/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import com.intellij.util.Consumer; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.awt.*; import java.util.List; public class FileChooser { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooser"); /** * Normally, callback isn't invoked if a chooser was cancelled. * If the situation should be handled separately this interface may be used. */ public interface FileChooserConsumer extends Consumer> { void cancelled(); } private FileChooser() { } @NotNull public static VirtualFile[] chooseFiles(@NotNull final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable final Project project, @Nullable final VirtualFile toSelect) { return chooseFiles(descriptor, null, project, toSelect); } @NotNull public static VirtualFile[] chooseFiles(@NotNull final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable final Component parent, @Nullable final Project project, @Nullable final VirtualFile toSelect) { final FileChooserDialog chooser = FileChooserFactory.getInstance().createFileChooser(descriptor, project, parent); return chooser.choose(toSelect, project); } @Nullable public static VirtualFile chooseFile(@NotNull final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable final Project project, @Nullable final VirtualFile toSelect) { return chooseFile(descriptor, null, project, toSelect); } @Nullable public static VirtualFile chooseFile(@NotNull final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable final Component parent, @Nullable final Project project, @Nullable final VirtualFile toSelect) { LOG.assertTrue(!descriptor.isChooseMultiple()); return ArrayUtil.getFirstElement(chooseFiles(descriptor, parent, project, toSelect)); } /** * Shows file/folder open dialog, allows user to choose files/folders and then passes result to callback in EDT. * On MacOS Open Dialog will be shown with slide effect if Macish UI is turned on. * * @param descriptor file chooser descriptor * @param project project * @param toSelect file to preselect * @param callback callback will be invoked after user have closed dialog and only if there are files selected * @see FileChooserConsumer * @since 11.1 */ public static void chooseFiles(@NotNull final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable final Project project, @Nullable final VirtualFile toSelect, @NotNull final Consumer> callback) { chooseFiles(descriptor, project, null, toSelect, callback); } /** * Shows file/folder open dialog, allows user to choose files/folders and then passes result to callback in EDT. * On MacOS Open Dialog will be shown with slide effect if Macish UI is turned on. * * @param descriptor file chooser descriptor * @param project project * @param parent parent component * @param toSelect file to preselect * @param callback callback will be invoked after user have closed dialog and only if there are files selected * @see FileChooserConsumer * @since 11.1 */ public static void chooseFiles(@NotNull final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable final Project project, @Nullable final Component parent, @Nullable final VirtualFile toSelect, @NotNull final Consumer> callback) { final FileChooserFactory factory = FileChooserFactory.getInstance(); final PathChooserDialog pathChooser = factory.createPathChooser(descriptor, project, parent); pathChooser.choose(toSelect, callback); } /** * Shows file/folder open dialog, allows user to choose file/folder and then passes result to callback in EDT. * On MacOS Open Dialog will be shown with slide effect if Macish UI is turned on. * * @param descriptor file chooser descriptor * @param project project * @param toSelect file to preselect * @param callback callback will be invoked after user have closed dialog and only if there is file selected * @since 13 */ public static void chooseFile(@NotNull final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable final Project project, @Nullable final VirtualFile toSelect, @NotNull final Consumer callback) { chooseFile(descriptor, project, null, toSelect, callback); } /** * Shows file/folder open dialog, allows user to choose file/folder and then passes result to callback in EDT. * On MacOS Open Dialog will be shown with slide effect if Macish UI is turned on. * * @param descriptor file chooser descriptor * @param project project * @param parent parent component * @param toSelect file to preselect * @param callback callback will be invoked after user have closed dialog and only if there is file selected * @since 13 */ public static void chooseFile(@NotNull final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable final Project project, @Nullable final Component parent, @Nullable final VirtualFile toSelect, @NotNull final Consumer callback) { LOG.assertTrue(!descriptor.isChooseMultiple()); chooseFiles(descriptor, project, parent, toSelect, new Consumer>() { @Override public void consume(List files) { callback.consume(files.get(0)); } }); } }