/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.codeInsight.hint.api.impls; import com.intellij.codeInsight.AnnotationUtil; import com.intellij.codeInsight.CodeInsightBundle; import com.intellij.codeInsight.CodeInsightSettings; import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.JavaCompletionUtil; import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.DaemonCodeAnalyzer; import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupElement; import com.intellij.lang.parameterInfo.*; import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbAware; import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbService; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.CompletionParameterTypeInferencePolicy; import com.intellij.psi.infos.CandidateInfo; import com.intellij.psi.infos.MethodCandidateInfo; import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType; import com.intellij.psi.util.MethodSignatureUtil; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtilBase; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.HashSet; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; /** * @author Maxim.Mossienko */ public class MethodParameterInfoHandler implements ParameterInfoHandlerWithTabActionSupport, DumbAware { private static final Set ourArgumentListAllowedParentClassesSet = new HashSet( Arrays.asList(PsiMethodCallExpression.class, PsiNewExpression.class, PsiAnonymousClass.class, PsiEnumConstant.class)); private static final Set ourStopSearch = Collections.singleton(PsiMethod.class); @Override public Object[] getParametersForLookup(LookupElement item, ParameterInfoContext context) { final List allElements = JavaCompletionUtil.getAllPsiElements(item); if (allElements != null && !allElements.isEmpty() && allElements.get(0) instanceof PsiMethod) { return allElements.toArray(new PsiMethod[allElements.size()]); } return null; } @Override public Object[] getParametersForDocumentation(final Object p, final ParameterInfoContext context) { if (p instanceof MethodCandidateInfo) { return ((MethodCandidateInfo)p).getElement().getParameterList().getParameters(); } if (p instanceof PsiMethod) { return ((PsiMethod)p).getParameterList().getParameters(); } return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY; } @Override public boolean couldShowInLookup() { return true; } @Override @Nullable public PsiExpressionList findElementForParameterInfo(@NotNull final CreateParameterInfoContext context) { PsiExpressionList argumentList = findArgumentList(context.getFile(), context.getOffset(), context.getParameterListStart()); if (argumentList != null) { return findMethodsForArgumentList(context, argumentList); } return null; } private PsiExpressionList findArgumentList(final PsiFile file, int offset, int parameterStart) { PsiExpressionList argumentList = ParameterInfoUtils.findArgumentList(file, offset, parameterStart, this); if (argumentList == null) { final PsiMethodCallExpression methodCall = ParameterInfoUtils.findParentOfTypeWithStopElements(file, offset, PsiMethodCallExpression.class, PsiMethod.class); if (methodCall != null) { argumentList = methodCall.getArgumentList(); } } return argumentList; } private static PsiExpressionList findMethodsForArgumentList(final CreateParameterInfoContext context, @NotNull final PsiExpressionList argumentList) { CandidateInfo[] candidates = getMethods(argumentList); if (candidates.length == 0) { DaemonCodeAnalyzer.getInstance(context.getProject()).updateVisibleHighlighters(context.getEditor()); return null; } context.setItemsToShow(candidates); return argumentList; } @Override public void showParameterInfo(@NotNull final PsiExpressionList element, @NotNull final CreateParameterInfoContext context) { context.showHint(element, element.getTextRange().getStartOffset(), this); } @Override public PsiExpressionList findElementForUpdatingParameterInfo(@NotNull final UpdateParameterInfoContext context) { return findArgumentList(context.getFile(), context.getOffset(), context.getParameterListStart()); } @Override public void updateParameterInfo(@NotNull final PsiExpressionList o, @NotNull final UpdateParameterInfoContext context) { PsiElement parameterOwner = context.getParameterOwner(); if (parameterOwner != o) { context.removeHint(); return; } int index = ParameterInfoUtils.getCurrentParameterIndex(o.getNode(), context.getOffset(), JavaTokenType.COMMA); context.setCurrentParameter(index); Object[] candidates = context.getObjectsToView(); PsiExpression[] args = o.getExpressions(); PsiElement realResolve = null; for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { CandidateInfo candidate = (CandidateInfo)candidates[i]; PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod)candidate.getElement(); if (!method.isValid()) continue; PsiSubstitutor substitutor = getCandidateInfoSubstitutor(candidate); assert substitutor != null; if (!method.isValid() || !substitutor.isValid()) { // this may sometimes happen e,g, when editing method call in field initializer candidates in the same file get invalidated context.setUIComponentEnabled(i, false); continue; } PsiParameter[] parms = method.getParameterList().getParameters(); boolean enabled = true; if (parms.length <= index) { if (parms.length > 0) { if (method.isVarArgs()) { for (int j = 0; j < parms.length - 1; j++) { PsiType parmType = substitutor.substitute(parms[j].getType()); PsiType argType = args[j].getType(); if (argType != null && !parmType.isAssignableFrom(argType)) { enabled = false; break; } } if (enabled) { PsiArrayType lastParmType = (PsiArrayType)substitutor.substitute(parms[parms.length - 1].getType()); PsiType componentType = lastParmType.getComponentType(); if (parms.length == args.length) { PsiType lastArgType = args[args.length - 1].getType(); if (lastArgType != null && !lastParmType.isAssignableFrom(lastArgType) && !componentType.isAssignableFrom(lastArgType)) { enabled = false; } } else { for (int j = parms.length; j <= index && j < args.length; j++) { PsiExpression arg = args[j]; PsiType argType = arg.getType(); if (argType != null && !componentType.isAssignableFrom(argType)) { enabled = false; break; } } } } } else { enabled = false; } } else { enabled = index == 0; } } else { enabled = isAssignableParametersBeforeGivenIndex(parms, args, index, substitutor); } context.setUIComponentEnabled(i, enabled); if (candidates.length > 1 && enabled && parms.length == args.length && isAssignableParametersBeforeGivenIndex(parms, args, args.length, substitutor)) { if (realResolve == null) { PsiCall call = getCall(o); if (call != null) realResolve = call.resolveMethod(); if (realResolve == null) realResolve = PsiUtilBase.NULL_PSI_ELEMENT; } if (realResolve == PsiUtilBase.NULL_PSI_ELEMENT || realResolve == method) context.setHighlightedParameter(candidate); } } } private static PsiSubstitutor getCandidateInfoSubstitutor(CandidateInfo candidate) { return candidate instanceof MethodCandidateInfo && ((MethodCandidateInfo)candidate).isInferencePossible() ? ((MethodCandidateInfo)candidate).inferTypeArguments(CompletionParameterTypeInferencePolicy.INSTANCE, true) : candidate.getSubstitutor(); } private static boolean isAssignableParametersBeforeGivenIndex(final PsiParameter[] parms, final PsiExpression[] args, int length, PsiSubstitutor substitutor) { for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { PsiParameter parm = parms[j]; PsiExpression arg = args[j]; assert parm.isValid(); assert arg.isValid(); PsiType parmType = parm.getType(); PsiType argType = arg.getType(); if (argType == null) continue; if (parmType instanceof PsiEllipsisType && parmType.getArrayDimensions() == argType.getArrayDimensions() + 1) { parmType = ((PsiEllipsisType)parmType).getComponentType(); } parmType = substitutor.substitute(parmType); if (!parmType.isAssignableFrom(argType)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public String getParameterCloseChars() { return ParameterInfoUtils.DEFAULT_PARAMETER_CLOSE_CHARS; } @Override public boolean tracksParameterIndex() { return true; } @Override @NotNull public Class getArgumentListClass() { return PsiExpressionList.class; } @Override @NotNull public IElementType getActualParametersRBraceType() { return JavaTokenType.RBRACE; } @Override @NotNull public Set getArgumentListAllowedParentClasses() { return ourArgumentListAllowedParentClassesSet; } @NotNull @Override public Set getArgListStopSearchClasses() { return ourStopSearch; } @Override @NotNull public IElementType getActualParameterDelimiterType() { return JavaTokenType.COMMA; } @Override @NotNull public PsiExpression[] getActualParameters(@NotNull PsiExpressionList psiExpressionList) { return psiExpressionList.getExpressions(); } private static PsiCall getCall(PsiExpressionList list) { if (list.getParent() instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) { return (PsiCall)list.getParent(); } if (list.getParent() instanceof PsiNewExpression) { return (PsiCall)list.getParent(); } if (list.getParent() instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) { return (PsiCall)list.getParent().getParent(); } if (list.getParent() instanceof PsiEnumConstant) { return (PsiCall)list.getParent(); } return null; } private static CandidateInfo[] getMethods(PsiExpressionList argList) { final PsiCall call = getCall(argList); PsiResolveHelper helper = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(argList.getProject()).getResolveHelper(); if (call instanceof PsiCallExpression) { CandidateInfo[] candidates = helper.getReferencedMethodCandidates((PsiCallExpression)call, true); ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); if (!(argList.getParent() instanceof PsiAnonymousClass)) { cand: for (CandidateInfo candidate : candidates) { PsiMethod methodCandidate = (PsiMethod)candidate.getElement(); for (CandidateInfo info : result) { if (MethodSignatureUtil.isSuperMethod(methodCandidate, (PsiMethod)info.getElement())) { continue cand; } } if (candidate.isStaticsScopeCorrect()) { boolean accessible = candidate.isAccessible(); if (!accessible && methodCandidate.getModifierList().hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PRIVATE)) { // privates are accessible within one file accessible = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(methodCandidate.getProject()).getResolveHelper() .isAccessible(methodCandidate, methodCandidate.getModifierList(), call, null, null); } if (accessible) result.add(candidate); } } } else { PsiClass aClass = (PsiClass)argList.getParent(); for (CandidateInfo candidate : candidates) { if (candidate.isStaticsScopeCorrect() && helper.isAccessible((PsiMethod)candidate.getElement(), argList, aClass)) { result.add(candidate); } } } return result.isEmpty() ? candidates : result.toArray(new CandidateInfo[result.size()]); } else { assert call instanceof PsiEnumConstant; //We are inside our own enum, no isAccessible check needed PsiMethod[] constructors = ((PsiEnumConstant)call).getContainingClass().getConstructors(); CandidateInfo[] result = new CandidateInfo[constructors.length]; for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) { result[i] = new CandidateInfo(constructors[i], PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY); } return result; } } public static String updateMethodPresentation(@NotNull PsiMethod method, @Nullable PsiSubstitutor substitutor, @NotNull ParameterInfoUIContext context) { CodeInsightSettings settings = CodeInsightSettings.getInstance(); if (!method.isValid() || substitutor != null && !substitutor.isValid()) { context.setUIComponentEnabled(false); return null; } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); if (settings.SHOW_FULL_SIGNATURES_IN_PARAMETER_INFO) { if (!method.isConstructor()) { PsiType returnType = method.getReturnType(); if (substitutor != null) { returnType = substitutor.substitute(returnType); } appendModifierList(buffer, method); buffer.append(returnType.getPresentableText()); buffer.append(" "); } buffer.append(method.getName()); buffer.append("("); } final int currentParameter = context.getCurrentParameterIndex(); PsiParameter[] parms = method.getParameterList().getParameters(); int numParams = parms.length; int highlightStartOffset = -1; int highlightEndOffset = -1; if (numParams > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < numParams; j++) { PsiParameter param = parms[j]; int startOffset = buffer.length(); if (param.isValid()) { PsiType paramType = param.getType(); assert paramType.isValid(); if (substitutor != null) { assert substitutor.isValid(); paramType = substitutor.substitute(paramType); } appendModifierList(buffer, param); buffer.append(paramType.getPresentableText()); String name = param.getName(); if (name != null) { buffer.append(" "); buffer.append(name); } } int endOffset = buffer.length(); if (j < numParams - 1) { buffer.append(", "); } if (context.isUIComponentEnabled() && (j == currentParameter || j == numParams - 1 && param.isVarArgs() && currentParameter >= numParams)) { highlightStartOffset = startOffset; highlightEndOffset = endOffset; } } } else { buffer.append(CodeInsightBundle.message("parameter.info.no.parameters")); } if (settings.SHOW_FULL_SIGNATURES_IN_PARAMETER_INFO) { buffer.append(")"); } return context.setupUIComponentPresentation( buffer.toString(), highlightStartOffset, highlightEndOffset, !context.isUIComponentEnabled(), method.isDeprecated(), false, context.getDefaultParameterColor() ); } private static void appendModifierList(@NotNull StringBuilder buffer, @NotNull PsiModifierListOwner owner) { int lastSize = buffer.length(); Set shownAnnotations = ContainerUtil.newHashSet(); for (PsiAnnotation annotation : AnnotationUtil.getAllAnnotations(owner, false, null, !DumbService.isDumb(owner.getProject()))) { final PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement element = annotation.getNameReferenceElement(); if (element != null) { final PsiElement resolved = element.resolve(); if (resolved instanceof PsiClass && !AnnotationUtil.isAnnotated((PsiClass)resolved, "java.lang.annotation.Documented", false, true)) { continue; } String referenceName = element.getReferenceName(); if (shownAnnotations.add(referenceName) || isRepeatableAnnotation(resolved)) { if (lastSize != buffer.length()) buffer.append(" "); buffer.append("@").append(referenceName); } } } if (lastSize != buffer.length()) buffer.append(" "); } private static boolean isRepeatableAnnotation(PsiElement resolved) { return resolved instanceof PsiClass && !AnnotationUtil.isAnnotated((PsiModifierListOwner)resolved, CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_ANNOTATION_REPEATABLE, false, true); } @Override public void updateUI(final Object p, @NotNull final ParameterInfoUIContext context) { if (p instanceof CandidateInfo) { CandidateInfo info = (CandidateInfo)p; PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod)info.getElement(); if (!method.isValid()) { context.setUIComponentEnabled(false); return; } updateMethodPresentation(method, getCandidateInfoSubstitutor(info), context); } else { updateMethodPresentation((PsiMethod)p, null, context); } } }