/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.siyeh.ig.internationalization; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.siyeh.InspectionGadgetsBundle; import com.siyeh.ig.BaseInspection; import com.siyeh.ig.BaseInspectionVisitor; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; /** * @author Bas Leijdekkers */ public class ImplicitDefaultCharsetUsageInspection extends BaseInspection { @Nls @NotNull @Override public String getDisplayName() { return InspectionGadgetsBundle.message("implicit.default.charset.usage.display.name"); } @NotNull @Override protected String buildErrorString(Object... infos) { if (infos[0] instanceof PsiNewExpression) { return InspectionGadgetsBundle.message("implicit.default.charset.usage.constructor.problem.descriptor"); } else { return InspectionGadgetsBundle.message("implicit.default.charset.usage.problem.descriptor"); } } @Override public BaseInspectionVisitor buildVisitor() { return new ImplicitDefaultCharsetUsageVisitor(); } private static class ImplicitDefaultCharsetUsageVisitor extends BaseInspectionVisitor { @Override public void visitMethodCallExpression(PsiMethodCallExpression expression) { super.visitMethodCallExpression(expression); final PsiReferenceExpression methodExpression = expression.getMethodExpression(); @NonNls final String name = methodExpression.getReferenceName(); if (!"getBytes".equals(name)) { return; } final PsiMethod method = expression.resolveMethod(); if (method == null) { return; } final PsiParameterList parameterList = method.getParameterList(); if (parameterList.getParametersCount() == 1) { return; } final PsiClass aClass = method.getContainingClass(); if (aClass == null) { return; } final String qName = aClass.getQualifiedName(); if (!CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_STRING.equals(qName)) { return; } registerMethodCallError(expression, expression); } @Override public void visitNewExpression(PsiNewExpression expression) { super.visitNewExpression(expression); final PsiMethod constructor = expression.resolveConstructor(); if (constructor == null) { return; } final PsiClass aClass = constructor.getContainingClass(); if (aClass == null) { return; } final PsiParameterList parameterList = constructor.getParameterList(); final int count = parameterList.getParametersCount(); if (count == 0) { return; } final PsiParameter[] parameters = parameterList.getParameters(); final String qName = aClass.getQualifiedName(); if (CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_STRING.equals(qName)) { if (!parameters[0].getType().equalsToText("byte[]") || hasCharsetType(parameters[count - 1])) { return; } } else if ("java.io.InputStreamReader".equals(qName) || "java.io.OutputStreamWriter".equals(qName) || "java.io.PrintStream".equals(qName)) { if (hasCharsetType(parameters[count - 1])) { return; } } else if ("java.io.PrintWriter".equals(qName)) { if (count > 1 && hasCharsetType(parameters[count - 1]) || parameters[0].getType().equalsToText("java.io.Writer")) { return; } } else if ("java.util.Formatter".equals(qName)) { if (count > 1 && hasCharsetType(parameters[1])) { return; } final PsiType firstType = parameters[0].getType(); if (!firstType.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_STRING) && !firstType.equalsToText("java.io.File") && !firstType.equalsToText("java.io.OutputStream")) { return; } } else if ("java.util.Scanner".equals(qName)) { if (count > 1 && hasCharsetType(parameters[1])) { return; } final PsiType firstType = parameters[0].getType(); if (!firstType.equalsToText("java.io.InputStream") && !firstType.equalsToText("java.io.File") && !firstType.equalsToText("java.nio.file.Path") && !firstType.equalsToText("java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel")) { return; } } else if (!"java.io.FileReader".equals(qName) && !"java.io.FileWriter".equals(qName)) { return; } registerNewExpressionError(expression, expression); } private static boolean hasCharsetType(PsiVariable variable) { final PsiType lastType = variable.getType(); return lastType.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_STRING) || lastType.equalsToText("java.nio.charset.Charset"); } } }