/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl; import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.GutterMark; import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.HighlightDisplayKey; import com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.IntentionAction; import com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.IntentionManager; import com.intellij.codeInspection.*; import com.intellij.codeInspection.ex.GlobalInspectionToolWrapper; import com.intellij.codeInspection.ex.InspectionToolWrapper; import com.intellij.codeInspection.ex.LocalInspectionToolWrapper; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.lang.annotation.Annotation; import com.intellij.lang.annotation.HighlightSeverity; import com.intellij.lang.annotation.ProblemGroup; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.RangeMarker; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.*; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.RangeHighlighterEx; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.GutterIconRenderer; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.TextAttributes; import com.intellij.openapi.util.*; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.profile.codeInspection.InspectionProjectProfileManager; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtilRt; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.xml.util.XmlStringUtil; import org.intellij.lang.annotations.MagicConstant; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class HighlightInfo implements Segment { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.HighlightInfo"); public static final HighlightInfo[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new HighlightInfo[0]; // optimisation: if tooltip contains this marker object, then it replaced with description field in getTooltip() private static final String DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER = "{\u0000}"; JComponent fileLevelComponent; public final TextAttributes forcedTextAttributes; public final TextAttributesKey forcedTextAttributesKey; @NotNull public final HighlightInfoType type; private int group; public final int startOffset; public final int endOffset; private int fixStartOffset; private int fixEndOffset; RangeMarker fixMarker; // null means it the same as highlighter private final String description; private final String toolTip; @NotNull private final HighlightSeverity severity; final int navigationShift; volatile RangeHighlighterEx highlighter; // modified in EDT only public List> quickFixActionRanges; public List> quickFixActionMarkers; private final GutterMark gutterIconRenderer; private final ProblemGroup myProblemGroup; private volatile byte myFlags; // bit packed flags below: private static final int BIJECTIVE_FLAG = 0; private static final int HAS_HINT_FLAG = 1; private static final int FROM_INJECTION_FLAG = 2; private static final int AFTER_END_OF_LINE_FLAG = 3; private static final int FILE_LEVEL_ANNOTATION_FLAG = 4; private static final int NEEDS_UPDATE_ON_TYPING_FLAG = 5; PsiElement psiElement; @NotNull ProperTextRange getFixTextRange() { return new ProperTextRange(fixStartOffset, fixEndOffset); } void setFromInjection(boolean fromInjection) { setFlag(FROM_INJECTION_FLAG, fromInjection); } public String getToolTip() { String toolTip = this.toolTip; String description = this.description; if (toolTip == null || description == null || !toolTip.contains(DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER)) return toolTip; String decoded = StringUtil.replace(toolTip, DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER, XmlStringUtil.escapeString(description)); return XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(decoded); } private static String encodeTooltip(String toolTip, String description) { if (toolTip == null || description == null) return toolTip; String unescaped = StringUtil.unescapeXml(XmlStringUtil.stripHtml(toolTip)); String encoded = description.isEmpty() ? unescaped : StringUtil.replace(unescaped, description, DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER); //noinspection StringEquality if (encoded == unescaped) { return toolTip; } if (encoded.equals(DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER)) encoded = DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER; return encoded; } public String getDescription() { return description; } @MagicConstant(intValues = {BIJECTIVE_FLAG, HAS_HINT_FLAG, FROM_INJECTION_FLAG, AFTER_END_OF_LINE_FLAG, FILE_LEVEL_ANNOTATION_FLAG, NEEDS_UPDATE_ON_TYPING_FLAG}) @interface FlagConstant {} private boolean isFlagSet(@FlagConstant int flag) { assert flag < 8; int state = myFlags >> flag; return (state & 1) != 0; } private void setFlag(@FlagConstant int flag, boolean value) { assert flag < 8; int state = value ? 1 : 0; myFlags = (byte)(myFlags & ~(1 << flag) | state << flag); } boolean isFileLevelAnnotation() { return isFlagSet(FILE_LEVEL_ANNOTATION_FLAG); } boolean isBijective() { return isFlagSet(BIJECTIVE_FLAG); } void setBijective(boolean bijective) { setFlag(BIJECTIVE_FLAG, bijective); } @NotNull public HighlightSeverity getSeverity() { return severity; } public boolean isAfterEndOfLine() { return isFlagSet(AFTER_END_OF_LINE_FLAG); } @Nullable public TextAttributes getTextAttributes(@Nullable final PsiElement element, @Nullable final EditorColorsScheme editorColorsScheme) { if (forcedTextAttributes != null) { return forcedTextAttributes; } EditorColorsScheme colorsScheme = getColorsScheme(editorColorsScheme); if (forcedTextAttributesKey != null) { return colorsScheme.getAttributes(forcedTextAttributesKey); } return getAttributesByType(element, type, colorsScheme); } public static TextAttributes getAttributesByType(@Nullable final PsiElement element, @NotNull HighlightInfoType type, @NotNull TextAttributesScheme colorsScheme) { final SeverityRegistrar severityRegistrar = SeverityRegistrar .getSeverityRegistrar(element != null ? element.getProject() : null); final TextAttributes textAttributes = severityRegistrar.getTextAttributesBySeverity(type.getSeverity(element)); if (textAttributes != null) { return textAttributes; } TextAttributesKey key = type.getAttributesKey(); return colorsScheme.getAttributes(key); } @Nullable public Color getErrorStripeMarkColor(@NotNull PsiElement element, @Nullable final EditorColorsScheme colorsScheme) { // if null global scheme will be used if (forcedTextAttributes != null && forcedTextAttributes.getErrorStripeColor() != null) { return forcedTextAttributes.getErrorStripeColor(); } EditorColorsScheme scheme = getColorsScheme(colorsScheme); if (forcedTextAttributesKey != null) { TextAttributes forcedTextAttributes = scheme.getAttributes(forcedTextAttributesKey); if (forcedTextAttributes != null) { final Color errorStripeColor = forcedTextAttributes.getErrorStripeColor(); // let's copy above behaviour of forcedTextAttributes stripe color, but I'm not sure that the behaviour is correct in general if (errorStripeColor != null) { return errorStripeColor; } } } if (getSeverity() == HighlightSeverity.ERROR) { return scheme.getAttributes(CodeInsightColors.ERRORS_ATTRIBUTES).getErrorStripeColor(); } if (getSeverity() == HighlightSeverity.WARNING) { return scheme.getAttributes(CodeInsightColors.WARNINGS_ATTRIBUTES).getErrorStripeColor(); } if (getSeverity() == HighlightSeverity.INFO){ return scheme.getAttributes(CodeInsightColors.INFO_ATTRIBUTES).getErrorStripeColor(); } if (getSeverity() == HighlightSeverity.WEAK_WARNING){ return scheme.getAttributes(CodeInsightColors.WEAK_WARNING_ATTRIBUTES).getErrorStripeColor(); } if (getSeverity() == HighlightSeverity.GENERIC_SERVER_ERROR_OR_WARNING) { return scheme.getAttributes(CodeInsightColors.GENERIC_SERVER_ERROR_OR_WARNING).getErrorStripeColor(); } TextAttributes attributes = getAttributesByType(element, type, scheme); return attributes == null ? null : attributes.getErrorStripeColor(); } @NotNull private static EditorColorsScheme getColorsScheme(@Nullable final EditorColorsScheme customScheme) { if (customScheme != null) { return customScheme; } return EditorColorsManager.getInstance().getGlobalScheme(); } @Nullable @NonNls private static String htmlEscapeToolTip(@Nullable String unescapedTooltip) { return unescapedTooltip == null ? null : XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(XmlStringUtil.escapeString(unescapedTooltip)); } @NotNull private static final HighlightInfoFilter[] FILTERS = HighlightInfoFilter.EXTENSION_POINT_NAME.getExtensions(); public boolean needUpdateOnTyping() { return isFlagSet(NEEDS_UPDATE_ON_TYPING_FLAG); } HighlightInfo(@Nullable TextAttributes forcedTextAttributes, @Nullable TextAttributesKey forcedTextAttributesKey, @NotNull HighlightInfoType type, int startOffset, int endOffset, @Nullable String escapedDescription, @Nullable String escapedToolTip, @NotNull HighlightSeverity severity, boolean afterEndOfLine, @Nullable Boolean needsUpdateOnTyping, boolean isFileLevelAnnotation, int navigationShift, ProblemGroup problemGroup, GutterMark gutterIconRenderer) { if (startOffset < 0 || startOffset > endOffset) { LOG.error("Incorrect highlightInfo bounds. description="+escapedDescription+"; startOffset="+startOffset+"; endOffset="+endOffset+";type="+type); } this.forcedTextAttributes = forcedTextAttributes; this.forcedTextAttributesKey = forcedTextAttributesKey; this.type = type; this.startOffset = startOffset; this.endOffset = endOffset; fixStartOffset = startOffset; fixEndOffset = endOffset; description = escapedDescription; // optimisation: do not retain extra memory if can recompute toolTip = encodeTooltip(escapedToolTip, escapedDescription); this.severity = severity; setFlag(AFTER_END_OF_LINE_FLAG, afterEndOfLine); setFlag(NEEDS_UPDATE_ON_TYPING_FLAG, calcNeedUpdateOnTyping(needsUpdateOnTyping, type)); setFlag(FILE_LEVEL_ANNOTATION_FLAG, isFileLevelAnnotation); this.navigationShift = navigationShift; myProblemGroup = problemGroup; this.gutterIconRenderer = gutterIconRenderer; } private static boolean calcNeedUpdateOnTyping(@Nullable Boolean needsUpdateOnTyping, HighlightInfoType type) { if (needsUpdateOnTyping != null) return needsUpdateOnTyping.booleanValue(); if (type == HighlightInfoType.TODO) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.LOCAL_VARIABLE) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.INSTANCE_FIELD) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.STATIC_FIELD) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.STATIC_FINAL_FIELD) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.PARAMETER) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.METHOD_CALL) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.METHOD_DECLARATION) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.STATIC_METHOD) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.ABSTRACT_METHOD) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.INHERITED_METHOD) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.CONSTRUCTOR_CALL) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.CONSTRUCTOR_DECLARATION) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.INTERFACE_NAME) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.ENUM_NAME) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.CLASS_NAME) return false; if (type == HighlightInfoType.ANONYMOUS_CLASS_NAME) return false; return true; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) return true; if (!(obj instanceof HighlightInfo)) return false; HighlightInfo info = (HighlightInfo)obj; return info.getSeverity() == getSeverity() && info.startOffset == startOffset && info.endOffset == endOffset && Comparing.equal(info.type, type) && Comparing.equal(info.gutterIconRenderer, gutterIconRenderer) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributes, forcedTextAttributes) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributesKey, forcedTextAttributesKey) && Comparing.strEqual(info.getDescription(), getDescription()); } public boolean equalsByActualOffset(@NotNull HighlightInfo info) { if (info == this) return true; return info.getSeverity() == getSeverity() && info.getActualStartOffset() == getActualStartOffset() && info.getActualEndOffset() == getActualEndOffset() && Comparing.equal(info.type, type) && Comparing.equal(info.gutterIconRenderer, gutterIconRenderer) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributes, forcedTextAttributes) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributesKey, forcedTextAttributesKey) && Comparing.strEqual(info.getDescription(), getDescription()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return startOffset; } @Override @NonNls public String toString() { return getDescription() != null ? getDescription() : ""; } public String paramString() { @NonNls String s = "HighlightInfo(" + startOffset + "," + endOffset+")"; if (getActualStartOffset() != startOffset || getActualEndOffset() != endOffset) { s += "; actual: (" + getActualStartOffset() + "," + getActualEndOffset() + ")"; } if (highlighter != null) s += " text='" + getText() + "'"; if (getDescription() != null) s+= ", description='" + getDescription() + "'"; s += " severity=" + getSeverity(); s += " group=" + getGroup(); if (quickFixActionRanges != null) { s+= "; quickFixes: "+quickFixActionRanges; } if (gutterIconRenderer != null) { s += "; gutter: " + gutterIconRenderer; } return s; } @NotNull public static Builder newHighlightInfo(@NotNull HighlightInfoType type) { return new B(type); } void setGroup(int group) { this.group = group; } public interface Builder { // only one 'range' call allowed @NotNull Builder range(@NotNull TextRange textRange); @NotNull Builder range(@NotNull ASTNode node); @NotNull Builder range(@NotNull PsiElement element); @NotNull Builder range(@NotNull PsiElement element, int start, int end); @NotNull Builder range(int start, int end); @NotNull Builder gutterIconRenderer(@NotNull GutterIconRenderer gutterIconRenderer); @NotNull Builder problemGroup(@NotNull ProblemGroup problemGroup); // only one allowed @NotNull Builder description(@NotNull String description); @NotNull Builder descriptionAndTooltip(@NotNull String description); // only one allowed @NotNull Builder textAttributes(@NotNull TextAttributes attributes); @NotNull Builder textAttributes(@NotNull TextAttributesKey attributesKey); // only one allowed @NotNull Builder unescapedToolTip(@NotNull String unescapedToolTip); @NotNull Builder escapedToolTip(@NotNull String escapedToolTip); @NotNull Builder endOfLine(); @NotNull Builder needsUpdateOnTyping(boolean update); @NotNull Builder severity(@NotNull HighlightSeverity severity); @NotNull Builder fileLevelAnnotation(); @NotNull Builder navigationShift(int navigationShift); @Nullable("null means filtered out") HighlightInfo create(); @NotNull HighlightInfo createUnconditionally(); } private static boolean isAcceptedByFilters(@NotNull HighlightInfo info, @Nullable PsiElement psiElement) { PsiFile file = psiElement == null ? null : psiElement.getContainingFile(); for (HighlightInfoFilter filter : FILTERS) { if (!filter.accept(info, file)) { return false; } } info.psiElement = psiElement; return true; } private static class B implements Builder { private Boolean myNeedsUpdateOnTyping; private TextAttributes forcedTextAttributes; private TextAttributesKey forcedTextAttributesKey; private final HighlightInfoType type; private int startOffset = -1; private int endOffset = -1; private String escapedDescription; private String escapedToolTip; private HighlightSeverity severity; private boolean isAfterEndOfLine; private boolean isFileLevelAnnotation; private int navigationShift = 0; private GutterIconRenderer gutterIconRenderer; private ProblemGroup problemGroup; private PsiElement psiElement; public B(@NotNull HighlightInfoType type) { this.type = type; } @NotNull @Override public Builder gutterIconRenderer(@NotNull GutterIconRenderer gutterIconRenderer) { assert this.gutterIconRenderer == null : "gutterIconRenderer already set"; this.gutterIconRenderer = gutterIconRenderer; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder problemGroup(@NotNull ProblemGroup problemGroup) { assert this.problemGroup == null : "problemGroup already set"; this.problemGroup = problemGroup; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder description(@NotNull String description) { assert escapedDescription == null : "description already set"; escapedDescription = description; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder descriptionAndTooltip(@NotNull String description) { return description(description).unescapedToolTip(description); } @NotNull @Override public Builder textAttributes(@NotNull TextAttributes attributes) { assert forcedTextAttributes == null : "textattributes already set"; forcedTextAttributes = attributes; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder textAttributes(@NotNull TextAttributesKey attributesKey) { assert forcedTextAttributesKey == null : "textattributesKey already set"; forcedTextAttributesKey = attributesKey; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder unescapedToolTip(@NotNull String unescapedToolTip) { assert escapedToolTip == null : "Tooltip was already set"; escapedToolTip = htmlEscapeToolTip(unescapedToolTip); return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder escapedToolTip(@NotNull String escapedToolTip) { assert this.escapedToolTip == null : "Tooltip was already set"; this.escapedToolTip = escapedToolTip; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder range(int start, int end) { assert startOffset == -1 && endOffset == -1 : "Offsets already set"; startOffset = start; endOffset = end; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder range(@NotNull TextRange textRange) { assert startOffset == -1 && endOffset == -1 : "Offsets already set"; startOffset = textRange.getStartOffset(); endOffset = textRange.getEndOffset(); return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder range(@NotNull ASTNode node) { return range(node.getPsi()); } @NotNull @Override public Builder range(@NotNull PsiElement element) { assert psiElement == null : " psiElement already set"; psiElement = element; return range(element.getTextRange()); } @NotNull @Override public Builder range(@NotNull PsiElement element, int start, int end) { assert psiElement == null : " psiElement already set"; psiElement = element; return range(start, end); } @NotNull @Override public Builder endOfLine() { isAfterEndOfLine = true; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder needsUpdateOnTyping(boolean update) { assert myNeedsUpdateOnTyping == null : " needsUpdateOnTyping already set"; myNeedsUpdateOnTyping = update; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder severity(@NotNull HighlightSeverity severity) { assert this.severity == null : " severity already set"; this.severity = severity; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder fileLevelAnnotation() { isFileLevelAnnotation = true; return this; } @NotNull @Override public Builder navigationShift(int navigationShift) { this.navigationShift = navigationShift; return this; } @Nullable @Override public HighlightInfo create() { HighlightInfo info = createUnconditionally(); LOG.assertTrue(psiElement != null || severity == HighlightInfoType.SYMBOL_TYPE_SEVERITY || severity == HighlightInfoType.INJECTED_FRAGMENT_SEVERITY || ArrayUtilRt.find(HighlightSeverity.DEFAULT_SEVERITIES, severity) != -1, "Custom type requires not-null element to detect its text attributes"); if (!isAcceptedByFilters(info, psiElement)) return null; return info; } @NotNull @Override public HighlightInfo createUnconditionally() { if (severity == null) { severity = type.getSeverity(psiElement); } return new HighlightInfo(forcedTextAttributes, forcedTextAttributesKey, type, startOffset, endOffset, escapedDescription, escapedToolTip, severity, isAfterEndOfLine, myNeedsUpdateOnTyping, isFileLevelAnnotation, navigationShift, problemGroup, gutterIconRenderer); } } public GutterMark getGutterIconRenderer() { return gutterIconRenderer; } @Nullable public ProblemGroup getProblemGroup() { return myProblemGroup; } @NotNull public static HighlightInfo fromAnnotation(@NotNull Annotation annotation) { return fromAnnotation(annotation, null, false); } @NotNull public static HighlightInfo fromAnnotation(@NotNull Annotation annotation, @Nullable TextRange fixedRange, boolean batchMode) { final TextAttributes forcedAttributes = annotation.getEnforcedTextAttributes(); final TextAttributesKey forcedAttributesKey = forcedAttributes == null ? annotation.getTextAttributes() : null; HighlightInfo info = new HighlightInfo(forcedAttributes, forcedAttributesKey, convertType(annotation), fixedRange != null? fixedRange.getStartOffset() : annotation.getStartOffset(), fixedRange != null? fixedRange.getEndOffset() : annotation.getEndOffset(), annotation.getMessage(), annotation.getTooltip(), annotation.getSeverity(), annotation.isAfterEndOfLine(), annotation.needsUpdateOnTyping(), annotation.isFileLevelAnnotation(), 0, annotation.getProblemGroup(), annotation.getGutterIconRenderer()); appendFixes(fixedRange, info, batchMode ? annotation.getBatchFixes() : annotation.getQuickFixes()); return info; } public static final String ANNOTATOR_INSPECTION_SHORT_NAME = "Annotator"; private static void appendFixes(@Nullable TextRange fixedRange, @NotNull HighlightInfo info, @Nullable List fixes) { if (fixes != null) { for (final Annotation.QuickFixInfo quickFixInfo : fixes) { TextRange range = fixedRange != null ? fixedRange : quickFixInfo.textRange; HighlightDisplayKey key = quickFixInfo.key != null ? quickFixInfo.key : HighlightDisplayKey.find(ANNOTATOR_INSPECTION_SHORT_NAME); info.registerFix(quickFixInfo.quickFix, null, HighlightDisplayKey.getDisplayNameByKey(key), range, key); } } } @NotNull public static HighlightInfoType convertType(@NotNull Annotation annotation) { ProblemHighlightType type = annotation.getHighlightType(); if (type == ProblemHighlightType.LIKE_UNUSED_SYMBOL) return HighlightInfoType.UNUSED_SYMBOL; if (type == ProblemHighlightType.LIKE_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL) return HighlightInfoType.WRONG_REF; if (type == ProblemHighlightType.LIKE_DEPRECATED) return HighlightInfoType.DEPRECATED; return convertSeverity(annotation.getSeverity()); } @NotNull public static HighlightInfoType convertSeverity(@NotNull HighlightSeverity severity) { return severity == HighlightSeverity.ERROR? HighlightInfoType.ERROR : severity == HighlightSeverity.WARNING ? HighlightInfoType.WARNING : severity == HighlightSeverity.INFO ? HighlightInfoType.INFO : severity == HighlightSeverity.WEAK_WARNING ? HighlightInfoType.WEAK_WARNING : severity ==HighlightSeverity.GENERIC_SERVER_ERROR_OR_WARNING ? HighlightInfoType.GENERIC_WARNINGS_OR_ERRORS_FROM_SERVER : HighlightInfoType.INFORMATION; } @NotNull public static ProblemHighlightType convertType(HighlightInfoType infoType) { if (infoType == HighlightInfoType.ERROR || infoType == HighlightInfoType.WRONG_REF) return ProblemHighlightType.ERROR; if (infoType == HighlightInfoType.WARNING) return ProblemHighlightType.GENERIC_ERROR_OR_WARNING; if (infoType == HighlightInfoType.INFORMATION) return ProblemHighlightType.INFORMATION; return ProblemHighlightType.WEAK_WARNING; } @NotNull public static ProblemHighlightType convertSeverityToProblemHighlight(HighlightSeverity severity) { return severity == HighlightSeverity.ERROR ? ProblemHighlightType.ERROR : severity == HighlightSeverity.WARNING ? ProblemHighlightType.GENERIC_ERROR_OR_WARNING : severity == HighlightSeverity.INFO ? ProblemHighlightType.INFO : severity == HighlightSeverity.WEAK_WARNING ? ProblemHighlightType.WEAK_WARNING : ProblemHighlightType.INFORMATION; } public boolean hasHint() { return isFlagSet(HAS_HINT_FLAG); } void setHint(final boolean hasHint) { setFlag(HAS_HINT_FLAG, hasHint); } public int getActualStartOffset() { RangeHighlighterEx h = highlighter; return h == null || !h.isValid() ? startOffset : h.getStartOffset(); } public int getActualEndOffset() { RangeHighlighterEx h = highlighter; return h == null || !h.isValid() ? endOffset : h.getEndOffset(); } public static class IntentionActionDescriptor { private final IntentionAction myAction; private volatile List myOptions; private volatile HighlightDisplayKey myKey; private final ProblemGroup myProblemGroup; private final String myDisplayName; private final Icon myIcon; private Boolean myCanCleanup; public IntentionActionDescriptor(@NotNull IntentionAction action, final List options, final String displayName) { this(action, options, displayName, null); } public IntentionActionDescriptor(@NotNull IntentionAction action, final Icon icon) { this(action, null, null, icon); } public IntentionActionDescriptor(@NotNull IntentionAction action, @Nullable final List options, @Nullable final String displayName, @Nullable Icon icon) { this(action, options, displayName, icon, null, null); } public IntentionActionDescriptor(@NotNull IntentionAction action, @Nullable final List options, @Nullable final String displayName, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable HighlightDisplayKey key, @Nullable ProblemGroup problemGroup) { myAction = action; myOptions = options; myDisplayName = displayName; myIcon = icon; myKey = key; myProblemGroup = problemGroup; } @NotNull public IntentionAction getAction() { return myAction; } public boolean canCleanup(@NotNull PsiElement element) { if (myCanCleanup == null) { InspectionProfile profile = InspectionProjectProfileManager.getInstance(element.getProject()).getInspectionProfile(); final HighlightDisplayKey key = myKey; if (key == null) { myCanCleanup = false; } else { InspectionToolWrapper toolWrapper = profile.getInspectionTool(key.toString(), element); myCanCleanup = toolWrapper != null && toolWrapper.isCleanupTool(); } } return myCanCleanup; } @Nullable public List getOptions(@NotNull PsiElement element, @Nullable Editor editor) { if (editor != null && Boolean.FALSE.equals(editor.getUserData(IntentionManager.SHOW_INTENTION_OPTIONS_KEY))) { return null; } List options = myOptions; HighlightDisplayKey key = myKey; if (myProblemGroup != null) { String problemName = myProblemGroup.getProblemName(); HighlightDisplayKey problemGroupKey = problemName != null ? HighlightDisplayKey.findById(problemName) : null; if (problemGroupKey != null) { key = problemGroupKey; } } if (options != null || key == null) { return options; } IntentionManager intentionManager = IntentionManager.getInstance(); List newOptions = intentionManager.getStandardIntentionOptions(key, element); InspectionProfile profile = InspectionProjectProfileManager.getInstance(element.getProject()).getInspectionProfile(); InspectionToolWrapper toolWrapper = profile.getInspectionTool(key.toString(), element); if (!(toolWrapper instanceof LocalInspectionToolWrapper)) { HighlightDisplayKey idkey = HighlightDisplayKey.findById(key.toString()); if (idkey != null) { toolWrapper = profile.getInspectionTool(idkey.toString(), element); } } if (toolWrapper != null) { myCanCleanup = toolWrapper.isCleanupTool(); ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(newOptions, intentionManager.createFixAllIntention(toolWrapper, myAction)); InspectionProfileEntry wrappedTool = toolWrapper instanceof LocalInspectionToolWrapper ? ((LocalInspectionToolWrapper)toolWrapper).getTool() : ((GlobalInspectionToolWrapper)toolWrapper).getTool(); if (wrappedTool instanceof CustomSuppressableInspectionTool) { final IntentionAction[] suppressActions = ((CustomSuppressableInspectionTool)wrappedTool).getSuppressActions(element); if (suppressActions != null) { ContainerUtil.addAll(newOptions, suppressActions); } } else { SuppressQuickFix[] suppressFixes = wrappedTool.getBatchSuppressActions(element); if (suppressFixes.length > 0) { ContainerUtil.addAll(newOptions, ContainerUtil.map(suppressFixes, new Function() { @Override public IntentionAction fun(SuppressQuickFix fix) { return SuppressIntentionActionFromFix.convertBatchToSuppressIntentionAction(fix); } })); } } } if (myProblemGroup instanceof SuppressableProblemGroup) { final IntentionAction[] suppressActions = ((SuppressableProblemGroup)myProblemGroup).getSuppressActions(element); ContainerUtil.addAll(newOptions, suppressActions); } synchronized (this) { options = myOptions; if (options == null) { myOptions = options = newOptions; } myKey = null; } return options; } @Nullable public String getDisplayName() { return myDisplayName; } @Override @NonNls public String toString() { String text = getAction().getText(); return "descriptor: " + (text.isEmpty() ? getAction().getClass() : text); } @Nullable public Icon getIcon() { return myIcon; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj instanceof IntentionActionDescriptor && myAction.equals(((IntentionActionDescriptor)obj).myAction); } } @Override public int getStartOffset() { return getActualStartOffset(); } @Override public int getEndOffset() { return getActualEndOffset(); } int getGroup() { return group; } boolean isFromInjection() { return isFlagSet(FROM_INJECTION_FLAG); } @NotNull public String getText() { RangeHighlighterEx highlighter = this.highlighter; if (highlighter == null) throw new RuntimeException("info not applied yet"); if (!highlighter.isValid()) return ""; return highlighter.getDocument().getText(TextRange.create(highlighter)); } public void registerFix(@Nullable IntentionAction action, @Nullable List options, @Nullable String displayName, @Nullable TextRange fixRange, @Nullable HighlightDisplayKey key) { if (action == null) return; if (fixRange == null) fixRange = new TextRange(startOffset, endOffset); if (quickFixActionRanges == null) { quickFixActionRanges = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList(); } IntentionActionDescriptor desc = new IntentionActionDescriptor(action, options, displayName, null, key, getProblemGroup()); quickFixActionRanges.add(Pair.create(desc, fixRange)); fixStartOffset = Math.min (fixStartOffset, fixRange.getStartOffset()); fixEndOffset = Math.max (fixEndOffset, fixRange.getEndOffset()); if (action instanceof HintAction) { setHint(true); } } public void unregisterQuickFix(@NotNull Condition condition) { for (Iterator> it = quickFixActionRanges.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Pair pair = it.next(); if (condition.value(pair.first.getAction())) { it.remove(); } } } }