/* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: yole * Date: 28.11.2006 * Time: 17:20:32 */ package org.jetbrains.idea.svn.history; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.AbstractVcs; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.FilePath; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.FilePathImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.*; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.versionBrowser.CommittedChangeList; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.ConstantFunction; import com.intellij.util.NotNullFunction; import com.intellij.util.UriUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.vcsUtil.VcsUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.*; import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.commandLine.SvnBindException; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.*; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNPathUtil; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNInfo; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc2.SvnTarget; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.DataOutput; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; public class SvnChangeList implements CommittedChangeList { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#org.jetbrains.idea.svn.history"); private final SvnVcs myVcs; private final SvnRepositoryLocation myLocation; private String myRepositoryRoot; private long myRevision; private String myAuthor; private Date myDate; private String myMessage; private final Set myChangedPaths = new HashSet(); private final Set myAddedPaths = new HashSet(); private final Set myDeletedPaths = new HashSet(); private final Set myReplacedPaths = new HashSet(); private ChangesListCreationHelper myListsHolder; private SVNURL myBranchUrl; private boolean myCachedInfoLoaded; // key: added path, value: copied-from private final TreeMap myCopiedAddedPaths = new TreeMap(); private RootUrlInfo myWcRoot; private final CommonPathSearcher myCommonPathSearcher; private final Set myKnownAsDirectories; public SvnChangeList(@NotNull final List lists, @NotNull final SvnRepositoryLocation location) { final SvnChangeList sample = (SvnChangeList) lists.get(0); myVcs = sample.myVcs; myLocation = location; myRevision = sample.myRevision; myAuthor = sample.myAuthor; myDate = sample.myDate; myMessage = sample.myMessage; myRepositoryRoot = sample.myRepositoryRoot; myCommonPathSearcher = new CommonPathSearcher(); for (CommittedChangeList list : lists) { final SvnChangeList svnList = (SvnChangeList) list; myChangedPaths.addAll(svnList.myChangedPaths); myAddedPaths.addAll(svnList.myAddedPaths); myDeletedPaths.addAll(svnList.myDeletedPaths); myReplacedPaths.addAll(svnList.myReplacedPaths); } myKnownAsDirectories = new HashSet(0); } public SvnChangeList(SvnVcs vcs, @NotNull final SvnRepositoryLocation location, final SVNLogEntry logEntry, String repositoryRoot) { myVcs = vcs; myLocation = location; myRevision = logEntry.getRevision(); myAuthor = StringUtil.notNullize(logEntry.getAuthor()); myDate = logEntry.getDate(); myMessage = StringUtil.notNullize(logEntry.getMessage()); myRepositoryRoot = UriUtil.trimTrailingSlashes(repositoryRoot); myCommonPathSearcher = new CommonPathSearcher(); myKnownAsDirectories = new HashSet(0); for(SVNLogEntryPath entry : logEntry.getChangedPaths().values()) { final String path = entry.getPath(); if (SVNNodeKind.DIR.equals(entry.getKind())) { myKnownAsDirectories.add(path); } myCommonPathSearcher.next(path); if (entry.getType() == 'A') { if (entry.getCopyPath() != null) { myCopiedAddedPaths.put(path, entry.getCopyPath()); } myAddedPaths.add(path); } else if (entry.getType() == 'D') { myDeletedPaths.add(path); } else { if (entry.getType() == 'R') { myReplacedPaths.add(path); } myChangedPaths.add(path); } } } public SvnChangeList(SvnVcs vcs, @NotNull SvnRepositoryLocation location, DataInput stream, final boolean supportsCopyFromInfo, final boolean supportsReplaced) throws IOException { myVcs = vcs; myLocation = location; myKnownAsDirectories = new HashSet(); readFromStream(stream, supportsCopyFromInfo, supportsReplaced); myCommonPathSearcher = new CommonPathSearcher(); myCommonPathSearcher.next(myAddedPaths); myCommonPathSearcher.next(myDeletedPaths); myCommonPathSearcher.next(myChangedPaths); } public Change getByPath(final String path) { if (myListsHolder == null) { createLists(); } return myListsHolder.getByPath(path); } public String getCommitterName() { return myAuthor; } public Date getCommitDate() { return myDate; } public Collection getChanges() { if (myListsHolder == null) { createLists(); } return myListsHolder.getList(); } private void createLists() { myListsHolder = new ChangesListCreationHelper(); // key: copied-from final Map copiedAddedChanges = new HashMap(); correctBeforePaths(); final List copyDeleted = new ArrayList(myDeletedPaths); for(String path: myAddedPaths) { final Change addedChange; if (myCopiedAddedPaths.containsKey(path)) { final String copyTarget = myCopiedAddedPaths.get(path); if (copyDeleted.contains(copyTarget)) { addedChange = new ExternallyRenamedChange(myListsHolder.createRevisionLazily(copyTarget, true), myListsHolder.createRevisionLazily(path, false), copyTarget); addedChange.getMoveRelativePath(myVcs.getProject()); ((ExternallyRenamedChange) addedChange).setCopied(false); copyDeleted.remove(copyTarget); } else { addedChange = new ExternallyRenamedChange(null, myListsHolder.createRevisionLazily(path, false), copyTarget); } copiedAddedChanges.put(copyTarget, (ExternallyRenamedChange) addedChange); } else { addedChange = new Change(null, myListsHolder.createRevisionLazily(path, false)); } myListsHolder.add(path, addedChange); } for(String path: copyDeleted) { final Change deletedChange; if (copiedAddedChanges.containsKey(path)) { // seems never occurs any more final ExternallyRenamedChange addedChange = copiedAddedChanges.get(path); final FilePath source = addedChange.getAfterRevision().getFile(); deletedChange = new ExternallyRenamedChange(myListsHolder.createDeletedItemRevision(path, true), null, path); ((ExternallyRenamedChange) deletedChange).setCopied(false); //noinspection ConstantConditions //addedChange.setRenamedOrMovedTarget(deletedChange.getBeforeRevision().getFile()); //noinspection ConstantConditions ((ExternallyRenamedChange) deletedChange).setRenamedOrMovedTarget(source); } else { deletedChange = new Change(myListsHolder.createDeletedItemRevision(path, true), null); } myListsHolder.add(path, deletedChange); } for(String path: myChangedPaths) { boolean moveAndChange = false; final boolean replaced = myReplacedPaths.contains(path); // this piece: for copied-from (or moved) and further modified for (String addedPath : myAddedPaths) { String copyFromPath = myCopiedAddedPaths.get(addedPath); if ((copyFromPath != null) && (SVNPathUtil.isAncestor(addedPath, path))) { if (addedPath.length() < path.length()) { final String relative = SVNPathUtil.getRelativePath(addedPath, path); copyFromPath = SVNPathUtil.append(copyFromPath, relative); } final ExternallyRenamedChange renamedChange = new ExternallyRenamedChange(myListsHolder.createRevisionLazily(copyFromPath, true), myListsHolder.createRevisionLazily(path, false), copyFromPath); moveAndChange = true; renamedChange.getMoveRelativePath(myVcs.getProject()); renamedChange.setIsReplaced(replaced); final ExternallyRenamedChange addedChange = copiedAddedChanges.get(myCopiedAddedPaths.get(addedPath)); renamedChange.setCopied(addedChange != null && addedChange.isCopied()); myListsHolder.add(path, renamedChange); break; } } if (! moveAndChange) { final ExternallyRenamedChange renamedChange = new ExternallyRenamedChange(myListsHolder.createRevisionLazily(path, true), myListsHolder.createRevisionLazily(path, false), null); renamedChange.setIsReplaced(replaced); renamedChange.setCopied(false); myListsHolder.add(path, renamedChange); } } } private void correctBeforePaths() { processDeletedForBeforePaths(myDeletedPaths); processModifiedForBeforePaths(myChangedPaths); processModifiedForBeforePaths(myReplacedPaths); } private void processModifiedForBeforePaths(Set paths) { final RenameHelper helper = new RenameHelper(); for (String s : paths) { final String converted = helper.convertBeforePath(s, myCopiedAddedPaths); if (! s.equals(converted)) { myCopiedAddedPaths.put(s, converted); } } } private void processDeletedForBeforePaths(Set paths) { final RenameHelper helper = new RenameHelper(); final HashSet copy = new HashSet(paths); paths.clear(); for (String s : copy) { paths.add(helper.convertBeforePath(s, myCopiedAddedPaths)); } } @Nullable private FilePath getLocalPath(final String path, final NotNullFunction detector) { return SvnRepositoryLocation.getLocalPath(myRepositoryRoot + path, detector, myVcs); } private long getRevision(final boolean isBeforeRevision) { return isBeforeRevision ? (myRevision - 1) : myRevision; } public SvnRepositoryLocation getLocation() { return myLocation; } /** * needed to track in which changes non-local files live */ private class ChangesListCreationHelper { private final List myList; private final Map myPathToChangeMapping; private List myDetailedList; private final List> myWithoutDirStatus; private ChangesListCreationHelper() { myList = new ArrayList(); myWithoutDirStatus = new ArrayList>(); myPathToChangeMapping = new HashMap(); } public void add(final String path, final Change change) { patchChange(change, path); myList.add(change); myPathToChangeMapping.put(path, change); } public Change getByPath(final String path) { return myPathToChangeMapping.get(path); } private FilePath localDeletedPath(final String fullPath, final boolean isDir) { final SvnFileUrlMapping urlMapping = myVcs.getSvnFileUrlMapping(); final String path = urlMapping.getLocalPath(fullPath); if (path != null) { File file = new File(path); return VcsUtil.getFilePathForDeletedFile(path, isDir || file.isDirectory()); } return null; } public SvnRepositoryContentRevision createDeletedItemRevision(final String path, final boolean isBeforeRevision) { final boolean knownAsDirectory = myKnownAsDirectories.contains(path); final String fullPath = myRepositoryRoot + path; if (! knownAsDirectory) { myWithoutDirStatus.add(Pair.create(myList.size(), isBeforeRevision)); } return SvnRepositoryContentRevision.create(myVcs, myRepositoryRoot, path, localDeletedPath(fullPath, knownAsDirectory), getRevision(isBeforeRevision)); } public SvnRepositoryContentRevision createRevisionLazily(final String path, final boolean isBeforeRevision) { final boolean knownAsDirectory = myKnownAsDirectories.contains(path); final FilePath localPath = getLocalPath(path, new NotNullFunction() { @NotNull public Boolean fun(final File file) { if (knownAsDirectory) return Boolean.TRUE; // list will be next myWithoutDirStatus.add(new Pair(myList.size(), isBeforeRevision)); return Boolean.FALSE; } }); final SvnRepositoryContentRevision contentRevision = SvnRepositoryContentRevision.create(myVcs, myRepositoryRoot, path, localPath, getRevision(isBeforeRevision)); if (knownAsDirectory) { ((FilePathImpl) contentRevision.getFile()).setIsDirectory(true); } return contentRevision; } public List getList() { return myList; } public List getDetailedList() { if (myDetailedList == null) { myDetailedList = new ArrayList(myList); try { doRemoteDetails(); uploadDeletedRenamedChildren(); ContainerUtil.removeDuplicates(myDetailedList); } catch (SVNException e) { LOG.info(e); } catch (VcsException e) { LOG.info(e); } } return myDetailedList; } private void doRemoteDetails() throws SVNException, SvnBindException { for (Pair idxData : myWithoutDirStatus) { final Change sourceChange = myDetailedList.get(idxData.first.intValue()); final SvnRepositoryContentRevision revision = (SvnRepositoryContentRevision) (idxData.second.booleanValue() ? sourceChange.getBeforeRevision() : sourceChange.getAfterRevision()); if (revision == null) { continue; } // TODO: Logic with detecting "isDirectory" status is not clear enough. Why we can't just collect this info from logEntry and // TODO: if loading from disk - use cached values? Not to invoke separate call here. SVNRevision beforeRevision = SVNRevision.create(getRevision(idxData.second.booleanValue())); SVNInfo info = myVcs.getInfo(SvnUtil.createUrl(revision.getFullPath()), beforeRevision, beforeRevision); boolean isDirectory = info != null && SVNNodeKind.DIR.equals(info.getKind()); Change replacingChange = new Change(createRevision((SvnRepositoryContentRevision)sourceChange.getBeforeRevision(), isDirectory), createRevision((SvnRepositoryContentRevision)sourceChange.getAfterRevision(), isDirectory)); replacingChange.setIsReplaced(sourceChange.isIsReplaced()); myDetailedList.set(idxData.first.intValue(), replacingChange); } myWithoutDirStatus.clear(); } @Nullable private SvnRepositoryContentRevision createRevision(final SvnRepositoryContentRevision previousRevision, final boolean isDir) { return previousRevision == null ? null : SvnRepositoryContentRevision.create(myVcs, previousRevision.getFullPath(), new FilePathImpl(previousRevision.getFile().getIOFile(), isDir), ((SvnRevisionNumber)previousRevision.getRevisionNumber()).getRevision().getNumber()); } private void uploadDeletedRenamedChildren() throws VcsException { Set> duplicates = collectDuplicates(); List preprocessed = ChangesPreprocess.preprocessChangesRemoveDeletedForDuplicateMoved(myDetailedList); myDetailedList.addAll(collectDetails(preprocessed, duplicates)); } private List collectDetails(@NotNull List changes, @NotNull Set> duplicates) throws VcsException { List result = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); for (Change change : changes) { // directory statuses are already uploaded if ((change.getAfterRevision() == null) && (change.getBeforeRevision().getFile().isDirectory())) { result.addAll(getChildrenAsChanges(change.getBeforeRevision(), true, duplicates)); } else if ((change.getBeforeRevision() == null) && (change.getAfterRevision().getFile().isDirectory())) { // look for renamed folders contents if (myCopiedAddedPaths.containsKey(getRelativePath(change.getAfterRevision()))) { result.addAll(getChildrenAsChanges(change.getAfterRevision(), false, duplicates)); } } else if ((change.isIsReplaced() || change.isMoved() || change.isRenamed()) && change.getAfterRevision().getFile().isDirectory()) { result.addAll(getChildrenAsChanges(change.getBeforeRevision(), true, duplicates)); result.addAll(getChildrenAsChanges(change.getAfterRevision(), false, duplicates)); } } return result; } private Set> collectDuplicates() { Set> result = ContainerUtil.newHashSet(); for (Change change : myDetailedList) { addDuplicate(result, true, change.getBeforeRevision()); addDuplicate(result, false, change.getAfterRevision()); } return result; } private void addDuplicate(@NotNull Set> duplicates, boolean isBefore, @Nullable ContentRevision revision) { if (revision != null) { duplicates.add(Pair.create(isBefore, getRelativePath(revision))); } } @NotNull private String getRelativePath(@NotNull ContentRevision revision) { return ((SvnRepositoryContentRevision)revision).getRelativePath(myRepositoryRoot); } @NotNull private Collection getChildrenAsChanges(@NotNull ContentRevision contentRevision, final boolean isBefore, @NotNull final Set> duplicates) throws VcsException { final List result = new ArrayList(); final String path = getRelativePath(contentRevision); SVNURL fullPath = SvnUtil.createUrl(((SvnRepositoryContentRevision)contentRevision).getFullPath()); SVNRevision revisionNumber = SVNRevision.create(getRevision(isBefore)); SvnTarget target = SvnTarget.fromURL(fullPath, revisionNumber); myVcs.getFactory(target).createBrowseClient().list(target, revisionNumber, SVNDepth.INFINITY, new ISVNDirEntryHandler() { public void handleDirEntry(final SVNDirEntry dirEntry) throws SVNException { final String childPath = path + '/' + dirEntry.getRelativePath(); if (!duplicates.contains(Pair.create(isBefore, childPath))) { final ContentRevision contentRevision = createRevision(childPath, isBefore, SVNNodeKind.DIR.equals(dirEntry.getKind())); result.add(new Change(isBefore ? contentRevision : null, isBefore ? null : contentRevision)); } } }); return result; } private SvnRepositoryContentRevision createRevision(final String path, final boolean isBeforeRevision, final boolean isDir) { return SvnRepositoryContentRevision.create(myVcs, myRepositoryRoot, path, getLocalPath(path, new ConstantFunction(isDir)), getRevision(isBeforeRevision)); } } private static class RenameHelper { public String convertBeforePath(final String path, final TreeMap after2before) { String current = path; // backwards for (String key : after2before.descendingKeySet()) { if (SVNPathUtil.isAncestor(key, current)) { final String relativePath = SVNPathUtil.getRelativePath(key, current); current = SVNPathUtil.append(after2before.get(key), relativePath); } } return current; } } private void patchChange(Change change, final String path) { final SVNURL becameUrl; SVNURL wasUrl; try { becameUrl = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(SVNPathUtil.append(myRepositoryRoot, path)); wasUrl = becameUrl; if (change instanceof ExternallyRenamedChange && change.getBeforeRevision() != null) { String originUrl = ((ExternallyRenamedChange)change).getOriginUrl(); if (originUrl != null) { // use another url for origin wasUrl = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(SVNPathUtil.append(myRepositoryRoot, originUrl)); } } } catch (SVNException e) { // nothing to do LOG.info(e); return; } final FilePath filePath = ChangesUtil.getFilePath(change); final Change additional = new Change(createPropertyRevision(filePath, change.getBeforeRevision(), wasUrl), createPropertyRevision(filePath, change.getAfterRevision(), becameUrl)); change.addAdditionalLayerElement(SvnChangeProvider.PROPERTY_LAYER, additional); } @Nullable private SvnLazyPropertyContentRevision createPropertyRevision(@NotNull FilePath filePath, @Nullable ContentRevision revision, @NotNull SVNURL url) { return revision == null ? null : new SvnLazyPropertyContentRevision(filePath, revision.getRevisionNumber(), myVcs.getProject(), url); } @NotNull public String getName() { return myMessage; } public String getComment() { return myMessage; } public long getNumber() { return myRevision; } @Override public String getBranch() { return null; } public AbstractVcs getVcs() { return myVcs; } public Collection getChangesWithMovedTrees() { if (myListsHolder == null) { createLists(); } return myListsHolder.getDetailedList(); } @Override public boolean isModifiable() { return true; } @Override public void setDescription(String newMessage) { myMessage = newMessage; } public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; final SvnChangeList that = (SvnChangeList)o; if (myRevision != that.myRevision) return false; if (myAuthor != null ? !myAuthor.equals(that.myAuthor) : that.myAuthor != null) return false; if (myDate != null ? !myDate.equals(that.myDate) : that.myDate != null) return false; if (myMessage != null ? !myMessage.equals(that.myMessage) : that.myMessage != null) return false; return true; } public int hashCode() { int result; result = (int)(myRevision ^ (myRevision >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + (myAuthor != null ? myAuthor.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (myDate != null ? myDate.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (myMessage != null ? myMessage.hashCode() : 0); return result; } public String toString() { return myMessage; } public void writeToStream(final DataOutput stream) throws IOException { stream.writeUTF(myRepositoryRoot); stream.writeLong(myRevision); stream.writeUTF(myAuthor); stream.writeLong(myDate.getTime()); writeUTFTruncated(stream, myMessage); writeFiles(stream, myChangedPaths); writeFiles(stream, myAddedPaths); writeFiles(stream, myDeletedPaths); writeMap(stream, myCopiedAddedPaths); writeFiles(stream, myReplacedPaths); stream.writeInt(myKnownAsDirectories.size()); for (String directory : myKnownAsDirectories) { stream.writeUTF(directory); } } // to be able to update plugin only public static void writeUTFTruncated(final DataOutput stream, final String text) throws IOException { // we should not compare number of symbols to 65635 -> it is number of bytes what should be compared // ? 4 bytes per symbol - rough estimation if (text.length() > 16383) { stream.writeUTF(text.substring(0, 16383)); } else { stream.writeUTF(text); } } private static void writeFiles(final DataOutput stream, final Set paths) throws IOException { stream.writeInt(paths.size()); for(String s: paths) { stream.writeUTF(s); } } private void readFromStream(final DataInput stream, final boolean supportsCopyFromInfo, final boolean supportsReplaced) throws IOException { myRepositoryRoot = stream.readUTF(); myRevision = stream.readLong(); myAuthor = stream.readUTF(); myDate = new Date(stream.readLong()); myMessage = stream.readUTF(); readFiles(stream, myChangedPaths); readFiles(stream, myAddedPaths); readFiles(stream, myDeletedPaths); if (supportsCopyFromInfo) { readMap(stream, myCopiedAddedPaths); } if (supportsReplaced) { readFiles(stream, myReplacedPaths); } final int size = stream.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { myKnownAsDirectories.add(stream.readUTF()); } } private static void writeMap(final DataOutput stream, final Map map) throws IOException { stream.writeInt(map.size()); for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { stream.writeUTF(entry.getKey()); stream.writeUTF(entry.getValue()); } } private static void readMap(final DataInput stream, final Map map) throws IOException { int count = stream.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { map.put(stream.readUTF(), stream.readUTF()); } } private static void readFiles(final DataInput stream, final Set paths) throws IOException { int count = stream.readInt(); for(int i=0; i values) { for (String value : values) { next(value); } } public void next(final String value) { if (value == null) { return; } if (myCommon == null) { myCommon = value; return; } if (value.startsWith(myCommon)) { return; } myCommon = SVNPathUtil.getCommonPathAncestor(myCommon, value); } public String getCommon() { return myCommon; } } private void updateCachedInfo() { myCachedInfoLoaded = true; final String commonPath = myCommonPathSearcher.getCommon(); if (commonPath != null) { final SvnFileUrlMapping urlMapping = myVcs.getSvnFileUrlMapping(); if (urlMapping.isEmpty()) { myCachedInfoLoaded = false; return; } final String absoluteUrl = SVNPathUtil.append(myRepositoryRoot, commonPath); myWcRoot = urlMapping.getWcRootForUrl(absoluteUrl); if (myWcRoot != null) { myBranchUrl = SvnUtil.getBranchForUrl(myVcs, myWcRoot.getVirtualFile(), absoluteUrl); } } } public void forceReloadCachedInfo(final boolean reloadRoot) { myCachedInfoLoaded = false; myBranchUrl = null; if (reloadRoot) { myWcRoot = null; } } public Set getChangedPaths() { return myChangedPaths; } public Set getAddedPaths() { return myAddedPaths; } public Set getDeletedPaths() { return myDeletedPaths; } @Nullable public String getWcPath() { final RootUrlInfo rootInfo = getWcRootInfo(); return rootInfo == null ? null : rootInfo.getIoFile().getAbsolutePath(); } public boolean allPathsUnder(final String path) { final String commonRelative = myCommonPathSearcher.getCommon(); return commonRelative != null && SVNPathUtil.isAncestor(path, SVNPathUtil.append(myRepositoryRoot, commonRelative)); } }