +
+ "public void b() {}" +
+ "}";
+ private static final String s94 = " class '_ {" +
+ "private void b() {}" +
+ "}";
+ private static final String s94_2 = " class '_ {" +
+ "public void b() {}" +
+ "}";
+ private static final String s94_3 = " class '_ {" +
+ "protected int field;" +
+ "}";
+ private static final String s94_4 = " class '_ {" +
+ "private int field;" +
+ "}";
+ private static final String s95 = " class Clazz {" +
+ "private int field;" +
+ "private int field2;" +
+ "private int fiel-d2;" +
+ "}";
+ private static final String s96 = " class '_ {" +
+ "private int 'T+:field.* ;" +
+ "}";
+ public void testSearchExpressions() {
+ assertFalse("subexpr match",findMatchesCount(s2,s3)==0);
+ assertEquals("search for new ",findMatchesCount(s10,s11),0);
+ assertEquals("search for anonymous classes",findMatchesCount(s12,s13),1);
+ // expr in definition initializer
+ assertEquals(
+ "expr in def initializer",
+ 3,
+ findMatchesCount(s53,s54)
+ );
+ // a.class expression search
+ assertEquals(
+ "a.class pattern",
+ findMatchesCount(s55,s56),
+ 1
+ );
+ String complexCode = "interface I { void b(); } interface I2 extends I {} class I3 extends I {} " +
+ "class A implements I2 { void b() {} } class B implements I3 { void b() {}} " +
+ "I2 a; I3 b; a.b(); b.b(); b.b(); A c; B d; c.b(); d.b(); d.b(); ";
+ String exprTypePattern1 = "'t:[exprtype( I2 )].b();";
+ String exprTypePattern2 = "'t:[!exprtype( I2 )].b();";
+ String exprTypePattern3 = "'t:[exprtype( *I2 )].b();";
+ String exprTypePattern4 = "'t:[!exprtype( *I2 )].b();";
+ assertEquals(
+ "expr type condition",
+ findMatchesCount(complexCode,exprTypePattern1),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "expr type condition 2",
+ 5,
+ findMatchesCount(complexCode,exprTypePattern2)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "expr type condition 3",
+ findMatchesCount(complexCode,exprTypePattern3),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "expr type condition 4",
+ findMatchesCount(complexCode,exprTypePattern4),
+ 4
+ );
+ String complexCode2 = "enum X { XXX, YYY }\n class C { static void ordinal() {} void test() { C c; c.ordinal(); c.ordinal(); X.XXX.ordinal(); } }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "expr type condition with enums",
+ findMatchesCount(complexCode2, "'t:[exprtype( *java\\.lang\\.Enum )].ordinal()"),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "no smart detection of search target",
+ findMatchesCount("processInheritors(1,2,3,4); processInheritors(1,2,3); processInheritors(1,2,3,4,5,6);","'instance?.processInheritors('_param1{1,6});"),
+ 3
+ );
+ String arrays = "int[] a = new int[20];\n" +
+ "byte[] b = new byte[30]";
+ String arrayPattern = "new int[$a$]";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Improper array search",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(arrays,arrayPattern)
+ );
+ String someCode = "a *= 2; a+=2;";
+ String otherCode = "a *= 2;";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Improper *= 2 search",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(someCode,otherCode)
+ );
+ String s1 = "Thread t = new Thread(\"my thread\",\"my another thread\") {\n" +
+ " public void run() {\n" +
+ " // do stuff\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2 = "new Thread('args*) { '_Other* }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find inner class parameters",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s1,s2)
+ );
+ String s3 = "Thread t = new Thread(\"my thread\") {\n" +
+ " public void run() {\n" +
+ " // do stuff\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "};";
+ String s4 = "new Thread($args$)";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find inner class by new",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s3,s4)
+ );
+ String s5 = "class A {\n" +
+ "public static <T> T[] copy(T[] array, Class<T> aClass) {\n" +
+ " int i = (int)0;\n" +
+ " int b = (int)0;\n" +
+ " return (T[])array.clone();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s6 = "($T$[])$expr$";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find cast to array",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s5,s6)
+ );
+ String s7 = "import java.math.BigDecimal;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "public class Prorator {\n" +
+ " public void prorate(BigDecimal[] array) {\n" +
+ " // do nothing\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public void prorate2(java.math.BigDecimal[] array) {\n" +
+ " // do nothing\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public void prorate(BigDecimal bd) {\n" +
+ " // do nothing\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " BigDecimal[] something = new BigDecimal[2];\n" +
+ " java.math.BigDecimal[] something2 = new BigDecimal[2];\n" +
+ " something[0] = new BigDecimal(1.0);\n" +
+ " something[1] = new BigDecimal(1.0);\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " Prorator prorator = new Prorator();\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "// ---------------------------------------------------\n" +
+ "// the line below should've been found, in my opinion.\n" +
+ "// --------------------------------------------------\n" +
+ " prorator.prorate(something);\n" +
+ " prorator.prorate(something2);\n" +
+ " prorator.prorate(something[0]);\n" +
+ " prorator.prorate(something[1]);\n" +
+ " prorator.prorate(something[0]);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s8 = "'_Instance.'_MethodCall:[regex( prorate )]('_Param:[exprtype( BigDecimal\\[\\] )]) ";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find method call with array for parameter expr type",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s7,s8,true)
+ );
+ String s13 = "try { } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }";
+ String s14 = "'_Instance.'_MethodCall('_Parameter*)";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find statement in catch",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s13,s14)
+ );
+ String s9 = "int a[] = new int[] { 1,2,3,4};\n" +
+ "int b[] = { 2,3,4,5 };\n" +
+ "Object[] c = new Object[] { \"\", null};";
+ String s10 = "new '_ []{ '_* }";
+ String s10_2 = "new int []{ '_* }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find array instatiation",
+ 3,
+ findMatchesCount(s9,s10)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find array instatiation, 2",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s9,s10_2)
+ );
+ }
+ public void testLiteral() {
+ String s = "class A {\n" +
+ " static String a = 1;\n" +
+ " static String s = \"aaa\";\n" +
+ " static String s2;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2 = "static String '_FieldName = '_Init?:[!regex( \".*\" )];";
+ String s2_2 = "static String '_FieldName = '_Init:[!regex( \".*\" )];";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Literal",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s,s2)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Literal, 2",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s,s2_2)
+ );
+ }
+ public void testCovariantArraySearch() {
+ String s1 = "String[] argv;";
+ String s2 = "String argv;";
+ String s3 = "'T[] argv;";
+ String s3_2 = "'T:*Object [] argv;";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find array types",
+ 0,
+ findMatchesCount(s1,s2)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find array types, 2",
+ 0,
+ findMatchesCount(s2,s1)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find array types, 3",
+ 0,
+ findMatchesCount(s2,s3)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find array types, 3",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s1,s3_2)
+ );
+ String s11 = "class A {\n" +
+ " void main(String[] argv);" +
+ " void main(String argv[]);" +
+ " void main(String argv);" +
+ "}";
+ String s12 = "'_t:[regex( *Object\\[\\] ) ] '_t2";
+ String s12_2 = "'_t:[regex( *Object ) ] '_t2 []";
+ String s12_3 = "'_t:[regex( *Object ) ] '_t2";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find array covariant types",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s11,s12)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find array covariant types, 2",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s11,s12_2)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Find array covariant types, 3",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s11,s12_3)
+ );
+ String source = "class A { String ss[][]; }";
+ String target = "String[][] $s$;";
+ assertEquals(
+ "should find multi dimensional c-style array declarations",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(source, target)
+ );
+ }
+ // @todo support back references (\1 in another reg exp or as fild member)
+ //private static final String s1002 = " setSSS( instance.getSSS() ); " +
+ // " setSSS( instance.SSS ); ";
+ //private static final String s1003 = " 't:set(.+) ( '_.get't_1() ); ";
+ //private static final String s1003_2 = " 't:set(.+) ( '_.'t_1 ); ";
+ public void testSearchStatements() {
+ assertEquals("statement search",findMatchesCount(s1,s2),1);
+ assertEquals("several constructions match",findMatchesCount(s5,s4),3);
+ assertFalse("several constructions 2",(findMatchesCount(s5,s6))!=0);
+ assertEquals("several constructions 3",findMatchesCount(s7,s8),2);
+ assertEquals("several constructions 4",findMatchesCount(s7,s9),2);
+ final String s1000 = "{ lastTest = \"search for parameterized pattern\";\n" +
+ " matches = testMatcher.findMatches(s14_1,s15, options);\n" +
+ " if (matches.size()!=2 ) return false;\n" +
+ "lastTest = \"search for parameterized pattern\";\n" +
+ " matches = testMatcher.findMatches(s14_1,s15, options);\n" +
+ " if (matches.size()!=2 ) return false; }";
+ final String s1001 = "lastTest = '_Descr; " +
+ " matches = testMatcher.findMatches('_In,'_Pattern, options);\n" +
+ " if (matches.size()!='_Number ) return false;";
+ assertEquals("several operators 5",findMatchesCount(s1000,s1001),2);
+ assertEquals(
+ "two the same statements search",
+ findMatchesCount(s85,s86),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "search for simple call",
+ findMatchesCount(s87,s88),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "search for simple call 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s87,s88_2),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "search for simple call 3",
+ findMatchesCount(s87,s88_3),
+ 2
+ );
+ String s10015 = "DocumentListener[] listeners = getCachedListeners();";
+ String s10016 = "'_Type 'Var = '_Call();";
+ assertEquals(
+ "search for definition with init",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s10015,s10016)
+ );
+ String s10017 = "a = b; b = c; a=a; c=c;";
+ String s10018 = "'_a = '_a;";
+ assertEquals(
+ "search silly assignments",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s10017,s10018)
+ );
+ String s10019 = "a.b(); a.b(null); a.b(null, 1);";
+ String s10020 = "a.b(null);";
+ assertEquals(
+ "search parameter",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s10019,s10020)
+ );
+ String s1008 = "int a, b, c, d; int a,b,c; int c,d; int e;";
+ String s1009 = "int '_a{3,4};";
+ assertEquals(
+ "search many declarations",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s1008,s1009)
+ );
+ String s1 = "super(1,1); call(1,1); call(2,2);";
+ String s2 = "super('_t*);";
+ assertEquals(
+ "search super",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s1,s2)
+ );
+ String s10021 = "short a = 1;\n" +
+ "short b = 2;\n" +
+ "short c = a.b();";
+ String s10022 = "short '_a = '_b.b();";
+ assertEquals(
+ "search def init bug",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s10021,s10022)
+ );
+ String s10023 = "abstract class A { public abstract short getType(); }\n" +
+ "A a;\n" +
+ "switch(a.getType()) {\n" +
+ " default:\n" +
+ " return 0;\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "switch(a.getType()) {\n" +
+ " case 1:\n" +
+ " { return 0; }\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s10024 = "switch('_a:[exprtype( short )]) { '_statement*; }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "finding switch",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s10023,s10024)
+ );
+ String s10025 = "A[] a;\n" +
+ "A b[];\n" +
+ "A c;";
+ String s10026 = "A[] 'a;";
+ String s10026_2 = "A 'a[];";
+ assertEquals(
+ "array types in dcl",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s10025,s10026)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "array types in dcl 2",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s10025,s10026_2)
+ );
+ String s10027 = "try { a(); } catch(Exception ex) {}\n" +
+ "try { a(); } finally {}\n" +
+ "try { a(); } catch(Exception ex) {} finally {} \n";
+ String s10028 = "try { a(); } finally {}\n";
+ assertEquals(
+ "finally matching",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s10027,s10028)
+ );
+ String s10029 = "for(String a:b) { System.out.println(a); }";
+ String s10030 = "for(String a:b) { '_a; }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "for each matching",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s10029,s10030)
+ );
+ String s10031 = "try { a(); } catch(Exception ex) {} catch(Error error) { 1=1; }\n" +
+ "try { a(); } catch(Exception ex) {}";
+ String s10032 = "try { a(); } catch('_Type+ 'Arg+) { 'Statements*; }\n";
+ assertEquals(
+ "finally matching",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s10031,s10032)
+ );
+ String s10033 = "return x;\n" +
+ "return !x;\n" +
+ "return (x);\n" +
+ "return (x);\n" +
+ "return !(x);";
+ String s10034 = "return ('a);";
+ assertEquals("Find statement with parenthesized expr",2,findMatchesCount(s10033,s10034));
+ }
+ public void testSearchClass() {
+ // no modifier list in interface vars
+ assertEquals(
+ "no modifier for interface vars",
+ findMatchesCount(s43,s44),
+ 3
+ );
+ // different order of access modifiers
+ assertEquals(
+ "different order of access modifiers",
+ findMatchesCount(s45,s46),
+ 1
+ );
+ // no access modifiers
+ assertEquals(
+ "no access modifier",
+ findMatchesCount(s45,s46_2),
+ 2
+ );
+ // type could differ with package
+ assertEquals(
+ "type differs with package",
+ findMatchesCount(s47,s48),
+ 2
+ );
+ // reference element could differ in package
+ assertEquals(
+ "reference could differ in package",
+ findMatchesCount(s49,s50),
+ 1
+ );
+ String s51 = "class C extends java.awt.List {} class A extends java.util.List {} class B extends java.awt.List {} ";
+ String s52 = "class 'B extends '_C:java\\.awt\\.List {}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "reference could differ in package 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s51,s52),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "method access modifier",
+ findMatchesCount(s93,s94),
+ 0
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "method access modifier 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s93,s94_2),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "field access modifier",
+ findMatchesCount(s93,s94_3),
+ 0
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "field access modifier 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s93,s94_4),
+ 1
+ );
+ final String s127 = "class a { void b() { new c() {}; } }";
+ final String s128 = "class 't {}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "class finds anonymous class",
+ findMatchesCount(s127,s128),
+ 2
+ );
+ final String s129 = "class a { public void run() {} }\n" +
+ "class a2 { public void run() { run(); } }\n" +
+ "class a3 { public void run() { run(); } }\n" +
+ "class a4 { public void run(); }";
+ final String s130 = "class 'a { public void run() {} }";
+ final String s130_2 = "class 'a { public void run() { '_statement; } }";
+ final String s130_3 = "class 'a { public void run(); }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "empty method finds empty method only",
+ findMatchesCount(s129,s130),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "nonempty method finds nonempty method",
+ findMatchesCount(s129,s130_2),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "nonempty method finds nonempty method",
+ findMatchesCount(s129,s130_3),
+ 4
+ );
+ final String s133 = "class S {\n" +
+ "void cc() {\n" +
+ " new Runnable() {\n" +
+ " public void run() {\n" +
+ " f();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private void f() {\n" +
+ " //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates.\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " };\n" +
+ " new Runnable() {\n" +
+ " public void run() {\n" +
+ " f();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private void g() {\n" +
+ " //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates.\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " };\n" +
+ " new Runnable() {\n" +
+ " public void run() {\n" +
+ " f();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " };\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private void f() {\n" +
+ " //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates.\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "} ";
+ final String s134 = "new Runnable() {\n" +
+ " public void run() {\n" +
+ " '_f ();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private void '_f ();\n" +
+ " }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "complex expr matching",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s133,s134)
+ );
+ final String s135 = "abstract class My {\n" +
+ " abstract void f();\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "abstract class My2 {\n" +
+ " abstract void f();\n" +
+ " void fg() {}\n" +
+ "}";
+ final String s136 = "class 'm {\n" +
+ " void f();\n" +
+ " '_type '_method{0,0} ('_paramtype* '_paramname* );\n" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "reject method with 0 max occurence",
+ findMatchesCount(s135,s136),
+ 1
+ );
+ final String s137 = "abstract class My {\n" +
+ " int a;\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "abstract class My2 {\n" +
+ " Project b;\n" +
+ "}" +
+ "abstract class My3 {\n" +
+ " Class clazz;"+
+ " Project b = null;\n" +
+ "}" +
+ "abstract class My {\n" +
+ " int a = 1;\n" +
+ "}\n";
+ final String s138 = "class 'm {\n" +
+ " Project '_f{0,0} = '_t?;\n" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "reject field with 0 max occurence",
+ findMatchesCount(s137,s138),
+ 2
+ );
+ final String s139 = "class My { boolean equals(Object o); int hashCode(); }";
+ final String s139_2 = "class My { boolean equals(Object o); }";
+ final String s140 = "class 'A { boolean equals(Object '_o ); int '_hashCode{0,0}:hashCode (); }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "reject method with constraint",
+ findMatchesCount(s139,s140),
+ 0
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "reject field with 0 max occurence",
+ findMatchesCount(s139_2,s140),
+ 1
+ );
+ final String s141 = "class A { static { a = 10 } }\n" +
+ "class B { { a = 10; } }\n" +
+ "class C { { a = 10; } }";
+ final String s142 = "class '_ { static { a = 10; } } ";
+ assertEquals(
+ "static block search",
+ findMatchesCount(s141,s142),
+ 1
+ );
+ }
+ public void testParameterlessContructorSearch() {
+ final String s143 = "class A { A() {} };\n" +
+ "class B { B(int a) {} };\n" +
+ "class C { C() {} C(int a) {} };\n" +
+ "class D {}\n" +
+ "class E {}";
+ final String s144 = "class '_a { '_d{0,0}:[ script( \"__context__.constructor\" ) ]('_b+ '_c+); }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "parameterless contructor search",
+ 3,
+ findMatchesCount(s143,s144)
+ );
+ }
+ public void testCheckScriptValidation() {
+ final String s1 = "";
+ final String s2 = "'_b:[script( \"^^^\" )]";
+ try {
+ final int count = findMatchesCount(s1, s2);
+ assertFalse("Validation does not work", true);
+ } catch (MalformedPatternException ex) {}
+ }
+ //public void testRelationBetweenVars() {
+ // final String s1 = "public class Foo {\n" +
+ // " public static final Logger log = Logger.getInstance(Foo.class);\n" +
+ // " public static final Logger log2 = Logger.getInstance(Foo2.class);\n" +
+ // " public static final Logger log3 = Logger.getInstance(Foo2.class);\n" +
+ // "}";
+ // final String s2 = "class '_a { static Logger 'log+ = Logger.getInstance('_b:[script( \"_a != _b\" )].class); }";
+ // assertEquals(
+ // "relation between vars in script",
+ // 2,
+ // findMatchesCount(s1,s2)
+ // );
+ //}
+ public void testExprTypeWithObject() {
+ String s1 = "import java.util.*;\n" +
+ "class A {\n" +
+ " void b() {\n" +
+ " Map map = new HashMap();" +
+ " class AppPreferences {}\n" +
+ " String key = \"key\";\n" +
+ " AppPreferences value = new AppPreferences();\n" +
+ " map.put(key, value );\n" +
+ " map.put(value, value );\n" +
+ " map.put(\"key\", value );\n" +
+ " map.put(\"key\", new AppPreferences());\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2 = "'_map:[exprtype( *java\\.util\\.Map )].put('_key:[ exprtype( *Object ) ], '_value:[ exprtype( *AppPreferences ) ]);";
+ assertEquals(
+ "expr type with object",
+ 4,
+ findMatchesCount(s1,s2,true)
+ );
+ }
+ public void testInterfaceImplementationsSearch() {
+ String in = "class A implements Cloneable {\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " class B implements Serializable {\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " class C implements Cloneable,Serializable {\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " class C2 implements Serializable,Cloneable {\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " class E extends B implements Cloneable {\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " class F extends A implements Serializable {\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " class D extends C {\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }";
+ String what = "class 'A implements '_B:*Serializable , '_C:*Cloneable {}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "search interface within hierarchy",
+ 5,
+ findMatchesCount(in, what)
+ );
+ }
+ public void testSearchBacktracking() {
+ assertEquals(
+ "backtracking greedy regexp",
+ findMatchesCount(s89,s90),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "backtracking greedy regexp 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s89,s90_2),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "backtracking greedy regexp 3",
+ findMatchesCount(s89,s90_3),
+ 0
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "counted regexp (with back tracking)",
+ findMatchesCount(s89,s90_4),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "nongreedy regexp (counted, with back tracking)",
+ findMatchesCount(s89,s90_5),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "nongreedy regexp (counted, with back tracking) 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s89,s90_6),
+ 0
+ );
+ String s1000 = "class A {\n" +
+ " void _() {}\n" +
+ " void a(String in, String pattern) {}\n" +
+ " }";
+ String s1001 = "class '_Class { \n" +
+ " '_ReturnType+ 'MethodName+ ('_ParameterType* '_Parameter* );\n" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "handling of no match",
+ findMatchesCount(s1000,s1001),
+ 2
+ );
+ }
+ public void testSearchSymbol() {
+ final String s131 = "a.b(); c.d = 1; ";
+ final String s132 = "'T:b|d";
+ assertEquals(
+ "symbol match",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s131,s132)
+ );
+ final String s129 = "A a = new A();";
+ final String s130 = "'Sym:A";
+ options.setCaseSensitiveMatch(true);
+ assertEquals(
+ "case sensitive match",
+ findMatchesCount(s129,s130),
+ 2
+ );
+ options.setDistinct(true);
+ assertEquals(
+ "case sensitive disitinct match",
+ findMatchesCount(s129,s130),
+ 1
+ );
+ options.setDistinct(false);
+ final String s133 = "class C { int a; int A() { a = 1; }} void c(int a) { a = 2; }";
+ final String s133_2 = "class C { int a() {} int A() { a(1); }}";
+ final String s134 = "a";
+ List<MatchResult> results = findMatches(s133, s134, true, StdFileTypes.JAVA);
+ assertEquals(
+ "find sym finds declaration",
+ 4, results.size()
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "find sym finds declaration",
+ 2, findMatchesCount(s133_2, s134, true)
+ );
+ }
+ public void testSearchGenerics() {
+ assertEquals(
+ "parameterized class match",
+ findMatchesCount(s81,s82),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "parameterized instanceof match",
+ findMatchesCount(s81,s82_2),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "parameterized cast match",
+ findMatchesCount(s81,s82_3),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "parameterized definition match",
+ findMatchesCount(s81,s82_4),
+ 3
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "parameterized method match",
+ findMatchesCount(s81,s82_5),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "parameterized constraint match",
+ findMatchesCount(s81_2,s82_6),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "symbol matches parameterization",
+ findMatchesCount(s81,s82_7),
+ 29
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "symbol matches parameterization 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s81_2,s82_7),
+ 7
+ );
+ String s81_3 = " class A {\n" +
+ " public static <T> Collection<T> unmodifiableCollection(int c) {\n" +
+ " return new d<T>(c);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " static class d<E> implements Collection<E>, Serializable {\n" +
+ " public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {return c.toArray(a);}\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "typed symbol symbol",
+ findMatchesCount(s81_3,s82_5),
+ 2
+ );
+ String s81_4="class A<B> { \n" +
+ " static <C> void c(D<E> f) throws R<S> {\n" +
+ " if ( f instanceof G<H>) {\n" +
+ " ((I<G<K>>)l).a();\n" +
+ " throw new P<Q>();" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "} " +
+ "class C {\n" +
+ " void d(E f) throws Q {\n" +
+ " if (g instanceof H) { a.c(); b.d(new A() {}); throw new Exception(((I)k)); }"+
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s82_8 = "'T<'_Subst+>";
+ assertEquals(
+ "typed symbol",
+ findMatchesCount(s81_4,s82_8),
+ 6
+ );
+ String s81_5 = "class A { HashMap<String, Integer> variable = new HashMap<String, Integer>(\"aaa\");}";
+ String s82_9 = "'_Type<'_GType, '_GType2> '_instance = new '_Type<'_GType, '_GType2>('_Param);";
+ assertEquals(
+ "generic vars in new",
+ findMatchesCount(s81_5,s82_9),
+ 1
+ );
+ String source1 = "class Comparator<T> { private Comparator<String> c; private Comparator d; }";
+ String target1 = "java.util.Comparator 'a;";
+ assertEquals(
+ "qualified type should not match 1",
+ 0,
+ findMatchesCount(source1, target1)
+ );
+ String target2 = "java.util.Comparator<String> 'a;";
+ assertEquals(
+ "qualified type should not match 2",
+ 0,
+ findMatchesCount(source1, target2)
+ );
+ // @todo typed vars constrains (super),
+ // @todo generic method invocation
+ //String s83 = "class A {} List<A> a; List b;";
+ //String s84 = "'a:List 'c;";
+ //String s84_2 = "'a:List\\<'_\\> 'c;";
+ //String s84_3 = "'a:List(?>\\<'_\\>) 'c;";
+ //
+ //assertEquals(
+ // "finding list",
+ // findMatchesCount(s83,s84),
+ // 2
+ //);
+ //
+ //assertEquals(
+ // "finding list 2",
+ // findMatchesCount(s83,s84_2),
+ // 1
+ //);
+ //
+ //assertEquals(
+ // "finding list 3",
+ // findMatchesCount(s83,s84_3),
+ // 1
+ //);
+ }
+ public void testSearchSubstitutions() {
+ // searching for parameterized pattern
+ assertEquals("search for parameterized pattern",findMatchesCount(s14_1,s15),2);
+ assertEquals("search for parameterized pattern 2",findMatchesCount(s14_2,s15),5);
+ options.setRecursiveSearch(false);
+ assertEquals("search for parameterized pattern-non-recursive",findMatchesCount(s14_1,s15),1);
+ assertEquals("search for parameterized pattern 2-non-recursive",findMatchesCount(s14_2,s15),2);
+ // typed vars with arrays
+ assertEquals("typed pattern with array 2-non-recursive",findMatchesCount(s23,s24_2),4);
+ options.setRecursiveSearch(true);
+ // searching for parameterized pattern
+ assertEquals("search for parameterized pattern 3",findMatchesCount(s14_2,s16),1);
+ // searching for parameterized pattern in complex expr (with field selection)
+ assertEquals("search for parameterized pattern in field selection",findMatchesCount(s17,s18_1),1);
+ // searching for parameterized pattern in complex expr (with method call)
+ assertEquals("search for parameterized pattern with method call",findMatchesCount(s17,s18_2),1);
+ // searching for parameterized pattern in complex expr (with method call)
+ assertEquals("search for parameterized pattern with method call ep.2",findMatchesCount(s17,s18_3),4);
+ // searching for parameterized pattern in definition with initializer
+ assertEquals("search for same var constraint",findMatchesCount(s19,s20),1);
+ // searching for semi anonymous parameterized pattern in definition with initializer
+ assertEquals("search for same var constraint for semi anonymous typed vars",findMatchesCount(s19,s20_2),1);
+ // support for type var constraint
+ assertEquals("search for typed var constraint",findMatchesCount(s22,s21_1),1);
+ // noncompatible same typed var constraints
+ try {
+ findMatchesCount(s22,s21_2);
+ assertFalse("search for noncompatible typed var constraint",false);
+ } catch(MalformedPatternException e) {
+ }
+ // compatible same typed var constraints
+ assertEquals("search for same typed var constraint",findMatchesCount(s22,s21_3),1);
+ // typed var with instanceof
+ assertEquals("typed instanceof",findMatchesCount(s65,s66),1);
+ // typed vars with arrays
+ assertEquals("typed pattern with array",findMatchesCount(s23,s24_1),2);
+ // typed vars with arrays
+ assertEquals("typed pattern with array 2",findMatchesCount(s23,s24_2),6);
+ // typed vars in class name, method name, its return type, parameter type and name
+ assertEquals("typed pattern in class name, method name, return type, parameter type and name",findMatchesCount(s25,s26),1);
+ assertEquals(
+ "finding interface",
+ findMatchesCount(s27,s28),
+ 1
+ );
+ // finding anonymous type vars
+ assertEquals(
+ "anonymous typed vars",
+ findMatchesCount(s29,s30),
+ 1
+ );
+ // finding descedants
+ assertEquals(
+ "finding class descendants",
+ findMatchesCount(s31,s32),
+ 2
+ );
+ // finding interface implementation
+ assertEquals(
+ "interface implementation",
+ findMatchesCount(s33,s34),
+ 2
+ );
+ // different order of fields and methods
+ assertEquals(
+ "different order of fields and methods",
+ findMatchesCount(s35,s36),
+ 1
+ );
+ // different order of exceptions in throws
+ assertEquals(
+ "differend order in throws",
+ findMatchesCount(s37,s38),
+ 1
+ );
+ // class pattern without extends matches pattern with extends
+ assertEquals(
+ "match of class without extends to class with it",
+ findMatchesCount(s39,s40),
+ 2
+ );
+ // class pattern without extends matches pattern with extends
+ assertEquals(
+ "match of class without extends to class with it, ep. 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s41,s42_1),
+ 2
+ );
+ // class pattern without extends matches pattern with extends
+ assertEquals(
+ "match of class without extends to class with it, ep 3",
+ findMatchesCount(s41,s42_2),
+ 2
+ );
+ // typed reference element
+ assertEquals(
+ "typed reference element",
+ findMatchesCount(s51,s52),
+ 2
+ );
+ // empty name of type var
+ assertEquals(
+ "empty name for typed var",
+ findMatchesCount(s59,s60),
+ 1
+ );
+ // comparing method with constructor
+ assertEquals(
+ "comparing method with constructor",
+ findMatchesCount(s63,s64),
+ 1
+ );
+ // comparing method with constructor
+ assertEquals(
+ "finding nested class",
+ findMatchesCount(s63_2,s64),
+ 2
+ );
+ // comparing method with constructor
+ assertEquals(
+ "finded nested class by special pattern",
+ findMatchesCount(s63_2,s64_2),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "* regexp for typed var",
+ findMatchesCount(s61,s62_1),
+ 5
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "+ regexp for typed var",
+ findMatchesCount(s61,s62_2),
+ 4
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "? regexp for typed var",
+ findMatchesCount(s61,s62_3),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "cast in method parameters",
+ findMatchesCount(s67,s68),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "searching for static field in static call",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s69,s70)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "searching for static field in static call, 2",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s69,s70_2)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "* regexp for anonymous typed var",
+ findMatchesCount(s61,s62_4),
+ 3
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "+ regexp for anonymous typed var",
+ findMatchesCount(s61,s62_5),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "? regexp for anonymous typed var",
+ findMatchesCount(s61,s62_6),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "statement inside anonymous class",
+ findMatchesCount(s71,s72),
+ 3
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "clever regexp match",
+ findMatchesCount(s91,s92),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "clever regexp match 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s91,s92_2),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "clever regexp match 3",
+ findMatchesCount(s91,s92_3),
+ 2
+ );
+ }
+ public void testSearchJavaDoc() {
+ // javadoc comment in class
+ assertEquals(
+ "java doc comment in class",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s57,s58)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "java doc comment in class in file",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s57_2,s58,true)
+ );
+ // javadoc comment for field
+ assertEquals(
+ "javadoc comment for field",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s57, s58_2)
+ );
+ // javadoc comment for method
+ assertEquals(
+ "javadoc comment for method",
+ 3,
+ findMatchesCount(s57, s58_3)
+ );
+ // just javadoc comment search
+ assertEquals(
+ "just javadoc comment search",
+ 4,
+ findMatchesCount(s57,s58_4)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "XDoclet metadata",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s83,s84)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "XDoclet metadata 2",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s83,s84_2)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "optional tag value match",
+ 6,
+ findMatchesCount(s57, s58_5)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "multiple tags match +",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s75,s76)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "multiple tags match *",
+ 3,
+ findMatchesCount(s75, s76_2)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "multiple tags match ?",
+ 3,
+ findMatchesCount(s75, s76_3)
+ );
+ }
+ public void testNamedPatterns() {
+ String s133 = "class String1 implements { " +
+ "private static final long serialVersionUID = -6849794470754667710L;" +
+ "private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = new ObjectStreamField[0];" +
+ "}" +
+ "class StringBuilder1 implements {" +
+ " private void writeObject( s)\n" +
+ " throws {\n" +
+ " s.defaultWriteObject();\n" +
+ " }" +
+ "private void readObject( s)\n" +
+ " throws, ClassNotFoundException {\n" +
+ " s.defaultReadObject();\n" +
+ " }" +
+ " static final long serialVersionUID = 4383685877147921099L;" +
+ "}";
+ String s134 = "class '_ implements '_:*Serializable {\n" +
+ " static final long 'VersionField?:serialVersionUID = '_?;\n" +
+ " private static final ObjectStreamField[] '_?:serialPersistentFields = '_?; \n" +
+ " private void '_SerializationWriteHandler?:writeObject (ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException;\n" +
+ " private void '_SerializationReadHandler?:readObject (ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;\n" +
+ " Object '_SpecialSerializationReadHandler?:readResolve () throws ObjectStreamException;" +
+ " Object '_SpecialSerializationWriteHandler?:writeReplace () throws ObjectStreamException;" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "serialization match",
+ findMatchesCount(s133,s134),
+ 2
+ );
+ String s135 = "class SimpleStudentEventActionImpl extends Action { " +
+ " public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,\n" +
+ " ActionForm _form,\n" +
+ " HttpServletRequest _request,\n" +
+ " HttpServletResponse _response)" +
+ " throws Exception {}" +
+ "} " +
+ "public class DoEnrollStudent extends SimpleStudentEventActionImpl { }" +
+ "public class DoCancelStudent extends SimpleStudentEventActionImpl { }";
+ String s136 = "public class 'StrutsActionClass extends '_*:Action {" +
+ " public ActionForward '_AnActionMethod:*execute (ActionMapping '_,\n" +
+ " ActionForm '_,\n" +
+ " HttpServletRequest '_,\n" +
+ " HttpServletResponse '_);" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Struts actions",
+ findMatchesCount(s135,s136),
+ 2
+ );
+ final String s123 = "class NodeFilter {} public class MethodFilter extends NodeFilter {\n" +
+ " private MethodFilter() {}\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public static NodeFilter getInstance() {\n" +
+ " if (instance==null) instance = new MethodFilter();\n" +
+ " return instance;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private static NodeFilter instance;\n" +
+ "}";
+ final String s124 = "class 'Class {\n" +
+ " private 'Class('_* '_*) {\n" +
+ " '_*;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private static '_Class2:* '_Instance;\n" +
+ " static '_Class2:* '_GetInstance() {\n" +
+ " '_*;\n" +
+ " return '_Instance;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "singleton search",
+ findMatchesCount(s123,s124),
+ 1
+ );
+ String s1111 = "if (true) { a=1; b=1; } else { a=1; }\n" +
+ "if(true) { a=1; } else { a=1; b=1; }\n" +
+ "if(true) { a=1; b=2; } else { a = 1; b=2; }";
+ String s1112 = "if (true) { '_a{1,2}; } else { '_a; }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "same multiple name pattern",
+ findMatchesCount(s1111,s1112),
+ 1
+ );
+ }
+ public void testHierarchy() {
+ final String s105 = "class B {} class A extends B { }";
+ final String s106 = "class '_ extends '_:[ref('T)] {}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "extends match",
+ findMatchesCount(s105,s106),
+ 1
+ );
+ final String s107 = "interface IA {} interface IB extends IA { } interface IC extends IB {} interface ID extends IC {}" +
+ "class A implements IA {} class B extends A { } class C extends B implements IC {} class D extends C {}";
+ final String s108 = "class '_ extends 'Type:+A {}";
+ final String s108_2 = "class '_ implements 'Type:+IA {}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "extends navigation match",
+ findMatchesCount(s107,s108),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "implements navigation match",
+ 3,
+ findMatchesCount(s107,s108_2)
+ );
+ final String s109 = "interface I {} interface I2 extends I {} class A implements I2 {} class B extends A { } class C extends B {} class D { void e() { C c; B b; A a;} }";
+ final String s110 = "'_:*A '_;";
+ final String s110_2 = "'_:*I '_;";
+ final String s110_3 = "'_:*[regex( I ) && ref('T)] '_;";
+ final String s110_4 = "'_:*[regex( I ) && ref2('T)] '_;";
+ assertEquals(
+ "extends navigation match in definition",
+ findMatchesCount(s109,s110),
+ 3
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "implements navigation match in definition 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s109,s110_2),
+ 3
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "implements navigation match in definition 2 with nested conditions",
+ findMatchesCount(s109,s110_3),
+ 1
+ );
+ try {
+ findMatchesCount(s109,s110_4);
+ assertFalse("implements navigation match in definition 2 with nested conditions - incorrect cond",false);
+ } catch(UnsupportedPatternException ex) {}
+ final String s111 = "interface E {} class A implements E {} class B extends A { int f = 0; } class C extends B {} class D { void e() { C c; B b; A a;} }";
+ final String s112 = "'_";
+ assertEquals(
+ "symbol match",
+ findMatchesCount(s111,s112),
+ 17
+ );
+ final String s113 = "class B {int c; void d() {} } int a; B b; a = 1; b.d(); ++a; int c=a; System.out.println(a); " +
+ "b.c = 1; System.out.println(b.c); b.c++;";
+ final String s114 = "'_:[read]";
+ final String s114_2 = "'_:[write]";
+ assertEquals(
+ "read symbol match",
+ findMatchesCount(s113,s114),
+ 11
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "write symbol match",
+ findMatchesCount(s113,s114_2),
+ 5
+ );
+ final String s115 = "class B {} public class C {}";
+ final String s116 = "public class '_ {}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "public modifier for class",
+ findMatchesCount(s115,s116),
+ 1
+ );
+ final String s117 = "class A { int b; void c() { int e; b=1; this.b=1; e=5; " +
+ "System.out.println(e); " +
+ "System.out.println(b); System.out.println(this.b);} }";
+ final String s118 = "this.'Field";
+ final String s118_2 = "this.'Field:[read]";
+ final String s118_3 = "this.'Field:[write]";
+ assertEquals(
+ "fields of class",
+ 4,
+ findMatchesCount(s117,s118)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "fields of class read",
+ findMatchesCount(s117,s118_2),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "fields of class written",
+ findMatchesCount(s117,s118_3),
+ 2
+ );
+ final String s119 = "try { a.b(); } catch(IOException e) { c(); } catch(Exception ex) { d(); }";
+ final String s120 = "try { '_; } catch('_ '_) { '_; }";
+ final String s120_2 = "try { '_; } catch(Throwable '_) { '_; }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "catches loose matching",
+ findMatchesCount(s119,s120),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "catches loose matching 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s119,s120_2),
+ 0
+ );
+ final String s121 = "class A { private int a; class Inner {} } " +
+ "class B extends A { private int a; class Inner2 {} }";
+ final String s122 = "class '_ { int '_:* ; }";
+ final String s122_2 = "class '_ { int '_:+hashCode (); }";
+ final String s122_3 = "class '_ { class '_:* {} }";
+ assertEquals(
+ "hierarchical matching",
+ findMatchesCount(s121,s122),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "hierarchical matching 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s121,s122_2),
+ 4
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "hierarchical matching 3",
+ findMatchesCount(s121,s122_3),
+ 2
+ );
+ }
+ public void testSearchInCommentsAndLiterals() {
+ String s1 = "{" +
+ "// This is some comment\n" +
+ "/* This is another\n comment*/\n" +
+ "// Some garbage\n"+
+ "/** And now third comment*/\n" +
+ "/** Some garbage*/ }";
+ String s2 = "// 'Comment:[regex( .*(?:comment).* )]";
+ String s3 = "/** 'Comment:[regex( .*(?:comment).* )] */";
+ String s2_2 = "/* 'Comment:[regex( .*(?:comment).* )] */";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Comment matching",
+ findMatchesCount(s1,s2),
+ 3
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Comment matching, 2",
+ 3,
+ findMatchesCount(s1,s2_2)
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Java doc matching",
+ findMatchesCount(s1,s3),
+ 1
+ );
+ String s4 = "\"'test\", \"another test\", \"garbage\"";
+ String s5 = "\"'test:[regex( .*test.* )]\"";
+ String s6 = "\"''test\"";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Literal content",
+ findMatchesCount(s4,s5),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Literal content with escaping",
+ findMatchesCount(s4,s6),
+ 1
+ );
+ String s7 = "\"aaa\"";
+ String s8 = "\"'test:[regex( aaa )]\"";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Simple literal content",
+ findMatchesCount(s7,s8),
+ 1
+ );
+ String s9 = "\" aaa \" \" bbb \" \" ccc ccc aaa\"";
+ String s10 = "\"'test:[regexw( aaa|ccc )]\"";
+ String s11 = "\"'test:[regexw( bbb )]\"";
+ assertEquals(
+ "Whole word literal content with alternations",
+ findMatchesCount(s9,s10),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Whole word literal content",
+ findMatchesCount(s9,s11),
+ 1
+ );
+ String s12 = "assert agentInfo != null : \"agentInfo is null\";\n" +
+ "assert addresses != null : \"addresses is null\";";
+ String s13 = "assert $exp$ != null : \"$exp$ is null\";";
+ assertEquals(
+ "reference to substitution in comment",
+ findMatchesCount(s12,s13),
+ 2
+ );
+ String s14 = "\"(some text with special chars)\"," +
+ "\" some\"," +
+ "\"(some)\"";
+ String s15 = "\"('a:[regexw( some )])\"";
+ assertEquals(
+ "meta char in literal",
+ 2,
+ findMatchesCount(s14,s15)
+ );
+ String s16 = "/**\n" +
+ "* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.\n" +
+ "* User: cdr\n" +
+ "* Date: Nov 15, 2005\n" +
+ "* Time: 4:23:29 PM\n" +
+ "* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.\n" +
+ "*/\n" +
+ "public class Y {\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s17 = "/**\n" +
+ "* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.\n" +
+ "* User: '_USER\n" +
+ "* Date: '_DATE\n" +
+ "* Time: '_TIME\n" +
+ "* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.\n" +
+ "*/\n" +
+ "class 'c {\n" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "complete comment match",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s16,s17,true)
+ );
+ String s18 = "public class A {\n" +
+ " private void f(int i) {\n" +
+ " int g=0; //sss\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s19 = "class $c$ {\n" +
+ " $type$ $f$($t$ $p$){\n" +
+ " $s$; // sss\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(
+ "statement match with comment",
+ 1,
+ findMatchesCount(s18,s19)
+ );
+ }
+ public void testOther() {
+ assertEquals(
+ "optional init match in definition",
+ findMatchesCount(s73,s74),
+ 4
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "null match",
+ findMatchesCount(s77,s78),
+ 0
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "body of method by block search",
+ findMatchesCount(s79,s80),
+ 2
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "first matches, next not",
+ findMatchesCount(s95,s96),
+ 2
+ );
+ final String s97 = "class A { int c; void b() { C d; } } class C { C() { A a; a.b(); a.c=1; } }";
+ final String s98 = "'_.'_:[ref('T)] ()";
+ final String s98_2 = "'_.'_:[ref('T)]";
+ final String s98_3 = "'_:[ref('T)].'_ ();";
+ final String s98_4 = "'_:[ref('T)] '_;";
+ assertEquals(
+ "method predicate match",
+ findMatchesCount(s97,s98),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "field predicate match",
+ findMatchesCount(s97,s98_2),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "dcl predicate match",
+ findMatchesCount(s97,s98_3),
+ 1
+ );
+ final String s99 = " char s = '\\u1111'; char s1 = '\\n'; ";
+ final String s100 = " char 'var = '\\u1111'; ";
+ final String s100_2 = " char 'var = '\\n'; ";
+ assertEquals(
+ "char constants in pattern",
+ findMatchesCount(s99,s100),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "char constants in pattern 2",
+ findMatchesCount(s99,s100_2),
+ 1
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ "class predicate match (from definition)",
+ findMatchesCount(s97,s98_4),
+ 3
+ );
+ final String s125 = "a=1;";
+ final String s126 = "'t:[regex(a)]";
+ try {
+ findMatchesCount(s125,s126);
+ assertFalse("spaces around reg exp check",false);
+ } catch(MalformedPatternException ex) {}
+ options.setDistinct(true);
+ final String s101 = "class A { void b() { String d; String e; String[] f; f.length=1; f.length=1; } }";
+ final String s102 = "'_:[ref('T)] '_;";
+ assertEquals(
+ "distinct match",
+ findMatchesCount(s101,s102),
+ 1
+ );
+ options.setDistinct(false);
+ final String s103 = " a=1; ";
+ final String s104 = "'T:{ ;";
+ try {
+ findMatchesCount(s103,s104);
+ assertFalse("incorrect reg exp",false);
+ } catch(MalformedPatternException ex) {
+ }
+ final String s106 = "$_ReturnType$ $MethodName$($_ParameterType$ $_Parameter$);";
+ final String s105 = " aaa; ";
+ try {
+ findMatchesCount(s105,s106);
+ assertFalse("incorrect reg exp 2",false);
+ } catch(UnsupportedPatternException ex) {
+ }
+ String s107 = "class A {\n" +
+ " /* */\n" +
+ " void a() {\n" +
+ " }" +
+ " /* */\n" +
+ " int b = 1;\n" +
+ " /*" +
+ " *" +
+ " */\n" +
+ " class C {}" +
+ "}";
+ String s108 = " /*" +
+ " *" +
+ " */";
+ assertEquals("finding comments without typed var", 1, findMatchesCount(s107,s108));
+ String s109 = "class A { void b(); int b(int c); char d(char e); }\n" +
+ "A a; a.b(1); a.b(2); a.b(); a.d('e'); a.d('f'); a.d('g');";
+ String s110 = "'_a.'_b:[exprtype( int ) ]('_c*);";
+ assertEquals("caring about method return type", 2, findMatchesCount(s109,s110));
+ String s111 = "class A { void getManager() { getManager(); } };\n" +
+ "class B { void getManager() { getManager(); getManager(); } };";
+ String s112 = "'Instance?:[exprtype( B )].getManager()";
+ assertEquals("caring about missing qualifier type", 2, findMatchesCount(s111,s112));
+ String s112a = "'Instance?:[regex( B )].getManager()";
+ assertEquals("static query should not match instance method", 0, findMatchesCount(s111, s112a));
+ String s112b = "B.getManager()";
+ assertEquals("static query should not match instance method 2", 0, findMatchesCount(s111, s112b));
+ String s113 = "class A { static void a() { a(); }}\n" +
+ "class B { static void a() { a(); a(); }}\n";
+ String s114 = "'_Q?:[regex( B )].a()";
+ assertEquals("should care about implicit class qualifier", 2, findMatchesCount(s113, s114));
+ String s114a = "B.a()";
+ assertEquals("should match simple implicit class qualifier query", 2, findMatchesCount(s113, s114a));
+ String s114b = "'_Q?:[exprtype( B )].a()";
+ assertEquals("instance query should not match static method", 0, findMatchesCount(s113, s114b));
+ String s115 = "class A { int a; int f() { return a; }}\n" +
+ "class B { int a; int g() { return a + a; }}\n";
+ String s116 = "'_Instance?:[exprtype( B )].a";
+ assertEquals("should care about implicit instance qualifier", 2, findMatchesCount(s115, s116));
+ String s116a = "A.a";
+ assertEquals("should not match instance method", 0, findMatchesCount(s115, s116a));
+ String s117 = "class A { static int a; static int f() { return a; }}\n" +
+ "class B { static int a; static int g() { return a + a; }}\n";
+ String s118 = "'_Q?:[regex( B )].a";
+ assertEquals("should care about implicit class qualifier for field", 2, findMatchesCount(s117, s118));
+ // b) hierarchy navigation support
+ // c) or search support
+ // e) xml search (down-up, nested query), navigation from xml representation <-> java code
+ // f) impl data conversion (jdk 1.5 style) <-> other from (replace support)
+ // Directions:
+ // @todo different navigation on sub/supertyping relation (fixed depth), methods implementing interface,
+ // g. like predicates
+ // i. performance
+ // more context for top level classes, difference with interface, etc
+ // global issues:
+ // @todo matches out of context
+ // @todo proper regexp support
+ // @todo define strict equality of the matches
+ // @todo search for field selection retrieves packages also
+ }
+ public void testFQNInPatternAndVariableConstraints() {
+ String s1 = "import java.awt.List;\n" +
+ "class A { List l; }";
+ String s1_2 = "import java.util.List;\n" +
+ "class A { List l; }";
+ String s2 = "class '_ { 'Type:java\\.util\\.List '_Field; }";
+ assertEquals("No matches for qualified class",findMatchesCount(s1,s2,true),0);
+ assertEquals("Matches for qualified class",findMatchesCount(s1_2,s2,true),1);
+ String s3 = "import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
+ "class A { ArrayList l; }";
+ String s4 = "class '_ { 'Type:*java\\.util\\.Collection '_Field; }";
+ assertEquals("Matches for qualified class in hierarchy",findMatchesCount(s3,s4,true),1);
+ String s5 = "import java.util.List;\n" +
+ "class A { { List l = new List(); l.add(\"1\"); } }";
+ String s5_2 = "import java.awt.List;\n" +
+ "class A { { List l = new List(); l.add(\"1\"); } }";
+ String s6 = "'a:[exprtype( java\\.util\\.List )]";
+ String s6_2 = "'a:[exprtype( *java\\.util\\.Collection )]";
+ String s6_3 = "java.util.List '_a = '_b?;";
+ assertEquals("Matches for qualified expr type",findMatchesCount(s5,s6,true), 2);
+ assertEquals("No matches for qualified expr type",findMatchesCount(s5_2,s6,true),0);
+ assertEquals("Matches for qualified expr type in hierarchy",findMatchesCount(s5,s6_2,true), 2);
+ assertEquals("Matches for qualified var type in pattern",findMatchesCount(s5,s6_3,true),1);
+ assertEquals("No matches for qualified var type in pattern",findMatchesCount(s5_2,s6_3,true),0);
+ String s7 = "import java.util.List;\n" +
+ "class A extends List { }";
+ String s7_2 = "import java.awt.List;\n" +
+ "class A extends List {}";
+ String s8 = "class 'a extends java.util.List {}";
+ assertEquals("Matches for qualified type in pattern",findMatchesCount(s7,s8,true),1);
+ assertEquals("No matches for qualified type in pattern",findMatchesCount(s7_2,s8,true),0);
+ String s9 = "String.intern(\"1\");\n" +
+ "java.util.Collections.sort(null);" +
+ "java.util.Collections.sort(null);";
+ String s10 = "java.lang.String.'_method ( '_params* )";
+ assertEquals("FQN in class name",1,findMatchesCount(s9,s10,false));
+ }
+ public void testAnnotations() throws Exception {
+ String s1 = "@MyBean(\"\")\n" +
+ "@MyBean2(\"\")\n" +
+ "public class TestBean {}\n" +
+ "@MyBean2(\"\")\n" +
+ "@MyBean(value=\"\")\n" +
+ "public class TestBean2 {}\n" +
+ "public class TestBean3 {}\n" +
+ "@MyBean(\"a\")\n" +
+ "@MyBean2(\"a\")\n" +
+ "public class TestBean4";
+ String s2 = "@MyBean(\"\")\n" +
+ "@MyBean2(\"\")\n" +
+ "public class $a$ {}\n";
+ assertEquals("Simple find annotated class",2,findMatchesCount(s1,s2,false));
+ assertEquals("Match value of anonymous name value pair 1", 1, findMatchesCount(s1, "@MyBean(\"a\") class $a$ {}"));
+ assertEquals("Match value of anonymous name value pair 2", 2, findMatchesCount(s1, "@MyBean(\"\") class $a$ {}"));
+ String s3 = "@VisualBean(\"????????? ?????????? ? ??\")\n" +
+ "public class TestBean\n" +
+ "{\n" +
+ " @VisualBeanField(\n" +
+ " name = \"??? ????????????\",\n" +
+ " initialValue = \"?????????????\"\n" +
+ " )\n" +
+ " public String user;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " @VisualBeanField(\n" +
+ " name = \"??????\",\n" +
+ " initialValue = \"\",\n" +
+ " fieldType = FieldTypeEnum.PASSWORD_FIELD\n" +
+ " )\n" +
+ " public String password;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " @VisualBeanField(\n" +
+ " initialValue = \"User\",\n" +
+ " name = \"????? ???????\",\n" +
+ " name = \"Second name\",\n" +
+ " fieldType = FieldTypeEnum.COMBOBOX_FIELD,\n" +
+ " comboValues = {\n" +
+ " @ComboFieldValue(\"Administrator\"),\n" +
+ " @ComboFieldValue(\"User\"),\n" +
+ " @ComboFieldValue(\"Guest\")}\n" +
+ " ) \n" +
+ " public String accessRights;\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " public String otherField;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s4 = "class '_a {\n" +
+ " @'_Annotation+ ( 'AnnotationMember*:name = '_AnnotationValue* )\n" +
+ " String '_field* ;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s4_2 = "class '_a {\n" +
+ " @'_Annotation+ ()\n" +
+ " String 'field* ;\n" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals("Find annotation members of annotated field class",4,findMatchesCount(s3,s4,false));
+ assertEquals("Find annotation fields",3,findMatchesCount(s3,s4_2,false));
+ String s5 = "class A {" +
+ " @NotNull private static Collection<PsiElement> resolveElements(final PsiReference reference, final Project project) {}\n" +
+ " @NotNull private static Collection resolveElements2(final PsiReference reference, final Project project) {}\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s6 = "class '_c {@NotNull '_rt 'method* ('_pt* '_p*){ '_inst*; } }";
+ String s6_2 = "class '_c {@'_:NotNull '_rt 'method* ('_pt* '_p*){ '_inst*; } }";
+ assertEquals("Find annotated methods",2,findMatchesCount(s5,s6));
+ assertEquals("Find annotated methods, 2",2,findMatchesCount(s5,s6_2));
+ String s7 = "class A { void message(@NonNls String msg); }\n" +
+ "class B { void message2(String msg); }\n" +
+ "class C { void message2(String msg); }";
+ String s8 = "class '_A { void 'b( @'_Ann{0,0}:NonNls String '_); }";
+ assertEquals("Find not annotated methods",2,findMatchesCount(s7,s8));
+ String s9 = "class A {\n" +
+ " Object[] method1() {}\n" +
+ " Object method1_2() {}\n" +
+ " Object method1_3() {}\n" +
+ " Object method1_4() {}\n" +
+ " @MyAnnotation Object[] method2(int a) {}\n" +
+ " @NonNls Object[] method3() {}\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s10 = "class '_A { @'_Ann{0,0}:NonNls '_Type:Object\\[\\] 'b+( '_pt* '_p* ); }";
+ String s10_2 = "class '_A { @'_Ann{0,0}:NonNls '_Type [] 'b+( '_pt* '_p* ); }";
+ String s10_3 = "class '_A { @'_Ann{0,0}:NonNls '_Type:Object [] 'b+( '_pt* '_p* ); }";
+ assertEquals("Find not annotated methods, 2",2,findMatchesCount(s9,s10));
+ assertEquals("Find not annotated methods, 2",2,findMatchesCount(s9,s10_2));
+ assertEquals("Find not annotated methods, 2",2,findMatchesCount(s9,s10_3));
+ String s11 = "class A {\n" +
+ "@Foo(value=baz) int a;\n" +
+ "@Foo(value=baz2) int a2;\n" +
+ "@Foo(value=baz2) int a3;\n" +
+ "@Foo(value2=baz3) int a3;\n" +
+ "@Foo(value2=baz3) int a3;\n" +
+ "@Foo(value2=baz3) int a3;\n" +
+ "@Foo(value2=baz4) int a3;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s12 = "@Foo(value=baz) int 'a;)";
+ String s12_2 = "@Foo(value='baz:baz2 ) int 'a;)";
+ String s12_3 = "@Foo('value:value2 = baz3 ) int 'a;)";
+ String s12_4 = "@Foo('value:value2 = 'baz3:baz3 ) int 'a;)";
+ String s12_5 = "@Foo('value:value2 = 'baz3:baz ) int 'a;)";
+ String s12_6 = "@Foo('value:value2 = 'baz3 ) int 'a;)";
+ String s12_7 = "@Foo('value:value2 = ) int 'a;";
+ assertEquals("Find anno parameter value",1,findMatchesCount(s11,s12));
+ assertEquals("Find anno parameter value",2,findMatchesCount(s11,s12_2));
+ assertEquals("Find anno parameter value",3,findMatchesCount(s11,s12_3));
+ assertEquals("Find anno parameter value",3,findMatchesCount(s11,s12_4));
+ assertEquals("Find anno parameter value",0,findMatchesCount(s11,s12_5));
+ assertEquals("Find anno parameter value",4,findMatchesCount(s11,s12_6));
+ assertEquals("Find anno parameter value",4,findMatchesCount(s11,s12_7));
+ }
+ public void testBoxingAndUnboxing() {
+ String s1 = " class A { void b(Integer i); void b2(int i); void c(int d); void c2(Integer d); }\n" +
+ "A a;\n" +
+ "a.b2(1)\n;" +
+ "a.b2(1)\n;" +
+ "a.b(1)\n;" +
+ "a.b( new Integer(0) )\n;" +
+ "a.b( new Integer(0) )\n;" +
+ "a.c(new Integer(2));\n" +
+ "a.c(new Integer(3));\n" +
+ "a.c2(new Integer(3));\n" +
+ "a.c(3);";
+ String s2 = "a.'b('_Params:[formal( Integer ) && exprtype( int ) ])";
+ String s2_2 = "a.c('_Params:[formal( int ) && exprtype( Integer ) ])";
+ assertEquals("Find boxing in method call",1,findMatchesCount(s1,s2,false));
+ assertEquals("Find unboxing in method call",2,findMatchesCount(s1,s2_2,false));
+ }
+ public void testCommentsInDclSearch() {
+ String s1 = "class A {\n" +
+ " int a; // comment\n" +
+ " char b;\n" +
+ " int c; // comment2\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s1_2 = "class A {\n" +
+ " // comment\n" +
+ " int a;\n" +
+ " char b;\n" +
+ " // comment2\n" +
+ " int c;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2 = "'_Type '_Variable = '_Value?; //'Comment";
+ String s2_2 = "//'Comment\n" +
+ "'_Type '_Variable = '_Value?;";
+ assertEquals("Find field by dcl with comment",2,findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ assertEquals("Find field by dcl with comment 2",2,findMatchesCount(s1_2,s2_2));
+ }
+ public void testSearchingEmptyModifiers() {
+ String s1 = "class A {\n" +
+ " int a;\n" +
+ " private char b;\n" +
+ " private char b2;\n" +
+ " public int c;\n" +
+ " public int c2;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2 = "@Modifier(\"packageLocal\") '_Type '_Variable = '_Value?;";
+ String s2_2 = "@Modifier({\"packageLocal\",\"private\"}) '_Type '_Variable = '_Value?;";
+ String s2_3 = "@Modifier({\"PackageLocal\",\"private\"}) '_Type '_Variable = '_Value?;";
+ assertEquals("Finding package local dcls",1,findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ assertEquals("Finding package local dcls",3,findMatchesCount(s1,s2_2));
+ try {
+ findMatchesCount(s1,s2_3);
+ assertTrue("Finding package local dcls",false);
+ } catch(MalformedPatternException ex) {
+ }
+ String s3 = "class A {\n" +
+ " int a;\n" +
+ " static char b;\n" +
+ " static char b2;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s4 = "@Modifier(\"Instance\") '_Type '_Variable = '_Value?;";
+ String s4_2 = "@Modifier({\"static\",\"Instance\"}) '_Type '_Variable = '_Value?;";
+ assertEquals("Finding instance fields",1,findMatchesCount(s3,s4));
+ assertEquals("Finding all fields",3,findMatchesCount(s3,s4_2));
+ String s5 = "class A {}\n" +
+ "abstract class B {}\n" +
+ "final class C {}\n" +
+ "class D {}";
+ String s6 = "@Modifier(\"Instance\") class 'Type {}";
+ String s6_2 = "@Modifier({\"abstract\",\"final\",\"Instance\"}) class 'Type {}";
+ assertEquals("Finding instance classes",3,findMatchesCount(s5,s6));
+ assertEquals("Finding all classes",4,findMatchesCount(s5,s6_2));
+ }
+ public void testSearchTransientFieldsWithModifier() {
+ String source =
+ "public class TestClass {\n" +
+ " transient private String field1;\n" +
+ " transient String field2;\n" +
+ " String field3;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String template = "transient @Modifier(\"packageLocal\") '_Type '_Variable = '_Value?;";
+ assertEquals("Finding package-local transient fields", 1, findMatchesCount(source, template));
+ }
+ public void test() {
+ String s1 = "if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {\n" +
+ " int a = 1;\n" +
+ " int a = 1;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2 = "if ('_Log.isDebugEnabled()) {\n" +
+ " '_ThenStatement;\n" +
+ " '_ThenStatement;\n" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals("Comparing declarations",1,findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ }
+ public void testFindStaticMethodsWithinHierarchy() {
+ String s1 = "class A {}\n" +
+ "class B extends A { static void foo(); }\n" +
+ "class B2 extends A { static void foo(int a); }\n" +
+ "class B3 extends A { static void foo(int a, int b); }\n" +
+ "class C { static void foo(); }\n" +
+ ";\n" +
+ ";\n" +
+ ",3);\n" +
+ ";";
+ String s2 = "'_Instance:[regex( *A )].'_Method:[regex( foo )] ( '_Params* )";
+ assertEquals("Find static methods within expr type hierarchy", 3, findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ }
+ public void testFindClassesWithinHierarchy() {
+ String s1 = "class A implements I {}\n" +
+ "interface I {}\n" +
+ "class B extends A implements I { }\n" +
+ "class B2 implements I { }\n" +
+ "class B3 extends A { }\n" +
+ "class C extends B2 { static void foo(); }\n";
+ String s2 = "class '_ extends '_Extends:[!regex( *A )] implements '_Implements:[regex( I )] {}";
+ String s2_2 = "class '_ extends '_Extends:[!regex( *A )]{}";
+ assertEquals("Find class within type hierarchy with not", 1, findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ assertEquals("Find class within type hierarchy with not, 2", 1, findMatchesCount(s1,s2_2));
+ }
+ public void testFindTryWithoutProperFinally() {
+ String s1 = "try {\n" +
+ " conn = 1;\n" +
+ "} finally {\n" +
+ " conn.close();\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "try {\n" +
+ " conn = 1;\n" +
+ "} finally {\n" +
+ " int a = 1;\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "try {\n" +
+ " conn = 1;\n" +
+ "} finally {\n" +
+ " int a = 1;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2 = "try { '_StatementBefore*; '_Dcl:[regex( conn = 1 )]; '_StatementAfter*; } finally { '_Finally*:[!regex( .*conn.* ) ]; }";
+ assertEquals("FindTryWithoutProperFinally", 2, findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ }
+ public void testBug() {
+ String s1 = "public class DiallingNumber extends DataGroup\n" + "{\n" + " protected static byte [] CLEAR = { };\n" + "\n" +
+ " private static DataItemTemplate template;\n" + "\n" + "\tprotected DataTemplate createDefaultTemplate()\n" + "\t{\n" +
+ " return null;\n" + " }\n" + "}";
+ String s2 = "class '_Class {\n" + " static '_FieldType '_FieldName:.*template.* = '_FieldInitial?;\n" +
+ " '_RetType createDefaultTemplate() { '_Statements*; }\n" + "\t'_Content*\n" + "}";
+ assertEquals("Bug in class matching", 1, findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ }
+ //public void testFindFieldUsageByQName() {
+ // String s1 = "{ class A { int b; { b = 1; } } class B extends A { { this.b = 2} } { B i; i.b = 3; } }";
+ // String s2 = "A.b";
+ // assertEquals( 3, findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ //}
+ //
+ //public void testFindMethodUsageByQName() {
+ // String s1 = "{ class A { void b(int a) {} { b(1); } } class B extends A { { this.b(2); } } { B i; i.b(3); } }";
+ // String s2 = "A.b";
+ // assertEquals( 3, findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ //}
+ public void _testStaticInstanceInitializers() {
+ String s1 = "public class DiallingNumber {\n static { int a = 1; } static { int b = 1; } { int c = 2; }}";
+ String s2 = "class '_Class {\n" + " static { 't*; } }";
+ String s2_2 = "class '_Class {\n" + " { 't*; } }";
+ String s2_3 = "class '_Class {\n" + " @Modifier(\"Instance\") { 't*; } }";
+ assertEquals("Static / instance initializers", 2, findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ assertEquals("Static / instance initializers", 1, findMatchesCount(s1,s2_3));
+ assertEquals("Static / instance initializers", 3, findMatchesCount(s1,s2_2));
+ }
+ @NotNull
+ @Override
+ protected String getTestDataPath() {
+ return PlatformTestUtil.getCommunityPath() + "/platform/structuralsearch/testData/java/";
+ }
+ public void testDoNotFindReturn() throws IOException {
+ String s1 = loadFile(getTestName(false) + ".java");
+ String s2 = "ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Runnable() {\n" +
+ " public void run() {\n" +
+ " 't*:[ !regex( .*return.* ) ];\n" +
+ " }});";
+ assertEquals(0, findMatchesCount(s1,s2));
+ }
+ public void testDownUpMatch() {
+ String s1 = "class A {\n" +
+ " int bbb(int c, int ddd, int eee) {\n" +
+ " int a = 1;\n" +
+ " try { int b = 1; } catch(Type t) { a = 2; } catch(Type2 t2) { a = 3; }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2 = "try { '_st*; } catch('_Type 't+) { '_st2*; }";
+ final List<PsiVariable> vars = new ArrayList<PsiVariable>();
+ final PsiFile file = PsiFileFactory.getInstance(getProject()).createFileFromText("", s1);
+ file.acceptChildren(new JavaRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() {
+ @Override public void visitVariable(final PsiVariable variable) {
+ super.visitVariable(variable);
+ vars.add(variable);
+ }
+ });
+ assertEquals(7, vars.size());
+ List<MatchResult> results = new ArrayList<MatchResult>();
+ Matcher testMatcher = new Matcher(getProject());
+ MatchOptions options = new MatchOptions();
+ options.setSearchPattern(s2);
+ MatcherImplUtil.transform(options);
+ options.setFileType(StdFileTypes.JAVA);
+ for(PsiVariable var:vars) {
+ final MatchResult matchResult = testMatcher.isMatchedByDownUp(var, options);
+ if (matchResult != null) results.add(matchResult);
+ assertTrue(
+ (var instanceof PsiParameter && var.getParent() instanceof PsiCatchSection && matchResult != null) ||
+ matchResult == null
+ );
+ }
+ assertEquals(2, results.size());
+ MatchResult result = results.get(0);
+ assertEquals("t", result.getMatchImage());
+ result = results.get(1);
+ assertEquals("t2", result.getMatchImage());
+ results.clear();
+ String s2_2 = "try { '_st*; } catch('Type:Type2 '_t) { '_st2*; }";
+ options.clearVariableConstraints();
+ options.setSearchPattern(s2_2);
+ MatcherImplUtil.transform(options);
+ for(PsiVariable var:vars) {
+ final PsiTypeElement typeElement = var.getTypeElement();
+ final MatchResult matchResult = testMatcher.isMatchedByDownUp(typeElement, options);
+ if (matchResult != null) results.add(matchResult);
+ assertTrue(
+ (var instanceof PsiParameter && var.getParent() instanceof PsiCatchSection && matchResult != null) ||
+ matchResult == null
+ );
+ }
+ assertEquals(1, results.size());
+ result = results.get(0);
+ assertEquals("Type2", result.getMatchImage());
+ }
+ @Bombed(day = 28, description = "support it", month = Calendar.JULY, user = "maxim.mossienko")
+ public void _testContainsPredicate() {
+ String s1 = "{{\n" +
+ " int a;\n" +
+ " a = 1;\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "{\n" +
+ " int b = 1;\n" +
+ " b = 1;\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "{\n" +
+ " int c = 2;\n" +
+ " c = 2;\n" +
+ "}}";
+ String s2 = "{\n" +
+ " '_a*:[contains( \"'type $a$ = $b$;\" )];\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2_2 = "{\n" +
+ " '_a*:[!contains( \"$type$ $a$ = $b$;\" )];\n" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(2, findMatchesCount(s1, s2));
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(s1, s2_2));
+ }
+ public void testWithinPredicate() {
+ String s1 = "if (true) {\n" +
+ " int a = 1;\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "if (true) {\n" +
+ " int b = 1;\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "while(true) {\n" +
+ " int c = 2;\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2 = "'_type 'a:[within( \"if ('_a) { '_st*; }\" )] = '_b;";
+ String s2_2 = "'_type 'a:[!within( \"if ('_a) { '_st*; }\" )] = '_b;";
+ assertEquals(2,findMatchesCount(s1, s2));
+ assertEquals(1,findMatchesCount(s1, s2_2));
+ // TODO: xxx
+ //String s3 = "if (true) {\n" +
+ // " if (true) return;\n" +
+ // " int a = 1;\n" +
+ // "}\n else if (true) {\n" +
+ // " return;\n" +
+ // "}";
+ //assertEquals(2,findMatchesCount(s3, s2));
+ //assertEquals(1,findMatchesCount(s3, s2_2));
+ }
+ public void testWithinPredicate2() {
+ String s3 = "class C {\n" +
+ " void aaa() {\n" +
+ " LOG.debug(true);\n" +
+ " LOG.debug(true);\n" +
+ " LOG.debug(true);\n" +
+ " LOG.debug(true);\n" +
+ " LOG.debug(true);\n" +
+ " if (true) {\n" +
+ " LOG.debug(true);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " if (true) LOG.debug(true);\n" +
+ " if (true) { int 1 = 1; } else { LOG.debug(true); }\n" +
+ " }" +
+ "}";
+ String s4 = "LOG.debug('_params*:[!within( \"if('_a) { 'st*; }\" )]);";
+ assertEquals(6,findMatchesCount(s3, s4));
+ }
+ public void testMultiStatementPatternWithTypedVariable() throws Exception {
+ String s = "Integer i;\ni.valueOf();";
+ String s_2 = "Integer i;\nint a = 1;\ni.valueOf();";
+ String s2 = "Integer '_i;\n'_i.valueOf();";
+ String s2_2 = "Integer '_i;\n'_st; '_i.valueOf();";
+ String s2_3 = "Integer '_i;\n'_st*; '_i.valueOf();";
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(s,s2));
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(s_2,s2_2));
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(s_2,s2_3));
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(s,s2_3));
+ }
+ public void testFindAnnotationDeclarations() throws Exception {
+ String s = "interface Foo {} interface Bar {} @interface X {}";
+ String s2 = "@interface 'x {}";
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(s,s2));
+ }
+ public void testFindEnums() throws Exception {
+ String s = "class Foo {} class Bar {} enum X {}";
+ String s2 = "enum 'x {}";
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(s,s2));
+ }
+ public void testFindDeclaration() throws Exception {
+ String s = "public class F {\n" +
+ " static Category cat = Category.getInstance(F.class.getName());\n" +
+ " Category cat2 = Category.getInstance(F.class.getName());\n" +
+ " Category cat3 = Category.getInstance(F.class.getName());\n" +
+ "}";
+ String s2 = "static $Category$ $cat$ = $Category$.getInstance($Arg$);";
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(s,s2));
+ }
+ public void testFindMethodCallWithTwoOrThreeParameters() {
+ String source = "{ String.format(\"\"); String.format(\"\", 1); String.format(\"\", 1, 2); String.format(\"\", 1, 2, 3); }";
+ String pattern = "'_Instance.'_MethodCall('_Parameter{2,3})";
+ assertEquals(2, findMatchesCount(source, pattern));
+ }
+ public void testFindMethodWithCountedExceptionsInThrows() {
+ String source = "class A {" +
+ " void a() {}" +
+ " void b() throws E1 {}" +
+ " void c() throws E1, E2{}" +
+ " void d() throws E1, E2, E3 {}" +
+ "}";
+ String pattern1 = "class '_A {" +
+ " '_type+ 'method+ () throws '_E{0,0}" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(source, pattern1));
+ String pattern2 = "class '_A {" +
+ " '_type+ 'method+ () throws '_E{1,2}" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(2, findMatchesCount(source, pattern2));
+ String pattern3 = "class '_A {" +
+ " '_type+ 'method+ () throws '_E{2,2}" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(source, pattern3));
+ String pattern4 = "class '_A {" +
+ " '_type+ 'method+ () throws '_E{0,0}:[ regex( E2 )]" +
+ "}";
+ assertEquals(2, findMatchesCount(source, pattern4));
+ }
+ public void testFindMethodsCalledWithinClass() {
+ String source = "class A {" +
+ " void a() {}" +
+ " static void b() {}" +
+ " void c() {" +
+ " a();" +
+ " b();" +
+ " }" +
+ "}" +
+ "class B extends A {" +
+ " void d() {" +
+ " a();" +
+ " b();" +
+ " }" +
+ "}";
+ String pattern1 = "this.a()";
+ assertEquals(2, findMatchesCount(source, pattern1));
+ }
+ public void testFindReferenceWithParentheses() {
+ String source = "class A {" +
+ " String value;" +
+ " A(String v) {" +
+ " value = (value);" +
+ " System.out.println(((2)));" +
+ " System.out.println(2);" +
+ " }" +
+ "}";
+ String pattern1 = "'_value='_value";
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(source, pattern1));
+ String pattern2 = "System.out.println('_v);" +
+ "System.out.println('_v);";
+ assertEquals(1, findMatchesCount(source, pattern2));
+ }
+ public void testFindSelfAssignment() {
+ String source = "class A {" +
+ " protected String s;" +
+ " A(String t) {" +
+ " this.s = s;" +
+ " t = t;" +
+ " s = this.s;" +
+ " }" +
+ //"}" +
+ //"class B {" +
+ //" B(String t) {" +
+ //" super.s = s;" + // would be nice if found also
+ //" }" +
+ "}";
+ String pattern = "'_var='_var";
+ assertEquals(3, findMatchesCount(source, pattern));
+ }
+ public void testFindLambdas() {
+ String source = "public interface IntFunction<R> {" +
+ " R apply(int value);" +
+ "}" +
+ "public interface Function<T, R> {" +
+ " R apply(T t);" +
+ "}" +
+ "class A {" +
+ " void m() {" +
+ " Runnable q = () -> { /*comment*/ };" +
+ " Runnable r = () -> { System.out.println(); };" +
+ " IntFunction<String> f = a -> \"hello\";" +
+ " Function<String, String> g = a -> \"world\";" +
+ " }" +
+ "}";
+ String pattern1 = "() ->";
+ assertEquals("should find lamdas", 4, findMatchesCount(source, pattern1));
+ String pattern2 = "(int '_a) -> {}";
+ assertEquals("should find lambdas with specific parameter type", 1, findMatchesCount(source, pattern2));
+ String pattern3 = "('_a{0,0})->{}";
+ assertEquals("should find lambdas without any parameters", 2, findMatchesCount(source, pattern3));
+ String pattern4 = "()->System.out.println()";
+ assertEquals("should find lambdas with matching body", 1, findMatchesCount(source, pattern4));
+ String pattern5 = "()->{/*comment*/}";
+ assertEquals("should find lambdas with comment body", 1, findMatchesCount(source, pattern5));
+ }
+ public void testFindDefaultMethods() {
+ String source = "interface XYZ {" +
+ " default void m() {" +
+ " System.out.println();" +
+ " }" +
+ " void f();" +
+ " void g();" +
+ "}" +
+ "interface ABC {" +
+ " void m();" +
+ "}";
+ String pattern1 = "interface '_Class { default '_ReturnType+ 'MethodName+('_ParameterType* '_Parameter*);}";
+ assertEquals("should find default method", 1, findMatchesCount(source, pattern1));
+ String pattern2 = "interface 'Class { default '_ReturnType+ '_MethodName{0,0}('_ParameterType* '_Parameter*);}";
+ assertEquals("should find interface without default methods", 1, findMatchesCount(source, pattern2));
+ }
+ public void testFindMethodReferences() {
+ String source = "class A {" +
+ " Runnable r = System.out::println;" +
+ " Runnable s = this::hashCode;" +
+ " Runnable t = this::new;" +
+ " static {" +
+ " System.out.println();" +
+ " }" +
+ "}";
+ String pattern1 = "System . out :: println";
+ assertEquals("should find method reference", 1, findMatchesCount(source, pattern1));
+ String pattern2 = "this::'_a";
+ assertEquals("should find method reference 2", 2, findMatchesCount(source, pattern2));
+ String pattern3 = "'_a::'_b";
+ assertEquals("should find all method references", 3, findMatchesCount(source, pattern3));
+ }