/* * Copyright 2002,2003,2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.sf.cglib.proxy; import com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore; import com.intellij.ide.plugins.cl.PluginClassLoader; import com.intellij.util.ReflectionUtil; import net.sf.cglib.core.*; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.*; /** * Generates dynamic subclasses to enable method interception. This * class started as a substitute for the standard Dynamic Proxy support * included with JDK 1.3, but one that allowed the proxies to extend a * concrete base class, in addition to implementing interfaces. The dynamically * generated subclasses override the non-final methods of the superclass and * have hooks which callback to user-defined interceptor * implementations. *

* The original and most general callback type is the {@link MethodInterceptor}, which * in AOP terms enables "around advice"--that is, you can invoke custom code both before * and after the invocation of the "super" method. In addition you can modify the * arguments before calling the super method, or not call it at all. *

* Although MethodInterceptor is generic enough to meet any * interception need, it is often overkill. For simplicity and performance, additional * specialized callback types, such as {@link LazyLoader} are also available. * Often a single callback will be used per enhanced class, but you can control * which callback is used on a per-method basis with a {@link CallbackFilter}. *

* The most common uses of this class are embodied in the static helper methods. For * advanced needs, such as customizing the ClassLoader to use, you should create * a new instance of Enhancer. Other classes within CGLIB follow a similar pattern. *

* All enhanced objects implement the {@link Factory} interface, unless {@link #setUseFactory} is * used to explicitly disable this feature. The Factory interface provides an API * to change the callbacks of an existing object, as well as a faster and easier way to create * new instances of the same type. *

* For an almost drop-in replacement for * java.lang.reflect.Proxy, see the {@link Proxy} class. */ @SuppressWarnings("StaticFieldReferencedViaSubclass") public class AdvancedEnhancer extends AbstractClassGenerator { private static final CallbackFilter ALL_ZERO = new CallbackFilter(){ public int accept(Method method) { return 0; } }; private static final Source SOURCE = new Source(Enhancer.class.getName()); private static final EnhancerKey KEY_FACTORY = (EnhancerKey)KeyFactory.create(EnhancerKey.class); private static final String BOUND_FIELD = "CGLIB$BOUND"; private static final String THREAD_CALLBACKS_FIELD = "CGLIB$THREAD_CALLBACKS"; private static final String STATIC_CALLBACKS_FIELD = "CGLIB$STATIC_CALLBACKS"; private static final String SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS_NAME = "CGLIB$SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS"; private static final String SET_STATIC_CALLBACKS_NAME = "CGLIB$SET_STATIC_CALLBACKS"; private static final String CONSTRUCTED_FIELD = "CGLIB$CONSTRUCTED"; private static final Type FACTORY = TypeUtils.parseType("net.sf.cglib.proxy.Factory"); private static final Type ILLEGAL_STATE_EXCEPTION = TypeUtils.parseType("IllegalStateException"); private static final Type ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION = TypeUtils.parseType("IllegalArgumentException"); private static final Type THREAD_LOCAL = TypeUtils.parseType("ThreadLocal"); private static final Type CALLBACK = TypeUtils.parseType("net.sf.cglib.proxy.Callback"); private static final Type CALLBACK_ARRAY = Type.getType(Callback[].class); private static final Signature CSTRUCT_NULL = TypeUtils.parseConstructor(""); private static final Signature SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS = new Signature(SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS_NAME, Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[]{ CALLBACK_ARRAY }); private static final Signature SET_STATIC_CALLBACKS = new Signature(SET_STATIC_CALLBACKS_NAME, Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[]{ CALLBACK_ARRAY }); private static final Signature NEW_INSTANCE = new Signature("newInstance", Constants.TYPE_OBJECT, new Type[]{ CALLBACK_ARRAY }); private static final Signature MULTIARG_NEW_INSTANCE = new Signature("newInstance", Constants.TYPE_OBJECT, new Type[]{ Constants.TYPE_CLASS_ARRAY, Constants.TYPE_OBJECT_ARRAY, CALLBACK_ARRAY, }); private static final Signature SINGLE_NEW_INSTANCE = new Signature("newInstance", Constants.TYPE_OBJECT, new Type[]{ CALLBACK }); private static final Signature SET_CALLBACK = new Signature("setCallback", Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[]{ Type.INT_TYPE, CALLBACK }); private static final Signature GET_CALLBACK = new Signature("getCallback", CALLBACK, new Type[]{ Type.INT_TYPE }); private static final Signature SET_CALLBACKS = new Signature("setCallbacks", Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[]{ CALLBACK_ARRAY }); private static final Signature GET_CALLBACKS = new Signature("getCallbacks", CALLBACK_ARRAY, new Type[0]); private static final Signature THREAD_LOCAL_GET = TypeUtils.parseSignature("Object get()"); private static final Signature THREAD_LOCAL_SET = TypeUtils.parseSignature("void set(Object)"); private static final Signature BIND_CALLBACKS = TypeUtils.parseSignature("void CGLIB$BIND_CALLBACKS(Object)"); /** Internal interface, only public due to ClassLoader issues. */ public interface EnhancerKey { Object newInstance(String type, String[] interfaces, CallbackFilter filter, Type[] callbackTypes, boolean useFactory, boolean interceptDuringConstruction, Long serialVersionUID); } private Class[] interfaces; private CallbackFilter filter; private Callback[] callbacks; private Type[] callbackTypes; private boolean classOnly; private Class superclass; private Class[] argumentTypes; private Object[] arguments; private boolean useFactory = true; private Long serialVersionUID; private boolean interceptDuringConstruction = true; /** * Create a new Enhancer. A new Enhancer * object should be used for each generated object, and should not * be shared across threads. To create additional instances of a * generated class, use the Factory interface. * @see Factory */ public AdvancedEnhancer() { super(SOURCE); } /** * Set the class which the generated class will extend. As a convenience, * if the supplied superclass is actually an interface, setInterfaces * will be called with the appropriate argument instead. * A non-interface argument must not be declared as final, and must have an * accessible constructor. * @param superclass class to extend or interface to implement * @see #setInterfaces(Class[]) */ public void setSuperclass(Class superclass) { if (superclass != null && superclass.isInterface()) { setInterfaces(new Class[]{ superclass }); } else if (superclass != null && superclass.equals(Object.class)) { // affects choice of ClassLoader this.superclass = null; } else { this.superclass = superclass; } } /** * Set the interfaces to implement. The Factory interface will * always be implemented regardless of what is specified here. * @param interfaces array of interfaces to implement, or null * @see Factory */ public void setInterfaces(Class[] interfaces) { this.interfaces = interfaces; } /** * Set the {@link CallbackFilter} used to map the generated class' methods * to a particular callback index. * New object instances will always use the same mapping, but may use different * actual callback objects. * @param filter the callback filter to use when generating a new class * @see #setCallbacks */ public void setCallbackFilter(CallbackFilter filter) { this.filter = filter; } /** * Set the single {@link Callback} to use. * Ignored if you use {@link #createClass}. * @param callback the callback to use for all methods * @see #setCallbacks */ public void setCallback(final Callback callback) { setCallbacks(new Callback[]{ callback }); } /** * Set the array of callbacks to use. * Ignored if you use {@link #createClass}. * You must use a {@link CallbackFilter} to specify the index into this * array for each method in the proxied class. * @param callbacks the callback array * @see #setCallbackFilter * @see #setCallback */ public void setCallbacks(Callback[] callbacks) { if (callbacks != null && callbacks.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array cannot be empty"); } this.callbacks = callbacks; } /** * Set whether the enhanced object instances should implement * the {@link Factory} interface. * This was added for tools that need for proxies to be more * indistinguishable from their targets. Also, in some cases it may * be necessary to disable the Factory interface to * prevent code from changing the underlying callbacks. * @param useFactory whether to implement Factory; default is true */ public void setUseFactory(boolean useFactory) { this.useFactory = useFactory; } /** * Set whether methods called from within the proxy's constructer * will be intercepted. The default value is true. Unintercepted methods * will call the method of the proxy's base class, if it exists. * @param interceptDuringConstruction whether to intercept methods called from the constructor */ public void setInterceptDuringConstruction(boolean interceptDuringConstruction) { this.interceptDuringConstruction = interceptDuringConstruction; } /** * Set the array of callback types to use. * This may be used instead of {@link #setCallbacks} when calling * {@link #createClass}, since it may not be possible to have * an array of actual callback instances. * You must use a {@link CallbackFilter} to specify the index into this * array for each method in the proxied class. * @param callbackTypes the array of callback types */ public void setCallbackTypes(Class[] callbackTypes) { if (callbackTypes != null && callbackTypes.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array cannot be empty"); } this.callbackTypes = CallbackInfo.determineTypes(callbackTypes); } /** * Generate a new class if necessary and uses the specified * callbacks (if any) to create a new object instance. * Uses the no-arg constructor of the superclass. * @return a new instance */ public Object create() { classOnly = false; argumentTypes = null; return createHelper(); } /** * Generate a new class if necessary and uses the specified * callbacks (if any) to create a new object instance. * Uses the constructor of the superclass matching the argumentTypes * parameter, with the given arguments. * @param argumentTypes constructor signature * @param arguments compatible wrapped arguments to pass to constructor * @return a new instance */ public Object create(Class[] argumentTypes, Object[] arguments) { classOnly = false; if (argumentTypes == null || arguments == null || argumentTypes.length != arguments.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arguments must be non-null and of equal length"); } synchronized (this) { this.argumentTypes = argumentTypes; this.arguments = arguments; try { return createHelper(); } finally { this.arguments = null; } } } private void validate() { if (classOnly ^ (callbacks == null)) { if (classOnly) { throw new IllegalStateException("createClass does not accept callbacks"); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Callbacks are required"); } } if (classOnly && (callbackTypes == null)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Callback types are required"); } if (callbacks != null && callbackTypes != null) { if (callbacks.length != callbackTypes.length) { throw new IllegalStateException("Lengths of callback and callback types array must be the same"); } Type[] check = CallbackInfo.determineTypes(callbacks); for (int i = 0; i < check.length; i++) { if (!check[i].equals(callbackTypes[i])) { throw new IllegalStateException("Callback " + check[i] + " is not assignable to " + callbackTypes[i]); } } } else if (callbacks != null) { callbackTypes = CallbackInfo.determineTypes(callbacks); } if (filter == null) { if (callbackTypes.length > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple callback types possible but no filter specified"); } filter = ALL_ZERO; } if (interfaces != null) { for (Class anInterface : interfaces) { if (anInterface == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Interfaces cannot be null"); } if (!anInterface.isInterface()) { throw new IllegalStateException(anInterface + " is not an interface"); } } } } private Object createHelper() { validate(); if (superclass != null) { setNamePrefix(superclass.getName()); } else if (interfaces != null) { setNamePrefix(interfaces[ReflectUtils.findPackageProtected(interfaces)].getName()); } return super.create(KEY_FACTORY.newInstance((superclass != null) ? superclass.getName() : null, ReflectUtils.getNames(interfaces), filter, callbackTypes, useFactory, interceptDuringConstruction, serialVersionUID)); } protected ClassLoader getDefaultClassLoader() { int maxIndex = -1; ClassLoader bestLoader = null; if (interfaces != null && interfaces.length > 0) { for (final Class anInterface : interfaces) { final ClassLoader loader = anInterface.getClassLoader(); if (loader instanceof PluginClassLoader) { final int order = PluginManagerCore.getPluginLoadingOrder(((PluginClassLoader)loader).getPluginId()); if (maxIndex < order) { maxIndex = order; bestLoader = loader; } } } } ClassLoader superLoader = null; if (superclass != null) { superLoader = superclass.getClassLoader(); if (superLoader instanceof PluginClassLoader && maxIndex < PluginManagerCore.getPluginLoadingOrder(((PluginClassLoader)superLoader).getPluginId())) { return superLoader; } } if (bestLoader != null) return bestLoader; return superLoader; } private static Signature rename(Signature sig, int index) { return new Signature("CGLIB$" + sig.getName() + "$" + index, sig.getDescriptor()); } private static void getMethods(Class superclass, Class[] interfaces, List methods, List interfaceMethods, Set forcePublic) { ReflectUtils.addAllMethods(superclass, methods); List target = (interfaceMethods != null) ? interfaceMethods : methods; if (interfaces != null) { for (Class anInterface : interfaces) { if (anInterface != Factory.class) { ReflectUtils.addAllMethods(anInterface, target); } } } if (interfaceMethods != null) { if (forcePublic != null) { forcePublic.addAll(MethodWrapper.createSet(interfaceMethods)); } methods.addAll(interfaceMethods); } CollectionUtils.filter(methods, new DuplicatesPredicate()); CollectionUtils.filter(methods, new RejectModifierPredicate(Constants.ACC_STATIC | Constants.ACC_FINAL)); CollectionUtils.filter(methods, new VisibilityPredicate(superclass, true)); } public void generateClass(ClassVisitor v) throws Exception { Class sc = (superclass == null) ? Object.class : superclass; if (TypeUtils.isFinal(sc.getModifiers())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot subclass final class " + sc); } List constructors = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(sc.getDeclaredConstructors())); filterConstructors(sc, constructors); // Order is very important: must add superclass, then // its superclass chain, then each interface and // its superinterfaces. final Set forcePublic = new HashSet(); List actualMethods = new ArrayList(); final Map covariantMethods = new HashMap(); getMethods(sc, interfaces, actualMethods, new ArrayList(), forcePublic); //Changes by Peter Gromov & Gregory Shrago for(Class aClass = sc; aClass != null; aClass = aClass.getSuperclass()) { for (final Method method : aClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (actualMethods.contains(method)) { removeAllCovariantMethods(actualMethods, method, covariantMethods); } } } ClassEmitter e = new ClassEmitter(v); e.begin_class(Constants.V1_2, Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, getClassName(), Type.getType(sc), (useFactory ? TypeUtils.add(TypeUtils.getTypes(interfaces), FACTORY) : TypeUtils.getTypes(interfaces)), Constants.SOURCE_FILE); List constructorInfo = CollectionUtils.transform(constructors, MethodInfoTransformer.getInstance()); e.declare_field(Constants.ACC_PRIVATE, BOUND_FIELD, Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null); if (!interceptDuringConstruction) { e.declare_field(Constants.ACC_PRIVATE, CONSTRUCTED_FIELD, Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null); } e.declare_field(Constants.PRIVATE_FINAL_STATIC, THREAD_CALLBACKS_FIELD, THREAD_LOCAL, null); e.declare_field(Constants.PRIVATE_FINAL_STATIC, STATIC_CALLBACKS_FIELD, CALLBACK_ARRAY, null); if (serialVersionUID != null) { e.declare_field(Constants.PRIVATE_FINAL_STATIC, Constants.SUID_FIELD_NAME, Type.LONG_TYPE, serialVersionUID); } for (int i = 0; i < callbackTypes.length; i++) { e.declare_field(Constants.ACC_PRIVATE, getCallbackField(i), callbackTypes[i], null); } final Map methodInfoMap = new HashMap(); for (Method method : actualMethods) { if (isJdk8DefaultMethod(method)) { continue; } int modifiers = Constants.ACC_FINAL | (method.getModifiers() & ~Constants.ACC_ABSTRACT & ~Constants.ACC_NATIVE & ~Constants.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED); if (forcePublic.contains(MethodWrapper.create(method))) { modifiers = (modifiers & ~Constants.ACC_PROTECTED) | Constants.ACC_PUBLIC; } if (covariantMethods.containsKey(method)) { modifiers = modifiers | Constants.ACC_BRIDGE; } methodInfoMap.put(method, ReflectUtils.getMethodInfo(method, modifiers)); } emitMethods(e, methodInfoMap, covariantMethods); emitConstructors(e, constructorInfo); emitSetThreadCallbacks(e); emitSetStaticCallbacks(e); emitBindCallbacks(e); if (useFactory) { int[] keys = getCallbackKeys(); emitNewInstanceCallbacks(e); emitNewInstanceCallback(e); emitNewInstanceMultiarg(e, constructorInfo); emitGetCallback(e, keys); emitSetCallback(e, keys); emitGetCallbacks(e); emitSetCallbacks(e); } e.end_class(); } private static boolean isJdk8DefaultMethod(Method method) { return ((method.getModifiers() & (Modifier.ABSTRACT | Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC)) == Modifier.PUBLIC) && method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface(); } private static void removeAllCovariantMethods(final List actualMethods, final Method method, final Map covariantMethods) { if ((method.getModifiers() & Constants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) { return; } for (Iterator it = actualMethods.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Method actualMethod = it.next(); if (actualMethod.equals(method)) { continue; } if (!actualMethod.getName().equals(method.getName()) || !Arrays.equals(actualMethod.getParameterTypes(), method.getParameterTypes())) { continue; } if (ReflectionUtil.isAssignable(actualMethod.getReturnType(), method.getReturnType())) { if ((actualMethod.getModifiers() & Constants.ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0 || (actualMethod.getModifiers() & Constants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) { covariantMethods.put(actualMethod, method); //generate bridge } else { it.remove(); } } } } /** * Filter the list of constructors from the superclass. The * constructors which remain will be included in the generated * class. The default implementation is to filter out all private * constructors, but subclasses may extend Enhancer to override this * behavior. * @param sc the superclass * @param constructors the list of all declared constructors from the superclass * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are no non-private constructors */ protected void filterConstructors(Class sc, List constructors) { CollectionUtils.filter(constructors, new VisibilityPredicate(sc, true)); if (constructors.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No visible constructors in " + sc); } } protected Object firstInstance(Class type) throws Exception { if (classOnly) { return type; } else { return createUsingReflection(type); } } protected Object nextInstance(Object instance) { Class protoclass = (instance instanceof Class) ? (Class) instance : instance.getClass(); if (classOnly) { return protoclass; } else if (instance instanceof Factory) { if (argumentTypes != null) { return ((Factory)instance).newInstance(argumentTypes, arguments, callbacks); } else { return ((Factory)instance).newInstance(callbacks); } } else { return createUsingReflection(protoclass); } } private static void setThreadCallbacks(Class type, Callback[] callbacks) { setCallbacksHelper(type, callbacks, SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS_NAME); } private static void setCallbacksHelper(Class type, Callback[] callbacks, String methodName) { // TODO: optimize try { Method setter = getCallbacksSetter(type, methodName); setter.invoke(null, (Object)callbacks); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(type + " is not an enhanced class"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new CodeGenerationException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new CodeGenerationException(e); } } private static Method getCallbacksSetter(Class type, String methodName) throws NoSuchMethodException { return type.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, Callback[].class); } private Object createUsingReflection(Class type) { setThreadCallbacks(type, callbacks); try{ if (argumentTypes != null) { return ReflectUtils.newInstance(type, argumentTypes, arguments); } else { return ReflectUtils.newInstance(type); } }finally{ // clear thread callbacks to allow them to be gc'd setThreadCallbacks(type, null); } } private void emitConstructors(ClassEmitter ce, List constructors) { boolean seenNull = false; for (final Object constructor1 : constructors) { MethodInfo constructor = (MethodInfo)constructor1; CodeEmitter e = EmitUtils.begin_method(ce, constructor, Constants.ACC_PUBLIC); e.load_this(); e.dup(); e.load_args(); Signature sig = constructor.getSignature(); seenNull = seenNull || sig.getDescriptor().equals("()V"); e.super_invoke_constructor(sig); e.invoke_static_this(BIND_CALLBACKS); if (!interceptDuringConstruction) { e.load_this(); e.push(1); e.putfield(CONSTRUCTED_FIELD); } e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } if (!classOnly && !seenNull && arguments == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Superclass has no null constructors but no arguments were given"); } } private int[] getCallbackKeys() { int[] keys = new int[callbackTypes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < callbackTypes.length; i++) { keys[i] = i; } return keys; } private static void emitGetCallback(ClassEmitter ce, int[] keys) { final CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, GET_CALLBACK, null); e.load_this(); e.invoke_static_this(BIND_CALLBACKS); e.load_this(); e.load_arg(0); e.process_switch(keys, new ProcessSwitchCallback() { public void processCase(int key, Label end) { e.getfield(getCallbackField(key)); e.goTo(end); } public void processDefault() { e.pop(); // stack height e.aconst_null(); } }); e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } private void emitSetCallback(ClassEmitter ce, int[] keys) { final CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, SET_CALLBACK, null); e.load_this(); e.load_arg(1); e.load_arg(0); e.process_switch(keys, new ProcessSwitchCallback() { public void processCase(int key, Label end) { e.checkcast(callbackTypes[key]); e.putfield(getCallbackField(key)); e.goTo(end); } public void processDefault() { final Type type = Type.getType(AssertionError.class); e.new_instance(type); e.dup(); e.invoke_constructor(type); e.athrow(); } }); e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } private void emitSetCallbacks(ClassEmitter ce) { CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, SET_CALLBACKS, null); e.load_this(); e.load_arg(0); for (int i = 0; i < callbackTypes.length; i++) { e.dup2(); e.aaload(i); e.checkcast(callbackTypes[i]); e.putfield(getCallbackField(i)); } e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } private void emitGetCallbacks(ClassEmitter ce) { CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, GET_CALLBACKS, null); e.load_this(); e.invoke_static_this(BIND_CALLBACKS); e.load_this(); e.push(callbackTypes.length); e.newarray(CALLBACK); for (int i = 0; i < callbackTypes.length; i++) { e.dup(); e.push(i); e.load_this(); e.getfield(getCallbackField(i)); e.aastore(); } e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } private static void emitNewInstanceCallbacks(ClassEmitter ce) { CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, NEW_INSTANCE, null); e.load_arg(0); e.invoke_static_this(SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS); emitCommonNewInstance(e); } private static void emitCommonNewInstance(CodeEmitter e) { e.new_instance_this(); e.dup(); e.invoke_constructor_this(); e.aconst_null(); e.invoke_static_this(SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS); e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } private void emitNewInstanceCallback(ClassEmitter ce) { CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, SINGLE_NEW_INSTANCE, null); switch (callbackTypes.length) { case 0: // TODO: make sure Callback is null break; case 1: // for now just make a new array; TODO: optimize e.push(1); e.newarray(CALLBACK); e.dup(); e.push(0); e.load_arg(0); e.aastore(); e.invoke_static_this(SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS); break; default: e.throw_exception(ILLEGAL_STATE_EXCEPTION, "More than one callback object required"); } emitCommonNewInstance(e); } private static void emitNewInstanceMultiarg(ClassEmitter ce, List constructors) { final CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, MULTIARG_NEW_INSTANCE, null); e.load_arg(2); e.invoke_static_this(SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS); e.new_instance_this(); e.dup(); e.load_arg(0); EmitUtils.constructor_switch(e, constructors, new ObjectSwitchCallback() { public void processCase(Object key, Label end) { MethodInfo constructor = (MethodInfo)key; Type types[] = constructor.getSignature().getArgumentTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { e.load_arg(1); e.push(i); e.aaload(); e.unbox(types[i]); } e.invoke_constructor_this(constructor.getSignature()); e.goTo(end); } public void processDefault() { e.throw_exception(ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION, "Constructor not found"); } }); e.aconst_null(); e.invoke_static_this(SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS); e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } private void emitMethods(final ClassEmitter ce, Map methodMap, final Map covariantMethods) { CallbackGenerator[] generators = CallbackInfo.getGenerators(callbackTypes); Map covariantInfoMap = new HashMap(); for (Method method : methodMap.keySet()) { final Method delegate = covariantMethods.get(method); if (delegate != null) { covariantInfoMap.put(methodMap.get(method), ReflectUtils.getMethodInfo(delegate, delegate.getModifiers())); } } BridgeMethodGenerator bridgeMethodGenerator = new BridgeMethodGenerator(covariantInfoMap); Map> groups = new HashMap>(); final Map indexes = new HashMap(); final Map originalModifiers = new HashMap(); final Map positions = CollectionUtils.getIndexMap(new ArrayList(methodMap.values())); for (Method actualMethod : methodMap.keySet()) { MethodInfo method = methodMap.get(actualMethod); int index = filter.accept(actualMethod); if (index >= callbackTypes.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Callback filter returned an index that is too large: " + index); } originalModifiers.put(method, (actualMethod != null) ? actualMethod.getModifiers() : method.getModifiers()); indexes.put(method, index); final CallbackGenerator generator = covariantMethods.containsKey(actualMethod)? bridgeMethodGenerator : generators[index]; List group = groups.get(generator); if (group == null) { groups.put(generator, group = new ArrayList(methodMap.size())); } group.add(method); } CodeEmitter se = ce.getStaticHook(); se.new_instance(THREAD_LOCAL); se.dup(); se.invoke_constructor(THREAD_LOCAL, CSTRUCT_NULL); se.putfield(THREAD_CALLBACKS_FIELD); CallbackGenerator.Context context = new CallbackGenerator.Context() { public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return AdvancedEnhancer.this.getClassLoader(); } public int getOriginalModifiers(MethodInfo method) { return originalModifiers.get(method); } public int getIndex(MethodInfo method) { return indexes.get(method); } public void emitCallback(CodeEmitter e, int index) { emitCurrentCallback(e, index); } public Signature getImplSignature(MethodInfo method) { return rename(method.getSignature(), (Integer)positions.get(method)); } @Override public void emitInvoke(CodeEmitter codeEmitter, MethodInfo methodInfo) { codeEmitter.super_invoke(methodInfo.getSignature()); } public CodeEmitter beginMethod(ClassEmitter ce, MethodInfo method) { CodeEmitter e = EmitUtils.begin_method(ce, method); if (!interceptDuringConstruction && !TypeUtils.isAbstract(method.getModifiers())) { Label constructed = e.make_label(); e.load_this(); e.getfield(CONSTRUCTED_FIELD); e.if_jump(e.NE, constructed); e.load_this(); e.load_args(); e.super_invoke(); e.return_value(); e.mark(constructed); } return e; } }; Set seenGen = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < callbackTypes.length + 1; i++) { CallbackGenerator gen = i == callbackTypes.length? bridgeMethodGenerator : generators[i]; if (!seenGen.contains(gen)) { seenGen.add(gen); final List fmethods = groups.get(gen); if (fmethods != null) { try { gen.generate(ce, context, fmethods); gen.generateStatic(se, context, fmethods); } catch (RuntimeException x) { throw x; } catch (Exception x) { throw new CodeGenerationException(x); } } } } se.return_value(); se.end_method(); } private static void emitSetThreadCallbacks(ClassEmitter ce) { CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC | Constants.ACC_STATIC, SET_THREAD_CALLBACKS, null); e.getfield(THREAD_CALLBACKS_FIELD); e.load_arg(0); e.invoke_virtual(THREAD_LOCAL, THREAD_LOCAL_SET); e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } private static void emitSetStaticCallbacks(ClassEmitter ce) { CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC | Constants.ACC_STATIC, SET_STATIC_CALLBACKS, null); e.load_arg(0); e.putfield(STATIC_CALLBACKS_FIELD); e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } private static void emitCurrentCallback(CodeEmitter e, int index) { e.load_this(); e.getfield(getCallbackField(index)); e.dup(); Label end = e.make_label(); e.ifnonnull(end); e.pop(); // stack height e.load_this(); e.invoke_static_this(BIND_CALLBACKS); e.load_this(); e.getfield(getCallbackField(index)); e.mark(end); } private void emitBindCallbacks(ClassEmitter ce) { CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.PRIVATE_FINAL_STATIC, BIND_CALLBACKS, null); Local me = e.make_local(); e.load_arg(0); e.checkcast_this(); e.store_local(me); Label end = e.make_label(); e.load_local(me); e.getfield(BOUND_FIELD); e.if_jump(e.NE, end); e.load_local(me); e.push(1); e.putfield(BOUND_FIELD); e.getfield(THREAD_CALLBACKS_FIELD); e.invoke_virtual(THREAD_LOCAL, THREAD_LOCAL_GET); e.dup(); Label found_callback = e.make_label(); e.ifnonnull(found_callback); e.pop(); e.getfield(STATIC_CALLBACKS_FIELD); e.dup(); e.ifnonnull(found_callback); e.pop(); e.goTo(end); e.mark(found_callback); e.checkcast(CALLBACK_ARRAY); e.load_local(me); e.swap(); for (int i = callbackTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i != 0) { e.dup2(); } e.aaload(i); e.checkcast(callbackTypes[i]); e.putfield(getCallbackField(i)); } e.mark(end); e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } private static String getCallbackField(int index) { return "CGLIB$CALLBACK_" + index; } }