package; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.LogicalPosition; import; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.xmlb.annotations.Transient; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Implementation of task file which contains task windows for student to type in and * which is visible to student in project view */ public class TaskFile implements Stateful { public List taskWindows = new ArrayList(); private Task myTask; @Transient private TaskWindow mySelectedTaskWindow = null; public int myIndex = -1; private boolean myUserCreated = false; /** * @return if all the windows in task file are marked as resolved */ @Transient public StudyStatus getStatus() { for (TaskWindow taskWindow : taskWindows) { StudyStatus windowStatus = taskWindow.getStatus(); if (windowStatus == StudyStatus.Failed) { return StudyStatus.Failed; } if (windowStatus == StudyStatus.Unchecked) { return StudyStatus.Unchecked; } } return StudyStatus.Solved; } public Task getTask() { return myTask; } @Nullable @Transient public TaskWindow getSelectedTaskWindow() { return mySelectedTaskWindow; } /** * @param selectedTaskWindow window from this task file to be set as selected */ public void setSelectedTaskWindow(@NotNull final TaskWindow selectedTaskWindow) { if (selectedTaskWindow.getTaskFile() == this) { mySelectedTaskWindow = selectedTaskWindow; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Window may be set as selected only in task file which it belongs to"); } } public List getTaskWindows() { return taskWindows; } /** * Creates task files in its task folder in project user created * * @param taskDir project directory of task which task file belongs to * @param resourceRoot directory where original task file stored * @throws */ public void create(@NotNull final VirtualFile taskDir, @NotNull final File resourceRoot, @NotNull final String name) throws IOException { String systemIndependentName = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(name); final int index = systemIndependentName.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index > 0) { systemIndependentName = systemIndependentName.substring(index + 1); } File resourceFile = new File(resourceRoot, name); File fileInProject = new File(taskDir.getPath(), systemIndependentName); FileUtil.copy(resourceFile, fileInProject); } public void drawAllWindows(Editor editor) { for (TaskWindow taskWindow : taskWindows) { taskWindow.draw(editor, false, false); } } /** * @param pos position in editor * @return task window located in specified position or null if there is no task window in this position */ @Nullable public TaskWindow getTaskWindow(@NotNull final Document document, @NotNull final LogicalPosition pos) { int line = pos.line; if (line >= document.getLineCount()) { return null; } int column = pos.column; int offset = document.getLineStartOffset(line) + column; for (TaskWindow tw : taskWindows) { if (tw.getLine() <= line) { int twStartOffset = tw.getRealStartOffset(document); final int length = tw.getLength() > 0 ? tw.getLength() : 0; int twEndOffset = twStartOffset + length; if (twStartOffset <= offset && offset <= twEndOffset) { return tw; } } } return null; } /** * Updates task window lines * * @param startLine lines greater than this line and including this line will be updated * @param change change to be added to line numbers */ public void incrementLines(int startLine, int change) { for (TaskWindow taskTaskWindow : taskWindows) { if (taskTaskWindow.getLine() >= startLine) { taskTaskWindow.setLine(taskTaskWindow.getLine() + change); } } } /** * Initializes state of task file * * @param task task which task file belongs to */ public void init(final Task task, boolean isRestarted) { myTask = task; for (TaskWindow taskWindow : taskWindows) { taskWindow.init(this, isRestarted); } Collections.sort(taskWindows); for (int i = 0; i < taskWindows.size(); i++) { taskWindows.get(i).setIndex(i); } } /** * @param index index of task file in list of task files of its task */ public void setIndex(int index) { myIndex = index; } /** * Updates windows in specific line * * @param lineChange change in line number * @param line line to be updated * @param newEndOffsetInLine distance from line start to end of inserted fragment * @param oldEndOffsetInLine distance from line start to end of changed fragment */ public void updateLine(int lineChange, int line, int newEndOffsetInLine, int oldEndOffsetInLine) { for (TaskWindow w : taskWindows) { if ((w.getLine() == line) && (w.getStart() >= oldEndOffsetInLine)) { int distance = w.getStart() - oldEndOffsetInLine; boolean coveredByPrevTW = false; int prevIndex = w.getIndex() - 1; if (StudyUtils.indexIsValid(prevIndex, taskWindows)) { TaskWindow prevTW = taskWindows.get(prevIndex); if (prevTW.getLine() == line) { int endOffset = prevTW.getStart() + prevTW.getLength(); if (endOffset >= newEndOffsetInLine) { coveredByPrevTW = true; } } } if (lineChange != 0 || newEndOffsetInLine <= w.getStart() || coveredByPrevTW) { w.setStart(distance + newEndOffsetInLine); w.setLine(line + lineChange); } } } } public static void copy(@NotNull final TaskFile source, @NotNull final TaskFile target) { List sourceTaskWindows = source.getTaskWindows(); List windowsCopy = new ArrayList(sourceTaskWindows.size()); for (TaskWindow taskWindow : sourceTaskWindows) { TaskWindow taskWindowCopy = new TaskWindow(); taskWindowCopy.setLine(taskWindow.getLine()); taskWindowCopy.setStart(taskWindow.getStart()); taskWindowCopy.setLength(taskWindow.getLength()); taskWindowCopy.setPossibleAnswer(taskWindow.getPossibleAnswer()); taskWindowCopy.setIndex(taskWindow.getIndex()); windowsCopy.add(taskWindowCopy); } target.setTaskWindows(windowsCopy); } public void setTaskWindows(List taskWindows) { this.taskWindows = taskWindows; } public void setStatus(@NotNull final StudyStatus status, @NotNull final StudyStatus oldStatus) { for (TaskWindow taskWindow : taskWindows) { taskWindow.setStatus(status, oldStatus); } } public void setUserCreated(boolean userCreated) { myUserCreated = userCreated; } public boolean isUserCreated() { return myUserCreated; } public void navigateToFirstTaskWindow(@NotNull final Editor editor) { if (!taskWindows.isEmpty()) { TaskWindow firstTaskWindow = StudyUtils.getFirst(taskWindows); navigateToTaskWindow(editor, firstTaskWindow); } } private void navigateToTaskWindow(@NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull final TaskWindow firstTaskWindow) { if (!firstTaskWindow.isValid(editor.getDocument())) { return; } mySelectedTaskWindow = firstTaskWindow; LogicalPosition taskWindowStart = new LogicalPosition(firstTaskWindow.getLine(), firstTaskWindow.getStart()); editor.getCaretModel().moveToLogicalPosition(taskWindowStart); int startOffset = firstTaskWindow.getRealStartOffset(editor.getDocument()); int endOffset = startOffset + firstTaskWindow.getLength(); editor.getSelectionModel().setSelection(startOffset, endOffset); } public void navigateToFirstFailedTaskWindow(@NotNull final Editor editor) { for (TaskWindow taskWindow : taskWindows) { if (taskWindow.getStatus() != StudyStatus.Failed) { continue; } navigateToTaskWindow(editor, taskWindow); break; } } public boolean hasFailedTaskWindows() { return taskWindows.size() > 0 && getStatus() == StudyStatus.Failed; } }