/* * Copyright 2000-2011 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package git4idea.rebase; import com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.FileUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.ProjectLevelVcsManager; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import git4idea.GitPlatformFacade; import git4idea.GitUtil; import git4idea.GitVcs; import git4idea.commands.*; import git4idea.merge.GitConflictResolver; import git4idea.update.GitUpdateResult; import git4idea.util.GitUIUtil; import git4idea.util.LocalChangesWouldBeOverwrittenHelper; import git4idea.util.StringScanner; import git4idea.util.UntrackedFilesNotifier; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import static git4idea.commands.GitLocalChangesWouldBeOverwrittenDetector.Operation.CHECKOUT; /** * @author Kirill Likhodedov */ public class GitRebaser { private final Project myProject; private GitVcs myVcs; private List mySkippedCommits; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(GitRebaser.class); @NotNull private final Git myGit; private @Nullable ProgressIndicator myProgressIndicator; public GitRebaser(Project project, @NotNull Git git, @Nullable ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) { myProject = project; myGit = git; myProgressIndicator = progressIndicator; myVcs = GitVcs.getInstance(project); mySkippedCommits = new ArrayList(); } public GitUpdateResult rebase(@NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull List parameters, @Nullable final Runnable onCancel, @Nullable GitLineHandlerListener lineListener) { final GitLineHandler rebaseHandler = createHandler(root); rebaseHandler.setStdoutSuppressed(false); rebaseHandler.addParameters(parameters); if (lineListener != null) { rebaseHandler.addLineListener(lineListener); } final GitRebaseProblemDetector rebaseConflictDetector = new GitRebaseProblemDetector(); rebaseHandler.addLineListener(rebaseConflictDetector); GitUntrackedFilesOverwrittenByOperationDetector untrackedFilesDetector = new GitUntrackedFilesOverwrittenByOperationDetector(root); GitLocalChangesWouldBeOverwrittenDetector localChangesDetector = new GitLocalChangesWouldBeOverwrittenDetector(root, CHECKOUT); rebaseHandler.addLineListener(untrackedFilesDetector); rebaseHandler.addLineListener(localChangesDetector); String progressTitle = "Rebasing"; GitTask rebaseTask = new GitTask(myProject, rebaseHandler, progressTitle); rebaseTask.setProgressIndicator(myProgressIndicator); rebaseTask.setProgressAnalyzer(new GitStandardProgressAnalyzer()); final AtomicReference updateResult = new AtomicReference(); final AtomicBoolean failure = new AtomicBoolean(); try { GitUtil.workingTreeChangeStarted(myProject); rebaseTask.executeInBackground(true, new GitTaskResultHandlerAdapter() { @Override protected void onSuccess() { updateResult.set(GitUpdateResult.SUCCESS); } @Override protected void onCancel() { if (onCancel != null) { onCancel.run(); } updateResult.set(GitUpdateResult.CANCEL); } @Override protected void onFailure() { failure.set(true); } }); if (failure.get()) { updateResult.set(handleRebaseFailure(rebaseHandler, root, rebaseConflictDetector, untrackedFilesDetector, localChangesDetector)); } } finally { GitUtil.workingTreeChangeFinished(myProject); } return updateResult.get(); } protected GitLineHandler createHandler(VirtualFile root) { return new GitLineHandler(myProject, root, GitCommand.REBASE); } public void abortRebase(@NotNull VirtualFile root) { LOG.info("abortRebase " + root); final GitLineHandler rh = new GitLineHandler(myProject, root, GitCommand.REBASE); rh.setStdoutSuppressed(false); rh.addParameters("--abort"); GitTask task = new GitTask(myProject, rh, "Aborting rebase"); task.setProgressIndicator(myProgressIndicator); task.executeAsync(new GitTaskResultNotificationHandler(myProject, "Rebase aborted", "Abort rebase cancelled", "Error aborting rebase")); } public boolean continueRebase(@NotNull VirtualFile root) { return continueRebase(root, "--continue"); } /** * Runs 'git rebase --continue' on several roots consequently. * @return true if rebase successfully finished. */ public boolean continueRebase(@NotNull Collection rebasingRoots) { GitUtil.workingTreeChangeStarted(myProject); try { boolean success = true; for (VirtualFile root : rebasingRoots) { success &= continueRebase(root); } return success; } finally { GitUtil.workingTreeChangeFinished(myProject); } } // start operation may be "--continue" or "--skip" depending on the situation. private boolean continueRebase(final @NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull String startOperation) { LOG.info("continueRebase " + root + " " + startOperation); final GitLineHandler rh = new GitLineHandler(myProject, root, GitCommand.REBASE); rh.setStdoutSuppressed(false); rh.addParameters(startOperation); final GitRebaseProblemDetector rebaseConflictDetector = new GitRebaseProblemDetector(); rh.addLineListener(rebaseConflictDetector); makeContinueRebaseInteractiveEditor(root, rh); final GitTask rebaseTask = new GitTask(myProject, rh, "git rebase " + startOperation); rebaseTask.setProgressAnalyzer(new GitStandardProgressAnalyzer()); rebaseTask.setProgressIndicator(myProgressIndicator); return executeRebaseTaskInBackground(root, rh, rebaseConflictDetector, rebaseTask); } protected void makeContinueRebaseInteractiveEditor(VirtualFile root, GitLineHandler rh) { GitRebaseEditorService rebaseEditorService = GitRebaseEditorService.getInstance(); // TODO If interactive rebase with commit rewording was invoked, this should take the reworded message GitRebaser.TrivialEditor editor = new GitRebaser.TrivialEditor(rebaseEditorService, myProject, root, rh); Integer rebaseEditorNo = editor.getHandlerNo(); rebaseEditorService.configureHandler(rh, rebaseEditorNo); } /** * @return Roots which have unfinished rebase process. May be empty. */ public @NotNull Collection getRebasingRoots() { final Collection rebasingRoots = new HashSet(); for (VirtualFile root : ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(myProject).getRootsUnderVcs(myVcs)) { if (GitRebaseUtils.isRebaseInTheProgress(root)) { rebasingRoots.add(root); } } return rebasingRoots; } /** * Reorders commits so that the given commits go before others, just after the given parentCommit. * For example, if A->B->C->D are unpushed commits and B and D are supplied to this method, then after rebase the commits will * look like that: B->D->A->C. * NB: If there are merges in the unpushed commits being reordered, a conflict would happen. The calling code should probably * prohibit reordering merge commits. */ public boolean reoderCommitsIfNeeded(@NotNull final VirtualFile root, @NotNull String parentCommit, @NotNull List olderCommits) throws VcsException { List allCommits = new ArrayList(); //TODO if (olderCommits.isEmpty() || olderCommits.size() == allCommits.size()) { LOG.info("Nothing to reorder. olderCommits: " + olderCommits + " allCommits: " + allCommits); return true; } final GitLineHandler h = new GitLineHandler(myProject, root, GitCommand.REBASE); h.setStdoutSuppressed(false); Integer rebaseEditorNo = null; GitRebaseEditorService rebaseEditorService = GitRebaseEditorService.getInstance(); try { h.addParameters("-i", "-m", "-v"); h.addParameters(parentCommit); final GitRebaseProblemDetector rebaseConflictDetector = new GitRebaseProblemDetector(); h.addLineListener(rebaseConflictDetector); final PushRebaseEditor pushRebaseEditor = new PushRebaseEditor(rebaseEditorService, root, olderCommits, false, h); rebaseEditorNo = pushRebaseEditor.getHandlerNo(); rebaseEditorService.configureHandler(h, rebaseEditorNo); final GitTask rebaseTask = new GitTask(myProject, h, "Reordering commits"); rebaseTask.setProgressIndicator(myProgressIndicator); return executeRebaseTaskInBackground(root, h, rebaseConflictDetector, rebaseTask); } finally { // TODO should be unregistered in the task.success // unregistering rebase service if (rebaseEditorNo != null) { rebaseEditorService.unregisterHandler(rebaseEditorNo); } } } private boolean executeRebaseTaskInBackground(VirtualFile root, GitLineHandler h, GitRebaseProblemDetector rebaseConflictDetector, GitTask rebaseTask) { final AtomicBoolean result = new AtomicBoolean(); final AtomicBoolean failure = new AtomicBoolean(); rebaseTask.executeInBackground(true, new GitTaskResultHandlerAdapter() { @Override protected void onSuccess() { result.set(true); } @Override protected void onCancel() { result.set(false); } @Override protected void onFailure() { failure.set(true); } }); if (failure.get()) { result.set(handleRebaseFailure(root, h, rebaseConflictDetector)); } return result.get(); } /** * @return true if the failure situation was resolved successfully, false if we failed to resolve the problem. */ private boolean handleRebaseFailure(final VirtualFile root, final GitLineHandler h, GitRebaseProblemDetector rebaseConflictDetector) { if (rebaseConflictDetector.isMergeConflict()) { LOG.info("handleRebaseFailure merge conflict"); return new GitConflictResolver(myProject, myGit, ServiceManager.getService(GitPlatformFacade.class), Collections.singleton(root), makeParamsForRebaseConflict()) { @Override protected boolean proceedIfNothingToMerge() { return continueRebase(root, "--continue"); } @Override protected boolean proceedAfterAllMerged() { return continueRebase(root, "--continue"); } }.merge(); } else if (rebaseConflictDetector.isNoChangeError()) { LOG.info("handleRebaseFailure no changes error detected"); try { if (GitUtil.hasLocalChanges(true, myProject, root)) { LOG.error("The rebase detector incorrectly detected 'no changes' situation. Attempting to continue rebase."); return continueRebase(root); } else if (GitUtil.hasLocalChanges(false, myProject, root)) { LOG.warn("No changes from patch were not added to the index. Adding all changes from tracked files."); stageEverything(root); return continueRebase(root); } else { GitRebaseUtils.CommitInfo commit = GitRebaseUtils.getCurrentRebaseCommit(root); LOG.info("no changes confirmed. Skipping commit " + commit); mySkippedCommits.add(commit); return continueRebase(root, "--skip"); } } catch (VcsException e) { LOG.info("Failed to work around 'no changes' error.", e); String message = "Couldn't proceed with rebase. " + e.getMessage(); GitUIUtil.notifyImportantError(myProject, "Error rebasing", message); return false; } } else { LOG.info("handleRebaseFailure error " + h.errors()); GitUIUtil.notifyImportantError(myProject, "Error rebasing", GitUIUtil.stringifyErrors(h.errors())); return false; } } private void stageEverything(@NotNull VirtualFile root) throws VcsException { GitSimpleHandler handler = new GitSimpleHandler(myProject, root, GitCommand.ADD); handler.setSilent(false); handler.addParameters("--update"); handler.run(); } private static GitConflictResolver.Params makeParamsForRebaseConflict() { return new GitConflictResolver.Params(). setReverse(true). setErrorNotificationTitle("Can't continue rebase"). setMergeDescription("Merge conflicts detected. Resolve them before continuing rebase."). setErrorNotificationAdditionalDescription("Then you may continue rebase.
" + "You also may abort rebase to restore the original branch and stop rebasing."); } public static class TrivialEditor extends GitInteractiveRebaseEditorHandler{ public TrivialEditor(@NotNull GitRebaseEditorService service, @NotNull Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull GitHandler handler) { super(service, project, root, handler); } @Override public int editCommits(String path) { return 0; } } @NotNull public GitUpdateResult handleRebaseFailure(@NotNull GitLineHandler handler, @NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull GitRebaseProblemDetector rebaseConflictDetector, @NotNull GitMessageWithFilesDetector untrackedWouldBeOverwrittenDetector, @NotNull GitLocalChangesWouldBeOverwrittenDetector localChangesDetector) { if (rebaseConflictDetector.isMergeConflict()) { LOG.info("handleRebaseFailure merge conflict"); final boolean allMerged = new GitRebaser.ConflictResolver(myProject, myGit, root, this).merge(); return allMerged ? GitUpdateResult.SUCCESS_WITH_RESOLVED_CONFLICTS : GitUpdateResult.INCOMPLETE; } else if (untrackedWouldBeOverwrittenDetector.wasMessageDetected()) { LOG.info("handleRebaseFailure: untracked files would be overwritten by checkout"); UntrackedFilesNotifier.notifyUntrackedFilesOverwrittenBy(myProject, root, untrackedWouldBeOverwrittenDetector.getRelativeFilePaths(), "rebase", null); return GitUpdateResult.ERROR; } else if (localChangesDetector.wasMessageDetected()) { LocalChangesWouldBeOverwrittenHelper.showErrorNotification(myProject, root, "rebase", localChangesDetector.getRelativeFilePaths()); return GitUpdateResult.ERROR; } else { LOG.info("handleRebaseFailure error " + handler.errors()); GitUIUtil.notifyImportantError(myProject, "Rebase error", GitUIUtil.stringifyErrors(handler.errors())); return GitUpdateResult.ERROR; } } public static class ConflictResolver extends GitConflictResolver { @NotNull private final GitRebaser myRebaser; @NotNull private final VirtualFile myRoot; public ConflictResolver(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull Git git, @NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull GitRebaser rebaser) { super(project, git, ServiceManager.getService(GitPlatformFacade.class), Collections.singleton(root), makeParams()); myRebaser = rebaser; myRoot = root; } private static Params makeParams() { Params params = new Params(); params.setReverse(true); params.setMergeDescription("Merge conflicts detected. Resolve them before continuing rebase."); params.setErrorNotificationTitle("Can't continue rebase"); params.setErrorNotificationAdditionalDescription("Then you may continue rebase.
You also may abort rebase to restore the original branch and stop rebasing."); return params; } @Override protected boolean proceedIfNothingToMerge() throws VcsException { return myRebaser.continueRebase(myRoot); } @Override protected boolean proceedAfterAllMerged() throws VcsException { return myRebaser.continueRebase(myRoot); } } /** * The rebase editor that just overrides the list of commits */ class PushRebaseEditor extends GitInteractiveRebaseEditorHandler { private final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(PushRebaseEditor.class); private final List myCommits; // The reordered commits private final boolean myHasMerges; // true means that the root has merges /** * The constructor from fields that is expected to be * accessed only from {@link git4idea.rebase.GitRebaseEditorService}. * * @param rebaseEditorService * @param root the git repository root * @param commits the reordered commits * @param hasMerges if true, the vcs root has merges */ public PushRebaseEditor(GitRebaseEditorService rebaseEditorService, final VirtualFile root, List commits, boolean hasMerges, GitHandler h) { super(rebaseEditorService, myProject, root, h); myCommits = commits; myHasMerges = hasMerges; } public int editCommits(String path) { if (!myRebaseEditorShown) { myRebaseEditorShown = true; if (myHasMerges) { return 0; } try { TreeMap pickLines = new TreeMap(); StringScanner s = new StringScanner(new String(FileUtil.loadFileText(new File(path), GitUtil.UTF8_ENCODING))); while (s.hasMoreData()) { if (!s.tryConsume("pick ")) { s.line(); continue; } String commit = s.spaceToken(); pickLines.put(commit, "pick " + commit + " " + s.line()); } PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(path), GitUtil.UTF8_ENCODING)); try { for (String commit : myCommits) { String key = pickLines.headMap(commit + "\u0000").lastKey(); if (key == null || !commit.startsWith(key)) { continue; // commit from merged branch } w.print(pickLines.get(key) + "\n"); } } finally { w.close(); } return 0; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Editor failed: ", ex); return 1; } } else { return super.editCommits(path); } } } }