@ECHO OFF :: This script updates your IntelliJ IDEA CE installation from the latest compiled classes. This way you can easily :: upgrade your working IDEA to the latest changes. :: :: Before you run the script, ensure you have the following: :: 1. Your project for IntelliJ IDEA CE is fully built (do 'Rebuild Project' if you're not sure) :: 2. WORK_IDEA_HOME points to the directory of IntelliJ IDEA build you want to upgrade :: 3. DEV_IDEA_HOME points to the directory of the project you built at step 1 :: 4. You quit IntelliJ IDEA IF NOT EXIST "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" ( ECHO JAVA_HOME must be defined and point to a valid Java installation EXIT ) IF NOT EXIST "%WORK_IDEA_HOME%\bin\idea.bat" ( ECHO WORK_IDEA_HOME must be defined and point to IDEA installation you wish to update EXIT ) IF NOT EXIST "%DEV_IDEA_HOME%\build\update.cmd" ( ECHO DEV_IDEA_HOME must be defined and point to a source base you're updating from EXIT ) ECHO Updating "%WORK_IDEA_HOME%" from compiled classes at "%DEV_IDEA_HOME%" CD "%DEV_IDEA_HOME%" SET ANT_HOME=%DEV_IDEA_HOME%\lib\ant SET EXEC_ANT="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" -Dant.home="%ANT_HOME%" -classpath "%ANT_HOME%\lib\ant-launcher.jar" org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher %EXEC_ANT% -f build/update.xml IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO failed IF NOT EXIST "%DEV_IDEA_HOME%\out\deploy" GOTO failed RMDIR /Q /S "%WORK_IDEA_HOME%\lib" RMDIR /Q /S "%WORK_IDEA_HOME%\plugins" XCOPY "%DEV_IDEA_HOME%\bin\win\*.dll" "%WORK_IDEA_HOME%\bin\" /Q /E /Y XCOPY "%DEV_IDEA_HOME%\bin\win\*.exe" "%WORK_IDEA_HOME%\bin\" /Q /E /Y XCOPY "%DEV_IDEA_HOME%\out\deploy\*.*" "%WORK_IDEA_HOME%\" /Q /E /Y GOTO done :failed ECHO Update failed; work IDEA build not modified. :done CD /D "%WORK_IDEA_HOME%\bin"