/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ui.tabs.impl.singleRow; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.ui.tabs.JBTabsPosition; import com.intellij.ui.tabs.TabInfo; import com.intellij.ui.tabs.TabsUtil; import com.intellij.ui.tabs.impl.*; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; public class SingleRowLayout extends TabLayout { final JBTabsImpl myTabs; public SingleRowPassInfo myLastSingRowLayout; private final SingleRowLayoutStrategy myTop; private final SingleRowLayoutStrategy myLeft; private final SingleRowLayoutStrategy myBottom; private final SingleRowLayoutStrategy myRight; public final MoreTabsIcon myMoreIcon = new MoreTabsIcon() { @Nullable protected Rectangle getIconRec() { return myLastSingRowLayout != null ? myLastSingRowLayout.moreRect : null; } @Override protected int getIconY(Rectangle iconRec) { final int shift; switch (myTabs.getTabsPosition()) { case bottom: shift = TabsUtil.ACTIVE_TAB_UNDERLINE_HEIGHT; break; case top: shift = -(TabsUtil.ACTIVE_TAB_UNDERLINE_HEIGHT / 2); break; default: shift = 0; } return super.getIconY(iconRec) + shift; } }; public JPopupMenu myMorePopup; public final GhostComponent myLeftGhost = new GhostComponent(RowDropPolicy.first, RowDropPolicy.first); public final GhostComponent myRightGhost = new GhostComponent(RowDropPolicy.last, RowDropPolicy.first); private enum RowDropPolicy { first, last } private RowDropPolicy myRowDropPolicy = RowDropPolicy.first; @Override public boolean isSideComponentOnTabs() { return getStrategy().isSideComponentOnTabs(); } @Override public ShapeTransform createShapeTransform(Rectangle labelRec) { return getStrategy().createShapeTransform(labelRec); } @Override public boolean isDragOut(TabLabel tabLabel, int deltaX, int deltaY) { return getStrategy().isDragOut(tabLabel, deltaX, deltaY); } public SingleRowLayout(final JBTabsImpl tabs) { myTabs = tabs; myTop = new SingleRowLayoutStrategy.Top(this); myLeft = new SingleRowLayoutStrategy.Left(this); myBottom = new SingleRowLayoutStrategy.Bottom(this); myRight = new SingleRowLayoutStrategy.Right(this); } SingleRowLayoutStrategy getStrategy() { switch (myTabs.getPresentation().getTabsPosition()) { case top: return myTop; case left: return myLeft; case bottom: return myBottom; case right: return myRight; } return null; } protected boolean checkLayoutLabels(SingleRowPassInfo data) { boolean layoutLabels = true; if (!myTabs.myForcedRelayout && myLastSingRowLayout != null && myLastSingRowLayout.contentCount == myTabs.getTabCount() && myLastSingRowLayout.layoutSize.equals(myTabs.getSize()) && myLastSingRowLayout.scrollOffset == getScrollOffset()) { for (TabInfo each : data.myVisibleInfos) { final TabLabel eachLabel = myTabs.myInfo2Label.get(each); if (!eachLabel.isValid()) { layoutLabels = true; break; } if (myTabs.getSelectedInfo() == each) { if (eachLabel.getBounds().width != 0) { layoutLabels = false; } } } } return layoutLabels; } int getScrollOffset() { return 0; } public void scroll(int units) { } public int getScrollUnitIncrement() { return 0; } public void scrollSelectionInView() { } public LayoutPassInfo layoutSingleRow(List visibleInfos) { if (myTabs.isAlphabeticalMode()) { Collections.sort(visibleInfos, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(TabInfo o1, TabInfo o2) { return StringUtil.naturalCompare(o1.getText(), o2.getText()); } }); } SingleRowPassInfo data = new SingleRowPassInfo(this, visibleInfos); final boolean layoutLabels = checkLayoutLabels(data); if (!layoutLabels) { data = myLastSingRowLayout; } final TabInfo selected = myTabs.getSelectedInfo(); prepareLayoutPassInfo(data, selected); myTabs.resetLayout(layoutLabels || myTabs.isHideTabs()); if (layoutLabels && !myTabs.isHideTabs()) { data.position = getStrategy().getStartPosition(data) - getScrollOffset(); recomputeToLayout(data); layoutLabelsAndGhosts(data); layoutMoreButton(data); } if (selected != null) { data.comp = selected.getComponent(); getStrategy().layoutComp(data); } updateMoreIconVisibility(data); data.tabRectangle = new Rectangle(); if (data.toLayout.size() > 0) { final TabLabel firstLabel = myTabs.myInfo2Label.get(data.toLayout.get(0)); final TabLabel lastLabel = findLastVisibleLabel(data); if (firstLabel != null && lastLabel != null) { data.tabRectangle.x = firstLabel.getBounds().x; data.tabRectangle.y = firstLabel.getBounds().y; data.tabRectangle.width = (int)lastLabel.getBounds().getMaxX() - data.tabRectangle.x; data.tabRectangle.height = (int)lastLabel.getBounds().getMaxY() - data.tabRectangle.y; } } myLastSingRowLayout = data; return data; } @Nullable protected TabLabel findLastVisibleLabel(SingleRowPassInfo data) { return myTabs.myInfo2Label.get(data.toLayout.get(data.toLayout.size() - 1)); } protected void prepareLayoutPassInfo(SingleRowPassInfo data, TabInfo selected) { data.insets = myTabs.getLayoutInsets(); data.insets.left += myTabs.getFirstTabOffset(); final JBTabsImpl.Toolbar selectedToolbar = myTabs.myInfo2Toolbar.get(selected); data.hToolbar = selectedToolbar != null && myTabs.myHorizontalSide && !selectedToolbar.isEmpty() ? selectedToolbar : null; data.vToolbar = selectedToolbar != null && !myTabs.myHorizontalSide && !selectedToolbar.isEmpty() ? selectedToolbar : null; data.toFitLength = getStrategy().getToFitLength(data); if (myTabs.isGhostsAlwaysVisible()) { data.toFitLength -= myTabs.getGhostTabLength() * 2 + (myTabs.getInterTabSpaceLength() * 2); } } protected void updateMoreIconVisibility(SingleRowPassInfo data) { int counter = 0; for (TabInfo tabInfo : data.myVisibleInfos) { if (isTabHidden(tabInfo)) counter++; } myMoreIcon.updateCounter(counter); } protected void layoutMoreButton(SingleRowPassInfo data) { if (data.toDrop.size() > 0) { data.moreRect = getStrategy().getMoreRect(data); } } private void layoutLabelsAndGhosts(final SingleRowPassInfo data) { if (data.firstGhostVisible || myTabs.isGhostsAlwaysVisible()) { data.firstGhost = getStrategy().getLayoutRect(data, data.position, myTabs.getGhostTabLength()); myTabs.layout(myLeftGhost, data.firstGhost); data.position += getStrategy().getLengthIncrement(data.firstGhost.getSize()) + myTabs.getInterTabSpaceLength(); } int deltaToFit = 0; if (data.firstGhostVisible || data.lastGhostVisible) { if (data.requiredLength < data.toFitLength && getStrategy().canBeStretched()) { deltaToFit = (int)Math.floor((data.toFitLength - data.requiredLength) / (double)data.toLayout.size()); } } int totalLength = 0; int positionStart = data.position; boolean layoutStopped = false; for (TabInfo eachInfo : data.toLayout) { final TabLabel label = myTabs.myInfo2Label.get(eachInfo); if (layoutStopped) { label.setActionPanelVisible(false); final Rectangle rec = getStrategy().getLayoutRect(data, 0, 0); myTabs.layout(label, rec); continue; } label.setActionPanelVisible(true); final Dimension eachSize = label.getPreferredSize(); boolean isLast = data.toLayout.indexOf(eachInfo) == data.toLayout.size() - 1; int length; if (!isLast || deltaToFit == 0) { length = getStrategy().getLengthIncrement(eachSize) + deltaToFit; } else { length = data.toFitLength - totalLength; } boolean continueLayout = applyTabLayout(data, label, length, deltaToFit); data.position = getStrategy().getMaxPosition(label.getBounds()); data.position += myTabs.getInterTabSpaceLength(); totalLength = getStrategy().getMaxPosition(label.getBounds()) - positionStart + myTabs.getInterTabSpaceLength(); if (!continueLayout) { layoutStopped = true; } } for (TabInfo eachInfo : data.toDrop) { JBTabsImpl.resetLayout(myTabs.myInfo2Label.get(eachInfo)); } if (data.lastGhostVisible || myTabs.isGhostsAlwaysVisible()) { data.lastGhost = getStrategy().getLayoutRect(data, data.position, myTabs.getGhostTabLength()); myTabs.layout(myRightGhost, data.lastGhost); } } protected boolean applyTabLayout(SingleRowPassInfo data, TabLabel label, int length, int deltaToFit) { final Rectangle rec = getStrategy().getLayoutRect(data, data.position, length); myTabs.layout(label, rec); label.setAlignmentToCenter((deltaToFit > 0 || myTabs.isEditorTabs()) && getStrategy().isToCenterTextWhenStretched()); return true; } protected void recomputeToLayout(final SingleRowPassInfo data) { calculateRequiredLength(data); while (true) { if (data.requiredLength <= data.toFitLength - data.position) break; if (data.toLayout.size() == 0) break; final TabInfo first = data.toLayout.get(0); final TabInfo last = data.toLayout.get(data.toLayout.size() - 1); if (myRowDropPolicy == RowDropPolicy.first) { if (first != myTabs.getSelectedInfo()) { processDrop(data, first, true); } else if (last != myTabs.getSelectedInfo()) { processDrop(data, last, false); } else { break; } } else { if (last != myTabs.getSelectedInfo()) { processDrop(data, last, false); } else if (first != myTabs.getSelectedInfo()) { processDrop(data, first, true); } else { break; } } } for (int i = 1; i < data.myVisibleInfos.size() - 1; i++) { final TabInfo each = data.myVisibleInfos.get(i); final TabInfo prev = data.myVisibleInfos.get(i - 1); final TabInfo next = data.myVisibleInfos.get(i + 1); if (data.toLayout.contains(each) && data.toDrop.contains(prev)) { myLeftGhost.setInfo(prev); } else if (data.toLayout.contains(each) && data.toDrop.contains(next)) { myRightGhost.setInfo(next); } } } protected void calculateRequiredLength(SingleRowPassInfo data) { for (TabInfo eachInfo : data.myVisibleInfos) { data.requiredLength += getRequiredLength(eachInfo); if (myTabs.getTabsPosition() == JBTabsPosition.left || myTabs.getTabsPosition() == JBTabsPosition.right) { data.requiredLength -= 1; } data.toLayout.add(eachInfo); } } protected int getRequiredLength(TabInfo eachInfo) { TabLabel label = myTabs.myInfo2Label.get(eachInfo); return getStrategy().getLengthIncrement(label != null ? label.getPreferredSize() : new Dimension()) + (myTabs.isEditorTabs() ? myTabs.getInterTabSpaceLength() : 0); } public boolean isTabHidden(TabInfo tabInfo) { return myLastSingRowLayout != null && myLastSingRowLayout.toDrop.contains(tabInfo); } public class GhostComponent extends JLabel { private TabInfo myInfo; private GhostComponent(final RowDropPolicy before, final RowDropPolicy after) { addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) { if (JBTabsImpl.isSelectionClick(e, true) && myInfo != null) { myRowDropPolicy = before; myTabs.select(myInfo, true).doWhenDone(new Runnable() { public void run() { myRowDropPolicy = after; } }); } else { MouseEvent event = SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent(e.getComponent(), e, myTabs); myTabs.processMouseEvent(event); } } }); } public void setInfo(@Nullable final TabInfo info) { myInfo = info; setToolTipText(info != null ? info.getTooltipText() : null); } public void reset() { JBTabsImpl.resetLayout(this); setInfo(null); } } private void processDrop(final SingleRowPassInfo data, final TabInfo info, boolean isFirstSide) { data.requiredLength -= getStrategy().getLengthIncrement(myTabs.myInfo2Label.get(info).getPreferredSize()); data.toDrop.add(info); data.toLayout.remove(info); if (data.toDrop.size() == 1) { data.toFitLength -= data.moreRectAxisSize; } if (!data.firstGhostVisible && isFirstSide) { data.firstGhostVisible = !myTabs.isEditorTabs(); if (!myTabs.isGhostsAlwaysVisible() && !myTabs.isEditorTabs()) { data.toFitLength -= myTabs.getGhostTabLength(); } } else if (!data.lastGhostVisible && !isFirstSide) { data.lastGhostVisible = !myTabs.isEditorTabs(); if (!myTabs.isGhostsAlwaysVisible() && !myTabs.isEditorTabs()) { data.toFitLength -= myTabs.getGhostTabLength(); } } } @Override public int getDropIndexFor(Point point) { if (myLastSingRowLayout == null) return -1; int result = -1; Component c = myTabs.getComponentAt(point); if (c instanceof JBTabsImpl) { for (int i = 0; i < myLastSingRowLayout.myVisibleInfos.size() - 1; i++) { TabLabel first = myTabs.myInfo2Label.get(myLastSingRowLayout.myVisibleInfos.get(i)); TabLabel second = myTabs.myInfo2Label.get(myLastSingRowLayout.myVisibleInfos.get(i + 1)); Rectangle firstBounds = first.getBounds(); Rectangle secondBounds = second.getBounds(); final boolean between; boolean horizontal = getStrategy() instanceof SingleRowLayoutStrategy.Horizontal; if (horizontal) { between = firstBounds.getMaxX() < point.x && secondBounds.getX() > point.x && firstBounds.y < point.y && secondBounds.getMaxY() > point.y; } else { between = firstBounds.getMaxY() < point.y && secondBounds.getY() > point.y && firstBounds.x < point.x && secondBounds.getMaxX() > point.x; } if (between) { c = first; break; } } } if (c instanceof TabLabel) { TabInfo info = ((TabLabel)c).getInfo(); int index = myLastSingRowLayout.myVisibleInfos.indexOf(info); boolean isDropTarget = myTabs.isDropTarget(info); if (!isDropTarget) { for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++) { if (myTabs.isDropTarget(myLastSingRowLayout.myVisibleInfos.get(i))) { index -= 1; break; } } result = index; } else if (index < myLastSingRowLayout.myVisibleInfos.size()) { result = index; } } else if (c instanceof GhostComponent) { GhostComponent ghost = (GhostComponent)c; TabInfo info = ghost.myInfo; if (info != null) { int index = myLastSingRowLayout.myVisibleInfos.indexOf(info); index += myLeftGhost == ghost ? -1 : 1; result = index >= 0 && index < myLastSingRowLayout.myVisibleInfos.size() ? index : -1; } else { if (myLastSingRowLayout.myVisibleInfos.size() == 0) { result = 0; } else { result = myLeftGhost == ghost ? 0 : myLastSingRowLayout.myVisibleInfos.size() - 1; } } } return result; } }