all files changed by this commit add.adding=Adding files... addrefspec.button=Add addrefspec.get.references.tooltip=Get remote tag and branch references (depending on checkbox state). addrefspec.get.references=&Get References addrefspec.getting.references.title=Getting remote references for {0} addrefspec.include.branches.tooltip=The next update references wil retrieve remote branches. addrefspec.include.branches=Include &branches addrefspec.include.tags.tooltip=The next update references wil retrieve remote tags. addrefspec.include.tags=Include &tags addrefspec.node.branches=Branches addrefspec.node.tags=Tags addrefspec.reference.chooser.tooltip=Select remote branch and tag references addrefspec.title=Add Reference(s) annotation.tool.tip=commit {0}\nAuthor: {1}\nDate: {2}\n\n{3} changes.retrieving=Retrieving changes for revision {0} checking.out=Checkout {0} checkout.branch.label=&Checkout with the same name exists. Use override option to force branch creation. checkout.branch=Checkout checkout.create.ref.log.tooltip=If checked the reference log is created for the branch. It allows time based searches. (the option \"-l\") checkout.create.ref.log=Create ref &log checkout.include.tags.tooltip=If checked, the combobox will include tags names as well as branches. checkout.include.tags=&Include tags new branch name name of new branch here. Leave blank if you do not want to create a new branch. &new branch checkout.override.branch=&Override checkout.override.tooltip=If checked a branch will be created even if a branch with the same name already exists. The previous branch will be deleted. checkout.ref.tooltip=Select branch, tag, or enter commit reference checkout.retrieving.branches.and.tags=Retrieving branches and tags checkout.track.branch=&Track branch checkout.track.tooltip=If checked, the newly created branch will track original branch during pull. checkout.validate.tooltip=Use this button to validate reference expression if entered manually. checkout.validate=&Validate checkout.validation.failed=Source revision validation failed command.cancelled=The command was cancelled. a commit author here if it is different from committer. The author should be in the format: Author Name <> commit.amend.tooltip=Merge this commit with the previous one commit.amend=Amend commit commit.partial.merge.message=Partial commit during a {0} is not allowed.\n\ The following files are not included in commit.\n\ Perform commit with all files included? commit.partial.merge.title=Partial Merge Commit commit.push.changes.tooltip=When this option is enabled, changes are pushed to the server after commit. commit.push.changes=&Push Changes common.current.branch.tooltip=The currently checked out branch. common.current.branch=Current Branch: this option is selected, the choice will be remembered, and the dialog will not be shown again. not show this dialog again common.git.root.tooltip=Select Git VCS root common.git.root=Git &Root: common.refreshing=Refreshing files computing.annotation=Computing annotation for {0} crlf.convert.convert=Convert Selected crlf.convert.label=&The following text files have line separator that do not match the project line separator.
Select files you wish to convert to project default line separators before commit. crlf.convert.leave=Leave Unchanged crlf.convert.none.tooltip=If this option is selected, the file are not attempted to be converted before commit. crlf.convert.none=Do ¬ convert files crlf.convert.title=Invalid Line Separators current.branch.change.tracked=Change Tracked Branch current.branch.message=Checked out branch: {0} current.branch.title=Configure Tracked Branch current.branch.tracked.branch.none= current.branch.tracked.branch.tooltip=Select the branch to track current.branch.tracked.branch=&Branch: current.branch.tracked.remote.none= current.branch.tracked.remote.this= current.branch.tracked.repository.tooltip=Select repository to track current.branch.tracked.repository=Re&pository: current.branch.tracked.title=Tracked Branch debug.git.exec=DEBUG: work-dir: [{0}] exec: [{1}] diff.find.error=Finding revision for diff: {0} error.dialog.title=Error error.list.title={0} Error: error.occurred.during=Error occurred during ''{0}'' errors.message.item=\n {0} errors.message=The Git operation ended with multiple errors:{0} fetch.button=Fetch fetch.force.references.update.tooltip=Forces update of branch references for which update is not forced in reference mapping. fetch.force.references.update=Force references &update fetch.remote.label=Re&mote: fetch.remote.tooltip=Remote name or url for fetch fetch.tags.label=Fetch &tags: fetch.tags.policy.all=All fetch.tags.policy.for.fetched.commits=For fetched commits fetch.tags.policy.none=None fetch.tags.tooltip=Select fetched commits policy
  • For fetched commits means tags associated with commits on fetched branches are fetched.
  • All means that all tags and reference commits are fetched
  • None means that no tags are fetched.
fetch.title=Git Fetch fetching.tags.title=Updating tags from {0} fetching.title=Fetching from {0} find.git.description=Select path to Git executable find.git.error.title=Error Running Git find.git.success.title=Git executed successfully find.git.title=Git Configuration find.git.unsupported.message={0}
This version is unsupported, and some plugin functionality could fail to work.
The minimal supported version is {1}. fix.roots.button=Accept fix.roots.list.tooltip=The suggested list of Git VCS roots, new roots are marked as bold, removed roots are marked as overstriked. fix.roots.message=The following Git VCS roots will be used instead of the current Git VCS roots. fix.roots.title=Fix Git VCS Roots fix.roots.valid.message=The invalid Git roots have been fixed already. fix.roots.valid.title=All Git Roots Are Valid getting.history=Getting history for {0} git.default.commit.message=\n# Brief commit description here\n\n# Full commit description here (comment lines starting with '#' will not be included)\n\n git.error.exit=The Git process exited with the code {0} git.running=Running: {0} git.vcs.config.convert.crlf=&Line Separators Conversion: not convert git.vcs.config.convert.project=Convert to project line separators git.vcs.config.convert.ask=Ask before conversion git.vcs.config.convert.tooltip=Specify what to do if line separators in a file and in the project code style are different:\
  • Do not convert - do nothing, commit as is.
  • \
  • Convert to project line separators - before commit convert line separators to match project code style settings.
  • \
  • Ask before conversion - show dialog and ask what to do.
  • \
\ Note that this setting has nothing common with Git autocrlf and other Git settings.\ git.vcs.config.path.label=Path to &Git executable: git.vcs.config.ssh.mode.idea=Built-in git.vcs.config.ssh.mode.native=Native git.vcs.config.ssh.mode.tooltip=Specify the version of SSH to be used with Git.\
  • Native means that the native SSH will be used.
  • \
  • Built-in means that the implementation provided by {0} will be used.
\ The native implementation might cause hangups on some platforms. \ In native case, you also might need to configure ssh-askpass for your platform to receive GUI prompts for passwords. git.vcs.config.ssh.mode=&SSH executable: git.vcs.config.test.label=Test git.vcs.config.test=&Test index.file.error=Updating file in the index failed init.add.root.message=Do you want to add this directory as a VCS root? init.add.root.title=Git Init directory where the new Git repository will be created. directory for git init init.warning.already.under.git=The selected directory {0} is already under Git.
Are you sure that you want to create a new VCS root? init.warning.title=Git Init initializing.title=Initializing repository... merge.add.log.information.tooltip=Add log information to the commit message (\"--log\" option) merge.add.log.information=Add &log information merge.branch.button=Merge merge.branch.message=Select branch to merge into this one ({0}) merge.branch.title=Merge Branches merge.branches.tooltip=The chooser for branches. Select one or more branches to merge (already merged branches are not shown). merge.branches=&Branches to merge: merge.commit.message.tooltip=The commit message to use in case if merge results in commit (\"-m\" option) merge.commit.message=Commit &Message merge.default.strategy= is not needed for the file {0} merge.load.files=Loading files for merge no commit for merge (the \"--no-commit\" option) &commit fast forward (\"--no-ff\" option) &fast forward merge.retrieving.branches=Retrieving unmerged branches merge.squash.commit=S&quash commit merge.squash.tooltip=Squash all changes into the single commit (\"--squash\" option) merge.strategy.tooltip=The merge strategy to use (\"-s\" option) merge.strategy=&Strategy: merge.tool.column.status.deleted=Deleted merge.tool.column.status.modified=Modified merge.tool.column.theirs.status=Theirs merge.tool.column.yours.status=Yours merging.branch=Merging branch {0} merging.title=Merging changes to {0} paths.affected.title=Paths affected in commit {0} pull.button=Pull pull.force.reference.update=Force reference &update pull.get.branches.tooltip=Get branch names from remote repository. Otherwise a locally cached information is used. pull.get.branches=&Get Branches pull.getting.remote.branches=Getting remote branches pull.remote.tooltip=Registered remote name or URL. pull.remote=Re&mote: pull.retrieving.remotes=Retrieving remotes pull.title=Pull Changes pull.url.message=Enter remote repository URL to pull/merge (empty for default): pull.url.title=Pull URL pulling.title=Pulling changes from {0} Active Branches changes before rebase and Push commit) local branches are behind remote branches with merge commits cannot be selectively pushed roots are not on the branch is not possible to reorder commits if merges present nodes should be reordered using rebase operation. Failed fetch operation failed for some branches state of tracked branches from remote repository changes for active branches branches... branches in order to make push possible (might reorder commits) ... working tree before rebase: to push. The current branch is behind tracked branch by {0,choice, 1#1 commit|2#{0,number} commits}. head is not on the branch. to push. The current branch is behind tracked branch by {0,choice, 1#1 commit|2#{0,number} commits}. to push. tracked branch is configured.{0,choice, 1#1 commit|2#{0,number} commits} will be pushed. Active Branches push.branches.tooltip=Select branches to push push.branches=&Branches: push.button=Push push.force.update.tooltip=If selected remote ref is updated even if they are is not an ancestor of the local ref. push.force.update=&Force update push.policy.all=All push.policy.default=Default push.policy.mirror=Mirror push.policy.selected=Selected branches push.policy.tooltip=Select push policy:
  • Default - the push is done according to the configuration of the remote.
  • Selected branches - selected branches are pushed.
  • All - all references under refs/heads are pushed.
  • Mirror - all references under refs/ are pushed including tags and remotes.
push.policy=&Push: push.remote.tooltip=Specify remote repository URL or remote name where to push changes. push.remote=Re&mote: selected, the tags are shown in branch chooser as well. ta&gs push.tags.tooltip=All tag references are pushed in addition to references specified in references section. push.tags=Push &tags push.title=Push Changes push.use.thin.pack.tooltip=If this option is selected, the push will spend extra CPU cycles to minimize amount of data transferred (use it for slow connections) push.use.thin.pack=&Use thin pack pushing.all.changes=Pushing all committed changes, refs & tags to remote repositories Garbage Collector Rebasing rebase.action.error=Git Rebase Error rebase.action.message=Multiple Git roots have unfinished rebase process, please select root to perform action on. is no rebase operation in progress in the project rebase.branch.tooltip=Select branch to rebase (if branch is different from the current branch, it will be checked out first) rebase.branch=&Branch: rebase.button=Rebase Rebasing rebase.editor.action.column=Action rebase.editor.button=Start Rebasing rebase.editor.comment.column=Comment rebase.editor.commit.column=Commit rebase.editor.invalid.entryset=No commits found to rebase rebase.editor.invalid.squash=The first non-skip commit could not be marked as squashed since squash merges commit with the previous commit. rebase.editor.message=Reorder and edit &rebased commits rebase.editor.move.down.tooltip=Move commit down (commit will be applied later) rebase.editor.move.down=Move &Down rebase.editor.move.up.tooltip=Move commit up in the list (commit will be applied earlier) rebase.editor.move.up=Move &Up rebase.editor.title=Rebasing Commits rebase.editor.view.tooltip=View commit contents rebase.editor.view=&View rebase.from.tooltip=Specify actual base for the branch. Leave blank to onto. rebase.from=&From: rebase has been already started for this Git root. rebase.interactive.tooltip=If selected, the interactive rebase will be preformed. rebase.interactive=&Interactive rebase.invalid.from=\"From\" reference expression is invalid. rebase.invalid.onto=\"Onto\" reference expression is invalid. rebase.merge.strategy.tooltip=Select merge strategy to use rebase.merge.strategy=Merge &Strategy: selected, no merge strategies will be applied during the rebase. not use merge strategies rebase.onto.tooltip=The reference that will become a new base for selected branch. rebase.onto.validate=&Validate rebase.onto=&Onto: rebase.preserve.merges.tooltip=Preserve merges during rebase instead of squashing them. rebase.preserve.merges=&Preserve Merges rebase.result.amend.title=Rebase Suspended rebase.result.amend=Stopped for amending commit while rebasing ({0}/{1}).\nAmend commit and continue the rebase process. rebase.result.cancelled.title=Rebase Cancelled rebase.result.cancelled=The rebase process was cancelled. rebase.result.conflict.title=Rebase Suspended rebase.result.conflict=Stopped rebasing because of conflict ({0}/{1}).\nResolve conflicts and continue the rebase process. rebase.result.error.title=Rebase Error rebase.result.error=Stopped rebasing because of error while rebasing ({0}/{1}).\nCheck vcs console for details. selected, remote branches are shown in drop down as well. Re&mote Branches tags in \"from\" and \"onto\" comboboxes. Commit in Rebasing rebase.title=Rebase branch rebase.unstructured.editor.button=Resume Rebasing rebase.unstructured.editor.git.root=Git Root: rebase.unstructured.editor.message=Git rebase operation requested additional &information through the editor: rebase.unstructured.editor.title=Additional Rebase Input rebase.unstructured.editor.tooltip=Edit this text according to instructions provided inline rebase.valdate.onto.tooltip=Validate "onto" reference. rebase.validate.from.tooltip=Validate \"from\" reference rebase.validate.from=Va&lidate rebasing.title=Rebasing... refspec.add.all.branches.tooltip=Add refspec that maps all remote branches by glob spec. refspec.add.all.branches=Add A&ll Branches refspec.add.all.tags.tooltip=Adds mapping entry for all tags refspec.add.all.tags=Add All Ta&gs refspec.add.ref.tooltip=Add branch or tag by name refspec.add.ref=&Add... refspec.branch.prefix.tooltip=Specify default branch prefix for the mapping. refspec.branch.prefix=Remote &Name: refspec.column.force=Force refspec.column.local=Local refspec.column.remote=Remote refspec.default.tooltip=Restore default reference mapping refspec.default=&Default refspec.remove.tooltip=Delete refspec entry refspec.remove=Remo&ve refspec.title=Reference mapping refspec.validation.remote.invalid=The invalid local name for remote local name for remote is blank &tags remove.removing=Removing files... repository.action.missing.roots.misconfigured=None of configured Git roots are under Git. The configured directory or some of its ancestors must have ".git" directory in it. repository.action.missing.roots.title=No Git roots repository.action.missing.roots.unconfigured.message=No Git roots are configured for the project. Head ... reset.button=Reset reset.commit.invalid=The specified commit expression did not pass validation. reset.commit.label=To &Commit: reset.commit.tooltip=The commit that will become the current HEAD\n as result of reset operation. reset.title=Reset Head reset.type.hard=Hard reset.type.mixed=Mixed reset.type.soft=Soft reset.type.tooltip=The reset type (see also git reset man page):
  • Mixed resets index but not working tree
  • Soft leaves index and working tree, just moves head pointer
  • Hard resets index and working tree.Changes in the working tree will be lost
reset.type=Reset &Type: reset.validate.tooltip=Validate the commit pointer and check the content of referenced commit. reset.validate=&Validate resetting.title=Resetting HEAD... revert.reverting.mulitple=Reverting {0} files revert.reverting=Reverting files... revision.graph=RevisionGraph root.tracker.message.title=Invalid Git Roots root.tracker.message=

Some configured Git VCS roots are not under Git or have Git repositories in subdirectories without a configured VCS root. Configure. branch to checkout All Affected Paths ssh.ask.passphrase.title=SSH Key Passphrase ssh.askPassphrase.message=Please enter passphrase for the private key {0} (the user name is {1}) server host key for the host {0}:{1} has changed to {2} (type {3}).\nDo you want to accept the changed key? ssh.confirm.key.titile=Confirm SSH Server Key ssh.error.title=Authentication error ssh.keyboard.interactive.title=SSH Keyboard Interactive: {0} ssh.keyboard.interactive.username=Username: to a new host {0}:{1} that has the key {2} (type {3}).\nDo you want to add this host to known hosts database? ssh.password.message=Please enter password for user {0} ssh.password.title=SSH Password Login stash.button=Create Stash stash.keep.index.tooltip=If this checkbox is selected, indexed changes are kept in the index. stash.keep.index=Keep &index stash.message.tooltip=Enter stash message here. stash.message=&Message: stash.title=Stash stashing.title=Stashing changes... tag.button=Create Tag tag.commit.label=&Commit: tag.commit.tooltip=Enter name of commit or object to tag or leave blank to use HEAD. tag.error.creating.message.file.message=Unable to create message file: {0} tag.error.creating.message.file.title=Error creating message file tag.error.invalid.commit=The commit or object name is invalid. tag.error.tag.exists=The tag with the same name exists. tag.force.tooltip=Force creation of the text even if tag with such name already exists. tag.force=&Force tag.getting.existing.tags=Getting existing tags... tag.message.label=&Message: tag.message.tooltip=If the message is not empty, an annotated tag is created. tag.message=Specify tag name: &Name: the new tag name here. tag.nonvcs.error.message=ERROR: Files not tagged, not all are under VCS root! tag.nonvcs.error.title=Tag Result tag.title=Tag tag.validate.tooltip=Click this button to the validate commit to be tagged. tag.validate=&Validate tagging.title=Tagging files... task.queue.title=Git Operations Files unstash.branch.label\:=As new &branch: unstash.branch.tooltip=If non-empty name is entered, the stash is checked out as a new branch. unstash.button.apply=Apply Stash unstash.button.branch=Branch unstash.button.pop=Pop Stash unstash.clear.tooltip=Delete all stashes in the repository. unstash.clear=&Clear unstash.clearing.stashes=Clearing stashes... unstash.drop.tooltip=Delete selected stash unstash.drop=&Drop unstash.dropping.stash=Dropping stash {0}... unstash.error.branch.exists=The specified branch already exists branch name unstash.pop.stash.tooltip=If selected the stash is dropped after it is applied. unstash.pop.stash=&Pop stash unstash.reinstate.index.tooltip=Attempt to reinstate index as well as working tree changes. unstash.reinstate.index=Reinstate &index unstash.stashes.item={0}:{1}: {2} unstash.stashes.tooltip=Select a stash to operate for. unstash.stashes=&Stashes: unstash.title=UnStash Changes unstash.unstashing=Unstashing... unstash.view.tooltip=View selected stash unstash.view=&View unstashing.title=UnStashing changes... Update Settings &Commit working tree before update changes on working tree &Not Clean {0}''s Shelve to save changes (the files will be restored after update) She&lve Git Stash to save changes (the files will be restored after update) S&tash update.options.type.default.tooltip=Use branch default update strategy for all updated Git VCS roots update.options.type.default=Branch &Default update.options.type.merge.tooltip=Use merge update strategy for all Git VCS roots update.options.type.merge=&Merge update.options.type.rebase.tooltip=Use rebase update strategy for all Git VCS roots update.options.type.rebase=&Rebase update.options.type=Update Type Update Continue Commit Changes Staged changes detected {0}.
  • Skip Commit - skips current commit in the rebase process
  • Retry Continue - do it after you add changes to commit manually
  • Or cancel cancels update process for this root.
update.rebase.unmerged.title=Unresolved Rebase Conflicts update.rebase.unmerged=Root: {0}
There still remain files to be merged. Do you want to merge them?
  • Yes - Merge.
  • No - Cancel update for this root.
update.restoring.change.lists=Restoring change lists... update.root.rebasing.item=
  • {0}
  • update.root.rebasing.message=The following roots have unfinished rebase process. Update is not possible.
      {0} update.root.rebasing.title=Unfinished Rebase Process update.root.rebasing=The root {0} has unfinished rebase process. update.shelving.changes=Shelving changes... update.unshelving.changes=Unshelving Changes... util.remote.renderer.default={0}({1}) util.remote.renderer.none=None util.remote.renderer.normal={0}({1}) util.remote.renderer.self=Current repository to run git: {0} ({1}) vfs.listener.add.single.prompt=Do you want to add the following file to Git?\n{0}\n\nIf you say No, you can still add it later manually. vfs.listener.add.single.title=Add File to Git vfs.listener.add.title=Add Files to Git vfs.listener.checking.ignored=Checking for ignored files vfs.listener.delete.single.prompt=Do you want to delete the following file from Git?\n{0}\n\nIf you say No, you can still delete it later manually. vfs.listener.delete.single.title=Delete File from Git vfs.listener.delete.title=Delete Files from Git general.error = Git error executable.error.title = Git executable problem executable.error.description = Git couldn't be started. Probably the path to Git executable is not valid. Fix it. git.commit.message.empty=Please specify commit message git.commit.message.empty.title=Commit Message Is Empty git.executable.notification.title=Can't start Git git.executable.notification.description=Probably the path to Git executable is not valid. git.executable.dialog.title=Git executable git.executable.dialog.description=Specify the full path to Git executable git.executable.dialog.error=It doesn't appear to be a valid Git executable git.executable.filechooser.title=Git executable git.executable.filechooser.description=Specify the full path to Git executable git.unstash.clear.confirmation.message=Remove all stashes? This cannot be undone. git.unstash.clear.confirmation.title=Remove All Stashes? git.unstash.drop.confirmation.message=Do you want to remove {0}?
      "{1}" git.unstash.drop.confirmation.title=Remove Stash {0}? branch.delete.not_fully_merged.description=The branch {0} is not fully merged to the branch {1}.
      Below is the list of unmerged commits. branch.delete.not_fully_merged.description.not_on_branch=You are currently not on the branch ({1}).
      \ The branch {0} is not fully merged to {2}.
      Below is the list of unmerged commits. branch.delete.merged_to.many=The branch {0} is however fully merged to the following branches: {1}. branch {0} is however fully merged to the branch {1}. branch.delete.warning=You may still delete the branch {0}, but beware that it cannot be undone. vcs.popup.git.github.section=GitHub vcs.history.action.gitlog=Select in Git Log