/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * @author max */ package com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtilCore; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.NewVirtualFile; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.NewVirtualFileSystem; import com.intellij.util.LineSeparator; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.keyFMap.KeyFMap; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; public class VirtualFileImpl extends VirtualFileSystemEntry { VirtualFileImpl(int id, VfsData.Segment segment, VirtualDirectoryImpl parent) { super(id, segment, parent); } @Override @Nullable public NewVirtualFile findChild(@NotNull @NonNls final String name) { return null; } @NotNull @Override public Collection getCachedChildren() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @NotNull @Override public Iterable iterInDbChildren() { return ContainerUtil.emptyIterable(); } @Override @NotNull public NewVirtualFileSystem getFileSystem() { final VirtualFileSystemEntry parent = getParent(); assert parent != null; return parent.getFileSystem(); } @Override @Nullable public NewVirtualFile refreshAndFindChild(@NotNull final String name) { return null; } @Override @Nullable public NewVirtualFile findChildIfCached(@NotNull final String name) { return null; } @Override public VirtualFile[] getChildren() { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } @Override public boolean isDirectory() { return false; } @Override @NotNull public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return VfsUtilCore.inputStreamSkippingBOM(ourPersistence.getInputStream(this), this); } @Override @NotNull public byte[] contentsToByteArray() throws IOException { return contentsToByteArray(true); } @NotNull @Override public byte[] contentsToByteArray(boolean cacheContent) throws IOException { return ourPersistence.contentsToByteArray(this, cacheContent); } @Override @NotNull public OutputStream getOutputStream(final Object requestor, final long modStamp, final long timeStamp) throws IOException { return VfsUtilCore.outputStreamAddingBOM(ourPersistence.getOutputStream(this, requestor, modStamp, timeStamp), this); } @Override public String getDetectedLineSeparator() { if (getFlagInt(SYSTEM_LINE_SEPARATOR_DETECTED)) { return LineSeparator.getSystemLineSeparator().getSeparatorString(); } return super.getDetectedLineSeparator(); } @Override public void setDetectedLineSeparator(String separator) { boolean hasSystemSeparator = LineSeparator.getSystemLineSeparator().getSeparatorString().equals(separator); setFlagInt(SYSTEM_LINE_SEPARATOR_DETECTED, hasSystemSeparator); super.setDetectedLineSeparator(hasSystemSeparator ? null : separator); } @Override protected void setUserMap(KeyFMap map) { mySegment.setUserMap(Math.abs(getId()), map); } @NotNull @Override protected KeyFMap getUserMap() { return mySegment.getUserMap(this); } @Override protected boolean changeUserMap(KeyFMap oldMap, KeyFMap newMap) { return mySegment.changeUserMap(Math.abs(getId()), oldMap, UserDataInterner.internUserData(newMap)); } }