/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.codeInsight.completion import com.intellij.codeInsight.CodeInsightSettings import com.intellij.codeInsight.TargetElementUtil import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.impl.CompletionServiceImpl import com.intellij.codeInsight.editorActions.CompletionAutoPopupHandler import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.Lookup import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupElementPresentation import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupManager import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.PsiTypeLookupItem import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.impl.LookupImpl import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.* import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.impl.LiveTemplateDocumentationProvider import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.impl.TemplateImpl import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.impl.TemplateManagerImpl import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.impl.TemplateSettings import com.intellij.ide.DataManager import com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.IdeActions import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager import com.intellij.openapi.command.CommandProcessor import com.intellij.openapi.command.WriteCommandAction import com.intellij.openapi.command.impl.CurrentEditorProvider import com.intellij.openapi.command.impl.UndoManagerImpl import com.intellij.openapi.command.undo.UndoManager import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor import com.intellij.openapi.editor.EditorFactory import com.intellij.openapi.editor.LogicalPosition import com.intellij.openapi.editor.actionSystem.EditorActionManager import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.LoadingOrder import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditor import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditorManager import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile import com.intellij.psi.PsiJavaFile import com.intellij.psi.statistics.StatisticsManager import com.intellij.psi.statistics.impl.StatisticsManagerImpl import com.intellij.testFramework.EditorTestUtil import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull import java.awt.event.KeyEvent /** * @author peter */ class JavaAutoPopupTest extends CompletionAutoPopupTestCase { public void testNewItemsOnLongerPrefix() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { void foo(String iterable) { } } """) type('i') def les = myFixture.lookupElementStrings assert 'iterable' in les assert 'if' in les assert 'int' in les type('t') assertContains "iterable" assertEquals 'iterable', lookup.currentItem.lookupString type('er') les = myFixture.lookupElementStrings assert 'iterable' in les assert 'iter' in les assertEquals 'iter', lookup.currentItem.lookupString assert lookup.focused type 'a' assert lookup.focused } public void testAfterDblColon() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { void foo() { Runnable:: } } """) type('r') def les = myFixture.lookupElementStrings assert 'run' in les assert lookup.focused } def assertContains(String... items) { myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems(0, items) } public void testRecalculateItemsOnBackspace() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { void foo(String iterable) { int itaa; ite } } """) type "r" myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, "iter", "iterable" type '\b' assertContains "iterable" type '\b' assertContains "itaa", "iterable" type "a" assertContains "itaa" type '\b' assertContains "itaa", "iterable" type "e" assertContains "iterable" type "r" myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, "iter", "iterable" } public void testExplicitSelectionShouldSurvive() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { void foo(String iterable) { int iterable2; it } } """) type "e" assertContains "iterable", "iterable2" assertEquals 'iterable', lookup.currentItem.lookupString edt { myFixture.performEditorAction IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_DOWN } assertEquals 'iterable2', lookup.currentItem.lookupString type "r" myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 2, "iter", "iterable", 'iterable2' } public void testExplicitMouseSelectionShouldSurvive() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { void foo(String iterable) { int iterable2; it } } """) type "e" assertContains "iterable", "iterable2" assertEquals 'iterable', lookup.currentItem.lookupString edt { lookup.currentItem = lookup.items[1] } assertEquals 'iterable2', lookup.currentItem.lookupString type "r" myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 2, "iter", "iterable", 'iterable2' } public void testGenerallyFocusLookupInJavaMethod() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { String foo(String iterable) { return it; } } """) type 'e' assertTrue lookup.focused } public void testNoLookupFocusInJavaVariable() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { String foo(String st) { } } """) type 'r' assertFalse lookup.focused } public void testNoStupidNameSuggestions() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { String foo(String ) { } } """) type 'x' assert !myFixture.lookupElementStrings } public void testExplicitSelectionShouldBeHonoredFocused() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { String foo() { int abcd; int abce; a } } """) type 'b' assert lookup.focused type 'c' assertContains 'abcd', 'abce' assertEquals 'abcd', lookup.currentItem.lookupString edt { lookup.currentItem = lookup.items[1] } assertEquals 'abce', lookup.currentItem.lookupString type '\t' myFixture.checkResult """ class Foo { String foo() { int abcd; int abce; abce } } """ } public void testFocusInJavadoc() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ /** * {@link AIO} */ class Foo {} """) type 'O' assert lookup.focused } public void testPrefixLengthDependentSorting() { myFixture.addClass("package foo; public class PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement {}") myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ import foo.PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement; class PsiJavaCodeReferenceElementImpl { { } } """) type 'PJCR' assertContains 'PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement', 'PsiJavaCodeReferenceElementImpl' } public void testQuickSelectAfterReuse() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { Iterable iterable; { } } """) type 'ite' edt { myFixture.type 'r' lookup.markReused() lookup.currentItem = lookup.items[0] CommandProcessor.instance.executeCommand project, {lookup.finishLookup Lookup.NORMAL_SELECT_CHAR}, null, null } myFixture.checkResult """ class A { Iterable iterable; { iterable } } """ } public void testQuickSelectAfterReuseAndBackspace() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { Iterable iterable; { } } """) type 'ite' edt { myFixture.type 'r' lookup.markReused() myFixture.type '\b\b' lookup.currentItem = lookup.items[0] CommandProcessor.instance.executeCommand project, ({lookup.finishLookup Lookup.NORMAL_SELECT_CHAR} as Runnable), null, null } myFixture.checkResult """ class A { Iterable iterable; { iterable } } """ } public void testQuickSelectLiveTemplate() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { { } } """) type 'th' edt { myFixture.type 'r\t'} myFixture.checkResult """ class A { { throw new } } """ } public void testTwoQuickRestartsAfterHiding() { for (i in 0..10) { myFixture.configureByText("a${i}.java", """ class A { { } } """) edt { myFixture.type 'A' } joinAutopopup() // completion started boolean tooQuick = false edt { tooQuick = lookup == null myFixture.type 'IO' } joinAutopopup() //I joinAutopopup() //O joinCompletion() assert lookup assert 'ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException' in myFixture.lookupElementStrings if (!tooQuick) { return } edt { LookupManager.getInstance(project).hideActiveLookup() CompletionProgressIndicator.cleanupForNextTest() } } fail "too many too quick attempts" } public void testTypingDuringExplicitCompletion() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { { Runnable r = new } } """) myFixture.complete CompletionType.SMART edt { myFixture.type 'Thr' } joinCompletion() assert lookup assert 'Thread' in myFixture.lookupElementStrings } public void testDotAfterVariable() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { { Object ooo; } } """) type 'o.' assert myFixture.file.text.contains("ooo.") assert lookup } public void testDotAfterCall() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { { } } """) type 'tos.' assert myFixture.file.text.contains("toString().") assert lookup } public void testDotAfterClassName() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { { } } """) type 'AIOO.' assert myFixture.file.text.contains("ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.") assert lookup } public void testDotAfterClassNameInParameter() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { void foo() {} } """) type 'AIOO...' assert myFixture.editor.document.text.contains("ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException...") assert !lookup } void testArrows(String toType, int indexDown, int indexUp) { Closure checkArrow = { String action, int expectedIndex -> myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { void foo() {} void farObject() {} void fzrObject() {} { } } """) type toType assert lookup assert !lookup.focused edt { myFixture.performEditorAction(action) } if (lookup) { assert lookup.focused assert expectedIndex >= 0 assert lookup.items[expectedIndex] == lookup.currentItem edt { lookup.hide() } } else { assert expectedIndex == -1 } type '\b' } checkArrow(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_UP, indexUp) checkArrow(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_DOWN, indexDown) } public void "test vertical arrows in non-focused lookup"() { String toType = "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ind" testArrows toType, 0, 1 UISettings.instance.CYCLE_SCROLLING = false try { testArrows toType, 0, -1 } finally { UISettings.instance.CYCLE_SCROLLING = true } } public void "test vertical arrows in semi-focused lookup"() { CodeInsightSettings.instance.SELECT_AUTOPOPUP_SUGGESTIONS_BY_CHARS = false UISettings.getInstance().SORT_LOOKUP_ELEMENTS_LEXICOGRAPHICALLY = true String toType = "fo" testArrows toType, 2, 0 UISettings.instance.CYCLE_SCROLLING = false try { testArrows toType, 2, 0 } finally { UISettings.instance.CYCLE_SCROLLING = true } } public void testHideOnOnePrefixVariant() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { Object foo() { return nu } } """) type 'll' assert !lookup } public void testResumeAfterBackspace() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { Object foo() { this } } """) type '.' assert lookup type 'x' assert !lookup type '\b' assert !lookup type 'c' assert lookup } public void testHideOnInvalidSymbolAfterBackspace() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class A { Object foo() { this } } """) type '.' assert lookup type 'c' assert lookup type '\b' assert lookup type 'x' assert !lookup } public void testDoubleLiteralInField() { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", """ public interface Test { double FULL = 1.0 }""" type 'd' assert !lookup } public void testCancellingDuringCalculation() { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", """ class Aaaaaaa {} public interface Test { }""" edt { myFixture.type 'A' } joinAutopopup() def first = lookup assert first edt { assert first == lookup lookup.hide() myFixture.type 'a' } joinAutopopup() joinAutopopup() joinAutopopup() assert lookup != first } static class LongReplacementOffsetContributor extends CompletionContributor { @Override void duringCompletion(@NotNull CompletionInitializationContext cxt) { Thread.sleep 500 ProgressManager.checkCanceled() cxt.replacementOffset--; } } static class LongContributor extends CompletionContributor { @Override void fillCompletionVariants(CompletionParameters parameters, CompletionResultSet result) { result.runRemainingContributors(parameters, true) Thread.sleep 500 } } public void testDuringCompletionMustFinish() { registerContributor(LongReplacementOffsetContributor) edt { myFixture.addFileToProject 'directory/foo.txt', '' } myFixture.configureByText "a.java", 'public interface Test { RuntiExcexxx }' myFixture.completeBasic() while (!lookup.items) { Thread.sleep(10) edt { lookup.refreshUi(false, false) } } edt { myFixture.type '\t' } myFixture.checkResult 'public interface Test { RuntimeExceptionx }' } private def registerContributor(final Class contributor, LoadingOrder order = LoadingOrder.LAST) { registerCompletionContributor(contributor, testRootDisposable, order) } static def registerCompletionContributor(final Class contributor, Disposable parentDisposable, LoadingOrder order) { def ep = Extensions.rootArea.getExtensionPoint("com.intellij.completion.contributor") def bean = new CompletionContributorEP(language: 'JAVA', implementationClass: contributor.name) ep.registerExtension(bean, order) Disposer.register(parentDisposable, { ep.unregisterExtension(bean) } as Disposable) } public void testLeftRightMovements() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { void foo(String iterable) { ter x } } """) type('i') def offset = myFixture.editor.caretModel.offset assertContains "iterable", "if", "int" edt { myFixture.performEditorAction(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_RIGHT) } assert myFixture.editor.caretModel.offset == offset + 1 joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() assert !lookup.calculating assertContains "iterable" assertEquals 'iterable', lookup.currentItem.lookupString edt { myFixture.performEditorAction(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_LEFT) } assert myFixture.editor.caretModel.offset == offset joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() assert !lookup.calculating assertContains "iterable", "if", "int" assertEquals 'iterable', lookup.currentItem.lookupString edt { myFixture.performEditorAction(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_LEFT) } joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() assert !lookup.calculating assert lookup.items.size() > 3 for (i in 0.."iter".size()) { edt { myFixture.performEditorAction(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_RIGHT) } } assert !lookup } public void testTypingInAnotherEditor() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", "") type 'c' assert lookup Editor another = null def wca = new WriteCommandAction.Simple(getProject(), new PsiFile[0]) { @Override protected void run() { EditorActionManager.instance.getTypedAction().handler.execute(another, (char) 'x', DataManager.instance.dataContext) } } try { edt { assert !lookup.calculating lookup.hide() def file = myFixture.addFileToProject("b.java", "") another = EditorFactory.instance.createEditor(file.viewProvider.document, project) wca.execute() assert 'x' == another.document.text } joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() LookupImpl l1 = LookupManager.getActiveLookup(another) if (l1) { printThreadDump() println l1.items println l1.calculating println myFixture.editor println another println CompletionServiceImpl.completionPhase assert false : l1.items } type 'l' assert lookup } finally { edt { EditorFactory.instance.releaseEditor(another) } } } public void testExplicitCompletionOnEmptyAutopopup() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", "") type 'cccccc' myFixture.completeBasic() joinCompletion() assert !lookup } public void testNoSingleTemplateLookup() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo { psv }' type 'm' assert !lookup : myFixture.lookupElementStrings } public void testTemplatesWithNonImportedClasses() { CodeInsightSettings.instance.COMPLETION_CASE_SENSITIVE = CodeInsightSettings.NONE myFixture.addClass("package foo.bar; public class ToArray {}") try { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo {{ foo() }}' type 'toar' assert lookup assert 'toar' in myFixture.lookupElementStrings assert 'ToArray' in myFixture.lookupElementStrings } finally { CodeInsightSettings.instance.COMPLETION_CASE_SENSITIVE = CodeInsightSettings.FIRST_LETTER } } public void testTemplateSelectionBySpace() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { int ITER = 2; int itea = 2; { it } } """) type 'er ' assert !myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('for ') } public void testNewClassParenthesis() { CodeInsightSettings.instance.COMPLETION_CASE_SENSITIVE = CodeInsightSettings.NONE try { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { { new } } """) type 'aioo(' assert myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException()') } finally { CodeInsightSettings.instance.COMPLETION_CASE_SENSITIVE = CodeInsightSettings.FIRST_LETTER } } public void testUnknownMethodParenthesis() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { { } } """) type 'filinpstr(' assert myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('filinpstr()') } public void testNoAutopopupAfterSpace() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { { int newa; } } """) edt { myFixture.type('new ') } joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() assert !lookup } public void testRestartAndTypingDuringCopyCommit() { registerContributor(LongReplacementOffsetContributor) myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { { int newa; } } """) myFixture.type 'n' joinAutopopup() myFixture.type 'e' joinCommit() // original commit myFixture.type 'w' joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() myFixture.type '\n' myFixture.checkResult(" class Foo { { int newa; new } } ") assert !lookup } public void testAutoRestartAndTypingDuringCopyCommit() { registerContributor(LongReplacementOffsetContributor) myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { { int iteraaa; } } """) type 'ite' assert !('iter' in myFixture.lookupElementStrings) myFixture.type 'r' joinCommit() myFixture.type 'a' joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() myFixture.type '\n' myFixture.checkResult(" class Foo { { int iteraaa; iteraaa } } ") assert !lookup } public void testChoosingItemDuringCopyCommit() { registerContributor(LongReplacementOffsetContributor) myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { { int iteraaa; } } """) type 'ite' assert !('iter' in myFixture.lookupElementStrings) assert 'iteraaa' in myFixture.lookupElementStrings myFixture.type 'r' joinCommit() myFixture.type 'a.' myFixture.checkResult(" class Foo { { int iteraaa; iteraaa. } } ") } public void testRestartWithInvisibleLookup() { registerContributor(LongReplacementOffsetContributor) myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { { int abcdef; } } """) myFixture.type 'a' joinAutopopup() assert lookup edt { myFixture.type 'bc' } joinAutopopup() joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() assert lookup assert lookup.shown } public void testRestartWithVisibleLookup() { registerContributor(LongContributor, LoadingOrder.FIRST) myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { { int abcdef, abcdefg; ab } } """) myFixture.completeBasic() while (!lookup.shown) { Thread.sleep(1) } def l = lookup edt { assert lookup.calculating myFixture.type 'c' } joinCommit { myFixture.type 'd' } joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() assert lookup == l assert !lookup.calculating assert lookup.shown } private void joinSomething(int degree) { if (degree == 0) return joinCommit() if (degree == 1) return joinCommit() if (degree == 2) return edt {} if (degree == 3) return joinCompletion() } public void testEveryPossibleWayToTypeIf() { def src = "class Foo { { int ifa; } }" def result = "class Foo { { int ifa; if } }" int actions = 4 for (a1 in 0..actions) { for (a2 in 0..actions) { myFixture.configureByText("$a1 $a2 .java", src) myFixture.type 'i' joinSomething(a1) myFixture.type 'f' joinSomething(a2) myFixture.type ' ' joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() myFixture.checkResult(result) assert !lookup } } for (a1 in 0..actions) { myFixture.configureByText("$a1 if .java", src) edt { myFixture.type 'if' } joinSomething(a1) myFixture.type ' ' joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() myFixture.checkResult(result) assert !lookup } for (a1 in 0..actions) { myFixture.configureByText("$a1 if .java", src) myFixture.type 'i' joinSomething(a1) edt { myFixture.type 'f ' } joinAutopopup() joinCompletion() myFixture.checkResult(result) assert !lookup } } public void testNonFinishedParameterComma() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { void foo(int aaa, int aaaaa) { } void bar(int aaa, int aaaaa) { foo() } } """) type 'a' println myFixture.lookupElementStrings type 'a' println myFixture.lookupElementStrings type ',' assert myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('foo(aaa, )') } public void testFinishedParameterComma() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { void foo(int aaa, int aaaaa) { foo() } } """) type 'aaa,' assert myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('foo(aaa,)') } public void testNonFinishedVariableEq() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { void foo(int aaa, int aaaaa) { } } """) type 'a=' assert myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('aaa = ') } public void testFinishedVariableEq() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { void foo(int aaa, int aaaaa) { } } """) type 'aaa=' assert myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('aaa=') } public void testCompletionWhenLiveTemplateAreNotSufficient() { TemplateManagerImpl.setTemplateTesting(getProject(), getTestRootDisposable()); myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ class Foo { { Iterable l1 = null; Iterable l2 = null; Object asdf = null; iter } } """) type '\t' assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings == ['l2', 'l1'] type 'as' assert lookup assertContains 'asdf', 'assert' type '\n.' assert lookup assert 'hashCode' in myFixture.lookupElementStrings assert myFixture.file.text.contains('asdf.') } public void testNoWordCompletionAutoPopup() { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", 'class Bar { void foo() { "f" }}' type 'o' assert !lookup } public void testMethodNameRestart() { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", ''' public class Bar { private static List getS } ''' type 'ta' assert !lookup } public void testTargetElementInLookup() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', ''' class Foo { void x__foo() {} void bar() { } void x__goo() {} } ''' def cls = ((PsiJavaFile)myFixture.file).getClasses()[0] def foo = cls.methods[0] def goo = cls.methods[2] type('x') assertContains 'x__foo', 'x__goo' edt { assert foo == TargetElementUtil.instance.findTargetElement(myFixture.editor, TargetElementUtil.LOOKUP_ITEM_ACCEPTED) myFixture.performEditorAction(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_DOWN) assert goo == TargetElementUtil.instance.findTargetElement(myFixture.editor, TargetElementUtil.LOOKUP_ITEM_ACCEPTED) } type('_') myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 1, 'x__foo', 'x__goo' edt { assert goo == TargetElementUtil.instance.findTargetElement(myFixture.editor, TargetElementUtil.LOOKUP_ITEM_ACCEPTED) myFixture.performEditorAction(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_UP) assert foo == TargetElementUtil.instance.findTargetElement(myFixture.editor, TargetElementUtil.LOOKUP_ITEM_ACCEPTED) } } public void testExplicitAutocompletionAfterAutoPopup() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo ' type 'ext' CompletionAutoPopupHandler.ourTestingAutopopup = false edt { myFixture.completeBasic() } assert !lookup : myFixture.lookupElementStrings myFixture.checkResult 'class Foo extends ' } public void testExplicitMultipleVariantCompletionAfterAutoPopup() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo {}' type 'pr' CompletionAutoPopupHandler.ourTestingAutopopup = false edt { myFixture.completeBasic() } myFixture.checkResult 'class Foo {pr}' ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Runnable() { @Override void run() { getLookup().items.each { getLookup().list.cellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(getLookup().list, it, 0, false, false) } } }); assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings.containsAll(['private', 'protected']) } public void testExactMatchesFirst() { myFixture.configureByText("a.java", """ public class UTest { void nextWord() {} void foo() { n } }""") type 'ew' assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings == ['new', 'nextWord'] } public void testUpdatePrefixMatchingOnTyping() { myFixture.addClass("class CertificateEncodingException {}") myFixture.addClass("class CertificateException {}") myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo {}' type 'CertificateExce' assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings == ['CertificateException', 'CertificateEncodingException'] } public void testNoClassesInUnqualifiedImports() { myFixture.addClass("package xxxxx; public class Xxxxxxxxx {}") myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'package foo; import ' type 'xxx' assert !lookup } public void testPopupAfterDotAfterPackage() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', '' type 'import jav' assert lookup type '.' assert lookup } public void testSamePrefixIgnoreCase() { myFixture.addClass("package xxxxx; public class SYSTEM_EXCEPTION {}") myFixture.configureByText "a.java", "import xxxxx.*; class Foo { S }" type 'Ystem' myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 1, 'System', 'SYSTEM_EXCEPTION' } public void testSamePrefixIgnoreCase2() { myFixture.addClass("package xxxxx; public class SYSTEM_EXCEPTION {}") myFixture.addClass("package xxxxx; public class SYstem {}") myFixture.configureByText "a.java", "import xxxxx.*; class Foo { S }" type 'Ystem' myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, 'SYstem', 'System', 'SYSTEM_EXCEPTION' } private FileEditor openEditorForUndo() { FileEditor editor; edt { editor = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project).openFile(myFixture.file.virtualFile, false)[0] } def manager = (UndoManagerImpl) UndoManager.getInstance(project) def old = manager.editorProvider manager.editorProvider = new CurrentEditorProvider() { @Override public FileEditor getCurrentEditor() { return editor; } }; disposeOnTearDown ({ manager.editorProvider = old } as Disposable) return editor } public void testAutopopupTypingUndo() { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", "class Foo {{ }}" def editor = openEditorForUndo(); type 'aioobeeee' edt { UndoManager.getInstance(project).undo(editor) } assert !myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('aioo') } public void testNoLiveTemplatesAfterDot() { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", "class Foo {{ Iterable t; t. }}" type 'iter' assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings == ['iterator'] } public void testTypingFirstVarargDot() { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", "class Foo { void foo(Foo[] a) { }; class Bar {}}" type '.' assert !lookup } public void testBlockSelection() { doTestBlockSelection """ class Foo {{ tx; tx; }}""", '\n', ''' class Foo {{ toString()x; toString()x; }}''' } public void testBlockSelectionTab() { doTestBlockSelection """ class Foo {{ tx; tx; }}""", '\t', ''' class Foo {{ toString(); toString(); }}''' } public void testBlockSelectionBackspace() { doTestBlockSelection """ class Foo {{ t; t; }}""", '\b\t', ''' class Foo {{ toString(); toString(); }}''' } public void testMulticaret() { doTestMulticaret """ class Foo {{ tx; tx; }}""", '\n', ''' class Foo {{ toString()x; toString()x; }}''' } public void testMulticaretTab() { doTestMulticaret """ class Foo {{ tx; tx; }}""", '\t', ''' class Foo {{ toString(); toString(); }}''' } public void testMulticaretBackspace() { doTestMulticaret """ class Foo {{ t; t; }}""", '\b\t', ''' class Foo {{ toString(); toString(); }}''' } private doTestMulticaret(final String textBefore, final String toType, final String textAfter) { EditorTestUtil.enableMultipleCarets() try { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", textBefore type 'toStr' assert lookup type toType myFixture.checkResult textAfter } finally { EditorTestUtil.disableMultipleCarets() } } private doTestBlockSelection(final String textBefore, final String toType, final String textAfter) { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", textBefore edt { def caret = myFixture.editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(myFixture.editor.caretModel.offset) myFixture.editor.selectionModel.setBlockSelection(caret, new LogicalPosition(caret.line + 1, caret.column + 1)) } type 'toStr' assert lookup type toType myFixture.checkResult textAfter def start = myFixture.editor.selectionModel.blockStart def end = myFixture.editor.selectionModel.blockEnd assert start.line == end.line - 1 assert start.column == end.column assert end == myFixture.editor.caretModel.logicalPosition } public void "test two non-imported classes when space selects first autopopup item"() { myFixture.addClass("package foo; public class Abcdefg {}") myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo extends ' type 'Abcde ' myFixture.checkResult 'import foo.Abcdefg;\n\nclass Foo extends Abcdefg ' } public void "test two non-imported classes when space does not select first autopopup item"() { CodeInsightSettings.instance.SELECT_AUTOPOPUP_SUGGESTIONS_BY_CHARS = false myFixture.addClass("package foo; public class Abcdefg {}") myFixture.addClass("package bar; public class Abcdefg {}") myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo extends ' type 'Abcde' assert lookup.items.size() == 2 edt { myFixture.performEditorAction(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_DOWN) } type ' ' myFixture.checkResult '''import foo.Abcdefg; class Foo extends Abcdefg ''' } public void testTwoNonImportedClasses_() { myFixture.addClass("package foo; public class Abcdefg {}") myFixture.addClass("package bar; public class Abcdefg {}") myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo extends ' type 'Abcde' assert lookup.items.size() == 2 } public void testClassNameInProperties() { myFixture.addClass("package java.langa; public class Abcdefg {}") myFixture.configureByText 'a.properties', 'key.11=java' type '.' assert lookup type 'lang' assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings.size() >= 2 type '.' assert lookup edt { myFixture.editor.caretModel.moveToOffset(myFixture.editor.document.text.indexOf('lang')) } assert !lookup type 'i' assert 'io' in myFixture.lookupElementStrings } public void testEnteringLabel() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', '''class Foo {{ }} ''' type 'FIS:' assert myFixture.file.text.contains('FIS:') } public void testSoutvTemplate() { TemplateManagerImpl.setTemplateTesting(getProject(), getTestRootDisposable()); myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo {{ }}' type 'soutv\tgetcl.' myFixture.checkResult '''class Foo {{ System.out.println("getClass(). = " + getClass().); }}''' } public void testReturnLParen() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo { int foo() { }}' type 're(' myFixture.checkResult 'class Foo { int foo() { re() }}' } public void testAmbiguousClassQualifier() { myFixture.addClass("package foo; public class Util { public static void foo() {}; public static final int CONSTANT = 2; }") myFixture.addClass("package bar; public class Util { public static void bar() {} }") myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo {{ Util }}' type '.' assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings == ['Util.bar', 'Util.CONSTANT', 'Util.foo'] def p = LookupElementPresentation.renderElement(myFixture.lookupElements[1]) assert p.itemText == 'Util.CONSTANT' assert p.tailText == ' (foo)' assert p.typeText == 'int' type 'fo\n' myFixture.checkResult '''import foo.Util; class Foo {{ Util.foo(); }}''' } public void testPackageQualifier() { CodeInsightSettings.instance.SELECT_AUTOPOPUP_SUGGESTIONS_BY_CHARS = false myFixture.addClass("package com.too; public class Util {}") myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo { void foo(Object command) { }}' type 'com.t' assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings.containsAll(['too', 'command.toString']) } public void testUnfinishedString() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', ''' // Date class Foo { String s = " String s2 = s; } ''' type 'D' assert !lookup } public void testVarargParenthesis() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', ''' class Foo { void foo(File... files) { } { foo(new ) } } ''' type 'File(' assert myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('new File()') } public void "test inaccessible class in another package shouldn't prevent choosing by space"() { myFixture.addClass("package foo; class b {}") myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo {{ }}' type 'b' assert lookup?.currentItem?.lookupString == 'boolean' type ' ' myFixture.checkResult 'class Foo {{ boolean }}' } @Override protected void setUp() { super.setUp() CodeInsightSettings.instance.SELECT_AUTOPOPUP_SUGGESTIONS_BY_CHARS = true } @Override protected void tearDown() { CodeInsightSettings.instance.SELECT_AUTOPOPUP_SUGGESTIONS_BY_CHARS = false CodeInsightSettings.instance.COMPLETION_CASE_SENSITIVE = CodeInsightSettings.FIRST_LETTER UISettings.getInstance().SORT_LOOKUP_ELEMENTS_LEXICOGRAPHICALLY = false super.tearDown() } public void testBackspaceShouldShowPreviousVariants() { CodeInsightSettings.instance.COMPLETION_CASE_SENSITIVE = CodeInsightSettings.NONE myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo{ void foo(int itera, int itex) { it }}' type 'e' myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, 'itera', 'itex' type 'r' myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, 'iter', 'itera' type '\b' myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, 'itera', 'itex' } public void testBackspaceUntilDot() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo{ void foo(String s) { s }}' type '.sub' assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings type '\b\b\b' assert lookup type '\b' assert !lookup } public void testReplaceTypedPrefixPart() { ((StatisticsManagerImpl)StatisticsManager.getInstance()).enableStatistics(getTestRootDisposable()); myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', 'class Foo{ { }}' for (i in 0..StatisticsManager.OBLIVION_THRESHOLD) { type 'System.out.printl\n\n' } type 'System.out.pr' assert lookup.currentItem.lookupString == 'println' type '\n2' assert myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('.println();2') } public void testQuickBackspaceEnter() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', '' type 'cl' assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings == ['class'] myFixture.type('\b\n') myFixture.checkResult('class ') } void joinCompletion() { myTester.joinCompletion() } protected def joinCommit(Closure c1={}) { myTester.joinCommit(c1) } protected void joinAutopopup() { myTester.joinAutopopup() } public void "test new primitive array in Object variable"() { CodeInsightSettings.instance.COMPLETION_CASE_SENSITIVE = CodeInsightSettings.NONE myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', ''' class Foo { void foo() { Object o = new } } ''' type 'int' myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, 'int', 'Integer' assert ((PsiTypeLookupItem) myFixture.lookupElements[0]).bracketsCount == 1 type '[' myFixture.checkResult ''' class Foo { void foo() { Object o = new int[] } } ''' } public void "test no focus in variable name"() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', ''' class FooBar { void foo() { FooBar } } ''' type 'f' assert lookup assert !lookup.focused type '\n' assert !myFixture.editor.document.text.contains('fooBar') } public void "test middle matching and overwrite"() { myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', ''' class ListConfigKey { void foo() { } } ''' type 'CK\t' myFixture.checkResult ''' class ListConfigKey { void foo() { ListConfigKey } } ''' } public void testPreselectMostRelevantInTheMiddleAlpha() { UISettings.getInstance().SORT_LOOKUP_ELEMENTS_LEXICOGRAPHICALLY = true; CodeInsightSettings.instance.SELECT_AUTOPOPUP_SUGGESTIONS_BY_CHARS = false myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', ''' class Foo { void setText() {} void setHorizontalText() {} void foo() { } } ''' type 'sette' myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 1, 'setHorizontalText', 'setText' edt { myFixture.performEditorAction IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_MOVE_CARET_UP } myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, 'setHorizontalText', 'setText' } public void "test pressing enter while autopopup is calculating variants should cancel autopopup"() { registerContributor(LongContributor, LoadingOrder.FIRST) myFixture.configureByText "a.java", "class Foo {{ }}" myFixture.type('a') joinAutopopup() type('\n') assert !lookup } public void "test pressing enter and a letter while autopopup is calculating variants should restart autopopup"() { registerContributor(LongContributor, LoadingOrder.FIRST) myFixture.configureByText "a.java", "class Foo {{ }}" myFixture.type('a') joinAutopopup() myFixture.type('\na') joinCompletion() assert lookup } public void "test a random write action shouldn't cancel autopopup"() { registerContributor(LongContributor, LoadingOrder.FIRST) myFixture.configureByText "a.java", "class Foo {{ }}" myFixture.type('a') joinAutopopup() edt { ApplicationManager.application.runWriteAction {} } joinCompletion() assert lookup } public void "test typing during restart commit document"() { def longText = "\nfoo(); bar();" * 100 myFixture.configureByText "a.java", "class Foo { void foo(int ab, int abde) { ; $longText }}" myFixture.type('a') joinAutopopup() myFixture.type('b') myTester.joinCommit() myFixture.type('c') joinCompletion() assert !lookup } public void "test no name autopopup in live template"() { TemplateManagerImpl.setTemplateTesting(getProject(), getTestRootDisposable()); myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', '''class F { String nameContainingIdentifier; }''' final TemplateManager manager = TemplateManager.getInstance(getProject()); final Template template = manager.createTemplate("m", "user", 'void foo(String $V1$) {}'); template.addVariable("V1", "", '"s"', true); edt { CommandProcessor.instance.executeCommand project, {manager.startTemplate(myFixture.editor, template)}, null, null } type('name') assert !myFixture.lookupElementStrings assert !lookup } public void "test template prefix is better than middle matches"() { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", """ class Cls { void foo() { } void mySout() {} } """ type('sout') myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, 'sout', 'mySout' } public void "test single overriding getter"() { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", """ public class Foo { public int getField() {} } class X extends Foo { int field; } """ type 'getf' assert myFixture.lookupElementStrings == ['public int getField'] } public void "test live template quick doc"() { myFixture.configureByText "a.java", """ class Cls { void foo() { } void mySout() {} } """ type('sout') assert lookup assert 'sout' in myFixture.lookupElementStrings def docProvider = new LiveTemplateDocumentationProvider() def docElement = docProvider.getDocumentationElementForLookupItem(myFixture.psiManager, lookup.currentItem, null) assert docElement.presentation.presentableText == 'sout' assert docProvider.generateDoc(docElement, docElement).contains('System.out') } public void "test finishing class reference property value completion with dot opens autopopup"() { myFixture.configureByText "a.properties", "myprop=ja" type 'v' myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, 'java' lookup.focusDegree = LookupImpl.FocusDegree.FOCUSED type '.' myFixture.checkResult 'myprop=java.' assert lookup } public void "test live template without description"() { final TemplateManager manager = TemplateManager.getInstance(getProject()); final Template template = manager.createTemplate("tpl", "user", null); final JavaCodeContextType contextType = ContainerUtil.findInstance(TemplateContextType.EP_NAME.getExtensions(), JavaCodeContextType.Statement); ((TemplateImpl)template).getTemplateContext().setEnabled(contextType, true); LiveTemplateTest.addTemplate(template, testRootDisposable) myFixture.configureByText 'a.java', ''' class Foo { int tplMn; { } } ''' type 'tpl' myFixture.assertPreferredCompletionItems 0, 'tpl', 'tplMn' LookupElementPresentation p = LookupElementPresentation.renderElement(myFixture.lookupElements[0]) assert p.itemText == 'tpl' assert !p.tailText def tabKeyPresentation = KeyEvent.getKeyText(TemplateSettings.TAB_CHAR as int) assert p.typeText == " [$tabKeyPresentation] " } }