/* * Copyright 2000-2012 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package git4idea.branch; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsNotifier; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.Change; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.Function; import git4idea.GitPlatformFacade; import git4idea.GitUtil; import git4idea.commands.Git; import git4idea.commands.GitMessageWithFilesDetector; import git4idea.config.GitVcsSettings; import git4idea.repo.GitRepository; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.*; import static com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil.pluralize; /** * Common class for Git operations with branches aware of multi-root configuration, * which means showing combined error information, proposing to rollback, etc. */ abstract class GitBranchOperation { protected static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(GitBranchOperation.class); @NotNull protected final Project myProject; @NotNull protected final GitPlatformFacade myFacade; @NotNull protected final Git myGit; @NotNull protected final GitBranchUiHandler myUiHandler; @NotNull private final Collection myRepositories; @NotNull protected final String myCurrentBranchOrRev; private final GitVcsSettings mySettings; @NotNull private final Collection mySuccessfulRepositories; @NotNull private final Collection myRemainingRepositories; protected GitBranchOperation(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull GitPlatformFacade facade, @NotNull Git git, @NotNull GitBranchUiHandler uiHandler, @NotNull Collection repositories) { myProject = project; myFacade = facade; myGit = git; myUiHandler = uiHandler; myRepositories = repositories; myCurrentBranchOrRev = GitBranchUtil.getCurrentBranchOrRev(repositories); mySuccessfulRepositories = new ArrayList(); myRemainingRepositories = new ArrayList(myRepositories); mySettings = myFacade.getSettings(myProject); } protected abstract void execute(); protected abstract void rollback(); @NotNull public abstract String getSuccessMessage(); @NotNull protected abstract String getRollbackProposal(); /** * Returns a short downcased name of the operation. * It is used by some dialogs or notifications which are common to several operations. * Some operations (like checkout new branch) can be not mentioned in these dialogs, so their operation names would be not used. */ @NotNull protected abstract String getOperationName(); /** * @return next repository that wasn't handled (e.g. checked out) yet. */ @NotNull protected GitRepository next() { return myRemainingRepositories.iterator().next(); } /** * @return true if there are more repositories on which the operation wasn't executed yet. */ protected boolean hasMoreRepositories() { return !myRemainingRepositories.isEmpty(); } /** * Marks repositories as successful, i.e. they won't be handled again. */ protected void markSuccessful(GitRepository... repositories) { for (GitRepository repository : repositories) { mySuccessfulRepositories.add(repository); myRemainingRepositories.remove(repository); } } /** * @return true if the operation has already succeeded in at least one of repositories. */ protected boolean wereSuccessful() { return !mySuccessfulRepositories.isEmpty(); } @NotNull protected Collection getSuccessfulRepositories() { return mySuccessfulRepositories; } @NotNull protected String successfulRepositoriesJoined() { return StringUtil.join(mySuccessfulRepositories, new Function() { @Override public String fun(GitRepository repository) { return repository.getPresentableUrl(); } }, "
"); } @NotNull protected Collection getRepositories() { return myRepositories; } @NotNull protected Collection getRemainingRepositories() { return myRemainingRepositories; } @NotNull protected List getRemainingRepositoriesExceptGiven(@NotNull final GitRepository currentRepository) { List repositories = new ArrayList(myRemainingRepositories); repositories.remove(currentRepository); return repositories; } protected void notifySuccess(@NotNull String message) { VcsNotifier.getInstance(myProject).notifySuccess(message); } protected final void notifySuccess() { notifySuccess(getSuccessMessage()); } protected final void saveAllDocuments() { myFacade.saveAllDocuments(); } /** * Show fatal error as a notification or as a dialog with rollback proposal. */ protected void fatalError(@NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { if (wereSuccessful()) { showFatalErrorDialogWithRollback(title, message); } else { showFatalNotification(title, message); } } protected void showFatalErrorDialogWithRollback(@NotNull final String title, @NotNull final String message) { boolean rollback = myUiHandler.notifyErrorWithRollbackProposal(title, message, getRollbackProposal()); if (rollback) { rollback(); } } protected void showFatalNotification(@NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { notifyError(title, message); } protected void notifyError(@NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { VcsNotifier.getInstance(myProject).notifyError(title, message); } @NotNull protected ProgressIndicator getIndicator() { return myUiHandler.getProgressIndicator(); } /** * Display the error saying that the operation can't be performed because there are unmerged files in a repository. * Such error prevents checking out and creating new branch. */ protected void fatalUnmergedFilesError() { if (wereSuccessful()) { showUnmergedFilesDialogWithRollback(); } else { showUnmergedFilesNotification(); } } @NotNull protected String repositories() { return pluralize("repository", getSuccessfulRepositories().size()); } /** * Updates the recently visited branch in the settings. * This is to be performed after successful checkout operation. */ protected void updateRecentBranch() { if (getRepositories().size() == 1) { GitRepository repository = myRepositories.iterator().next(); mySettings.setRecentBranchOfRepository(repository.getRoot().getPath(), myCurrentBranchOrRev); } else { mySettings.setRecentCommonBranch(myCurrentBranchOrRev); } } private void showUnmergedFilesDialogWithRollback() { boolean ok = myUiHandler.showUnmergedFilesMessageWithRollback(getOperationName(), getRollbackProposal()); if (ok) { rollback(); } } private void showUnmergedFilesNotification() { myUiHandler.showUnmergedFilesNotification(getOperationName(), getRepositories()); } /** * Asynchronously refreshes the VFS root directory of the given repository. */ protected void refreshRoot(@NotNull GitRepository repository) { // marking all files dirty, because sometimes FileWatcher is unable to process such a large set of changes that can happen during // checkout on a large repository: IDEA-89944 myFacade.hardRefresh(repository.getRoot()); } protected void fatalLocalChangesError(@NotNull String reference) { String title = String.format("Couldn't %s %s", getOperationName(), reference); if (wereSuccessful()) { showFatalErrorDialogWithRollback(title, ""); } } /** * Shows the error "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout/merge". * If there were no repositories that succeeded the operation, shows a notification with a link to the list of these untracked files. * If some repositories succeeded, shows a dialog with the list of these files and a proposal to rollback the operation of those * repositories. */ protected void fatalUntrackedFilesError(@NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull Collection relativePaths) { if (wereSuccessful()) { showUntrackedFilesDialogWithRollback(root, relativePaths); } else { showUntrackedFilesNotification(root, relativePaths); } } private void showUntrackedFilesNotification(@NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull Collection relativePaths) { myUiHandler.showUntrackedFilesNotification(getOperationName(), root, relativePaths); } private void showUntrackedFilesDialogWithRollback(@NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull Collection relativePaths) { boolean ok = myUiHandler.showUntrackedFilesDialogWithRollback(getOperationName(), getRollbackProposal(), root, relativePaths); if (ok) { rollback(); } } /** * TODO this is non-optimal and even incorrect, since such diff shows the difference between committed changes * For each of the given repositories looks to the diff between current branch and the given branch and converts it to the list of * local changes. */ @NotNull Map> collectLocalChangesConflictingWithBranch(@NotNull Collection repositories, @NotNull String currentBranch, @NotNull String otherBranch) { Map> changes = new HashMap>(); for (GitRepository repository : repositories) { try { Collection diff = GitUtil.getPathsDiffBetweenRefs(myGit, repository, currentBranch, otherBranch); List changesInRepo = GitUtil.findLocalChangesForPaths(myProject, repository.getRoot(), diff, false); if (!changesInRepo.isEmpty()) { changes.put(repository, changesInRepo); } } catch (VcsException e) { // ignoring the exception: this is not fatal if we won't collect such a diff from other repositories. // At worst, use will get double dialog proposing the smart checkout. LOG.warn(String.format("Couldn't collect diff between %s and %s in %s", currentBranch, otherBranch, repository.getRoot()), e); } } return changes; } /** * When checkout or merge operation on a repository fails with the error "local changes would be overwritten by...", * affected local files are captured by the {@link git4idea.commands.GitMessageWithFilesDetector detector}. * Then all remaining (non successful repositories) are searched if they are about to fail with the same problem. * All collected local changes which prevent the operation, together with these repositories, are returned. * @param currentRepository The first repository which failed the operation. * @param localChangesOverwrittenBy The detector of local changes would be overwritten by merge/checkout. * @param currentBranch Current branch. * @param nextBranch Branch to compare with (the branch to be checked out, or the branch to be merged). * @return Repositories that have failed or would fail with the "local changes" error, together with these local changes. */ @NotNull protected Pair, List> getConflictingRepositoriesAndAffectedChanges( @NotNull GitRepository currentRepository, @NotNull GitMessageWithFilesDetector localChangesOverwrittenBy, String currentBranch, String nextBranch) { // get changes overwritten by checkout from the error message captured from Git List affectedChanges = GitUtil.findLocalChangesForPaths(myProject, currentRepository.getRoot(), localChangesOverwrittenBy.getRelativeFilePaths(), true ); // get all other conflicting changes // get changes in all other repositories (except those which already have succeeded) to avoid multiple dialogs proposing smart checkout Map> conflictingChangesInRepositories = collectLocalChangesConflictingWithBranch(getRemainingRepositoriesExceptGiven(currentRepository), currentBranch, nextBranch); Set otherProblematicRepositories = conflictingChangesInRepositories.keySet(); List allConflictingRepositories = new ArrayList(otherProblematicRepositories); allConflictingRepositories.add(currentRepository); for (List changes : conflictingChangesInRepositories.values()) { affectedChanges.addAll(changes); } return Pair.create(allConflictingRepositories, affectedChanges); } }