/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.util.io; import com.intellij.util.Processor; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; // Assigns / store unique integral id for Data instances. // Btree stores mapping between integer hash code into integer that interpreted in following way: // Positive value is address in myFile with unique key record. // When there is hash value collisions the value is negative and it is -address of collision list (keyAddress, nextCollisionAddress)+ // It is possible to directly associate nonnegative int or long with Data instances when Data is integral value and represent it's own hash code // e.g. Data are integers and hash code for them are values themselves public class PersistentBTreeEnumerator extends PersistentEnumeratorBase { private static final int PAGE_SIZE; private static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 32768; static { int pageSize; try { String property = System.getProperty("idea.btree.page.size"); pageSize = property != null ? Integer.parseInt(property, 10):DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; } PAGE_SIZE = pageSize; } private static final int RECORD_SIZE = 4; private static final int VALUE_PAGE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; static { assert VALUE_PAGE_SIZE % PAGE_SIZE == 0:"Page size should be divisor of " + VALUE_PAGE_SIZE; } private int myLogicalFileLength; private int myDataPageStart; private int myFirstPageStart; private int myDataPageOffset; private int myDuplicatedValuesPageStart; private int myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset; private static final int COLLISION_OFFSET = 4; private int myValuesCount; private int myCollisions; private int myExistingKeysEnumerated; private IntToIntBtree myBTree; private final boolean myInlineKeysNoMapping; private boolean myExternalKeysNoMapping; private static final int DIRTY_MAGIC = 0xbabe1977; private static final int VERSION = 7 + IntToIntBtree.version(); private static final int CORRECTLY_CLOSED_MAGIC = 0xebabafd + VERSION + PAGE_SIZE; @NotNull private static final Version ourVersion = new Version(CORRECTLY_CLOSED_MAGIC, DIRTY_MAGIC); private static final int KEY_SHIFT = 1; public PersistentBTreeEnumerator(@NotNull File file, @NotNull KeyDescriptor dataDescriptor, int initialSize) throws IOException { this(file, dataDescriptor, initialSize, null); } public PersistentBTreeEnumerator(@NotNull File file, @NotNull KeyDescriptor dataDescriptor, int initialSize, @Nullable PagedFileStorage.StorageLockContext lockContext) throws IOException { super(file, new ResizeableMappedFile( file, initialSize, lockContext, VALUE_PAGE_SIZE, true, IOUtil.ourByteBuffersUseNativeByteOrder ), dataDescriptor, initialSize, ourVersion, new RecordBufferHandler(), false ); myInlineKeysNoMapping = myDataDescriptor instanceof InlineKeyDescriptor && !wantKeyMapping(); myExternalKeysNoMapping = !(myDataDescriptor instanceof InlineKeyDescriptor) && !wantKeyMapping(); if (myBTree == null) { try { lockStorage(); storeVars(false); initBtree(false); storeBTreeVars(false); } catch (IOException e) { try { close(); // cleanup already initialized state } catch (Throwable ignored) { } throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.info(e); try { close(); // cleanup already initialized state } catch (Throwable ignored) { } throw new CorruptedException(file); } finally { unlockStorage(); } } } @NotNull private File indexFile(@NotNull File file) { return new File(file.getPath() + "_i"); } protected boolean wantKeyMapping() { return false; } private void initBtree(boolean initial) throws IOException { myBTree = new IntToIntBtree(PAGE_SIZE, indexFile(myFile), myStorage.getPagedFileStorage().getStorageLockContext(), initial); } private void storeVars(boolean toDisk) { myLogicalFileLength = store(DATA_START, myLogicalFileLength, toDisk); myDataPageStart = store(DATA_START + 4, myDataPageStart, toDisk); myDataPageOffset = store(DATA_START + 8, myDataPageOffset, toDisk); myFirstPageStart = store(DATA_START + 12, myFirstPageStart, toDisk); myDuplicatedValuesPageStart = store(DATA_START + 16, myDuplicatedValuesPageStart, toDisk); myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset = store(DATA_START + 20, myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset, toDisk); myValuesCount = store(DATA_START + 24, myValuesCount, toDisk); myCollisions = store(DATA_START + 28, myCollisions, toDisk); myExistingKeysEnumerated = store(DATA_START + 32, myExistingKeysEnumerated, toDisk); storeBTreeVars(toDisk); } private void storeBTreeVars(boolean toDisk) { final IntToIntBtree tree = myBTree; if (tree != null) { final int BTREE_DATA_START = DATA_START + 36; tree.persistVars(new IntToIntBtree.BtreeDataStorage() { @Override public int persistInt(int offset, int value, boolean toDisk) { return store(BTREE_DATA_START + offset, value, toDisk); } }, toDisk); } } private int store(int offset, int value, boolean toDisk) { assert offset + 4 < PAGE_SIZE; if (toDisk) { if (myFirstPageStart == -1 || myStorage.getInt(offset) != value) myStorage.putInt(offset, value); } else { value = myStorage.getInt(offset); } return value; } @Override protected void setupEmptyFile() throws IOException { myLogicalFileLength = PAGE_SIZE; myFirstPageStart = myDataPageStart = -1; myDuplicatedValuesPageStart = -1; initBtree(true); storeVars(true); } @Override protected void doClose() throws IOException { try { super.doClose(); } finally { final IntToIntBtree tree = myBTree; if (tree != null) { tree.doClose(); } } } private int allocPage() { int pageStart = myLogicalFileLength; myLogicalFileLength += PAGE_SIZE; return pageStart; } @Override public boolean processAllDataObject(@NotNull final Processor processor, @Nullable final DataFilter filter) throws IOException { if(myInlineKeysNoMapping) { return traverseAllRecords(new RecordsProcessor() { @Override public boolean process(final int record) throws IOException { if (filter == null || filter.accept(record)) { Data data = ((InlineKeyDescriptor)myDataDescriptor).fromInt(getCurrentKey()); return processor.process(data); } return true; } }); } return super.processAllDataObject(processor, filter); } @Override public boolean traverseAllRecords(@NotNull final RecordsProcessor p) throws IOException { try { lockStorage(); return myBTree.processMappings(new IntToIntBtree.KeyValueProcessor() { @Override public boolean process(int key, int value) throws IOException { p.setCurrentKey(key); if (value > 0) { if (!p.process(value)) return false; } else { int rec = -value; while (rec != 0) { int id = myStorage.getInt(rec); if (!p.process(id)) return false; rec = myStorage.getInt(rec + COLLISION_OFFSET); } } return true; } }); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { CorruptedException corruptedException = new CorruptedException(myFile); corruptedException.initCause(e); throw corruptedException; } finally { unlockStorage(); } } protected int addrToIndex(int addr) { assert myExternalKeysNoMapping; return addr + KEY_SHIFT; } @Override protected int indexToAddr(int idx) { if (myExternalKeysNoMapping) { IntToIntBtree.myAssert(idx > 0); return idx - KEY_SHIFT; } int anInt = myStorage.getInt(idx); if (IntToIntBtree.doSanityCheck) { IntToIntBtree.myAssert(anInt >= 0 || myDataDescriptor instanceof InlineKeyDescriptor); } return anInt; } @Override protected int setupValueId(int hashCode, int dataOff) { if (myExternalKeysNoMapping) return addrToIndex(dataOff); final PersistentEnumeratorBase.RecordBufferHandler recordHandler = getRecordHandler(); final byte[] buf = recordHandler.getRecordBuffer(this); // optimization for using putInt / getInt on aligned empty storage (our page always contains on storage ByteBuffer) final int pos = recordHandler.recordWriteOffset(this, buf); myStorage.ensureSize(pos + buf.length); if (!myInlineKeysNoMapping) myStorage.putInt(pos, dataOff); return pos; } @Override public void setRecordHandler(@NotNull PersistentEnumeratorBase.RecordBufferHandler recordHandler) { myExternalKeysNoMapping = false; super.setRecordHandler(recordHandler); } @Override public Data getValue(int keyId, int processingKey) throws IOException { if (myInlineKeysNoMapping) { return ((InlineKeyDescriptor)myDataDescriptor).fromInt(processingKey); } return super.getValue(keyId, processingKey); } private final int[] myResultBuf = new int[1]; public long getNonnegativeValue(Data key) throws IOException { assert myInlineKeysNoMapping; try { lockStorage(); final boolean hasMapping = myBTree.get(((InlineKeyDescriptor)myDataDescriptor).toInt(key), myResultBuf); if (!hasMapping) { return NULL_ID; } return keyIdToNonnegattiveOffset(myResultBuf[0]); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { CorruptedException exception = new CorruptedException(myFile); exception.initCause(e); throw exception; } finally { unlockStorage(); } } public long keyIdToNonnegattiveOffset(int value) { if (value >= 0) return value; return myStorage.getLong(-value); } public void putNonnegativeValue(Data key, long value) throws IOException { assert value >= 0; assert myInlineKeysNoMapping; try { lockStorage(); markDirty(true); int intKey = ((InlineKeyDescriptor)myDataDescriptor).toInt(key); if (value < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { myBTree.put(intKey, (int) value); } else { int pos = nextLongValueRecord(); myStorage.putLong(pos, value); myBTree.put(intKey, -pos); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { CorruptedException exception = new CorruptedException(myFile); exception.initCause(e); throw exception; } finally { unlockStorage(); } } private int nextLongValueRecord() { assert myInlineKeysNoMapping; if (myDuplicatedValuesPageStart == -1 || myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset == myBTree.pageSize) { myDuplicatedValuesPageStart = allocPage(); myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset = 0; } int duplicatedValueOff = myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset; myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset += 8; // size of long return myDuplicatedValuesPageStart + duplicatedValueOff; } @Override protected int enumerateImpl(final Data value, final boolean onlyCheckForExisting, boolean saveNewValue) throws IOException { try { lockStorage(); if (IntToIntBtree.doDump) System.out.println(value); final int valueHC = myDataDescriptor.getHashCode(value); final boolean hasMapping = myBTree.get(valueHC, myResultBuf); if (!hasMapping && onlyCheckForExisting) { return NULL_ID; } final int indexNodeValueAddress = hasMapping ? myResultBuf[0]:0; int collisionAddress = NULL_ID; boolean hasExistingData = false; if (!myInlineKeysNoMapping) { collisionAddress = NULL_ID; if (indexNodeValueAddress > 0) { // we found reference to no dupe key if (isKeyAtIndex(value, indexNodeValueAddress)) { if (!saveNewValue) { ++myExistingKeysEnumerated; return indexNodeValueAddress; } hasExistingData = true; } collisionAddress = indexNodeValueAddress; } else if (indexNodeValueAddress < 0) { // indexNodeValueAddress points to duplicates list collisionAddress = -indexNodeValueAddress; while (true) { final int address = myStorage.getInt(collisionAddress); if (isKeyAtIndex(value, address)) { if (!saveNewValue) return address; hasExistingData = true; break; } int newCollisionAddress = myStorage.getInt(collisionAddress + COLLISION_OFFSET); if (newCollisionAddress == 0) break; collisionAddress = newCollisionAddress; } } if (onlyCheckForExisting) return NULL_ID; } else { if (hasMapping) { if(!saveNewValue) return indexNodeValueAddress; hasExistingData = true; } } int newValueId = writeData(value, valueHC); ++myValuesCount; if (IOStatistics.DEBUG && (myValuesCount & IOStatistics.KEYS_FACTOR_MASK) == 0) { IOStatistics.dump("Index " + myFile + ", values " + myValuesCount + ", existing keys enumerated:"+ myExistingKeysEnumerated + ", storage size:" + myStorage.length()); myBTree.dumpStatistics(); } if (collisionAddress != NULL_ID) { if (hasExistingData) { if (indexNodeValueAddress > 0) { myBTree.put(valueHC, newValueId); } else { myStorage.putInt(collisionAddress, newValueId); } } else { if (indexNodeValueAddress > 0) { // organize collision type reference int duplicatedValueOff = nextDuplicatedValueRecord(); myBTree.put(valueHC, -duplicatedValueOff); myStorage.putInt(duplicatedValueOff, indexNodeValueAddress); // we will set collision offset in next if collisionAddress = duplicatedValueOff; ++myCollisions; } ++myCollisions; int duplicatedValueOff = nextDuplicatedValueRecord(); myStorage.putInt(collisionAddress + COLLISION_OFFSET, duplicatedValueOff); myStorage.putInt(duplicatedValueOff, newValueId); myStorage.putInt(duplicatedValueOff + COLLISION_OFFSET, 0); } } else { myBTree.put(valueHC, newValueId); } if (IntToIntBtree.doSanityCheck) { if (!myInlineKeysNoMapping) { Data data = valueOf(newValueId); IntToIntBtree.myAssert(myDataDescriptor.isEqual(value, data)); } } return newValueId; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { CorruptedException exception = new CorruptedException(myFile); exception.initCause(e); throw exception; } finally { unlockStorage(); } } @Override boolean canReEnumerate() { return true; } @Override public Data valueOf(int idx) throws IOException { if (myInlineKeysNoMapping) { assert false:"No valueOf for inline keys with no mapping option"; } return super.valueOf(idx); } private int nextDuplicatedValueRecord() { assert !myInlineKeysNoMapping; if (myDuplicatedValuesPageStart == -1 || myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset == myBTree.pageSize) { myDuplicatedValuesPageStart = allocPage(); myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset = 0; } int duplicatedValueOff = myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset; myDuplicatedValuesPageOffset += COLLISION_OFFSET + 4; return myDuplicatedValuesPageStart + duplicatedValueOff; } @Override protected void doFlush() throws IOException { myBTree.doFlush(); storeVars(true); super.doFlush(); } private static class RecordBufferHandler extends PersistentEnumeratorBase.RecordBufferHandler { private byte[] myBuffer; @Override int recordWriteOffset(@NotNull PersistentBTreeEnumerator enumerator, @NotNull byte[] buf) { if (enumerator.myFirstPageStart == -1) { enumerator.myFirstPageStart = enumerator.myDataPageStart = enumerator.allocPage(); } if (enumerator.myDataPageOffset + buf.length + 4 > enumerator.myBTree.pageSize) { assert enumerator.myDataPageOffset + 4 <= enumerator.myBTree.pageSize; int prevDataPageStart = enumerator.myDataPageStart + enumerator.myBTree.pageSize - 4; enumerator.myDataPageStart = enumerator.allocPage(); enumerator.myStorage.putInt(prevDataPageStart, enumerator.myDataPageStart); enumerator.myDataPageOffset = 0; } int recordWriteOffset = enumerator.myDataPageOffset; assert recordWriteOffset + buf.length + 4 <= enumerator.myBTree.pageSize; enumerator.myDataPageOffset += buf.length; return recordWriteOffset + enumerator.myDataPageStart; } @NotNull @Override byte[] getRecordBuffer(@NotNull PersistentBTreeEnumerator enumerator) { if (myBuffer == null) { myBuffer = new byte[enumerator.myInlineKeysNoMapping ? 0:RECORD_SIZE]; } return myBuffer; } @Override void setupRecord(@NotNull PersistentBTreeEnumerator enumerator, int hashCode, int dataOffset, byte[] buf) { if (!enumerator.myInlineKeysNoMapping) Bits.putInt(buf, 0, dataOffset); } } }