# coding=utf-8 """ Behave BDD runner. *FIRST* param now: folder to search "features" for. Each "features" folder should have features and "steps" subdir. Other args are tag expressionsin format (--tags=.. --tags=..). See https://pythonhosted.org/behave/behave.html#tag-expression """ import functools import sys import os import traceback from behave.formatter.base import Formatter from behave.model import Step, ScenarioOutline, Feature, Scenario from behave.tag_expression import TagExpression import _bdd_utils _MAX_STEPS_SEARCH_FEATURES = 5000 # Do not look for features in folder that has more that this number of children _FEATURES_FOLDER = 'features' # "features" folder name. __author__ = 'Ilya.Kazakevich' from behave import configuration, runner from behave.formatter import formatters def _get_dirs_to_run(base_dir_to_search): """ Searches for "features" dirs in some base_dir :return: list of feature dirs to run :rtype: list :param base_dir_to_search root directory to search (should not have too many children!) :type base_dir_to_search str """ result = set() for (step, (folder, sub_folders, files)) in enumerate(os.walk(base_dir_to_search)): if os.path.basename(folder) == _FEATURES_FOLDER and os.path.isdir(folder): result.add(os.path.abspath(folder)) if step == _MAX_STEPS_SEARCH_FEATURES: # Guard err = "Folder {} is too deep to find any features folder. Please provider concrete folder".format( base_dir_to_search) raise Exception(err) return list(result) def _merge_hooks_wrapper(*hooks): """ Creates wrapper that runs provided behave hooks sequentally :param hooks: hooks to run :return: wrapper """ # TODO: Wheel reinvented!!!! def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): for hook in hooks: hook(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper class _RunnerWrapper(runner.Runner): """ Wrapper around behave native wrapper. Has nothing todo with BddRunner! We need it to support dry runs (to fetch data from scenarios) and hooks api """ def __init__(self, config, hooks): """ :type config configuration.Configuration :param config behave configuration :type hooks dict :param hooks hooks in format "before_scenario" => f(context, scenario) to load after/before hooks, provided by user """ super(_RunnerWrapper, self).__init__(config) self.dry_run = False """ Does not run tests (only fetches "self.features") if true. Runs tests otherwise. """ self.__hooks = hooks def load_hooks(self, filename='environment.py'): """ Overrides parent "load_hooks" to add "self.__hooks" :param filename: env. file name """ super(_RunnerWrapper, self).load_hooks(filename) for (hook_name, hook) in self.__hooks.items(): hook_to_add = hook if hook_name in self.hooks: user_hook = self.hooks[hook_name] if hook_name.startswith("before"): user_and_custom_hook = [user_hook, hook] else: user_and_custom_hook = [hook, user_hook] hook_to_add = _merge_hooks_wrapper(*user_and_custom_hook) self.hooks[hook_name] = hook_to_add def run_model(self, features=None): """ Overrides parent method to stop (do nothing) in case of "dry_run" :param features: features to run :return: """ if self.dry_run: # To stop further execution return return super(_RunnerWrapper, self).run_model(features) def clean(self): """ Cleans runner after dry run (clears hooks, features etc). To be called before real run! """ self.dry_run = False self.hooks.clear() self.features = [] class _BehaveRunner(_bdd_utils.BddRunner): """ BddRunner for behave """ def __process_hook(self, is_started, context, element): """ Hook to be installed. Reports steps, features etc. :param is_started true if test/feature/scenario is started :type is_started bool :param context behave context :type context behave.runner.Context :param element feature/suite/step """ element.location.file = element.location.filename # To preserve _bdd_utils contract if isinstance(element, Step): # Process step step_name = "{} {}".format(element.keyword, element.name) if is_started: self._test_started(step_name, element.location) elif element.status == 'passed': self._test_passed(step_name, element.duration) elif element.status == 'failed': try: trace = traceback.format_exc() except Exception: trace = "".join(traceback.format_tb(element.exc_traceback)) if trace in str(element.error_message): trace = None # No reason to duplicate output (see PY-13647) self._test_failed(step_name, element.error_message, trace) elif element.status == 'undefined': self._test_undefined(step_name, element.location) else: self._test_skipped(step_name, element.status, element.location) elif not is_started and isinstance(element, Scenario) and element.status == 'failed': # To process scenarios with undefined/skipped tests for step in element.steps: assert isinstance(step, Step), step if step.status not in ['passed', 'failed']: # Something strange, probably skipped or undefined self.__process_hook(False, context, step) self._feature_or_scenario(is_started, element.name, element.location) elif isinstance(element, ScenarioOutline): self._feature_or_scenario(is_started, str(element.examples), element.location) else: self._feature_or_scenario(is_started, element.name, element.location) def __init__(self, config, base_dir): """ :type config configuration.Configuration """ super(_BehaveRunner, self).__init__(base_dir) self.__config = config # Install hooks self.__real_runner = _RunnerWrapper(config, { "before_feature": functools.partial(self.__process_hook, True), "after_feature": functools.partial(self.__process_hook, False), "before_scenario": functools.partial(self.__process_hook, True), "after_scenario": functools.partial(self.__process_hook, False), "before_step": functools.partial(self.__process_hook, True), "after_step": functools.partial(self.__process_hook, False) }) def _run_tests(self): self.__real_runner.run() def __filter_scenarios_by_tag(self, scenario): """ Filters out scenarios that should be skipped by tags :param scenario scenario to check :return true if should pass """ assert isinstance(scenario, Scenario), scenario expected_tags = self.__config.tags if not expected_tags: return True # No tags are required return isinstance(expected_tags, TagExpression) and expected_tags.check(scenario.tags) def _get_features_to_run(self): self.__real_runner.dry_run = True self.__real_runner.run() features_to_run = self.__real_runner.features self.__real_runner.clean() # To make sure nothing left after dry run # Change outline scenario skeletons with real scenarios for feature in features_to_run: assert isinstance(feature, Feature), feature scenarios = [] for scenario in feature.scenarios: if isinstance(scenario, ScenarioOutline): scenarios.extend(scenario.scenarios) else: scenarios.append(scenario) feature.scenarios = filter(self.__filter_scenarios_by_tag, scenarios) return features_to_run if __name__ == "__main__": # TODO: support all other params instead class _Null(Formatter): """ Null formater to prevent stdout output """ pass command_args = list(filter(None, sys.argv[1:])) my_config = configuration.Configuration(command_args=command_args) formatters.register_as(_Null, "com.intellij.python.null") my_config.format = ["com.intellij.python.null"] # To prevent output to stdout my_config.reporters = [] # To prevent summary to stdout my_config.stdout_capture = False # For test output my_config.stderr_capture = False # For test output (base_dir, what_to_run) = _bdd_utils.get_path_by_args(sys.argv) if not my_config.paths: # No path provided, trying to load dit manually if os.path.isfile(what_to_run): # File is provided, load it my_config.paths = [what_to_run] else: # Dir is provided, find subdirs ro run my_config.paths = _get_dirs_to_run(base_dir) _BehaveRunner(my_config, base_dir).run()