package org.jetbrains.debugger.sourcemap; import; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.PathUtil; import com.intellij.util.SmartList; import com.intellij.util.text.CharSequenceSubSequence; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import static org.jetbrains.debugger.sourcemap.Base64VLQ.CharIterator; // public final class SourceMapDecoder { public static final int UNMAPPED = -1; private static final Comparator MAPPING_COMPARATOR_BY_SOURCE_POSITION = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(MappingEntry o1, MappingEntry o2) { if (o1.getSourceLine() == o2.getSourceLine()) { return o1.getSourceColumn() - o2.getSourceColumn(); } else { return o1.getSourceLine() - o2.getSourceLine(); } } }; public static final Comparator MAPPING_COMPARATOR_BY_GENERATED_POSITION = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(MappingEntry o1, MappingEntry o2) { if (o1.getGeneratedLine() == o2.getGeneratedLine()) { return o1.getGeneratedColumn() - o2.getGeneratedColumn(); } else { return o1.getGeneratedLine() - o2.getGeneratedLine(); } } }; public static SourceMap decode(@NotNull String contents, @NotNull Function, SourceResolver> sourceResolverFactory) throws IOException { if (contents.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("source map contents cannot be empty"); } CharSequence in = contents; if (contents.startsWith(")]}")) { in = new CharSequenceSubSequence(contents, contents.indexOf('\n') + 1, contents.length()); } return decode(in, sourceResolverFactory); } @Nullable public static SourceMap decode(@NotNull CharSequence in, @NotNull Function, SourceResolver> sourceResolverFactory) throws IOException { JsonReaderEx reader = new JsonReaderEx(in); List mappings = new ArrayList(); return parseMap(reader, 0, 0, mappings, sourceResolverFactory); } @Nullable private static SourceMap parseMap(JsonReaderEx reader, int line, int column, List mappings, @NotNull Function, SourceResolver> sourceResolverFactory) throws IOException { reader.beginObject(); String sourceRoot = null; JsonReaderEx sourcesReader = null; List names = null; String encodedMappings = null; String file = null; int version = -1; while (reader.hasNext()) { String propertyName = reader.nextName(); if (propertyName.equals("sections")) { throw new IOException("sections is not supported yet"); } else if (propertyName.equals("version")) { version = reader.nextInt(); } else if (propertyName.equals("sourceRoot")) { sourceRoot = readSourcePath(reader); } else if (propertyName.equals("sources")) { sourcesReader = reader.subReader(); reader.skipValue(); } else if (propertyName.equals("names")) { reader.beginArray(); if (reader.hasNext()) { names = new ArrayList(); do { names.add(reader.nextString(true)); } while (reader.hasNext()); } else { names = Collections.emptyList(); } reader.endArray(); } else if (propertyName.equals("mappings")) { encodedMappings = reader.nextString(); } else if (propertyName.equals("file")) { file = reader.nextString(); } else { // skip file or extensions reader.skipValue(); } } reader.close(); // check it before other checks, probably it is not sourcemap file if (StringUtil.isEmpty(encodedMappings)) { // empty map return null; } if (version != 3) { throw new IOException("Unsupported sourcemap version: " + version); } if (sourcesReader == null) { throw new IOException("sources is not specified"); } List sources = readSources(sourcesReader, sourceRoot); if (sources.isEmpty()) { // empty map, meteor can report such ugly maps return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List[] reverseMappingsBySourceUrl = new List[sources.size()]; readMappings(encodedMappings, line, column, mappings, reverseMappingsBySourceUrl, names); MappingList[] sourceToEntries = new MappingList[reverseMappingsBySourceUrl.length]; for (int i = 0; i < reverseMappingsBySourceUrl.length; i++) { List entries = reverseMappingsBySourceUrl[i]; if (entries != null) { Collections.sort(entries, MAPPING_COMPARATOR_BY_SOURCE_POSITION); sourceToEntries[i] = new SourceMappingList(entries); } } return new SourceMap(file, new GeneratedMappingList(mappings), sourceToEntries,; } @Nullable private static String readSourcePath(JsonReaderEx reader) { return PathUtil.toSystemIndependentName(StringUtil.nullize(reader.nextString().trim())); } private static void readMappings(@NotNull String value, int line, int column, @NotNull List mappings, @NotNull List[] reverseMappingsBySourceUrl, @Nullable List names) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(value)) { return; } CharSequenceIterator charIterator = new CharSequenceIterator(value); int sourceIndex = 0; List reverseMappings = getMapping(reverseMappingsBySourceUrl, sourceIndex); int sourceLine = 0; int sourceColumn = 0; int nameIndex = 0; while (charIterator.hasNext()) { if (charIterator.peek() == ',') {; } else { while (charIterator.peek() == ';') { line++; column = 0;; if (!charIterator.hasNext()) { return; } } } column += Base64VLQ.decode(charIterator); if (isSeparator(charIterator)) { mappings.add(new UnmappedEntry(line, column)); continue; } int sourceIndexDelta = Base64VLQ.decode(charIterator); if (sourceIndexDelta != 0) { sourceIndex += sourceIndexDelta; reverseMappings = getMapping(reverseMappingsBySourceUrl, sourceIndex); } sourceLine += Base64VLQ.decode(charIterator); sourceColumn += Base64VLQ.decode(charIterator); MappingEntry entry; if (isSeparator(charIterator)) { entry = new UnnamedEntry(line, column, sourceIndex, sourceLine, sourceColumn); } else { nameIndex += Base64VLQ.decode(charIterator); assert names != null; entry = new NamedEntry(names.get(nameIndex), line, column, sourceIndex, sourceLine, sourceColumn); } reverseMappings.add(entry); mappings.add(entry); } } private static List readSources(@NotNull JsonReaderEx reader, @Nullable String sourceRootUrl) { reader.beginArray(); List sources; if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.END_ARRAY) { sources = Collections.emptyList(); } else { sources = new SmartList(); do { String sourceUrl = readSourcePath(reader); sourceUrl = StringUtil.isEmpty(sourceRootUrl) ? sourceUrl : (sourceRootUrl + '/' + sourceUrl); sources.add(sourceUrl); } while (reader.hasNext()); } reader.endArray(); return sources; } private static List getMapping(@NotNull List[] reverseMappingsBySourceUrl, int sourceIndex) { List reverseMappings = reverseMappingsBySourceUrl[sourceIndex]; if (reverseMappings == null) { reverseMappings = new ArrayList(); reverseMappingsBySourceUrl[sourceIndex] = reverseMappings; } return reverseMappings; } private static boolean isSeparator(CharSequenceIterator charIterator) { if (!charIterator.hasNext()) { return true; } char current = charIterator.peek(); return current == ',' || current == ';'; } /** * Not mapped to a section in the original source. */ private static class UnmappedEntry extends MappingEntry { private final int line; private final int column; UnmappedEntry(int line, int column) { this.line = line; this.column = column; } @Override public int getGeneratedColumn() { return column; } @Override public int getGeneratedLine() { return line; } @Override public int getSourceLine() { return UNMAPPED; } @Override public int getSourceColumn() { return UNMAPPED; } } /** * Mapped to a section in the original source. */ private static class UnnamedEntry extends UnmappedEntry { private final int source; private final int sourceLine; private final int sourceColumn; UnnamedEntry(int line, int column, int source, int sourceLine, int sourceColumn) { super(line, column); this.source = source; this.sourceLine = sourceLine; this.sourceColumn = sourceColumn; } @Override public int getSource() { return source; } @Override public int getSourceLine() { return sourceLine; } @Override public int getSourceColumn() { return sourceColumn; } } /** * Mapped to a section in the original source, and is associated with a name. */ private static class NamedEntry extends UnnamedEntry { private final String name; NamedEntry(String name, int line, int column, int source, int sourceLine, int sourceColumn) { super(line, column, source, sourceLine, sourceColumn); = name; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } } // java CharacterIterator is ugly, next() impl, so, we reinvent private static class CharSequenceIterator implements CharIterator { private final CharSequence content; private final int length; private int current = 0; CharSequenceIterator(CharSequence content) { this.content = content; length = content.length(); } @Override public char next() { return content.charAt(current++); } char peek() { return content.charAt(current); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return current < length; } } private static final class SourceMappingList extends MappingList { public SourceMappingList(@NotNull List mappings) { super(mappings); } @Override public int getLine(@NotNull MappingEntry mapping) { return mapping.getSourceLine(); } @Override public int getColumn(@NotNull MappingEntry mapping) { return mapping.getSourceColumn(); } @Override protected Comparator getComparator() { return MAPPING_COMPARATOR_BY_SOURCE_POSITION; } } private static final class GeneratedMappingList extends MappingList { public GeneratedMappingList(List mappings) { super(mappings); } @Override public int getLine(@NotNull MappingEntry mapping) { return mapping.getGeneratedLine(); } @Override public int getColumn(@NotNull MappingEntry mapping) { return mapping.getGeneratedColumn(); } @Override protected Comparator getComparator() { return MAPPING_COMPARATOR_BY_GENERATED_POSITION; } } }