/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.ui; import com.intellij.CommonBundle; import com.intellij.openapi.application.Application; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Computable; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo; import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange; import com.intellij.openapi.util.registry.Registry; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.IdeFrame; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.WindowManager; import com.intellij.ui.*; import com.intellij.ui.components.JBScrollPane; import com.intellij.ui.mac.MacMessages; import com.intellij.ui.mac.foundation.MacUtil; import com.intellij.util.Alarm; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.PairFunction; import com.intellij.util.execution.ParametersListUtil; import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil; import org.intellij.lang.annotations.MagicConstant; import org.jetbrains.annotations.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class Messages { public static final int OK = 0; public static final int YES = 0; public static final int NO = 1; public static final int CANCEL = 2; public static final String OK_BUTTON = CommonBundle.getOkButtonText(); public static final String YES_BUTTON = CommonBundle.getYesButtonText(); public static final String NO_BUTTON = CommonBundle.getNoButtonText(); public static final String CANCEL_BUTTON = CommonBundle.getCancelButtonText(); private static TestDialog ourTestImplementation = TestDialog.DEFAULT; private static TestInputDialog ourTestInputImplementation = TestInputDialog.DEFAULT; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages"); @TestOnly public static TestDialog setTestDialog(TestDialog newValue) { Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); if (application != null) { LOG.assertTrue(application.isUnitTestMode(), "This method is available for tests only"); } TestDialog oldValue = ourTestImplementation; ourTestImplementation = newValue; return oldValue; } @TestOnly public static TestInputDialog setTestInputDialog(TestInputDialog newValue) { Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); if (application != null) { LOG.assertTrue(application.isUnitTestMode(), "This method is available for tests only"); } TestInputDialog oldValue = ourTestInputImplementation; ourTestInputImplementation = newValue; return oldValue; } @NotNull public static Icon getErrorIcon() { return UIUtil.getErrorIcon(); } @NotNull public static Icon getInformationIcon() { return UIUtil.getInformationIcon(); } @NotNull public static Icon getWarningIcon() { return UIUtil.getWarningIcon(); } @NotNull public static Icon getQuestionIcon() { return UIUtil.getQuestionIcon(); } /** * Please, use {@link #showOkCancelDialog} or {@link #showYesNoCancelDialog} if possible (these dialogs implements native OS behavior)! * @return number of button pressed: from 0 up to options.length-1 inclusive, or -1 for Cancel */ public static int showDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon) { return showDialog(project, message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, icon, null); } /** * Please, use {@link #showOkCancelDialog} or {@link #showYesNoCancelDialog} if possible (these dialogs implements native OS behavior)! * @return number of button pressed: from 0 up to options.length-1 inclusive, or -1 for Cancel */ public static int showDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestImplementation.show(message); } try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { Window parentWindow = WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(project); return MacMessages.getInstance() .showMessageDialog(title, message, options, false, parentWindow, defaultOptionIndex, defaultOptionIndex, doNotAskOption); } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } return showIdeaMessageDialog(project, message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, icon, doNotAskOption); } /** * @return number of button pressed: from 0 up to options.length-1 inclusive, or -1 for Cancel */ public static int showIdeaMessageDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(project, message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, -1, icon, doNotAskOption, false); dialog.show(); return dialog.getExitCode(); } public static boolean canShowMacSheetPanel() { return SystemInfo.isMac && !isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless() && Registry.is("ide.mac.message.dialogs.as.sheets"); //&& !DialogWrapper.isMultipleModalDialogs(); } public static boolean isMacSheetEmulation() { return SystemInfo.isMac && Registry.is("ide.mac.message.dialogs.as.sheets") && Registry.is("ide.mac.message.sheets.java.emulation"); } /** * @return number of button pressed: from 0 up to options.length-1 inclusive, or -1 for Cancel */ public static int showDialog(Project project, String message, @NotNull String title, @Nullable String moreInfo, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, int focusedOptionIndex, Icon icon) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestImplementation.show(message); } try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel() && moreInfo == null) { return MacMessages.getInstance() .showMessageDialog(title, message, options, false, WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(project), defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, null); } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } MessageDialog dialog = new MoreInfoMessageDialog(project, message, title, moreInfo, options, defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, icon); dialog.show(); return dialog.getExitCode(); } static boolean isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless(){ final Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); return application != null && (application.isUnitTestMode() || application.isHeadlessEnvironment()); } /** * @return number of button pressed: from 0 up to options.length-1 inclusive, or -1 for Cancel */ public static int showDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestImplementation.show(message); } else { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { return MacMessages.getInstance().showMessageDialog(title, message, options, false, SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(parent), defaultOptionIndex, defaultOptionIndex, null); } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(parent, message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, defaultOptionIndex, icon, false); dialog.show(); return dialog.getExitCode(); } } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showDialog(Project, String, String, String[], int, Icon, DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption) * @see #showDialog(Component, String, String, String[], int, Icon) * @return number of button pressed: from 0 up to options.length-1 inclusive, or -1 for Cancel */ public static int showDialog(String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, int focusedOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestImplementation.show(message); } try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { return MacMessages.getInstance().showMessageDialog(title, message, options, false, null, defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, doNotAskOption); } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } //what's it? if (application.isUnitTestMode()) throw new RuntimeException(message); MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, icon, doNotAskOption); dialog.show(); return dialog.getExitCode(); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showDialog(Project, String, String, String[], int, Icon) * @see #showDialog(Component, String, String, String[], int, Icon) * @return number of button pressed: from 0 up to options.length-1 inclusive, or -1 for Cancel */ public static int showDialog(String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { return showDialog(message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, defaultOptionIndex, icon, doNotAskOption); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showDialog(Project, String, String, String[], int, Icon) * @see #showDialog(Component, String, String, String[], int, Icon) * @return number of button pressed: from 0 up to options.length-1 inclusive, or -1 for Cancel */ public static int showDialog(String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon) { return showDialog(message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, icon, null); } /** * @see com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper#DialogWrapper(Project,boolean) */ public static void showMessageDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, @NotNull String title, @Nullable Icon icon) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showOkMessageDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(project)); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } showDialog(project, message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, 0, icon); } public static void showMessageDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, @NotNull String title, @Nullable Icon icon) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showOkMessageDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(parent)); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } showDialog(parent, message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, 0, icon); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showMessageDialog(Project, String, String, Icon) * @see #showMessageDialog(Component, String, String, Icon) */ public static void showMessageDialog(String message, @NotNull String title, @Nullable Icon icon) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showOkMessageDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON); return; } }catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } showDialog(message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, 0, icon); } @MagicConstant(intValues = {YES, NO}) public @interface YesNoResult { } /** * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No" button. */ @YesNoResult public static int showYesNoDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String yesText, @NotNull String noText, @Nullable Icon icon) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { return MacMessages.getInstance() .showYesNoDialog(title, message, yesText, noText, WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(project)); } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } int result = showDialog(project, message, title, new String[]{yesText, noText}, 0, icon) == 0 ? YES : NO; //noinspection ConstantConditions LOG.assertTrue(result == YES || result == NO, result); return result; } /** * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No" button. */ @YesNoResult public static int showYesNoDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, @NotNull String title, @Nullable Icon icon) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { return MacMessages.getInstance().showYesNoDialog(title, message, YES_BUTTON, NO_BUTTON, WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(project)); } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } int result = showYesNoDialog(project, message, title, YES_BUTTON, NO_BUTTON, icon); LOG.assertTrue(result == YES || result == NO, result); return result; } /** * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No" button. */ @YesNoResult public static int showYesNoDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, @NotNull String title, @Nullable Icon icon) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { return MacMessages.getInstance().showYesNoDialog(title, message, YES_BUTTON, NO_BUTTON, SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(parent)); } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } int result = showDialog(parent, message, title, new String[]{YES_BUTTON, NO_BUTTON}, 0, icon) == 0 ? YES : NO; //noinspection ConstantConditions LOG.assertTrue(result == YES || result == NO, result); return result; } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showYesNoDialog(com.intellij.openapi.project.Project, String, String, javax.swing.Icon) * @see #showYesNoCancelDialog(java.awt.Component, String, String, javax.swing.Icon) * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No" button. */ @YesNoResult public static int showYesNoDialog(String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String yesText, @NotNull String noText, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { return MacMessages.getInstance().showYesNoDialog(title, message, yesText, noText, null, doNotAskOption); } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } int result = showDialog(message, title, new String[]{yesText, noText}, 0, icon, doNotAskOption) == 0 ? YES : NO; //noinspection ConstantConditions LOG.assertTrue(result == YES || result == NO, result); return result; } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showYesNoDialog(Project, String, String, String, String, Icon) * @see #showYesNoDialog(java.awt.Component, String, String, javax.swing.Icon) * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No" button. */ @YesNoResult public static int showYesNoDialog(String message, String title, String yesText, String noText, @Nullable Icon icon) { return showYesNoDialog(message, title, yesText, noText, icon, null); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showYesNoDialog(Project, String, String, Icon) * @see #showYesNoDialog(Component, String, String, Icon) * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No" button. */ @YesNoResult public static int showYesNoDialog(String message, @NotNull String title, @Nullable Icon icon) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { return MacMessages.getInstance().showYesNoDialog(title, message, YES_BUTTON, NO_BUTTON, null); } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } int result = showYesNoDialog(message, title, YES_BUTTON, NO_BUTTON, icon); LOG.assertTrue(result == YES || result == NO, result); return result; } @MagicConstant(intValues = {OK, CANCEL}) public @interface OkCancelResult { } /** * @return {@link #OK} if user pressed "Ok" or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @OkCancelResult public static int showOkCancelDialog(Project project, String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String okText, @NotNull String cancelText, Icon icon, DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { int result = MacMessages.getInstance() .showYesNoDialog(title, message, okText, cancelText, WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(project), doNotAskOption); return result == YES ? OK : CANCEL; } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } return showDialog(project, message, title, new String[]{okText, cancelText}, 0, icon, doNotAskOption) == 0 ? OK : CANCEL; } /** * @return {@link #OK} if user pressed "Ok" or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @OkCancelResult public static int showOkCancelDialog(Project project, String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String okText, @NotNull String cancelText, Icon icon) { return showOkCancelDialog(project, message, title, okText, cancelText, icon, null); } /** * @return {@link #OK} if user pressed "Ok" or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @OkCancelResult public static int showOkCancelDialog(Project project, String message, String title, Icon icon) { return showOkCancelDialog(project, message, title, OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON, icon); } /** * @return {@link #OK} if user pressed "Ok" or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @OkCancelResult public static int showOkCancelDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String okText, @NotNull String cancelText, Icon icon) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { int result = MacMessages.getInstance().showYesNoDialog(title, message, okText, cancelText, SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(parent)); return result == YES ? OK : CANCEL; } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } return showDialog(parent, message, title, new String[]{okText, cancelText}, 0, icon) == 0 ? OK : CANCEL; } /** * @return {@link #OK} if user pressed "Ok" or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @OkCancelResult public static int showOkCancelDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, String title, Icon icon) { return showOkCancelDialog(parent, message, title, OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON, icon); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showOkCancelDialog(Project, String, String, Icon) * @see #showOkCancelDialog(Component, String, String, Icon) * @return {@link #OK} if user pressed "Ok" or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @OkCancelResult public static int showOkCancelDialog(String message, String title, Icon icon) { return showOkCancelDialog(message, title, OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON, icon, null); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showOkCancelDialog(Project, String, String, String, String, Icon) * @see #showOkCancelDialog(Component, String, String, String, String, Icon) * @return {@link #OK} if user pressed "Ok" or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @OkCancelResult public static int showOkCancelDialog(String message, String title, String okText, String cancelText, Icon icon) { return showOkCancelDialog(message, title, okText, cancelText, icon, null); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showOkCancelDialog(Project, String, String, String, String, Icon, DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption) * @see #showOkCancelDialog(Component, String, String, String, String, Icon) * @return {@link #OK} if user pressed "Ok" or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @OkCancelResult public static int showOkCancelDialog(String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String okText, @NotNull String cancelText, Icon icon, @Nullable DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { int result = MacMessages.getInstance().showYesNoDialog(title, message, okText, cancelText, null, doNotAskOption); return result == YES ? OK : CANCEL; } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error(exception); } return showDialog(message, title, new String[]{okText, cancelText}, 0, icon, doNotAskOption) == 0 ? OK : CANCEL; } public static int showCheckboxOkCancelDialog(String message, String title, String checkboxText, final boolean checked, final int defaultOptionIndex, final int focusedOptionIndex, Icon icon) { return showCheckboxMessageDialog(message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON}, checkboxText, checked, defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, icon, new PairFunction() { @Override public Integer fun(final Integer exitCode, final JCheckBox cb) { return exitCode == -1 ? CANCEL : exitCode + (cb.isSelected() ? 1 : 0); } }); } public static int showCheckboxMessageDialog(String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, String checkboxText, final boolean checked, final int defaultOptionIndex, final int focusedOptionIndex, Icon icon, @Nullable final PairFunction exitFunc) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestImplementation.show(message); } else { TwoStepConfirmationDialog dialog = new TwoStepConfirmationDialog(message, title, options, checkboxText, checked, defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, icon, exitFunc); dialog.show(); return dialog.getExitCode(); } } public static int showTwoStepConfirmationDialog(String message, String title, String checkboxText, Icon icon) { return showCheckboxMessageDialog(message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, checkboxText, true, -1, -1, icon, null); } public static void showErrorDialog(@Nullable Project project, @Nls String message, @Nls @NotNull String title) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showErrorDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(project)); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { } showDialog(project, message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, 0, getErrorIcon()); } public static void showErrorDialog(@NotNull Component component, String message, @Nls @NotNull String title) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showErrorDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(component)); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { } showDialog(component, message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, 0, getErrorIcon()); } public static void showErrorDialog(@NotNull Component component, String message) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showErrorDialog(CommonBundle.getErrorTitle(), message, OK_BUTTON, SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor( component)); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { } showDialog(component, message, CommonBundle.getErrorTitle(), new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, 0, getErrorIcon()); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showErrorDialog(Project, String, String) * @see #showErrorDialog(Component, String, String) */ public static void showErrorDialog(String message, @NotNull String title) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showErrorDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, null); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { } showDialog(message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, 0, getErrorIcon()); } public static void showWarningDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, @NotNull String title) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showErrorDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(project)); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { } showDialog(project, message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, 0, getWarningIcon()); } public static void showWarningDialog(@NotNull Component component, String message, @NotNull String title) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showErrorDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(component)); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { } showDialog(component, message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, 0, getWarningIcon()); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showWarningDialog(Project, String, String) * @see #showWarningDialog(Component, String, String) */ public static void showWarningDialog(String message, @NotNull String title) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showErrorDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, null); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { } showDialog(message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON}, 0, getWarningIcon()); } @MagicConstant(intValues = {YES, NO, CANCEL}) public @interface YesNoCancelResult { } /** * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No", or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @YesNoCancelResult public static int showYesNoCancelDialog(Project project, String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String yes, @NotNull String no, @NotNull String cancel, @Nullable Icon icon) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { return MacMessages.getInstance().showYesNoCancelDialog(title, message, yes, no, cancel, WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(project), null); } } catch (Exception exception) { } int buttonNumber = showDialog(project, message, title, new String[]{yes, no, cancel}, 0, icon); return buttonNumber == 0 ? YES : buttonNumber == 1 ? NO : CANCEL; } /** * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No", or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @YesNoCancelResult public static int showYesNoCancelDialog(Project project, String message, String title, Icon icon) { return showYesNoCancelDialog(project, message, title, YES_BUTTON, NO_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON, icon); } /** * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No", or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @YesNoCancelResult public static int showYesNoCancelDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String yes, @NotNull String no, @NotNull String cancel, Icon icon) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { return MacMessages.getInstance().showYesNoCancelDialog(title, message, yes, no, cancel, SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(parent), null); } } catch (Exception exception) { } int buttonNumber = showDialog(parent, message, title, new String[]{yes, no, cancel}, 0, icon); return buttonNumber == 0 ? YES : buttonNumber == 1 ? NO : CANCEL; } /** * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No", or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @YesNoCancelResult public static int showYesNoCancelDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, String title, Icon icon) { return showYesNoCancelDialog(parent, message, title, YES_BUTTON, NO_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON, icon); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showYesNoCancelDialog(Project, String, String, String, String, String, Icon) * @see #showYesNoCancelDialog(Component, String, String, String, String, String, Icon) * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No", or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @YesNoCancelResult public static int showYesNoCancelDialog(String message, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String yes, @NotNull String no, @NotNull String cancel, Icon icon, @Nullable DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { return MacMessages.getInstance().showYesNoCancelDialog(title, message, yes, no, cancel, null, doNotAskOption); } } catch (Exception exception) { } int buttonNumber = showDialog(message, title, new String[]{yes, no, cancel}, 0, icon, doNotAskOption); return buttonNumber == 0 ? YES : buttonNumber == 1 ? NO : CANCEL; } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showYesNoCancelDialog(Project, String, String, String, String, String, Icon) * @see #showYesNoCancelDialog(Component, String, String, String, String, String, Icon) * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No", or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @YesNoCancelResult public static int showYesNoCancelDialog(String message, String title, String yes, String no, String cancel, Icon icon) { return showYesNoCancelDialog(message, title, yes, no, cancel, icon, null); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showYesNoCancelDialog(Project, String, String, Icon) * @see #showYesNoCancelDialog(Component, String, String, Icon) * @return {@link #YES} if user pressed "Yes" or {@link #NO} if user pressed "No", or {@link #CANCEL} if user pressed "Cancel" button. */ @YesNoCancelResult public static int showYesNoCancelDialog(String message, String title, Icon icon) { return showYesNoCancelDialog(message, title, YES_BUTTON, NO_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON, icon); } /** * @return trimmed input string or null if user cancelled dialog. */ @Nullable public static String showPasswordDialog(@Nls String message, @Nls String title) { return showPasswordDialog(null, message, title, null, null); } /** * @return trimmed input string or null if user cancelled dialog. */ @Nullable public static String showPasswordDialog(Project project, @Nls String message, @Nls String title, @Nullable Icon icon) { return showPasswordDialog(project, message, title, icon, null); } /** * @return trimmed input string or null if user cancelled dialog. */ @Nullable public static String showPasswordDialog(@Nullable Project project, @Nls String message, @Nls String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestInputImplementation.show(message); } final InputDialog dialog = project != null ? new PasswordInputDialog(project, message, title, icon, validator) : new PasswordInputDialog(message, title, icon, validator); dialog.show(); return dialog.getInputString(); } /** * @return trimmed input string or null if user cancelled dialog. */ @Nullable public static String showInputDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon) { return showInputDialog(project, message, title, icon, null, null); } /** * @return trimmed input string or null if user cancelled dialog. */ @Nullable public static String showInputDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon) { return showInputDialog(parent, message, title, icon, null, null); } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showInputDialog(Project, String, String, Icon) * @see #showInputDialog(Component, String, String, Icon) */ @Nullable public static String showInputDialog(String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon) { return showInputDialog(message, title, icon, null, null); } @Nullable public static String showInputDialog(@Nullable Project project, @Nls String message, @Nls String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestInputImplementation.show(message); } else { InputDialog dialog = new InputDialog(project, message, title, icon, initialValue, validator); dialog.show(); return dialog.getInputString(); } } @Nullable public static String showInputDialog(Project project, @Nls String message, @Nls String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator, @Nullable TextRange selection) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestInputImplementation.show(message); } else { InputDialog dialog = new InputDialog(project, message, title, icon, initialValue, validator); final JTextComponent field = dialog.getTextField(); if (selection != null) { // set custom selection field.select(selection.getStartOffset(), selection.getEndOffset()); } else { // reset selection final int length = field.getDocument().getLength(); field.select(length, length); } field.putClientProperty(DialogWrapperPeer.HAVE_INITIAL_SELECTION, true); dialog.show(); return dialog.getInputString(); } } @Nullable public static String showInputDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestInputImplementation.show(message); } else { InputDialog dialog = new InputDialog(parent, message, title, icon, initialValue, validator); dialog.show(); return dialog.getInputString(); } } /** * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showInputDialog(Project, String, String, Icon, String, InputValidator) * @see #showInputDialog(Component, String, String, Icon, String, InputValidator) */ @Nullable public static String showInputDialog(String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestInputImplementation.show(message); } else { InputDialog dialog = new InputDialog(message, title, icon, initialValue, validator); dialog.show(); return dialog.getInputString(); } } @Nullable public static String showMultilineInputDialog(Project project, String message, String title, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestInputImplementation.show(message); } InputDialog dialog = new MultilineInputDialog(project, message, title, icon, initialValue, validator, new String[]{OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON}, 0); dialog.show(); return dialog.getInputString(); } @NotNull public static Pair showInputDialogWithCheckBox(String message, String title, String checkboxText, boolean checked, boolean checkboxEnabled, @Nullable Icon icon, @NonNls String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return new Pair(ourTestInputImplementation.show(message), checked); } else { InputDialogWithCheckbox dialog = new InputDialogWithCheckbox(message, title, checkboxText, checked, checkboxEnabled, icon, initialValue, validator); dialog.show(); return Pair.create(dialog.getInputString(), dialog.isChecked()); } } @Nullable public static String showEditableChooseDialog(String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, String[] values, String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestInputImplementation.show(message); } else { ChooseDialog dialog = new ChooseDialog(message, title, icon, values, initialValue); dialog.setValidator(validator); dialog.getComboBox().setEditable(true); dialog.getComboBox().getEditor().setItem(initialValue); dialog.getComboBox().setSelectedItem(initialValue); dialog.show(); return dialog.getInputString(); } } /** @deprecated It looks awful! */ @Deprecated public static int showChooseDialog(String message, String title, String[] values, String initialValue, @Nullable Icon icon) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestImplementation.show(message); } else { ChooseDialog dialog = new ChooseDialog(message, title, icon, values, initialValue); dialog.show(); return dialog.getSelectedIndex(); } } /** @deprecated It looks awful! */ @Deprecated public static int showChooseDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, String title, String[] values, String initialValue, Icon icon) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestImplementation.show(message); } else { ChooseDialog dialog = new ChooseDialog(parent, message, title, icon, values, initialValue); dialog.show(); return dialog.getSelectedIndex(); } } /** * @deprecated It looks awful! * @see com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper#DialogWrapper(Project,boolean) */ @Deprecated public static int showChooseDialog(Project project, String message, String title, Icon icon, String[] values, String initialValue) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { return ourTestImplementation.show(message); } else { ChooseDialog dialog = new ChooseDialog(project, message, title, icon, values, initialValue); dialog.show(); return dialog.getSelectedIndex(); } } /** * Shows dialog with given message and title, information icon {@link #getInformationIcon()} and OK button */ public static void showInfoMessage(Component component, String message, @NotNull String title) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showOkMessageDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(component)); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { } showMessageDialog(component, message, title, getInformationIcon()); } /** * Shows dialog with given message and title, information icon {@link #getInformationIcon()} and OK button */ public static void showInfoMessage(@Nullable Project project, @Nls String message, @Nls @NotNull String title) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showOkMessageDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(project)); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { } showMessageDialog(project, message, title, getInformationIcon()); } /** * Shows dialog with given message and title, information icon {@link #getInformationIcon()} and OK button * * Use this method only if you do not know project or component * * @see #showInputDialog(Project, String, String, Icon, String, InputValidator) * @see #showInputDialog(Component, String, String, Icon, String, InputValidator) */ public static void showInfoMessage(String message, @NotNull String title) { try { if (canShowMacSheetPanel()) { MacMessages.getInstance().showOkMessageDialog(title, message, OK_BUTTON, null); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { } showMessageDialog(message, title, getInformationIcon()); } /** * Shows dialog with text area to edit long strings that don't fit in text field. */ public static void showTextAreaDialog(final JTextField textField, final String title, @NonNls final String dimensionServiceKey, final Function> parser, final Function, String> lineJoiner) { if (isApplicationInUnitTestOrHeadless()) { ourTestImplementation.show(title); } else { final JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(10, 50); textArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); textArea.setLineWrap(true); List lines = parser.fun(textField.getText()); textArea.setText(StringUtil.join(lines, "\n")); InsertPathAction.copyFromTo(textField, textArea); final DialogBuilder builder = new DialogBuilder(textField); builder.setDimensionServiceKey(dimensionServiceKey); builder.setCenterPanel(ScrollPaneFactory.createScrollPane(textArea)); builder.setPreferredFocusComponent(textArea); String rawText = title; if (StringUtil.endsWithChar(rawText, ':')) { rawText = rawText.substring(0, rawText.length() - 1); } builder.setTitle(rawText); builder.addOkAction(); builder.addCancelAction(); builder.setOkOperation(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { textField.setText(lineJoiner.fun(Arrays.asList(StringUtil.splitByLines(textArea.getText())))); builder.getDialogWrapper().close(DialogWrapper.OK_EXIT_CODE); } }); builder.addDisposable(new TextComponentUndoProvider(textArea)); builder.show(); } } public static void showTextAreaDialog(final JTextField textField, final String title, @NonNls final String dimensionServiceKey) { showTextAreaDialog(textField, title, dimensionServiceKey, ParametersListUtil.DEFAULT_LINE_PARSER, ParametersListUtil.DEFAULT_LINE_JOINER); } private static class MoreInfoMessageDialog extends MessageDialog { @Nullable private final String myInfoText; public MoreInfoMessageDialog(Project project, String message, String title, @Nullable String moreInfo, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, int focusedOptionIndex, Icon icon) { super(project); myInfoText = moreInfo; _init(title, message, options, defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, icon, null); } @Override protected JComponent createNorthPanel() { return doCreateCenterPanel(); } @Override protected JComponent createCenterPanel() { if (myInfoText == null) { return null; } final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); final JTextArea area = new JTextArea(myInfoText); area.setEditable(false); final JBScrollPane scrollPane = new JBScrollPane(area) { @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { final Dimension preferredSize = super.getPreferredSize(); final Container parent = getParent(); if (parent != null) { return new Dimension(preferredSize.width, Math.min(150, preferredSize.height)); } return preferredSize; } }; panel.add(scrollPane); return panel; } } private static class MessageDialog extends DialogWrapper { protected String myMessage; protected String[] myOptions; protected int myDefaultOptionIndex; protected int myFocusedOptionIndex; protected Icon myIcon; private MyBorderLayout myLayout; public MessageDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, boolean canBeParent) { this(project, message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, -1, icon, canBeParent); } public MessageDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, int focusedOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption, boolean canBeParent) { super(project, canBeParent); _init(title, message, options, defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, icon, doNotAskOption); } public MessageDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, int focusedOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, boolean canBeParent) { super(project, canBeParent); _init(title, message, options, defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, icon, null); } public MessageDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon) { this(parent, message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, icon, false); } public MessageDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, boolean canBeParent) { this(parent, message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, -1, icon, canBeParent); } public MessageDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, int focusedOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, boolean canBeParent) { super(parent, canBeParent); _init(title, message, options, defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, icon, null); } public MessageDialog(String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon) { this(message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, icon, false); } public MessageDialog(String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, boolean canBeParent) { super(canBeParent); _init(title, message, options, defaultOptionIndex, -1, icon, null); } public MessageDialog(String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, int focusedOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { super(false); _init(title, message, options, defaultOptionIndex, focusedOptionIndex, icon, doNotAskOption); } public MessageDialog(String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, Icon icon, DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { this(message, title, options, defaultOptionIndex, -1, icon, doNotAskOption); } protected MessageDialog() { super(false); } protected MessageDialog(Project project) { super(project, false); } protected void _init(String title, String message, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOptionIndex, int focusedOptionIndex, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { setTitle(title); if (isMacSheetEmulation()) { setUndecorated(true); } myMessage = message; myOptions = options; myDefaultOptionIndex = defaultOptionIndex; myFocusedOptionIndex = focusedOptionIndex; myIcon = icon; setButtonsAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); setDoNotAskOption(doNotAskOption); init(); if (isMacSheetEmulation()) { MacUtil.adjustFocusTraversal(myDisposable); } } @NotNull @Override protected Action[] createActions() { Action[] actions = new Action[myOptions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < myOptions.length; i++) { String option = myOptions[i]; final int exitCode = i; actions[i] = new AbstractAction(UIUtil.replaceMnemonicAmpersand(option)) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { close(exitCode, true); } }; if (i == myDefaultOptionIndex) { actions[i].putValue(DEFAULT_ACTION, Boolean.TRUE); } if (i == myFocusedOptionIndex) { actions[i].putValue(FOCUSED_ACTION, Boolean.TRUE); } UIUtil.assignMnemonic(option, actions[i]); } return actions; } @Override public void doCancelAction() { close(-1); } @Override protected JComponent createCenterPanel() { return doCreateCenterPanel(); } @NotNull @Override LayoutManager createRootLayout() { return isMacSheetEmulation() ? myLayout = new MyBorderLayout() : super.createRootLayout(); } @Override protected void dispose() { if (isMacSheetEmulation()) { animate(); } else { super.dispose(); } } @Override public void show() { if (isMacSheetEmulation()) { setInitialLocationCallback(new Computable() { @Override public Point compute() { JRootPane rootPane = SwingUtilities.getRootPane(getWindow().getParent()); if (rootPane == null) { rootPane = SwingUtilities.getRootPane(getWindow().getOwner()); } Point p = rootPane.getLocationOnScreen(); p.x += (rootPane.getWidth() - getWindow().getWidth()) / 2; return p; } }); animate(); if (SystemInfo.isJavaVersionAtLeast("1.7")) { try { Method method = Class.forName("java.awt.Window").getDeclaredMethod("setOpacity", float.class); if (method != null) method.invoke(getPeer().getWindow(), .8f); } catch (Exception exception) { } } setAutoAdjustable(false); setSize(getPreferredSize().width, 0);//initial state before animation, zero height } super.show(); } private void animate() { final int height = getPreferredSize().height; final int frameCount = 10; final boolean toClose = isShowing(); final AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(-1); final Alarm animator = new Alarm(myDisposable); final Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int state = i.addAndGet(1); double linearProgress = (double)state / frameCount; if (toClose) { linearProgress = 1 - linearProgress; } myLayout.myPhase = (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * linearProgress)) / 2; Window window = getPeer().getWindow(); Rectangle bounds = window.getBounds(); bounds.height = (int)(height * myLayout.myPhase); window.setBounds(bounds); if (state == 0 && !toClose && window.getOwner() instanceof IdeFrame) { WindowManager.getInstance().requestUserAttention((IdeFrame)window.getOwner(), true); } if (state < frameCount) { animator.addRequest(this, 10); } else if (toClose) { MessageDialog.super.dispose(); } } }; animator.addRequest(runnable, 10, ModalityState.stateForComponent(getRootPane())); } protected JComponent doCreateCenterPanel() { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(15, 0)); if (myIcon != null) { JLabel iconLabel = new JLabel(myIcon); Container container = new Container(); container.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); container.add(iconLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); panel.add(container, BorderLayout.WEST); } if (myMessage != null) { final JTextPane messageComponent = createMessageComponent(myMessage); final Dimension screenSize = messageComponent.getToolkit().getScreenSize(); final Dimension textSize = messageComponent.getPreferredSize(); if (myMessage.length() > 100) { final JScrollPane pane = ScrollPaneFactory.createScrollPane(messageComponent); pane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0)); pane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); pane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); final int scrollSize = (int)new JScrollBar(Adjustable.VERTICAL).getPreferredSize().getWidth(); final Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(Math.min(textSize.width, screenSize.width / 2) + scrollSize, Math.min(textSize.height, screenSize.height / 3) + scrollSize); pane.setPreferredSize(preferredSize); panel.add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); } else { panel.add(messageComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER); } } return panel; } protected static JTextPane createMessageComponent(final String message) { final JTextPane messageComponent = new JTextPane(); return configureMessagePaneUi(messageComponent, message); } @Override protected void doHelpAction() { // do nothing } } private static class MyBorderLayout extends BorderLayout { private double myPhase = 0;//it varies from 0 (hidden state) to 1 (fully visible) private MyBorderLayout() { } @Override public void layoutContainer(Container target) { final Dimension realSize = target.getSize(); target.setSize(target.getPreferredSize()); super.layoutContainer(target); target.setSize(realSize); synchronized (target.getTreeLock()) { int yShift = (int)((1 - myPhase) * target.getPreferredSize().height); Component[] components = target.getComponents(); for (Component component : components) { Point point = component.getLocation(); point.y -= yShift; component.setLocation(point); } } } } public static void installHyperlinkSupport(JTextPane messageComponent) { configureMessagePaneUi(messageComponent, ""); } @NotNull public static JTextPane configureMessagePaneUi(JTextPane messageComponent, String message) { return configureMessagePaneUi(messageComponent, message, true); } @NotNull public static JTextPane configureMessagePaneUi(JTextPane messageComponent, String message, final boolean addBrowserHyperlinkListener) { messageComponent.setFont(UIUtil.getLabelFont()); if (BasicHTML.isHTMLString(message)) { final HTMLEditorKit editorKit = new HTMLEditorKit(); editorKit.getStyleSheet().addRule(UIUtil.displayPropertiesToCSS(UIUtil.getLabelFont(), UIUtil.getLabelForeground())); messageComponent.setEditorKit(editorKit); messageComponent.setContentType(UIUtil.HTML_MIME); if (addBrowserHyperlinkListener) { messageComponent.addHyperlinkListener(new BrowserHyperlinkListener()); } } messageComponent.setText(message); messageComponent.setEditable(false); if (messageComponent.getCaret() != null) { messageComponent.setCaretPosition(0); } if (UIUtil.isUnderNimbusLookAndFeel()) { messageComponent.setOpaque(false); messageComponent.setBackground(UIUtil.TRANSPARENT_COLOR); } else { messageComponent.setBackground(UIUtil.getOptionPaneBackground()); } messageComponent.setForeground(UIUtil.getLabelForeground()); return messageComponent; } protected static class TwoStepConfirmationDialog extends MessageDialog { private JCheckBox myCheckBox; private final String myCheckboxText; private final boolean myChecked; private final PairFunction myExitFunc; public TwoStepConfirmationDialog(String message, String title, @NotNull String[] options, String checkboxText, boolean checked, final int defaultOptionIndexed, final int focusedOptionIndex, Icon icon, @Nullable final PairFunction exitFunc) { myCheckboxText = checkboxText; myChecked = checked; myExitFunc = exitFunc; _init(title, message, options, defaultOptionIndexed, focusedOptionIndex, icon, null); } @Override protected JComponent createNorthPanel() { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(15, 0)); if (myIcon != null) { JLabel iconLabel = new JLabel(myIcon); Container container = new Container(); container.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); container.add(iconLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); panel.add(container, BorderLayout.WEST); } JPanel messagePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); if (myMessage != null) { JLabel textLabel = new JLabel(myMessage); textLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 5, 0)); textLabel.setUI(new MultiLineLabelUI()); messagePanel.add(textLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); } final JPanel checkboxPanel = new JPanel(); checkboxPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(checkboxPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); myCheckBox = new JCheckBox(myCheckboxText); myCheckBox.setSelected(myChecked); messagePanel.add(myCheckBox, BorderLayout.SOUTH); panel.add(messagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); return panel; } @Override public int getExitCode() { final int exitCode = super.getExitCode(); if (myExitFunc != null) { return myExitFunc.fun(exitCode, myCheckBox); } return exitCode == OK_EXIT_CODE ? myCheckBox.isSelected() ? OK_EXIT_CODE : CANCEL_EXIT_CODE : CANCEL_EXIT_CODE; } @Override public JComponent getPreferredFocusedComponent() { return myDefaultOptionIndex == -1 ? myCheckBox : super.getPreferredFocusedComponent(); } @Override protected JComponent createCenterPanel() { return null; } } protected static class InputDialog extends MessageDialog { protected JTextComponent myField; private final InputValidator myValidator; public InputDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOption) { super(project, message, title, options, defaultOption, icon, true); myValidator = validator; myField.setText(initialValue); } public InputDialog(@Nullable Project project, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { this(project, message, title, icon, initialValue, validator, new String[]{OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON}, 0); } public InputDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { super(parent, message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON}, 0, icon, true); myValidator = validator; myField.setText(initialValue); } public InputDialog(String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { super(message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON}, 0, icon, true); myValidator = validator; myField.setText(initialValue); } @NotNull @Override protected Action[] createActions() { final Action[] actions = new Action[myOptions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < myOptions.length; i++) { String option = myOptions[i]; final int exitCode = i; if (i == 0) { // "OK" is default button. It has index 0. actions[i] = getOKAction(); actions[i].putValue(DEFAULT_ACTION, Boolean.TRUE); myField.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentAdapter() { @Override public void textChanged(DocumentEvent event) { final String text = myField.getText().trim(); actions[exitCode].setEnabled(myValidator == null || myValidator.checkInput(text)); if (myValidator instanceof InputValidatorEx) { setErrorText(((InputValidatorEx) myValidator).getErrorText(text)); } } }); } else { actions[i] = new AbstractAction(option) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { close(exitCode); } }; } } return actions; } @Override protected void doOKAction() { String inputString = myField.getText().trim(); if (myValidator == null || myValidator.checkInput(inputString) && myValidator.canClose(inputString)) { close(0); } } @Override protected JComponent createCenterPanel() { return null; } @Override protected JComponent createNorthPanel() { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(15, 0)); if (myIcon != null) { JLabel iconLabel = new JLabel(myIcon); Container container = new Container(); container.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); container.add(iconLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); panel.add(container, BorderLayout.WEST); } JPanel messagePanel = createMessagePanel(); panel.add(messagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); return panel; } protected JPanel createMessagePanel() { JPanel messagePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); if (myMessage != null) { JComponent textComponent = createTextComponent(); messagePanel.add(textComponent, BorderLayout.NORTH); } myField = createTextFieldComponent(); messagePanel.add(myField, BorderLayout.SOUTH); return messagePanel; } protected JComponent createTextComponent() { JComponent textComponent; if (BasicHTML.isHTMLString(myMessage)) { textComponent = createMessageComponent(myMessage); } else { JLabel textLabel = new JLabel(myMessage); textLabel.setUI(new MultiLineLabelUI()); textComponent = textLabel; } textComponent.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 5, 0)); return textComponent; } public JTextComponent getTextField() { return myField; } protected JTextComponent createTextFieldComponent() { return new JTextField(30); } @Override public JComponent getPreferredFocusedComponent() { return myField; } @Nullable public String getInputString() { if (getExitCode() == 0) { return myField.getText().trim(); } return null; } } protected static class MultilineInputDialog extends InputDialog { public MultilineInputDialog(Project project, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOption) { super(project, message, title, icon, initialValue, validator, options, defaultOption); } @Override protected JTextComponent createTextFieldComponent() { return new JTextArea(7, 50); } } protected static class PasswordInputDialog extends InputDialog { public PasswordInputDialog(String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { super(message, title, icon, null, validator); } public PasswordInputDialog(Project project, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { super(project, message, title, icon, null, validator); } @Override protected JTextComponent createTextFieldComponent() { return new JPasswordField(30); } } protected static class InputDialogWithCheckbox extends InputDialog { private JCheckBox myCheckBox; public InputDialogWithCheckbox(String message, String title, String checkboxText, boolean checked, boolean checkboxEnabled, @Nullable Icon icon, @Nullable String initialValue, @Nullable InputValidator validator) { super(message, title, icon, initialValue, validator); myCheckBox.setText(checkboxText); myCheckBox.setSelected(checked); myCheckBox.setEnabled(checkboxEnabled); } @Override protected JPanel createMessagePanel() { JPanel messagePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); if (myMessage != null) { JComponent textComponent = createTextComponent(); messagePanel.add(textComponent, BorderLayout.NORTH); } myField = createTextFieldComponent(); messagePanel.add(myField, BorderLayout.CENTER); myCheckBox = new JCheckBox(); messagePanel.add(myCheckBox, BorderLayout.SOUTH); return messagePanel; } public Boolean isChecked() { return myCheckBox.isSelected(); } } /** It looks awful! */ @Deprecated protected static class ChooseDialog extends MessageDialog { private ComboBox myComboBox; private InputValidator myValidator; public ChooseDialog(Project project, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, String[] values, String initialValue, @NotNull String[] options, int defaultOption) { super(project, message, title, options, defaultOption, icon, true); myComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(values)); myComboBox.setSelectedItem(initialValue); } public ChooseDialog(Project project, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, String[] values, String initialValue) { this(project, message, title, icon, values, initialValue, new String[]{OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON}, 0); } public ChooseDialog(@NotNull Component parent, String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, String[] values, String initialValue) { super(parent, message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON}, 0, icon); myComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(values)); myComboBox.setSelectedItem(initialValue); } public ChooseDialog(String message, String title, @Nullable Icon icon, String[] values, String initialValue) { super(message, title, new String[]{OK_BUTTON, CANCEL_BUTTON}, 0, icon); myComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(values)); myComboBox.setSelectedItem(initialValue); } @NotNull @Override protected Action[] createActions() { final Action[] actions = new Action[myOptions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < myOptions.length; i++) { String option = myOptions[i]; final int exitCode = i; if (i == myDefaultOptionIndex) { actions[i] = new AbstractAction(option) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (myValidator == null || myValidator.checkInput(myComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString().trim())) { close(exitCode); } } }; actions[i].putValue(DEFAULT_ACTION, Boolean.TRUE); myComboBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { actions[exitCode].setEnabled(myValidator == null || myValidator.checkInput(myComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString().trim())); } }); final JTextField textField = (JTextField)myComboBox.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); textField.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentAdapter() { @Override public void textChanged(DocumentEvent event) { actions[exitCode].setEnabled(myValidator == null || myValidator.checkInput(textField.getText().trim())); } }); } else { // "Cancel" action actions[i] = new AbstractAction(option) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { close(exitCode); } }; } } return actions; } @Override protected JComponent createCenterPanel() { return null; } @Override protected JComponent createNorthPanel() { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(15, 0)); if (myIcon != null) { JLabel iconLabel = new JLabel(myIcon); Container container = new Container(); container.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); container.add(iconLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); panel.add(container, BorderLayout.WEST); } JPanel messagePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); if (myMessage != null) { JLabel textLabel = new JLabel(myMessage); textLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 5, 0)); textLabel.setUI(new MultiLineLabelUI()); messagePanel.add(textLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); } myComboBox = new ComboBox(220); messagePanel.add(myComboBox, BorderLayout.SOUTH); panel.add(messagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); return panel; } @Override protected void doOKAction() { String inputString = myComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString().trim(); if (myValidator == null || myValidator.checkInput(inputString) && myValidator.canClose(inputString)) { super.doOKAction(); } } @Override public JComponent getPreferredFocusedComponent() { return myComboBox; } @Nullable public String getInputString() { if (getExitCode() == 0) { return myComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString(); } return null; } public int getSelectedIndex() { if (getExitCode() == 0) { return myComboBox.getSelectedIndex(); } return -1; } public JComboBox getComboBox() { return myComboBox; } public void setValidator(@Nullable InputValidator validator) { myValidator = validator; } } }