/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.execution.actions; import com.intellij.execution.*; import com.intellij.execution.configurations.ConfigurationType; import com.intellij.execution.configurations.UnknownConfigurationType; import com.intellij.execution.impl.EditConfigurationsDialog; import com.intellij.execution.impl.RunDialog; import com.intellij.execution.impl.RunnerAndConfigurationSettingsImpl; import com.intellij.execution.runners.ExecutionUtil; import com.intellij.execution.runners.ProgramRunner; import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons; import com.intellij.ide.DataManager; import com.intellij.ide.util.PropertiesComponent; import com.intellij.idea.ActionsBundle; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.CommonDataKeys; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext; import com.intellij.openapi.keymap.KeymapUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.ListPopupStep; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.ListSeparator; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.PopupStep; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.util.BaseListPopupStep; import com.intellij.ui.popup.WizardPopup; import com.intellij.ui.popup.list.ListPopupImpl; import com.intellij.ui.popup.list.PopupListElementRenderer; import com.intellij.ui.speedSearch.SpeedSearch; import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; public class ChooseRunConfigurationPopup implements ExecutorProvider { private final Project myProject; @NotNull private final String myAddKey; @NotNull private final Executor myDefaultExecutor; @Nullable private final Executor myAlternativeExecutor; private Executor myCurrentExecutor; private boolean myEditConfiguration; private final RunListPopup myPopup; public ChooseRunConfigurationPopup(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String addKey, @NotNull Executor defaultExecutor, @Nullable Executor alternativeExecutor) { myProject = project; myAddKey = addKey; myDefaultExecutor = defaultExecutor; myAlternativeExecutor = alternativeExecutor; myPopup = new RunListPopup(new ConfigurationListPopupStep(this, myProject, this, myDefaultExecutor.getActionName())); } public void show() { final String adText = getAdText(myAlternativeExecutor); if (adText != null) { myPopup.setAdText(adText); } myPopup.showCenteredInCurrentWindow(myProject); } protected static boolean canRun(@NotNull final Executor executor, final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings settings) { return ProgramRunnerUtil.getRunner(executor.getId(), settings) != null; } @Nullable protected String getAdText(final Executor alternateExecutor) { final PropertiesComponent properties = PropertiesComponent.getInstance(); if (alternateExecutor != null && !properties.isTrueValue(myAddKey)) { return String .format("Hold %s to %s", KeymapUtil.getKeystrokeText(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("SHIFT")), alternateExecutor.getActionName()); } if (!properties.isTrueValue("run.configuration.edit.ad")) { return String.format("Press %s to Edit", KeymapUtil.getKeystrokeText(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F4"))); } if (!properties.isTrueValue("run.configuration.delete.ad")) { return String.format("Press %s to Delete configuration", KeymapUtil.getKeystrokeText(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("DELETE"))); } return null; } private void registerActions(final RunListPopup popup) { popup.registerAction("alternateExecutor", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift pressed SHIFT"), new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { myCurrentExecutor = myAlternativeExecutor; updatePresentation(); } }); popup.registerAction("restoreDefaultExecutor", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("released SHIFT"), new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { myCurrentExecutor = myDefaultExecutor; updatePresentation(); } }); popup.registerAction("invokeAction", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift ENTER"), new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { popup.handleSelect(true); } }); popup.registerAction("editConfiguration", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F4"), new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { myEditConfiguration = true; popup.handleSelect(true); } }); popup.registerAction("deleteConfiguration", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("DELETE"), new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { popup.removeSelected(); } }); popup.registerAction("deleteConfiguration_bksp", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("BACK_SPACE"), new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { SpeedSearch speedSearch = popup.getSpeedSearch(); if (speedSearch.isHoldingFilter()) { speedSearch.backspace(); speedSearch.update(); } else { popup.removeSelected(); } } }); final Action action0 = createNumberAction(0, popup, myDefaultExecutor); final Action action0_ = createNumberAction(0, popup, myAlternativeExecutor); popup.registerAction("0Action", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("0"), action0); popup.registerAction("0Action_", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift pressed 0"), action0_); popup.registerAction("0Action1", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("NUMPAD0"), action0); popup.registerAction("0Action_1", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift pressed NUMPAD0"), action0_); final Action action1 = createNumberAction(1, popup, myDefaultExecutor); final Action action1_ = createNumberAction(1, popup, myAlternativeExecutor); popup.registerAction("1Action", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("1"), action1); popup.registerAction("1Action_", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift pressed 1"), action1_); popup.registerAction("1Action1", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("NUMPAD1"), action1); popup.registerAction("1Action_1", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift pressed NUMPAD1"), action1_); final Action action2 = createNumberAction(2, popup, myDefaultExecutor); final Action action2_ = createNumberAction(2, popup, myAlternativeExecutor); popup.registerAction("2Action", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("2"), action2); popup.registerAction("2Action_", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift pressed 2"), action2_); popup.registerAction("2Action1", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("NUMPAD2"), action2); popup.registerAction("2Action_1", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift pressed NUMPAD2"), action2_); final Action action3 = createNumberAction(3, popup, myDefaultExecutor); final Action action3_ = createNumberAction(3, popup, myAlternativeExecutor); popup.registerAction("3Action", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("3"), action3); popup.registerAction("3Action_", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift pressed 3"), action3_); popup.registerAction("3Action1", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("NUMPAD3"), action3); popup.registerAction("3Action_1", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift pressed NUMPAD3"), action3_); } private void updatePresentation() { myPopup.setCaption(getExecutor().getActionName()); } static void execute(final ItemWrapper itemWrapper, final Executor executor) { if (executor == null) { return; } final DataContext dataContext = DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(); final Project project = CommonDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext); if (project != null) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { itemWrapper.perform(project, executor, dataContext); } }); } } void editConfiguration(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings configuration) { final Executor executor = getExecutor(); PropertiesComponent.getInstance().setValue("run.configuration.edit.ad", Boolean.toString(true)); if (RunDialog.editConfiguration(project, configuration, "Edit configuration settings", executor)) { RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project).setSelectedConfiguration(configuration); ExecutionUtil.runConfiguration(configuration, executor); } } private static void deleteConfiguration(final Project project, @NotNull final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings configurationSettings) { final RunManagerEx manager = RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project); manager.removeConfiguration(configurationSettings); } @Override @NotNull public Executor getExecutor() { return myCurrentExecutor == null ? myDefaultExecutor : myCurrentExecutor; } private static Action createNumberAction(final int number, final ListPopupImpl listPopup, final Executor executor) { return new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (listPopup.getSpeedSearch().isHoldingFilter()) return; for (final Object item : listPopup.getListStep().getValues()) { if (item instanceof ItemWrapper && ((ItemWrapper)item).getMnemonic() == number) { listPopup.setFinalRunnable(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { execute((ItemWrapper)item, executor); } }); listPopup.closeOk(null); } } } }; } private abstract static class Wrapper { private int myMnemonic = -1; private final boolean myAddSeparatorAbove; private boolean myChecked; protected Wrapper(boolean addSeparatorAbove) { myAddSeparatorAbove = addSeparatorAbove; } public int getMnemonic() { return myMnemonic; } public boolean isChecked() { return myChecked; } public void setChecked(boolean checked) { myChecked = checked; } public void setMnemonic(int mnemonic) { myMnemonic = mnemonic; } public boolean addSeparatorAbove() { return myAddSeparatorAbove; } @Nullable public abstract Icon getIcon(); public abstract String getText(); public boolean canBeDeleted() { return false; } @Override public String toString() { return "Wrapper[" + getText() + "]"; } } public abstract static class ItemWrapper extends Wrapper { private final T myValue; private boolean myDynamic; protected ItemWrapper(@Nullable final T value) { this(value, false); } protected ItemWrapper(@Nullable final T value, boolean addSeparatorAbove) { super(addSeparatorAbove); myValue = value; } public T getValue() { return myValue; } public boolean isDynamic() { return myDynamic; } public void setDynamic(final boolean b) { myDynamic = b; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof ItemWrapper)) return false; ItemWrapper that = (ItemWrapper)o; if (myValue != null ? !myValue.equals(that.myValue) : that.myValue != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return myValue != null ? myValue.hashCode() : 0; } public abstract void perform(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final Executor executor, @NotNull final DataContext context); @Nullable public ConfigurationType getType() { return null; } public boolean available(Executor executor) { return false; } public boolean hasActions() { return false; } public PopupStep getNextStep(Project project, ChooseRunConfigurationPopup action) { return PopupStep.FINAL_CHOICE; } public static ItemWrapper wrap(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings settings, final boolean dynamic) { final ItemWrapper result = wrap(project, settings); result.setDynamic(dynamic); return result; } public static ItemWrapper wrap(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings settings) { return new ItemWrapper(settings) { @Override public void perform(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull Executor executor, @NotNull DataContext context) { RunnerAndConfigurationSettings config = getValue(); RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project).setSelectedConfiguration(config); ExecutionUtil.runConfiguration(config, executor); } @Override public ConfigurationType getType() { return getValue().getType(); } @Override public Icon getIcon() { return RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project).getConfigurationIcon(getValue()); } @Override public String getText() { return getValue().getName(); } @Override public boolean hasActions() { return true; } @Override public boolean available(Executor executor) { return ProgramRunnerUtil.getRunner(executor.getId(), getValue()) != null; } @Override public PopupStep getNextStep(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final ChooseRunConfigurationPopup action) { return new ConfigurationActionsStep(project, action, getValue(), isDynamic()); } }; } @Override public boolean canBeDeleted() { return !isDynamic() && getValue() instanceof RunnerAndConfigurationSettings; } } private static final class ConfigurationListPopupStep extends BaseListPopupStep { private final Project myProject; private final ChooseRunConfigurationPopup myAction; private int myDefaultConfiguration = -1; private ConfigurationListPopupStep(@NotNull final ChooseRunConfigurationPopup action, @NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final ExecutorProvider executorProvider, @NotNull final String title) { super(title, createSettingsList(project, executorProvider, true)); myProject = project; myAction = action; if (-1 == getDefaultOptionIndex()) { myDefaultConfiguration = getDynamicIndex(); } } private int getDynamicIndex() { int i = 0; for (final ItemWrapper wrapper : getValues()) { if (wrapper.isDynamic()) { return i; } i++; } return -1; } @Override public boolean isAutoSelectionEnabled() { return false; } @Override public ListSeparator getSeparatorAbove(ItemWrapper value) { if (value.addSeparatorAbove()) return new ListSeparator(); final List configurations = getValues(); final int index = configurations.indexOf(value); if (index > 0 && index <= configurations.size() - 1) { final ItemWrapper aboveConfiguration = configurations.get(index - 1); if (aboveConfiguration != null && aboveConfiguration.isDynamic() != value.isDynamic()) { return new ListSeparator(); } final ConfigurationType currentType = value.getType(); final ConfigurationType aboveType = aboveConfiguration == null ? null : aboveConfiguration.getType(); if (aboveType != currentType && currentType != null) { return new ListSeparator(); // new ListSeparator(currentType.getDisplayName()); } } return null; } @Override public boolean isSpeedSearchEnabled() { return true; } @Override public int getDefaultOptionIndex() { final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings currentConfiguration = RunManager.getInstance(myProject).getSelectedConfiguration(); if (currentConfiguration == null && myDefaultConfiguration != -1) { return myDefaultConfiguration; } return currentConfiguration instanceof RunnerAndConfigurationSettingsImpl ? getValues() .indexOf(ItemWrapper.wrap(myProject, currentConfiguration)) : -1; } @Override public PopupStep onChosen(final ItemWrapper wrapper, boolean finalChoice) { if (myAction.myEditConfiguration) { final Object o = wrapper.getValue(); if (o instanceof RunnerAndConfigurationSettingsImpl) { return doFinalStep(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myAction.editConfiguration(myProject, (RunnerAndConfigurationSettings)o); } }); } } if (finalChoice && wrapper.available(myAction.getExecutor())) { return doFinalStep(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (myAction.getExecutor() == myAction.myAlternativeExecutor) { PropertiesComponent.getInstance().setValue(myAction.myAddKey, Boolean.toString(true)); } wrapper.perform(myProject, myAction.getExecutor(), DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext()); } }); } else { return wrapper.getNextStep(myProject, myAction); } } @Override public boolean hasSubstep(ItemWrapper selectedValue) { return selectedValue.hasActions(); } @NotNull @Override public String getTextFor(ItemWrapper value) { return value.getText(); } @Override public Icon getIconFor(ItemWrapper value) { return value.getIcon(); } } private static final class ConfigurationActionsStep extends BaseListPopupStep { @NotNull private final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings mySettings; @NotNull private final Project myProject; private ConfigurationActionsStep(@NotNull final Project project, ChooseRunConfigurationPopup action, @NotNull final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings settings, final boolean dynamic) { super(null, buildActions(project, action, settings, dynamic)); myProject = project; mySettings = settings; } @NotNull public RunnerAndConfigurationSettings getSettings() { return mySettings; } public String getName() { return mySettings.getName(); } public Icon getIcon() { return RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(myProject).getConfigurationIcon(mySettings); } @Override public ListSeparator getSeparatorAbove(ActionWrapper value) { return value.addSeparatorAbove() ? new ListSeparator() : null; } private static ActionWrapper[] buildActions(@NotNull final Project project, final ChooseRunConfigurationPopup action, @NotNull final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings settings, final boolean dynamic) { final List result = new ArrayList(); final ExecutionTarget active = ExecutionTargetManager.getActiveTarget(project); for (final ExecutionTarget eachTarget : ExecutionTargetManager.getTargetsToChooseFor(project, settings)) { result.add(new ActionWrapper(eachTarget.getDisplayName(), eachTarget.getIcon()) { { setChecked(eachTarget.equals(active)); } @Override public void perform() { final RunManagerEx manager = RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project); if (dynamic) { manager.setTemporaryConfiguration(settings); } manager.setSelectedConfiguration(settings); ExecutionTargetManager.setActiveTarget(project, eachTarget); ExecutionUtil.runConfiguration(settings, action.getExecutor()); } }); } boolean isFirst = true; for (final Executor executor : ExecutorRegistry.getInstance().getRegisteredExecutors()) { final ProgramRunner runner = RunnerRegistry.getInstance().getRunner(executor.getId(), settings.getConfiguration()); if (runner != null) { result.add(new ActionWrapper(executor.getActionName(), executor.getIcon(), isFirst) { @Override public void perform() { final RunManagerEx manager = RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project); if (dynamic) { manager.setTemporaryConfiguration(settings); } manager.setSelectedConfiguration(settings); ExecutionUtil.runConfiguration(settings, executor); } }); isFirst = false; } } result.add(new ActionWrapper("Edit...", AllIcons.Actions.EditSource, true) { @Override public void perform() { final RunManagerEx manager = RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project); if (dynamic) manager.setTemporaryConfiguration(settings); action.editConfiguration(project, settings); } }); if (settings.isTemporary() || dynamic) { result.add(new ActionWrapper("Save configuration", AllIcons.Actions.Menu_saveall) { @Override public void perform() { final RunManagerEx manager = RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project); if (dynamic) manager.setTemporaryConfiguration(settings); manager.makeStable(settings); } }); } return result.toArray(new ActionWrapper[result.size()]); } @Override public PopupStep onChosen(final ActionWrapper selectedValue, boolean finalChoice) { return doFinalStep(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { selectedValue.perform(); } }); } @Override public Icon getIconFor(ActionWrapper aValue) { return aValue.getIcon(); } @NotNull @Override public String getTextFor(ActionWrapper value) { return value.getText(); } } private abstract static class ActionWrapper extends Wrapper { private final String myName; private final Icon myIcon; private ActionWrapper(String name, Icon icon) { this(name, icon, false); } private ActionWrapper(String name, Icon icon, boolean addSeparatorAbove) { super(addSeparatorAbove); myName = name; myIcon = icon; } public abstract void perform(); @Override public String getText() { return myName; } @Override public Icon getIcon() { return myIcon; } } private static class RunListElementRenderer extends PopupListElementRenderer { private JLabel myLabel; private final ListPopupImpl myPopup1; private final boolean myHasSideBar; private RunListElementRenderer(ListPopupImpl popup, boolean hasSideBar) { super(popup); myPopup1 = popup; myHasSideBar = hasSideBar; } @Override protected JComponent createItemComponent() { if (myLabel == null) { myLabel = new JLabel(); myLabel.setPreferredSize(new JLabel("8.").getPreferredSize()); } final JComponent result = super.createItemComponent(); result.add(myLabel, BorderLayout.WEST); return result; } @Override protected void customizeComponent(JList list, Object value, boolean isSelected) { super.customizeComponent(list, value, isSelected); myLabel.setVisible(myHasSideBar); ListPopupStep step = myPopup1.getListStep(); boolean isSelectable = step.isSelectable(value); myLabel.setEnabled(isSelectable); myLabel.setIcon(null); if (isSelected) { setSelected(myLabel); } else { setDeselected(myLabel); } if (value instanceof Wrapper) { Wrapper wrapper = (Wrapper)value; final int mnemonic = wrapper.getMnemonic(); if (mnemonic != -1 && !myPopup1.getSpeedSearch().isHoldingFilter()) { myLabel.setText(mnemonic + "."); myLabel.setDisplayedMnemonicIndex(0); } else { if (wrapper.isChecked()) { myTextLabel.setIcon(isSelected ? RunConfigurationsComboBoxAction.CHECKED_SELECTED_ICON : RunConfigurationsComboBoxAction.CHECKED_ICON); } else { if (myTextLabel.getIcon() == null) { myTextLabel.setIcon(RunConfigurationsComboBoxAction.EMPTY_ICON); } } myLabel.setText(""); } } } } private class RunListPopup extends ListPopupImpl { public RunListPopup(ListPopupStep step) { super(step); registerActions(this); } protected RunListPopup(WizardPopup aParent, ListPopupStep aStep, Object parentValue) { super(aParent, aStep, parentValue); registerActions(this); } @Override protected WizardPopup createPopup(WizardPopup parent, PopupStep step, Object parentValue) { return new RunListPopup(parent, (ListPopupStep)step, parentValue); } @Override public void handleSelect(boolean handleFinalChoices, InputEvent e) { if (e instanceof MouseEvent && e.isShiftDown()) { handleShiftClick(handleFinalChoices, e, this); return; } _handleSelect(handleFinalChoices, e); } private void _handleSelect(boolean handleFinalChoices, InputEvent e) { super.handleSelect(handleFinalChoices, e); } protected void handleShiftClick(boolean handleFinalChoices, final InputEvent inputEvent, final RunListPopup popup) { myCurrentExecutor = myAlternativeExecutor; popup._handleSelect(handleFinalChoices, inputEvent); } @Override protected ListCellRenderer getListElementRenderer() { boolean hasSideBar = false; for (Object each : getListStep().getValues()) { if (each instanceof Wrapper) { if (((Wrapper)each).getMnemonic() != -1) { hasSideBar = true; break; } } } return new RunListElementRenderer(this, hasSideBar); } public void removeSelected() { final PropertiesComponent propertiesComponent = PropertiesComponent.getInstance(); if (!propertiesComponent.isTrueValue("run.configuration.delete.ad")) { propertiesComponent.setValue("run.configuration.delete.ad", Boolean.toString(true)); } final int index = getSelectedIndex(); if (index == -1) { return; } final Object o = getListModel().get(index); if (o != null && o instanceof ItemWrapper && ((ItemWrapper)o).canBeDeleted()) { deleteConfiguration(myProject, (RunnerAndConfigurationSettings)((ItemWrapper)o).getValue()); getListModel().deleteItem(o); final List values = getListStep().getValues(); values.remove(o); if (index < values.size()) { onChildSelectedFor(values.get(index)); } else if (index - 1 >= 0) { onChildSelectedFor(values.get(index - 1)); } } } } private static class FolderWrapper extends ItemWrapper { private final Project myProject; private final ExecutorProvider myExecutorProvider; private final List myConfigurations; private FolderWrapper(Project project, ExecutorProvider executorProvider, @Nullable String value, List configurations) { super(value); myProject = project; myExecutorProvider = executorProvider; myConfigurations = configurations; } @Override public void perform(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull Executor executor, @NotNull DataContext context) { RunnerAndConfigurationSettings selectedConfiguration = RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project).getSelectedConfiguration(); if (myConfigurations.contains(selectedConfiguration)) { RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project).setSelectedConfiguration(selectedConfiguration); ExecutionUtil.runConfiguration(selectedConfiguration, myExecutorProvider.getExecutor()); } } @Nullable @Override public Icon getIcon() { return AllIcons.Nodes.Folder; } @Override public String getText() { return getValue(); } @Override public boolean hasActions() { return true; } @Override public PopupStep getNextStep(Project project, ChooseRunConfigurationPopup action) { List steps = new ArrayList(); for (RunnerAndConfigurationSettings settings : myConfigurations) { steps.add(new ConfigurationActionsStep(project, action, settings, false)); } return new FolderStep(myProject, myExecutorProvider, null, steps); } } private static final class FolderStep extends BaseListPopupStep { private final Project myProject; private final ExecutorProvider myExecutorProvider; private FolderStep(Project project, ExecutorProvider executorProvider, String folderName, List children ) { super(folderName, children, new ArrayList()); myProject = project; myExecutorProvider = executorProvider; } @Override public PopupStep onChosen(final ConfigurationActionsStep selectedValue, boolean finalChoice) { if (finalChoice) { return doFinalStep(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { RunnerAndConfigurationSettings settings = selectedValue.getSettings(); RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(myProject).setSelectedConfiguration(settings); ExecutionUtil.runConfiguration(settings, myExecutorProvider.getExecutor()); } }); } else { return selectedValue; } } @Override public Icon getIconFor(ConfigurationActionsStep aValue) { return aValue.getIcon(); } @NotNull @Override public String getTextFor(ConfigurationActionsStep value) { return value.getName(); } @Override public boolean hasSubstep(ConfigurationActionsStep selectedValue) { return !selectedValue.getValues().isEmpty(); } } public static ItemWrapper[] createSettingsList(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull ExecutorProvider executorProvider, boolean createEditAction) { final RunManagerEx manager = RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project); final List result = new ArrayList(); final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings selectedConfiguration = manager.getSelectedConfiguration(); if (selectedConfiguration != null) { boolean isFirst = true; final ExecutionTarget activeTarget = ExecutionTargetManager.getActiveTarget(project); for (final ExecutionTarget eachTarget : ExecutionTargetManager.getTargetsToChooseFor(project, selectedConfiguration)) { result.add(new ItemWrapper(eachTarget, isFirst) { { setChecked(eachTarget.equals(activeTarget)); } @Override public Icon getIcon() { return eachTarget.getIcon(); } @Override public String getText() { return eachTarget.getDisplayName(); } @Override public void perform(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final Executor executor, @NotNull DataContext context) { ExecutionTargetManager.setActiveTarget(project, eachTarget); ExecutionUtil.runConfiguration(selectedConfiguration, executor); } @Override public boolean available(Executor executor) { return true; } }); isFirst = false; } } final Map wrappedExisting = new LinkedHashMap(); final ConfigurationType[] types = manager.getConfigurationFactories(); for (final ConfigurationType type : types) { if (!(type instanceof UnknownConfigurationType)) { Map> structure = manager.getStructure(type); for (final Map.Entry> entry : structure.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) continue; final String key = entry.getKey(); if (key != null){ boolean isSelected = entry.getValue().contains(selectedConfiguration); FolderWrapper folderWrapper = new FolderWrapper(project, executorProvider, key + (isSelected ? " (mnemonic is to \"" + selectedConfiguration.getName()+"\")" : ""), entry.getValue()); if (isSelected) { folderWrapper.setMnemonic(1); } result.add(folderWrapper); } else { for (RunnerAndConfigurationSettings configuration : entry.getValue()) { final ItemWrapper wrapped = ItemWrapper.wrap(project, configuration); if (configuration == selectedConfiguration) { wrapped.setMnemonic(1); } wrappedExisting.put(configuration, wrapped); } } } } } populateWithDynamicRunners(result, wrappedExisting, project, manager, selectedConfiguration); result.addAll(wrappedExisting.values()); //noinspection unchecked final ItemWrapper edit = new ItemWrapper(null) { @Override public Icon getIcon() { return AllIcons.Actions.EditSource; } @Override public String getText() { return UIUtil.removeMnemonic(ActionsBundle.message("action.editRunConfigurations.text")); } @Override public void perform(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final Executor executor, @NotNull DataContext context) { final EditConfigurationsDialog dialog = new EditConfigurationsDialog(project) { @Override protected void init() { setOKButtonText(executor.getStartActionText()); setOKButtonIcon(executor.getIcon()); myExecutor = executor; super.init(); } }; dialog.show(); if (dialog.isOK()) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ExecutionUtil.runConfiguration(RunManager.getInstance(project).getSelectedConfiguration(), executor); } }); } } @Override public boolean available(Executor executor) { return true; } }; edit.setMnemonic(0); if (createEditAction) { result.add(0, edit); } return result.toArray(new ItemWrapper[result.size()]); } @NotNull private static List populateWithDynamicRunners(final List result, Map existing, final Project project, final RunManagerEx manager, final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings selectedConfiguration) { final ArrayList contextConfigurations = new ArrayList(); if (!EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } final DataContext dataContext = DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(); final ConfigurationContext context = ConfigurationContext.getFromContext(dataContext); final List producers = PreferredProducerFind.getConfigurationsFromContext(context.getLocation(), context, false); if (producers == null) return Collections.emptyList(); Collections.sort(producers, ConfigurationFromContext.NAME_COMPARATOR); final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings[] preferred = {null}; int i = 2; // selectedConfiguration == null ? 1 : 2; for (final ConfigurationFromContext fromContext : producers) { final RunnerAndConfigurationSettings configuration = fromContext.getConfigurationSettings(); if (existing.keySet().contains(configuration)) { final ItemWrapper wrapper = existing.get(configuration); if (wrapper.getMnemonic() != 1) { wrapper.setMnemonic(i); i++; } } else { if (selectedConfiguration != null && configuration.equals(selectedConfiguration)) continue; contextConfigurations.add(configuration); if (preferred[0] == null) { preferred[0] = configuration; } //noinspection unchecked final ItemWrapper wrapper = new ItemWrapper(configuration) { @Override public Icon getIcon() { return RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project).getConfigurationIcon(configuration); } @Override public String getText() { return configuration.getName(); } @Override public boolean available(Executor executor) { return canRun(executor, configuration); } @Override public void perform(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull Executor executor, @NotNull DataContext context) { manager.setTemporaryConfiguration(configuration); RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project).setSelectedConfiguration(configuration); ExecutionUtil.runConfiguration(configuration, executor); } @Override public PopupStep getNextStep(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final ChooseRunConfigurationPopup action) { return new ConfigurationActionsStep(project, action, configuration, isDynamic()); } @Override public boolean hasActions() { return true; } }; wrapper.setDynamic(true); wrapper.setMnemonic(i); result.add(wrapper); i++; } } return contextConfigurations; } }