path: root/plugins/structuralsearch/source/com/intellij/structuralsearch/plugin/replace/impl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/structuralsearch/source/com/intellij/structuralsearch/plugin/replace/impl/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 424 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/structuralsearch/source/com/intellij/structuralsearch/plugin/replace/impl/ b/plugins/structuralsearch/source/com/intellij/structuralsearch/plugin/replace/impl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9980e95c77d7..000000000000
--- a/plugins/structuralsearch/source/com/intellij/structuralsearch/plugin/replace/impl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-package com.intellij.structuralsearch.plugin.replace.impl;
-import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.Template;
-import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.TemplateManager;
-import com.intellij.lang.Language;
-import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
-import com.intellij.openapi.command.CommandProcessor;
-import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileDocumentManager;
-import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileType;
-import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
-import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
-import com.intellij.psi.*;
-import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleManager;
-import com.intellij.structuralsearch.*;
-import com.intellij.structuralsearch.impl.matcher.MatcherImplUtil;
-import com.intellij.structuralsearch.impl.matcher.PatternTreeContext;
-import com.intellij.structuralsearch.impl.matcher.predicates.ScriptSupport;
-import com.intellij.structuralsearch.plugin.replace.ReplaceOptions;
-import com.intellij.structuralsearch.plugin.replace.ReplacementInfo;
-import com.intellij.structuralsearch.plugin.util.CollectingMatchResultSink;
-import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
-import java.util.*;
- * @author Maxim.Mossienko
- * Date: Mar 4, 2004
- * Time: 9:19:34 PM
- */
-public class Replacer {
- private final Project project;
- private ReplacementBuilder replacementBuilder;
- private ReplaceOptions options;
- private ReplacementContext context;
- private StructuralReplaceHandler replaceHandler;
- public Replacer(Project project, ReplaceOptions options) {
- this.project = project;
- this.options = options;
- }
- public static String stripTypedVariableDecoration(final String type) {
- return type.substring(1,type.length()-1);
- }
- public static int insertSubstitution(StringBuilder result, int offset, final ParameterInfo info, String image) {
- if (image.length() > 0) result.insert(offset+ info.getStartIndex(),image);
- offset += image.length();
- return offset;
- }
- public String testReplace(String in, String what, String by, ReplaceOptions options) throws IncorrectOperationException {
- return testReplace(in, what, by, options,false);
- }
- public String testReplace(String in, String what, String by, ReplaceOptions options, boolean filePattern) {
- FileType type = options.getMatchOptions().getFileType();
- return testReplace(in, what, by, options, filePattern, false, type, null);
- }
- public String testReplace(String in, String what, String by, ReplaceOptions options, boolean filePattern, boolean createPhysicalFile,
- FileType sourceFileType, Language sourceDialect) {
- this.options = options;
- this.options.getMatchOptions().setSearchPattern(what);
- this.options.setReplacement(by);
- replacementBuilder=null;
- context = null;
- replaceHandler = null;
- this.options.getMatchOptions().clearVariableConstraints();
- MatcherImplUtil.transform(this.options.getMatchOptions());
- checkSupportedReplacementPattern(project, options);
- Matcher matcher = new Matcher(project);
- try {
- PsiElement firstElement, lastElement, parent;
- if (options.getMatchOptions().getScope() == null) {
- PsiElement[] elements = MatcherImplUtil.createTreeFromText(
- in,
- filePattern ? PatternTreeContext.File : PatternTreeContext.Block,
- sourceFileType, sourceDialect, null,
- project,
- createPhysicalFile
- );
- firstElement = elements[0];
- lastElement = elements[elements.length-1];
- parent = firstElement.getParent();
- this.options.getMatchOptions().setScope(
- new LocalSearchScope(parent)
- );
- } else {
- parent = ((LocalSearchScope)options.getMatchOptions().getScope()).getScope()[0];
- firstElement = parent.getFirstChild();
- lastElement = parent.getLastChild();
- }
- this.options.getMatchOptions().setResultIsContextMatch(true);
- CollectingMatchResultSink sink = new CollectingMatchResultSink();
- matcher.testFindMatches(sink, this.options.getMatchOptions());
- final List<ReplacementInfo> resultPtrList = new ArrayList<ReplacementInfo>();
- for (final MatchResult result : sink.getMatches()) {
- resultPtrList.add(buildReplacement(result));
- }
- sink.getMatches().clear();
- int startOffset = firstElement.getTextRange().getStartOffset();
- int endOffset = filePattern ?0: parent.getTextLength() - (lastElement.getTextRange().getEndOffset());
- // get nodes from text may contain
- PsiElement prevSibling = firstElement.getPrevSibling();
- if (prevSibling instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) {
- startOffset -= prevSibling.getTextLength() - 1;
- }
- PsiElement nextSibling = lastElement.getNextSibling();
- if (nextSibling instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) {
- endOffset -= nextSibling.getTextLength() - 1;
- }
- replaceAll(resultPtrList);
- String result = parent.getText();
- result = result.substring(startOffset);
- result = result.substring(0,result.length() - endOffset);
- return result;
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- throw new IncorrectOperationException(e);
- }
- finally {
- options.getMatchOptions().setScope(null);
- }
- }
- public void replaceAll(final List<ReplacementInfo> resultPtrList) {
- PsiElement lastAffectedElement = null;
- PsiElement currentAffectedElement;
- for (ReplacementInfo info : resultPtrList) {
- PsiElement element = info.getMatch(0);
- initContextAndHandler(element);
- if (replaceHandler != null) {
- replaceHandler.prepare(info);
- }
- }
- for (final ReplacementInfo aResultPtrList : resultPtrList) {
- currentAffectedElement = doReplace(aResultPtrList);
- if (currentAffectedElement != lastAffectedElement) {
- if (lastAffectedElement != null) reformatAndShortenRefs(lastAffectedElement);
- lastAffectedElement = currentAffectedElement;
- }
- }
- reformatAndShortenRefs(lastAffectedElement);
- }
- public void replace(ReplacementInfo info) {
- PsiElement element = info.getMatch(0);
- initContextAndHandler(element);
- if (replaceHandler != null) {
- replaceHandler.prepare(info);
- }
- reformatAndShortenRefs(doReplace(info));
- }
- @Nullable
- private PsiElement doReplace(final ReplacementInfo info) {
- final ReplacementInfoImpl replacementInfo = (ReplacementInfoImpl)info;
- final PsiElement element = replacementInfo.matchesPtrList.get(0).getElement();
- if (element==null || !element.isWritable() || !element.isValid()) return null;
- final PsiElement elementParent = element.getParent();
- //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral
- CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand(
- project,
- new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(
- new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- doReplace(element, replacementInfo);
- }
- }
- );
- PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).commitAllDocuments();
- }
- },
- "ssreplace",
- "test"
- );
- if (!elementParent.isValid() || !elementParent.isWritable()) {
- return null;
- }
- return elementParent;
- }
- private void reformatAndShortenRefs(final PsiElement elementParent) {
- if (elementParent == null) return;
- final Runnable action = new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- CodeStyleManager codeStyleManager = CodeStyleManager.getInstance(PsiManager.getInstance(project).getProject());
- final PsiFile containingFile = elementParent.getContainingFile();
- if (containingFile != null && options.isToReformatAccordingToStyle()) {
- if (containingFile.getVirtualFile() != null) {
- PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project)
- .commitDocument(FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getDocument(containingFile.getVirtualFile()));
- }
- final int parentOffset = elementParent.getTextRange().getStartOffset();
- codeStyleManager.reformatRange(containingFile, parentOffset, parentOffset + elementParent.getTextLength(), true);
- }
- }
- };
- CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand(
- project,
- new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(action);
- }
- },
- "reformat and shorten refs after ssr",
- "test"
- );
- }
- private void doReplace(final PsiElement elementToReplace,
- final ReplacementInfoImpl info) {
- CodeStyleManager.getInstance(project).performActionWithFormatterDisabled(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- initContextAndHandler(elementToReplace);
- context.replacementInfo = info;
- if (replaceHandler != null) {
- replaceHandler.replace(info, options);
- }
- }
- }
- );
- }
- private void initContextAndHandler(PsiElement psiContext) {
- if (context == null) {
- context = new ReplacementContext(options, project);
- }
- if (replaceHandler == null) {
- StructuralSearchProfile profile = StructuralSearchUtil.getProfileByPsiElement(psiContext);
- if (profile != null) {
- replaceHandler = profile.getReplaceHandler(this.context);
- }
- }
- }
- public static void handleComments(final PsiElement el, final PsiElement replacement, ReplacementContext context) throws IncorrectOperationException {
- ReplacementInfoImpl replacementInfo = context.replacementInfo;
- if (replacementInfo.elementToVariableNameMap == null) {
- replacementInfo.elementToVariableNameMap = new HashMap<PsiElement, String>(1);
- Map<String, MatchResult> variableMap = replacementInfo.variableMap;
- if (variableMap != null) {
- for(String name:variableMap.keySet()) {
- fill(name,replacementInfo.variableMap.get(name),replacementInfo.elementToVariableNameMap);
- }
- }
- }
- PsiElement lastChild = el.getLastChild();
- if (lastChild instanceof PsiComment &&
- replacementInfo.elementToVariableNameMap.get(lastChild) == null &&
- !(replacement.getLastChild() instanceof PsiComment)
- ) {
- PsiElement firstElementAfterStatementEnd = lastChild;
- for(PsiElement curElement=firstElementAfterStatementEnd.getPrevSibling();curElement!=null;curElement = curElement.getPrevSibling()) {
- if (!(curElement instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) && !(curElement instanceof PsiComment)) break;
- firstElementAfterStatementEnd = curElement;
- }
- replacement.addRangeAfter(firstElementAfterStatementEnd,lastChild,replacement.getLastChild());
- }
- final PsiElement firstChild = el.getFirstChild();
- if (firstChild instanceof PsiComment &&
- !(firstChild instanceof PsiDocCommentBase) &&
- replacementInfo.elementToVariableNameMap.get(firstChild) == null
- ) {
- PsiElement lastElementBeforeStatementStart = firstChild;
- for(PsiElement curElement=lastElementBeforeStatementStart.getNextSibling();curElement!=null;curElement = curElement.getNextSibling()) {
- if (!(curElement instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) && !(curElement instanceof PsiComment)) break;
- lastElementBeforeStatementStart = curElement;
- }
- replacement.addRangeBefore(firstChild,lastElementBeforeStatementStart,replacement.getFirstChild());
- }
- }
- private static void fill(final String name, final MatchResult matchResult, final Map<PsiElement, String> elementToVariableNameMap) {
- boolean b = matchResult.isMultipleMatch() || matchResult.isScopeMatch();
- if(matchResult.hasSons() && b) {
- for(MatchResult r:matchResult.getAllSons()) {
- fill(name, r, elementToVariableNameMap);
- }
- } else if (!b && matchResult.getMatchRef() != null) {
- elementToVariableNameMap.put(matchResult.getMatch(),name);
- }
- }
- public static void checkSupportedReplacementPattern(Project project, ReplaceOptions options) throws UnsupportedPatternException {
- try {
- String search = options.getMatchOptions().getSearchPattern();
- String replacement = options.getReplacement();
- FileType fileType = options.getMatchOptions().getFileType();
- Template template = TemplateManager.getInstance(project).createTemplate("","",search);
- Template template2 = TemplateManager.getInstance(project).createTemplate("","",replacement);
- int segmentCount = template2.getSegmentsCount();
- for(int i=0;i<segmentCount;++i) {
- final String replacementSegmentName = template2.getSegmentName(i);
- final int segmentCount2 = template.getSegmentsCount();
- int j;
- for(j=0;j<segmentCount2;++j) {
- final String searchSegmentName = template.getSegmentName(j);
- if (replacementSegmentName.equals(searchSegmentName)) break;
- // Reference to
- if (replacementSegmentName.startsWith(searchSegmentName) &&
- replacementSegmentName.charAt(searchSegmentName.length())=='_'
- ) {
- try {
- Integer.parseInt(replacementSegmentName.substring(searchSegmentName.length()+1));
- break;
- } catch(NumberFormatException ex) {}
- }
- }
- if (j==segmentCount2) {
- ReplacementVariableDefinition definition = options.getVariableDefinition(replacementSegmentName);
- if (definition == null || definition.getScriptCodeConstraint().length() <= 2 /*empty quotes*/) {
- throw new UnsupportedPatternException(
- SSRBundle.message("", replacementSegmentName)
- );
- } else {
- String message = ScriptSupport.checkValidScript(StringUtil.stripQuotesAroundValue(definition.getScriptCodeConstraint()));
- if (message != null) {
- throw new UnsupportedPatternException(
- SSRBundle.message("", replacementSegmentName, message)
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- StructuralSearchProfile profile = StructuralSearchUtil.getProfileByFileType(fileType);
- profile.checkReplacementPattern(project, options);
- } catch(IncorrectOperationException ex) {
- throw new UnsupportedPatternException(SSRBundle.message("incorrect.pattern.message"));
- }
- }
- public ReplacementInfo buildReplacement(MatchResult result) {
- List<SmartPsiElementPointer> l = new ArrayList<SmartPsiElementPointer>();
- SmartPointerManager manager = SmartPointerManager.getInstance(project);
- if (MatchResult.MULTI_LINE_MATCH.equals(result.getName())) {
- for(Iterator<MatchResult> i=result.getAllSons().iterator();i.hasNext();) {
- final MatchResult r =;
- if (MatchResult.LINE_MATCH.equals(r.getName())) {
- PsiElement element = r.getMatchRef().getElement();
- if (element instanceof PsiDocCommentBase) { // doc comment is not collapsed when created in block
- if (i.hasNext()) {
- MatchResult matchResult =;
- if (MatchResult.LINE_MATCH.equals(matchResult.getName()) &&
- StructuralSearchUtil.isDocCommentOwner(matchResult.getMatch())) {
- element = matchResult.getMatch();
- } else {
- l.add( manager.createSmartPsiElementPointer(element) );
- element = matchResult.getMatch();
- }
- }
- }
- l.add( manager.createSmartPsiElementPointer(element) );
- }
- }
- } else {
- l.add( manager.createSmartPsiElementPointer(result.getMatchRef().getElement()));
- }
- ReplacementInfoImpl replacementInfo = new ReplacementInfoImpl();
- replacementInfo.matchesPtrList = l;
- if (replacementBuilder==null) {
- replacementBuilder = new ReplacementBuilder(project,options);
- }
- replacementInfo.result = replacementBuilder.process(result, replacementInfo, options.getMatchOptions().getFileType());
- replacementInfo.matchResult = result;
- return replacementInfo;
- }