/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.psi.impl.source.text; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicatorProvider; import com.intellij.pom.tree.events.impl.TreeChangeEventImpl; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile; import com.intellij.psi.impl.DebugUtil; import com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiManagerEx; import com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiManagerImpl; import com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiTreeChangeEventImpl; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.PsiFileImpl; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.CompositeElement; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.FileElement; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.TreeElement; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.TreeUtil; import com.intellij.util.diff.DiffTreeChangeBuilder; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * User: cdr */ public class DiffLog implements DiffTreeChangeBuilder { public DiffLog() { } private abstract static class LogEntry { protected LogEntry() { ProgressIndicatorProvider.checkCanceled(); } abstract void doActualPsiChange(@NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull ASTDiffBuilder astDiffBuilder); } private final List myEntries = new ArrayList(); @NotNull public TreeChangeEventImpl performActualPsiChange(@NotNull PsiFile file) { final ASTDiffBuilder astDiffBuilder = new ASTDiffBuilder((PsiFileImpl) file); for (LogEntry entry : myEntries) { entry.doActualPsiChange(file, astDiffBuilder); } file.subtreeChanged(); return astDiffBuilder.getEvent(); } @Override public void nodeReplaced(@NotNull ASTNode oldNode, @NotNull ASTNode newNode) { if (oldNode instanceof FileElement && newNode instanceof FileElement) { appendReplaceFileElement((FileElement)oldNode, (FileElement)newNode); } else { myEntries.add(new ReplaceEntry(oldNode, newNode)); } } public void appendReplaceElementWithEvents(CompositeElement oldRoot, CompositeElement newRoot) { myEntries.add(new ReplaceElementWithEvents(oldRoot, newRoot)); } public void appendReplaceFileElement(FileElement oldNode, FileElement newNode) { myEntries.add(new ReplaceFileElement(oldNode, newNode)); } @Override public void nodeDeleted(@NotNull ASTNode oldParent, @NotNull ASTNode oldNode) { myEntries.add(new DeleteEntry(oldParent, oldNode)); } @Override public void nodeInserted(@NotNull ASTNode oldParent, @NotNull ASTNode newNode, int pos) { myEntries.add(new InsertEntry(oldParent, newNode, pos)); } private static class ReplaceEntry extends LogEntry { private final ASTNode myOldChild; private final ASTNode myNewChild; public ReplaceEntry(@NotNull ASTNode oldNode, @NotNull ASTNode newNode) { myOldChild = oldNode; myNewChild = newNode; ASTNode parent = oldNode.getTreeParent(); assert parent != null : "old:" + oldNode + " new:" + newNode; } @Override void doActualPsiChange(@NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull ASTDiffBuilder astDiffBuilder) { ASTNode oldNode = myOldChild; ASTNode newNode = myNewChild; ASTNode parent = oldNode.getTreeParent(); assert parent != null : "old:" + oldNode + " new:" + newNode; final PsiElement psiParent = parent.getPsi(); final PsiElement psiOldChild = file.isPhysical() ? oldNode.getPsi() : null; if (psiParent != null && psiOldChild != null) { final PsiTreeChangeEventImpl event = new PsiTreeChangeEventImpl(file.getManager()); event.setParent(psiParent); event.setFile(file); event.setOldChild(psiOldChild); PsiElement psiNewChild = getPsi(newNode, file); event.setNewChild(psiNewChild); ((PsiManagerEx)file.getManager()).beforeChildReplacement(event); } ((TreeElement)newNode).rawRemove(); ((TreeElement)oldNode).rawReplaceWithList((TreeElement)newNode); astDiffBuilder.nodeReplaced(oldNode, newNode); ((TreeElement)newNode).clearCaches(); if (!(newNode instanceof FileElement)) { ((CompositeElement)newNode.getTreeParent()).subtreeChanged(); } DebugUtil.checkTreeStructure(parent); } } private static class DeleteEntry extends LogEntry { private final ASTNode myOldParent; private final ASTNode myOldNode; public DeleteEntry(ASTNode oldParent, ASTNode oldNode) { myOldParent = oldParent; myOldNode = oldNode; } @Override void doActualPsiChange(@NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull ASTDiffBuilder astDiffBuilder) { ASTNode child = myOldNode; ASTNode parent = myOldParent; PsiElement psiParent = parent.getPsi(); PsiElement psiChild = file.isPhysical() ? child.getPsi() : null; if (psiParent != null && psiChild != null) { PsiTreeChangeEventImpl event = new PsiTreeChangeEventImpl(file.getManager()); event.setParent(psiParent); event.setChild(psiChild); event.setFile(file); ((PsiManagerEx)file.getManager()).beforeChildRemoval(event); } astDiffBuilder.nodeDeleted(parent, child); ((TreeElement)child).rawRemove(); ((CompositeElement)parent).subtreeChanged(); DebugUtil.checkTreeStructure(parent); } } private static class InsertEntry extends LogEntry { private final ASTNode myOldParent; private final ASTNode myNewNode; private final int myPos; public InsertEntry(@NotNull ASTNode oldParent, @NotNull ASTNode newNode, int pos) { assert oldParent instanceof CompositeElement : oldParent; myOldParent = oldParent; myNewNode = newNode; myPos = pos; } @Override void doActualPsiChange(@NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull ASTDiffBuilder astDiffBuilder) { ASTNode anchor = null; ASTNode firstChildNode = myOldParent.getFirstChildNode(); for (int i = 0; i < myPos; i++) { anchor = anchor == null ? firstChildNode : anchor.getTreeNext(); } PsiElement psiParent = myOldParent.getPsi(); PsiElement psiChild = getPsi(myNewNode, file); if (psiParent != null && psiChild != null) { PsiTreeChangeEventImpl event = new PsiTreeChangeEventImpl(file.getManager()); event.setParent(psiParent); event.setChild(psiChild); event.setFile(file); ((PsiManagerEx)file.getManager()).beforeChildAddition(event); } ((TreeElement)myNewNode).rawRemove(); if (anchor != null) { ((TreeElement)anchor).rawInsertAfterMe((TreeElement)myNewNode); } else { if (firstChildNode != null) { ((TreeElement)firstChildNode).rawInsertBeforeMe((TreeElement)myNewNode); } else { ((CompositeElement)myOldParent).rawAddChildren((TreeElement)myNewNode); } } astDiffBuilder.nodeInserted(myOldParent, myNewNode, myPos); ((TreeElement)myNewNode).clearCaches(); ((CompositeElement)myOldParent).subtreeChanged(); DebugUtil.checkTreeStructure(myOldParent); } } private static PsiElement getPsi(ASTNode node, PsiFile file) { node.putUserData(TreeUtil.CONTAINING_FILE_KEY_AFTER_REPARSE, ((PsiFileImpl)file).getTreeElement()); PsiElement psiChild = file.isPhysical() ? node.getPsi() : null; node.putUserData(TreeUtil.CONTAINING_FILE_KEY_AFTER_REPARSE, null); return psiChild; } private static class ReplaceFileElement extends LogEntry { private final FileElement myOldNode; private final FileElement myNewNode; public ReplaceFileElement(FileElement oldNode, FileElement newNode) { myOldNode = oldNode; myNewNode = newNode; } @Override void doActualPsiChange(@NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull ASTDiffBuilder astDiffBuilder) { PsiFileImpl fileImpl = (PsiFileImpl)file; final int oldLength = myOldNode.getTextLength(); PsiManagerImpl manager = (PsiManagerImpl)fileImpl.getManager(); BlockSupportImpl.sendBeforeChildrenChangeEvent(manager, fileImpl, false); if (myOldNode.getFirstChildNode() != null) myOldNode.rawRemoveAllChildren(); final ASTNode firstChildNode = myNewNode.getFirstChildNode(); if (firstChildNode != null) myOldNode.rawAddChildren((TreeElement)firstChildNode); fileImpl.getTreeElement().setCharTable(myNewNode.getCharTable()); myOldNode.subtreeChanged(); BlockSupportImpl.sendAfterChildrenChangedEvent(manager,fileImpl, oldLength, false); } } private static class ReplaceElementWithEvents extends LogEntry { private final CompositeElement myOldRoot; private final CompositeElement myNewRoot; public ReplaceElementWithEvents(CompositeElement oldRoot, CompositeElement newRoot) { myOldRoot = oldRoot; myNewRoot = newRoot; } @Override void doActualPsiChange(@NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull ASTDiffBuilder astDiffBuilder) { myOldRoot.replaceAllChildrenToChildrenOf(myNewRoot); } } }