package org.jetbrains.protocolReader; import gnu.trove.THashSet; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import org.jetbrains.jsonProtocol.JsonField; import org.jetbrains.jsonProtocol.JsonSubtype; import org.jetbrains.jsonProtocol.StringIntPair; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType; import java.util.*; class InterfaceReader { private static final PrimitiveValueReader LONG_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("long", "-1"); private static final PrimitiveValueReader INTEGER_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("int", "-1"); private static final PrimitiveValueReader NULLABLE_INTEGER_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("int", "-1", true, false); private static final PrimitiveValueReader BOOLEAN_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("boolean"); private static final PrimitiveValueReader FLOAT_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("float"); private static final PrimitiveValueReader NUMBER_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("double"); private static final PrimitiveValueReader NULLABLE_NUMBER_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("double", true); private static final PrimitiveValueReader STRING_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("String"); private static final PrimitiveValueReader NULLABLE_STRING_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("String", true); private static final PrimitiveValueReader RAW_STRING_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("String", null, false, true); private static final PrimitiveValueReader RAW_STRING_OR_MAP_PARSER = new PrimitiveValueReader("Object", null, false, true) { @Override void writeReadCode(ClassScope methodScope, boolean subtyping, String fieldName, TextOutput out) { out.append("readRawStringOrMap("); addReaderParameter(subtyping, out); out.append(')'); } }; private static final RawValueReader JSON_PARSER = new RawValueReader(false); private static final RawValueReader NULLABLE_JSON_PARSER = new RawValueReader(true); private static final MapReader MAP_PARSER = new MapReader(false); private static final MapReader NULLABLE_MAP_PARSER = new MapReader(true); private static final StringIntPairValueReader STRING_INT_PAIR_PARSER = new StringIntPairValueReader(); final static ValueReader VOID_PARSER = new ValueReader(true) { @Override public void appendFinishedValueTypeName(TextOutput out) { out.append("void"); } @Override void writeReadCode(ClassScope scope, boolean subtyping, String fieldName, TextOutput out) { out.append("null"); } @Override void writeArrayReadCode(ClassScope scope, boolean subtyping, boolean nullable, String fieldName, TextOutput out) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; private final LinkedHashMap, TypeHandler> typeToTypeHandler; final List> refs = new ArrayList<>(); final List subtypeCasters = new ArrayList<>(); InterfaceReader(Class[] protocolInterfaces) { typeToTypeHandler = new LinkedHashMap<>(protocolInterfaces.length); for (Class typeClass : protocolInterfaces) { typeToTypeHandler.put(typeClass, null); } } private InterfaceReader(LinkedHashMap, TypeHandler> typeToTypeHandler) { this.typeToTypeHandler = typeToTypeHandler; } public static TypeHandler createHandler(LinkedHashMap, TypeHandler> typeToTypeHandler, Class aClass) { InterfaceReader reader = new InterfaceReader(typeToTypeHandler); reader.processed.addAll(typeToTypeHandler.keySet()); reader.go(new Class[]{aClass}); return typeToTypeHandler.get(aClass); } LinkedHashMap, TypeHandler> go() { return go(typeToTypeHandler.keySet().toArray(new Class[typeToTypeHandler.size()])); } private LinkedHashMap, TypeHandler> go(Class[] classes) { for (Class typeClass : classes) { createIfNotExists(typeClass); } boolean hasUnresolved = true; while (hasUnresolved) { hasUnresolved = false; // refs can be modified - new items can be added //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach for (int i = 0, n = refs.size(); i < n; i++) { TypeRef ref = refs.get(i); TypeHandler type = typeToTypeHandler.get(ref.typeClass); if (type == null) { createIfNotExists(ref.typeClass); hasUnresolved = true; type = typeToTypeHandler.get(ref.typeClass); if (type == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } ref.set(type); } } for (SubtypeCaster subtypeCaster : subtypeCasters) { subtypeCaster.getSubtypeHandler().getSubtypeSupport().setSubtypeCaster(subtypeCaster); } return typeToTypeHandler; } private final Set> processed = new THashSet<>(); private void createIfNotExists(Class typeClass) { if (typeClass == Map.class || typeClass == List.class || !typeClass.isInterface()) { return; } if (processed.contains(typeClass)) { return; } processed.add(typeClass); typeToTypeHandler.put(typeClass, null); for (Class aClass : typeClass.getDeclaredClasses()) { createIfNotExists(aClass); } TypeHandler typeHandler = createTypeHandler(typeClass); for (TypeRef ref : refs) { if (ref.typeClass == typeClass) { assert ref.get() == null; ref.set(typeHandler); break; } } typeToTypeHandler.put(typeClass, typeHandler); } private TypeHandler createTypeHandler(Class typeClass) { if (!typeClass.isInterface()) { throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Json model type should be interface: " + typeClass.getName()); } FieldProcessor fields = new FieldProcessor<>(this, typeClass); fields.go(); LinkedHashMap methodHandlerMap = fields.getMethodHandlerMap(); for (Method method : methodHandlerMap.keySet()) { Class returnType = method.getReturnType(); if (returnType != typeClass) { createIfNotExists(returnType); } } return new TypeHandler<>(typeClass, getSuperclassRef(typeClass), fields.getVolatileFields(), methodHandlerMap, fields.getFieldLoaders(), fields.lazyRead); } ValueReader getFieldTypeParser(Type type, boolean declaredNullable, boolean isSubtyping, @Nullable Method method) { if (type instanceof Class) { Class typeClass = (Class)type; if (type == Long.TYPE) { nullableIsNotSupported(declaredNullable); return LONG_PARSER; } else if (type == Integer.TYPE) { return declaredNullable ? NULLABLE_INTEGER_PARSER : INTEGER_PARSER; } else if (type == Boolean.TYPE) { nullableIsNotSupported(declaredNullable); return BOOLEAN_PARSER; } else if (type == Float.TYPE) { nullableIsNotSupported(declaredNullable); return FLOAT_PARSER; } else if (type == Number.class || type == Double.TYPE) { return declaredNullable ? NULLABLE_NUMBER_PARSER : NUMBER_PARSER; } else if (type == Void.TYPE) { nullableIsNotSupported(declaredNullable); return VOID_PARSER; } else if (type == String.class) { if (declaredNullable) { return NULLABLE_STRING_PARSER; } else { if (method != null) { JsonField jsonField = method.getAnnotation(JsonField.class); if (jsonField != null && jsonField.allowAnyPrimitiveValue()) { return RAW_STRING_PARSER; } } return STRING_PARSER; } } else if (type == Object.class) { return RAW_STRING_OR_MAP_PARSER; } else if (type == JsonReaderEx.class) { return declaredNullable ? NULLABLE_JSON_PARSER : JSON_PARSER; } else if (type == Map.class) { return declaredNullable ? NULLABLE_MAP_PARSER : MAP_PARSER; } else if (type == StringIntPair.class) { return STRING_INT_PAIR_PARSER; } else if (typeClass.isArray()) { return new ArrayReader(getFieldTypeParser(typeClass.getComponentType(), false, false, null), false, declaredNullable); } else if (typeClass.isEnum()) { //noinspection unchecked return EnumReader.create((Class)typeClass, declaredNullable); } TypeRef ref = getTypeRef(typeClass); if (ref != null) { return createJsonParser(ref, declaredNullable, isSubtyping); } throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Method return type " + type + " (simple class) not supported"); } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType)type; if (parameterizedType.getRawType() == List.class) { Type argumentType = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; if (argumentType instanceof WildcardType) { WildcardType wildcard = (WildcardType)argumentType; if (wildcard.getLowerBounds().length == 0 && wildcard.getUpperBounds().length == 1) { argumentType = wildcard.getUpperBounds()[0]; } } return new ArrayReader(getFieldTypeParser(argumentType, false, false, method), true, declaredNullable); } else if (parameterizedType.getRawType() == Map.class) { return declaredNullable ? NULLABLE_MAP_PARSER : MAP_PARSER; } else { throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Method return type " + type + " (generic) not supported"); } } else { throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Method return type " + type + " not supported"); } } private static void nullableIsNotSupported(boolean declaredNullable) { if (declaredNullable) { throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("The type cannot be declared nullable"); } } private static ObjectValueReader createJsonParser(TypeRef type, boolean isNullable, boolean isSubtyping) { return new ObjectValueReader<>(type, isNullable, isSubtyping); } TypeRef getTypeRef(Class typeClass) { TypeRef result = new TypeRef<>(typeClass); refs.add(result); return result; } private TypeRef getSuperclassRef(Class typeClass) { TypeRef result = null; for (Type interfaceGeneric : typeClass.getGenericInterfaces()) { if (!(interfaceGeneric instanceof ParameterizedType)) { continue; } ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType)interfaceGeneric; if (parameterizedType.getRawType() != JsonSubtype.class) { continue; } Type param = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; if (!(param instanceof Class)) { throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Unexpected type of superclass " + param); } Class paramClass = (Class)param; if (result != null) { throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Already has superclass " + result.getTypeClass().getName()); } result = getTypeRef(paramClass); if (result == null) { throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Unknown base class " + paramClass.getName()); } } return result; } }