/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.committed; import com.intellij.concurrency.JobScheduler; import com.intellij.lifecycle.PeriodicalTasksCloser; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.application.Application; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState; import com.intellij.openapi.components.*; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProcessCanceledException; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManagerQueue; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.MessageType; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Computable; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.*; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.Change; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.impl.ProjectLevelVcsManagerImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.impl.VcsInitObject; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.ui.VcsBalloonProblemNotifier; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.update.UpdatedFiles; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.versionBrowser.ChangeBrowserSettings; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.versionBrowser.CommittedChangeList; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.Consumer; import com.intellij.util.MessageBusUtil; import com.intellij.util.NotNullFunction; import com.intellij.util.containers.ConcurrentHashMap; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.MultiMap; import com.intellij.util.messages.MessageBus; import com.intellij.util.messages.MessageBusConnection; import com.intellij.util.messages.Topic; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * @author yole */ @State( name="CommittedChangesCache", roamingType = RoamingType.DISABLED, storages= { @Storage( file = StoragePathMacros.WORKSPACE_FILE )} ) public class CommittedChangesCache implements PersistentStateComponent { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.committed.CommittedChangesCache"); private final Project myProject; private final MessageBus myBus; private final ProgressManagerQueue myTaskQueue; private final MessageBusConnection myConnection; private boolean myRefreshingIncomingChanges = false; private int myPendingUpdateCount = 0; private State myState = new State(); private ScheduledFuture myFuture; private List myCachedIncomingChangeLists; private final Set myNewIncomingChanges = new LinkedHashSet(); private final ProjectLevelVcsManager myVcsManager; public static final Change[] ALL_CHANGES = new Change[0]; private MyRefreshRunnable myRefresnRunnable; private final Map>> myExternallyLoadedChangeLists; private final CachesHolder myCachesHolder; private final RepositoryLocationCache myLocationCache; public static class State { private int myInitialCount = 500; private int myInitialDays = 90; private int myRefreshInterval = 30; private boolean myRefreshEnabled = false; public int getInitialCount() { return myInitialCount; } public void setInitialCount(final int initialCount) { myInitialCount = initialCount; } public int getInitialDays() { return myInitialDays; } public void setInitialDays(final int initialDays) { myInitialDays = initialDays; } public int getRefreshInterval() { return myRefreshInterval; } public void setRefreshInterval(final int refreshInterval) { myRefreshInterval = refreshInterval; } public boolean isRefreshEnabled() { return myRefreshEnabled; } public void setRefreshEnabled(final boolean refreshEnabled) { myRefreshEnabled = refreshEnabled; } } public static final Topic COMMITTED_TOPIC = new Topic("committed changes updates", CommittedChangesListener.class); public static CommittedChangesCache getInstance(Project project) { return PeriodicalTasksCloser.getInstance().safeGetComponent(project, CommittedChangesCache.class); } public CommittedChangesCache(final Project project, final MessageBus bus, final ProjectLevelVcsManager vcsManager) { myProject = project; myBus = bus; myConnection = myBus.connect(); final VcsListener vcsListener = new VcsListener() { @Override public void directoryMappingChanged() { myLocationCache.reset(); refreshAllCachesAsync(false, true); refreshIncomingChangesAsync(); myTaskQueue.run(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final List files = myCachesHolder.getAllCaches(); for (ChangesCacheFile file : files) { final RepositoryLocation location = file.getLocation(); fireChangesLoaded(location, Collections.emptyList()); } fireIncomingReloaded(); } }); } }; myLocationCache = new RepositoryLocationCache(project); myCachesHolder = new CachesHolder(project, myLocationCache); myTaskQueue = new ProgressManagerQueue(project, VcsBundle.message("committed.changes.refresh.progress")); ((ProjectLevelVcsManagerImpl) vcsManager).addInitializationRequest(VcsInitObject.COMMITTED_CHANGES_CACHE, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (myProject.isDisposed()) return; myTaskQueue.start(); myConnection.subscribe(ProjectLevelVcsManager.VCS_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED, vcsListener); myConnection.subscribe(ProjectLevelVcsManager.VCS_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED_IN_PLUGIN, vcsListener); } }); } }); myVcsManager = vcsManager; Disposer.register(project, new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { cancelRefreshTimer(); myConnection.disconnect(); } }); myExternallyLoadedChangeLists = new ConcurrentHashMap>>(); } public MessageBus getMessageBus() { return myBus; } @Override public State getState() { return myState; } @Override public void loadState(State state) { myState = state; updateRefreshTimer(); } @Nullable public CommittedChangesProvider getProviderForProject() { final AbstractVcs[] vcss = myVcsManager.getAllActiveVcss(); List vcsWithProviders = new ArrayList(); for(AbstractVcs vcs: vcss) { if (vcs.getCommittedChangesProvider() != null) { vcsWithProviders.add(vcs); } } if (vcsWithProviders.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (vcsWithProviders.size() == 1) { return vcsWithProviders.get(0).getCommittedChangesProvider(); } return new CompositeCommittedChangesProvider(myProject, vcsWithProviders.toArray(new AbstractVcs[vcsWithProviders.size()])); } public boolean isMaxCountSupportedForProject() { for(AbstractVcs vcs: myVcsManager.getAllActiveVcss()) { final CommittedChangesProvider provider = vcs.getCommittedChangesProvider(); if (provider instanceof CachingCommittedChangesProvider) { final CachingCommittedChangesProvider cachingProvider = (CachingCommittedChangesProvider)provider; if (!cachingProvider.isMaxCountSupported()) { return false; } } } return true; } private class MyProjectChangesLoader implements Runnable { private final ChangeBrowserSettings mySettings; private final int myMaxCount; private final boolean myCacheOnly; private final Consumer> myConsumer; private final Consumer> myErrorConsumer; private final LinkedHashSet myResult = new LinkedHashSet(); private final List myExceptions = new ArrayList(); private boolean myDisposed = false; private MyProjectChangesLoader(ChangeBrowserSettings settings, int maxCount, boolean cacheOnly, Consumer> consumer, Consumer> errorConsumer) { mySettings = settings; myMaxCount = maxCount; myCacheOnly = cacheOnly; myConsumer = consumer; myErrorConsumer = errorConsumer; } @Override public void run() { for(AbstractVcs vcs: myVcsManager.getAllActiveVcss()) { final CommittedChangesProvider provider = vcs.getCommittedChangesProvider(); if (provider == null) continue; final VcsCommittedListsZipper vcsZipper = provider.getZipper(); CommittedListsSequencesZipper zipper = null; if (vcsZipper != null) { zipper = new CommittedListsSequencesZipper(vcsZipper); } boolean zipSupported = zipper != null; final Map map = myCachesHolder.getAllRootsUnderVcs(vcs); for (VirtualFile root : map.keySet()) { if (myProject.isDisposed()) return; final RepositoryLocation location = map.get(root); try { final List lists = getChanges(mySettings, root, vcs, myMaxCount, myCacheOnly, provider, location); if (lists != null) { if (zipSupported) { zipper.add(location, lists); } else { myResult.addAll(lists); } } } catch (VcsException e) { myExceptions.add(e); } catch(ProcessCanceledException e) { myDisposed = true; } } if (zipSupported) { myResult.addAll(zipper.execute()); } } ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { LOG.info("FINISHED CommittedChangesCache.getProjectChangesAsync - execution in queue"); if (myProject.isDisposed()) { return; } if (myExceptions.size() > 0) { myErrorConsumer.consume(myExceptions); } else if (!myDisposed) { myConsumer.consume(new ArrayList(myResult)); } } }, ModalityState.NON_MODAL); } } public void getProjectChangesAsync(final ChangeBrowserSettings settings, final int maxCount, final boolean cacheOnly, final Consumer> consumer, final Consumer> errorConsumer) { final MyProjectChangesLoader loader = new MyProjectChangesLoader(settings, maxCount, cacheOnly, consumer, errorConsumer); myTaskQueue.run(loader); } @Nullable public List getChanges(ChangeBrowserSettings settings, final VirtualFile file, @NotNull final AbstractVcs vcs, final int maxCount, final boolean cacheOnly, final CommittedChangesProvider provider, final RepositoryLocation location) throws VcsException { if (settings instanceof CompositeCommittedChangesProvider.CompositeChangeBrowserSettings) { settings = ((CompositeCommittedChangesProvider.CompositeChangeBrowserSettings) settings).get(vcs); } if (provider instanceof CachingCommittedChangesProvider) { try { if (cacheOnly) { ChangesCacheFile cacheFile = myCachesHolder.getCacheFile(vcs, file, location); if (!cacheFile.isEmpty()) { final RepositoryLocation fileLocation = cacheFile.getLocation(); fileLocation.onBeforeBatch(); final List committedChangeLists = cacheFile.readChanges(settings, maxCount); fileLocation.onAfterBatch(); return committedChangeLists; } return null; } else { if (canGetFromCache(vcs, settings, file, location, maxCount)) { return getChangesWithCaching(vcs, settings, file, location, maxCount); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.info(e); } } //noinspection unchecked return provider.getCommittedChanges(settings, location, maxCount); } private boolean canGetFromCache(final AbstractVcs vcs, final ChangeBrowserSettings settings, final VirtualFile root, final RepositoryLocation location, final int maxCount) throws IOException { ChangesCacheFile cacheFile = myCachesHolder.getCacheFile(vcs, root, location); if (cacheFile.isEmpty()) { return true; // we'll initialize the cache and check again after that } if (settings.USE_DATE_BEFORE_FILTER && !settings.USE_DATE_AFTER_FILTER) { return cacheFile.hasCompleteHistory(); } if (settings.USE_CHANGE_BEFORE_FILTER && !settings.USE_CHANGE_AFTER_FILTER) { return cacheFile.hasCompleteHistory(); } boolean hasDateFilter = settings.USE_DATE_AFTER_FILTER || settings.USE_DATE_BEFORE_FILTER || settings.USE_CHANGE_AFTER_FILTER || settings.USE_CHANGE_BEFORE_FILTER; boolean hasNonDateFilter = settings.isNonDateFilterSpecified(); if (!hasDateFilter && hasNonDateFilter) { return cacheFile.hasCompleteHistory(); } if (settings.USE_DATE_AFTER_FILTER && settings.getDateAfter().getTime() < cacheFile.getFirstCachedDate().getTime()) { return cacheFile.hasCompleteHistory(); } if (settings.USE_CHANGE_AFTER_FILTER && settings.getChangeAfterFilter().longValue() < cacheFile.getFirstCachedChangelist()) { return cacheFile.hasCompleteHistory(); } return true; } public void hasCachesForAnyRoot(@Nullable final Consumer continuation) { myTaskQueue.run(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Ref success = new Ref(); try { success.set(hasCachesWithEmptiness(false)); } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { success.set(true); } ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { continuation.consume(success.get()); } }, myProject.getDisposed()); } }); } public boolean hasEmptyCaches() { try { return hasCachesWithEmptiness(true); } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { return false; } } private boolean hasCachesWithEmptiness(final boolean emptiness) { final Ref resultRef = new Ref(Boolean.FALSE); myCachesHolder.iterateAllCaches(new NotNullFunction() { @Override @NotNull public Boolean fun(final ChangesCacheFile changesCacheFile) { try { if (changesCacheFile.isEmpty() == emptiness) { resultRef.set(true); return true; } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.info(e); } return false; } }); return resultRef.get(); } @Nullable public Iterator getBackBunchedIterator(final AbstractVcs vcs, final VirtualFile root, final RepositoryLocation location, final int bunchSize) { final ChangesCacheFile cacheFile = myCachesHolder.getCacheFile(vcs, root, location); try { if (! cacheFile.isEmpty()) { return cacheFile.getBackBunchedIterator(bunchSize); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } return null; } private List getChangesWithCaching(final AbstractVcs vcs, final ChangeBrowserSettings settings, final VirtualFile root, final RepositoryLocation location, final int maxCount) throws VcsException, IOException { ChangesCacheFile cacheFile = myCachesHolder.getCacheFile(vcs, root, location); if (cacheFile.isEmpty()) { List changes = initCache(cacheFile); if (canGetFromCache(vcs, settings, root, location, maxCount)) { settings.filterChanges(changes); return trimToSize(changes, maxCount); } //noinspection unchecked return cacheFile.getProvider().getCommittedChanges(settings, location, maxCount); } else { // we take location instance that would be used for deserialization final RepositoryLocation fileLocation = cacheFile.getLocation(); fileLocation.onBeforeBatch(); final List changes = cacheFile.readChanges(settings, maxCount); fileLocation.onAfterBatch(); List newChanges = refreshCache(cacheFile); settings.filterChanges(newChanges); changes.addAll(newChanges); return trimToSize(changes, maxCount); } } @TestOnly public void refreshAllCaches() throws IOException, VcsException { final Collection files = myCachesHolder.getAllCaches(); for(ChangesCacheFile file: files) { if (file.isEmpty()) { initCache(file); } else { refreshCache(file); } } } private List initCache(final ChangesCacheFile cacheFile) throws VcsException, IOException { debug("Initializing cache for " + cacheFile.getLocation()); final CachingCommittedChangesProvider provider = cacheFile.getProvider(); final RepositoryLocation location = cacheFile.getLocation(); final ChangeBrowserSettings settings = provider.createDefaultSettings(); int maxCount = 0; if (isMaxCountSupportedForProject()) { maxCount = myState.getInitialCount(); } else { settings.USE_DATE_AFTER_FILTER = true; Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -myState.getInitialDays()); settings.setDateAfter(calendar.getTime()); } //noinspection unchecked final List changes = provider.getCommittedChanges(settings, location, maxCount); // when initially initializing cache, assume all changelists are locally available writeChangesInReadAction(cacheFile, changes); // this sorts changes in chronological order if (maxCount > 0 && changes.size() < myState.getInitialCount()) { cacheFile.setHaveCompleteHistory(true); } if (changes.size() > 0) { fireChangesLoaded(location, changes); } return changes; } private void fireChangesLoaded(final RepositoryLocation location, final List changes) { MessageBusUtil.invokeLaterIfNeededOnSyncPublisher(myProject, COMMITTED_TOPIC, new Consumer() { @Override public void consume(CommittedChangesListener listener) { listener.changesLoaded(location, changes); } }); } private void fireIncomingReloaded() { MessageBusUtil.invokeLaterIfNeededOnSyncPublisher(myProject, COMMITTED_TOPIC, new Consumer() { @Override public void consume(CommittedChangesListener listener) { listener.incomingChangesUpdated(Collections.emptyList()); } }); } // todo: fix - would externally loaded nesseccerily for file? i.e. just not efficient now private List refreshCache(final ChangesCacheFile cacheFile) throws VcsException, IOException { final List newLists = new ArrayList(); final CachingCommittedChangesProvider provider = cacheFile.getProvider(); final RepositoryLocation location = cacheFile.getLocation(); final Pair> externalLists = myExternallyLoadedChangeLists.get(location.getKey()); final long latestChangeList = getLatestListForFile(cacheFile); if ((externalLists != null) && (latestChangeList == externalLists.first.longValue())) { newLists.addAll(appendLoadedChanges(cacheFile, location, externalLists.second)); myExternallyLoadedChangeLists.clear(); } final ChangeBrowserSettings defaultSettings = provider.createDefaultSettings(); int maxCount = 0; if (provider.refreshCacheByNumber()) { final long number = cacheFile.getLastCachedChangelist(); debug("Refreshing cache for " + location + " since #" + number); if (number >= 0) { defaultSettings.CHANGE_AFTER = Long.toString(number); defaultSettings.USE_CHANGE_AFTER_FILTER = true; } else { maxCount = myState.getInitialCount(); } } else { final Date date = cacheFile.getLastCachedDate(); debug("Refreshing cache for " + location + " since " + date); defaultSettings.setDateAfter(date); defaultSettings.USE_DATE_AFTER_FILTER = true; } final List newChanges = provider.getCommittedChanges(defaultSettings, location, maxCount); debug("Loaded " + newChanges.size() + " new changelists"); newLists.addAll(appendLoadedChanges(cacheFile, location, newChanges)); return newLists; } private static void debug(@NonNls String message) { LOG.debug(message); } private List appendLoadedChanges(final ChangesCacheFile cacheFile, final RepositoryLocation location, final List newChanges) throws IOException { final List savedChanges = writeChangesInReadAction(cacheFile, newChanges); if (savedChanges.size() > 0) { fireChangesLoaded(location, savedChanges); } return savedChanges; } private static List writeChangesInReadAction(final ChangesCacheFile cacheFile, final List newChanges) throws IOException { // ensure that changes are loaded before taking read action, to avoid stalling UI for(CommittedChangeList changeList: newChanges) { changeList.getChanges(); } final Ref ref = new Ref(); final List savedChanges = ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Computable>() { @Override public List compute() { try { return cacheFile.writeChanges(newChanges); // skip duplicates; } catch (IOException e) { ref.set(e); return null; } } }); if (!ref.isNull()) { throw ref.get(); } return savedChanges; } private static List trimToSize(final List changes, final int maxCount) { if (maxCount > 0) { while(changes.size() > maxCount) { changes.remove(0); } } return changes; } public List loadIncomingChanges(boolean inBackground) { final List result = new ArrayList(); final Collection caches = myCachesHolder.getAllCaches(); final MultiMap>> byVcs = new MultiMap>>(); for(ChangesCacheFile cache: caches) { try { if (inBackground && (! cache.getVcs().isVcsBackgroundOperationsAllowed(cache.getRootPath().getVirtualFile()))) continue; if (!cache.isEmpty()) { debug("Loading incoming changes for " + cache.getLocation()); final List incomingChanges = cache.loadIncomingChanges(); byVcs.putValue(cache.getVcs(), Pair.create(cache.getLocation(), incomingChanges)); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } } for (AbstractVcs vcs : byVcs.keySet()) { final CommittedChangesProvider committedChangesProvider = vcs.getCommittedChangesProvider(); VcsCommittedListsZipper vcsZipper = committedChangesProvider.getZipper(); if (vcsZipper != null) { final VcsCommittedListsZipper incomingZipper = new IncomingListsZipper(vcsZipper); final CommittedListsSequencesZipper zipper = new CommittedListsSequencesZipper(incomingZipper); for (Pair> pair : byVcs.get(vcs)) { zipper.add(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond()); } result.addAll(zipper.execute()); } else { for (Pair> pair : byVcs.get(vcs)) { result.addAll(pair.getSecond()); } } } myCachedIncomingChangeLists = result; debug("Incoming changes loaded"); notifyIncomingChangesUpdated(result); return result; } private static class IncomingListsZipper extends VcsCommittedListsZipperAdapter { private final VcsCommittedListsZipper myVcsZipper; private IncomingListsZipper(final VcsCommittedListsZipper vcsZipper) { super(null); myVcsZipper = vcsZipper; } @Override public Pair, List> groupLocations(final List in) { return myVcsZipper.groupLocations(in); } @Override public CommittedChangeList zip(final RepositoryLocationGroup group, final List lists) { if (lists.size() == 1) { return lists.get(0); } final CommittedChangeList victim = ReceivedChangeList.unwrap(lists.get(0)); final ReceivedChangeList result = new ReceivedChangeList(victim); result.setForcePartial(false); final Set baseChanges = new HashSet(); for (CommittedChangeList list : lists) { baseChanges.addAll(ReceivedChangeList.unwrap(list).getChanges()); final Collection changes = list.getChanges(); for (Change change : changes) { if (! result.getChanges().contains(change)) { result.addChange(change); } } } result.setForcePartial(baseChanges.size() != result.getChanges().size()); return result; } @Override public long getNumber(final CommittedChangeList list) { return myVcsZipper.getNumber(list); } } public void commitMessageChanged(final AbstractVcs vcs, final RepositoryLocation location, final long number, final String newMessage) { myTaskQueue.run(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final ChangesCacheFile file = myCachesHolder.haveCache(location); if (file != null) { try { if (file.isEmpty()) return; file.editChangelist(number, newMessage); loadIncomingChanges(true); fireChangesLoaded(location, Collections.emptyList()); } catch (IOException e) { VcsBalloonProblemNotifier.showOverChangesView(myProject, "Didn't update Repository changes with new message due to error: " + e.getMessage(), MessageType.ERROR); } } } }); } public void loadIncomingChangesAsync(@Nullable final Consumer> consumer, final boolean inBackground) { debug("Loading incoming changes"); final Runnable task = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final List list = loadIncomingChanges(inBackground); if (consumer != null) { consumer.consume(new ArrayList(list)); } } }; myTaskQueue.run(task); } public void clearCaches(final Runnable continuation) { myTaskQueue.run(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myCachesHolder.clearAllCaches(); myCachedIncomingChangeLists = null; continuation.run(); MessageBusUtil.invokeLaterIfNeededOnSyncPublisher(myProject, COMMITTED_TOPIC, new Consumer() { @Override public void consume(CommittedChangesListener listener) { listener.changesCleared(); } }); } }); } @Nullable public List getCachedIncomingChanges() { return myCachedIncomingChangeLists; } public void processUpdatedFiles(final UpdatedFiles updatedFiles) { processUpdatedFiles(updatedFiles, null); } public void processUpdatedFiles(final UpdatedFiles updatedFiles, @Nullable final Consumer> incomingChangesConsumer) { final Runnable task = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { debug("Processing updated files"); final Collection caches = myCachesHolder.getAllCaches(); myPendingUpdateCount += caches.size(); for(final ChangesCacheFile cache: caches) { try { if (cache.isEmpty()) { pendingUpdateProcessed(incomingChangesConsumer); continue; } debug("Processing updated files in " + cache.getLocation()); boolean needRefresh = cache.processUpdatedFiles(updatedFiles, myNewIncomingChanges); if (needRefresh) { debug("Found unaccounted files, requesting refresh"); // todo do we need double-queueing here??? processUpdatedFilesAfterRefresh(cache, updatedFiles, incomingChangesConsumer); } else { debug("Clearing cached incoming changelists"); myCachedIncomingChangeLists = null; pendingUpdateProcessed(incomingChangesConsumer); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } } } }; myTaskQueue.run(task); } private void pendingUpdateProcessed(@Nullable Consumer> incomingChangesConsumer) { myPendingUpdateCount--; if (myPendingUpdateCount == 0) { notifyIncomingChangesUpdated(myNewIncomingChanges); if (incomingChangesConsumer != null) { incomingChangesConsumer.consume(ContainerUtil.newArrayList(myNewIncomingChanges)); } myNewIncomingChanges.clear(); } } private void processUpdatedFilesAfterRefresh(final ChangesCacheFile cache, final UpdatedFiles updatedFiles, @Nullable final Consumer> incomingChangesConsumer) { refreshCacheAsync(cache, false, new RefreshResultConsumer() { @Override public void receivedChanges(final List committedChangeLists) { try { debug("Processing updated files after refresh in " + cache.getLocation()); boolean result = true; if (committedChangeLists.size() > 0) { // received some new changelists, try to process updated files again result = cache.processUpdatedFiles(updatedFiles, myNewIncomingChanges); } debug(result ? "Still have unaccounted files" : "No more unaccounted files"); // for svn, we won't get exact revision numbers in updatedFiles, so we have to double-check by // checking revisions we have locally if (result) { cache.refreshIncomingChanges(); debug("Clearing cached incoming changelists"); myCachedIncomingChangeLists = null; } pendingUpdateProcessed(incomingChangesConsumer); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } catch(VcsException e) { notifyRefreshError(e); } } @Override public void receivedError(VcsException ex) { notifyRefreshError(ex); } }); } private void fireIncomingChangesUpdated(final List lists) { MessageBusUtil.invokeLaterIfNeededOnSyncPublisher(myProject, COMMITTED_TOPIC, new Consumer() { @Override public void consume(CommittedChangesListener listener) { listener.incomingChangesUpdated(new ArrayList(lists)); } }); } private void notifyIncomingChangesUpdated(@Nullable final Collection receivedChanges) { final Collection changes = receivedChanges == null ? myCachedIncomingChangeLists : receivedChanges; if (changes == null) { final Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); final Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final List lists = loadIncomingChanges(true); fireIncomingChangesUpdated(lists); } }; if (application.isDispatchThread()) { myTaskQueue.run(runnable); } else { runnable.run(); } return; } final ArrayList listCopy = new ArrayList(changes); fireIncomingChangesUpdated(listCopy); } private void notifyRefreshError(final VcsException e) { MessageBusUtil.invokeLaterIfNeededOnSyncPublisher(myProject, COMMITTED_TOPIC, new Consumer() { @Override public void consume(CommittedChangesListener listener) { listener.refreshErrorStatusChanged(e); } }); } private CommittedChangesListener getPublisher(final Consumer listener) { return ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Computable() { @Override public CommittedChangesListener compute() { if (myProject.isDisposed()) throw new ProcessCanceledException(); return myBus.syncPublisher(COMMITTED_TOPIC); } }); } public boolean isRefreshingIncomingChanges() { return myRefreshingIncomingChanges; } public boolean refreshIncomingChanges() { boolean hasChanges = false; final Collection caches = myCachesHolder.getAllCaches(); for(ChangesCacheFile file: caches) { try { if (file.isEmpty()) { continue; } debug("Refreshing incoming changes for " + file.getLocation()); boolean changesForCache = file.refreshIncomingChanges(); hasChanges |= changesForCache; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } catch(VcsException e) { notifyRefreshError(e); } } return hasChanges; } public void refreshIncomingChangesAsync() { debug("Refreshing incoming changes in background"); myRefreshingIncomingChanges = true; final Runnable task = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { refreshIncomingChanges(); refreshIncomingUi(); } }; myTaskQueue.run(task); } private void refreshIncomingUi() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myRefreshingIncomingChanges = false; debug("Incoming changes refresh complete, clearing cached incoming changes"); notifyReloadIncomingChanges(); } }, ModalityState.NON_MODAL, myProject.getDisposed()); } public void refreshAllCachesAsync(final boolean initIfEmpty, final boolean inBackground) { final Runnable task = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final List files = myCachesHolder.getAllCaches(); final RefreshResultConsumer notifyConsumer = new RefreshResultConsumer() { private VcsException myError = null; private int myCount = 0; private int totalChangesCount = 0; @Override public void receivedChanges(List changes) { totalChangesCount += changes.size(); checkDone(); } @Override public void receivedError(VcsException ex) { myError = ex; checkDone(); } private void checkDone() { myCount++; if (myCount == files.size()) { myTaskQueue.run(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (totalChangesCount > 0) { notifyReloadIncomingChanges(); } else { myProject.getMessageBus().syncPublisher(CommittedChangesTreeBrowser.ITEMS_RELOADED).emptyRefresh(); } } }); notifyRefreshError(myError); } } }; for(ChangesCacheFile file: files) { if ((! inBackground) || file.getVcs().isVcsBackgroundOperationsAllowed(file.getRootPath().getVirtualFile())) { refreshCacheAsync(file, initIfEmpty, notifyConsumer, false); } } } }; myTaskQueue.run(task); } private void notifyReloadIncomingChanges() { myCachedIncomingChangeLists = null; notifyIncomingChangesUpdated(null); } private void refreshCacheAsync(final ChangesCacheFile cache, final boolean initIfEmpty, @Nullable final RefreshResultConsumer consumer) { refreshCacheAsync(cache, initIfEmpty, consumer, true); } private void refreshCacheAsync(final ChangesCacheFile cache, final boolean initIfEmpty, @Nullable final RefreshResultConsumer consumer, final boolean asynch) { try { if (!initIfEmpty && cache.isEmpty()) { return; } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); return; } final Runnable task = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { final List list; if (initIfEmpty && cache.isEmpty()) { list = initCache(cache); } else { list = refreshCache(cache); } if (consumer != null) { consumer.receivedChanges(list); } } catch(ProcessCanceledException ex) { // ignore } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } catch (VcsException e) { if (consumer != null) { consumer.receivedError(e); } } } }; if (asynch) { myTaskQueue.run(task); } else { task.run(); } } private void updateRefreshTimer() { cancelRefreshTimer(); if (myState.isRefreshEnabled()) { myRefresnRunnable = new MyRefreshRunnable(this); // if "schedule with fixed rate" is used, then after waking up from stand-by mode, events are generated for inactive period // it does not make sense myFuture = JobScheduler.getScheduler().scheduleWithFixedDelay(myRefresnRunnable, myState.getRefreshInterval()*60, myState.getRefreshInterval()*60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } private void cancelRefreshTimer() { if (myRefresnRunnable != null) { myRefresnRunnable.cancel(); myRefresnRunnable = null; } if (myFuture != null) { myFuture.cancel(false); myFuture = null; } } @Nullable public Pair getIncomingChangeList(final VirtualFile file) { if (myCachedIncomingChangeLists != null) { File ioFile = new File(file.getPath()); for(CommittedChangeList changeList: myCachedIncomingChangeLists) { for(Change change: changeList.getChanges()) { if (change.affectsFile(ioFile)) { return Pair.create(changeList, change); } } } } return null; } private long getLatestListForFile(final ChangesCacheFile file) { try { if ((file == null) || (file.isEmpty())) { return -1; } return file.getLastCachedChangelist(); } catch (IOException e) { return -1; } } public CachesHolder getCachesHolder() { return myCachesHolder; } public void submitExternallyLoaded(final RepositoryLocation location, final long myLastCl, final List lists) { myExternallyLoadedChangeLists.put(location.getKey(), new Pair>(myLastCl, lists)); } private interface RefreshResultConsumer { void receivedChanges(List changes); void receivedError(VcsException ex); } private static class MyRefreshRunnable implements Runnable { private CommittedChangesCache myCache; private MyRefreshRunnable(final CommittedChangesCache cache) { myCache = cache; } private void cancel() { myCache = null; } @Override public void run() { final CommittedChangesCache cache = myCache; if (cache == null) return; cache.refreshAllCachesAsync(false, true); final List list = cache.getCachesHolder().getAllCaches(); for(ChangesCacheFile file: list) { if (file.getVcs().isVcsBackgroundOperationsAllowed(file.getRootPath().getVirtualFile())) { if (file.getProvider().refreshIncomingWithCommitted()) { cache.refreshIncomingChangesAsync(); break; } } } } } public RepositoryLocationCache getLocationCache() { return myLocationCache; } }