/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.JavaSdkVersion; import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.JavaVersionService; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.RecursionGuard; import com.intellij.pom.java.LanguageLevel; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.intellij.psi.search.GlobalSearchScope; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTypesUtil; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtil; import com.intellij.psi.util.TypeConversionUtil; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; /** * User: anna */ public class PsiOldInferenceHelper implements PsiInferenceHelper { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#" + PsiOldInferenceHelper.class.getName()); public static final Pair RAW_INFERENCE = new Pair(null, ConstraintType.EQUALS); private final PsiManager myManager; public PsiOldInferenceHelper(PsiManager manager) { myManager = manager; } private Pair inferTypeForMethodTypeParameterInner(@NotNull PsiTypeParameter typeParameter, @NotNull PsiParameter[] parameters, @NotNull PsiExpression[] arguments, @NotNull PsiSubstitutor partialSubstitutor, final PsiElement parent, @NotNull ParameterTypeInferencePolicy policy) { PsiType[] paramTypes = PsiType.createArray(arguments.length); PsiType[] argTypes = PsiType.createArray(arguments.length); if (parameters.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < argTypes.length; j++) { final PsiExpression argument = arguments[j]; if (argument == null) continue; if (argument instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression && PsiResolveHelper.ourGuard.currentStack().contains(argument)) continue; final RecursionGuard.StackStamp stackStamp = PsiDiamondType.ourDiamondGuard.markStack(); argTypes[j] = argument.getType(); if (!stackStamp.mayCacheNow()) { argTypes[j] = null; continue; } final PsiParameter parameter = parameters[Math.min(j, parameters.length - 1)]; if (j >= parameters.length && !parameter.isVarArgs()) break; paramTypes[j] = parameter.getType(); if (paramTypes[j] instanceof PsiEllipsisType) { paramTypes[j] = ((PsiEllipsisType)paramTypes[j]).getComponentType(); if (arguments.length == parameters.length && argTypes[j] instanceof PsiArrayType && !(((PsiArrayType)argTypes[j]).getComponentType() instanceof PsiPrimitiveType)) { argTypes[j] = ((PsiArrayType)argTypes[j]).getComponentType(); } } } } return inferTypeForMethodTypeParameterInner(typeParameter, paramTypes, argTypes, partialSubstitutor, parent, policy); } private Pair inferTypeForMethodTypeParameterInner(@NotNull PsiTypeParameter typeParameter, @NotNull PsiType[] paramTypes, @NotNull PsiType[] argTypes, @NotNull PsiSubstitutor partialSubstitutor, @Nullable PsiElement parent, @NotNull ParameterTypeInferencePolicy policy) { PsiWildcardType wildcardToCapture = null; Pair rawInference = null; PsiType lowerBound = PsiType.NULL; PsiType upperBound = PsiType.NULL; if (paramTypes.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < argTypes.length; j++) { PsiType argumentType = argTypes[j]; if (argumentType == null) continue; if (j >= paramTypes.length) break; PsiType parameterType = paramTypes[j]; if (parameterType == null) break; if (parameterType instanceof PsiEllipsisType) { parameterType = ((PsiEllipsisType)parameterType).getComponentType(); if (argTypes.length == paramTypes.length && argumentType instanceof PsiArrayType && !(((PsiArrayType)argumentType).getComponentType() instanceof PsiPrimitiveType)) { argumentType = ((PsiArrayType)argumentType).getComponentType(); } } final Pair currentSubstitution; currentSubstitution = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterConstraint(typeParameter, parameterType, argumentType, true, PsiUtil.getLanguageLevel(typeParameter)); if (currentSubstitution == null) continue; if (currentSubstitution == FAILED_INFERENCE) { return getFailedInferenceConstraint(typeParameter); } final ConstraintType constraintType = currentSubstitution.getSecond(); final PsiType type = currentSubstitution.getFirst(); if (type == null) { rawInference = RAW_INFERENCE; continue; } switch(constraintType) { case EQUALS: if (!(type instanceof PsiWildcardType)) return currentSubstitution; if (wildcardToCapture != null) return getFailedInferenceConstraint(typeParameter); wildcardToCapture = (PsiWildcardType) type; break; case SUPERTYPE: if (PsiType.NULL.equals(lowerBound)) { lowerBound = type; } else if (!lowerBound.equals(type)) { lowerBound = GenericsUtil.getLeastUpperBound(lowerBound, type, myManager); if (lowerBound == null) return getFailedInferenceConstraint(typeParameter); } break; case SUBTYPE: if (PsiType.NULL.equals(upperBound) || TypeConversionUtil.isAssignable(upperBound, type)) { upperBound = type; } } } } if (wildcardToCapture != null) { if (lowerBound != PsiType.NULL) { if (!wildcardToCapture.isAssignableFrom(lowerBound)) return getFailedInferenceConstraint(typeParameter); if (wildcardToCapture.isSuper()) { return new Pair(wildcardToCapture, ConstraintType.SUPERTYPE); } lowerBound = GenericsUtil.getLeastUpperBound(lowerBound, wildcardToCapture, myManager); } else { if (upperBound != PsiType.NULL && !upperBound.isAssignableFrom(wildcardToCapture)) return getFailedInferenceConstraint(typeParameter); return new Pair(wildcardToCapture, ConstraintType.EQUALS); } } if (rawInference != null) return rawInference; if (lowerBound != PsiType.NULL) return Pair.create(lowerBound, ConstraintType.EQUALS); if (parent != null) { final Pair constraint = inferMethodTypeParameterFromParent(typeParameter, partialSubstitutor, parent, policy); if (constraint != null) { if (constraint.getSecond() != ConstraintType.SUBTYPE) { return constraint; } if (upperBound != PsiType.NULL) { return Pair.create(upperBound, ConstraintType.SUBTYPE); } return constraint; } } if (upperBound != PsiType.NULL) return Pair.create(upperBound, ConstraintType.SUBTYPE); return null; } private static Pair getFailedInferenceConstraint(@NotNull PsiTypeParameter typeParameter) { return new Pair(JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(typeParameter.getProject()).getElementFactory().createType(typeParameter), ConstraintType.EQUALS); } @Override public PsiType inferTypeForMethodTypeParameter(@NotNull final PsiTypeParameter typeParameter, @NotNull final PsiParameter[] parameters, @NotNull PsiExpression[] arguments, @NotNull PsiSubstitutor partialSubstitutor, PsiElement parent, @NotNull final ParameterTypeInferencePolicy policy) { final Pair constraint = inferTypeForMethodTypeParameterInner(typeParameter, parameters, arguments, partialSubstitutor, parent, policy); if (constraint == null) return PsiType.NULL; return constraint.getFirst(); } @NotNull @Override public PsiSubstitutor inferTypeArguments(@NotNull PsiTypeParameter[] typeParameters, @NotNull PsiParameter[] parameters, @NotNull PsiExpression[] arguments, @NotNull PsiSubstitutor partialSubstitutor, @NotNull PsiElement parent, @NotNull ParameterTypeInferencePolicy policy, @NotNull LanguageLevel languageLevel) { PsiType[] substitutions = PsiType.createArray(typeParameters.length); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Pair[] constraints = new Pair[typeParameters.length]; for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { if (substitutions[i] != null) continue; final Pair constraint = inferTypeForMethodTypeParameterInner(typeParameters[i], parameters, arguments, partialSubstitutor, null, policy); constraints[i] = constraint; if (constraint != null && constraint.getSecond() != ConstraintType.SUBTYPE) { substitutions[i] = constraint.getFirst(); if (substitutions[i] != null && languageLevel.isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_8)) { //try once more partialSubstitutor = partialSubstitutor.put(typeParameters[i], substitutions[i]); i = -1; } } } for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { PsiTypeParameter typeParameter = typeParameters[i]; if (substitutions[i] == null) { PsiType substitutionFromBounds = PsiType.NULL; OtherParameters: for (int j = 0; j < typeParameters.length; j++) { if (i != j) { PsiTypeParameter other = typeParameters[j]; final PsiType otherSubstitution = substitutions[j]; if (otherSubstitution == null) continue; final PsiClassType[] bounds = other.getExtendsListTypes(); for (PsiClassType bound : bounds) { final PsiType substitutedBound = partialSubstitutor.substitute(bound); final Pair currentConstraint = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterConstraint(typeParameter, substitutedBound, otherSubstitution, true, languageLevel); if (currentConstraint == null) continue; final PsiType currentSubstitution = currentConstraint.getFirst(); final ConstraintType currentConstraintType = currentConstraint.getSecond(); if (currentConstraintType == ConstraintType.EQUALS) { substitutionFromBounds = currentSubstitution; if (currentSubstitution == null) { constraints[i] = FAILED_INFERENCE; } break OtherParameters; } else if (currentConstraintType == ConstraintType.SUPERTYPE && !JavaVersionService.getInstance().isAtLeast(parent, JavaSdkVersion.JDK_1_7)) { if (PsiType.NULL.equals(substitutionFromBounds)) { substitutionFromBounds = currentSubstitution; } else { substitutionFromBounds = GenericsUtil.getLeastUpperBound(substitutionFromBounds, currentSubstitution, myManager); } } } } } if (substitutionFromBounds != PsiType.NULL) substitutions[i] = substitutionFromBounds; } } for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { PsiTypeParameter typeParameter = typeParameters[i]; PsiType substitution = substitutions[i]; if (substitution != PsiType.NULL) { partialSubstitutor = partialSubstitutor.put(typeParameter, substitution); } } for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { PsiTypeParameter typeParameter = typeParameters[i]; PsiType substitution = substitutions[i]; if (substitution != null) continue; Pair constraint = constraints[i]; if (constraint == null) { constraint = inferMethodTypeParameterFromParent(typeParameter, partialSubstitutor, parent, policy); } else if (constraint.getSecond() == ConstraintType.SUBTYPE) { Pair otherConstraint = inferMethodTypeParameterFromParent(typeParameter, partialSubstitutor, parent, policy); if (otherConstraint != null) { if (otherConstraint.getSecond() == ConstraintType.EQUALS || otherConstraint.getSecond() == ConstraintType.SUPERTYPE || compareSubtypes(constraint.getFirst(), otherConstraint.getFirst())) { constraint = otherConstraint; } } } if (constraint != null) { substitution = constraint.getFirst(); } if (substitution == null) { PsiElementFactory factory = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(myManager.getProject()).getElementFactory(); return factory.createRawSubstitutor(partialSubstitutor, typeParameters); } if (substitution != PsiType.NULL) { partialSubstitutor = partialSubstitutor.put(typeParameter, substitution); } } return partialSubstitutor; } private static boolean compareSubtypes(final PsiType type, final PsiType parentType) { return type != null && parentType != null && TypeConversionUtil.isAssignable(type, parentType); } @Override @NotNull public PsiSubstitutor inferTypeArguments(@NotNull PsiTypeParameter[] typeParameters, @NotNull PsiType[] leftTypes, @NotNull PsiType[] rightTypes, @NotNull LanguageLevel languageLevel) { if (leftTypes.length != rightTypes.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types must be of the same length"); PsiSubstitutor substitutor = PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY; for (PsiTypeParameter typeParameter : typeParameters) { PsiType substitution = PsiType.NULL; PsiType lowerBound = PsiType.NULL; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < leftTypes.length; i1++) { PsiType leftType = leftTypes[i1]; PsiType rightType = rightTypes[i1]; final Pair constraint = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterConstraint(typeParameter, leftType, rightType, true, languageLevel); if (constraint != null) { final ConstraintType constraintType = constraint.getSecond(); final PsiType current = constraint.getFirst(); if (constraintType == ConstraintType.EQUALS) { substitution = current; break; } else if (constraintType == ConstraintType.SUBTYPE) { if (PsiType.NULL.equals(substitution)) { substitution = current; } else { substitution = GenericsUtil.getLeastUpperBound(substitution, current, myManager); } } else { if (PsiType.NULL.equals(lowerBound)) { lowerBound = current; } else { lowerBound = GenericsUtil.getLeastUpperBound(lowerBound, current, myManager); } } } } if (PsiType.NULL.equals(substitution)) { substitution = lowerBound; } if (substitution != PsiType.NULL) { substitutor = substitutor.put(typeParameter, substitution); } } for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { PsiTypeParameter typeParameter = typeParameters[i]; if (!substitutor.getSubstitutionMap().containsKey(typeParameter)) { PsiType substitutionFromBounds = PsiType.NULL; OtherParameters: for (int j = 0; j < typeParameters.length; j++) { if (i != j) { PsiTypeParameter other = typeParameters[j]; final PsiType otherSubstitution = substitutor.substitute(other); if (otherSubstitution == null) continue; final PsiClassType[] bounds = other.getExtendsListTypes(); for (PsiClassType bound : bounds) { final PsiType substitutedBound = substitutor.substitute(bound); final Pair currentConstraint = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterConstraint(typeParameter, substitutedBound, otherSubstitution, true, languageLevel); if (currentConstraint == null) continue; final PsiType currentSubstitution = currentConstraint.getFirst(); final ConstraintType currentConstraintType = currentConstraint.getSecond(); if (currentConstraintType == ConstraintType.EQUALS) { substitutionFromBounds = currentSubstitution; break OtherParameters; } else if (currentConstraintType == ConstraintType.SUPERTYPE) { if (PsiType.NULL.equals(substitutionFromBounds)) { substitutionFromBounds = currentSubstitution; } else { substitutionFromBounds = GenericsUtil.getLeastUpperBound(substitutionFromBounds, currentSubstitution, myManager); } } } } } if (substitutionFromBounds != PsiType.NULL) { substitutor = substitutor.put(typeParameter, substitutionFromBounds); } } } return substitutor; } @Nullable private static Pair processArgType(PsiType arg, final ConstraintType constraintType, final boolean captureWildcard) { if (arg instanceof PsiWildcardType && !captureWildcard) return FAILED_INFERENCE; if (arg != PsiType.NULL) { return Pair.create(arg, constraintType); } return null; } private Pair inferMethodTypeParameterFromParent(@NotNull PsiTypeParameter typeParameter, @NotNull PsiSubstitutor substitutor, @NotNull PsiElement parent, @NotNull ParameterTypeInferencePolicy policy) { PsiTypeParameterListOwner owner = typeParameter.getOwner(); Pair substitution = null; if (owner instanceof PsiMethod && parent instanceof PsiCallExpression) { PsiCallExpression methodCall = (PsiCallExpression)parent; substitution = inferMethodTypeParameterFromParent(PsiUtil.skipParenthesizedExprUp(methodCall.getParent()), methodCall, typeParameter, substitutor, policy); } return substitution; } @Override public PsiType getSubstitutionForTypeParameter(PsiTypeParameter typeParam, PsiType param, PsiType arg, boolean isContraVariantPosition, final LanguageLevel languageLevel) { final Pair constraint = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterConstraint(typeParam, param, arg, isContraVariantPosition, languageLevel); return constraint == null ? PsiType.NULL : constraint.getFirst(); } @Nullable public Pair getSubstitutionForTypeParameterConstraint(PsiTypeParameter typeParam, PsiType param, PsiType arg, boolean isContraVariantPosition, final LanguageLevel languageLevel) { if (param instanceof PsiArrayType && arg instanceof PsiArrayType) { return getSubstitutionForTypeParameterConstraint(typeParam, ((PsiArrayType)param).getComponentType(), ((PsiArrayType)arg).getComponentType(), isContraVariantPosition, languageLevel); } if (!(param instanceof PsiClassType)) return null; PsiManager manager = myManager; if (arg instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) { if (!JavaVersionService.getInstance().isAtLeast(typeParam, JavaSdkVersion.JDK_1_7) && !isContraVariantPosition) return null; arg = ((PsiPrimitiveType)arg).getBoxedType(typeParam); if (arg == null) return null; } JavaResolveResult paramResult = ((PsiClassType)param).resolveGenerics(); PsiClass paramClass = (PsiClass)paramResult.getElement(); if (typeParam == paramClass) { final PsiClass psiClass = PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(arg); if (arg == null || arg.getDeepComponentType() instanceof PsiPrimitiveType || arg instanceof PsiIntersectionType || (psiClass != null && (isContraVariantPosition || !CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.equals(psiClass.getQualifiedName()) || (arg instanceof PsiArrayType)))) { PsiType bound = intersectAllExtends(typeParam, arg); return Pair.create(bound, ConstraintType.SUPERTYPE); } if (psiClass == null && arg instanceof PsiClassType) { return Pair.create(arg, ConstraintType.EQUALS); } return null; } if (paramClass == null) return null; if (!(arg instanceof PsiClassType)) return null; JavaResolveResult argResult = ((PsiClassType)arg).resolveGenerics(); PsiClass argClass = (PsiClass)argResult.getElement(); if (argClass == null) return null; PsiElementFactory factory = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(manager.getProject()).getElementFactory(); PsiType patternType = factory.createType(typeParam); if (isContraVariantPosition) { PsiSubstitutor substitutor = TypeConversionUtil.getClassSubstitutor(paramClass, argClass, argResult.getSubstitutor()); if (substitutor == null) return null; arg = factory.createType(paramClass, substitutor, languageLevel); } else { PsiSubstitutor substitutor = TypeConversionUtil.getClassSubstitutor(argClass, paramClass, paramResult.getSubstitutor()); if (substitutor == null) return null; param = factory.createType(argClass, substitutor, languageLevel); } return getSubstitutionForTypeParameterInner(param, arg, patternType, ConstraintType.SUPERTYPE, 0); } private static PsiType intersectAllExtends(PsiTypeParameter typeParam, PsiType arg) { if (arg == null) return null; PsiClassType[] superTypes = typeParam.getSuperTypes(); PsiType[] erasureTypes = PsiType.createArray(superTypes.length); for (int i = 0; i < superTypes.length; i++) { erasureTypes[i] = TypeConversionUtil.erasure(superTypes[i]); } PsiType[] types = ArrayUtil.append(erasureTypes, arg, PsiType.class); assert types.length != 0; return PsiIntersectionType.createIntersection(types); } //represents the result of failed type inference: in case we failed inferring from parameters, do not perform inference from context private static final Pair FAILED_INFERENCE = new Pair(PsiType.NULL, ConstraintType.EQUALS); @Nullable private Pair getSubstitutionForTypeParameterInner(PsiType param, PsiType arg, PsiType patternType, final ConstraintType constraintType, final int depth) { if (patternType.equals(param)) { return processArgType(arg, constraintType, depth < 2); } if (arg instanceof PsiCapturedWildcardType && (depth < 2 || constraintType != ConstraintType.EQUALS || param instanceof PsiWildcardType)) { arg = ((PsiCapturedWildcardType)arg).getWildcard(); //reopen } if (param instanceof PsiWildcardType) { final PsiWildcardType wildcardParam = (PsiWildcardType)param; final PsiType paramBound = wildcardParam.getBound(); if (paramBound == null) return null; ConstraintType constrType = wildcardParam.isExtends() ? ConstraintType.SUPERTYPE : ConstraintType.SUBTYPE; if (arg instanceof PsiWildcardType) { if (((PsiWildcardType)arg).isExtends() == wildcardParam.isExtends() && ((PsiWildcardType)arg).isBounded() == wildcardParam.isBounded()) { Pair res = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterInner(paramBound, ((PsiWildcardType)arg).getBound(), patternType, constrType, depth); if (res != null) return res; } } else if (patternType.equals(paramBound)) { Pair res = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterInner(paramBound, arg, patternType, constrType, depth); if (res != null) return res; } else if (paramBound instanceof PsiArrayType && arg instanceof PsiArrayType) { Pair res = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterInner(((PsiArrayType) paramBound).getComponentType(), ((PsiArrayType) arg).getComponentType(), patternType, constrType, depth); if (res != null) return res; } else if (paramBound instanceof PsiClassType && arg instanceof PsiClassType) { final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult boundResult = ((PsiClassType)paramBound).resolveGenerics(); final PsiClass boundClass = boundResult.getElement(); if (boundClass != null) { final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult argResult = ((PsiClassType)arg).resolveGenerics(); final PsiClass argClass = argResult.getElement(); if (argClass != null) { if (wildcardParam.isExtends()) { PsiSubstitutor superSubstitutor = TypeConversionUtil.getClassSubstitutor(boundClass, argClass, argResult.getSubstitutor()); if (superSubstitutor != null) { for (PsiTypeParameter typeParameter : PsiUtil.typeParametersIterable(boundClass)) { PsiType substituted = superSubstitutor.substitute(typeParameter); if (substituted != null) { Pair res = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterInner( boundResult.getSubstitutor().substitute(typeParameter), substituted, patternType, ConstraintType.EQUALS, depth + 1); if (res != null) return res; } } } } else { PsiSubstitutor superSubstitutor = TypeConversionUtil.getClassSubstitutor(argClass, boundClass, boundResult.getSubstitutor()); if (superSubstitutor != null) { for (PsiTypeParameter typeParameter : PsiUtil.typeParametersIterable(argClass)) { PsiType substituted = argResult.getSubstitutor().substitute(typeParameter); if (substituted != null) { Pair res = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterInner( superSubstitutor.substitute(typeParameter), substituted, patternType, ConstraintType.EQUALS, depth + 1); if (res != null) { if (res == FAILED_INFERENCE) continue; return res; } } } } } } } } } if (param instanceof PsiArrayType && arg instanceof PsiArrayType) { return getSubstitutionForTypeParameterInner(((PsiArrayType)param).getComponentType(), ((PsiArrayType)arg).getComponentType(), patternType, constraintType, depth); } if (param instanceof PsiClassType && arg instanceof PsiClassType) { PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult paramResult = ((PsiClassType)param).resolveGenerics(); PsiClass paramClass = paramResult.getElement(); if (paramClass == null) return null; PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult argResult = ((PsiClassType)arg).resolveGenerics(); PsiClass argClass = argResult.getElement(); if (argClass != paramClass) { return inferBySubtypingConstraint(patternType, constraintType, depth, paramClass, argClass); } PsiType lowerBound = PsiType.NULL; PsiType upperBound = PsiType.NULL; Pair wildcardCaptured = null; for (PsiTypeParameter typeParameter : PsiUtil.typeParametersIterable(paramClass)) { PsiType paramType = paramResult.getSubstitutor().substitute(typeParameter); PsiType argType = argResult.getSubstitutor().substituteWithBoundsPromotion(typeParameter); if (wildcardCaptured != null) { boolean alreadyFound = false; for (PsiTypeParameter typeParam : PsiUtil.typeParametersIterable(paramClass)) { if (typeParam != typeParameter && paramType != null && argResult.getSubstitutor().substituteWithBoundsPromotion(typeParam) == argType && paramType.equals(paramResult.getSubstitutor().substitute(typeParam))) { alreadyFound = true; } } if (alreadyFound) continue; } Pair res = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterInner(paramType, argType, patternType, ConstraintType.EQUALS, depth + 1); if (res != null) { final PsiType type = res.getFirst(); switch (res.getSecond()) { case EQUALS: if (!(type instanceof PsiWildcardType)) return res; if (wildcardCaptured != null) return FAILED_INFERENCE; wildcardCaptured = res; break; case SUPERTYPE: wildcardCaptured = res; if (PsiType.NULL.equals(lowerBound)) { lowerBound = type; } else if (!lowerBound.equals(type)) { lowerBound = GenericsUtil.getLeastUpperBound(lowerBound, type, myManager); if (lowerBound == null) return FAILED_INFERENCE; } break; case SUBTYPE: wildcardCaptured = res; if (PsiType.NULL.equals(upperBound) || TypeConversionUtil.isAssignable(upperBound, type)) { upperBound = type; } } } } if (lowerBound != PsiType.NULL) return Pair.create(lowerBound, ConstraintType.SUPERTYPE); if (upperBound != PsiType.NULL) return Pair.create(upperBound, ConstraintType.SUBTYPE); return wildcardCaptured; } return null; } private static final Key inferSubtyping = Key.create("infer.subtyping.marker"); private Pair inferBySubtypingConstraint(PsiType patternType, ConstraintType constraintType, int depth, PsiClass paramClass, PsiClass argClass) { if (argClass instanceof PsiTypeParameter && paramClass instanceof PsiTypeParameter && PsiUtil.isLanguageLevel8OrHigher(argClass)) { final Boolean alreadyInferBySubtyping = paramClass.getCopyableUserData(inferSubtyping); if (alreadyInferBySubtyping != null) return null; final PsiClassType[] argExtendsListTypes = argClass.getExtendsListTypes(); final PsiClassType[] paramExtendsListTypes = paramClass.getExtendsListTypes(); if (argExtendsListTypes.length == paramExtendsListTypes.length) { try { paramClass.putCopyableUserData(inferSubtyping, true); for (int i = 0; i < argExtendsListTypes.length; i++) { PsiClassType argBoundType = argExtendsListTypes[i]; PsiClassType paramBoundType = paramExtendsListTypes[i]; final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult argResolveResult = argBoundType.resolveGenerics(); final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult paramResolveResult = paramBoundType.resolveGenerics(); final PsiClass paramBoundClass = paramResolveResult.getElement(); final PsiClass argBoundClass = argResolveResult.getElement(); if (argBoundClass != null && paramBoundClass != null && paramBoundClass != argBoundClass) { if (argBoundClass.isInheritor(paramBoundClass, true)) { final PsiSubstitutor superClassSubstitutor = TypeConversionUtil.getSuperClassSubstitutor(paramBoundClass, argBoundClass, argResolveResult.getSubstitutor()); argBoundType = JavaPsiFacade.getElementFactory(argClass.getProject()).createType(paramBoundClass, superClassSubstitutor); } else { return null; } } final Pair constraint = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterInner(paramBoundType, argBoundType, patternType, constraintType, depth); if (constraint != null) { return constraint; } } } finally { paramClass.putCopyableUserData(inferSubtyping, null); } } } return null; } private Pair inferMethodTypeParameterFromParent(@NotNull final PsiElement parent, @NotNull PsiExpression methodCall, @NotNull PsiTypeParameter typeParameter, @NotNull PsiSubstitutor substitutor, @NotNull ParameterTypeInferencePolicy policy) { Pair constraint = null; PsiType expectedType = PsiTypesUtil.getExpectedTypeByParent(methodCall); if (expectedType == null) { if (parent instanceof PsiExpressionList) { final PsiElement pParent = parent.getParent(); if (pParent instanceof PsiCallExpression && parent.equals(((PsiCallExpression)pParent).getArgumentList())) { constraint = policy.inferTypeConstraintFromCallContext(methodCall, (PsiExpressionList)parent, (PsiCallExpression)pParent, typeParameter); } } } final GlobalSearchScope scope = parent.getResolveScope(); PsiType returnType = null; if (constraint == null) { if (expectedType == null) { expectedType = methodCall instanceof PsiCallExpression ? policy.getDefaultExpectedType((PsiCallExpression)methodCall) : null; } returnType = ((PsiMethod)typeParameter.getOwner()).getReturnType(); constraint = getSubstitutionForTypeParameterConstraint(typeParameter, returnType, expectedType, false, PsiUtil.getLanguageLevel(parent)); if (constraint != null) { PsiType guess = constraint.getFirst(); if (guess != null && !guess.equals(PsiType.NULL) && constraint.getSecond() == ConstraintType.SUPERTYPE && guess instanceof PsiIntersectionType && !JavaVersionService.getInstance().isAtLeast(parent, JavaSdkVersion.JDK_1_7)) { for (PsiType conjuct : ((PsiIntersectionType)guess).getConjuncts()) { if (!conjuct.isAssignableFrom(expectedType)) { return FAILED_INFERENCE; } } } } } if (constraint == null) { if (methodCall instanceof PsiCallExpression) { PsiType[] superTypes = typeParameter.getSuperTypes(); if (superTypes.length == 0) return null; final PsiType[] types = PsiType.createArray(superTypes.length); for (int i = 0; i < superTypes.length; i++) { PsiType superType = substitutor.substitute(superTypes[i]); if (superType instanceof PsiClassType && ((PsiClassType)superType).isRaw()) { superType = TypeConversionUtil.erasure(superType); } if (superType == null) superType = PsiType.getJavaLangObject(myManager, scope); types[i] = superType; } return policy.getInferredTypeWithNoConstraint(myManager, PsiIntersectionType.createIntersection(types)); } return null; } PsiType guess = constraint.getFirst(); guess = policy.adjustInferredType(myManager, guess, constraint.getSecond()); //The following code is the result of deep thought, do not shit it out before discussing with [ven] if (returnType instanceof PsiClassType && typeParameter.equals(((PsiClassType)returnType).resolve())) { PsiClassType[] extendsTypes = typeParameter.getExtendsListTypes(); PsiSubstitutor newSubstitutor = substitutor.put(typeParameter, guess); for (PsiClassType extendsType1 : extendsTypes) { PsiType extendsType = newSubstitutor.substitute(extendsType1); if (guess != null && !extendsType.isAssignableFrom(guess)) { if (guess.isAssignableFrom(extendsType)) { guess = extendsType; newSubstitutor = substitutor.put(typeParameter, guess); } else { break; } } } } return Pair.create(guess, constraint.getSecond()); } }