def execute(): import os import sys files = None if 'combine' not in sys.argv: if '--pydev-analyze' in sys.argv: #Ok, what we want here is having the files passed through stdin (because #there may be too many files for passing in the command line -- we could #just pass a dir and make the find files here, but as that's already #given in the java side, let's just gather that info here). sys.argv.remove('--pydev-analyze') try: s = raw_input() except: s = input() s = s.replace('\r', '') s = s.replace('\n', '') files = s.split('|') files = [v for v in files if len(v) > 0] #Note that in this case we'll already be in the working dir with the coverage files, so, the #coverage file location is not passed. else: #For all commands, the coverage file is configured in pydev, and passed as the first argument #in the command line, so, let's make sure this gets to the coverage module. os.environ['COVERAGE_FILE'] = sys.argv[1] del sys.argv[1] try: import coverage #@UnresolvedImport except: sys.stderr.write('Error: coverage module could not be imported\n') sys.stderr.write('Please make sure that the coverage module (\n') sys.stderr.write('is properly installed in your interpreter: %s\n' % (sys.executable,)) import traceback;traceback.print_exc() return #print(coverage.__version__) TODO: Check if the version is a version we support (should be at least 3.4) -- note that maybe the attr is not there. from coverage.cmdline import main #@UnresolvedImport if files is not None: sys.argv.append('-r') sys.argv.append('-m') sys.argv += files main() if __name__ == '__main__': execute()