/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ide.util.gotoByName; import com.intellij.ide.DataManager; import com.intellij.ide.actions.ApplyIntentionAction; import com.intellij.ide.ui.search.ActionFromOptionDescriptorProvider; import com.intellij.ide.ui.search.OptionDescription; import com.intellij.ide.ui.search.SearchableOptionsRegistrar; import com.intellij.ide.ui.search.SearchableOptionsRegistrarImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ActionManager; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.impl.ActionManagerImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.Processor; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.*; import static com.intellij.ide.util.gotoByName.GotoActionModel.*; /** * @author peter */ public class GotoActionItemProvider implements ChooseByNameItemProvider { private final ActionManager myActionManager = ActionManager.getInstance(); protected final SearchableOptionsRegistrar myIndex = SearchableOptionsRegistrar.getInstance(); private final GotoActionModel myModel; public GotoActionItemProvider(GotoActionModel model) { myModel = model; } @NotNull @Override public List filterNames(@NotNull ChooseByNameBase base, @NotNull String[] names, @NotNull String pattern) { return Collections.emptyList(); // no common prefix insertion in goto action } @Override public boolean filterElements(@NotNull final ChooseByNameBase base, @NotNull final String pattern, boolean everywhere, @NotNull ProgressIndicator cancelled, @NotNull final Processor consumer) { return filterElements(pattern, everywhere, new Processor() { @Override public boolean process(MatchedValue value) { return consumer.process(value); } }); } public boolean filterElements(String pattern, boolean everywhere, Processor consumer) { DataContext dataContext = DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(myModel.getContextComponent()); if (!processIntentions(pattern, consumer, dataContext)) return false; if (!processActions(pattern, everywhere, consumer, dataContext)) return false; if (!processOptions(pattern, consumer, dataContext)) return false; return true; } private boolean processOptions(String pattern, Processor consumer, DataContext dataContext) { List options = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); final Set words = myIndex.getProcessedWords(pattern); Set optionDescriptions = null; final String actionManagerName = myActionManager.getComponentName(); for (String word : words) { final Set descriptions = ((SearchableOptionsRegistrarImpl)myIndex).getAcceptableDescriptions(word); if (descriptions != null) { for (Iterator iterator = descriptions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { OptionDescription description = iterator.next(); if (actionManagerName.equals(description.getPath())) { iterator.remove(); } } if (!descriptions.isEmpty()) { if (optionDescriptions == null) { optionDescriptions = descriptions; } else { optionDescriptions.retainAll(descriptions); } } } else { optionDescriptions = null; break; } } if (optionDescriptions != null && !optionDescriptions.isEmpty()) { Set currentHits = new HashSet(); for (Iterator iterator = optionDescriptions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { OptionDescription description = iterator.next(); final String hit = description.getHit(); if (hit == null || !currentHits.add(hit.trim())) { iterator.remove(); } } for (OptionDescription description : optionDescriptions) { for (ActionFromOptionDescriptorProvider converter : ActionFromOptionDescriptorProvider.EP.getExtensions()) { AnAction action = converter.provide(description); if (action != null) options.add(new ActionWrapper(action, null, MatchMode.NAME, dataContext)); options.add(description); } } } return processItems(pattern, options, consumer); } private boolean processActions(String pattern, boolean everywhere, Processor consumer, DataContext dataContext) { List actions = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); if (everywhere) { for (String id : ((ActionManagerImpl)myActionManager).getActionIds()) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(actions, myActionManager.getAction(id)); } } else { actions.addAll(myModel.myActionGroups.keySet()); } List actionWrappers = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); for (AnAction action : actions) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); MatchMode mode = myModel.actionMatches(pattern, action); if (mode != MatchMode.NONE) { actionWrappers.add(new ActionWrapper(action, myModel.myActionGroups.get(action), mode, dataContext)); } } return processItems(pattern, actionWrappers, consumer); } private boolean processIntentions(String pattern, Processor consumer, DataContext dataContext) { List intentions = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); for (String intentionText : myModel.myIntentions.keySet()) { final ApplyIntentionAction intentionAction = myModel.myIntentions.get(intentionText); if (myModel.actionMatches(pattern, intentionAction) != MatchMode.NONE) { intentions.add(new ActionWrapper(intentionAction, intentionText, MatchMode.INTENTION, dataContext)); } } return processItems(pattern, intentions, consumer); } private static boolean processItems(final String pattern, List items, Processor consumer) { List matched = ContainerUtil.map(items, new Function() { @Override public MatchedValue fun(Comparable comparable) { return new MatchedValue(comparable, pattern); } }); Collections.sort(matched); return ContainerUtil.process(matched, consumer); } }