package git4idea.log; import com.intellij.dvcs.repo.RepositoryManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Condition; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.ui.JBColor; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.MultiMap; import com.intellij.vcs.log.RefGroup; import com.intellij.vcs.log.VcsLogRefManager; import com.intellij.vcs.log.VcsRef; import com.intellij.vcs.log.VcsRefType; import com.intellij.vcs.log.impl.SingletonRefGroup; import git4idea.GitBranch; import git4idea.GitRemoteBranch; import git4idea.repo.GitBranchTrackInfo; import git4idea.repo.GitRemote; import git4idea.repo.GitRepository; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; /** * @author Kirill Likhodedov */ public class GitRefManager implements VcsLogRefManager { private static final Color HEAD_COLOR = new JBColor(new Color(0xf1ef9e), new Color(113, 111, 64)); private static final Color LOCAL_BRANCH_COLOR = new JBColor(new Color(0x75eec7), new Color(0x0D6D4F)); private static final Color REMOTE_BRANCH_COLOR = new JBColor(new Color(0xbcbcfc), new Color(0xbcbcfc).darker().darker()); private static final Color TAG_COLOR = JBColor.WHITE; public static final VcsRefType HEAD = new SimpleRefType(true, HEAD_COLOR); public static final VcsRefType LOCAL_BRANCH = new SimpleRefType(true, LOCAL_BRANCH_COLOR); public static final VcsRefType REMOTE_BRANCH = new SimpleRefType(true, REMOTE_BRANCH_COLOR); public static final VcsRefType TAG = new SimpleRefType(false, TAG_COLOR); // first has the highest priority private static final List REF_TYPE_PRIORITIES = Arrays.asList(HEAD, LOCAL_BRANCH, REMOTE_BRANCH, TAG); // -1 => higher priority public static final Comparator REF_TYPE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(VcsRefType type1, VcsRefType type2) { int p1 = REF_TYPE_PRIORITIES.indexOf(type1); int p2 = REF_TYPE_PRIORITIES.indexOf(type2); return p1 - p2; } }; private static final String MASTER = "master"; private static final String ORIGIN_MASTER = "origin/master"; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(GitRefManager.class); @NotNull private final RepositoryManager myRepositoryManager; // -1 => higher priority, i. e. the ref will be displayed at the left private final Comparator REF_COMPARATOR = new Comparator() { public int compare(VcsRef ref1, VcsRef ref2) { VcsRefType type1 = ref1.getType(); VcsRefType type2 = ref2.getType(); int typeComparison =, type2); if (typeComparison != 0) { return typeComparison; } //noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable VcsRefType type = type1; // common type if (type == LOCAL_BRANCH) { if (ref1.getName().equals(MASTER)) { return -1; } if (ref2.getName().equals(MASTER)) { return 1; } return ref1.getName().compareTo(ref2.getName()); } if (type == REMOTE_BRANCH) { if (ref1.getName().equals(ORIGIN_MASTER)) { return -1; } if (ref2.getName().equals(ORIGIN_MASTER)) { return 1; } if (hasTrackingBranch(ref1) && !hasTrackingBranch(ref2)) { return -1; } if (!hasTrackingBranch(ref1) && hasTrackingBranch(ref2)) { return 1; } return ref1.getName().compareTo(ref2.getName()); } return ref1.getName().compareTo(ref2.getName()); } }; private boolean hasTrackingBranch(@NotNull final VcsRef ref) { GitRepository repo = myRepositoryManager.getRepositoryForRoot(ref.getRoot()); if (repo == null) { LOG.error("Undefined root " + ref.getRoot()); return false; } return ContainerUtil.find(repo.getBranchTrackInfos(), new Condition() { @Override public boolean value(GitBranchTrackInfo info) { return info.getRemoteBranch().getNameForLocalOperations().equals(ref.getName()); } }) != null; } public GitRefManager(@NotNull RepositoryManager repositoryManager) { myRepositoryManager = repositoryManager; } @NotNull @Override public List sort(Collection refs) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(refs); Collections.sort(list, REF_COMPARATOR); return list; } @NotNull @Override public List group(Collection refs) { List simpleGroups = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); List localBranches = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); List trackedBranches = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); MultiMap remoteRefGroups = MultiMap.create(); MultiMap refsByRoot = groupRefsByRoot(refs); for (Map.Entry> entry : refsByRoot.entrySet()) { VirtualFile root = entry.getKey(); Collection refsInRoot = entry.getValue(); GitRepository repository = myRepositoryManager.getRepositoryForRoot(root); if (repository == null) { LOG.warn("No repository for root: " + root); continue; } Set locals = getLocalBranches(repository); Set tracked = getTrackedRemoteBranches(repository); Map nonTracked = getNonTrackedRemoteBranches(repository); for (VcsRef ref : refsInRoot) { if (ref.getType() == HEAD) { simpleGroups.add(new SingletonRefGroup(ref)); continue; } String refName = ref.getName(); if (locals.contains(refName)) { localBranches.add(ref); } else if (tracked.contains(refName)) { trackedBranches.add(ref); } else if (nonTracked.containsKey(refName)) { remoteRefGroups.putValue(nonTracked.get(refName), ref); } else { LOG.warn("Didn't find ref neither in local nor in remote branches: " + ref); } } } List result = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); result.addAll(simpleGroups); result.add(new LogicalRefGroup("Local", localBranches)); result.add(new LogicalRefGroup("Tracked", trackedBranches)); for (Map.Entry> entry : remoteRefGroups.entrySet()) { final GitRemote remote = entry.getKey(); final Collection branches = entry.getValue(); result.add(new RemoteRefGroup(remote, branches)); } return result; } private static Set getLocalBranches(GitRepository repository) { return ContainerUtil.map2Set(repository.getBranches().getLocalBranches(), new Function() { @Override public String fun(GitBranch branch) { return branch.getName(); } }); } @NotNull private static Set getTrackedRemoteBranches(@NotNull GitRepository repository) { Set all = new HashSet(repository.getBranches().getRemoteBranches()); Set tracked = new HashSet(); for (GitBranchTrackInfo info : repository.getBranchTrackInfos()) { GitRemoteBranch trackedRemoteBranch = info.getRemoteBranch(); if (all.contains(trackedRemoteBranch)) { // check that this branch really exists, not just written in .git/config tracked.add(trackedRemoteBranch.getName()); } } return tracked; } @NotNull private static Map getNonTrackedRemoteBranches(@NotNull GitRepository repository) { Set all = new HashSet(repository.getBranches().getRemoteBranches()); Set tracked = getTrackedRemoteBranchesFromConfig(repository); Map nonTracked = ContainerUtil.newHashMap(); for (GitRemoteBranch remoteBranch : all) { if (!tracked.contains(remoteBranch.getName())) { nonTracked.put(remoteBranch.getName(), remoteBranch.getRemote()); } } return nonTracked; } private static Set getTrackedRemoteBranchesFromConfig(GitRepository repository) { return ContainerUtil.map2Set(repository.getBranchTrackInfos(), new Function() { @Override public String fun(GitBranchTrackInfo trackInfo) { return trackInfo.getRemoteBranch().getName(); } }); } @NotNull private static MultiMap groupRefsByRoot(@NotNull Iterable refs) { MultiMap grouped = MultiMap.create(); for (VcsRef ref : refs) { grouped.putValue(ref.getRoot(), ref); } return grouped; } private static class SimpleRefType implements VcsRefType { private final boolean myIsBranch; @NotNull private final Color myColor; public SimpleRefType(boolean isBranch, @NotNull Color color) { myIsBranch = isBranch; myColor = color; } @Override public boolean isBranch() { return myIsBranch; } @NotNull @Override public Color getBackgroundColor() { return myColor; } } private static class LogicalRefGroup implements RefGroup { private final String myGroupName; private final List myRefs; private LogicalRefGroup(String groupName, List refs) { myGroupName = groupName; myRefs = refs; } @Override public boolean isExpanded() { return true; } @NotNull @Override public String getName() { return myGroupName; } @NotNull @Override public List getRefs() { return myRefs; } @NotNull @Override public Color getBgColor() { return HEAD_COLOR; } } private class RemoteRefGroup implements RefGroup { private final GitRemote myRemote; private final Collection myBranches; public RemoteRefGroup(GitRemote remote, Collection branches) { myRemote = remote; myBranches = branches; } @Override public boolean isExpanded() { return false; } @NotNull @Override public String getName() { return myRemote.getName() + "/..."; } @NotNull @Override public List getRefs() { return sort(myBranches); } @NotNull @Override public Color getBgColor() { return REMOTE_BRANCH_COLOR; } } }