/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.codeInspection; import com.intellij.JavaTestUtil; import com.intellij.codeInspection.dataFlow.DataFlowInspection; import com.intellij.testFramework.LightProjectDescriptor; import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.JavaCodeInsightTestFixture; import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.LightCodeInsightFixtureTestCase; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; /** * @author peter */ public class DataFlowInspectionTest extends LightCodeInsightFixtureTestCase { @NotNull @Override protected LightProjectDescriptor getProjectDescriptor() { return JAVA_1_7; } @Override protected String getTestDataPath() { return JavaTestUtil.getJavaTestDataPath() + "/inspection/dataFlow/fixture/"; } private void doTest() { final DataFlowInspection inspection = new DataFlowInspection(); inspection.SUGGEST_NULLABLE_ANNOTATIONS = true; inspection.REPORT_CONSTANT_REFERENCE_VALUES = false; myFixture.enableInspections(inspection); myFixture.testHighlighting(true, false, true, getTestName(false) + ".java"); } public void testTryInAnonymous() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNullableAnonymousMethod() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNullableAnonymousParameter() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNullableAnonymousVolatile() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNullableAnonymousVolatileNotNull() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testLocalClass() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testFieldInAnonymous() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testFieldInitializerInAnonymous() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNullableField() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testCanBeNullDoesntImplyIsNull() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testAnnReport() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testBigMethodNotComplex() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testBuildRegexpNotComplex() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testTernaryInWhileNotComplex() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testTryCatchInForNotComplex() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNestedTryInWhileNotComplex() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testExceptionFromFinally() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testExceptionFromFinallyNesting() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNestedFinally() { doTest(); } public void testFieldChangedBetweenSynchronizedBlocks() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testGeneratedEquals() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testIDEA84489() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testComparingNullToNotNull() { doTest(); } public void testComparingNullableToNullable() { doTest(); } public void testComparingNullableToUnknown() { doTest(); } public void testComparingToNotNullShouldNotAffectNullity() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testComparingToNullableShouldNotAffectNullity() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testStringTernaryAlwaysTrue() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testStringConcatAlwaysNotNull() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNotNullPrimitive() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testBoxing128() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testFinalFieldsInitializedByAnnotatedParameters() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testFinalFieldsInitializedNotNull() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testMultiCatch() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testContinueFlushesLoopVariable() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testEqualsNotNull() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testVisitFinallyOnce() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNotEqualsDoesntImplyNotNullity() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testEqualsEnumConstant() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testEqualsConstant() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testFinalLoopVariableInstanceof() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testGreaterIsNotEquals() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNotGreaterIsNotEquals() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testChainedFinalFieldsDfa() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testFinalFieldsDifferentInstances() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testThisFieldGetters() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testChainedFinalFieldAccessorsDfa() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testAccessorPlusMutator() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testClosureVariableField() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testOptionalThis() { doTest(); } public void testAssigningNullableToNotNull() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testAssigningUnknownToNullable() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testAssigningClassLiteralToNullable() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testSynchronizingOnNullable() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testReturningNullFromVoidMethod() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testCatchRuntimeException() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testCatchThrowable() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNotNullCatchParameter() { doTest(); } public void testAssertFailInCatch() throws Throwable { myFixture.addClass("package org.junit; public class Assert { public static void fail() {}}"); doTest(); } public void testPreserveNullableOnUncheckedCast() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testPrimitiveCastMayChangeValue() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testPassingNullableIntoVararg() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testEqualsImpliesNotNull() throws Throwable { doTestReportConstantReferences(); } public void testEffectivelyUnqualified() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testSkipAssertions() { final DataFlowInspection inspection = new DataFlowInspection(); inspection.DONT_REPORT_TRUE_ASSERT_STATEMENTS = true; myFixture.enableInspections(inspection); myFixture.testHighlighting(true, false, true, getTestName(false) + ".java"); } public void testReportConstantReferences() { doTestReportConstantReferences(); myFixture.launchAction(myFixture.findSingleIntention("Replace with 'null'")); myFixture.checkResultByFile(getTestName(false) + "_after.java"); } public void testReportConstantReferences_OverloadedCall() { doTestReportConstantReferences(); myFixture.launchAction(myFixture.findSingleIntention("Replace with 'null'")); myFixture.checkResultByFile(getTestName(false) + "_after.java"); } public void testReportConstantReferencesAfterFinalFieldAccess() { doTestReportConstantReferences(); } private void doTestReportConstantReferences() { DataFlowInspection inspection = new DataFlowInspection(); inspection.SUGGEST_NULLABLE_ANNOTATIONS = true; myFixture.enableInspections(inspection); myFixture.testHighlighting(true, false, true, getTestName(false) + ".java"); } public void testCheckFieldInitializers() { doTest(); } public void testConstantDoubleComparisons() { doTest(); } public void testInherentNumberRanges() { doTest(); } public void testMutableNullableFieldsTreatment() { doTest(); } public void testMutableVolatileNullableFieldsTreatment() { doTest(); } public void testMutableNotAnnotatedFieldsTreatment() { doTest(); } public void testSuperCallMayChangeFields() { doTest(); } public void testOtherCallMayChangeFields() { doTest(); } public void testMethodCallFlushesField() { doTest(); } public void testUnknownFloatMayBeNaN() { doTest(); } public void testFloatEquality() { doTest(); } public void testLastConstantConditionInAnd() { doTest(); } public void testTransientFinalField() { doTest(); } public void testFinalFieldDuringInitialization() { doTest(); } public void testFinalFieldDuringSuperInitialization() { doTest(); } public void _testSymmetricUncheckedCast() { doTest(); } // http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEABKL-6871 public void testNullCheckDoesntAffectUncheckedCast() { doTest(); } public void testThrowNull() { doTest(); } public void testTryWithResourcesNullability() { doTest(); } public void testTryWithResourcesInstanceOf() { doTest(); } public void testOmnipresentExceptions() { doTest(); } public void testEqualsHasNoSideEffects() { doTest(); } public void testHonorGetterAnnotation() { doTest(); } public void testIgnoreAssertions() { final DataFlowInspection inspection = new DataFlowInspection(); inspection.IGNORE_ASSERT_STATEMENTS = true; myFixture.enableInspections(inspection); myFixture.testHighlighting(true, false, true, getTestName(false) + ".java"); } public void testContractAnnotation() { doTest(); } public void testContractInapplicableComparison() { doTest(); } public void testContractInLoopNotTooComplex() { doTest(); } public void testContractWithNullable() { doTest(); } public void testContractWithNotNull() { doTest(); } public void testContractPreservesUnknownNullability() { doTest(); } public void testContractSeveralClauses() { doTest(); } public void testContractVarargs() { doTest(); } public void testBoxingImpliesNotNull() { doTest(); } public void testLargeIntegersAreNotEqualWhenBoxed() { doTest(); } public void testNoGenericCCE() { doTest(); } public void testLongCircuitOperations() { doTest(); } public void testUnconditionalForLoop() { doTest(); } public void testAnonymousMethodIndependence() { doTest(); } public void testAnonymousFieldIndependence() { doTest(); } public void testNoConfusionWithAnonymousConstantInitializer() { doTest(); } public void testForeachOverWildcards() { doTest(); } public void testFinalGetter() { doTest(); } public void testByteBufferGetter() { myFixture.addClass("package java.nio; public class MappedByteBuffer { public int getInt() {} }"); doTest(); } public void testManySequentialIfsNotComplex() { doTest(); } public void testManySequentialInstanceofsNotComplex() { doTest(); } public void testLongDisjunctionsNotComplex() { doTest(); } public void testWhileNotComplex() { doTest(); } public void testAssertTrueNotComplex() { doTest(); } public void testManyDisjunctiveFieldAssignmentsInLoopNotComplex() { doTest(); } public void testManyContinuesNotComplex() { doTest(); } public void testFinallyNotComplex() { doTest(); } public void testVariablesDiverge() { doTest(); } public void testMergeByNullability() { doTest(); } public void testDontForgetInstanceofInfoWhenMerging() { doTest(); } public void testDontForgetEqInfoWhenMergingByType() { doTest(); } public void testDontMakeNullableAfterInstanceof() { doTest(); } public void testDontMakeUnrelatedVariableNotNullWhenMerging() { doTest(); } public void testDontMakeUnrelatedVariableFalseWhenMerging() { doTest(); } public void testDontLoseInequalityInformation() { doTest(); } public void testNotEqualsTypo() { doTest(); } public void testAndEquals() { doTest(); } public void testUnusedCallDoesNotMakeUnknown() { doTest(); } public void testGettersAndPureNoFlushing() { doTest(); } public void testNotNullAfterDereference() { doTest(); } public void testNullableBoolean() { doTest(); } public void testSameComparisonTwice() { doTest(); } public void testRootThrowableCause() { doTest(); } public void testUseInferredContracts() { doTest(); } public void testContractWithNoArgs() { doTest(); } public void testContractInferenceBewareOverriding() { doTest(); } public void testNumberComparisonsWhenValueIsKnown() { doTest(); } public void testFloatComparisons() { doTest(); } public void testAccessingSameArrayElements() { doTest(); } public void testParametersAreNonnullByDefault() { addJavaxNullabilityAnnotations(myFixture); addJavaxDefaultNullabilityAnnotations(myFixture); myFixture.addClass("package foo; public class AnotherPackageNotNull { public static void foo(String s) {}}"); myFixture.addFileToProject("foo/package-info.java", "@javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault package foo;"); doTest(); } public static void addJavaxDefaultNullabilityAnnotations(final JavaCodeInsightTestFixture fixture) { fixture.addClass("package javax.annotation;" + "@javax.annotation.meta.TypeQualifierDefault(java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER) @javax.annotation.Nonnull " + "public @interface ParametersAreNonnullByDefault {}"); fixture.addClass("package javax.annotation;" + "@javax.annotation.meta.TypeQualifierDefault(java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER) @javax.annotation.Nullable " + "public @interface ParametersAreNullableByDefault {}"); } public static void addJavaxNullabilityAnnotations(final JavaCodeInsightTestFixture fixture) { fixture.addClass("package javax.annotation;" + "public @interface Nonnull {}"); fixture.addClass("package javax.annotation;" + "public @interface Nullable {}"); fixture.addClass("package javax.annotation.meta;" + "public @interface TypeQualifierDefault { java.lang.annotation.ElementType[] value() default {};}"); } public void testCustomTypeQualifierDefault() { addJavaxNullabilityAnnotations(myFixture); myFixture.addClass("package bar;" + "@javax.annotation.meta.TypeQualifierDefault(java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD) @javax.annotation.Nonnull " + "public @interface MethodsAreNotNullByDefault {}"); myFixture.addClass("package foo; public class AnotherPackageNotNull { public static native Object foo(String s); }"); myFixture.addFileToProject("foo/package-info.java", "@bar.MethodsAreNotNullByDefault package foo;"); myFixture.enableInspections(new DataFlowInspection()); myFixture.testHighlighting(true, false, true, getTestName(false) + ".java"); } public void testTrueOrEqualsSomething() { doTest(); myFixture.launchAction(myFixture.findSingleIntention("Remove redundant assignment")); myFixture.checkResultByFile(getTestName(false) + "_after.java"); } public void testAssertThat() { myFixture.addClass("package org.hamcrest; public class CoreMatchers { " + "public static Matcher notNullValue() {}\n" + "public static Matcher not(Matcher matcher) {}\n" + "public static Matcher equalTo(T operand) {}\n" + "}"); myFixture.addClass("package org.hamcrest; public interface Matcher {}"); myFixture.addClass("package org.junit; public class Assert { " + "public static void assertThat(T actual, org.hamcrest.Matcher matcher) {}\n" + "public static void assertThat(String msg, T actual, org.hamcrest.Matcher matcher) {}\n" + "}"); myFixture.enableInspections(new DataFlowInspection()); myFixture.testHighlighting(true, false, true, getTestName(false) + ".java"); } public void testGuavaCheckNotNull() { myFixture.addClass("package com.google.common.base; public class Preconditions { " + "public static T checkNotNull(T reference) {}\n" + "}"); myFixture.enableInspections(new DataFlowInspection()); myFixture.testHighlighting(true, false, true, getTestName(false) + ".java"); } public void _testNullCheckBeforeInstanceof() { doTest(); } // http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-113220 }