path: root/python/helpers/pydev/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'python/helpers/pydev/')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/python/helpers/pydev/ b/python/helpers/pydev/
index 4a25469c1fec..67c88be4fe7c 100644
--- a/python/helpers/pydev/
+++ b/python/helpers/pydev/
@@ -1,530 +1,249 @@
-import fnmatch
-import os.path
-import re
-import sys
-import unittest
+import os
+def main():
+ import sys
+ #Separate the nose params and the pydev params.
+ pydev_params = []
+ other_test_framework_params = []
+ found_other_test_framework_param = None
+ NOSE_PARAMS = '--nose-params'
+ PY_TEST_PARAMS = '--py-test-params'
- __setFalse = False
- import __builtin__
- setattr(__builtin__, 'True', 1)
- setattr(__builtin__, 'False', 0)
+ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if not found_other_test_framework_param and arg != NOSE_PARAMS and arg != PY_TEST_PARAMS:
+ pydev_params.append(arg)
+ else:
+ if not found_other_test_framework_param:
+ found_other_test_framework_param = arg
+ else:
+ other_test_framework_params.append(arg)
+ #Here we'll run either with nose or with the pydev_runfiles.
+ import pydev_runfiles
+ import pydev_runfiles_xml_rpc
+ import pydevd_constants
+ from pydevd_file_utils import _NormFile
+ DEBUG = 0
+ if DEBUG:
+ sys.stdout.write('Received parameters: %s\n' % (sys.argv,))
+ sys.stdout.write('Params for pydev: %s\n' % (pydev_params,))
+ if found_other_test_framework_param:
+ sys.stdout.write('Params for test framework: %s, %s\n' % (found_other_test_framework_param, other_test_framework_params))
-# Jython?
- import org.python.core.PyDictionary #@UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport -- just to check if it could be valid
- def DictContains(d, key):
- return d.has_key(key)
- #Py3k does not have has_key anymore, and older versions don't have __contains__
- DictContains = dict.__contains__
+ configuration = pydev_runfiles.parse_cmdline([sys.argv[0]] + pydev_params)
- DictContains = dict.has_key
- xrange
- #Python 3k does not have it
- xrange = range
- enumerate
- def enumerate(lst):
- ret = []
- i=0
- for element in lst:
- ret.append((i, element))
- i+=1
- return ret
-# getopt code copied since gnu_getopt is not available on jython 2.1
-class GetoptError(Exception):
- opt = ''
- msg = ''
- def __init__(self, msg, opt=''):
- self.msg = msg
- self.opt = opt
- Exception.__init__(self, msg, opt)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.msg
-def gnu_getopt(args, shortopts, longopts=[]):
- """getopt(args, options[, long_options]) -> opts, args
- This function works like getopt(), except that GNU style scanning
- mode is used by default. This means that option and non-option
- arguments may be intermixed. The getopt() function stops
- processing options as soon as a non-option argument is
- encountered.
- If the first character of the option string is `+', or if the
- environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is set, then option
- processing stops as soon as a non-option argument is encountered.
- """
- opts = []
- prog_args = []
- if isinstance(longopts, ''.__class__):
- longopts = [longopts]
- else:
- longopts = list(longopts)
- # Allow options after non-option arguments?
- if shortopts.startswith('+'):
- shortopts = shortopts[1:]
- all_options_first = True
- elif os.environ.get("POSIXLY_CORRECT"):
- all_options_first = True
- else:
- all_options_first = False
- while args:
- if args[0] == '--':
- prog_args += args[1:]
- break
- if args[0][:2] == '--':
- opts, args = do_longs(opts, args[0][2:], longopts, args[1:])
- elif args[0][:1] == '-':
- opts, args = do_shorts(opts, args[0][1:], shortopts, args[1:])
- else:
- if all_options_first:
- prog_args += args
- break
- else:
- prog_args.append(args[0])
- args = args[1:]
- return opts, prog_args
+ sys.stderr.write('Command line received: %s\n' % (sys.argv,))
+ raise
+ pydev_runfiles_xml_rpc.InitializeServer(configuration.port) #Note that if the port is None, a Null server will be initialized.
-def do_longs(opts, opt, longopts, args):
- i = opt.index('=')
- except ValueError:
- optarg = None
- else:
- opt, optarg = opt[:i], opt[i + 1:]
- has_arg, opt = long_has_args(opt, longopts)
- if has_arg:
- if optarg is None:
- if not args:
- raise GetoptError('option --%s requires argument' % opt, opt)
- optarg, args = args[0], args[1:]
- elif optarg:
- raise GetoptError('option --%s must not have an argument' % opt, opt)
- opts.append(('--' + opt, optarg or ''))
- return opts, args
-# Return:
-# has_arg?
-# full option name
-def long_has_args(opt, longopts):
- possibilities = [o for o in longopts if o.startswith(opt)]
- if not possibilities:
- raise GetoptError('option --%s not recognized' % opt, opt)
- # Is there an exact match?
- if opt in possibilities:
- return False, opt
- elif opt + '=' in possibilities:
- return True, opt
- # No exact match, so better be unique.
- if len(possibilities) > 1:
- # XXX since possibilities contains all valid continuations, might be
- # nice to work them into the error msg
- raise GetoptError('option --%s not a unique prefix' % opt, opt)
- assert len(possibilities) == 1
- unique_match = possibilities[0]
- has_arg = unique_match.endswith('=')
- if has_arg:
- unique_match = unique_match[:-1]
- return has_arg, unique_match
-def do_shorts(opts, optstring, shortopts, args):
- while optstring != '':
- opt, optstring = optstring[0], optstring[1:]
- if short_has_arg(opt, shortopts):
- if optstring == '':
- if not args:
- raise GetoptError('option -%s requires argument' % opt,
- opt)
- optstring, args = args[0], args[1:]
- optarg, optstring = optstring, ''
- else:
- optarg = ''
- opts.append(('-' + opt, optarg))
- return opts, args
+ if found_other_test_framework_param:
+ test_framework = 0 #Default (pydev)
+ if found_other_test_framework_param == NOSE_PARAMS:
+ import nose
+ test_framework = NOSE_FRAMEWORK
-def short_has_arg(opt, shortopts):
- for i in range(len(shortopts)):
- if opt == shortopts[i] != ':':
- return shortopts.startswith(':', i + 1)
- raise GetoptError('option -%s not recognized' % opt, opt)
-# End getopt code
+ elif found_other_test_framework_param == PY_TEST_PARAMS:
+ import pytest
+ test_framework = PY_TEST_FRAMEWORK
+ else:
+ raise ImportError()
+ else:
+ raise ImportError()
+ except ImportError:
+ if found_other_test_framework_param:
+ sys.stderr.write('Warning: Could not import the test runner: %s. Running with the default pydev unittest runner instead.\n' % (
+ found_other_test_framework_param,))
+ test_framework = 0
+ #Clear any exception that may be there so that clients don't see it.
+ #See:
+ if hasattr(sys, 'exc_clear'):
+ sys.exc_clear()
+ if test_framework == 0:
+ pydev_runfiles.main(configuration)
+ else:
+ #We'll convert the parameters to what nose or py.test expects.
+ #The supported parameters are:
+ --config-file|-t|--tests <Test.test1,Test2> dirs|files --nose-params xxx yyy zzz
+ #(all after --nose-params should be passed directly to nose)
+ #In java:
+ #--tests = Constants.ATTR_UNITTEST_TESTS
+ #--config-file = Constants.ATTR_UNITTEST_CONFIGURATION_FILE
-# parse_cmdline
-def parse_cmdline():
- """ parses command line and returns test directories, verbosity, test filter and test suites
- usage:
- -v|--verbosity <level> -f|--filter <regex> -t|--tests <Test.test1,Test2> dirs|files
- """
- verbosity = 2
- test_filter = None
- tests = None
- optlist, dirs = gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "v:f:t:", ["verbosity=", "filter=", "tests="])
- for opt, value in optlist:
- if opt in ("-v", "--verbosity"):
- verbosity = value
+ #The only thing actually handled here are the tests that we want to run, which we'll
+ #handle and pass as what the test framework expects.
- elif opt in ("-f", "--filter"):
- test_filter = value.split(',')
+ py_test_accept_filter = {}
+ files_to_tests = configuration.files_to_tests
- elif opt in ("-t", "--tests"):
- tests = value.split(',')
+ if files_to_tests:
+ #Handling through the file contents (file where each line is a test)
+ files_or_dirs = []
+ for file, tests in files_to_tests.items():
+ if test_framework == NOSE_FRAMEWORK:
+ for test in tests:
+ files_or_dirs.append(file + ':' + test)
- if type([]) != type(dirs):
- dirs = [dirs]
+ elif test_framework == PY_TEST_FRAMEWORK:
+ file = _NormFile(file)
+ py_test_accept_filter[file] = tests
+ files_or_dirs.append(file)
- ret_dirs = []
- for d in dirs:
- if '|' in d:
- #paths may come from the ide separated by |
- ret_dirs.extend(d.split('|'))
- else:
- ret_dirs.append(d)
- return ret_dirs, int(verbosity), test_filter, tests
-# PydevTestRunner
-class PydevTestRunner:
- """ finds and runs a file or directory of files as a unit test """
- __py_extensions = ["*.py", "*.pyw"]
- __exclude_files = ["__init__.*"]
- def __init__(self, test_dir, test_filter=None, verbosity=2, tests=None):
- self.test_dir = test_dir
- self.__adjust_path()
- self.test_filter = self.__setup_test_filter(test_filter)
- self.verbosity = verbosity
- self.tests = tests
- def __adjust_path(self):
- """ add the current file or directory to the python path """
- path_to_append = None
- for n in xrange(len(self.test_dir)):
- dir_name = self.__unixify(self.test_dir[n])
- if os.path.isdir(dir_name):
- if not dir_name.endswith("/"):
- self.test_dir[n] = dir_name + "/"
- path_to_append = os.path.normpath(dir_name)
- elif os.path.isfile(dir_name):
- path_to_append = os.path.dirname(dir_name)
- else:
- msg = ("unknown type. \n%s\nshould be file or a directory.\n" % (dir_name))
- raise RuntimeError(msg)
- if path_to_append is not None:
- #Add it as the last one (so, first things are resolved against the default dirs and
- #if none resolves, then we try a relative import).
- sys.path.append(path_to_append)
- return
- def __setup_test_filter(self, test_filter):
- """ turn a filter string into a list of filter regexes """
- if test_filter is None or len(test_filter) == 0:
- return None
- return [re.compile("test%s" % f) for f in test_filter]
- def __is_valid_py_file(self, fname):
- """ tests that a particular file contains the proper file extension
- and is not in the list of files to exclude """
- is_valid_fname = 0
- for invalid_fname in self.__class__.__exclude_files:
- is_valid_fname += int(not fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, invalid_fname))
- if_valid_ext = 0
- for ext in self.__class__.__py_extensions:
- if_valid_ext += int(fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, ext))
- return is_valid_fname > 0 and if_valid_ext > 0
- def __unixify(self, s):
- """ stupid windows. converts the backslash to forwardslash for consistency """
- return os.path.normpath(s).replace(os.sep, "/")
- def __importify(self, s, dir=False):
- """ turns directory separators into dots and removes the ".py*" extension
- so the string can be used as import statement """
- if not dir:
- dirname, fname = os.path.split(s)
- if fname.count('.') > 1:
- #if there's a file named, it is not a valid module, so, let's not load it...
- return
- imp_stmt_pieces = [dirname.replace("\\", "/").replace("/", "."), os.path.splitext(fname)[0]]
- if len(imp_stmt_pieces[0]) == 0:
- imp_stmt_pieces = imp_stmt_pieces[1:]
- return ".".join(imp_stmt_pieces)
- else: #handle dir
- return s.replace("\\", "/").replace("/", ".")
- def __add_files(self, pyfiles, root, files):
- """ if files match, appends them to pyfiles. used by os.path.walk fcn """
- for fname in files:
- if self.__is_valid_py_file(fname):
- name_without_base_dir = self.__unixify(os.path.join(root, fname))
- pyfiles.append(name_without_base_dir)
- return
- def find_import_files(self):
- """ return a list of files to import """
- pyfiles = []
- for base_dir in self.test_dir:
- if os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- if hasattr(os, 'walk'):
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir):
- self.__add_files(pyfiles, root, files)
- # jython2.1 is too old for os.walk!
- os.path.walk(base_dir, self.__add_files, pyfiles)
- elif os.path.isfile(base_dir):
- pyfiles.append(base_dir)
- return pyfiles
- def __get_module_from_str(self, modname, print_exception):
- """ Import the module in the given import path.
- * Returns the "final" module, so importing "coilib40.subject.visu"
- returns the "visu" module, not the "coilib40" as returned by __import__ """
- try:
- mod = __import__(modname)
- for part in modname.split('.')[1:]:
- mod = getattr(mod, part)
- return mod
- except:
- if print_exception:
- import traceback;traceback.print_exc()
- sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Module: %s could not be imported.\n' % (modname,))
- return None
- def find_modules_from_files(self, pyfiles):
- """ returns a lisst of modules given a list of files """
- #let's make sure that the paths we want are in the pythonpath...
- imports = [self.__importify(s) for s in pyfiles]
- system_paths = []
- for s in sys.path:
- system_paths.append(self.__importify(s, True))
- ret = []
- for imp in imports:
- if imp is None:
- continue #can happen if a file is not a valid module
- choices = []
- for s in system_paths:
- if imp.startswith(s):
- add = imp[len(s) + 1:]
- if add:
- choices.append(add)
- #sys.stdout.write(' ' + add + ' ')
- if not choices:
- sys.stdout.write('PYTHONPATH not found for file: %s\n' % imp)
- else:
- for i, import_str in enumerate(choices):
- mod = self.__get_module_from_str(import_str, print_exception=i == len(choices) - 1)
- if mod is not None:
- ret.append(mod)
- break
- return ret
- def find_tests_from_modules(self, modules):
- """ returns the unittests given a list of modules """
- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
- ret = []
- if self.tests:
- accepted_classes = {}
- accepted_methods = {}
- for t in self.tests:
- splitted = t.split('.')
- if len(splitted) == 1:
- accepted_classes[t] = t
- elif len(splitted) == 2:
- accepted_methods[t] = t
- #===========================================================================================================
- # GetTestCaseNames
- #===========================================================================================================
- class GetTestCaseNames:
- """Yes, we need a class for that (cannot use outer context on jython 2.1)"""
+ raise AssertionError('Cannot handle test framework: %s at this point.' % (test_framework,))
- def __init__(self, accepted_classes, accepted_methods):
- self.accepted_classes = accepted_classes
- self.accepted_methods = accepted_methods
- def __call__(self, testCaseClass):
- """Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass"""
- testFnNames = []
- className = testCaseClass.__name__
- if DictContains(self.accepted_classes, className):
- for attrname in dir(testCaseClass):
- #If a class is chosen, we select all the 'test' methods'
- if attrname.startswith('test') and hasattr(getattr(testCaseClass, attrname), '__call__'):
- testFnNames.append(attrname)
+ else:
+ if configuration.tests:
+ #Tests passed (works together with the files_or_dirs)
+ files_or_dirs = []
+ for file in configuration.files_or_dirs:
+ if test_framework == NOSE_FRAMEWORK:
+ for t in configuration.tests:
+ files_or_dirs.append(file + ':' + t)
+ elif test_framework == PY_TEST_FRAMEWORK:
+ file = _NormFile(file)
+ py_test_accept_filter[file] = configuration.tests
+ files_or_dirs.append(file)
- for attrname in dir(testCaseClass):
- #If we have the class+method name, we must do a full check and have an exact match.
- if DictContains(self.accepted_methods, className + '.' + attrname):
- if hasattr(getattr(testCaseClass, attrname), '__call__'):
- testFnNames.append(attrname)
- #sorted() is not available in jython 2.1
- testFnNames.sort()
- return testFnNames
- loader.getTestCaseNames = GetTestCaseNames(accepted_classes, accepted_methods)
- ret.extend([loader.loadTestsFromModule(m) for m in modules])
- return ret
- def filter_tests(self, test_objs):
- """ based on a filter name, only return those tests that have
- the test case names that match """
- test_suite = []
- for test_obj in test_objs:
- if isinstance(test_obj, unittest.TestSuite):
- if test_obj._tests:
- test_obj._tests = self.filter_tests(test_obj._tests)
- if test_obj._tests:
- test_suite.append(test_obj)
- elif isinstance(test_obj, unittest.TestCase):
- test_cases = []
- for tc in test_objs:
- try:
- testMethodName = tc._TestCase__testMethodName
- except AttributeError:
- #changed in python 2.5
- testMethodName = tc._testMethodName
- if self.__match(self.test_filter, testMethodName) and self.__match_tests(self.tests, tc, testMethodName):
- test_cases.append(tc)
- return test_cases
- return test_suite
- def __match_tests(self, tests, test_case, test_method_name):
- if not tests:
- return 1
- for t in tests:
- class_and_method = t.split('.')
- if len(class_and_method) == 1:
- #only class name
- if class_and_method[0] == test_case.__class__.__name__:
- return 1
- elif len(class_and_method) == 2:
- if class_and_method[0] == test_case.__class__.__name__ and class_and_method[1] == test_method_name:
- return 1
- return 0
- def __match(self, filter_list, name):
- """ returns whether a test name matches the test filter """
- if filter_list is None:
- return 1
- for f in filter_list:
- if re.match(f, name):
- return 1
- return 0
- def run_tests(self):
- """ runs all tests """
- sys.stdout.write("Finding files...\n")
- files = self.find_import_files()
- sys.stdout.write('%s %s\n' % (self.test_dir, '... done'))
- sys.stdout.write("Importing test modules ... ")
- modules = self.find_modules_from_files(files)
- sys.stdout.write("done.\n")
- all_tests = self.find_tests_from_modules(modules)
- if self.test_filter or self.tests:
- if self.test_filter:
- sys.stdout.write('Test Filter: %s' % ([p.pattern for p in self.test_filter],))
- if self.tests:
- sys.stdout.write('Tests to run: %s' % (self.tests,))
+ raise AssertionError('Cannot handle test framework: %s at this point.' % (test_framework,))
+ else:
+ #Only files or dirs passed (let it do the test-loading based on those paths)
+ files_or_dirs = configuration.files_or_dirs
+ argv = other_test_framework_params + files_or_dirs
+ if test_framework == NOSE_FRAMEWORK:
+ #Nose usage:
+ #show_stdout_option = ['-s']
+ #processes_option = ['--processes=2']
+ argv.insert(0, sys.argv[0])
+ if DEBUG:
+ sys.stdout.write('Final test framework args: %s\n' % (argv[1:],))
+ import pydev_runfiles_nose
+ PYDEV_NOSE_PLUGIN_SINGLETON = pydev_runfiles_nose.StartPydevNosePluginSingleton(configuration)
+ argv.append('--with-pydevplugin')
+ elif test_framework == PY_TEST_FRAMEWORK:
+ if DEBUG:
+ sys.stdout.write('Final test framework args: %s\n' % (argv,))
+ sys.stdout.write('py_test_accept_filter: %s\n' % (py_test_accept_filter,))
+ import os
+ try:
+ xrange
+ except:
+ xrange = range
+ for i in xrange(len(argv)):
+ arg = argv[i]
+ #Workaround bug in py.test: if we pass the full path it ends up importing conftest
+ #more than once (so, always work with relative paths).
+ if os.path.isfile(arg) or os.path.isdir(arg):
+ from pydev_imports import relpath
+ arg = relpath(arg)
+ argv[i] = arg
+ d = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ if d not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, d)
+ import pickle, zlib, base64
+ # Update environment PYTHONPATH so that it finds our plugin if using xdist.
+ os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
+ # Set what should be skipped in the plugin through an environment variable
+ s = base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(py_test_accept_filter)))
+ if pydevd_constants.IS_PY3K:
+ s = s.decode('ascii') # Must be str in py3.
+ os.environ['PYDEV_PYTEST_SKIP'] = s
+ # Identifies the main pid (i.e.: if it's not the main pid it has to connect back to the
+ # main pid to give xml-rpc notifications).
+ os.environ['PYDEV_MAIN_PID'] = str(os.getpid())
+ os.environ['PYDEV_PYTEST_SERVER'] = str(configuration.port)
+ argv.append('-p')
+ argv.append('pydev_runfiles_pytest2')
+ pytest.main(argv)
- all_tests = self.filter_tests(all_tests)
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError('Cannot handle test framework: %s at this point.' % (test_framework,))
- sys.stdout.write('\n')
- runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stdout, descriptions=1, verbosity=verbosity)
- return
-# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
- dirs, verbosity, test_filter, tests = parse_cmdline()
- PydevTestRunner(dirs, test_filter, verbosity, tests).run_tests()
+ try:
+ main()
+ finally:
+ try:
+ #The server is not a daemon thread, so, we have to ask for it to be killed!
+ import pydev_runfiles_xml_rpc
+ pydev_runfiles_xml_rpc.forceServerKill()
+ except:
+ pass #Ignore any errors here
+ import sys
+ import threading
+ if hasattr(sys, '_current_frames') and hasattr(threading, 'enumerate'):
+ import time
+ import traceback
+ class DumpThreads(threading.Thread):
+ def run(self):
+ time.sleep(10)
+ thread_id_to_name = {}
+ try:
+ for t in threading.enumerate():
+ thread_id_to_name[t.ident] = '%s (daemon: %s)' % (, t.daemon)
+ except:
+ pass
+ stack_trace = [
+ '===============================================================================',
+ 'pydev pyunit runner: Threads still found running after tests finished',
+ '================================= Thread Dump =================================']
+ for thread_id, stack in sys._current_frames().items():
+ stack_trace.append('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------')
+ stack_trace.append(" Thread %s" % thread_id_to_name.get(thread_id, thread_id))
+ stack_trace.append('')
+ if 'self' in stack.f_locals:
+ sys.stderr.write(str(stack.f_locals['self'])+'\n')
+ for filename, lineno, name, line in traceback.extract_stack(stack):
+ stack_trace.append(' File "%s", line %d, in %s' % (filename, lineno, name))
+ if line:
+ stack_trace.append(" %s" % (line.strip()))
+ stack_trace.append('\n=============================== END Thread Dump ===============================')
+ sys.stderr.write('\n'.join(stack_trace))
+ dump_current_frames_thread = DumpThreads()
+ dump_current_frames_thread.setDaemon(True) # Daemon so that this thread doesn't halt it!
+ dump_current_frames_thread.start()