/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.codeInsight.template; import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.impl.TemplateImpl; import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.impl.Variable; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.util.registry.Registry; import com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap; import com.intellij.util.containers.HashSet; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.*; /** * @author Eugene.Kudelevsky */ public class LiveTemplateBuilder { @NonNls private static final String END_PREFIX = "____END"; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getInstance(LiveTemplateBuilder.class); private final StringBuilder myText = new StringBuilder(); private final List myVariables = new ArrayList(); private final Set myVarNames = new HashSet(); private final List myVariableOccurrences = new ArrayList(); private final List myMarkers = new ArrayList(); private final int mySegmentLimit; private String myLastEndVarName; private boolean myIsToReformat = false; @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public LiveTemplateBuilder() { this(Registry.intValue("emmet.segments.limit")); } public LiveTemplateBuilder(int segmentLimit) { mySegmentLimit = segmentLimit; } public void setIsToReformat(boolean isToReformat) { myIsToReformat = isToReformat; } public CharSequence getText() { return myText; } public static boolean isEndVariable(@NotNull String name) { return name.startsWith(END_PREFIX); } private static class VarOccurence { String myName; int myOffset; private VarOccurence(String name, int offset) { myName = name; myOffset = offset; } } public boolean findVarOccurence(String name) { for (VarOccurence occurence : myVariableOccurrences) { if (occurence.myName.equals(name)) { return true; } } return false; } @NotNull public TemplateImpl buildTemplate() { List variables = getListWithLimit(myVariables); if (!findVarOccurence(TemplateImpl.END)) { if (myLastEndVarName == null) { for (Variable variable : variables) { if (isEndVariable(variable.getName())) { myLastEndVarName = variable.getName(); break; } } } if (myLastEndVarName != null) { int endOffset = -1; Iterator it = myVariableOccurrences.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { VarOccurence occurence = it.next(); if (occurence.myName.equals(myLastEndVarName)) { endOffset = occurence.myOffset; break; } } if (endOffset >= 0) { for (Iterator it1 = variables.iterator(); it1.hasNext(); ) { Variable variable = it1.next(); if (myLastEndVarName.equals(variable.getName()) && variable.isAlwaysStopAt()) { it.remove(); it1.remove(); } } myVariableOccurrences.add(new VarOccurence(TemplateImpl.END, endOffset)); } } } TemplateImpl template = new TemplateImpl("", ""); for (Variable variable : variables) { template.addVariable(variable.getName(), variable.getExpressionString(), variable.getDefaultValueString(), variable.isAlwaysStopAt()); } List variableOccurrences = getListWithLimit(myVariableOccurrences); Collections.sort(variableOccurrences, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(@NotNull VarOccurence o1, @NotNull VarOccurence o2) { if (o1.myOffset < o2.myOffset) { return -1; } if (o1.myOffset > o2.myOffset) { return 1; } return 0; } }); int last = 0; for (VarOccurence occurence : variableOccurrences) { template.addTextSegment(myText.substring(last, occurence.myOffset)); template.addVariableSegment(occurence.myName); last = occurence.myOffset; } template.addTextSegment(myText.substring(last)); template.setToReformat(myIsToReformat); return template; } private List getListWithLimit(List list) { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { return list; } if (mySegmentLimit == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (mySegmentLimit > 0 && list.size() > mySegmentLimit) { LOGGER.warn("Template with more than " + mySegmentLimit + " segments had been build (" + list.size() + "). Text: " + myText); return list.subList(0, Math.min(list.size(), mySegmentLimit)); } return list; } public void insertText(int offset, String text, boolean disableEndVariable) { if (disableEndVariable) { String varName = null; for (VarOccurence occurence : myVariableOccurrences) { if (!isEndVariable(occurence.myName)) { continue; } if (occurence.myOffset == offset) { varName = occurence.myName; break; } } if (varName != null) { for (Variable variable : myVariables) { if (varName.equals(variable.getName())) { variable.setAlwaysStopAt(false); variable.setDefaultValueString("\"\""); break; } } } } int delta = text.length(); for (VarOccurence occurence : myVariableOccurrences) { if (occurence.myOffset > offset || !disableEndVariable && occurence.myOffset == offset) { occurence.myOffset += delta; } } myText.insert(offset, text); updateMarkers(offset, text); } public int length() { return myText.length(); } private void updateMarkers(int offset, String text) { for (Marker marker : myMarkers) { if (offset < marker.getStartOffset()) { marker.myStartOffset += text.length(); } else if (offset <= marker.getEndOffset()) { marker.myEndOffset += text.length(); } } } private String generateUniqueVarName(Set existingNames, boolean end) { String prefix = end ? END_PREFIX : "VAR"; int i = 0; while (myVarNames.contains(prefix + i) || existingNames.contains(prefix + i)) { i++; } return prefix + i; } public int insertTemplate(int offset, TemplateImpl template, Map predefinedVarValues) { myIsToReformat = myText.length() > 0 || template.isToReformat(); removeEndVarAtOffset(offset); String text = template.getTemplateText(); insertText(offset, text, false); Map newVarNames = new HashMap(); Set oldVarNames = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < template.getVariableCount(); i++) { String varName = template.getVariableNameAt(i); oldVarNames.add(varName); } for (int i = 0; i < template.getVariableCount(); i++) { String varName = template.getVariableNameAt(i); if (!TemplateImpl.INTERNAL_VARS_SET.contains(varName)) { if (predefinedVarValues != null && predefinedVarValues.containsKey(varName)) { continue; } String newVarName; if (myVarNames.contains(varName)) { oldVarNames.remove(varName); newVarName = generateUniqueVarName(oldVarNames, isEndVariable(varName)); newVarNames.put(varName, newVarName); if (varName.equals(myLastEndVarName)) { myLastEndVarName = newVarName; } } else { newVarName = varName; } Variable var = new Variable(newVarName, template.getExpressionStringAt(i), template.getDefaultValueStringAt(i), template.isAlwaysStopAt(i)); myVariables.add(var); myVarNames.add(newVarName); } } int end = -1; for (int i = 0; i < template.getSegmentsCount(); i++) { String segmentName = template.getSegmentName(i); int localOffset = template.getSegmentOffset(i); if (TemplateImpl.END.equals(segmentName)) { end = offset + localOffset; } else { if (predefinedVarValues != null && predefinedVarValues.containsKey(segmentName)) { String value = predefinedVarValues.get(segmentName); insertText(offset + localOffset, value, false); offset += value.length(); continue; } if (newVarNames.containsKey(segmentName)) { segmentName = newVarNames.get(segmentName); } myVariableOccurrences.add(new VarOccurence(segmentName, offset + localOffset)); } } int endOffset = end >= 0 ? end : offset + text.length(); if (endOffset > 0 && endOffset != offset + text.length() && endOffset < myText.length() && !hasVarAtOffset(endOffset)) { myLastEndVarName = generateUniqueVarName(myVarNames, true); myVariables.add(new Variable(myLastEndVarName, "", "", true)); myVarNames.add(myLastEndVarName); myVariableOccurrences.add(new VarOccurence(myLastEndVarName, endOffset)); } return endOffset; } private void removeEndVarAtOffset(int offset) { for (Iterator it = myVariableOccurrences.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { VarOccurence occurence = it.next(); if (!isEndVariable(occurence.myName)) { continue; } if (occurence.myOffset == offset) { it.remove(); for (Iterator it1 = myVariables.iterator(); it1.hasNext();) { Variable variable = it1.next(); if (occurence.myName.equals(variable.getName())) { it1.remove(); } } } } } private boolean hasVarAtOffset(int offset) { boolean flag = false; for (VarOccurence occurence : myVariableOccurrences) { if (occurence.myOffset == offset) { flag = true; } } return flag; } public Marker createMarker(int offset) { Marker marker = new Marker(offset, offset); myMarkers.add(marker); return marker; } public static class Marker { int myStartOffset; int myEndOffset; private Marker(int startOffset, int endOffset) { myStartOffset = startOffset; myEndOffset = endOffset; } public int getStartOffset() { return myStartOffset; } public int getEndOffset() { return myEndOffset; } } }